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Page 1: IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, VOL. QE-21, NO. …...nonclassical light has been generated via resonance fluorescence, as confirmed by observations of its photon antibunching


Quantum Noise and Excess Noise in Optical Homodyne and Heterodyne Receivers


Abstract-A parallel development of the semiclassical and quantum statistics of multispatiotemporal mode diiect, homodyne, and hetero- dyne detection using an ideal (except for its subunity quantum effi- ciency) photon detector is presented. Particular emphasis is placed on the latter two coherent detection configurations. The primary in- tent is to delineate the semiclassical theory's regime of validity and to show, within this regime of validity, how the quantum theory's signal quantum noise, local oscillator quantum noise, the quantum noise incurred because of subuhity detector quantum efficiency, plus (for heterodyning only) image bafid quantum noise produce the quantita- tive equivalent of the semiclassical theory's local oscillator shot noise. The effects of classical fluctuations on the local oscillator, and the recently suggested dual-detector arrangement for suppressing these fluctuations, are treated. It is shown that previous studies of this ar- rangement have neglected a potentially significant noise contribution.


I" coherent optical detection [ l ] - [3], the optical field to be measured is combined on the surface of a photodetector

with the field of a strong local oscillator laser whose center fre- quency is offset by aa amount Av from that of the signal field. The detection scheme is referred to as optical homodyning if Av = 0, and optical heterodyning if Av = V I F > 0, with vIF being the intermediate frequency in the latter case. For both schemes, electrical filtering of the photocurrent is used to se- lect the beat frequency components in the vicinity of Av, yielding an output that contains a frequency translated replica of the signal field components that were coherent in space and time with the local oscillator field. Heterodyne detection is now widely employed in coherent C 0 2 laser radars 141, [SI, and is being vigorously researched for use with semiconductor injection lasers in fiber optics [6] - [8] and space communica- tions [9], [lo]. Perfomance analyses in these areas routinely employ the semiclassical statistical model for photodetectioil, which implies that the fluctuations observed in coherent opti- cal detection with signal and local oscillator fields of perfect amplitude and frequency stability comprise an additive white Gaussian noise, representing local oscillator shot noise.

It has long been known [l 11 that the semiclassical statistics for photodetection are quantum mechanically correct when the total field illuminating the detector is in a Glauber co- herent state or a classically random mixture of such states. Inasmuch as ordinary light sources, including lasers and light

Manuscript received June 13, 1984; revised October 15, 1984. This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research under Contract

The author is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139.


emitting diodes, obey this classical state condition, there is no need to abandon the semiclassical approach in the vast majority of photodetection sensitivity calculations. However, nonclassical light has been generated via resonance fluorescence, as confirmed by observations of its photon antibunching [ 121 and sub-Poissonian behavior [13] in direct detection. More- over, this is great theoretical interest in squeezed states (also called two-photon coherent states) [ 141 , [ 151 , which are non- classical states of considerable potential for optical communi- cations [ 161 - [ 191 and precision measurements [20] - [23] . For these states, the quantum theory of photodetection is es- sential, and coherent optical detection schemes are the most interesting.

In [18], Yuen and Shapiro developed the quantum descrip- tions of single-detector optical homodyne and heterodyne re- ceivers. They employed a quasimonochromatic approximation, and assumed a coherent state local osciliator, corresponding to perfect local oscillator amplitude and frequency stability. Within these limitations, complete statistics for multispatio- temporal mode detection are available from [ 181 . More re- cently [22j , the argument that photodetectors respond to photon flux rather than power [24] has been used to relax somewhat the quasimondchromatic approximation in [ 181 . As yet, this photodetector modeling issue is not fully resolved; we shall presume, in what follows, that the photon flux pic- ture is correct. Thus, were high-power highly stable local oscil-

'lator lasers available at all wavelengths of interest, the quantum photodetection theory of [ 181 would provide a sufficiently general foundation for all optical homodyne and heterodyne sensitivity calculations. Unfortunately, such is not the case.

Driven by heterodyne-detection problems arising from the excess noise of semiconductor injection lasers, as well as the quest for practical detection schemes for squeezed-state light, Yuen and Chan [25] proposed a dual-detector arrangement for coherent optical detection, akin to the balanced mixer concept of microwave technology [26], [27]. They gave a direct quantum analysis of single-mode dual-detector homo- dyning, showing that local oscillator quantum and excess noises can be balanced out, hence alleviating injection laser problems that would have plagued a single-detector system. In subsequent work by Chan and his collaborators, the basic dual-detector excess noise cancellation concept was demon- strated experimentally [28], and a variety of nonideal device effects (quantum efficiency mismatch, etc.) were analyzed us- ing semiclassical multitemporal mode techniques [29]. Also, Schumaker [30] has explicitly shown the dual-detector single- mode homodyne arrangement is better than single-detector

0018-9197/85/0300-0237$01.00 0 1985 IEEE

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homodyning for making nonclassical squeezed state observa- tions, as a result of its ability to cancel out local oscillator excess noise.

Because the quantum treatments in [25] and [30] are con- fined to single-mode situations, and the multimode results in [28] and [29] are in essence semiclassical, there is as yet no fully quantum treatment of multimode dual-detector coherent optical reception. This paper will develop such a model by generalizing the results of [18] . Simple explicit representa- tions for all of the relevant output terms in coherent optical detection with a strong but classically random local oscillator field will be derived. It will be seen that the previous dual- detector analyses [ 2 5 ] , [28] - [30] neglect excess-noise modu- lation of the signal and quantum noise terms, and the first of these modulation effects may significantly degrade output signal-to-noise ratio in some circumstances. Moreover, because of the calculational power afforded by [18], our rather gen- eral quantum results are more directly comparable with those of the multimode semiclassical theory than are the more limited results of [25] and [30] . Indeed, that comparison is the pri- mary purpose of this paper.

The paper’s core, Section 11, is a parallel development of the semiclassical and quantum statistics of multispatiotemporal mode direct, homodyne, and heterodyne detection using an ideal (except for its subunity quantum efficiency) photon de- tector. The formulation therein for the coherent optical de- tection schemes will assume perfectly stable local oscillators in the semiclassical models, and the corresponding coherent- state local oscillators in the quantum models. We use Section I1 to delineate the semiclassical theory’s regime of validity, and to show, within this regime, how the combination of the quan- tum theory’s signal quantum noise, local oscillator quantum noise, the quantum noise incurred because of subunity de- tector quantum efficiency, plus (for heterodyning only) image band quantum noise produce the quantitative equivalent ofthe semiclassical theory’s local oscillator shot noise. In Section I11 we address coherent optical detection with classically random local oscillators. The technique of iterated expectation is used to readily obtain both semiclassical and quantum results for this case. Single-detector and dual-detector systems are con- sidered, and our results are compared, in the case of dual- detector quantum homodyning to those of [25] and [30] . Finally, in Section IV we briefly discuss the implications of our work for squeezed-state generation experiments, which is the application that motivated our analysis.

