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Page 1: Icelandinthe“pre-winter” - Icelandic Missions · interesting to have thanksgiving in a new place, but we had an enjoyable and memorable one,beingabletospenditwith a missionaryfriendofours.

“Reasons for Praise”This month I will be combining November and December’s update. The front end of December was extremely busy. I

will be home through the holidays, and into the first few days of January, so this letter will cover both November and December. We were able to see some real answers to prayer these past two months. Here are a few of them: 1. Our travelling took us from Cleveland, Ohio to Flagstaff, Arizona, to Gallup, New Mexico, and eventually up to Minneapolis, Minnesota, and we are grateful for the safety we had while onthe road. 2. The Lord blessed us with a new vehicle for deputation. It’s muchbigger and has been a most welcome upgrade. God sure has showered us with blessings while we’ve been on the road, and it has been such an encouragementto see him work in our lives. 3. I was able to take a short trip out to Iceland with my Pastor Paul Edes, and my dad, Ken Shaver.

“Monthly Recap”November 1-2 – Conference in Elyria, OhioNovember 14-December 1 – In 6 different churches in Kansas, Colorado, Arizona, and New MexicoDecember 9-13 - Our trip to Iceland.

“Family Life”Driving out west is an adventure, and our kids have been excited to experience all that the west has to offer. Flat plains,

snow-capped mountains, canyons, mesas, buttes, all sorts of different wildlife, and snow ON THANKSGIVING!?!!? It was interesting to have thanksgiving in a new place, but we had an enjoyable and memorable one, being able to spend it with a missionary friend of ours.

“Ministry Opportunities”Along with the consistent opportunities I have to present, preach, and teach, it was a blessing to take my second trip

over to Iceland. We were able to spend some time with Patrick Weimer (the only missionary currently over there), and visit a few different towns in desperate need of a church.

“Prayer…• Nadia Shaver with her cancer treatment (if you would like more

frequent updates, search for “Nadia’s Journey of Hope” on Facebook)• Delbert, as he recovers from his surgery…and Praise” • I was able to take a quick trip to Iceland• Safety while travelling 5,000 miles• Our new vehicle

“Conclusion”As we steadily work our way towards Iceland, we have been in prayer over where specifically the Lord would have us start our ministry once we get to Iceland. Although we are a few years away from this decision, having an idea where exactly we’ll go will help us understand the specifics of what we’re looking forward to. Since there is currently only one mission work on the island, this means that EVERY town (except for 1) we go through is in need of a biblical-New Testament church. There is such a great need, and we fervently desire your prayers for us and for the country of Iceland. These people are lost in their sin and arecompletely unaware of their standing in the sight of God. We strive to open their eyes. Thank you for your prayers, and for your support.

To Iceland for Christ,Nate Shaver November/December 2019 Newsletter

Iceland in the “pre-winter”It was a learning experience to be inIceland during the winter months. Duringour 4 day, 3 night stay, we experienced 80 mph freezing winds, had days with just afew hours of sunlight, travelled on ice covered roads, visited the largest state church (Hallgrimskirkja seen below), and much more.

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