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IBFAN Asia Pacific: Way forward…

• Globally….

10.9 million children under the age of five die annually and

majority of these are in Asia.

• Globally…..

Where 1 million babies’ lives are saved every year because their mothers choose to breastfeed.

• A world …

Where all babies are breastfed exclusively for 6 months

and up to 2 years and beyond.

IBFAN works for the reality


• IBFAN is a global network of more than 200 grassroots and public interest groups working to reduce infant and young child morbidity and mortality.

• IBFAN aims to improve the health and well being of babies and their families through the protection, promotion and support of optimal infant feeding practices.

• IBFAN works for the universal and full implementation of ‘International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes’ and relevant World Health Assembly (WHA) resolutions.

• 1998 Recipient of the Right Livelihood Award.

Birth of IBFAN

• IBFAN was founded on October 12th, 1979 after the joint meeting of WHO and UNCEF on infant and young child feeding.

• IBFAN has completed 25 years celebrated its 25th Birthday anniversary in Oct 2004.

• Global IBFAN Regional Coordinating Offices:1. IBFAN Africa 2. IBFAN Arab World

3. IBFAN Asia Pacific 4. IBFAN Europe

5. IBFAN Latin America 6. IBFAN-North America

IBFAN works on Seven Principles….

1. The right of infants everywhere to have the highest level of health.

2. The right of families, and in particular women and children, to have enough nutritious food.

3. The right of women to breastfeed and to make informed choice about infant feeding.

4. The right of women to full support for successful breastfeeding and for sound infant feeding practices.

5. The right of all people to health services which meet basic needs.

6. The right of health workers and consumers to health care systems which are free of commercial pressures.

7. The right of people to organise in international solidarity to secure changes which protect and promote basic health.

About IBFAN Asia Pacific

• International Code Documentation Centre (ICDC), Penang has been functioning as Regional Coordinating Office (RCO) of the IBFAN Asia Pacific for several years.

• In Oct 2001, at the IBFAN networking meeting, participants decided to take action towards a new structure and led to the development of an Interim Council. And in 2003 RCO moved from Penang to Delhi.

Promoting Breastfeeding


• Organized Asia Pacific Conference on Breastfeeding. 500 delegates from 38 countries , led to the Delhi Declaration

on Infant and Young Child Feeding

• Organized Infant Feeding and HIV: A Regional Colloquium for the Asia Pacific150 delegates from 29 countries participated, its recommendations have been very crucial in initiating action within government programmes.

IBFAN Asia Pacific

Regional Coordinating Office

Promotion of Global Strategy:-Development of materials like documents, CD, PPT etc.-Technical support to countries.

Strengthening Infant Feeding & HIV:-Organized ‘Regional Colloquium for Asia Pacific Region’.-Regional Working Group.-Development of Training materials like The 3-in-1 Breastfeeding, Complementary Feeding and Infant Feeding & HIV.-Developing National level trainers.-Support to other regions like CARK etc.-Link with WABA’s Task Force on prevention of infant HIV.-Advocacy meetings with UNDP

World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi)-Development of software toolkit-5 countries in E Asia.-8 countries in S Asia.-SEA & Pacific in planning mode.-Other regions were considering.

Advocacy at International & National level meetings:oAdvocacy and technical work with UN:- WHO: EB and WHA- UNICEF- UN SCN- UNAIDS and with INGOsoRegional Meetings- Ministerial Consultations on Maternal and Child Nutrition.- South Asia Maternal & Neonatal Mortality/ Morbidity Reduction Network.oDevelopment of advocacy documents, publishing and dissemination.

Complementary Feeding:-International Workshop on ‘Indigenous Foods for Complementary Feeding’ Southeast Asia.

International Code:-1st International Code training in Korea, EA 5 countries participated.-Supported to Code training in Fiji, Pacific.-India Act saved from being repealed.-Mongolia gets a Law.-Pakistan gets a Law.

Exclusive Breastfeeding Campaign: -PPT-Posters-Paintings etc.-Technical materials sharing.

Strengthening Network:-Strengthening sub regions.-Organized ‘Asia Pacific Conference on Breastfeeding’.-South Asia Breastfeeding Partners Forum.-LFA Training.-Capacity building grants.-Providing technical information by Updates.-E-sharing all over the region app. 600 contacts.-Sharing network information through Newsletters.


Protecting Breastfeeding

Supporting Breastfeeding


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