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Page 1: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1940-1949/1942/1942_12_26.pdf · Alice Rey .. olds Flower. .. -, .... """--.,. ---, -• '-'. ... "The world i~ full of dcsert{'rs from Ihe


PURLISIIH) WEI KIS U\" TIlE {;(l:-'l'~ !'tUU"IIl:-«; Ilon.£

SPRINGF IE LD , MO., D EC. ze;, I~Z. NUMBER 1494

I'" .1~,t, t" ~ _I

TilE infant :\ew Year will he with liS

ill a few da\"s. .\~ \,et hi~ \'oic!: is silent. but h; ~oon will spcak and, <I"

time pas!>Cs. his voice in the thin~s which he will bring will be dearly known to liS.

Many, looking into the face of the :\ew Year, aTC filled with fear~ and forebodings. What will the New Year brin!:"? Will it he joy or sorrow ? Perplexed hearts need the help of the H oly Ghost. Siltinf,! on a train 1 began to read from the Bible. ~\ woman sitting across f rom me asked if


" And we beheld His glory , lull of groce o"d truth :' J"o . 1 :14 .

8e holding Him, thy faith is Iha"g, Thy heort is steadfast, fill ed with ,ong ; So follow on this New Yeor'. woy, Behe/hli", Him from doy to do y.

8 cho ldi", Him thus e nd. th y leo. , Thy da.kened way will l igh l oppeor; Se ' e"e o"d colm whote 'e. befall , 8ehold;n' Him-th y Port ion 011 .

Beholdin, Him-the Ch. ist of God, Com,lete d .ocrifice of blood; All of thy need to lull y meat, Beholding Him giwe. groce complete.

Be holding Him whe n do w .. ing fair Colis us to meet Him ;n the oir ; Changed to Hi. glo.y the n to be­Be holdin, Him eternally.

Alice Rey .. olds Flower.

.. - .... , """-- ---.,. , - '-•


-:::J; - ~- """,,, o-J-- ..........

r Ilad all) u1\{kr~t:lndHlg- of tIll" [ulun', \\'hat did the Bihlt' hale to say ahout pro· phetic e\'tlll~:; Trwll she said her sister had an onh' son and he had be!:11 inductcl1 imo the arlll\". TI:i~ mother was ~ de· spondent th:11 II was feared she would lose h(T mind.

It IS nO! C:lSV In ian' anxietio. Of 111('

grid of a hn ,kl-n he.an. :'Ilorc than a word of human sl'lIlp<lthy is required 10

bind up the brokenheartcd. I !ea1ing hahn for the hlc(·ding- ~(J\!1 !ll\l~t ("om~ irom the hills of divil1C Cilt';ul. It W,IS in ;111 hour of perplc:-<il)" and sorrow that Chri~1 ap­peared to thc disclpks at the Sea of Gali kc. John rrcog-lli7ed !lUll ilnd .... 1.id. "[t i", the Lord." Iii .., pre<;('llc(' changcd ('\cry thin/!". Ilope look ,he place of dn·all. tlw clouds which hall hung- ,.;() low o\'('r the ~pirits of thl· disciples dissolyed anc! nil' mediately they \\"(,fe out in tl:c SllIlshill{'

of fresh expectancy. \\'ilhin and wilholl1 e\·('r~·thing- II';IS chaul{!:d l)oCcall~\:' h(,pc had come into a~c('n(I(,t1cy.

Om Father is the "God of hope." I h' begat hope in :\bralmm, 1101* (mill Ilinl inspired Gideon. ! lope put wiug's umler the faith of the worthies mentioned ill tlit, Scriptures. Ilope sees tomorrow hright alt;ough today may be darkn('s~. I-Iop(' brings joy because it not only desires good, bll t looks for it expectantly. Where\'er hope is. Ille soul is buoyant. A ~hip-wrecked mariner .~lled with hope ma~· 1)('" joyful while a weI) ."!l"'!tered person ;n a mansion who is with~<lt hope is in di~mal darkness. Not where we are. but our out­look from where we arc. makes life what it is.

In these days when so many are fearful we need afresh to put Ollr trust ill the Lord. I Ie "is the ~ame and his year~ shall not fail." He h:1..s a bright fUlure for all who belie\'e. J lope in God caused the Psalmist 10 cry. '·My soul. hope thou in God." "Yea. though I walk through Ihe

\, ,u., I'

1'<L!!n of the ~had(111 of death. I wilt fear 110 \'111." \\ h} could h\' -,,;JI that? He­eaus\', "Tholl art wllh mc" In the dark-1lt'~~ the Lord wOllld he pr~'~l·nt. J\I~t on Iht' nth!:f side of the I'fewnt was ever­la~I'ng: light of the eternal day.

1-\'ding a~~lIrc(1 that (~(O( I b;1~ a imurf' o f siable blessing g i\(1) qUlctness and a..­"~uraucc. It also "fills wilh all joy and p"ace 111 believing." It \\ as a dark hour wl1l"11 Jesus said \0 lIis disciples. "Let 1101 your heart he trouhled.'· What an!{uishing l'lellb were to tak\' plate 111 the lJlln1ed'ate f(llllTC! The Lonl would direct them en tird\' :twa.\" from th l'~(' h:trrowlIIg happen-111J.:~ III giling 11]("111 bope nf an ahidin~ futurc_ ··In ml' Father'!> 11(ou~ are main· man~I\)I1S_ In that hmll(" wa~ a 1,lace fo'r "ath, J. homc wh("rc sorrow wonll\ he no IlU)rl', .\n<l Ihe I)rollli~ .. of ("hri~t \\'a~ III~ r,tUTIl to take thcm lUlto Ilim~(·lf. It wa~ Cllri .. tian hope Ihat cal1~t"d Paul to sav '·Therefore I take plea .. ure in lllfirlllitie'. in reproaches. in nl'Ce .. ~itl("~ for Chri~f .. s,1ke." and "1 am nOli" read\' to hI' offered and the time of IlW depart;,re is at ham\." [n tIle face of death he knew he had cterTlal life.

It is pleasing: tn (;0(1 Ihal we !>hol1ld ":lhollncl in hope."' lIe would 1':11"(' us nch in Ihi~ excellent qual it\" onl' of (ht' g-rmt-6\ IMlOn~ to man. Tn this ('nd lIe h:l~ g-i\·en us tl1(' Holy Gho~1 It i~ thrOl1(~h this llOwer that w(' art' to "ahonnd in hOJle." Ilnpc inspired by tl1(' Spirit lifts the so111 a!}()I'e material diqractinll s Ill' into the T(·al· itie~ of God. \Vhen we Sl'(" J('~us WIth sufficient clearness. di~app()intll1ent!'l (lisap­pear. \Vhen we sec hcan' n :I~ our hon\(' eternal, earthly thing-s take a cecond place When we see that all things work together for good. we are enahkd ttl :lcn'pl ~()rrl\"

with grateful submi~sion, On a bas-relief which adorns a home for

the fallen. in the city of I...ondon. is 5eulp ....

