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Page 1: ICA 2012 & 2013 Annual Report
Page 2: ICA 2012 & 2013 Annual Report

Dear Colleagues,

2012 and 2013 were monumental years for the Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA). We celebrated 50

years of fostering transformative change in individuals, communities, and organizations. To celebrate

this milestone colleagues from around the world hosted fifty events to stand present to the current

moment, reflect on the learning of the past, and envision what the future could be.

In Chicago, ICA staff began organizing phase I of the accelerate77 project. The project engaged over

250 college students in asset-mapping the entire city, and uncovering over 900 environmentally,

culturally, and socially sustainability initiatives throughout the city. The summer of 2012 saw an

intergenerational learning community comprised of colleagues from around the nation and 40

interns working full time to host the official 50th celebration, a ‘Sharing Approaches that Work‘

conference in Chicago. The conference was a great link between the past and future and stood as a

pivotal moment as ICA charged into a new generation.

It was clear to those in attendance that the conference that the real work of the next decade had

just begun. There was an excitement that something important and new was beginning, a feeling

that many of us who have experienced the transformational power of ICA methods and work have

come to know and appreciate throughout the years.

These past two years ICA has returned to its roots in Chicago, youth engagement, and community

development initiatives with a renewed commitment and perspective. Through the inception and

implementation of a wide array of transformational programming including: accelerate 77,

leadership development and student engagement, the rebranding and reimagining of the ‘Kemper’

building to the ‘ICA GreenRise’, the Learning Basket Program and reconnection to our international

partners, we began to change the course of ICA’s history, and lay the groundwork for an incredibly

successful future in social change work.

The years included some struggles and growing pains, but we are confident our story and our staff

became stronger because of it. We are grateful for the support of our donors, sponsors, volunteers

and partners. We would not be here today without the incredible spirit of all who have joined the

ICA journey and we look forward to continuing to work together to promote a more just and

equitable society in harmony with the Planet Earth.


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Takes a holistic approach to sustainability, focusing on the power of local community assets and actions to

address environmental, economic, and social justice needs in local Chicago communities.

The program aims to identify, connect, and engage local organizations in a bottom-up fashion driven by

practical action, expanded imagination, and greater organizational capacities among local groups.

The ‘Sharing Approaches That Work’

Conference featured over 150

grassroots organizations representing

62 of Chicago’s 77 communities, a first

step towards creating a collective

voice for sustainability in Chicago.

Twenty-four ‘connection seminars’

allowed attendees of the conference

to easily chat to talk to resource

providers and learn about their

programming efforts throughout the

city. 29th Ward Alderwoman Deborah

Graham welcomed over 400 attendees

to the event and introduced Chicago’s

Chief Sustainability Officer and event

keynote speaker, Karen Weigert.

Attendees made great connections

throughout the day and weren't ready

to stop connecting with one another by

the time the event was over!

ICA trained 225 university students from

Chicago-based institutions and 40

summer interns from across the nation

in asset-mapping and other community

research methods. Students canvassed

all 77 community areas of Chicago and

mapped nearly 900 local sustainability

initiatives taking place across Chicago,

helped develop the Accelerate 77

website and designed the “Sharing

Approaches that Work” conference.

Students engaged in these

intergenerational service learning

opportunities were introduced to

community organizing, participatory and

asset-based community development

methods, and had hands-on

opportunities to enhance their

understanding of social and

environmental justice.

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Thanks in part to the support of the Boeing Company, Accelerate 77 is building

on the energy of Phases I and II to expand community-based sustainability efforts

throughout Chicago. Continuing the momentum of the Share Fair, four Regional

Sustainability Vision Workshops were held in the north, west, southwest and

south sides of Chicago. These meetings sparked the following initiatives:

Formed in October 2013, the Chicago Sustainability Leaders Network (CSLN) connects leaders across Chicago to share

resources and knowledge across Chicago to strengthen their collective impact. The regional meetings and the subsequent

CSLN launch meetings drew in 139 people representing 94 organizations. CSLN members aim to co-create an inclusive

network that works strategically within the city, connect network resources and needs, and expand sustainability practices

within existing initiatives and more broadly in communities.

accelerate 77 won $3,500 towards

revamping the AC77 website from the

Delta Institute’s 'Emerging Leaders' Boost

Grant. The website improvements will

make the map of initiatives more

accessible as a community resource.

