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Page 1: ICT Strategy - Shropshire Council elections

Shropshire Council

ICT Strategy2012-2013(Revised Edition)

Supporting the CouncilsStrategic Vision

Page 2: ICT Strategy - Shropshire Council elections

Modern technologyto help you connectwith your councilShropshire Council is making the most of

innovative new technology to save money and

provide services in more ways than ever before.

What we are doing now:

Residents can now access services in more

convenient ways as we work to become a more

streamlined, modern organisation.

Our ICT (Information & Communications

Technology) Strategy has been produced

which sets out how we will modernise our

computer systems, helping staff and

Councillors work more flexibly. We will

continue to standardise our desktop software

assets under a Microsoft Enterprise

Agreement, and we will utilise the opportunity

to increase or reduce that agreement to meet

the needs of the organisation. Where

appropriate we will use “pay-as-you-go” cloud

based solutions such as Office 365 for email,

unified communication’s and calendaring

services. We are committed to using Microsoft

Dynamics as our Customer Relationship

Management (CRM) which will manage the

councils interactions with customers and

stakeholders using technology to organise,

automate and synchronise business processes.

Shropshire Council is replacing laptops with

smarter tablets and mobile devices such as

iPads for staff and elected councillors.

Enabling the workforce to operate in a mobile

and flexible way will help to achieve our vision to

provide greater value for money by significantly

reducing our costs. For example a dog warden

is using a mobile device to instantly map

problems with dog litter and files reports without

the need to go to the office. Additional benefits

will include reduced travel, paper and

printing costs.

As well as internal changes, the ICT Strategy

strengthens our commitment to push for better

broadband coverage in Shropshire to help

businesses thrive even in the most isolated

rural areas.

To find out more:

Visit www.shropshire.gov.uk

Introduction Shropshire Council faces an increasing

challenge to provide better services for less

and the customer expectations of Council

provided services are high. The Council needs

to continue to innovate and adopt new ways of

working to deliver services.

Information and Communication Technology

(ICT) in public sector organisations underpins

and, deployed in the right way, can be a great

enabler for improving both the accessibility and

effectiveness of locally-delivered services.

Shropshire Council’s ICT Strategy has been

refreshed to respond to the Council's strategic

vision and harnesses the power of ICT to

facilitate the transformation of Council services,

providing greater value for money, supporting a

more flexible workforce and making services

more accessible to the community of


The Strategy also provides the direction for

technology in which Shropshire Council needs

to move in order to achieve the strategic

outcomes identified in the Shropshire Council

Plan 2011-13. Additionally the Strategy directly

aligns with the Shropshire Estates Partnership

Implementation Plan and Shared Services

strategic plan.

The ICT Strategy will also strengthen the

Council’s commitment to push for a better

broadband coverage in Shropshire to help

business thrive even in the most isolated

of areas.

The core themes of the ICT Strategy: sharing

and re-using our assets, simplifying and

standardising our services and empowering

citizens and communities are fully aligned to

the central Government ICT Strategy.

It will be important to ensure that the strategic

direction set out in this document has the ‘buy

in’ of key stakeholders and meets the needs of

the local community. Successful

implementation of the strategy will rely on

strategic vision from the ICT Client function and

an overarching leadership from the top of the


Shropshire Council

ICT Strategy

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Progress Report

Service DeliveryThe service delivery model for ICT will

continue to change over the next 2 years.

As the Council looks to deliver greater

efficiencies it has also redefined the way in

which the ICT service operates.

The introduction of a Shared Services

Centre (SSC) will transform the way in

which day to day ICT business is provided.

These operational services will be

supported by an ICT Client team who will

provide advisory and strategic direction for

the Council.

The ICT Client function will seek to maximise

the benefits from ICT products and services by

developing and coordinating robust

relationships with the Shared Services Centre

and other partners. The ICT client function will

focus upon the strategic delivery of well-

defined services to achieve better results for

the community of Shropshire and beyond.

