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March 2018 1

ICPC Record


The ICPC Record is created by the approval (with an Accepted decision) of an ICPC Referral.

The ICPC Referral can be created by either county workers or ICPC staff. The referrals will be

forwarded by the county workers to the ICPC staff. ICPC Staff can either accept or deny the

referral. ICPC staff along with county staff continues documentation of the work specific to the

ICPC workflow on the ICPC Record.

Related User Guides:

ICPC Referral

Imaging Person

1. The Referral Detail tab displays data from the ICPC Referral that created the ICPC Record.

Only ICPC Records created after June 16, 2017 will be linked to the ICPC Referrals. The

ICPC Records created on or before June 16, 2017 will not be linked to an ICPC Referral and

will have different functionality for some fields.

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2. The Date Received field is an editable date field when the record is not linked to an ICPC


3. The Date Sent field prefills with the Decision Date from the ICPC Referral.

4. If the child has siblings, as identified on the Participants tab of the ICPC referral and/or

recorded on the Maintain Case page, the checkbox will be automatically checked and the

names will be listed. If additional siblings need to be documented, that can be done on the

Maintain Case page. If this checkbox is unchecked, a message displays “Unchecking the

Child has Siblings checkbox deletes all siblings listed on the ICPC Record. Do you want to

delete all siblings from the ICPC Record?”

Each sibling row is associated with a Delete hyperlink if only one of the individuals

needs to be deleted.

5. The ‘Placement Resource’, ‘Placement State’ and ‘Sibling Type’ are all user entered fields.

6. Each sibling row is associated with a Delete hyperlink.

7. The Home Study Recommendation tab displays data elements needed to document the

process associated with the Home Study and ICPC Decision on whether placement may be

approved or denied.

Note: When Wisconsin is the Sending State, the ICPC Specialists will document information on

this page. When Wisconsin is the Receiving State, the case worker is responsible for

documentation on this page.

8. The Home Study Due Date and the Home Study Sent Date fields are entered by ICPC staff.

March 2018 3

9. The Last Home Study Update Received field is prefilled from the date of the most recently

documented Home Study from the Home Study Update History page. It is associated with

an Edit/View hyperlink (‘Edit’ for ICPC staff and ‘View’ for County Staff) which brings the

user to the Home Study Update History page. This is where the ICPC staff will document

any correspondence regarding the Home Study. County staff have the ability to view the

history pop-up page.

March 2018 4

10. The Last ICPC Home Study Update Comments box is prefilled from the narrative of the

most recently documented Home Study from the Home study Update History page.

11. In the License Information group box complete the Licensee Names, Type of License, Level

of Care, and License Received On fields.

12. Click on the Imaging Search hyperlink to launch the imaging search page and choose the

appropriate license image for this provider. The License Effective From and To dates are

prefilled from the associated imaging page of the license.

13. If the License Information Group box is not applicable you can select the N/A checkbox

which will clear and disable the groupbox until the checkbox is unselected.

14. Complete the Agency Placement Recommendation and narrative box after uploading the

Home Study image.

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15. In the Documentation group box, the State ICPC specialist will make sure to upload the

100A that has been signed by the receiving state.

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16. The Request for Reconsideration tab is used to document requests to reconsider the ICPC

Decision. County workers have view only access to this tab.

Note: If a request for consideration is needed, contact the assigned ICPC Specialist. They will

walk you through the process and they will document information on this page.

March 2018 7

17. The Child Placement tab provides the worker with a functionality to document the child’s

ICPC placement(s). The fields in the Child Placement Notification group box are all user


Note: When Wisconsin is the Receiving State, the ICPC Specialists will document information

on this page. When Wisconsin is the Sending State, the case worker is responsible for

documentation on this page. This does not replace requirements for entering placement

documentation and does not generate a placement strip or any related financial work for the


18. The Date the child was placed in receiving state field should be the date that particular

placement began. If this is the initial placement in the receiving state, then check the “This

is initial placement of child in receiving state” checkbox.

19. Select the radio button for Person or Facility and search out the placement resource via the

search link.

20. The documentation group box is where each of the subsequent 100B forms should be

documented for this ICPC record. The Type dropdown field is associated with the following

March 2018 8

values: 100B, 100B (Image) and Other. The Date of Document prefills from the Date of

Document on the associated Imaging Page.

21. The Agency Approval date field is editable by the county worker.

22. The Insert button at the bottom of the page will insert a new repeating group starting with

“Date child placed in receiving state” and finishing with the Agency/ICPC Approval dates to

allow for documentation of subsequent ICPC placements for the child.

March 2018 9

23. The Supervision Reports should be uploaded in the Documentation group box. The ‘Type’

field indicates the type of document that the associated image is; ‘Supervision Report’,

‘Supervision Report (Image)’ or ‘Other’. The Insert button inserts a new row so that

additional documents may be associated with this Supervision report.

