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Page 1: IES NARCIS MONTURIOL 2018-2019 · (Parachute, belts…). e. React to a visual or auditory stimulus to improve reaction time •Benefits of regular speed training: •If you react



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Page 4: IES NARCIS MONTURIOL 2018-2019 · (Parachute, belts…). e. React to a visual or auditory stimulus to improve reaction time •Benefits of regular speed training: •If you react

§ CONCEPTè It is the capacity to sustain an effort during the maximum time possible.

§ TYPES:a. Aerobic endurance: your heart and lungs give your muscles plenty

of oxygen, and you can do exercise for long periods of time at a medium or low intensity. (marathon, cycling..)

b. Anaerobic endurance: your muscles don´t have enough oxygen. These exercises are shorter (no more than 3 min) but have a very high intensity (100m sprint, a basketball attack)

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ENDURANCE• Endurance Training

Methodsa. Continuous training:

• rests are not allowed• 60-80% max heart rate, • at least 20 minutes up to 2

hours or more.b. Fartlek training :

• Changes of speed. • For example: sprinting for

10 seconds, fast walking for 20 seconds, jogging for 1 minute and repeating this.

c. Interval training : • periods of exercising hard, with resting

periods in-between. d. Circuit training:

• can be used to increase either strength, aerobic fitness or both

• There are usually between 8 and 15 stations and at each one you do a different exercise for 1 minute. At the end you then move on to the next station. Rest can be incorporated depending on the level of the participants.

• Benefits of regular stamina training : • Your heart grows larger and thickerà the resting heart rate is reduced• Your breathing capacity increases.

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§ CONCEPTè It is the ability to overcome a resistance (weight) through muscular contraction .

The weight can be external (the weight of a mate, a medicine ball, a dumbbell) or your own body weight (when doing sit-ups, push-ups, pulls ups).

§ TYPES:a. Maximum Strength: the weight is the largest possible. b. Explosive strength: to do a movement as fast as we can, moving a small

weight. c. Muscular endurance: medium weights for a long time .

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• Training Methodsa. Circuits

b. Weightlifting: • to develop maximum

strength.• low speed and high


c. Plyometrics:• Fall from a heightàjump in

vertical or horizontal direction.

d. Isometric:• Maximum resistance

against a fixed It is ideal for recovering from injuries


• Benefits of regular strength training:• Your muscles and tendons grow in size• You have more muscular power• It helps you keeping a good posture in daily life and sports

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§ CONCEPTè It is the ability to do one or more movements in a short period of time.

§ TYPES: a. Reaction time: it is how quickly a person can respond to an

external stimulus.

b. Displacement speed: it is the ability to cover a certain distance as fast as possible

c. Movement speed : it is how quickly a person can carry out a movement or perform a skill (tennis serve, kicking a ball, hitting a baseball )

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• Training Methods: are based in fractional training methods

a. Repetitions training: • Short distances • Complete resting periods: until

the heart rate reaches around 90-bmp

• High intensity

b. Running uphill and downhill


c. Plyometrics : to develop explosive hopping, jumping, bounding, hitting, and kicking

d. Specific sport loading movements to develop specific speed. (Parachute, belts…).

e. React to a visual or auditory stimulus to improve reaction time

• Benefits of regular speed training:

• If you react and move fast, you have an advantage in all sports.• Speed training develops and makes your muscles grow

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§ CONCEPTèIt is the ability to have a wide range of movement with any part of your body. It is also called suppleness

§ TYPESa. Dinamic Flexibility: you use it when you do wide, relaxed movements.

b. Static Flexibility: you use it when you hold one position for some seconds. There is no movement.

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• Training Methodsa. Active =static-active stretching. You assume a position and then

hold it there with no assistanceb. Passive: through the use of mechanical devices, the assistance

of gravity, or use of a partner.c. PNF: passive stretchà contract against resistance àrelax passive


• Benefits of regular flexibility training:

• Your range of movement in joints is bigger, so you can accelerate your arms and legs for a longer distance. Then, you can kick, throw and hit faster and stronger.

• You have less injuries.• Your muscles are more elastic and more powerful.

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• The game is contested by two teams offive players and involves one teaminvading another team's territory, withthe aim of shooting a basketballsuccessfully through their opponent'shoop.

• A basketball match is 4 quarters of 10minutes each. Every quarter beginswith a jump ball in the centre circle.

• Scoring:

• From outside of the three-point line(6,75 m)à 3 points.

• From inside of the three-pointlineà2 points.

• Free throwà1 point.

Playing area

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Rules• A basketball team can have a maximum of five players on the court. • Player substitutions can be made at any time and there is no restriction

on the number of substitutions made. • A ball can travel through dribbling or passing. • If a team wins possession back in their own half, they have 8 seconds to

get it into their opponent's end or a foul will be called. • An attacking team has 24 seconds from gaining possession of the ball to

shoot at the basket. Violations• Traveling : when the player with the ball takes more than 2 steps

without dribbling• Double dribble : dribbling the ball with both hands on the ball at the

same time or picking up the dribble and then dribbling again. • Back court: a basketball player may not dribble the ball from the

backcourt to the frontcourt and then return to the backcourt again.• Personal foul: it involves illegal physical contact. Any time a player is

fouled while he is shooting he is awarded the same number of free throws as points he would have scored if her shot had gone in.