It is fundamental that ICT projects continue to

be designed to improve service delivery and

are managed and implemented by experienced

ICT professionals who understand the


Under new local government legislation, the

Council will create new service delivery models

to achieve improved outcomes, at reduced

cost. The ICT Strategy will underpin the

implementation of the new Council-owned

company (NEWCO), as a vehicle for delivering

a range of public services in Shropshire in the


“Shropshire Council is one of my firstcustomers to start the journey to invest ina Public Services Network (PSN) to meetthe needs of the Council and partners. I have been impressed by the innovativeand intelligent approach demonstratedby the Council. The Shropshire PSN isdue to become compliant later this year.As an early adopter Shropshire Counciland its Partners will build on the savingsachieved in procurement and start to usethis secure network for the benefit oftheir organisations and local citizens.” Simon NorburyEngagement ManagerPSN ProgrammeCabinet Office

Service DeliveryRequest for Change processes firmly embeddedinto business processes. Shared Services Centreup and running by April 2012.

Further development of Shared ServicesShropshire Council have federated instantmessaging and voice technology withWorcestershire County Council and StaffordshireCounty Council.

Shropshire Public Service Network (PSN)Shropshire Council has achieved accreditation statusfor PSN and has extended its WAN to Shropshire Fire& Rescue Service. Central switch replacement for theLocal Area Network (LAN) completed.

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Further developmentof Shared ServicesWe will take a leading role in delivering on

the tri council shared services agenda with

Worcestershire and Staffordshire County

Councils. We will build upon and develop

relationships with both commercial and

public partner organisations to increase

our effectiveness and scope, improve our

efficiency in service delivery to reduce cost

or generate income.

Strategic joined up approaches to specification

and commissioning of services will see:

• Consolidation of voice and data

networks, data centres and service


• Integrated infrastructure and support


• Joint ICT specialist teams

• Reduced or no single council ICT


• Sharing ICT Systems

At a time when demands for ICT are increasing

the sharing of ICT specialist resources will

ensure that ICT can continue to be used as a

strategic function to drive innovation, business

change and improve service delivery to our


Shropshire PublicSector Network (PSN)The accreditation of a PSN in Shropshire offers

public sector organisations a great opportunity

to transform public service delivery.

The PSN is a key foundation of the

Government’s ICT Strategy which is driven by

the Cabinet Office and aims to change the way

Government Departments and Agencies, Local

Authorities, and the Third Sector buy and use

Voice and Data Networks.

Shropshire Council will continue to work with

its partners to:

• Drive efficiencies in procurement

• Deliver a range of technical and service


• Improve service delivery

The “Shropshire PSN” provides opportunities

to transform public service delivery in

Shropshire by sharing and collaborating

services and maximising a secure and resilient

infrastructure that already exists. This offers the

opportunity to work smarter and to ensure the

people of Shropshire receive the best value

and that the best services are delivered to the

heart of the community.

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Progress Report

Cloud ComputingCloud computing has brought about a step

change in the economics and sustainability of

ICT enabled service provision.

Shropshire Council is committed to the

adoption of cloud computing and delivering

computing resources to users as needed (an

on-demand delivery model).

By exploiting innovations in cloud computing

we will transform the ICT estate into one that is

agile, cost effective and environmentally


Shropshire Council will investigate ways in

which we can utilise the Government Cloud

(G-Cloud) to enable the use of a range of cloud

services, fundamentally changing the way we

procure and operate ICT, throughout the


We are committed to push ahead with our

shared services programme which will see data

centre, network, software and asset

consolidation shift towards cloud computing.

We will mandate the reuse of proven, common

application solutions and policies. These

solutions will balance the need to be open,

accessible and usable with the growing cyber-

security threat and the need to handle sensitive

information with due care.

Cloud computing represents a radical change

in the way that the Council will use and pay for

ICT. Instead of hosting applications and data

on an individual desktop computer, everything

is hosted in the “cloud” – a collection of

computers and servers accessed via the

internet or via the “Public Cloud” network.

The benefits for moving to Cloud based

technologies are:

Many more common commodity solutions -

a range of the best industry ICT services and

solutions available off the shelf so the

government, its agencies and related bodies

can use what they need when they need it and

not create duplicate services that cannot be


Flexibility & Freedom - the ability, if required,

for departments and organisations to change

service provider easily without lengthy

procurement and implementation cycles, no

“lock-ins” to long contracts and the freedom to

quickly adopt better value and more up to date


Ready and Easy to Use - complete solutions

that are already assured for security,

performance and service management.