(Continued on Page F our )


Page 2: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1940-1949/1942/1942_12_26.pdf · Alice Rey .. olds Flower. .. -, .... """--.,. ---, -• '-'. ... "The world i~ full of dcsert{'rs from Ihe

r -i'ay/' Two

<lite $eCllet 01 tnJWLaH-Ce M,,~ . .,I/~Q/l.d <1~,

W IIERE 5110uld we l'>!'lk for Ihis "certt hut in tl1C life of our hks~t'd I.onl llim~df? 1/(' lil'cd in this \'cn

world of OIlTS, truly it man among men, ill

c1()s{'st touch with the r{'alillC~ of life we know ~ well. And )'t:t J Ie 1'0\11<1 SI)('ilk I)f ":-'ly 1)('aCe," ":-' l y joy," and was ~tT()lIg with a ~!l'adfaSlllCsS that not all the p()\\'crs of ('viI could shake. llow we 11('('<1 such joy ,!!If! calm 10da)'!

\yl1eTc then sh;LlI we look in fits life for the SI'crCI of that inward strength? 0.'atural1y, we t1lrn In the Cospds jir~t. and especially to the pages of "the disciple whpl11 Jo.:sus 1m cd." \\'hat Tifts arc there found into the glory thaI was l!is "'!lefor!' the world was": what olltshinings of the Com­pal1iun.~hip Iha! \\a~ the grcatc~t realit), of JII~ earthl} life! "I[e lhat sent me is with me; the Father hath Hot left me alone." But there is another gospel besides the fou r in the New Tcstament, and in its rcvelations we di~co\"cr ~("(Tct ~xperiences Iliddcll frolll tl~ e[:,t'll!icre, Such enlightenment come~ especially frOIll the ~Ir;,;,iallic Psalms alld from the fil'c pas~ages wllich, taken together, havc becll Ilcll ("ailed tllc go.~pd in Isaiah.

Turlling thell to the fiftieth chapler of that hook, I\'C fill(] proplltties th,lt fill out the records of the Evangl'lists. For it is deady thc suffering ~lcssiah who speaks in the sixth verse:

I gave IUY back to the Sn1itcr!, and my o:heeks to them !h~t pluckl'd otT the hair: I hid not illY face from shame and sl'iuing.

Ami ill the earlier verses of the chapter, the speakcr is the samc- the passage i~ one. Listen, thcn, to the words which enfold sO milch:

The Lord God hath given me the tongue of them thai 3re laugh t , that I should kl10w how to 5ustain with words him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine car 10 hear ,.s they that arc taught.

The Lord God hath ol)ened my car, and I was !lot rebellious, neither turned away back­ward.

I gave my back to the smilers, and my checks to them that plucked ofT the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting.

For the Lord God will help me; therdore ha"e I not been confounded: therefore have I set my face !ike a flint. and I know that I shalt not !.>e a~hamed. Isa. 50 :4_7.

"Power of endurallfc and encouragement" - where did they cOllle from in the life of our blessed Saviour? How shall we find them ourselves, amid the pressure of these testing (lays? Docs not the set,:ret lie in those opening words that tell of communion with God "morning my morning," of the listening heart, the opened ear, of comfort given to the One who was to pass it 011 in lI"onb that should sustain "him that is weary"? ';Ncver man spake like this man," people said in surprise. nut when J fe stood among them and cried "Come unto me, all ye that lahor and arc heavy laden. and I will give you rest," lhey did not know the hidden ~()urce of the rest of lIis own spiril. "tI'lorn­ing by morning," never a day intcnnitted,

lie I\as w;\kcn~d II)" the Fathcr~\\akened tf) a cOTlsciou~ne~s of I fi~ love and nearness, wakenl'd to hear as a child that is taught. The G()~r>cb (If) not tell us Ihis. Even tIl(' beloved disciple, John, may not 11a\'e known of thaI daily rt·newal. But tllere il is. plainly ~tated, surt'ly a~ an example anl1 encourage­mellt for \IS.

F0r if our Lord dep('mled f0r "is ste;\11-fa"lne~~ upon the daily teaching alld uphold­mg: of God, Iww ("an we expect to follow in His foohtep~ without it? The g:rcrtter thc difficulties, thc more searching the ~t1fferillg a~ ! Ie lI"ent onward in the pathway of tIle Cross, tile more re:tI wa~ thc inward sus­tainiug, "The world i~ full of dcsert{'rs from Ihe Cro~s" it has been tml)' said. But with l1im there was no fahering, no tllrning hack. I [e saw tile dreadfu l slladow looming ever 1I10re ckarly before J [illl, hili lIe "set lIis face steadfastly to go 10 .!crm;a)em." !Iow was sllch endurance possihle? And is there a like smtainillg available for liS? Listcn again to the breathing's of that inward confidence, renewed "morning by morning."

For Ihe Lord God will hetp me; therefore have I not been con fountlcd: therefore have I set my lace like a flinl, and I know that [ shall not be ashamed.

"There is a place of quiet rest, ncar to the heart of God," But, more than this, there is a place where God Himself speaks to the soul. Not once or occasionally docs He ~peak, bet,:al1se of some emergency. htlt daily, faithfull\". effectivcly, "rnorniug hy morn­wg." There necd be, muq be no day when the spirit is not wakened to hear. "He wakelleth me, morning by morning," Thus taught, thus held ncar to the l1eart of God, the whole heing is quietly strengthened. \Ve (Jo not ou rsclves know the strain, the de­mands tbat any day may brillg. \Ve do not

Wishing all

our readers



December 26, 1942

knoll' where thc pathway before liS leads, or in what way we are to fulfil the will of God. Hut "morning by morning" He leads us into the fullne$~ of lIi~ re~ourccs for that day; shows us the next step, if nothing more, and imlxLrts through His own presence the power of endurance to follow 011.

That this was our Lord's own experience in the pathway to the cro~s we gather dcarly frOI11 thc words that follow:

And r was not rehellious, neither turned away backward. I gavo my back to Ihe smiters .. , r hid !lot my lace from shame and spilting.

