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Page 1: ICFBTS Reel to Real - Wargame Vault...From Reel to Real The Ultimate Battle for the Farmland, Home, Country and the Moonshine! (Or the trailer park) Author: Robert M. Adams Original




Page 2: ICFBTS Reel to Real - Wargame Vault...From Reel to Real The Ultimate Battle for the Farmland, Home, Country and the Moonshine! (Or the trailer park) Author: Robert M. Adams Original


It Came From Beyond the Still – From Reel to Real

The Ultimate Battle for the Farmland, Home, Country and the Moonshine!

(Or the trailer park)

Author: Robert M. Adams

Original Concept: Robert Adams

Rules Engine: Robert M. Adams

Editor: Dan Hollis

Artist: Scrying Eye Games

Layout: Joey Caso

Additional thanks to Melanie Adams, Jess Hollis, Dan Hollis, and Eric Laurent-Nauguet

Methane Detection Devices – Gra’tz’faq the Gassy

The Foundation for the Freedom of Werewolves, Vampires, Ghosts, Ghouls and Creatures

The Kentucky Harrowing Square Dance and Rodeo Jamboree

Realistic Sound – Left Mustard Green Pickled Trout Emporium

Horror Makeup Consultant - Uncle Ben’s Wild Scarecrows

Bounty Hunter’s Ships and Ray guns – Juniors Giant Guns and Space Junk

Hillbilly Weapons Packs – Earl’s Western World Outfitters Supply and Tire Repair Shop

No Actual Space Hamsters, Functional Reality TV Shows, Dysfunctional Sheep, Martyred Yetis, Pigs, Cousins, Bounty Hunters or aliens were harmed during the making of this game. Well maybe the cultists but they probably deserved it.

Based on a Somewhat Fictional Event

Partnership for a drug free America and by the Foundation of drive in movie theater owners and methane collection devices.

Remember to play responsibly, Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy the Show!

Be Careful What You Watch.

Copyright: It Came From Beyond the Still: From Reel to Real ©2012 Dastardly Designed Games. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this work by any means without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All significant characters, names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted by Robert M. Adams.

Sale of electronic or hard copies without permission of Dastardly Designed Games is expressly forbidden.This product is a work of fiction. Any similarities to actual persons living or dead, organizations, places or events is purely coincidental.




Page 3: ICFBTS Reel to Real - Wargame Vault...From Reel to Real The Ultimate Battle for the Farmland, Home, Country and the Moonshine! (Or the trailer park) Author: Robert M. Adams Original


“This book is dedicated to my friends and family who inspired me to write about Taxidermy USA and to Bruce Campbell. Shop Smart.”

A personal thank you to all of our wonderful kickstarter contributors for helping to get our miniature factions off the ground!

Andrew Beirne, Brent Bozemen, Charles Decker, Chris Rivers, Christopher Sheets, Gary Jenkins, Jake Rose, James McClellan, James Miller, Jim Thompson,

John Murk, Just for Fun Games, Kyle A. Gibson, Larry Stehle, Lee Sweeny, Leigh Neville, Michael Stack, Page Benway, Peggy Carpenter, Randy Grosebeck II,

Tom Reed, Tony Adams, and Zach ThompsonSam



Page 4: ICFBTS Reel to Real - Wargame Vault...From Reel to Real The Ultimate Battle for the Farmland, Home, Country and the Moonshine! (Or the trailer park) Author: Robert M. Adams Original



An Interrupted Transmission on a Ham Radio .....................................................................................4At the Movies with Grandpa McCoy .....................................................................................................4Taxidermy USA ...................................................................................................................................5Playing the Game ................................................................................................................................6What Happens In a Turn ......................................................................................................................6Combat Example ..................................................................................................................................7Advanced Rules ...................................................................................................................................7It’s War out Here! (The Factions) .......................................................................................................9

The Aliens ........................................................................................................................................9The Titanians ..............................................................................................................................9

Mr Furster and Assistants ............................................................................................................ 11The Movies ....................................................................................................................................13

Monster Mash ...........................................................................................................................13Thosens .....................................................................................................................................15Weedies .....................................................................................................................................17Grabbies ....................................................................................................................................19Pet Taxidermy ...........................................................................................................................21Giant Monsters ..........................................................................................................................22

