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Page 1: ICT in Education Curriculum for Students of Assam...RGCLP was initiated in the year 2003 as a part of the vision of the Chief Minister of Assam to “Build a computer literate Assam”.

ICT in Education Curriculum for

Students of Assam

Draft 1.0 2019

State Council of Educational Research and Training

Guwahati, Assam - 781019

Page 2: ICT in Education Curriculum for Students of Assam...RGCLP was initiated in the year 2003 as a part of the vision of the Chief Minister of Assam to “Build a computer literate Assam”.

ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has massive impact in every aspect of the

society including education. The Government of India has recognized the enormous benefit

ICT will bring once introduced into the education sector and hence is committed to introduce

ICT in the lives of every citizen of the country. ICT will also help to make the citizens to get

digitally connected. ICT has been recognized as a skill along side reading, writing and

numeracy in many countries The Government in order to make India at par with other

digitally empowered countries has introduced the Digital India Campaign (2015) with the

broader vision:

● Digital Infrastructure as Core Utility to Every Citizen

● e-Governance and Services on Demand

● Digital literacy and empowerment of citizens.

This vision has been reinforced in the draft New National Education Policy (2016) which

emphasizes on imparting education with the use of technology. The Government of Assam is

committed to achieve the vision of a digital India campaign as a state initiative to integrate

ICT in the education system. The Government recognizes that without educating teachers in

use of ICT educating the students alone will not serve the purpose in a holistic manner.

The present ICT in Education Curriculum for teachers of Assam is a step towards realizing the

goals of both the National Policy, the National Curriculum Framework (2005) and the

recommendations of Digital India Campaign. As visualised in the Curricula for ICT in

Education for School system (2017), the present curricula is an initiation into exploring

educational possibilities of technology, learning to make the right choices of hardware,

software and ICT interactions, and more importantly, growing to become a critical user of


Recognising that teachers as a group represent varying levels of exposure to ICT, the

curriculum for teachers attempts to fast track them into becoming proficient users of ICT by

defining milestones and an evaluation system that allows for teachers to assess their readiness

and decide their pace through the course. The curricula are built around a set of guiding


Page 3: ICT in Education Curriculum for Students of Assam...RGCLP was initiated in the year 2003 as a part of the vision of the Chief Minister of Assam to “Build a computer literate Assam”.

Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam

principles, enabling the right exposure to emerging technologies to build capabilities in

teachers not only to use technology comfortably, but also employ them judiciously to enhance

their learning.

As per the recommendation of the Curricula for ICT in Education for School System (2017),

the curriculum for teachers is not to be hardware or software specific. Limiting ICT training to

the use of office package alone will defeat the very idea of ICT integration for enhancing

teaching and learning. Use of proprietary software is financially unviable at organisational as

well as individual level. Therefore, Free and Open Source software (FOSS) is suggested as the

preferred choice throughout the curriculum. The use of FOSS will not only help to obviate

software piracy but also enable the customisation of the applications as per local needs of the



Page 4: ICT in Education Curriculum for Students of Assam...RGCLP was initiated in the year 2003 as a part of the vision of the Chief Minister of Assam to “Build a computer literate Assam”.

ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam

Educational Scenario in Assam

Assam is the largest of eight states of North-Eastern India. The capital of the state is Dispur, a

suburb of Guwahati. It is known as the gateway to North-East India. According to 2011

Census, total area of Assam is 30,285 square miles (78,438 square km), the population is

31,169,272 and the literacy rate is 73.18%. Geographically, it is situated along the

Brahmaputra and Barak river valleys. Administratively, it is divided into 33 districts out of

which 4 districts are under Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC). While Assamese and Bodo

are the major indigenous and official languages, Bengali and Nepali languages are also

prevalent in the State. The state is characterized by diversity in terms of ethnicity, culture and




Page 5: ICT in Education Curriculum for Students of Assam...RGCLP was initiated in the year 2003 as a part of the vision of the Chief Minister of Assam to “Build a computer literate Assam”.

Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam

School Educational in Assam

The school education system in Assam is categorized into elementary and secondary

schools. The administrative control of these schools is under the Directorate of Elementary

Education and the Directorate of Secondary Education of Assam respectively. The

Government of Assam has implemented free and compulsory education for students up to the

age of 14. Schools in Assam are either run under Department of Education of the Govt. of

Assam or under the management of private organizations. While most of the secondary

schools are affiliated to Board of Secondary Education (SEBA), there are several schools in

the state affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) or All India Council

Secondary Education (AICSE) or Indian School Certificate for Class XII and the elementary

school curriculum prepared by SCERT, Assam in the light of NCF 2005 is followed by the

Govt. elementary school of the state. The Higher Secondary level is under the control of

Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC).