ICA worked closely with 29th Ward Alderman Deborah Graham and Austin

community residents to create an Austin Community Sustainability

Roadmap. Austin residents envisioned the sustainable Austin of 2015,

identified community assets, and prioritized actions for 2014. Lessons learned

from this pilot will inform future Sustainability Roadmaps with other


The October 2013 Forum: The Future of Chicago’s Energy

- Building Community Energy Strategies aimed to create

an “in-between space,” bridging dialogue between grass-

roots community based organizations, resource providers,

and policy makers. Keynote listener, Jamie Ponce of the

City of Chicago and C40 initiative, summarized the day and

highlighted challenges he saw, which related not only to

energy and technology, but also to being adaptive and

using cultural approaches.

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Over 350 people gathered from Nepal and from 30 countries around the

globe for the 8th Global Conference on Human Development, and the

preceding Youth Conference and pre-conference training courses. The

program was convened by ICA Nepal on behalf of ICA International,

following the pattern of ICAI global conferences every four years since


There were six concurrent conference themes focusing around Growing a

New Sense of Leadership, Education, Environment, Peace-Building,

Community Development and Resource Mobilization. Each stream

developed its own learning community for the better part of three days,

including site visits, between the opening & closing plenary sessions. There

was also an element of virtual participation before and during the

ICA has been working with local communities and community-based organizations all over the world since the 1970s.

Today, ICA International (ICAI) has nearly 35 member organizations across the globe. ICA’s international experiences

have been instrumental in developing and refining the ICA’s approaches to participatory community development.

In 2012 and 2013, the ICA strengthened relationships and support to ICA partners in India, Kenya, Nepal. Rwanda,

Uganda, Zambia,Zimbabwe. In 2012, ICA-USA staff member Seva Gandhi was elected to the board of ICA International,

and named the Vice President of Communications.

Additionally colleagues from across the world also came together to create a new periodical, titled Winds & Waves,

that highlights the transformational work of ICAs around the globe. The periodical is released three times a year and

focuses on a new theme each issue. The most recent theme was titled ‘Image Shift’: a Focus on Imaginal Learning.

Following the conference 45 people from around 15 countries gathered at Nagarkot, a village on the edge of the

Kathmandu valley for a two-day gathering on ICA and its mission worldwide. Participants reflected on the con-

ference, shared country reports and met as regions, and raised and addressed around 25 topics in an Open

Space session facilitated by Larry Philbrook of ICA-Taiwan. The break our topics included ToP global expansion,

community development, International Association of Facilitators (IAF), youth engagement, ‘meet the new

Board’, how to support each other and struggling ICAs, ICAI communications, and many others.

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In 2012 the Learning Basket staff met with ICA-Guatemala colleagues to learn about

Readiness Basket development in Guatemala. A new curriculum was developed to expand

the Learning Basket to 3-5 year olds. Thanks to grants from the Seabury Foundation and

the Thorek Foundation, in 2013 the ICA successfully piloted the new curriculum in two

Chicago sites: RefugeeOne and DayStar Elementary School.

Inseec Grand Ecole In 2013, ICA engaged 63 students from INSEEC Grande Ecole in Paris, France in

classes around social analysis and entrepreneurship. In March, 40 undergraduate

students participated in three weeks of training and community immersion. In

November, 23 MBA graduate students were part of a ten-week program on

socially responsive entrepenuriship; the program used ICA tools to help students

perform social analysis, and placed them in organizations around the city to help

them see practical implementation and learn from seasoned Social


Co-sponsored by the Oklahoma City University Oikos Scholars Pro-

gram, the Social & Ecological Responsibility Initiative at OCU, VOICE

Oklahoma City, and ICA. This collaborative two-day symposium was

the third in a series that explored systemic approaches to social

justice in local, national, and global contexts. Focusing on challeng-

es and opportunities facing students, community leaders, and social

and cultural organizations, participants explored effective ways for

creating community-based programs and partnerships to address

social injustice. Key note plenary speakers included Walter Fluker

from Boston University School of Theology, Robin Meyers from Ok-

lahoma City University/Mayflower UCC and Seva Gandhi and Terry

Bergdall from ICA-USA.

2012 and 2013 have seen many wonderful relationships with local

and national universities. In Chicago, ICA partnered with professors

from Chicago State University, DePaul University, Loyola University,

Northeastern Illinois University, Roosevelt University, University of

Illinois at Chicago, Oklahoma City University and Oberlin College,

with a sum total of over 225 students participating.