Ready access to “hybrid cloud” solutions -

allowing the cost efficiencies of the “public”

cloud to be used alongside more secure /

dedicated private cloud solutions based on a

consolidated data centre and service estate;

“Cloud computing is a model for enablingconvenient, on-demand network access toa shared pool of configurable computingresources (e.g. networks, servers, storage,applications, and services) that can berapidly provisioned and released withminimal management effort or cloudprovider interaction.”Government Cloud StrategyMarch 2011

Cloud Computing350 staff using the “Shropshire Cloud” facility,enabling secure mobile and flexible solutions.

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Low cost - Services that are paid for on a

usage basis, driven by strong competition on

price and quality. Transparent costs along with

quality and scope-of-service metrics for simpler

comparison and control;

Competitive Marketplace - a range of service

providers constantly improving the quality and

value of the solutions they offer, from small

SME organisations providing niche products to

large scale hosting and computer server


While the “G-Cloud” will offer substantial cost

savings and increased flexibility for the Council

and its service users, data and privacy

restrictions currently prevent some services

from being hosted and/or provided through

such means. In these cases, a “Shropshire

Cloud” service model will be used to provide

the necessary security assurance to hold and

process personal or restricted data.

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Our new roleThe Shropshire Council Plan sets out a

strategic direction for Shropshire which

reshapes the role of the Council, redesigning

service delivery to give the people of

Shropshire more choice and control over how

they use, pay for and contribute to delivering

the services they need. In support of these

priorities the ICT Client function is committed to

the following outcomes:

• Establish a secure, single data store for

the whole Council providing business


• Deliver higher quality, cost effective


• Continue to standardise infrastructure,

systems and operations enabling rapid

and flexible response to the ever

changing needs and priorities of the


• Invest in information resources, tools

and technology to deliver savings,

efficiency and benefits across the

whole customer base.

• Further develop a wider shared service

arrangement with strategic partners to

reduce cost and/or improve efficiency

and effectiveness in the delivery of


• Strengthen customer

account management.

• Ensure that ICT proactively supports

and sets direction for the development

of new community hubs, underpinning

the concept of locality and community


• Position the Council as the ‘provider of

choice’ for a Public Sector Network

(PSN), covering the Local Enterprise

Partnership (LEP) area, but extending

without geographical constraint as new

opportunities arise and as partnerships


Additionally we will continue to maximise

existing technology investment to enable

flexible working, significantly reducing the

carbon footprint of the organisation whilst

improving the quality of frontline services.


The GovernancemodelICT performs a fundamental and crucial role in

enabling the Council to carry out its business

and deliver efficient and effective services to

the community of Shropshire.

The ICT Client function will set the overall

direction and priorities for the development and

deployment of ICT in the Council ensuring that

ICT plans take in the ‘whole’ Council

perspective in terms of streamlining information

flows, focussing on customers and

communities, optimising infrastructure and will:

• Provide a clear strategic vision whilst

maintaining strong corporate

governance of ICT.

• Ensure that there is a corporate

approach to ICT investment and

prioritisation of initiatives.

• Take responsibility for the ICT Strategy.

• Scrutinise all ICT investment proposals

and delivery of business benefits.

Strong governance will ensure that the

investment in technology is prioritised,

resources are used to best effect and that the

financial and organisational impact of new

technologies is fully understood and

embedded in new ways of working.


The Governance modelICT Governance is now well established withinthe Council, ensuring a corporate approach toICT investment.

Progress Report

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Progress Report

Provide greatervalue for moneyby significantlyreducing our costsThe ICT function is committed to using resources

wisely and responsibly. We will ensure that we

will manage budgets in accordance with Council

policy and will continue to work with our

suppliers to seek opportunities for further

efficiencies and savings.

Each business case for ICT investment will

continue to be carefully scrutinised and

prioritised by the ICT Client function to ensure

that it meets Council objectives. Post

implementation reviews will then be conducted

to ensure that savings/benefits have been


Open Source and emerging technologies such

as social media and community based services

will be deployed where there is a demonstrable

business case. The Shropshire “Cloud”

offering “Desktop Anywhere” will continue to

support the organisations ambitious

transformation programme and will be a key

enabler for mobile and flexible working.