11. SEMICLASSICAL VERSUS QUANTUM PHOTODETECTION The central element of all the photodetection configurations

we will consider is shown in Fig. 1. It is a surface photoemit- ter with active region X = (x, y ) E Qd in the z = 0 plane, illumi- nated by a quasimonochromatic (center frequency v o ) par- axial scalar electromagnetic wave from the half space z < 0 over an observation time interval t E 9: This detector is as- sumed to have a constant quantum efficiency 77 over the fre- quency band containing the illuminating field. The output of the detector is a scalar current density J ( 5 , t ) for X E &, t E 3. As will be described below, the field characterization we must employ for the illumination is either classical or quan-


Fig. 1. Geometry of an idealized surface photoemitter of active region ad

turn mechanical, according to whether semiclassical or quantum photodetection statistics are sought. Although we shall ne- glect internal time constant and noise effects, which are pres- ent in real detectors, our direct detection results will be ap- plicable to photomultiplier tubes (for whch the current gain permits interhal noise to be overcome) at postdetection band- widths up to the reciprocal anode response time of the tube. Furthermore, our results will be applicable to coherent optical detection systems using semiconductor photodiodes (for whch the mixing gain overcomes the internal noise) up to the post- detection bandwidth of the detector. No particular loss of generality is entailed by the use of scalar rather than vector fields, with the caveat that all the coherent optical detection work herein presumes that the actual signal and local oscil- lator fields are copolarized. Finally, by appropriate spatial in- tegrations, we can collapse our current density observation to photocurrent observations for a single detector or a multiple- detector array.

A. Direct Detection In direct detection, the electromagnetic field to be mea-

sured comprises the entire illumination, and the basic observa- tion quantity is the current density J(2, t).

Semiclassical Model: Let E(+)(%, t ) be the positive-frequency complex field (volts/meter units) associated with the classical scalar electric field incident on the detector, i.e., .E(+)@, t ) is the analytic signal of this electric field. Because of our quasi- monochromatic assumption, the Fourier transform’ of E(’)

&(+)(z, v) = Jdt E(+)(X, t ) ejznvt (1)

is nonzero only for 1 v - v, 1 S B, where the bandwidth B is much less than the center frequency v,. Because of our par- axial assumption, the short time average power density falling on the point X at time t is

I(X, t ) = (C€,/2) &)(X, t ) E(+)@, t) (2 )

where c is the speed of light, e, the permittivity of free space,

The convention we use for this Fourier transform is necessitated by the accepted quantum-optics definition for what constitutes a positive- frequency field.

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and E(-) (E(+))* is the negative-frequency complex field, with * denoting complex conjugate.

The standard semiclassical photodetection model [31], in our notation, presumes that J(?, t ) is a conditional space-time Poisson impulse train with rate function p(2, t ) = WZ(2, t)/e where e is the electron charge, and R is the detector's re- sponsivity (ampere/watt units) at the illumination's center fre- quency v,. This means that:

1) The current density, which is of the form

J(%, t ) = e&(% - 2,) 8 ( t - t,), (3) n

has shot effect noise, i.e., it consists of instantaneous emis- sions of an electron charge e at the random space-time points

2) Conditioned on knowledge of the rate function {/~(2, t): 2 E f i .d , f E T}, the number of photoemissions occurring within a spatial region 6" 2 Qd during a time interval 3' 5" is a Poisson random variable with mean value la 1 dx d t p(2, t).

3) Conditioned on knowledge of { / -~ (2 , t): 2 E ad, t E T), the photoemissions occurring in disjoint spatial regions d ' , 8" C Cld are statistically independent processes.

4 ) Conditioned on knowledge of (~(2, t): 2 E &, t E 3}, the photoemissions occurring in disjoint time intervals 'f', 5'' C 3 are statistically independent processes.

Even though the semiclassical theory of photodetection em- ploys classical fields, it is customary to recognize in this theory that light of frequency v is quantized into photons of energy hv, where h is Planck's constant. Thus, for the quasimono- chromatic case at hand, the responsivity is ordinarily written as W = eq/hv,, in terms of the detector's quantum efficiency q and the photon energy at the field's center frequency, so that p(%, t ) = VI(%, t)/hv,. In fact, because we believe that photodetectors respond, quantum mechanically, to photon- flux density rather than power density [ 2 4 ] , [ 2 2 ] , it is more proper to write

{(x,, t,): x, E ad, t , E 31.

p(2, t ) = qIph(2, t ) (4)

where Iph is the classical photon-flux density

Iph(f , 1) = E * ( f , t ) E(2, t ) (5)

obtained from the (photons/s)'i2/m units positive-frequency complex field

~ ( 3 , t ) = d v ( ~ c , / 2 h v ) ' / ~ &(+)(x, v) e- janvf . J (6) For all practical purposes in the semiclassical theory, with quasimonochromatic light we can use p(3, t ) = qZ(2, t) /hv, and p(2, t ) = qZph(.t, t ) interchangeably. This amounts to us- ing v = vo in the square-root term of (6), an approximation whose validity is guaranteed by (1). In the quantum theory, even with quasimonochromatic light, it is critical to employ the photon-flux density formulation, see [ 2 2 ] , although the photodetector modeling issue is not yet fully resolved, see

Quantum Model: In the quantum photodetection theory, the classical positive-frequency complex fieldAE(+)(2, t ) is re- placed by a positive-frequency field operator E(+)(%, t), whose

~ 3 1 .

quantum state is specified by a density operator p. The quasi- monochromatic and paraxial conditions of the semiclassical theory become conditions on the density opelfator, namely, that the excited (nonvacuum state) modes of E(+)@, t ) lie at frequencies within B of Y, and propagate at small angles to the z axis. As in [ 171, [ 181 , and [ 2 2 ] , we shall regard the current density J ( 2 , t ) as a classical quantity, corresponding to the macroscopic output2 of the quantum mea>urement per- formed by the detector of Fig. 1 on the field E(+)(i , t). To provide an explicit representation of this quantum measure- ment, we must first develop the quantum effective photon- flux density.

Let us convert I!?(+)(?, t ) to a photon-units field operator by defining [cf. (l), (6)]

(+)(2, = g(+)(%, t ) ej2nvt (7)


I!?@, t ) = d v ( ~ e , / 2 h v ) ~ / ~ c(+)(x, u) e-j2nvt. I (8) Equation (8) defines the same basic field operator used in [ 161 - [ 181 and [22] . We can make a modal expansion

E(%, t ) = c?,&(2, t), x E @d, t E 'f (9) n

of this operator, where {ah,} are modal annihilation operators satisfying the commutation rules


[a,, a,] =O, [a,, a,] = 6 n m , A A T

(1 0)

and { in} are a complete orthonormal set of classical functions over 2 E Qd, t E 3. In (lo), the {c?:} are the adjoints of the { &}; they are modal creation operators.

For a detector of subunity quantum efficiency we must ad- join to (9) a fictitious field

Eva& t ) = C^,En(ji', t ) , x E a d , t E 9 (1 1) n

where {&> are modal annihilation operators that commute with I ; , } and {a ,f}, viz.