Under elementary education there are two sections—Lower Primary and Upper

Primary and under Secondary Education also there are two sections namely- High School

level and Higher Secondary level. At present the pre-primary section is running under the

Department of Social Welfare and there is a provision of Ka-Shreni adjacent to the Lower

Primary level in some schools. A five-year old child begins his educational journey from a

primary school. The hierarchy in the schools in Assam thereon is:


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ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam

There are multiple Medium of Instruction (MOI) offered by the state for school

education. There are 10 Mediums of Instruction for Lower Primary Level viz. Assamese,

Bengali, Bodo, Garu, Nepali, Hmar, Manipuri, Hindi, English, and Karbi and for Upper

Primary level there are 8 Medium of Instruction viz. Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Garu, Nepali,

Manipuri, Hindi, English and for Secondary level there are 6 Medium of Instructions.

Schools, Enrollment and Teachers



LP UP High School/

Higher Secondary



















































Source: School & enroll, 20th Dec, 2018, Teacher HRMS 6th Feb, 2019

Teacher Education in Assam

There are 62 Govt. Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) for preparation of the

prospective teachers and also to provide in-service teacher training at district level. The TEIs

transact the D.EL.Ed, B.Ed, M.Ed. courses in their institutions for preparing prospective

teachers for elementary and secondary level and also impart in-service training for teachers at

the district. Apart from this the Department of Education, Tezpur University and Assam

University are running 4 year B.Sc. B.Ed./ B.A. B.Ed. course.

At present there are 23 District Institute of Education and Training, 8 College of

Teacher Education (CTE), 2 Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE) , 19 Basic

Training Centers (BTC), 7 Normal Schools, 1 Pre-Primary Teacher Training Center (PPTTC),

1 Hindi Teacher Training College( HTTC) and 1 Hindi Teacher Training Institute (HTC).

Apart from this there are 50 Private B.Ed. Colleges (as per records of NCTE) running

B.Ed. course in the state with recognition from National Council for Teacher Education.


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Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam

ICT Initiatives in Assam

Educational functionaries throughout the world has admitted the fact that ICT is an essential

pillar of education system in the 21st century. A wide range of ICT intervention in education

can be seen globally. Considering the importance of ICT, the state of Assam has also taken

many initiative as listed below to reap the benefit of it.

Computer Aided Learning in Elementary School (CAL):

The CAL activities have been done in the state of Assam since 2003-04. Now, CAL

programme is implemented in more than 3267 elementary schools. Two teachers, one from

Science and another from English are trained up in each CAL school.

Information and Communication Technology in Schools (ICT@Schools):

Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India launched

Information & Communication Technology (ICT)@Schools scheme in the year 2007 in

Assam. As a part of this, ICT@School scheme has been implemented in 641 schools of the

State on BOOT Model for a period of 5 (five) years from the year 2009.

Rajiv Gandhi Computer Literacy Programme (RGCLP):

RGCLP was initiated in the year 2003 as a part of the vision of the Chief Minister of

Assam to “Build a computer literate Assam”. The Planning and Development Department,

Govt. of Assam and AMTRON, the State Nodal Agency for Information Technology had

embarked on this ambitious project of providing computer education, free of cost, to the

students of the Government Schools. In pursuance thereof, AMTRON has entered into a

strategic tie up with M/S NIIT Ltd., M/S CMC Ltd. and M/S Educomp Solutions Ltd., to

achieve the highest level of excellence in the project.

Introduction to Integrated Approach to Technology in Education:

Integrated Approach to Technology in Education (ITE), an Initiative of Tata Trusts is

a pedagogical framework to improve teaching and learning processes using technology. It

fosters 21st century skills and authentic learning through project based learning for middle


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ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam

school children and adolescents in some of the most underprivileged geographies (91% rural).

Students, mostly first time computer users, create technology enabled learning artifacts

(projects) carefully designed by the teachers in congruence with the curriculum and lessons

taught in the school. In 2015, Tata Trusts in collaboration with Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha

Abhijan (RMSA), Assam and implementing partner, Gramya Vikas Mancha to introduce ITE

in about 80 schools including model schools in Assam. Additionally, the ITE is also

implemented in collaboration with Digital empowerment Foundation in Nagaon.

