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Page 1: IBS Enterprise Software Brochure

The Growth Equation – Sell and DeliverIBS Enterprise Cloud ERP was designed and built for distribution intensive companies who are trying to grow their organization in a complex competitive environment. You need to drive and improve the customer experience across existing sales channels while expanding into new channels like e-commerce. You need to empower your sales and marketing organizations to be more productive. Effectively driving these channels will boost revenue. On the other side of the growth equation, however, is delivering on the promises made by your sales channels. Consistently delivering quickly, accurately and on time builds strong relationships with your customers. With multiple channels and an exploding SKU base, you need world class Supply Chain capabilities to deliver.

IBS brings you both parts of the “Growth” equation – the ability to drive new and existing channels for higher revenue connected to a powerful supply chain suite that will manage inventory and costs and consistently deliver quickly, accurately and on time.

Accelerating Growth, Powering Profits

IBS Enterprise Cloud ERP

Channel Enablement




Supply ChainWMS


Supply Management


Cash Flow Management

Business Intelligence

IBS Enterprise

Page 2: IBS Enterprise Software Brochure

About IBS: With over 35 years of experience, IBS is a leading provider of distribution software solutions. More than 4,000 customers across some 40 countries have relied on IBS software to gain fast and measurable returns across five key distribution value drivers: revenue, expenses, margin, inventory and cash.For more information, please visit www.ibs.net

The materials contained in this document are summary in nature, subject to change and intended for general information only. For updates of this information, please contact your local IBS representative. v2013.06 © IBS 2013

Channel Enablement – Increased RevenueYou need to serve an increasingly complex array of channels to be competitive. In addition to your own sales force and channel partners you also need to create and serve an e-commerce site and 3rd party sites like Amazon to be competitive. The purpose is to create stronger and more effective channels which requires broad and deep functionality like faster and better quotations, open communication protocols, more effective order management, commission calculation, cross selling/upselling and accurate rebate management. By creating stronger channels you can deliver a better customer experience and increase revenue. From e-commerce to Rebate Management to CRM to Mobility, we enable a better channel experience for higher customer satisfaction and increased revenue.

Supply Chain – Deliver Quickly and EfficientlyStrong and effective channels are only half the equation – the Supply Chain is the other half that delivers on the promises made by your channels. For example, delivering an order accurately and on-time is one of the most often cited metrics for customer satisfaction. By consistently delivering accurately and on time, you can build strong relationships with your customers. But just as important is the cost at which you provide this service. Your supply chain costs represent a significant percentage of the total cost of a SKU. It can be the difference between making your numbers or missing your numbers. It’s the difference between having working capital to fuel new channels and growth or being stuck with slow moving inventory that weighs you down. IBS Cloud Enterprise brings world class Supply Chain Planning and Execution technology to our customers to enable them to deliver consistently to their channels at the lowest possible cost.

Financials and Execution – The Nuts and Bolts Driving the Back EndThe pieces of the puzzle that does the heavy lifting are the Financials and Execution. Automating your transactions across the organization creates an efficient organization that ensures accurate data, timely payments and improved cash flow. In addition, IBS delivers a full featured, fully integrated and easy to use Business Intelligence tool that becomes the go-to place for data in any company.

Delivered Via the CloudIBS Cloud Enterprise is a scalable solution that provides real time access to your critical business data. We take care of the hardware and maintenance so you can focus on growing your business.

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