[e,, c,] = [?,, a ^ , ] = [F,, = o [ ?,, 2&] = &,,. (1 2 )


The fields L!? and Eva, are quantum-mechanically independent, with the latter having all its modes in the vacuum state. In terms of E and E,,,, the effective photon-flux density op- erator for the detecto; is


?&(2, t ) = I!?'t(Z, t ) I!? '(2' t), (13)


E'(2, t ) +22(2, t ) .t (1 - q)1'22&, t). (1 4)

The representation theorem of quantum photodetection

*For a photomultiplier tube, the internal current gain amplifies the current we are analyzing by a sufficient amount to warrant its treat- ment as a classical entity. In the coherent optical detection cases that follow, the mixing gain produced by the strong local oscillator has a similar effect; see [ 2 2 ] .

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[ 18, Theorem 11 can now be stated (in our notation) as fol- lows. The classical current density J(2, t ) obtained from pho- toemissive detection measures the quantum operator

?(z, t ) = erdh(2, t ) , (1 5 )

i.e., it is proportional to the effective photon-flux density. In somewhat more detail this means (cf. the semiclassical case) that the following hold true:


1) The current density obeys

J ( 2 , C) = e6 (2 - Z n ) 6 (t - tn), (16) n

so it is still a collection of instantaneous emissions of an elec- tron charge at random space-time points ( (Zn , tn)) .

2) If S(J(2, t)) is an arbitrary functional of the current density, then the classical average of this randompariable (S(J(2 , t ) ) ) equals the quantum average tr(p’Y(J(2, t))), where t r denotes :race a,nd p’ = p @ pvac gives the joint den- sity oEerator for E and E,,, in terms of the density operator p for, E and the vacuum-state pvac = @ 10)(01 density operator for Eva, .

Not: that we cannot dispense with the vacuum state field Evac unless q = 1, even though its average value obeys tr(pvac&,c(2, t)) = 0 regardless of the value of 1). This is because tke zero-point fluctuations (vacuum-state quantum noise) in Eva, can contribute to S(J(2, t)). Indeed the noise in J(2, t ) has nothing to do with the shot effect associated with the discreteness of, the electron charge. Rather, it is the quantum noise in E ‘ being observed through measure- ment of the effective photon-flux density.

Comparison: Let us suppose that the density operator for E is a classical state,3 i.e.,



p = d2crP(a; 2 ) Icy)(aI

qLy, = a n / @ (1 8)

J (1 7)


Cefining the multimode Glauber coherent states of the field E in terms of the modal expansion (9), and P(0 ; a*) be- ing a classical probability density function P(a; a”) > 0, j d 2 a P ( a ; a*) = 1. It was shown in [18] that this is a suf- ficient condition for the semiclassical statistics to be quantita- tively ~ o r r e c t . ~ In particular, under this condition the quantum model predicts that J(2, t ) is a conditional space-time Poisson

3A classical state is either a Glauber coherent state or a classically random mixture of such states. In either case, the density operator p has a proper P-representation (17). The terminology arises, see below, because a classical state p gives rise to the same statistics in quantum photodetection theory as found for a classical field in semiclassical photodetection theory.

41nterestingly, there are nonclassical field states for which the condi- tional Poisson model is valid. In particular, a first-order coherent field in a generalized coherent state [32] , [33] or any classically random mixture of such states yields this photocounting behavior. Because first-order coherent fields are necessarily single mode [ 321, the above example follows from the fact that the single-mode photon counting probability distribution (27) does not fully determine the density op- erator p 1 for that mode, and tn lp l [n ) for a generalized coherent state is a Poisson distribution.

impulse train with conditional rate function

P(2, t) = r7G*(Z, t ) G(2, t ) (19)

&(2, tJ =” antn(%, t)’ ((Up(%, t)l a),

for A

(20) n

the average field illuminating the detector given the state of 2 is the multimode coherent state 1 a).

To illustrate the above behavior, let us examine the statistics of the observed photon count’

assuming single-mode illumination, and q = 1. In the semi- classical theory we shall take

E(2, t) = [ c ~ ( & T ) ~ ’ ~ ] e-i2wot , Z E Q d , t E S (22)

where a is a complex-valued random variable with probability density -function p(a), A d is the area of Qd, and Tis the dura- tion of 3. We then obtain Mandel’s rule [34] for the prob- ability distribution of N

Pr [ N = n ] = d 2 cup(&) (lal”/nn!) exp (- l a / 2 ) , (23) s viz. N is a conditionally Poisson random variable. Equation (23) gives the mean and variance of the observed photocount to be

a p ( a ) 1a12 = ( l a ] 2 ) (24)


var ( N ) = ( N ) t var (la.j2), (25)

respectively, where the first term on the right in (25) repre- sents shot noise and the second term on the right in (25) repre- sents excess noise.

be t,he only excited mode in (9), so that the density operator for E is

In the quantum theory we let t i (2, t ) = ( A d T ) - 1 / 2 e - jZnv, t

for p 1 the density operator of mode 1. We then find for the probability distribution of N [ 111 , [ 171

Pr [N= n] = ( n l p l l n ) (27)


a^$a^l(n)=nln) (2 8)

defines the photon number states of the first mode of 2. If

5Because our idealized detector model neglects internal noise sources (dark current shot noise, thermal noise, etc.), N from (21) corresponds to the output of a pulse-discriminator/counter applied to the output current Sa dZ J(Z, t ) . In other words, (21) models the output of an ideal (unity quantum efficiency) photomultiplier-tube/pulse-counter setup.


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p1 is the classical state

p 1 = Jd2 crp(cr) la)(crl (29)

with p ( a ) being the probability density from the semiclassical theory [cf. (17)], then (27) reduces to (23) asexpected. Thus, in this case the semiclassical theory is quantitatively correct in its prediction of the photon counting probability distribution. It is nevertheless physically incorrect, in that it ascribes the photon counting fluctuations to shot noise, whereas they are actually a manifestation of the illumination field’s quantum noise. For example, were p1 = 1 kXkl where Ik) is the k-photon number state (a nonclassical state), then we would get

Pr [ N = n] = 6nk (30)

from (27), whence

( N ) = k (3 1)


var ( N ) = 0 (32)

for the photon count mean and variance. Here the field state is an eigenket of our observation operator, so there is no un- certainty in the measurement outcome. This sub-Poissonian behavior cannot be obtained from the semiclassical theory, be- cause for all p(a) the excess noise term in (25) will be non- negative, forcing var ( N ) 2 ( N ) to prevail.

B. Homodyne Detection The configuration we shall consider for single-detector multi-

spatiotemporal mode homodyne detection is shown in Fig. 2. The signal field to be detected is combined, through a lossless beam splitter of intensity transmission E , with a perfectly sta- ble local oscillator field on the surface of the Fig. 1 photo- detector. The resulting current density, Jhom(jE, t), is our homodyne detection output, whose statistics we shall charac- terize below. By spatial integration of our results over the de- tector’s active region @,, we can use our model to describe single-detector homodyning; the extension to dual-detector homodyning will be made in Section 111.

Semiclassical Model: The total classical photon-units com- plex field incident on the photodetector is given by6

E(,?, t ) = €1/2Es(X, t ) + (1 - E)’/ZELO(X, t ) (3 3)

for X E ad, t E 3, in terms of a (potentially random) weak sig- nal field Es(X, t), and a deterministic strong local oscillator field ELo(X, t). The latter has a classical photon-flux density

IphLO(%, t) = E:O(X$ t> ELO(X, t) (3 4) that greatly exceeds that of the former

IphS(%, t > = E i ( z , t)E,S(X, t) (3 5) for X E ad, t E 5. Thus, the rate function driving the photo-

6 0 ~ r choice for the beam splitter transformation agrees with that employed in [ 181, and implies that the field leaving the other port of this optical element is -(1 - Es(2, t ) + d lz E L O ( ~ , t ) . Other beam splitter relations (see, e.g., [ 2 5 ) and [ 301 ) are equivalent to ours after redefinition of the input and output planes.