ICT integrated "Subject Teacher Forum" -

UNICEF and RMSA, Assam, envisioned initiating a programme with the approach of

integrating information and communications technology into teacher education, focusing on

building “Teachers Communities of Learning” to create digital learning resources and

network with one another for sharing and learning. The program aims to provide opportunity

for teachers to engage in discussions related to the different disciplines like mathematics,

science, and social science, participate in an online community of learning and create and

share open digital resources. The program hopes to function in high schools that have

information and communications technology facilities provided by the government. The

proposed program is viewed to be based on the extensive and intensive use of public digital

resources to build and support teacher networks as well as to create a resource rich learning

environment in these subjects.

Implementation of Smart Class room in Govt./Prov. Secondary/Hr.

Secondary Schools across the Assam :

Smart Classroom in Secondary Schools is an initiative by Govt. of Assam for transforming the

teachers’ teaching and students learning in a more attractive and meaningful way with the

help of Information Communication Technology. Students learn difficult and abstract

curriculum concepts watching highly engaging visuals and models. We all know that

something that is taught visually to us is more help to remember rather than the one that is

read through pages after pages. The concept of smart class education is indeed a blessing to

the students of the 21st Century.


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Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam

Implementation of DIKSHA, ASSAM:

DIKSHA, ASSAM is a digital platform launched by the Elementary Education Department,

Govt. of Assam for teaching community to create and exchange e-resources to bring about

qualitative changes in teaching learning process. Under the chairmanship of the

Commissioner and Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Elementary Education Department and

with representatives from SCERT, Assam, SSA, Assam, RMSA, Assam, Directorate of

Elementary and Secondary Education, different Universities, NIC, Assam etc. as members

constituted the Project Steering Committee of DIKSHA, Assam for facilitating this digital

interface for the teachers of the state. SCERT, Assam being the Nodal Agency of DIKSHA,

Assam facilitates a panel of subject experts for review and curation of the contents to be

uploaded in the portal.

Under DIKSHA project till now 11 number of textbooks of elementary schools have been

energized with QR codes and implemented in the State from the academic year 2019. So far

English, Mathematics, Social Science and Science textbooks have been covered.


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ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam

Need and scope of ICT training for teachers in Assam

In case of Assam, application of ICT in school education is still at infancy level. Mostly, two

challenges are being posed in implementation of ICT in the state. First one is ICT

infrastructure and second one is lack of trained teachers to integrate ICT in teaching-learning.


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Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam

With regard to the infrastructure, some secondary and upper primary schools are already

equipped with ICT infrastructure and in due course of time all the schools will be provided

with the necessary ICT facilities as envisioned by the Government under the ICT@school

scheme. But when it comes to the competence of the teachers, it has been observed that the

ICT infrastructure although present in the schools are not used by most of the teachers due to

their lack of knowledge, confidence and skill in using them.

Next, coming to the existing training provision on ICT for the school teachers, although some

short duration training programmes, orientation programmes, workshops, etc. are organised

by the concerned authorities from time to time under the various ICT schemes as mentioned

above, yet these training programmes are not full-fledged in nature. Most of the programmes

are designed to impart only the basic knowledge of computer, along with some simple

software skills, such as, word processing, spreadsheet, etc. and a very few of them had taken

into account the pedagogical aspect. Moreover, the scopes of the existing training

programmes are limited as from a particular school only one or two subject specific teachers

are deputed at a time. There has not been any comprehensive training on use of ICT in

teaching-learning in the state.

Now keeping in view the recent advent of ICT in education and its huge impact in all aspects

of education, it has become a great challenge for the school teachers of the state to adapt with

the emerging ICT environment in education. For this purpose, there arise an urgent need of a

comprehensive and massive training programme on ICT in education for the school teachers

of Assam so that they can acquire the requisite knowledge, awareness, skills and

competencies to work with ICT in school environment and able to integrate ICT in pedagogy


However, it is not feasible for the schools to depute their teachers to undergo such training

programmes in conventional face-to-face mode for a long period of time. Under such

situation, the most viable alternative would be to opt for a blended (face-to-face and ODL

cum on-line) mode for training the in-service teachers without impeding their regular duties at

school. In this connection the Curricula for ICT in Education (2017) developed by the CIET,


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ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam

NCERT has been taken up as a base document to design a comprehensive training programme

on ICT in education for the school teachers of Assam to cater to the specific needs of the state

with an implementation plan to cover all the teachers.

ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers:

The ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam is designed to provide an enhanced

exposure to information and resources for improving teaching-learning-evaluation, support for

continuous professional development and achieve quality through increased productivity. An

appropriate exposure and usage of ICT by the teacher is inevitable in the present scenario. In

the given context, the teacher’s curriculum is relevant to the current need of the education at


With the initiative of the Govt. of Assam, a core team for designing the ICT in Education

Curriculum for Teachers of Assam has been formed by the SCERT, Assam in collaboration

with NCERT, New Delhi. The team designed the curriculum in a workshop mode. The core

committee includes members from NCERT, New Delhi, SCERT, Assam and K. K. Handiqui

State Open University, Guwahati.