Another notable partnership is with the Steans Center at DePaul. ICA

helped host a retreat for 90+ Steans Scholars, and additionally,

worked with the center on thinking about their Strategic Directions

moving forward.

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As the largest non profit service center in the Midwest, ICA GreenRise currently houses over 20 direct service non-

profit tenants, an intentional community with about 30 residents, a newly renovated conference center, overnight

retreat accommodations. In 2012 and 2013 ICA GreenRise welcomed several new tenants into the building, including

Loud Grade Produce Squad (LGPS).

There are 1,500 gallons of biodiesel

produced each month, using cooking

oil donated by several restaurants.

The glycerin produced as a by-

product is then turned into soap.

Children learn new skills at Bay Bay’s

Peace Garden in the North Lawndale

community. The garden serves as a

community resource as well as a

source of food and revenue to

benefit the community.

LGPS empowers youth and communities through agriculture, sustainable development, education and cultural ex-

change. They produce biodiesel at their GreenRise site, and help set up urban gardens throughout the city. Their pro-

gramming develops out of community needs and assets, ranging from Breakdancing Battles on the Weiss Memorial

Hospital rooftop to pottery classes using locally sourced clay in North Lawndale. Through their work at the ICA

GreenRise, LGPS has the opportunity to build new collaborations with other building tenants, resulting in the com-

munity garden plots for refugee participants of Heartland Health Outreach.

Community garden plots for recently

settled refugees were created on the

Weiss Memorial Hospital rooftop

garden through a partnership with

longtime ICA GreenRise tenant

Heartland Health Outreach.

Behavioral Interventions (2012) Eritrean House North Side Federal Credit Union

Chicago Professional Center Int'l Foundation for Women & Children North Side Housing

Christian Fellowship for all Nations Lao Service Center Pegasus Players (2013)

Heartland Alliance Living Comfort Ministries Sarah’s Circle

Heartland Health Outreach Loud Grade Produce Squad Uptown Christian School

Chicago Religious Leadership Network Narrow Way Ministries 7th Floor Intentional Community

City of Chicago DHS New Hope International Church

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Accepted an invitation from Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to join Retrofit Chicago Commercial

Buildings Initiative, committing to cut energy use by at least 20% in the next five years.

GreenRise is one of the few buildings outside of the Chicago Loop to participate in this initiative.

Won a Ford Community Green Grant of $5,000 to create urban

agriculture spaces within the building, including a rooftop farm, and and

aquaponic growing system in the 6th floor community kitchen.

Fully renovated the community kitchen using natural or recycled content free of

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Energy Star appliances and lighting, and an

organic greenhouse built by GreenRise tenant, Loud Grade Produce Squad. All

building materials were sourced within 300 miles of the GreenRise.

Began the research phase to build a bioshaft system as a waste water solution. Tied

to the bathrooms, the bioshaft would support deep-rooted plants, provide a habitat

for pollinators and migrating birds and reduce pressure on the sewage system. Major

progress in conceptualizing the bioshaft has been made in partnership with landscape

architect Domenico D’Alessandro, Professor Liam Heneghan from DePaul University

and the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs.

Received generous financial support for the installation of a 150

kilowatt photovoltaic solar panel array on the rooftops, including a

$356,000 grant from the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation

and social investments from six families, ranging from $10,000 to


Welcomed over 1200 visitors

during Chicago Architectural

Foundation’s two-day Open

House Chicago tours in 2012 and


Was officially granted landmark

status by the City of Chicago in

2013, protecting the building’s

facade and lobby.

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Since 1991, the Technology of Participation (ToP)© Trainers Network has widely promoted ToP methods. In 2012 and

2013 the ToP Network elected a new board, adopted a new structure and developed a ToP Network Strategic Plan

focused on creating relevant learning for communities of practice, expanding member services, proclaiming ToP

impact and credibility, and developing vibrant financial models.

A new promotional ToP video was developed in collaboration with Youth

Empowerment Studies (YES) with footage of students involved in ToP training.

A growing number of Certified ToP Facilitators (CTF’s)—the ToP Network

graduated 5 new CTF’s in 2012 and 12 new CTF’s in 2013.