FIELD frequency c

Fig. 2. Configuration for optical homodyne detection.

detector is, from (4), ( 9 , (33)-(35), approximately

w ( X , t ) = q [ ( l - e))phLO(X,f)+2[E(1-

. Re (E, @,t> - G O ( % > t>>l . (3 6 )

It then follows, from the Central Limit Theorem for high density shot noise [35], [36], that at very large values of the local oscillator classical photon number

NphLO =l, d% dt1phLO(2, t , (3 7)

the homodyne detection current. density .Tho,(%, t ) is a condi- tional Gaussian process. Specifically, conditioned on knowl- edge of the signal field {Es(X, t): X E ad, t E 3},Jhom(~, t ) is the sum of three current densities:

1) a homodyne-mixing current density signal term 2 q [e( 1 - €11 112 Re (E,y(%, f) E&(%, t)),

2) a direct-detection local oscillator bias current density ‘V(1 - E ) IphLo(2, t), and

3) a local oscillator shot noise current density, which is a zero-mean spatiotemporal nonstationary white Gaussian noise process Jshot(X, t ) with covariance function

In order to connect the preceding multispatiotemporal mode formulation with more familiar single-detector multitemporal mode results, let us consider the statistics of the single-detector homodyne photocurrent

(3 9)

assuming that

corresponding to a normally-incident plane ‘wave local oscil- lator of power PLo. Here we find that, conditioned on knowl- edge of the signal field, ihom(t) comprises a signal current

isig(t) = 2ev [PLOe(l - e))/hv,A,] ’’’

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plus a zero-mean stationary white Gaussian shot-noise current ishot(t) with spectral density eibias (A' /Hz).

The signal current is a frequency-translated (to baseband) replica of the normally-incident plane wave component of Es(Z, t ) that is in phase with the local oscillator field. The bias current is the zero-frequency photocurrent produced by the local oscillator field. The noise current is the local- oscillator shot noise, whose spectrum follows the well-known Schottky formula [37].

Quantum Model: In the quantum model, (33) becomes an operator-valued expression

E(?, t ) = E%&, t ) + (1 - f )WL0(2 , t ) (43)

giving the field operator that drives the detector in terms of the signal field operator Es and the @a1 oscillator field operator gLo. The density operator p for E is assumed to be

P =Ps c3) PLO (44)

where p s is an arbitrary signal field density operator and pLo = / ~ y ~ ~ ) ( a ~ ~ I is a multimode coherent state local oscillator density operator. The latter corresponds to a mean local os- cillator field

& L o ( 2 , t ) ~ ( a L O ~ E ~ O ( ~ r t ) l a L O )

= "LO nE&, t) (4 5) n

whe: EL0 is expanded using the mode set { E n } as was done for E in (9). The strong local oscillator condition of the quan- tum theory,


tr (Ps&, t?&2, r>> << /&LO(% t)I2, (46)

is assumed to prevail [cf. (34) and (35)], with a very large average local oscillator photon number

NLO l- d2JT d t 1 &LO(%, t)12 >> 1 (47)

[cf. (37)] . To obtain the effective photon-flu? density operator mea-

sured by the detector we adjoin to E from (43) a quan%m- mechanically independent vacuum-state field operator Evac; see (1 1)-(14). We can now give a fully quantum characteriza- tion of the classical homodyne current density Jhom(2, t), by translating the results of [ lS , Theorem 21 into our notation. The strong local oscillator condition implies that this classical current density measures the quantum operator

Jhom(5, t> = w ( 1 - E ) ~Jo(2, t ) ZLo(2, t> A A

+ 2e [ ~ ( l - E ) ] '1' Re { [ (q~) ' /~ Es(2, t )

+ (1 - Q ) ~ / ~ &,,(2, t)] . EJo(Z, f)). (48)

Moreover, because NLo >> 1, the local osc$ator direct de- tection term in (48), eq(1 - e) ELO(.X, t ) ELo(%, t), yields classical observation values comprising a bias current density eq(1 - E) l & L o ( ~ , t)I2 plus a local oscillator quantum noise current density, which is a zero-mean spatiotemporal nonsta- tionary white Gaussian noise process JLo q(2, t ) with covari-

"t -

ance function

( J L o 4 ( ~ 1 ' f l ) J L O q ( ~ z , t z ) )

= [ d l - E)]' I&LOG1,t1)j2 6(21 - 22)6( t l - t 2 ) .


Furthermore, under this same ~ o n d i t i o n , ~ the second term on the right in (48) simplifies ,to a homodyne-mixing signal operator 2eq [e(l - E)] ' i 2 Re (Es(2, t ) &Eo(%, t ) ) plus a sub- unity quantum efficiency (q < 1) quantum-noise current den- sity. The latter current density is a zero-mean spatiotemporal nonstationary white Gaussian noise process Jvac(2, t ) with co- variance function

(Jvac(217 t l ) J v a c ( Z ~ ? t2 ) )

= e2v(1 - Q) (1 - E ) /GLO(Zl , t d l 2

. 6(2, - 2 2 ) 6 ( t , - t 2 ) ; (50)

Jvac is statistically independent of JLoq. Thus, the classical homodyne current density Jhom(2, t ) measures the operator

&om(z, t ) = er)(l - E ) 1 &LO(%, t)\' +JLO q(y, t )

+ 2 e q [ ~ ( 1 - E)]'/' Re (ss(2, t)&zO(2, t ) )

+ J",, (2,t). (5 1)

The first term on the right side in ( 5 1 ) is the local oscillator bias current density, the second term is the classical representa- tion of the, loczl oscillator's quantum noise contributed by the eq(1 - E ) EzoELO measurement, and the last term is the clas- sical representation of the 17 < 1 quAantum noise contributed by the 2e[q (1 - q) (1 - e)]'" Re (Eva&, t ) &Eo(%, t)) mea- surement. The signal field contribution to Jhom(Z, t ) cannot be simplified further without knowledge of the density op- erator ps. In general, this term will contribute signal field quantum noise to the homodyne observation, as will be seen below.

Comparisolz: To facilitate comparison of the semiclassical and the quantum theories of homodyning, we shall restrict our consideration to the single detector case. First, we need the quantum characterization of the homodyne photocurrent (39), which can be obtained by spatial integration of the re- sults just presented. We assume a normally-incident plane wave mean local oscillator field


ELO(2, t ) = (PLo/huoAd)1i2 e -jznu, t > (52)

and we find that ihom (t) measures the operator A

ihom(t) = jbias + iLO q ( [ )

+ 2 e q [ ~ , ~ ~ ( 1 - E ) / ~ L J , A ~ ] ~ / ~

. Re (id d2 gs(2, t ) eizmo 9 + iv,(t). (53)

7 A critical aspect of the strong local oscillator condition acting through the measurement operator (48) is that the mean local oscil- lator field and its quantum noise both contributc to Jhom through the direct detection term, but only the mean local oscillator field (not its quantum noise) contributes to Jhom through the mixing term.