He might havc hidden I lis facc. He could have withdrawll from humiliation and suf­fering, But, strengthened "mOl!]ing by morning." enlightened. 11cld in the will of God, there wa~ no turning hack. no wcaken­illg 111 spirit. Daily wakened by the Father, difl . .'(: tcd and reHewed in strengtll. lie could sa)" "r ha\·c mcat 10 cal that ye know not oi. .... \[ v meat is to do the will of him that sent- me and 10 finish his work." And what nced for this daily renewed confldellce there was hefore the great cry could go up from the darkness of the world's darkest hour: "It is finished."

For the Lord God wi!! help me; therefore have I not !.>ecn confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall 110t be ashamed.

And 11ere is a point of great importance for us, brought out by the Hehrew scholar OcJitsch, in his translation of the original. Thc words "not confOllnded" he rend(:rs, "1101 sufferNi m)'self 10 be (rIJcreome," as nearer the true meaning. Thus the verse reads:

For the Lord God will help me; therefore ha"e I not sufTered myself to be overcome; therefore \la"e I set my face like a flint. al1d I know that J shaH not be ashamed.

How easy it is these days to be fear­ful and apprehcnsivc, to look around instead of looking up----in a word, to suffer our­scJve.~ to be overcome. \Ve may not show it outwardly, but inwardly we give way somewhat, and the power of endurance is shaken. Then let liS come back quickly to the ~ecret of our Lonl's own vietory. "Tltrrefore," hecause of that quiet listening and rccei\·ing morning by morning, "tlrere­fore ha\·c [ set Illy face like a flint, and r know tllat I sll;)l1 not he ashamcd:' "For the Lonl God will help me" is the constant certainty and reassurance of the soul that listens "morning by morning" to I-lis word. applied to the heart tiy His Holy Spirit.

There was a time in China whell J-!udson Taylor was beset as never before with dif­ficulty upon difficulty, sorrow upon sorrow. The Jltission was passing through a baptism of sutTering. The first massacre of foreign­ers ill modern times had taken place at Tientsin, and there was danger of like developments in many places, At the height of an tlllusllai!y hot stlmmer there was sick­ness in almost e\'ery station, and ]\fr. Taylor was the only physician available to IllOst of his fellow-workers. For the sake of his children, he and their mother made the sac­rifice of sending the two older boys and their only little girl home to England for education. A younger brother who was to ha\'e gone with them died of dysentery on the way to the coast. But there was no


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Dl'Cember 26,19./2

yielding to sorro\\ CClmfon and help were needed al every cell1er of the .\Ii~~ion, and in di\'inely-given ~trenglll the\" held 011-until the hea\'ie~1 hlow of all 'Ieft him un­~I)('akahly de~olate

For it was then. at tIle w"r~t of that tCrrihle ~ummer. that till" nnl', ~ti1! young, who had 1)('('11 the light of hi~ eyo fllr Iwehe . \·ears of perittt marri~'d life wa~ ~Ilddcnh' taken from him. \\'iie ~one, children gone. ill broken health. bcaring' thc burdell~ of lc1!o\\'-workcr~ througllolll the '\1L~sion, the wonder was Ihat he was 110t o\·crC(lme. But when it :.ecmed that he could endure no morf', the very passage before us was brought home to him with great t('ndtrne~s.

"lie wakelleth morning by morning." ,\h I that \\'a~ it: the desr,lali"n of waking each nell' day to an empty llOUlt', no IO\'l'd ont'~ at his side. And the words r('{'al1cd the jo~ it had been to him to waken his children with a kh.'; of love. Could it be that his Heavenly Father would r\:al1)' waken him in this way? T he longing I)('(:allle prayer. a prayer that was answered in blessed ex­perience for from the time that faith laid hold llpon the fact tim!. one with Chri~t, he might claim the same manife!>tatiom of the Father\ lo\e, there were no more desolate wakings WI1<'11 sorrow ru!>hed ill \lpon him like a Rood, On the contrary, his fir~t eon­sciOIl:>ness day by day became the joy \In­~peakable that the Falher\ pre.';ence bring~.

So near, so very near to God, ncarer I eannot b ••

For ;n the person of His Son, I am as near as He.

So dear, so "ery dear to God, dearer I cannot be:

The love wherewith lie loves His Son, such is I!is love to me.

In a word, the secret of our Lord's own powcr of endurance IlCt:lme his, so that he could write to a close fri<:'nd of those days of sorrow:

Whether I called by day or night, how quickly lie always came ~nd sa tisfied my heart! So much so that I often wondered whether ;1 I~re !)OHib1e that my loved one who had been taken could be enjoying more of His presence th;ln I was in my lonely chamber.

All thi~ joy anrl \<ictmy. continued to the end of life, came throllgh a fre~h apprehen­sion f)f what this pas~agt' mcans to us, For the seeret of endurance herc rf'I'calerl 1l13Y be ours too. Did IlOt Otlr Lord mean jll~t this when He said: "As Illy Father ;;ent me. e\'en so ~elld I "Otl'" Then He is read\' tf) waken liS 1Il0niing by morning with 'His smile: to waken our car to hear llis o\\'n teachillg. For us too is the "power of endurance and of encouragell1ent" which Ilis \Vord affords-or. as the alinc~e version of R om, 15:4 expresses it, "which are born oj tire Scrip/lireS."

\Vell docs the writer remcmber the privilege that was ours when travcling for five months one summer with our father (~I r. Hudson Taylor) through several of the provinces of North China. Tn some places our only mode of progression was by spriugless whedharrows, jolting twelve to fO\lrteel1 hours a day o\'er unspeakable roads. Tired out at night, we would reach Ihe poor little inns where the one and only room for tr<II'eler,c; was occupied by all ::Iud sundry-sometimes including a traveJ-


tr'~ II1l1le tied up ill a ~'on1t'r and where the barrow men lOll' down on tile f\t'l()r to ~Ieep. til "ir WCI ('h,illf'~ ~\('anlll1g TII\ "nTok iog fires. .