Using cloud technology we will provide staff

with a greater choice and control over the type

of device they use for accessing ICT services.

Through the introduction of a wider variety of

mobile devices, such as iPads and

Smartphones we will seek to provide secure

access to corporate systems from personally

owned devices; improving service delivery and

driving down the cost of ICT support.

Technology solutions will be standardised and

will focus on meeting the needs of the

customer. Information will be structured and

stored centrally and through collaborative

working practices will provide secure access to

a wider range of professionals, partners and

service users.

We are committed to significantly reducing the

number of legacy systems used across the

organisation seeing old systems removed, and

efficiencies or cost savings achieved. In

addition we will look to maximise the

opportunities offered by working with wider

shared services, public and/or private sector


As part of a continual performance review of

software assets we will seek to further reduce license

costs, adopt user profile license models, remove

maintenance complexity and drive down ICT support


We will continue to standardise configurations for

computer devices, utilising the “desktop anywhere”

solution, adopting a re-use policy across the Council.

Building upon the significant investment made

in the ICT infrastructure we will continue to explore

the growing opportunities to offset costs and improve

economies of scale arising from changes in public

sector funding and Government ICT strategy


Where there is a clear business case, we will

continue to invest in new technologies and methods

to deliver improvements in efficiency and

effectiveness (improved workflow, flexible/mobile

working, joined up data, customer and staff self-

service facilities and collaboration tools).

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Provide greater value for money by significantly reducing our costs£480,000 savings realised through the renegotiation and cessation of ICT software maintenancecontracts. Additional savings also achieved through the restructure of ICT Services as part of the sharedservices consolidation. £38,000 reduction in Microsoft Licensing costs. Successful development of arange of mobile devices for both staff and members improving productivity.

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Progress Report

Economic Growthand ProsperityThe Council will continue to develop Broadband

UK (BDUK) delivery plan and deliver a strong

demand stimulation plan to improve broadband

across Shropshire. This provides the

organisation with an opportunity to maximise

potential opportunities to partner other public

sector organisations in order to provide secure

PSN services and will:

• Engage with local and neighbouring

authorities to explore options for

joining the Shropshire PSN in order to

provide additional resilience and

facilitate partnership working.

• Explore options to consolidate data

centre provision and investigate

alternative disaster recovery solutions.

• Improve customer focused service

delivery that will enable collaboration

across all sectors of the community,

enabling self-service and facilitating

mobile and agile working.

• Provide capability to support mobile

and flexible working, reducing travel

whilst increasing business efficiency

and effectiveness at all levels within the

community of Shropshire.

• Support and encourage improved data

sharing between service delivery

partners, including third sector and

volunteers to enable more effective

partnership working by using globally

accepted open standards for data


Better Health andWell-BeingImproving the lives of Shropshire people through

early intervention and by promoting healthy

lifestyles is a key priority for Shropshire Council.

The introduction of new collaboration tools will

enable multi-skilled groups of community based

officers with access to relevant up-to-date

customer information to work more interactively

at the heart of the community, improving staff

productivity and customer care.

A Public Health Transition Plan for the County of

Shropshire has been produced jointly by

Shropshire County PCT and Shropshire Council.

Working with colleagues from the NHS ICT will

play a fundamental role in the transition of public

health responsibilities, functions and people from

Shropshire County PCT to Shropshire Council.

Greater PublicConfidence We will continue to pilot social media

applications to improve community

consultation, participation and democracy.

Using the Shropshire PSN as a delivery

vehicle we will continue to ensure that

personal information is stored securely and

that all ICT assets remain compliant to

government information security standards

and legislative requirements.

We will play an important role by assisting

agencies to share information confidentially

and securely between professionals both within

the Council and with partner organisations.

Actively contributing to Council Priorities


InformationManagement,Assurance andTransparencyIn order for the Council and its customers to

benefit from the information that we hold and to

provide the best possible services, we will need

to adopt a ’whole council’ approach to

information management.

Managing information effectively and

appropriately is essential to the delivery of

secure, seamless and efficient service delivery.