The Authorities ..............................................................................................................................28AREA 51 ....................................................................................................................................28

Weapons Closet .................................................................................................................................30Weapon List ...................................................................................................................................31AREA 51 Weapon List ....................................................................................................................32Titanians Weapon List ....................................................................................................................33

Scenarios ..........................................................................................................................................34Science Fiction ...............................................................................................................................34Double Feature ...............................................................................................................................35Doctor X .........................................................................................................................................36The Creature ..................................................................................................................................37Androids Fighting ...........................................................................................................................38Celluloid Jam ..................................................................................................................................39Lucky Stars ....................................................................................................................................40Forbidden Granite ...........................................................................................................................41Late Night ......................................................................................................................................42Double Feature ...............................................................................................................................43Picture Show ..................................................................................................................................44The Back Row ................................................................................................................................45

Silver Scream Beam Random Monster Generation ............................................................................46FursterVision ....................................................................................................................................47Events Table ......................................................................................................................................48




Page 5: ICFBTS Reel to Real - Wargame Vault...From Reel to Real The Ultimate Battle for the Farmland, Home, Country and the Moonshine! (Or the trailer park) Author: Robert M. Adams Original


An Interrupted Transmission on a Ham RadioTo the soon-to-be totally conquered denizens of that third world from the sun,

I would say greetings to you poor, air-breathing, water-drinking, bipedal, mammalian, surface-dwelling, methane-producing, monkey’s uncles, because you’ve somehow managed to get hold of this top-secret plan to turn one of your most popular forms of entertainment into a WMS, (weapon of mass slishy-ness), but by now it’s too late!

Yes, it’s far, far too late for your pitiful race to avoid the twin tentacles of our impending invasion and the betrayal by one, ego- maniacal male of your own pathetic species.

We’ve been monitoring your primitive radio and television broadcasts for years and when we finally became so fed-up with that electronic drivel you call variety shows, commercials and reality television, that we decided as a species to either begin mass-vomiting sessions, OR we would attempt to contact your backward little rock, to get you to stop polluting the cosmic airwaves and making us all nauseous.

However, instead of silencing that trash you keep broadcasting out to the rest of the solar system and beyond, we had the good fortune to establish two-way communications with a self-serving little human being, Mr. Furster, who was more than willing to betray your entire species for a small exchange of our superior technology; (and a reasonably small section of your planet, called Hollywood?)... after we take control of your whole planet, to turn it into a methane refueling depot for our space fleet.

So now that you know you’re totally doomed, let me give you a little preview of the terrors that lie ahead for you next time you take your family-unit to the indoor movie theater or outdoor drive-in and they tell you to prepare for a real treat with 3-D images that seem to just leap off the screen!


Why? Because all those wonderfully silly and delightfully destructive monstrous creatures that you seem to love, will really be coming off the screens and after you, thanks to our new and improved, bio-friendly, reduced-sodium, with more fiber, ‘ Silver-Scream-Beam’ devices!

Yes, then the real fun, (for us), begins as the effects of the Silver-Scream-Beam (patent pending) devices and ray cannons begin to spread their deadly effects all across your world, leaping from

one movie theater or drive-in to another, as we plunder your cows, sheep, you and your outhouses for the life-giving methane we need to power our infernal devices and our life support systems so far away from our beloved Titanian home-world.

So you won’t feel too bad about our invasion and ensuing conquest of your primitive world we plan to not only take over your world, but using it’s plentiful methane-producing resources to power our Silver-Scream-Beam cannons and Cold-Fusion rays, we’re going to take out those pesky little gray alien dudes, who just want to steal your females, your hooch and probe your backside, a lot!...and those other silly, tentacled, purple cephalopods that claim they’re from Mars and of course...those slimy, disgusting blob creatures. Once they taste the power of our silver-scream-beam’s creations and the raw destruction provided by the utter cold of absolute zero as produced by the merest touch of our cold-fusion rays....

Well, they’ll be running, bubbling, slishing or whatever else they do, back to their momma-pods or they’ll become fodder for the methane-harvesters as we siphon that precious substance out of whoever or whatever sources our scanners detect it...and our harvesters lock in and siphon it!