24. The insert button in the Supervision Reports group box will insert an additional Report

Group box for subsequent Supervision Reports.

Note: When Wisconsin is the Sending State, the ICPC Specialists will document information on

this page. When Wisconsin is the Receiving State, the case worker is responsible for

documentation on this page.

March 2018 10

25. The Record Closure tab displays detail related to the closure of the ICPC Record. In addition

to being able to document the closure date and reason, narrative, and related documentation.

Note: When Wisconsin is the Sending State, the ICPC Specialist will document information on

this page. When Wisconsin is the Receiving State, the case worker is responsible for

documentation on this page. The ICPC Record must be closed before closing a case in

eWiSACWIS. If the placement has ended and the ICPC Record must be closed, contact the

assigned ICPC Specialist so that they may close the record.

26. Fill in the required fields and select the Save button. Based on the selection made, different

fields become required.

27. In the Documentation group box, upload the required documents based on the closure

reason. The Date of Document date prefills with the Date of Document from the associated


28. The Historic tab displays ICPC detail documented on the ICPC Records created on or before

June 16, 2017. All fields on the tab are static text and not editable.

March 2018 11

Case Outliner Display

March 2018 12

Automated Messages

Out of State Placement Title Out of State Placement

Purpose: To inform the provider worker that a child has been placed in an Out of Home

Placement with the Service Type of Out of State Placement.

Description: This message is created when an Out of State placement is documented for a child.

Subject: New Out of State Placement

To: Primary worker assigned to the provider where the child has just been placed, and

any worker with a Job Class of ICPC specialist that has an assignment to the case.

Message: A new Out of State placement has been created with provider

{PRVD_NAME_PRVD_ID} with a begin date of {EPISODE_DT_BGN} for


Processing: This message is created by final approval of an Out of State placement when

launched from the OHP with the Service type of Out of State Placement page.

Upon successful save of the “Out of Home Placement” with final approval, the

“Out of State Placement has been created” automated message will be triggered

when the following is true:

The save indicates final approval and the OHP has a Service Type that

belongs to the new reference group of ‘ICPCOOST’

Out of State Placement Ending Title Out of State Placement Ending

Purpose: To inform the provider worker that a child’s placement has been ended in an OHP

with the Service Type of Out of State Placement.

Description: This message is created when an Out of State placement is ended.

Subject: Out of State Placement Ending

To: Primary worker assigned to the provider where the child has just been placed, and

any worker with a Job Class of ICPC specialist that has an assignment to the case.

Message: A service for {CHILD_NAME_CHILD_ID} with provider

{PRVD_NAME_PRVD_ID} was ended on {EPISODE_DT_END} with a reason


Please see the {CASE_NAME_AND_CASE_NUM} case for more information.

Processing: “Upon successful save of the “Service Ending” page the “Out of State

Placement has been ended” automated message will be triggered when the

following is true:

The save indicates the Service Ending has final approval and the Out of

Home Placement has a Service Type that belongs to the new reference

group of ‘ICPCOOST’

Final Placement Closure Date Has Been Completed

Title Final Placement Closure Date Has Been Completed

Purpose: To inform of a placement closure date completed for the ICPC Record

Subject: Final Placement Closure Date has been completed

To: To all ICPC workers assigned to the case with an assignment type of ICPC

associated with the ICPC Record being updated.

Message: A final placement closure date has been completed for [child name], DOB [DOB],

in the [Case name] [(ID)].case.

Processing: This message is created when user enters date into “Final Placement Closure” field

on the ICPC Record and saves the changes

March 2018 13

ICPC Decision Needed

Title ICPC Decision Needed

Purpose: To inform the ICPC State workers that a Home Study Decision is Needed.

Subject: ICPC Decision Needed

To: To all state workers with an ICPC assignment to the case of the triggering ICPC Record.

Message: An ICPC Home Study Recommendation has been made and an ICPC Placement

Decision is needed for [Child] in case [Case].

Processing: This message is created upon save of the ICPC Record page by a non-state worker, when

Agency Placement Recommendation changed (and is not null)

ICPC Placement Decision Complete

Title ICPC Placement Decision Complete

Purpose: To inform the ICPC county worker that a Home Study Decision is Complete.

Subject: ICPC Placement Decision Complete

To: To the worker with primary assignment to the case of the triggering ICPC Record

Message: The Home Study Recommendation for [Child] in case [Case] has been reviewed and

placement is [ICPC Placement Decision]. The Home Study and decision have been sent

to [Sending State].

Processing: This message is created upon save of the ICPC Record page if the Receiving State is WI,

when the ICPC Placement Decision changed (and is not null)

ICPC Home Study and Placement Decision Complete

Title ICPC Home Study and Placement Decision Complete

Purpose: To inform the ICPC county worker that a Home Study Decision is Complete.