The new CRM will provide the platform upon

which performance can be measured whilst

underpinning modern, knowledge based

service delivery using effective information


Supported by a new corporate Electronic

Document Management System (EDMS) and

combined with an approach to open standards

we will support the Council to build more

transparent, trusted and efficient information

exchange process.

These open standards will allow for greater

flexibility of policies and services delivered at a

lower cost and within shorter timescales.

Economic Growth and ProsperityBDUK Funding Award of £8.2million achievedfrom central government.

Information Management,Assurance and TransparencySuccessful installation of Microsoft Dynamics asthe new corporate CRM solution.

“Effective informationmanagement and deployment oftechnology within a context offundamental organisational change arekey to redesigning local public servicesso that they deliver better for less.” Socitm “Planting the Flag”:a strategy for ICT-enabledlocal public services reform


Greater Public ConfidenceFacebook, Twitter, Shropshire Newsroom andYouTube are now embedded methods forcommunity consultation.

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Progress Report


Better educationattainment and workplaced skillsWe will further develop and extend the ICT

services provided to Shropshire schools and

will look at innovative and creative ways of

providing increasingly responsive and cost

effective support for our schools using the

Shropshire Public Sector Network to deliver

cloud-based technologies. This ongoing

development will focus on delivering the

Council’s strategic and statutory responsibilities

for securing the best outcomes for young

people while building capacity for schools to

operate increasingly autonomously and

facilitating more effective school-to-school

support arrangements.

Building on the excellent work of schools and

Shropshire Council, an even more holistic

approach to the use of technology and the

delivery of services to our customers will be

developed which will support learning that

benefits all stakeholders. The ICT Strategy will

draw together the stakeholders and their

resources to realise economies of scale and

the full potential of ICT for both curriculum and

operational purposes, particularly through

greater collaborative working arrangements

and shared procurement.


Service Transformation andOrganisational DevelopmentMicrosoft Exchange roll-out completed for all 4,200 staffon time and within budget. Unified communicationsroll-out to 350 staff providing desktop access to instantmessaging, voice and video conferencing.

Better Education attainmentand work placed skillsSchools fully incorporated onto the ShropshirePSN and the Virtual “Classroom” Technologyproof of concept completed.

Service Transformationand OrganisationalDevelopmentICT has a major part to play in enabling

Shropshire Council to transform service delivery

and will use emerging technologies to enable

mobile and flexible working, facilitating the

changing working practices this involves. We will

investigate the use of wireless and mobile data

solutions within our communities providing staff

with the opportunity to deliver services in the

heart of the community.

We will provide voice and data unified

communications, reducing infrastructure

costs and increasing functionality, providing

features such as desktop video conferencing,

webinar facilities, virtual telephones and

integrated voice messaging across a wide range

of computer devices.

We will continue to migrate to industry standard

desktop software under an Enterprise License

Agreement, and we will ensure that we utilise the

opportunity to increase or reduce that agreement

depending upon the structure of the

organisation. Where appropriate we will use

Office 365 as a cloud based solution for email

and desktop software.

We will continue to provide ICT advice and

strategic vision for service redesign and

transformational initiatives prioritising

technologies such as an Electronic Document

Management System (EDMS) and a Customer

Relationship Management system (CRM).

Shropshire Council is committed to using

Microsoft Dynamics as its CRM. The CRM will

manage the councils interactions with customers

and stakeholders using technology to organise,

automate and synchronise business processes.

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Our Progress It is important that everyone can see whether

we are achieving what we set out to do in the

ICT Strategy 2011-14.

The targets and objectives outlined in the ICT

Strategy 2011-14 focussed on delivering

outcomes in the agreed priority areas, within

budget and by providing a good rate of return

on any investment made. In addition we have

also continued to achieve significant savings by

renegotiating and in some cases removing

legacy licence costs. These savings were in-

part, re-invested to ensure that service

improvements were realised whilst providing

customers with new better value for money


16 17

achievements 2011-12

targets 2012-13

Mobile & Flexible WorkingSuccessful test and learn projectcompleted improving productivityfor Revenues & Benefits staff.