I'ulling lip ~hects a~ curtains, \\(' wlluld make a cortlcr ,,"oTllcwhcre for father and vne for our~el\"e~. and, tifl.'d a~ Ill' were, would o;oon !Jc a"kep. But alwa~~, IOllg' before daylight, there wOllld be a TIIatch struck and a candl\: lighted in the nlfller where father, hIS Bihll' 0l ... ·n IK"j,lre him, w:u; quietly waiting ul ... lIl Gt)(1. Th3t tittle light, seen through tin: C\lrtain in the (lark­ne:;,;, ha:; i><.:en to me a ~\ll1hol Cler ~im.:<.: of the joyous calm and eil(luranrc of a liie truly hidden with Chri~t in God. \nd II

OXE i\ew Year's E\'e a number of loafer.'; and drinker~ were a~.';tlHbled ill the b,lrroolll oi the \\ilson House,

Liquor wa.'; tlOWlllg: I;l~t ,md furiou~l~, and ever)'body was feclmg hOfsterou~ Samuel Ru,."r.:lI, a mini~ter'~ wa) liard son, had drunk comiderably, but was not yet under the influence oi the stull, for 1\ alway.-; took a great deal to intoxicate him

During a 1"'\1»(' ill the cnlller~3\ion, Joe Alten came in. j Ie wa:; a hardCIR'tI toper, with a terrible hatred for all kinds of re­ligious thing". "They're having a watch meeting Ol'er in the church," he :.aid, as he 51amped the SIlOW from his boots and took a drink meanwhile, "and I don't S('e why we can' t have one here. \Ve can all do something to give the meeting' life. Brother Eldridge witl please lead in prayer," EI<I· ridge was a glib-tongued fellow - a barber who had j\lst come to tOWIl and he im­mediately dropped on olle knee amI g;I\'e a mock invocation.

;'We will now sing a h)mn," s.1.id A1ten, in a \'oice which so exactly imitatcd a c,'r­lain young preachrr in the town that It brought roars of laughter from the crowd, And he "lined" one of the hymns of the day, with proiane "'3riations, the others joining uproariou~ly.

"Brother Samuel Ihlssdl will now preach the sermon," announccd Joe, "and we trust it will be for the SIJiritual gOOl.l of us all."

It was a terribly disagreeable suggestion to young 1~lI ssell, and he tried in e\'ery way he could to evade it. He even at­tempted to rush the door, but they c;l.ught him and stood him up at one cnd of the room behind ;1 tahle. "l'reach now. or tre.,i. all round," they sl:outcd; and as he had 110 money to do Ihe \aller, he reluctant­ly cOllsented to " say a few words," but complaining that he had 110 tcx\.

"Try 'The Spirit is willing' hut the fle sh is weak,''' shouted J oe. So the yo\mg man commenced in a mumhlillg: way. t('lling them that the spirit seemed very ~t rong that night. and they would find that the flesh would, as a result, gradually grow weaker and weaker; that the\' w('re all 011 the broad road to death, :1110 as a ~ew Year was about to begin they ha(1 hetter make a break with the old ~inful things and ~tart a new era in their JiI'Cs.

Pagtt Thr~~

~t()(ld thf' 11·~t (,i the loug weary da)'s, and all the inconveniences, distresses, and burden bearing that they brought.

When is our candle lighted day b)' da)'? \\'hen do we ]i:.tcn in, and recei\'e frbh strength frOIll the \\'ord (,f <.ioc.1 10 make us "more than conqueror.';"? Iniemlll!ent com· munion i~ the ~~rel of much of our fallurc . There is no substitute for the Lord's o ..... n way of "morning by Illorning. "

We belie\'e all our readers will find the sugge.';tions ior ~ret reading 311(1 for famil), reafling printed III our (IUartcrly iJ<1li'1 Devo/ions very helpful. Send 10 crnts for Jall\lary-~larch copy,

"Why, I beheve the fool's m eamest," s,'lid Joe, In his usual sneering tone,

I f I{u~sell was not already III carnes!, !>ol1lething III Joe's words and tone went far tOI\ard making him so, and he bet-ran (0 say Ihml;s which had been really in his heart for many years, but willch had ~n co\'ered by his wicked, careless hfe:. Tillngs he had heard his old father say, fragments of prayers he remembered as hav­ing been uttered by his dead mother, pas­s"ges he had learned from the Bible while a boy at Sunday 5chool- al1 came to him now with new force and meaning­faster than he cO\lld speak them, The: others looked at first resentful, then sur­prised, then interested. E\ell lhe most dnlllkell seemed suddenly sobe red, and all soon !J.egan to listen in intense si lence,

As Russell went on, strange to say, he began to notice the etTl'Ct hi s OWII words were hal'ing upon himself. Then he COTll­menced to ask himself, "1 f they are true, why do you not get do\\ n on your knees and pray to a merciful and offended God for forgiveness?" ,\nd that was w!t..,t he finally did. right in the mid~t of the o,c r­mOil.

In the company that were present that night two were convcrted to Christ before they left the rOOm, and wellt away sober and serious and Joe :\lIen, though he did not make a public confe.';..,ion, was never heard to say anything more again ... t religion, or suggest another sermon.

"As I turned the corner on my way home," concluded S31l1UeJ l~ussell, the hero of this strange but true story, "I overtook my aged father, who was feebly m3klllg his way home from the watch meeling, and I ne\'er experienced any other happiness on this earth equal to that which I felt when I took his arm and told him that his pray­ers had been an~wered, <Iud I had fonnd Christ. He spent the rest of the night Oil his knees thanking- God. That was m)' first sermon. T have prf';tched mall\' si nce, with varying success; T hale never climbed the ladder of distinction and fame, but I feel that J have done as well as I could the wilt of Jlllll who that :\("W Ye;Lr's EI'e snatched me like a hrand from the burning', and made me His own forever."- n. G in ,V. Z Ambassador.

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Pag, Four

E~{)CII 11.:Jlkcd with Lod His hean and nund were on th~ ~l('rnal, the thmg~ ahon', ratlJ('r th .. 1n IJn the tem­

poral, the thing~ bllow lil~ wa~ a holy walk, an Ultimate fdlowlohll) with the Iioly One. .\I)d Lud cOll\crloCd 1\lIh him and gavc hun a rnt'lation of tillngli to cOllle.

Enoch lived in iI day oi wickcdnelos. The SI.'rpem who k ld del;eiH',1 EH! had he­gottcn a IIlnltltudinouli sC('iI. ,\s a result inilluity abmmti('d and vi(}ll'nl;e filled the earth. Uut Ihe L.()rd rl'VI.:a!t-d llis own secret purpose l/) Enoch llis coming with \l"ll thO(I~an(l .. Ilf Ili~ holy ones, Ili s godly Ol1es, to ('Xl'cutl' j udg-Tlll'nt upon all the unholy unes, upon all till' ungodly. The proml .. l·d Seed (If till' WOl11all, togl:lhcr with IIi s holy OIll'S, whu are partakers of 111 ~ hulmess, w()uhl brlll!>C, would destroy, would overcome all the $Ced of the ser­pem.

Enoch walkell with GOII a Ii ie sepa-rated unto ilim, pleasing to 1Iim, a life of faith, a life of holines.s, and God trans­lated him tl .... 1t he !;houl" nOt sec death.