Expected Outcome of the ICT Training in Assam

The implementation of the ICT in Education curriculum is expected to equip every teacher in

the state with necessary competencies for integrating ICT in the teaching learning process. It

will enrich the teaching-learning process and to make it more interactive, interesting and

engaging for the students and productive for the teachers.

It is also expected to enable the state resource persons to develop competencies in creating

ICT environment and making it sustainable for transforming the education system in the state.

On the whole, this implementation of the curriculum will enable each teacher to become self

sufficient in creating the ICT environment as per their requirement to bring about positive


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Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam

impact on the overall education system.

Guiding Principles of the Curriculum


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ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam

The Learning Strands

The learning strands are adopted for the state of Assam from the Curricula for ICT in

Education developed by NCERT. The learning strands seek to build capacities to handling

today’s and tomorrow’s technologies appropriate for use in education, capitalizing on

technology to master technology, managing the ICT infrastructure, using technology to

surmount barriers and to acquiring insights to lead technology educationally. The six strands


Source: https://ictcurriculum.gov.in/mod/page/view.php?id=18


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Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam


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ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam

Course Syllabus

ICT in Education curriculum for teachers of Assam is to be seen as a catalyst in developing

competencies for proceeding progressively across various stages of ICT integration. The

content of the ICT in Education curricula for teachers of Assam involves activities builded

upon competencies from different levels, such that a attainment of certain competencies is

ensured at the completion of each level. The ICT in Education curriculum for teachers broadly

attempts to equip teachers with ICT competencies to strengthen their own professional

capacities and to effectively use ICT tools and devices in their teaching learning. Teacher will

also be trained to manage the ICT environment in the school and function as a local

coordinator for organising capacity building programmes. The curriculum therefore will be

rolled out as a series of short courses as proposed by the Curricula for ICT in Education for

School Systems by NCERT, spanning the six strands and together ensuring the progressive

movement across the stages given by UNESCO. UNESCO ICT competency framework for

teachers (2010) envisages ICT integration in Education proceeds progressively a series of

broad stages namely: Emerging, Applying, Infusing and Transforming. These successive

stages enhance the teacher’s competency, both in terms of technology as well as pedagogy

that helps in integrating ICT in the teaching learning process.

Source: http://www.unesco.org/education/ICT-Workshop2014-day2/policy-development.pdf


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Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam

Stage 1: Emerging

Emerging is the first stage of the framework. At this stage, teachers are made aware of

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by discovering different tools of ICT. The

emphasis is on learning to use a range of tools and applications and becoming aware of the

potential of ICT in their teaching. Pedagogically they are able to use productivity tools such as

word processors, databases, spreadsheets, and multimedia tools.

Stage 2: Applying

At this stage, teachers are able to professionally use ICT tools in their own subject of

teaching/learning which enriches traditional teaching methods. They apply specific software

tools such as drawing, designing, modelling and simulations in their teaching.

Stage 3: Infusing

At this stage, teachers are able to understand how to use and when to use ICT tools to achieve

a particular purpose. ICT infuse all aspects of teacher’s professional life leading to

improvement in teaching-learning. In pedagogical situation, they are able to use blended mode

of teaching/learning approach, use ICT to assist students to assess their own learning,

collaborate with other teachers and share their teaching experiences.

Stage 4: Transforming

This is the most advanced stage of competency. Here, the teachers are able to use ICT tools to

transform learning. They will become specialized in designing and using ICT. They will be

able to create and manage universal & interactive e-learning environment for their

teaching-learning process.


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ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam


Keeping in view the competencies to be achieved, the ICT in Education curriculum will

enable the teachers to:

1. Effectively use ICT tools, software applications and digital resources

2. Integrate ICT into teaching-learning and its evaluation

3. Acquire, organize and create her own digital resources

4. Participate in the activities of teachers’ networks

5. Participate in the evaluation and selection of ICT resources

6. Practice safe, ethical and legal ways of using ICT

7. Use ICT for making classroom processes more inclusive and to address multiple

learning abilities

Course Structure:

As per the recommendations of NCERT in the Curricula for ICT in Education for School

Systems, the following course structure will be followed in the state of Assam. Diploma in

ICT in Education: Basics will be mandatory for all teachers selected under this project and the

diploma course will consists of three short courses namely:

○ Induction - Level 1 (Face to face mode)

○ Refresher 1 : ICT- Pedagogy Integration in Teaching and Learning ( Blended


○ Refresher 2 : Social, Ethical, Legal and Technical aspects of using ICT (Online


Induction - Level 2 will be mandatory for the State Resource Persons (SRPs) and Master

Resource Persons (MRPs) that will be conducted in a face to face mode.