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Here, ibias is given by (42), and iLoq and i,,, are statistically independent zero-mean stationary white Gaussian noise pro- cesses with spectral densities er)(l - e) ibias and e(l - p) ibias, respectively.

physically, ibias is the local oscillator bias current, iLoq is the local oscillator quantum-noise current, and i,,, is the r) < 1 quantum-noise current. Equation (53) differs from the semi- classical description in two respects: the homzdyne-mixing signal term involves the quantum field operator Es rather than the classical field Es; the noise in the homodyne observation is a combination of local oscillator quantum noise, r) < 1 quan- tum noise, and signal quantum noise, rather than simply being local oscillator shot noise. We know, from the direct detection discussion, that the semiclassical photodetection model $ quantitatively correct if the density operator p for the field E illuminating the detector represents a classical state. This situation occurs, under (44)-(47), if ps, the signal field density operator, is a classical state

ps = p a s Ps(as; &) /as)((YsI (54)

for (as ) thepultimode signal field coherent state in modal ex- pansion of Es similar to (9), with Ps being a classical prob- ability density. When (54) applies, the homodyne-mixing sig- nal term in (53) can beAgven a classicd representation akin to that employed for the E,,, mixing term in going from (48) to (51). In particular, for a classical signal field state, the quan- tum theory of homodyning predicts that

ihom(t) = ibias t iLOq(t) t 2eq [PLO ~ ( 1 - E ) / ~ v , A ~ ]

. Re (id d3 Gs(2, t ) e j 2 nuo t ) + isq(t) f iV&)

(5 5 ) where

E s ( 2 , t)=(as/&(2, t)ICrs) (56)

is the classical mean signal field when the state of 2s is 1 as), and isq(t) is a zero-mean stationary white Gaussian noise cur- rent of spectral density er)eibias that is statistically indepen- dent of iLoq and ivac. The classical field &s is, in general, a random process with probability density PS (as; a:) in modal expansion form. The current isq(t) is the classical representa- tion of the coherent state signal field quantum noise as ob- served through the measurement operator (53 ) . Note that

i’(t) E iLo q(t) t isq(t) + iVac(t) (57)

is a zero-mean stationary white Gaussian noise process of spec- tral density eibias, in quantitative agreement with the semi- classical ishot(t) result. Of course, the interpretation of the origin of the noise in homodyning is different in these two theories. Local oscillator shot noise is a semiclassical fiction; the noise seen in homodyne detection (with an ideal local os- cillator) is local oscillator quantum noise, plus r ) < 1 quantum noise, plus signal quantum noise. Moreover, when r ) -+ 1, the subunity quantum efficiency noise vanishes, and if, in addi-



FIELD frequtncy vo

Fig. 3. Configuration for optical heterodyne detection.

tion, E -+ 1 with (1 - e)NLO >> 1, the local-osciliator quan- tum noise also disappears. In this limit, homodynlng gives a direct quantum measurement of the signal field component that is coherent in space and in phase with the local oscillator [ 181 . It is this characteristic that makes homodyning attrac- tive for squeezed state applications [ 161 - [ 191 .

C. Heterodyne Detection

The configuration for single-detector multispatiotemporal mode heterodyne detection, shown in Fig. 3, mimics that em- ployed for homodyne detection. The only differences are that the signal field is centered at frequency v, t V I F , the local os- cillator is centered at frequency vo, and passband filtering of the current density is used to select beat frequency compo- nents in the vicinity of the IF frequency v I F ( v I F T >> 1 will be assumed). The bandwidth B of the signal field will be taken to be much less than vlF, and we shall concern ourselves with characterizing the statistics of the current density Jhe t (2 , t). The results we need are easily developed by injecting the fre- quency offset vIF into the preceding homodyne work.

Semiclassical Model: In (33) let us make the frequency offset of the signal field explicit by writing

where Fs is a baseband complex signal field of bandwidth B. The results following (37) now provide the semiclassical statis- tics for heterodyning, namely, conditioned on knowledge of the baseband signal field

Jhet(2, t ) is the sum of three current densities: 1) a heterodyne-mixing current density signal term

2) a direct-detection local oscillator bias current density

3 ) a local oscillator shot noise current density Jshot(%, t )

The single-detector heterodyne photocurrent

e V ( 1 - €1 IphLo(5 , t) , and

characterized by (38).

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assuming ELo is given by (40), then comprises a signal current

isig(t) = 2eq [PLO e(1 - e)//zv,~,1 ‘ i 2

plus a bias current ibias from (42), plus a zero-mean stationary white Gaussian process shot-noise current ishot(t) with spectral density eibias.

The heterodyne current (59) is thus a frequency translated (from v, + vIF to vIF) version of the normally incident plane wave component of E, plus the usud bias and shot noise terms. Because of the frequency offset vIF between the signal and the local oscillator fields, both the in-phase and quadra- ture (relative to the local oscillator) components of the signal field contribute to the output observations.

Quantum Model: Here we suppoze that the only nonvacuum state modes of the field operator ES lie within a bandwidth B of the frequency v, + vIF. However, because of zero-point fluctuations, the quantum version of (58) is


Es(2, t )= Fs(2, t ) e - j2n (u0+v~~) f

+SI(?, t ) e -~~IT(u , -u IF )~ (6 1)

where Fs and SI are baseband complex signal and image field operators. Physically, the image band, being vIF Hz below the local oscillator’s frequency, contributes quantum noise to Jhet evenyhen it is unexcited [18], [22]. We shall assume that fis and FI are quantum-mechanically independent, with the latter having all its modes in the vacuum state.8 We now find, from the quantum homodyning work, that Jhet(j?, t ) measures the operator

?het(-f> t ) = eq(l - €1 I &LO(%, t > 1 2 fJLO q@, t)

+ 2ev[e(1 - Re (fis(Z, t )

. e

t 2eq[e(l - e)]’/’ Re (FI(2, t )

. e &LO@, t>l fJvac(2, t> (62)

where GL0, J L o q , and J,,, a,re as given in (51). We can use the vacuum-state nature of FI to obtain the classical repre-. sentation

-i2n(uo+vIF)t * &LO(?, t ) )

- j2n (v0-v~~) t *

2eq [ ~ ( l - Re (fir(2, t ) e-i2n(uo-u1F)t &L0(2, * t))

= JIq (2, t)/2”2 (63)

where JIq is a zero-mean nonstationary white Gaussian classi- cal process corresponding to the image-band quantum noise, with covariance function

(JIq(% > t l ) Jrq(22 3 t 2 ) )

= ( e q 1 2 €(I - e) ( E L O ( ~ ? ~ , ~ ~ ) ( ~ ~ ( F I - 2 2 ) 6 ( t l - t 2 ) .