The: Lord »;Iid to Abraham, "Walk be­fore Me:, and be thou perfect." He was called to a life of cOlllplete scparation from the idolatrous Chaldeans and the unholy CanOl,allite~, Ilis nlllld and heart were on the etl'rnal rat her than on the temporal. Here he had 110 continuing city, but he looked for one to come. a city whose builder and maker is God. As a pilgrim and a lo t ranger he was (luite ('Ontem with hi s tellt and his altar,

Like Enoch, Abraham became a friend of God. In his intimate fellowship with Him he too received a knowledge of things to come. The Lord said , " Shall I hide hom Ahraham that thing which I do?" The coming destruction of S(l(lom and Go­monah was made known to him. lIe too was given assurance ('Oncerning the Seed that should COllle, of whom it was said, "In thy Seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed." We know that this S('~I was Christ.

God came down to earth to walk with men, according to the promise given be­forehand. "Behold, a virgin shall be with child. and shall briug forth a son, and they shall call H is name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, Cod a;tll us."

He sent (orth the il1\'itation. "Come unto !\Ie:," and some responded to lIis call and walked with lIim. They walked with God. Cod was in Christ reconciling the world unto H imself,

When the Son of God told His own about I[ is dep.1rture, Tic s,1id that it \\',IS e..xpedicnt that l1e go away from them. He told thcm that l ie would pray the Father that I lc would gil'e them another Com­forter who would ahi(le with them for­ever. and lie said, "If a man 10\'e Me, he will keep ~Iy words: and ~ I y Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him." The Fa­ther and thc Son abiding in the sai11ls. And li e promised to he with them always. Theirs, like Enoch and like Abraham, ('Oul d be an intimate walk with Him .


Today He calls men to walk with Him. Thelr~ IIIU~t be i,I walk oi ~tparatlon. a walk of holincss. And as ~urel\' as He re\'eaJed things to come 10 .Enoch and to Abraham, l ie 11'111 through IllS !::IJllrit re\'eal to thtm thing,. to cume. john Ib.IJ. lie will COI11-ion their heart!; in a day v. hell the world 110 lilted with violence, with the assurancc of Ilil> return to destroy all the seed of the serpent. And they shall be one with J hm when J Ie returns to bring judgment upon the world. It is written, "To execute V('I1;;eallce upon the nations, and punish­ments upon the peoples: 10 hind their king~ with chains, and their nobles with fellers of Iron; to exccute upon them the judg· ment wriU('n: this honor have all ! Ji~ sainh." Ijsalm 149;7-1), Ie V.

After thi~ they shall sit down with HUH. and with ,\braham, baac, and j acob, witl, Enoch, Peter, john, Paul, with an innum· crable company oi J lis own in the king­dom. They will be called to a feast. a feast of fal things. of wines on the lee~. of fat thing~ full of marrow. of wines on the !ce~ well relined. Isa. 25 :6. Thel~ will be the joy of eternal fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and all the redeemed, and therc shall be no mort.' ~orrow, nor liighing, nor sin.

.. \ woman ha~ "')rfl)\\ She is ill pa11l, 111 ~orc travaIl. BUI a ..:hild il> born, and great is her joy. She iorgets her palll as she rejoice..; in the child of her 101·e. The Son of God has had travail, but the promise is, "He shall SLoe of the travail of !lis soul. and shall be satisfied." It is writ1en, "He shall sec His seed"- a seed as the stars of the hcavens, the sand s of the sea, the dust of thc earth, innumcrable. His joy will be intense, and H is own will share it with Him,

nllt if we arc to hal'e eLernal fellowship with 1Iim in the coming glory, it is essen ­tial 10 be one with i lim now. One with Him in a separated walk, one with Him in a walk of holiness; to walk with H im now as did Enoch. to walk by fait h as did Abraham. It is e~sential to be one with


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........ ·owo_, .. < ..... " . ... ,.,.0-.-f"R€P yoc.U::F1 .I R f"LOWE:FI

Duembef" 26, 1942

Him in lo\mg righleoulollcloS and hatIng Ill1qUlty ThoJ>e who are: one wuh Him in hatmg iniquity shall be one wllh Him as He brings His sore Judgment on the ser pellt and his sced.-S. H. F.

Anolher Year Another year b dawning I

l>car :\Ia:"ter, Jet II be, In working or In waiting,

Another year for Thee,

Another year of lcaning Upon Thy lov1l1g breast,

Of cl"('r-dcepen11lg trll~tful1H:s~, Of quiet, happy rest,

Another year of 111ereies, Of faithfulness and grace;

Another year o f gladness In the shilling of Thy face;

Anothcr year o f progress; Another year of praise;

Another year of proving Thy prcsence "all thc days";

AJ10ther year of service, Of witness for T hy 10lie;

Another ~ ear of training For holier work above.

.\Ilother year is dawning! Dear Master. let it be,

On earth, or else in heaven, \nother year for Thee!

Frances Ridley lla\'ergal

Hope in the New Year (Continued From Page One)

tured the figure of a child blowing dying emUcrs, and this lllOttO, " Perhaps there rcmains a spark." Be not afraid to blow llpon the embers if you hal'e a dying hope. l\lake much of what you have, Ask the Spi rit also to blow upon it. lie can caus(' it to take on new fire within you, fliJlllg you with fresh expectancy. \ Ve mllst han' hope if we would succeed. "Hope gathen the sunbeams from near and far and ca\1se~ them to shine upon the pathway, It ring~ a bell of gladness in the dull ears of those who are struggling in the valley, weighed down by their crosses, so that. like Christ. for the joy that is set before them, they endure the cross and despisc its shame. Hope has something to offset e\'ery dis­CO\lragement .

)'Ia), "the God of hope fill yOIl with joy and peace in believing, that )"e may abound in hope, through the power of the H oly Ghost ." God give us fresh confidence for fresh st rength, fresh blessing. and frc sh usefulness as we enter the New Year.

A SOL DIER WRITES FHO~l FORT BRAGG, N. C. " 1 want to tell \'011 hoI'. much i cnjoy the Pentecostal Eva'ngcl and the Chri st's Ambassadors Herald, thcre 1~ 100 much spiritual help for Christians in tht,ll."

Do you know ~01lle young men in thc Army who would appreciate the spiritual help that they could get from the Pente­costal Evangel and Christ's 1\1l1ba~~ador .. Herald? W hy not suu;;cribe for them to­day?