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Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam

Description of the courses:

Induction - Level 1 (10 days - 120 hours)

Session No Session Title Description

1 Registration and Entry level assessment

Registering in course port, introducing to the co-learners and filling the entry level competency questionnaire

2 Creating with ICT – Media : Images

Creating/ capturing images as piece of communication in multiple ways using mobile

3 Creating with ICT – Media : Audio and video

Creating audio and video as piece of communication in multiple ways using mobile

4 Creating with ICT – Text

Creating text as a piece of communication by inputting and formatting text.

5 Inputting in regional language

Creating text as a piece of communication in regional language by inputting and formatting text

6 Creating with ICT – Data

Understanding forms of data, different formats in which data can be captured - images, numbers, text, audio, video etc and various ways of representing data. Reading data and making meaning out of it

7 Bringing together hardware and software

Acquainting with the functionalities of a system and general features of operating system. Connecting and configuring the hardware for specified purpose.

8 Introduction to browser and browsing

Accessing relevant information from the web using URL

9 Accessing information through web

Accessing textual information using search engines

10 Exploring Web resources I

Accessing images in several ways and using various techniques


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ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam

11 Communicating through Email

Communicating through email using the web in a safe and responsible manner

12 Exploring Web resources II

Accessing media resources by exploring various repositories

13 Working with data – Exploring spreadsheet 1

Working with spreadsheets to input, organise, classify, order and analyse data – text and numeric

14 Working with data – Exploring spreadsheet 2

Working with spreadsheets to extend and represent data using graphs.

15 Creating with ICT - Textual Communication

Creating textual communication and enhancing with tables, various media, special characters, symbols and formulae

16 ICT in the classroom – hardware and software

Practising various possibilities of using hardware and software in classroom environment

17 Introduction to Assistive technologies

Understanding assistive technologies and ICT based assistive devices

18 Collaborating and transacting with Web

Collaborating with others through e-groups. Acquainting with web based courses platforms and transacting through web

19 MIS systems for educational management

Understanding the need, important, structure and functioning of School based MIS

20 Exhibition and Evaluation of e-portfolio submission

Output created for assignments will be evaluated based on the rubric. Best works will be showcased


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Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam

Refresher 01 - ICT - Pedagogy Integration in teaching and learning (10 days - 120 hours)

Session No Session Title Description

1 Check Yourself Administration of ICT competency questionnaire to study the impact of induction- level 1 course

2 ICT Initiatives in India

Understanding various ICT initiatives at national and state level

3 ICT in Education: Introduction

Understanding What? Why? When? How? Whom? of ICT

4 Know your context Understanding the role of context in terms of learners and infrastructure while using ICT in education

5 Content Attributes and scope of using ICT

Understanding the scope of using ICT based on the nature of subject matter and the process of content analysis

6 Handson Activity Identifying appropriate ICT tools based on the nature of content through content analysis

7 ICT and Innovative methodologies

Understanding innovative methods of teaching & learning using ICT and criteria for selecting ICT tools/ techniques

8 Handson Activity Analysing the content, identifying the appropriate teaching method/ techniques and identifying appropriate ICT tools/ techniques

9 Exploration of ICT tools and resources

Exploring various ICT tools, understanding FOSS and the need for ICT competencies

10 Handson Activity Exploring and identifying appropriate ICT tools/ techniques based on the requirement

11 Development of e-resources

Understanding the concept of e-resources, types of e-resource, need for developing e-resources and process of developing e-resource

12 Handson Activity Exploring various e-resources and identifying the


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ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam

type of e-resource to be developed for the selected content

13 Visual resources in Education

Understanding the types of visual resources, its needs and tools & techniques for developing visual resources - mind maps & infographics

14 Handson Activity Developing mind maps & infographics

15 Audio Resources & Education

Understanding the types of audio resources, its needs and tools & techniques for developing audio resources

16 Handson Activity Recording, editing and publishing audio programmes

17 Multimedia (Interacts) resources & Education

Understanding the types of interactive resources, its needs and tools & techniques for developing interacts

18 Handson Activity Developing interacts - Interactive quiz, image hotspots, interactive video etc

19 Exploring Subject specific tools & techniques

Understanding various subject specific software, its needs and use

20 Handson Activity Developing resources using subject- specific tools

21 Multimedia (Animation) resources & Education

Understanding the types of animation, its needs and tools & techniques for developing animations