Thus, the quantum description of the single-detector hetero-

8Very interesting noise reductions can accrue when the signal and image bands are quantum-mechanically dependent [ 221.

dyne photocurrent ihet(t) from (59) is that it measures the operator


ihet(t) = ibias + iLoq( t ) + + ivac(t>

+ 2eq [PLoe(l - e)/hvoAd] V 2

where ibias, iLoq, and ivac(t) are as in (53) and iIq(t) is a zero mean white Gaussian noise process (the classical representation of image-band quantum noise) of spectral height eqzibias.

Comparison: Suppose the density operator for Fs is a clas- sical state, i.e., its density operator pFs obeysg

PFs = d2ffs P F s ( f f S ; f f $ ) Iff$)(ffS/ I (66)

where PFs is a classical probability density, and /as) is the multimode Glauber coherent state for the modal expansion


with 2; denoting summation over modes tn lieing within bandwidth B of frequency uo,+ vIF. Here we can obtain a classical representation of the Fs term in (65) which reduces the quantum description of the heterodyne photocurrent to

ihet(t) = ibias + i L 0 q( t ) iIq(t)/21’2 + ivac(f)

+ 2eq [ P ~ ~ E ( I - e ) /hv ,~ , ] 1/2

where the total noise current, iLoq t iIq/2112 + i ~ ~ / 2 ’ / ~ + i,,, is a zero-mean white Gaussian process with spectral density eibias, in quantitative agreement with the semiclassical theory, and


Ss(2, t ) fbs IF,y( i l - , t)/a,y) (69)

is the classical baseband signal field envelope Fs azsociates with the coherent state ]as>. Note that half of the Es quan- tum nolse entering ihet comes through the signal field op- erator Fs,and the other half comes through the image field operator Fr.I0


In this section we shall extend the results of Section I1 for coherent optical reception to include classical excess noise on the local oscillator field and dual-detector operation. It is

gBecause the heterodyne-detection probability density is the normally- ordered form of the density operator [ 181, which fully determines the density operator [ 141, the only signal-field states for which semiclas- sical heterodyne statistics are valid are the classical states. ,,

‘OBecause the in-phase and quadrature components of Fs are non- commuting observables, the image band noise enters into heterodyning in order to enforce the Heisenberg uncertainty principle on ideal simul- taneous observations of these incompatible quantities (see [38\ and [391).

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DETECTOR 2 J2(i,t)



Fig. 4. Configuration for dual-detector coherent optical detection.

convenient to begin with a presentation of dual-detector re- sults in the absence of excess noise.

A . Dual-Detector Coherent Optical Reception Suppose the homodynelheterodyne configurations of Figs. 2

and 3 are augmented by the use of another quantum efficiency r ) detector on the previously unused output port of their beam splitters; see Fig. 4. We take the classical output field for this port to be

E(?, t ) = -(1 - €)1'2 ES(3 , t ) t C"2EL0(2, t ) (70)

in the semiclassical model, and use the corresponding operator- valued expression in the quantum model. Rather than treat the full multispatiotemporal mode situation, we shall restrict our attention to the photocurrents i l ( t ) and i2 ( t ) obtained by spatial integration of the current densities J1 (2, t) and J2 (2, t ) produced by detectors 1 and 2. We shall assume a perfectly stable (i.e., deterministic) classical local oscillator field

ELOG, t ) = F L O G , t ) e - j2nvOt

(7 1)

with baseband complex envelope F L O in the semiclassical model, and a Glauber coherent state quantum local oscillator with mean field

tr ( P L O E L O ( ~ , t)> = ?LO@, t> e -jznv,t

(72) with baseband complex envelope 3L0 in the quantum model. Under these conditions the results of Section I1 can be used to show that the following statistics apply.

Homodyne Detection: In homodyning, the signal field is centered on Y,, so, because of (71) and (72), it is convenient to introduce baseband signal complex envelopes via

ES(2, t ) = FS(2, t ) e - i2 nv, t (73)


for the semiclassical and quantum cases, respectively. Now we have, semiclassically, that

and r

- 2er) [e(l - E ) ] ' I 2 Re d2 FS@, t ) FzO(%, ('@d

for the homodyne photocurrents, where n,hot ( t ) and nShot2(t) are statistically independent identically distributed zero-mean stationary white Gaussian noise processes of unity spectral density. Equations (75) and (76) have the usual bias plus mix- ing signal plus local-oscillator shot noise interpretation. Note that the beam 'splitter phase shift between the output ports forces the mixing signals to be 180" out of phase. Also, the independence of the local-oscillator shot noises follows be- cause they are generated from deterministic illumination of two different detectors.

For the quantum case, we have that i , ( t ) and i2 (t) measure the operators



where nLoq( t ) , nvacl (t) , nvac2(t) are statistically independent identically distributed zero-mean stationary unity-spectrum Gaussian processes. The familiar bias plus quantum mixing signal plus local-oscillator quantum noise plus r) < 1 quantum noise interpretation applies to (77) and (78). As in the semi- classical model, the mixing term appears 180" out of phase in

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the two photocurrents. No such phase shift appears on the rzLoq term, as this noise arises out of the direct detection of E L O . Indeed, except for scale factors, the local-oscillator quantum noise contributions to il ( t ) and i2 ( t ) are completely correlated. The q < 1 quantum noises are, on the other hand, statistically independent because they arise from different de- tectors. Finally, when the signal field is in a classical state these quantum results can be shown to be in quantitative agreement with the foregoing semiclassical formulas.

Heterodyne Detection: For heterodyning we use (58), rather than (73), to introduce a baseband signal complex envelope for the semiclassical analysis. We then find that


+ 2eq [e(1 - e)] 'j2 Re ( L d "



i2 ( t )= e q e d% l F ~ o ( 2 , t)12

- 2eq [e(1 - e ) ] 'I2 Re ( I d dz

with interpretations as given following (75) and (76). In the quantum case we use (61) instead of (74) and obtain the mea- surement operators

1 1 1 2

for detector 1 and

- 2 e q [ e ( l - E ) ] ~ / ~ Re ( idd2

for detector 2. In (81) and (82) the interpretations and com- ments following (77) and (78) are applicable. The noise nlq(t), which represents image-band quantum noise, is another zero- mean stationary unity-spectrum white Gaussian process. It is statistically independent of nLo ,(t) and nVacj(t) for j = 1, 2, and appears with a sign reversalAin ?l and i2 because it arises from the mixing term involving FI.


B. Local-Oscillator Excess Noise The extension of the results of Section 111-A to incorporate

classical excess noise on the local oscillator is extraordinarily simple, because of the form the preceding results have been cast in. Specifically, for the semiclassical theory we need only make the baseband local oscillator complex envelope FLO in (71) a complex-valued random process with known statistics, Then the homodyne and heterodyne results of the semiclassi- cal theory, namely (75), (76) and (79), (80), respectively, be- come conditional statistics assuming FLO is known." Uncon- ditional statistics follow, via iterated expectation [ 3 8 ] , from averaging over the local oscillator fluctuations, as will be illus- trated below. In a similar manner, classical local-oscillator ex- cess noise can be injected into the quantum model by making pLo a classical-state density operator for which SLo, the aver-

'' Implicit in this conditioning statement is the fact that the local os- cillator must, with very high probability, remain sufficiently strong to ensure the validity of the Section I1 theory. Also note that the signal field statistics may depend on the value of the local oscillator field, such as occurs in a laboratory experiment when the same laser is used to obtain both the signal and local oscillator beams (see Section IV).