Virtual facilitation practices were introduced with Virtual Facilitation

Bootcamp and weekly Jams to showcase and pilot advances globally and

virtual facilitation of the 2012 Human Development Conference in Nepal.

An enhanced online presence through http://www.top-network.org/, which

enables members to communicate and share ongoing facilitation best


ToP curriculum development piloted new courses and modules (e.g.,

Approaches to Environmental Scanning, Inspiring Group Creativity:

Facilitation for Innovation, and an Accelerated Action Planning Module),

expanded offerings of half-day and one-day Focused Conversation Modules,

and redeveloped the Power of Image Shift Course.

National engagement - ToP trainers collaborated across institutions to

strengthen their impact:

ToP facilitators and trainers are collaborating with environmental

and sustainability programs in California, partnering with Alameda

County and nonprofits including California Fuel Cell Partnership, Rare,

Sierra Institute for Community and Environment, California State

Parks Foundation and Truckee Donner Land Trust.

Public health professionals learning to use ToP methods and ToP

Facilitators who serve public health clients have created a Public

Health in ToP (PHiT) committee. PHiT aims to build better tools for

use in carrying out public health functions at the national, state and

local levels.

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ICA’s Global Archives Project is providing a way for

people around the world to draw on the experience and

learnings from ICA’s history of involvement in profound

social change. The project is spearheaded by long-time

ICA colleagues, many of whom were previously involved

with the Order:Ecumenical and the Ecumenical Institute.

Archives colleagues are embracing new technologies to

strengthen their online presence through live broadcasts

and website design.

Twice a year, the ICA GreenRise hosts colleagues from

around the country for two-week Archive Sojourns to

organize archival materials into collections. Over 75

collection themes have been identified and 16 have

been chosen to publish on the Web within the next year,

starting with Global Community Forum, Imaginal

Education, Accelerate 77 and Service Learning

collections. The site will include a comments forum to

encourage global discussion.

Thousands of documents, photographs and talks from

the ICA’s 50 year history of community development

have been cataloged and preserved, including:

80 videotapes catalogued and 20 digitized

975 cassette tapes numbered, stored and listed by

content and date

177 filing cabinets organized in the GreenRise


22 boxes from colleagues around the world have

been reviewed and tagged by theme

500 requests for documents were fulfilled

4,400 slides have been organized, 3,000 of them


7,000 photographs have been scanned and some

posted on Facebook

20,000 documents have been processed and

catalogued into Filemaker Pro

Archive Sojourners reconnect with colleagues and rediscover past wisdom

Since working with archives Marge Philbrook

has processed over 19,000 documents!

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For the fiscal years ending 2012 2013