Double dribbling


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Page 16: IES NARCIS MONTURIOL 2018-2019 · (Parachute, belts…). e. React to a visual or auditory stimulus to improve reaction time •Benefits of regular speed training: •If you react

Food and water we ingest daily give us the nutrients and fluids needed to fill our energy reserves for the development of our body repair systems

Although there are a variety of foods, nutrients are compounds that are divided into two groups: Macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) On the other hand we will also consider the water

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§ The main function of the carbohydrate is energy production . They represent 55-60% of Kcal needed per day.

§ They are very important for physical exercise because they are the fuel we need to do exercise. They are the most important source of energy for athletes. No matter what sport you play, carbs provide the energy that make muscle contractions possible.

§ Sources of complex carbohydrates include pasta, rice, cereals, and simple are found in baked goods, bread , raisins , bananas , biscuits and sweets in general.

§ Carbohydrates can also be called sugars or glucose

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§ GRASAS o LIPIDOS: sustancias nutritivas que aportan energi a. Representan el 25-30% de las calori as totales que debemos aportar al organismo.

§ Lipids have important functions, the layer of fat found under the skin can maintain body temperature, are some types of hormones (steroid, cholesterol, ….) also form the membranes of cells, are an important energy store, etc.

§ Fat provides the main fuel source for long duration, low to moderate intensity exercise (endurance sports such as marathons.

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§ PROTEINAS: son el componente fundamental de la estructura del ser humano, y además son el principal constituyente de las células.

§ Proteins have a primarily structural function, construction and repair of our body. Practically is the material we are made because they are in the body muscles

§ Proteins can be found in the higher grade and quality in the white of egg, meat, fish, milk and cheese. Protein also found, although in smaller amounts in legumes and soy

§ Representan el 10-15% de las calorías totales que debemos aportar al organismo.

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§ Vitamins are a type of essential nutrient that are required to normal metabolic functions of our body. Vitamins are divided into two groups: water-soluble and fat-soluble

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§ They are essential for human nutrition because they cannot be produced by ourbodies. Depending on their association they have different functions in our body.

Example: Iron is essential for the formation of hemoglobin, the chemical in the bloodthat carries oxygen to the cells.

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Hombres TMB = (10 x peso en kg) + (6,25 × altura en cm) – (5 × edad en años) + 5

Mujeres TMB = (10 x peso en kg) + (6,25 × altura en cm) – (5 × edad en años) – 161

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§ Las carreras de vallas (llamadas también carreras de obstáculos) son carreras de velocidad en la que los competidores deben superar una serie de barreras de madera y metal (o plástico y metal).

§ Pierna de….¿ ?: leading leg – take-off leg

§ Pierna de…¿ ?: trailing leg – non-take off leg

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§ 110 metros con vallas – 106 cm

§ 400 metros con vallas – 91,4 cm


§ 100 metros con vallas – 0,84 cm

§ 400 metros con vallas – 76,2 cm

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§ La orientación es un deporte en el que cada participante realiza una carrera individual o colectiva cronometrada con ayuda de un mapa y una brújula.


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§ ¿Cómo calculo la dirección de un objeto al que apunto?§ Apunto con la flecha de dirección al objeto (brújula plana)§ Giro el limbo hasta que la N móvil coincide con la aguja magnética roja.§ La marca pequeña de mi brújula señalará los grados.

§ ¿Cómo sigo un rumbo que viene marcado, por ejemplo 270º?§ Giro el limbo hasta hacer coincidir 270 en la marca de la brújula.§ Giro yo sobre mi posición hasta que la aguja roja magnética coincide con la N de norte.

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Finding Direction with No Compass:

a) GUIDANCE FOR THE SUN. § For its position: the sun rises in the East, at 12:00 noon it is in the South and then it hides in the

West. § By its shadow: the shadow casted by the sun will be oriented to the opposite side where the sun is.

b) Moss (musgo): in the northern part of the trunk we find more moss.

c) If the tree is cut, we can see on the trunk concentric circles that indicate the age of the tree. When they approach to the side that will be the south side and which are farther apart will northern

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MAP: is a graphic representation of land on paper.

§ Scale (escala): is the proportional relationship between the actual dimensions of the terrain and the size of the map. So if we find the scale 1 / 50,000 means that every unit that we measure on the map is 50,000 cm in reality.

• Contour lines (curvas de nivel) connecting points of the same height . They never cross each other.

• Legend: symbols

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Page 31: IES NARCIS MONTURIOL 2018-2019 · (Parachute, belts…). e. React to a visual or auditory stimulus to improve reaction time •Benefits of regular speed training: •If you react

1. Baseplate (base): is .used to taking bearing on a map2. Direction of travel arrow (flecha de dirección): is marked

on the baseplate. It guides the direction of travel while following a bearing (rumbo).

3. Index line (línea de dirección): this is where a bearing is read.

4. Compass housing (limbo) with degree dial (grados)5. Magnetic needle (aguja magnética): the north end is red,

while the other end is white or black.6. Orienting arrow (flecha norte): rotates with the housing7. Orienting lines (líneas norte-sur): are marked on the

bottom of the housing and rotate with it.

COMPASS (brújula): it is a magnetized needle (aguja) that points (the red part) the magnetic north. Parts:

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2º)1º) 3º)

Bearings (rumbos)Set a bearing (seguir un rumbo dado)1º) If given a bearing (80 degrees), set 80 degrees so that it is in contact with the line of direction arrow.2º)Hold the compass in the hand and then rotate the body until the magnetic needle falls over the orienting arrow.3º)Follow the line of direction arrow for direction.

Establish a bearing (calcular un rumbo)1º) If the direction to an object is desired, point the line of direction arrow at the object.2º) Move the compass housing until the orienting arrow falls under the magnetic north needle.3º) Read the bearing where the housing meets the line of direction arrow.

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