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age baseband local-oscillator complex envelope given the local oscillator is known to be in the multimode coherent state /aLo ), is a complex-valued classical random process. The quan- tum homodyne and heterodyne results, (77), (78), and @I), @2), respectively, are now conditional characterizations given 9 ~ 0 . Unconditional statistics are again obtained by averaging over the local oscillator fluctuations.12

To illustrate our excess noise results, and compare them with relevant prior work [25] , [28] - [30] , we shall consider a sin- gle spatial mode/multitemporal mode local oscillator, for which FLo in the semiclassical theory and gLO in the quantum the- ory are both of the form (PLo(t)/hvoAd)1/2 exp (-j@Lo(t)), where PLo(t) and GLO(t) are classical random power and phase fluctuations. For convenience, we shall assume that these fluctuations are the polar decomposition of a stationary complex-Gaussian random process. We shall also assume that the signal field, in both the semiclassical and quantum pictures, is statistically independent of the local oscillator. Finally, we shall limit our consideration to the differenced output currents i l ( t ) - iz(t).

Homodyne Detection: Under the preceding conditions we have the semiclassical result

i, ( t ) - i z ( 0

= eq(1 - 2 ~ ) P ~ ~ ( t ) / h v ,

t 4eq [ € ( I - E) ~ L o ( t ) / h v , ~ , ]

and the quantum result

f ev(1 - 2E) (PLO(~)/hV,)'/f U L O q ( 9

+ e [ v ( l - d ( 1 - E)PLo(~) /%l ' /2 Hvacl(f)

- e [ ~ ( 1 - 77) ~ ~ L o ( t ) / h v o I l i 2 nvacZ(t). (84)

In both (83) and (84), the first term on the right equals a mean bias current eq(1 - 2 ~ ) (PLo(t))/h v, plus a local oscil- lator power-fluctuation excess noise eq(1 - 2 ~ ) (PLO(t) - ( P ~ ~ ( t ) ) ) / h v , . Both of these are exactly nulled when the beam splitter is 50/50, i.e., when E = $. The second term on the right in (83) and (84) is the homodyne-mixing signal cur-

12The local oscillator fluctuations must not be such as to invalidate the Section I1 theory for any state IaLO) that occurs with appreciable probability. Also, the signal state (density operator) may depend on the value of the local oscillator field, if, for example, both beams origi- nate from the same laser (see Section IV).

rent; local oscillator randomness both amplitude and phase modulates this term. The remaining terms in the semiclassical result (83) are the shot noises, now modulated by local oscil- lator power fluctuations. The remaining terms in the quantum result are the local oscillator quantum noise and the < 1 quantum noises; these too are modulated by the local oscil- lator power fluctuations. Note that when E = the local oscil- lator quantum noise contribution vanishes.

Let us further specialize the*quantum results by supposing that the only excited mode of Fs is the monochromatic plane- wave pulse (& T)-'i2 for X E &, t E Y, and that . s is the annihilation operator for this mode. Matched filtering of the differenced output currents then yields a measurement of


e-1 J [y1(t> - ~ ~ ( t ) ] d t , (85)

where normalization by the electron charge has been used, for convenience, to make the observation values dimensionless. We assume that the mean function and covariance function of the stationary complex-Gaussian local-oscillator random process

Y (0 = (PLO(t)/h W w 2 exp ( - j@LO(o) (86)

my = [(I - y) ( N L O ) / A d T ] l ' z (87)

Kyy(7) = (7 ( N L O )/Ad T ) k(7), (88)



respectively, where (NLo) is the average number of local oscil- lator photons present over 8d . 3, y'I2 is the fractional root- mean-square (rms) local oscillator amplitude fluctuation level, and k(7) is a real-valued normalized covariance (k(0) = 1). It then follows that

Cfi)= q ( 1 - 2 € ) ( N L O )

t 4q [ € ( I - E ) (1 - 7) ( N L O )] 1'2 (89)


( d 2 ) = q ( l - q) ( N L O ) f q2(1 - 2E)2 (N,o )

f 16v2€(l - E ) (1 - 7) ( N L o ) (Aa^jl)


f [q(1 - 2E) (NL0) /T] 2 J d7

. 2 ( . ^ s 1 ) J T d T k ( T ) ( T - -T 1.1)

. y ( N L 0 ) [T2 + 2<a&4: d7 k(7) ( T - 1.4


. [Y2k2(T)+2Y(1 - r)k(7)1 0- 171)

+ ( 2 q / ~ ) ~ (1 - 2e) y [€(I - E ) ( ~ ~ ~ ) ~ ( 1 - y)] l l 2

f (277/T)2 E(l - E)


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give the mean and variance of the M measurement from which a signal-to-noise ratio

SNRh d h 2 / ( A k 2 > (9 1)

may be calculated. In (89), the first term is the average local oscillator bias current contribution, and the second term is the average signal field mixing term contribution, where . Sl = (& -t {&/2 for 2s the annihilation operator of the sole ex- cited Fs mode. In (90), the first term is due to the q < 1 noises nvacl and nvac2, the second term is due to the local os- cillator quantum noise nLo 4 , the third term is the signal field quantum noise, the fourth term is due to the local-oscillator power fluctuations, and the last terms are due to the random modulation of the mixing current by the local oscillator fluctuations.

The previous dual-detector homodyne studies of Yuen and Chan [25] and Schumaker [30] assume E = i, (1 - y) . (NLO) >> 1, and a slowly fluctuating local oscillator (corre- sponding, in our case, to k(7) e 1 for 1 7 - 1 < T) . In this limit both prior studies find (in our notation)


whereas we obtain


- - (. SI >2

(Agi1) + (1 - q)/4q(l - 7) -t y(1 + 2GJ&>)/4(1 - y)'


For small fractional rms local-oscillator amplitude fluctua- tions (y << l), (93) differs from (92) because of an additional noise term in the denominator that is approximately y(1 -t 2($&))/4. Physically, this term arises from the randomlocal- oscillator modulation of the mixing current, an effect ne- glected by the earlier studies.13 In order for this term to be insignificant compared to the signal quantum noise of a co- herent state = i), we require that

y (.^st&> << 1, (94)

i.e., the fractional rms local oscillator amplitude fluctuation must be much smaller than the square root of the reciprocal of the average number of signal field ph0t0ns.l~ This require- ment becomes even more stringent if a squeezed state is being probed, for which (A;&) < $ prevails.

In addition to exhibiting the potentially significant random modulation of the mixing term, our formulation, (84), shows

131n simple semiclassical terms, the signal portion of the homodyne photocurrent comes from the signal field X local-oscillator field prod- uct. Any noise on the local oscillator will lead to gain randomness noise on the signal, akin to that found in avalanche photodiode direct- detection systems. It is evident from [ 2 5 , Eq. ( 5 ) ] and [ 30, Eq. (1 IC)] that this mixing noise has been ignored.