Virtual Desktop InfrastrutureVDI Infrastructure installed and 450desktops replaced (75% of targetachieved) Cloud based “desktopanywhere” infrastructure is nowavailable to access from any device,including home PC’s, and iPadsallowing mobile and flexibleworking for members and staff.

Microsoft Exchange4,200 mailboxes converted fromLotus Notes to Microsoft Exchange,on time and within budget. Accessto secure cloud mail services is nowavailable. 350 staff have access tounified communication solutions“MS Lync” from their desktop,including instant messaging, voiceand video conferencing.

Shropshire Council is also federatedwith Staffordshire County andWorcestershire County Councilsenabling free calls between theauthorities. New online meeting“Webinar” facilities are nowavailable for all MS Exchange users.

Service DeliveryRequest for Change processes firmlyembedded into business processes.Shared Services Centre up andrunning by April 2012.

Further development of Tri-CouncilShared ServicesShropshire Council have federatedinstant messaging and voicetechnology with WorcestershireCounty Council and StaffordshireCounty Council.

Shropshire Public Service Network(PSN)Shropshire Council has achievedaccreditation status for PSN and hasextended its WAN to Shropshire Fire& Rescue Service. Central switchreplacement for the Local AreaNetwork (LAN) completed.

The Governance modelICT Governance is now wellestablished within the Council,ensuring a corporate approach toICT investment.

Provide greater value for money bysignificantly reducing our costs£480,000 savings realised throughthe renegotiation and cessation ofICT software maintenance contracts.Additional savings also achievedthrough the restructure of ICTServices as part of the sharedservices consolidation.

£38,000 reduction in MicrosoftLicensing costs. Successfuldevelopment of a range of mobiledevices for both staff and membersimproving productivity.

Information Management,Assurance and TransparencyA new CRM infrastructure andsolution installed.

Economic Growth and ProsperityBDUK Funding Award of £8.2millionachieved from central government.

Greater Public ConfidenceFacebook, Twitter, ShropshireNewsroom and YouTube are nowembedded methods for communityconsultation.

Better Education attainmentand work placed skillsSchools fully incorporated onto theShropshire PSN and the Virtual“Classroom” Technology proof ofconcept completed.

Service Transformation andOrganisational DevelopmentMicrosoft Exchange roll-outcompleted for all 4,500 staff. Unifiedcommunications roll-out to 350 staffproviding desktop access to instantmessaging, voice and videoconferencing.

Broadband UK (BDUK) Procure a supplier, develop adelivery plan in conjunction withthe supplier, deliver a strongdemand stimulation plan.Achieve State Aid Clearance.

Mobile & Flexible WorkingProvide technology solutions totransform the way in whichLandlord Services & Planningdeliver frontline services acrossShropshire.

Equip 150 staff with mobile andflexible working technologysolutions. Support Community hubsthroughout Shropshire using wifiand “smarter” office facilities.Enable the workforce to utilise“desktop anywhere” cloud servicesusing personal devices.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure1,000 additional desktops to bereplaced in the next year.

Microsoft ExchangeRoll-out MS Lync to all exchangeusers.

Further Development of SharedServices & New Service DeliveryModelsInvestigate opportunities toconsolidate voice and datanetworks.

Share ICT Systems.

Shropshire Public Service Network(PSN)Explore the opportunity tomaximise the benefits of a securePSN in Shropshire to driveefficiences in procurement.

Engage with other PSN accreditedpartners to maximise efficienciesthrough collaborative working.

Federate unified communicationswith Health and other publicorganisations within Shropshire.

Provide greater value for moneyby significantly reducing our costsReview and consolidate ICTmaintenance contracts to deliver£200k savings.

Adopt user profile license models toreduce the cost of the MicrosoftEnterprise Agreement.

Deliver “desktop anywhere”solutions to 1,200 employeesenabling mobile and flexibleworking solutions.

100% virtualisation of the DataCentre environment.

Re-negotiate Telephony contractswith senior suppliers.

Information Management,Assurance and TransparencyImplement a new council-wideEDMS

Fully implement a council-wideCRM.

Embed Business Intelligence acrossthe Council.

Economic Growth & ProsperityEnable improved data sharingbetween service delivery partners.

