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Page 1: Idioms, Vocabulary,IG

Idiom 1:

'Bun in the oven'

Explanation: be pregnant

E.g. I don't think Jan will come to the bar because she has a bun in the oven.

Idiom 2:

Page 2: Idioms, Vocabulary,IG

'Big cheese'

Explanation: very important person (VIP)

E.g. I thought I was just going to interview the secretary, but they let me talk to the big cheese himself.

Page 3: Idioms, Vocabulary,IG

Idiom 3:

'Bad egg'

Explanation: a person who is often in trouble

E.g. I don't want my little brother hanging around with the bad eggs on the street.

Page 4: Idioms, Vocabulary,IG

Idiom 4:

'Bread and butter'

Explanation: necessities, the main thing

E.g. Just explain the bread and butter of your report you don't have to go into details.

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Idiom 5:

'Bring home the bacon'

Explanation: earn the income

E.g. My husband has had to bring home the bacon ever since I broke my leg.

Page 6: Idioms, Vocabulary,IG

Idiom 6:

'Carrot top'

Explanation: person with red or orange hair

E.g. Simon is the first carrot top I've ever gone out with.

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Idiom 7:

'Cool as a cucumber'

Explanation: very relaxed

E.g. I thought I was afraid of flying, but I was cool as a cucumber all the way to England.

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Idiom 8:

'Cup of tea'

Explanation: something you enjoy (usually used negatively)

E.g. Opera isn't exactly my cup of tea.

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Idiom 9:

'Egg someone on'

Explanation: urge someone to do something

E.g. The gang tried to egg us on but we didn't want to fight.

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Idiom 10:

'Hard nut to crack'

Explanation: difficult to understand (often a person)

E.g. Angelo is a hard nut to crack when something is bothering him like this.

Page 11: Idioms, Vocabulary,IG

Idiom 11:

'Hot potato'

Explanation: a controversial or difficult subject

E.g. Choosing a location for our new store is a hot potato right now.

Page 12: Idioms, Vocabulary,IG

Idiom 12:

'Use your noodle'

Explanation: use your brain

E.g. You're going to have to really use your noodle on this crossword puzzle. It's an extra difficult one.

Page 13: Idioms, Vocabulary,IG

IdiomsMade by: Fatima Al-Zahraa Abdullah

Grade: 7-A

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