Page 5: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1940-1949/1942/1942_12_26.pdf · Alice Rey .. olds Flower. .. -, .... """--.,. ---, -• '-'. ... "The world i~ full of dcsert{'rs from Ihe

December 20,1942 TUE PENTEC05TAL EVANCE.L


JI, II, RaJ.."

Bm/lur 11. A_ B,ku, Iht tt.'f"lrr, is " p,,,NUT Pn,uosl,,1 missioNOry iN So",ha't!sl ChiNO. lit 'S labarinIJ rspu1<Jlly Oll',}Ng II,,· reot/t of K" Do LanJ. Ollt I,,,, .. ht ~,'ratr . .. .I1y goal hal bu" fD rraril Iht agt uf sixly, "otel (by walk,n9) It" 11,,,uS'I.w milrs. alld bar/':;" IUD /housanJ ," Ka Do LaoW." 0 .. A"'lN.I/ 18 he tl 'f'O/t: .. / lra~·t /'<Jsstd Ihe r.xlirlh "",,"pus!. "at"t wolJll·d USQ ... iitl .luki"9 ,ht I"s, sl.trp in Iheu m""n tains, a"d "UI S.mdoy tt·t .llroll hor.· .. tx.pli:;td !.()()() ",n. rmd 1,·0,,"CII '" Ka Do LO ll d"

So"' .. yrars ago BrOlhrr a1td Sis/rr flakt . "sr .... d a ''''INrr. 0/ bryqar /'0),1 ira ... /I.t .llrull "/ Y .. "",,,, F". Th, Lord /"'''',d a'" Ifis Stiril tN a ,,"Ur-t·elON.I ..... ). "I'D" II ... ,hildren. SD-"'''9 Ihr",. /il/illY tiltll' ,";Ih Ih .. Stint. D'ld git~N9 Ih .. m ,,,a,,~loI11 "siiJ1<J. Thr iDUou;Ng il " .. t of tI ... ,,,cirir"'1 0/ that f,'Dtio.1S l1u-r;kt"'1tg.

I N fulfillment of the lIcr!pture that '·m th(' la~t days )ollr sons .. shall prophc,,)·' (Acts 2:17), one of

the little len - year - lIld heggar sons of China wall used a~ the mouthpiece of the Lord to hrlllg us a Illl'ssage hy direct in­~piration .

A fell" months before. this boy. rag~cd and dirty. and in fact more ncarly clothed with filth than with garments. came to our door with his two companions to ask if he might cOllle in. \Vhen, bathed and dressed. the boy looked like :l guileless lit­tle fellow, and such he pro\'ed to be He at once took every Bible story and !'CrmOIl to heart. lie soon learned to pray and we could hear him prayinj:!' in bed very earnestly every night. When the H oly Spirit fel! lI])On us this boy was among the first to receive the l3aptism in tile Spi rit. ~peaking with other tongues as on the day of Pentecost.

We know that our God has spoken in a living voice. As smely as ever He spoke in the past when men were moved upon by the Holy Spirit, so that Scripture was inspired of God. and prophets declared their mesagc to be. "Thus saith the Lord" so certainly that they were ready to h.\ck their assurance with their li '·es. ev('n so does the lil'ing God still reign and still speak to the children of men by direct prophecy when the circumstances demand it, and faith and other conditions are ac­cording to His divine will.

Qne night the power of the Lord was present in an unusual way. Hea,·en scem­e<1 not far away. Thcn it was that our one-time little friendless beggar boy seemed to leave this filthy earth to he caught up to hea'·en. There he was ushered into the presence of the Lord Je<;us and fell pros­trate at Hi<; feet in hum hie adoration and worship.

As a matter of fact he lay prostrate in the middle of the room surrounded ll\' his companions who s.,l{ ahout him on the ' floor listeninC!' intently to the mes'<ag:e that came thrOll/lh him from the Lord Sitch /lrip­pin/l Ileart-~C'arching \\"orrr~ 1 have ne"C'r heard. As the hoy ~ohhC'd anrl wcpt with deepe~t g:rid the me~sa~ was /liven. a <;entence or two at a time. in a clcar. ~tronl?

,·olce_ The languase came in rh)thm and the chOICe oi words was the slmp1c~t and purest. The lIlton;ltion of the "oice, the choice of lang\lage, and the penetrating power oi ('\'ery wurd was ~uch tllat no pa­son who heard could ever doubt that this little sllIlple·lIllllded Samuel was speaklllg" by direct, "upernatural im.piration from God.

Prostrated in \i~ion at Ihe fcc! of the Lord. thc boy wa.~ l.~'ard to say. "Lord Jesus. I all1 nOl worth\' to he here or to be san:d at all. I am - onl\, a little qrect beg.t::ar .. · TllI.:n the Lord' Je~us :\(ldn: .. ~C'd the boy .-\t the tiult' tht· bo\' did nOl know it, but the Lord actually SrlO·ke through the hoy as a mollthpiece. using the first pC'rson and addressing" us allli the ci1il(lren siHin.l: about him llere i" the ·"Thus s..1ith the Lord·· that we wi~h miJ,:'hl grip \'our Ilearts as it still grips our own.

Tht J/l'ssugr Fyt)lll Christ

'·1 weep tonight. T am heartbroken. am in deep sorrow hecause those who be­lieve in ).Ic arc so ,·ery few J planned and prepared helH-en for e,·eryonC'. I made room there for all the people in all the world. I made the New jeru<;'1lelll with plenty of space for all men But men will nOt helieve ).Ie. Those who belie\'e are so very few_ I am 5.1(1. ~o 'ery .;;a(1. (TillS message given between heart-rending sobs and floods of tears from the boy.) r..len will not helieve Me. 'Il1U~t destroy the wicked eartll. I planned to visit it - with three great calamities. but it is so wickcd that I have added a fourth.

·'If you have an)" friends, tell them to repent quickly. Persuade all mcn all rap­idly as po~sillie 10 helie,e the gospel. If people will not listen and will not accept your messag-~ the responsibility will not be upon you.

··Get the Rapti~m in the 1I0ly Spirit. If you will tarry and believe I will b..1ptize you. The de,·il (lecei,-cs yot!. He makes yOt! think you will nOt receive the Bapti<;m. Wait and seck and I will baptize. "11 give you power to cast out de,·ils and to heal the sick. Tho~e who receiye the ~eal of the H oly Spirit are to preach and te~tify. and r will be with YOIl to help and pro­teet you in times of danger.