Better Health & Well-BeingDevelop and implement a PublicHealth ICT transition plan.

Support the implementation of multiagency Wifi enabled communityhubs across Shropshire

Better Education attainment andwork placed skillsDevelop an in-house informationmanagement, teaching and learningplatform to replace the externallyprovided Shropshire LearningGateway (SLG).

Provide a replacement email systemfor schools to ensure continuity ofservice when the SLG contractexpires.

Provide the schools sector with a“virtual desktop solution”.

Procure a new SchoolsManagement Information System(MIS).

Procure a new Education MIS.

Service Transformation andOrganisational DevelopmentImplement online meeting and webhosting facilities.

Deliver instant messaging, videoand voice conferencing to all staff.

Investigate cloud based servicese.g. Office 365.

Phase 1 Elected Members December 2012.

Develop a strategy for the use ofpersonal computers to access“desktop anywhere” cloudservices.

Complete an evaluation optionanalysis for a corporate financial'ssystem (October 2012)

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2012 2013Further Development of Shared Services & New Delivery Models1 Develop a cross council ICT Strategy (July 2012)

2 Investigate joint Disaster Recovery (DR) solutions (July 2012)

















































Mobile & Flexible Working1 Phase 1, Landlord Services (June 2012)

2 Phase 2, HR&D (July 2012)

3 Phase 2, Planning & Building Control (August 2012)

4 Phase 4, Business Improvement & Design (September 2012)

5 Approve a strategy for allowing staff to bring their own devices (BYOD) (September 2012)

Unified Communications

Shropshire Cloud “Desktop Anywhere”1 Phase 1, replace 250 Desktops (June 2012)

2 Phase 2, replace 250 Desktops (September 2012)

3 Phase 2, replace 250 Desktops (December 2012)

4 Phase 2, replace 250 Desktops (March 2013)

Provide greater value for money by significantly reducing our costs1 Review and consolidate existing ICT contracts (September 2012)

2 Pilot Office 365 (Cloud desktop technology) (May 2012)

3 Undertake a “user profiling” software exercise (October 2012)

4 Re-negotiate WAN contracts (May 2012)

5 Re-negotiate Telephony contracts (May 2012)

Information Management, Assurance and Transparency1 Implement a corporate EDMS

2 Phase 2, Implement MS Dynamics as the corporate CRM (December 2012)

Shropshire Public Services Network (PSN)1 PSN “Accreditation” (May 2012)

2 Investigate opportunities for collaborative working across other public organisations within Shropshire and beyond (March 2013)

Better Health & Well-Being1 Implement an ICT transition plan for Public Health (March 2013)

2 Investigate Federated MS Lync with Shropshire Health Service (December 2012)

Better Education attainment and work placed skills1 Develop an in-house information management, teaching and learning platform (December 2012)

2 Provide a replacement email system to Shropshire Schools (March 2013)

3 Provide a “Shropshire Cloud Desktop” for Schools (May 2012)

4 Procure a new Schools MIS (December 2012)

5 Procure a new Local Authority Education MIS (December 2012)

Service Transformation and Organisational Development1 Develop and adopt new Council policies allowing staff to securely access “Desktop Anywhere” solutions (June 2012)

2 Develop a strategy for utilising Cloud Based software solutions such as Office 365 (March 2013)

3 Unified Communications (UC) Phase 1, Instant messaging and Presence to all staff (June 2012)

4 UC Phase 2, Voice conferencing for all staff (August 2012)

5 UC Phase 3, Install MS Lync as the core telephone system (September 2012)

6 UC Phase 4, Online meetings and Web Conferencing for all staff (September 2012)

7 Complete an evaluation option analysis for a corporate financial's system (October 2012)



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May 2


Shropshire Council


Abbey Foregate




Further informationSTRATEGIC ICT CLIENT OFFICERNeil LangfordTel: +44(0) 1743 252235E-mail: [email protected]

STRATEGIC ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTGeorge EdwardsTel: +44(0) 1743 252115E-mail: [email protected]


ContactCORPORATE HEAD OF BUSINESS IMPROVEMENTWendy MarstonTel: +44(0) 1743 252004E-mail: [email protected]

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