22 Handson Activity Recording, editing and publishing animations

23 Social media and Mobile Apps for Education

Understanding the concept of social media, its role in education, types of social media, using social media in education Exploring various mobile apps and its use in education

24 Handson Activity Exploring various mobile apps and developing resources/ learning activities based on mobile apps


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Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam

25 Multimedia (Video) resources & Education

Understanding the types of video resources, its needs and tools & techniques for developing audio resources

26 Handson Activity Recording, editing and publishing video programmes

27 Evaluation of e-resources

Understanding the parameters of quality e-resources, tools & techniques for evaluation of resources

28 Handson Activity Evaluating e-resources using evaluation tools

29 Integration of ICT in classroom practices - Process, Models

Understanding the models and levels of integrating ICT in Education

30 Handson Activity Identifying the levels of ICT use in the given context

31 Designing ICT Integration Session Plan

Understanding instructional design in planning the ICT integrated lesson

32 Handson Activity Designing a session plan with appropriate ICT integration

33 Development of resources - Handson Activity

Designing an unit plan, session plan and developing required e-resources for the selected unit

34 Development of resources - Handson Activity

Designing an unit plan, session plan and developing required e-resources for the selected unit

35 Development of resources - Handson Activity

Designing an unit plan, session plan and developing required e-resources for the selected unit

36 Development of resources - Handson Activity

Designing an unit plan, session plan and developing required e-resources for the selected unit

37 Mock Practice Practicing one ICT integrated classroom teaching


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ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam

38 Mock Practice Practicing one ICT integrated classroom teaching

39 Mock Practice Practicing one ICT integrated classroom teaching

40 Activity Report Sharing the experience and learning, discussion on the follow up activities

Refresher 2 - Social, Ethical, Legal and Technical aspects of using ICT (10 hours)

Online course on social, ethical, legal and technical aspects of using ICT will cover the topics

related to cyber safety and security, social behaviour in cyberspace, ethical aspects of using

ICT, Health concerns etc.

Induction Level 2 (10 days - 120 hours)

Session No

Session Title Description

01 Troubleshooting and seeking help

Solving problems while working with ICT tools. Getting assistance on solving the issues from web.

02 Installing hardware and software

Identifying the requirement for installing software. Understanding the process of installation.

03 Synchronous communication on web

Communicating with other at real time. Exploring various tools for communicating with others at real time

04 Uploading to the web

Sharing resources in web for wider dissemination

05 Advanced text processing 01

Creating blogs for sharing information.

06 Advanced graphics 01

Exploring various tools for editing images. Creating graphics by applying editing images

07 Advanced spreadsheets 01

Analysing data using advanced formulae and functions. Working with multiple worksheets


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Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam

08 Storage and backup Exploring various ways storing resources offline and online

09 Evaluation of e-portfolio

Output created for assignments will be evaluated based on the rubric.

10 Showcase of e-portfolio

Best works will be showcased

11 Safe and clean ICT environment

Understanding the security measures to safeguard the system in the school

12 Updating and upgrading software

Getting and installing updates operating system and application software

13 Exploring educator communities

Exploring various educational groups for sharing informations, ideas and resources

14 Exploring social networks

Exploring various social networking websites and apps. Communicating through social networking sites and apps in safe mode

15 Advanced text processing 02

Development of text based interactive resources

16 Advanced graphics 02

Development of graphic based interactive resources

17 Advanced spreadsheets 02

Understanding analytics based on school data. Analysing and interpreting school based data

18 Creating a web communication

Identifying ways of communicating through web and being connected to the world

19 Evaluation of e-portfolio

Output created for assignments will be evaluated based on the rubric.

20 Showcase of e-portfolio

Best works will be showcased


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ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam

Methodology of the Course:

Induction courses will be a face to face programme having 20 sessions. Each session will be a

three hours session where first one hour will be a instructor (mentor) led demonstration

session followed by a two hours practice session by teachers to build their eportfolio. Each

session has an associated deliverable to be recorded in a portfolio (an e-portfolio). Course

content will be accessed from the course portal and eportfolios will be submitted in the course

portal itself.

Refresher 1 will be conducted in a blended mode where learning will take place through

face-to-face presentation & demonstration of the mentor, through recorded lectures and virtual

classes with external experts. Multiple learning strategies like collaborative activities,

participation in forums, online quizzes, group activities etc will be adapted. Each session will

be of 90 minutes where most of the sessions will be followed up by a hands on session on the

same topic. Eportfolio for this course will have eportfolio submission, participation in forums


Refresher 2 course will be conducted completely as an online course. Each eportfolio activity

of induction as well as refresher course will be assessed through peer evaluation. The

cumulative record in the portfolio, representing their achievements during the courses

provides comprehensive and continuous assessment. Provision for improving upon one’s

performance is also built in. The portfolio attempts to capture all learning and complements

the periodic summative assessment through the course. Induction- level 2 will be conducted

similar to

Induction-level 1.