Support & Revenue Individual Contributions 221,735 322,013

Program Designated Individual &

Foundation Contributions 214,391 76,409

Institutional Grants 65,761 64,845

Program service fees 192,261 270,588

Rental revenue 1,373,007 1,218,163

Product revenue 114,614 121,206

Unrealized gain on investments 26,494 56,980

Interest and Dividends 7,546 7,043

Other Income 1,271 145

Total support and revenue 2,217,080 2,137,392

Expenses Program services 1,852,622 1,734,831

Management and general

operations 149,423 226,518

Fundraising 228,274 73,410

Total Expenses 2,230,319 2,034,759

Changes in unrestricted net assets

-13,239 102,633

Changes in temporarily restricted net assets

External Program Support 122,617 82,863

Released Program Designated

Support -214,391 -76,409

Changes in temporarily restrict-

ed net assets -91,774 6,454

Change in net assets -105,013 109,087

Net assets, beginning of year 94,037 -10,976

Net assets, end of year -10,976 98,111

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James Addington

Rosemary Albright

Richard Alton

Dylan Amlin

Dave Avery

Kathleen Anaza

Zohra Thomas

Elizabeth Arthur

Joe Augello

Andrew Barbeau

Dayna Bateman

Briatta Bell

Amy Binstein

Daniel Block

Jennie Broadhurst

Michael Bryson

Paul Burgess

Helen Cameron

Estelle Carroll

Peter Collins

David Cook

Grace Curran

Hritodaya D'Souza

Mark Davies

Rachel Dennis

Diane Dwyer

Michael Edwards

Ben Fenton

Sally Fenton

Jennie Broadhurst

Lucy Freccia

Abigal Gary

Vito Greco

Theresa Hall

Judith Hamje

Steve Harrington

Brian Haynes

Michael Hicks

Jennifer Hirsch

Julie Hwang

Kevin Ingram

Reuben Keller

Bryan Kersten

Maryann Kwakwa

Lynette Ladysmith

Cherie Lockett

Jean Long

Jaime Marcos

Elisa Marszalek

Megan McGowan

Carl McNeese

Kristen McPhee

Joe Meinhart

Citlalli Mendoza

Melinda Merrick

Daniel Mittleman

Fran Moore

Nathan Morin

Cheryl Mosley

Paul Noah

Claire O'Brien

Ngozi Okoro

Hannah Otto

Bijal Patel

Marge Philbrook

Sally Pollack

D'nyia Porter

Dave Price

Kristina Prosperi

Lynn Reidl

Timothy Rose

Michael Ross

Lou Rutigliano

Caitlin Sarro

Olivia Scheidler

Kay Schnitzlein

Lesley Showers

Karen Snyder

Angela Spinasanta

Carleton Stock

Carl Sullivan

Cecily Surma

Joseph Taylor

Karen Taylor

Tyra Taylor

Janice Ulangca

Bilalian Williams

Eva Yakutis

Miki Yoshimura

Meng Zhou

Joanna Zuno

ICA’s successes these past two years would not have been possible without the hard work of

our many volunteers. We are very grateful for all the hours and time put into our organization,

and know that our volunteers build our capacity for social change in immeasurable ways. This is

by no means and exhaustive list of all of our volunteers. The names below are volunteers we

believe went above and beyond and dedicated a great deal to our organization.

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James Addington

Rosemary Albright

Richard Alton

Dylan Amlin

Dave Avery

Kathleen Anaza

Zohra Thomas

Elizabeth Arthur

Joe Augello

Andrew Barbeau

Dayna Bateman

Briatta Bell

Amy Binstein

Daniel Block

Jennie Broadhurst

Michael Bryson

Paul Burgess

Helen Cameron

Estelle Carroll

Peter Collins

David Cook

Grace Curran

Hritodaya D'Souza

Mark Davies

Rachel Dennis

Diane Dwyer

Michael Edwards

Ben Fenton

Sally Fenton

Jennie Broadhurst

Lucy Freccia

Abigal Gary

Vito Greco

Theresa Hall

Judith Hamje

Steve Harrington

Brian Haynes

Michael Hicks

Jennifer Hirsch

Julie Hwang

Kevin Ingram

Reuben Keller

Bryan Kersten

Maryann Kwakwa

Lynette Ladysmith

Cherie Lockett

Jean Long

Jaime Marcos

Elisa Marszalek

Megan McGowan

Carl McNeese

Kristen McPhee

Joe Meinhart

Citlalli Mendoza

Melinda Merrick

Daniel Mittleman

Fran Moore

Nathan Morin

Cheryl Mosley

Paul Noah

Claire O'Brien

Ngozi Okoro

Hannah Otto

Bijal Patel

Marge Philbrook

Sally Pollack

D'nyia Porter

Dave Price

Kristina Prosperi

Lynn Reidl

Timothy Rose

Michael Ross

Lou Rutigliano

Caitlin Sarro

Olivia Scheidler

Kay Schnitzlein

Lesley Showers

Karen Snyder

Angela Spinasanta

Carleton Stock

Carl Sullivan

Cecily Surma

Joseph Taylor

Karen Taylor

Tyra Taylor

Janice Ulangca

Bilalian Williams

Eva Yakutis

Miki Yoshimura

Meng Zhou

Joanna Zuno

The Institute of Cultural Affairs salutes the memory and dedication of the following colleagues and

friends who have passed away since in 2012– 2013

We deeply appreciate their commitment to ICA.

Barbara Alerding

William Alerding

Barbara Barkony

James Bell

Arthur Brandenburg

Ruth Carter

Keith Chapman

Martina Chippindall

Jesse Clements

Gordon Cosby

Anthony (Tony) Elizondo

Ellery Elizondo

Sheldon Hill

Frank Hilliard

Kendall Richard Kucera

Elizabeth “Liz” LaBrash

Joe Lippard

Georgiana McBurney

James Meyers

Helen Newkirk

Dr. A.J.A. Peter

Carol Pierce

Ruth Reames

Robert Shropshire

Sithembiso Songo

Bob Stewart

Joyce Townley

Janice Ulangca

Rev. David Vernooy

Peter Adams Whitney

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