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IE Business School Application

Question: Describe a time when you took a great risk.

What was the outcome?

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When I was studying in university I decided to have an exchange

semester in Finland. It was a great risk for me, because it was my

first experience abroad and it was for six months.

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I come from a family that has never left Turkey and I was going to be the first one in my family to leave the country.

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All I knew about Finland was:

It was really cold during winter (sometimes -30 C)

It had a small population.

It was 2500 km away from where I live.

Nokia was a Finnish company.

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I was concerned about a lot of things: I didn’t know the language there.

I was going to share a flat with two strangers from different countries.

I didn’t know if I could handle the cold.

I had never traveled that far for that long.

I didn’t know anyone there before leaving.

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The Outcome:

I had the best six months of my life....

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I established lifelong connections and friendships from all around the world.

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One of my flatmates was Canadian. Therefore talking to him all day helped

me improve my English.

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I realized there is a whole other world that I can discover and have been travelling whenever I have had the opportunity ever since.

I have travelled to nine other countries such as Spain, Italy, Sweden and Russia since my Erasmus period.

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It made me more sensitive about other people’s beliefs, religion, thoughts and cultural differences.

It helped me get rid off stereotypes I had about other nationalities.

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I realized the things that my country is lacking that I hadn’t realized before such as sustainability and recycling.

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Last of all,

I realized how important it is to have an international career in today’s world.

It led me to my decision to persue my masters abroad.

After some research, I decided to apply to IE Business School in Madrid, considering it is one of the best business schools in Europe and it is in one of my favorite countries that I have visited during my trips.

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Thank you for your time and consideration.

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