Formative assessment is continuously done throughout the courses through various means like

assignment, forum participation etc.

Summative Assessment:

At the end of every course (induction/ refresher), a summative assessment will be conducted

based on which a certificate of completion will be issued.


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Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam

Induction - 1

The teachers after completing the 10 days induction programme need to prepare themselves

for assessment. The assessment for Induction - 1 is a three hours practical assessment and will

be based on the areas covered during the whole duration of the Induction-1 programme. Based

on the performance of the teacher in the three hour practical assessment, evaluation will be

done and certificate will be awarded to teachers.

Refresher - 1

The teachers are suppose to complete the 10 days refresher programme and prepare

themselves for assessment. Summative assessment of refresher 1 will include :

a) Submission of:

i) instructional plan for five sessions of classroom activities

ii) the e-resources developed for the selected five sessions of class

iii) one video recording based on any one of the five sessions of selected class

b) Classroom observation

Based on all of this, evaluation will be done and certificate will be awarded to the teachers.

Refresher - 2

The teachers are supposed to complete the Refresher-2 programme in online mode. The

assessment will be based on an online examination and an online certificate will be awarded

to the teachers.

Induction - 2

The teachers need to complete the 10 days induction-2 programme and prepare themselves for

assessment. The assessment for Induction-2 will be a three hours practical assessment and will

be based on the areas covered during the whole duration of the Induction-2 programme. Based

on the performance of the teacher, evaluation will be done and certificate will be awarded to

the teachers.


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ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam

Implementation Plan

The ICT in Education courses for teachers will be implemented in the state as a collaborative

activity by SCERT - Assam and CIET - NCERT. State shall partner with any agency/

organisation for executing the implementation plan. As Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open

University (KKHSOU) has proposed to partner with SCERT for executing the training for

teachers, state shall make the further plans for the executive in collaboration with KKHSOU.

KKHSOU is the only open university in Assam. The University was established with the

purpose of promoting education to reach the unreached through Open and Distance Learning

System, with the motto of the University ‘Education Beyond Barriers’ of age, academic

background and geographical boundaries. The University was assigned by the Government of

Assam to train around 60 thousand untrained in-service elementary school teachers through

two years D. El. Ed. programme which the university has successfully completed. The

University has currently 305 study centres distributed across Assam. All the study centres are

situated in provincialized government colleges of Assam and are well- equipped with

computer laboratory having facility of LCD projectors, LCD TVs, DVD players, internet


Proposed method of Implementation of Diploma in ICT in Education:

Basics in the state:

1. Course instance for the state of Assam created by CIET will be utilised for

implementation of ICT in Education curriculum in the state. Assam state instance can

be accessed at https://ictcurriculum.gov.in/course/index.php?categoryid=25.


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Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam

2. State shall form the team structure as follows

3. CIET will conduct a 5 days training for Course administration team

○ State shall identify at least 5 administrators for the following roles who will be

managing the state instance in the course portal and provide support to the state

in the implementation process

Role Responsibility

State admin - Director,


Approving the process of implementation, list state

resource team, course implementation structure,

schedule, certification etc.


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ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam

State Manager - ICT

coordinator of SCERT/

any nominee given by

Director, SCERT

Manages the state instance in the course portal and

managing the whole implementation process. Send

reports to CIET on timely basis for further reporting

and also for updation in the state instance.

Credential manager (2


Registers & enrolls mentors & learners. Also supports

maintenance of user accounts and its database.

Course manager Uploads and modifies courses in the state instance.

Course mentor Works on the course in creating specific activities

phase/ group wise

○ CIET will train this team on the implementation process and competencies

required for managing the state instance in the course portal.

4. CIET will conduct Induction - Level 1 and mentor training (12 days) for State

Resource Person (SRPs)

○ SCERT shall give the list of SRPs (25 nos) to CIET-NCERT

○ Training will be conducted by CIET-NCERT in face to face mode (12 days)

○ 1 month to be given for the SRPs to build their e-portfolio by completing all

assignments given in Induction - Level 1 (Almost 40 assignments are given

that will help to assess the competencies acquired by the trainee)

○ Practical exam will be conducted for certification purpose

○ 6 - 12 months period to follow up with their learning in induction 1 through

regular hands on activities given in induction 01. (Only sufficient practice will

build the confidence of teachers in using ICT in the teaching-learning process.