14For example, to keep this added noise below 10 percent (in stan- dard deviation) of the coherent-state signal quantum noise when <gJ&) = lo4, we can tolerate no more than 0.3 percent local oscil- lator amplitude fluctuation. This limitation may be significant in precision measurement applications for which signal-to-noise ratios far in excess of 40 dB are sought.

another effect suppressed in [25] and [30]. This is the ran- dom amplitude modulation of the local oscillator and q < 1 quantum noises by the classical amplitude noise of the local oscillator. Although this modulation does not explicitly enter the signal-to-noise ratio, it does make the last three terms in (84) nonCaussian random processes, an effect which will modify digital communication error probability calculations somewhat.

Heterodyne Detection: The semiclassical description for the differenced output currents in heterodyne detection is

il ( t ) - i2 ( t )

= eq(1 - 2 ~ ) P ~ ~ ( t ) / h v ,

+ 4 e q [ ~ ( 1 - E ) P ~ ~ ( ~ ) / / ~ V ~ A ~ ] ~ / ~

and the quantum description is A

il (t) - T2(t)

= eq(1 - 2e)PLO(t)/hvo

+ - 2E) (PLO(t)lh%)1/2 YlLO Q ( 0

+ e - 77) (1 - €1 ~Lo( t ) /h .,I nvacl (t)

- e - 4 EPLo(tYhvo1 l j2 k c 2 ( t )

t e q [2e(1 - ~ ) ~ L o ( t ) / h v , ] 1/2 nIq(t). (96)

These results differ from the corresponding homodyne results, (83) and (84), in only two respects. First, the mixing terms [the second terms on the right in (95) and (96)] beat the sig- nal field to an intermediate frequency not baseband, and so they sense both quadratures of the signal field. Second, the quantum result (96) gains a noise contribution from the image band quantum noise through nIq(f) . The local oscillator ex- cess noise (and its cancellation when E = +) and the random modulation of the signal and noise terms by the local oscillator fluctuations thus continue to be present in the heterodyne case, i.e., the interpretations given for the homodyne situation apply here as well. Once again, the relevant previous work on dual detector systems [25], [28], [29] does not include all the effects contained in our treatment; the random local oscil- lator modulation of the signal and noise terms is absent in the above analyses.

As an illustration of these omissions, let us compare our semiclassical answer (95) assuming a deterministic monochro- matic plane-wave pulse signal FS(%, t ) = ~ S ( A ~ T ) - ' / ~ for x E ( i d , t E T, with the corresponding E = 3, equal quantum efficiency result of Abbas and Chan 1291 . The latter claim, in our notation, that the differenced output currents consist


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of a mean current

((il ( t ) - iz(t))> = 2egT-I (NLo)'" Re (as e -jZnuIFt 1 (97)

embedded in an additive zero-mean white Gaussian noise pro- cess with bilateral spectral density

S ( f ) = e2v(NL,)/T. (9 8)

We have, using (86)-(87) in (9.9, that the differenced output currents consist of a mean current

( ( i l ( t>- i Z ( t ) ) ) = 2 e v ~ - ' [(I - y ) ( ~ ~ o ) ] ~ / ' - j z n u I F t . Re (as e ) (99)

plus a conditionally nonstationary zero-mean white Gaussian shot noise process that, given the local oscillator power wave- form, has covariance function

K ( t , s ) = e2@LO(t)/hv,) 6 (t - s). ( 100)

plus a signal dependent zero-mean stationary Gaussian noise process

i"(t) = 2 e ~ 7 ( A ~ / T ) ~ / ' Re [as(y( t ) - my)* e - j znV IF t 1 (101)

with covariance function

= 2(e77/~)' y ( N ~ ~ ) 1 as 1' k(7) cos (2nvIF 7).


When (100) is averaged over the PLo statistics it reduces to a stationary white noise spectrum (98); however, the random PLo fluctuations make the noise non-Gaussian, albeit in a minor way if y << 1. The noise current i"(t) comes from the random modulation of the mixing term and may present a significant degradation. Consider a high quality (y << l), slowly fluctuating local oscillator (k(7) x 1 for 171 d T ) and the matched filter processor generating

M = e-1 [ (i l( t) - i z ( t ) ) 21/2 cos [271vIFt - arg (as)] .


Then the Abbas and Chan model gives a signal-to-noise ratio

S N R M = ~ Q ~ C Y S ~ ' , (104)

whereas we have that

As in the quantum homodyne example given earlier, at high average detected signal levels there is a very stringent require- ment on local oscillator amplitude fluctuations if SNR degrada- tion is to be avoided.

IV. DISCUSSION At this point, subject to the photon flux model for photo-

detection, we have clearly established how the quantum theory for coherent optical detection subsumes the familiar semi- classical statistics in a natural way. We have also seen that the

quantum approach is essential for studying the photodetection statistics of nonclassical field states. There is now considerable interest in a particular class of nonclassical states, called the two-photon coherent states [14] or the squeezed states [15] . These states are in essence minimum uncertainty product states for theAquadrature components of the photon-units field op- erator E(2 , t). In particular, for a single field mode with an- nihilation operator a , the two-photon coherent state ID; p, v) obeys the eigenket relation

(Pa^+ v q m - 4 v)=P113;p9 v) (106)

where 0, p, v are complex numbers and p, v satisfy lpI2 - I vI2 = 1. With a l = (a + a^?)/2 and = (a - a ? ) /2 j denoting the quadrature components of a , we then find that the state 10; p, v) gives

(Ai':>= ] p - vI2/4 (107a)


(Ai?:)= Ip t v p 4 . (1 07b)

When p, v are real valued, '(107) implies that 10; p, v ) satis- fies the Heisenberg relation

(A;:) (A;;) > (1 08)

with equality, as does the familiar coherent state la). Unlike the coherent state, which gives (Aa^T)= <A$:) = $, (107) shows that there is an asymmetric noise division between the quadrature (a noise squeezing) in the state ID; p, Y), with the low-noise quadratures being less noisy than a coherent state. This noise reduction can be used, in principle, to effect impor- tant performance improvements in optical communications [ 161 - [ 191 and precision measurements [20] - [23] .

As yet, there have been no experimental observations of squeezed state light. Theoretical studies, which employ vary- ing degrees of idealization, indicate that such states may be generated by degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) [41] - [44] , as well as a number of other nonlinear optical processes [14] , [ 151 , [45] - [48] . We are presently working on a continuous- wave DFWM experiment using homodyne detection to gen- erate and verify the quadrature noise squeezing. In this experi- ment, a single frequency-stabilized laser will be used to provide all the input beams to the four-wave mixer, as well as the local oscillators for dual-detector homodyne detection. The results of this paper permit the expected photocurrent statistics for this experiment to be derived, including the effects of the laser's residual amplitude and phase fluctuations. Specifically, an iterated expectation approach is used, as in Section 111. The photocurrent statistics are first obtained assuming the laser output to be a particular coherent state. This entails a calcu- lation of the four-wave mixer output state, along the lines of [42], followed by a calculation of the sort performed here in Section 111-A. To average over the input laser fluctuations, we assign to the coherent state value for this laser a classical probability distribution. We can then proceed as in Section 111-B, except that the state of the signal field operator in the homodyne apparatus is now dependent on the coherent-state value of the local-oscillator field in that apparatus, because both fields are derived from the same laser.

Page 14: IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, VOL. QE-21, NO. …...nonclassical light has been generated via resonance fluorescence, as confirmed by observations of its photon antibunching


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