So please, relax, don’t worry and feel free to have that second or even third helping of cabbage rolls, navy beans, asparagus, sprouts and other raw veggies, before you go out to the movie theaters or drive-ins tonight! You won’t have to worry, long...about being socially offensive with gastric distress, as we’ll gladly harvest any ‘excesses’, though I doubt you’ll survive the processing...more than once anyway.

By the way, if your particular drive-in or theater has truly superior buttered popcorn, please place a sign that says, STRIKE HERE FIRST in big, big letters; maybe even on the theater marquee outside....your cooperation is appreciated!


Sgt DWW-btod, on behalf of earth’s new bright orange and stinky, tentacled masters

At the Movies with Grandpa McCoy“Now that them aliens are gone and them cultists are locked away, we hillbillies decided that we needed some R and R. Well old Mr. Furster down at the drive thru has some new-fangled device he calls 3-D. I don’t know about you but I’m keen




Page 6: ICFBTS Reel to Real - Wargame Vault...From Reel to Real The Ultimate Battle for the Farmland, Home, Country and the Moonshine! (Or the trailer park) Author: Robert M. Adams Original


on checkin it out fer meself. He said we can bring all our kinfolk too and make sure ta bring lots o shine. Did I mention that Mr. Furster is also the local taxidermist? Yeah he needs all the shine he can get what with him having them dead animals around all the time and cuz of his other hobby, something he calls scientistin. I ain’t to sure what he means by that anyway but it sounds like something interesting. He’s claimin it’s fer the use of fer-male-de-hyde to keep the film good but it’s too technical mumbo jumbo fer me. So here we are with our set o’3-D eyes on and a big silver colored screen in front. The whole town’s turned out too. There’s Bubby Charlie Hatfield, Henry O’Dairy and several of them Granger cousins just sitting beside their truck. Hey look, there’s them crazy kids sitting on their van. I wonder if they brought their dog. Well the movie’s bout to start so let’s get ready. This 3-D thing sure is different. -A thunderous crash is followed by several streaks of lightening which flash in the sky illuminating the people at the drive-thru –What was that? Did you see that lightening hit that big machine thing that’s hooked up to the screen? Wow. I never seen nothing so beautiful cept maybe Ma in her nighty. Hehe Love ya ma. Oh. The movie’s about ta start. Should be a hoot! “

Taxidermy USA“They think they’ve double crossed me but I’ve been around the block a time or two before and those Titanian windbags are about as smart as a bag of wet mice. When they first approached me about teaming up to get their Silver Scream Beams into the public, I was a little upset. You’re surprised? Hey I might be a mad scientist with evil agendas, but I ain’t no traitor to the USA. My daddy fought in the war and his daddy before him. So I shot a few of them and stuffed them just to see what they were made up of and you know what, they aren’t made up of much other than gas and bad manners. At first I figured I’d just call my buddy Joe at Area 51 and let them deal with the varmints but then I got to thinking about their proposal. What could I do with such technology?I’ve always had a soft spot for amusement parks ever since I went to the county fair back when I was a youngin. There’s a theme park for just about everything – dinosaurs, movies, comics, heck even that mouse has a theme park! You know what

don’t have a theme park though? Taxidermists. I know what you’re thinking, but consider my point that they already have wax museums. Well this would be like a wax museum only better because they would be real people! The only problem is getting people. Do you know how hard it is to find volunteers for taxidermy? You would be surprised!So I figured I’d rig up one of their ultra-sized Silver Scream Beams to my drive in movie theatre to zap them monsters out of the screen and onto them hillbillies. I also figured a way to create a trans-inducer array using gravimetric stereophonic telemetry that would transfer anyone taken down by one of my movie monsters into predestined cages tucked deep under my lab. With my modified FursterVision I could then pull in just about anyone for my project! Think about it! A trailer park backwoods amusement park with real people, animals and rides! Taxidermy USA was born! Well after I finished modifying their machine and they asked me where the largest deposit of methane could be found, I sent them to the Jolly O’Ranch in Navada just outside of Area 51 and then I tipped off Joe. With that done, I am ready for my show to begin. My machine is ready and the hillbillies won’t know what hit them. Dad said you had to crack a few eggs before making an omelet so what’s a few hillbillies to the ultimate theme park creation! I will be rich and the greatest taxidermist who ever lived! Now all I have to do is sit back. The show must go on!”-Mr. Furster, Taxidermist and Entrepreneur




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