As ICT competencies are the base for ICT-Pedagogy integration this practice

will enable the teachers for further learning. State shall plan the strategy for

tracking this practice with the support of CIET

○ Course content developed by CIET is uploaded in the course portal for states/

UTs (Course content can be accessed at

https://ictcurriculum.gov.in/course/view.php?id=10 - use guest access). State


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Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam

can customise/ adopt/ adapt the course content. If any additional content is

required to be developed, CIET will support the state/ UT team for developing

the resource materials

5. SCERT, Assam shall select the schools and the number of teachers to be trained phase


6. Induction- Level 1 training for MRPs

○ State will prepare MRPs list by selecting at least 2 to 3 persons per district as

per requirement

○ SRPs trained by CIET will conduct the training for MRPs in face to face mode

(12 days) . CIET- NCERT will provide support during the training as per the


○ 1 month to be given for the MRPs to build their e-portfolio through completion

of all assignment given in Induction 01

○ 6 - 12 months period to follow up with their learning in induction 1 through

regular hands on activities given in induction 01.

7. Induction - Level 1 training for teachers

○ State will prepare teachers list and schedule for training

○ MRPs will conduct the training for teachers in face to face mode (10 days)

○ 1-2 months to be given for the teachers to build their e-portfolio through

completion of all assignment given in Induction 01

○ 6 - 12 months period to follow up with their learning in induction 1 through

regular hands on activities given in induction 01.

8. Refresher- 1 Training

○ CIET will conduct the training for SRPs through blended approach (120 hrs)

○ Same cascade approach followed in Implementing of Induction -1 course to be

followed for refresher 1 training

○ Resources developed as output of this practice can be vetted by state and can

be contributed as open educational resources to the state - OER and

NCERT-NROER. This will help in building the e-resources for the state.

9. Refresher 2 training - Course will be offered online. SRPs. MRPs & teachers will do

the course simultaneously


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ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of Assam

10. Teachers who complete all three courses induction 1, refresher 1 & 2 will receive

Diploma in ICT in Education- Basics

Induction - Level 2 will be offered as online course for SRPs & MRPs by CIET. Once they

complete they will be certified as national level mentors.


Altogether, Diploma in ICT in Education: Basics is a forty credit programme. Any teacher

completing one induction and two refresher courses becomes eligible to receive a Diploma

certificate in ICT in Education: Basics. SRPs will be trained and certified by CIET-NCERT.

MRPS and teachers will be certified through a joint certification by CIET-NCERT,

SCERT-Assam and implementing agency if any. SRPs & MRPs will be additionally certified

with a mentor certificate.

Course portal

A dedicated course portal is developed and can be accessed at www.ictcurriculum.gov.in.

This course portal is an open source LMS which enables the instructor to share resources,

conduct sessions and the students to submit their assignments. An instance created for the

state will be utilised for implementation of the ICT in Education Curriculum for Teachers of



Page 33: ICT in Education Curriculum for Students of Assam...RGCLP was initiated in the year 2003 as a part of the vision of the Chief Minister of Assam to “Build a computer literate Assam”.

Curricula ICT in Education for Teachers of Assam


Anderson, J. (2010). ICT transforming education: A regional guide. Bangkok, TA: UNESCO.

Miao, F. (2014). UNESCO’s toolkit and programmes for ICT in education policy


CIET, NCERT. (2017). Information and Communication Technology for the School System:

Curricula for ICT in Education.

Core Team Members

1. Dr. Indu Kumar, Associate Professor, CIET, NCERT

2. Dr. Angel Rathnabai, Assistant Professor, CIET, NCERT

3. Dr. Nirada Devi, Director SCERT

4. Dr. Jayanta Kr. Sarmah, Joint Director SCERT

5. Mr. Sanjib Kakati, Joint Director SCERT

6. Ms. Ruksana Saikia, Assistant Director, SCERT

7. Ms. Piyanu Boruah, Assistant Director, SCERT

8. Mr. Raju Baruah, Lecturer, DIET, Titabor, Jorhat

9. Mr. Himanshu Sinha Roy, Lecturer, DIET, Goalpara

10. Dr. Pranab Saikia, Associate Professor, Dept. of Teacher Education, KKHSOU

11. Dr. Tapashi Kashyap Das, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, KKHSOU

12. Ms. Devajani Duarah, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Teacher Education, KKHSOU

13. Ms. Sruti Sruba Bharali, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, KKHSOU

14. Dr. Krishna Kalita, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Teacher Education, KKHSOU


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