··The de,-il decei,·es you. If you think that perhap~ you will not get to heaven that is of the devil. I will not de:.troy )'ly own children_ I will protect and save e,·ery one; not one of Mine w111 perish. r will o\'ercome. Pray for )'Ir. and Mrs. l3akl'r and I will gi,·e them power to cast out 11("\ ils and heal the sick. The children 111 the home should obe~'. Do nQt figh t Do not lie. Li,-e at peace. When you pray. pray from the heart. Do nOt let yOllr lo'·e grow cold.

··Tell otl1l"r churches thev too should seek the Holy Spi rit. .\11 chu·rches mu~t preiS iorward.

··The dnil is C"OllIin.c 10 earth in a fe ..... year~ and there will be great tribulation. Do IlOt worry. I will Ilrotect and care for you.

.• P('I)ple l'\'crywh(·re win gather wgcther and tig-ht ill olle 1'i:J.("'t.. ;\ fter men all gath­er in one "lace to ti~ht I will come to pun­ish tllC earth YOII mu~t not fea r, fOt" tho,e who hdicvc in ;\Ie will be caught up to blow trUIl1J)('tS and pla~' harps.

' .j will drstroy two of every three. \\'I,cl1 I come everything: must obey )'ly voice. Iiouse" ,\ill tlllllbl(' dowl1. 'lo\m­taim will I"all. Tr~s will I~ de:.tro)'ed. There \\ ill be 11IIfT Ik~tructinn where I will 110t lea'e one hlade of gra<:<;. Those who worship idols shall perish. 1\11 <;() r­ccrers and spiritist medllllns shall be cast into hell. Onlv those who I~lie,'e the go"pc,1 will be saved."

Thus hath the Lord spoken to Adul1am and we believe to al1 to whom we may be able to pass on this I1lcssag:e of propht.'Cy. This message from our riscn Lord was given III Chinese as abo'·e recorded. The sentences were given slowly and distlllctly with 1),11lSes between. I wrote them as they were given. The sentences were often repf'atcd a time or two, so there could \.Ie: no mistake on the P.1rt of the hearers and so there was ample t:me to record without mi stake (,,-en word that the Lord ~poke through this little inspired prophet of His choice.

The messa.l!e complete, the little boy arose and then told us he had been at the feet of le~II<; He did not know that Ihe Lord had spoken thrQugh him as well as 10 him in the first person. I re repeated the proph­ecy saying. "Jesus said that. Jesu! said this:' etc.

In days of old when rcligous and worldly men had departed from a simple faith in a perllOnal living God who spoke to men. and when their unhchef and wickedness was such that "in those days there was no open \'i~ion" (I Samuel 3), God found a pure-minded little Samuel and spoke to him in an audible ,·oice. a message that was fulfil1N'1 to the verv leller. So we believe that God who is sii11 the same living God that ha~ spoken to and through othcrs, has in this {lay of wicke(lness and IIl1heJief givell us tllTOU.r::h om little Chincse Samuel a ''Thus saith the Lord" that will shortly come to pa~s. a n'H'"~sage to he heeded to our eternal joy or neglected to our eternal sorrow. From Visiort.r nl'\"o1ld till' V.-iI, Iw 11 A. naker. Can he -ohtained from Mrs_ II A Rak('r. C('ntral Bible 111<;titute. Sprin.r::fidd. Mo .. 3S ccnt<; in paper. 60 cents in doth.

Page 6: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1940-1949/1942/1942_12_26.pdf · Alice Rey .. olds Flower. .. -, .... """--.,. ---, -• '-'. ... "The world i~ full of dcsert{'rs from Ihe

P(J(JI Six

OVT of the depths Il l' lif trd mel Aby~s calls to abyss, deep anWil'rs to drep, .. Only tho ,. who kllClw

wl, :11 It is to be bound as I wa~. CaptllC 0; the Tllighty, thc Jlre~' of the terrihle, will he able to undl'r~laucl h011 great was the de !i l'(~ rallre which (;ud w TOIlg-ht III lIle whcll un J :muar)' 12, 11'1'18, l ie Sl' t me cOrl1 ple tt ly free frulll the deg-rad1llg hOIl

dage of the morphine and chloral habit to wllidl I hOld 11 .. ..:· 11 OJ ~ la\(" fIJI' )("I!~.

Siltll1g III darkness and 111 the shadow of death, oound in afl bclion and Iron, 1 cried \l l1 to Ihe Lord HI my uvuUlc and li e l>avcd me OUI oi my d l"t re~", orought IIlC

oul of darkness and the shadow V I death, and broke Illy bands asundcr. Uo yuu not tlunk that I have reabon to pralM: <';00, and glorii y With CICIY breat h our all cOIl(luer 11Ig J e ~u~'

I will Ix:g lll at the bcginnl1lg of the sad story wu h the glad endmg', and say Ihal If anyone asks me how I COll tractcd t he. lI1ul"phlllC halm I call unly t>a)" " Through Illy iault, throllgll my must grievou" fault."

I II"d been !;an:d several years be fore, but hkl' Petel" ;!I olle s tage of In s career, I was following a far o fT when I fell HlIO ti llS snare. It is a dangerous thiug to foll uw afar vfT, I prolcd that 10 my c{)!>t,

Of course It is needless to !Wy that noth­ing w;\:. further from my thought than OcCOHlIIIg' i t '"drug addICt," "<Iopc licnd, " as they arc styled today, but 1 was en · gaged in Icry strcnuous wurk, pr,1I:ticing mcdicine ,tnti surgery, and in t l1l1eS of excessive :.train from anxiety or overwork, I occasiollally rewrted to IlIorphine, s ingly or 111 combination with oth!'r drugs, to steady my nerves and enable me to :.Ieep.

Knowing as 1 did the awful )XlII'er of the habit-inducing drug to el1s1al'c and de­stroy it s victims, and with practical dem­onstrations of it before my eye:. every day among the most brilliant mClnbers of the mt.'dital profession (I am a graduate of the Vllil'ersity of Michigan Department o f l'Iledicine, regular school, Ann Arbor, l\!ichigan), I was utterly inexcusable for daring to trine even for a moment with such a destructive agent. And, alas! I thought I was toying with the drug, but one day I made the startling di~oH.'ry that the druf:, or rather the (I<:mol1 ]XlWer hack of the drug'. was playing wilh 11 K', The blood ·lhirsty tiger that had del'oured so ma1J.l' VIctims had me in his grasp.

Of the anguish of my soul thc day I Imd to acknowledge to T1lysclf that mor­phine was thc ma~ter and I the "laIC, I can el"ell now hardly bear to speak. I desire to leal"e ilO shadow of douht on the mind of anyone Ihat I was a veritable victim of morpt,inomania.