Subject: ICPC Home Study and Placement Decision Complete

To: To the worker with primary assignment to the case of the triggering ICPC Record

Message: The Home Study and Placement Decision for [Child] in case [Case] has been completed

by [Receiving State] and placement is [ICPC Placement Decision]. Please complete a

100B as required.”

Processing: This message is created upon save of the ICPC Record page if the Sending State is WI,

when the ICPC Placement Decision changed (and is not null)

March 2018 14

ICPC 100B Approval Needed

Title ICPC 100B Approval Needed

Purpose: To inform the ICPC state worker that an ICPC 100B Approval is Needed.

Subject: ICPC 100B Approval Needed

To: To all state workers with an ICPC assignment to the case of the triggering ICPC Record.

Message: A 100B for the placement of [Child] in [Case] requires your review and approval.

Processing: This message is created upon save of the ICPC Record page by a non-state worker, when

Agency Approval on the Child Placement tab changed (and is not null)

ICPC 100B Approved, Supervision Requested

Title ICPC 100B Approved, Supervision Requested

Purpose: To inform the ICPC county worker that an ICPC 100B Approval has been approved.

Subject: ICPC 100B Approved, Supervision Requested

To: To the worker with primary assignment to the case of the triggering ICPC Record

Message: The 100B for the placement of [Child] in case [Case] has been approved and sent to the

[Receiving State] ICPC Office to request supervision of the child.

Processing: This message is created upon save of the ICPC Record page if the Sending State is WI,

when the ICPC Approval on the Child Placement tab changed (and is not null)

ICPC 100B Approved, Initiate Supervision

Title ICPC 100B Approved, Initiate Supervision

Purpose: To inform the ICPC county worker that an ICPC 100B Approval has been approved.

Subject: ICPC 100B Approved, Initiate Supervision

To: To the worker with primary assignment to the case of the triggering ICPC Record

Message: [Child] in case [Case] has been placed in Wisconsin and [Sending State] is requesting

supervision of the child. Please review the 100B and initiate supervision

Processing: This message is created upon save of the ICPC Record page if the Receiving State is WI,

when the ICPC Approval on the Child Placement tab changed (and is not null)

ICPC Supervision Report Approval Needed

Title ICPC Supervision Report Approval Needed

Purpose: To inform the ICPC state worker that an ICPC Supervision Report Approval is Needed.

Subject: ICPC Supervision Report Approval Needed

To: To all state workers with an ICPC assignment to the case of the triggering ICPC Record.

Message: A Supervision Report for [Child] in the case [Case] requires your review and approval

Processing: This message is created upon save of the ICPC Record page by a non-state worker, when

Agency Approval on the Supervision Reports tab changed (and is not null)

March 2018 15

ICPC Supervision Report

Title ICPC Supervision Report

Purpose: To inform the ICPC county worker that an ICPC Supervision Report has been received.

Subject: ICPC Supervision Report

To: To the worker with primary assignment to the case of the triggering ICPC Record

Message: ICPC Supervision Report for [Child] in case [Case] has been received from [Receiving

State] and uploaded in the ICPC Record for your review.

Processing: This message is created upon save of the ICPC Record page if the Sending State is WI,

when the ICPC Approval on the Supervision Reports tab changed (and is not null)

ICPC 100B Closure Approval Needed

Title ICPC 100B Closure Approval Needed

Purpose: To inform the ICPC state worker that an ICPC Closure Approval is Needed.

Subject: ICPC 100B Closure Approval Needed

To: To all state workers with an ICPC assignment to the case of the triggering ICPC Record

Message: The placement of [Child] in the case [Case] has ended and the ICPC Record may be

closed following approval.

Processing: This message is created upon save of the ICPC Record page by a non-state worker, when

Agency Approval on the Record Closure tab changed (and is not null)

ICPC Record Closure Approved

Title ICPC Record Closure Approved

Purpose: To inform the ICPC county worker that an ICPC Closure has been approved.

Subject: ICPC Record Closure Approved

To: To the worker with primary assignment to the case of the triggering ICPC Record

Message: The ICPC Record for [Child] in the case [Case] has been closed. You may continue

with any case maintenance and/or case closure.

Processing: This message is created upon save of the ICPC Record page if the Sending State is WI,

when the ICPC Record Closure Date on the Record Closure tab changed (and is not null)

March 2018 16

ICPC Placement Closure Approved

Title ICPC Placement Closure Approved

Purpose: To inform the ICPC county worker that an ICPC 100B Closure has been approved.

Subject: ICPC Placement Closure Approved

To: To the worker with primary assignment to the case of the triggering ICPC Record

Message: The placement of [Child] in case [Case] has ended and the 100B and any additional

closing documents from [Sending State] have been uploaded in the ICPC

Record. [Child FN]’s ICPC Record has been closed and supervision of [Child FN] is no

longer required.

Processing: This message is created upon save of the ICPC Record page if the Receiving State is WI,

when the ICPC Record Closure Date on the Record Closure tab changed (and is not null)

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