My ordinary dose of the durg varied from ten 10 fourteen grains a day. f thus took re.'g'ularly about fift~, lime'l tlw dose.' for an adult mall. I also took chlorate hydf3te, a most deadly drug u~C.'d by crim­inals in the concoction of the.' so-caJle.'d

"km.K;k-out drop. ," taking One hUllIlre<l and Iwellty grain in two doses of sixt), gral1l~ at an 1111(,(1'<11 of one hour, each night at bedtime. Tht' safe dose of chloral, illllced lher<~ I lin safe rJose in my ol,inion, is IJIlly al)l)ut lin' f:rains, so J regularly t()(Jk al ..... UI tWl'11Iy ' fnu r time~ what would he pre<;e;:rihl'rl by a IlnCI/,r

1 took Ihe nll.!TI,llIne by mou th, III tile form uf thc sulphate, In J>ark-Davis & Co:s half .grain t:lhkts, which r imported wholesalc ( I wa~ Jiv111g in Cmada at this tilllc ) for m}" Ill:r~onal tl~(',

\Vhile sonll' have taken larger do~es than this, I fiml it hard to heliel"e that anyone was ever more completely enthralled hy the clrug than w:l~ I [coulll, by desperate d· forh onh' ( ;nd I..lum·" how desperate

II ill I" 'omcwhal. but I always reached a mll1l1num beyond which it was il1lpO~~lhlc to carry the re­duction.

T o ask me whether I had laken the drug on any particular day was as need ­less as to ill'1u ire whether I had illhalcd a tmospheric air ; one seemcd as neCe~5.1 ry to my ex is tence as the other.

\Vhcn by t rcmendous exercise o f will power, I a lJ.~tained from it for twenty four hours my condit ion was truly pit iable; trembling wilh weakness ; my whole body bathed in cold SlVeat, heart palpitating and nutlering, respiration irregular, my stom· ach unable to ret ain ('I'en ~o much as a drop o f water, intesti rl('s racked with pain and tortu red wit h pers i ~ t en t diarrliO('a, , was unable to SIOlllfl erect, to articulate cle;!rly, or el'en to sign m)' own name. 1 could not think connectedly. my milld was filled with hf)rrid imaginings and awful forebodings. and. worst o f all, my whole bcin~ was posse~~ed with the specific, ir­resistible cravinl! for the drug, ::-.ro one who has not fclt il can imagine what it is, Every cell of your body seems to be ~hriek­ing for it. It established a periodicity for itself in mv case and I found that at five o'clock each afternoon I had to have it, The demand for it was imperath·c amI could not he Ilel1ied. J believe I shol1ld ha\'e knowll thc time by the cal1 if 1 had been in mid-ocean wlthout a watch or clock.

Say what you Illav about will power, for mv part I am s.'ltisfied that no human determination can withstand the morphine demon when once his r\lle is established. His diahQlical power i~ super-human. hilI. thank Gorl. one has said: "I hal"e given yOI1 power ol'er all the power of the enemy." and <Iil'ine power i~ to he had for the ask· ing- and reccil'in~,

T did not succmnh. however. without manv ficrce ~trtlgg-les. I believe 1 made at least fifty-sel'en fI('sperate attempt.s to rid ml'sclf of the horrible incubus, Ol'cr and Ol'er aeain I threw awal' large quan­tities of th(' (Inrgs, ekterminffi that 1 would nel'er touch them al:.\in even if I diNI a~ the re~ult of ah~taillin,g- from them. I mllst have waste.'d a small fortune in this

WITII (. II RIST On Uerember 10 our IIrerio\l' ,i"tr, Dr. Lilian

H. YeOIll;!nS, 01 :\1anha\lan ll!':,ch, C"lif., ",en l hm!1c to b .. · lorn'er wilh Ihe I.ord. She ha~ been a mo~t remarkable "itnc~~ for Chri~t since lie Iir,lci(>\I ~ I -" 11e:dcd her of morphine add,ct;ol' ne~r1y 45 yra rs a~o. \i :u, y who have h en won Illr (hr;'1 and lwaled through her mini, t ry will r i~e UI! and (<111 her ble<sed. Pro,' .11 'lI;.

Since her 80th bir thday, Dr. Yc<,n""l> ha, {on· ti lled her min i.try largely tv th.lt 1>1 l,r.nCr ~n<I WTi li nl(. E'ery l ime you \" i",tcd \'l"f Y<JU found her strOllg in faith, gi" ing gl"ry 10 Cod, You (ould lleHr I" ;. il her h""llilable hom,· withnut frtl ing you had had ~n h"ur o r IWo in hc;! ..cn.

Belle,jng her I<.stim(.ony "ill be a hel" I" many, we are reprinting ;1 in thi s Evangd.

way, I tricd all the substitutes recom­mended by the medical profession, I con­sulted mallY Ilhysicians, some of them mcn of national reputation. 1 can never forgct the tender consideration which I received at the hands of some of these, hut they were powerless to break my fellers, r got so fOlr all'4y from God thaI I aCluall)' tried Christian Science, fal sely so called, I also took the then famous Keelcy Gold Cure. I f there is anything 1 did not try I have yet to \earn \\'113t it is.

1 left the Gold Cun: 111 Slilulc in a cr<l7.ed condition and was transferred to a Sana­torium for Nenotls Di !;ea~es and placed under the care of a famons specialist. From this institution I emerged s till taking mor­phine and chloral , ali the doctors would not allow l1Ie 10 dispense with them, partly be­cauS(' of m )' ph~ sic11 cOlldilion, and more perhap~ bcrause of Illy unbalanced mental state, which always became aggravated wl1('n 1 no longer used thelll. Of the suf, fering these efforts to free myself cost me, I wOl1ld r:lther not s]X'ak.

I wa, a perfect WTl'ck mcrztally anel phy~iraJl)'. "l.ike a skeleton with 01 devil inside," one of lily nllrscs 5.lid. and T tllink her description. if lIot very nattering-, was aITurate enough. l'Ily friend~ had lo~t all hope o f el'er seeing me delil'ered, and far from urging me to give up tht: drugs. ad yised me to t'lke them as the only means of presen'ing the littlc reason that remained

Page 7: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1940-1949/1942/1942_12_26.pdf · Alice Rey .. olds Flower. .. -, .... """--.,. ---, -• '-'. ... "The world i~ full of dcsert{'rs from Ihe

lJrumht'r 26,1942

to me. Thcy expectcd my wretched life to come to an early do",c, and really (oul(1 1I0t desin: to s.ce so miscrablc all eXI!St· cllce prolonged.

Perhap!S mally of us know "'I'll<'" Ran'n, , that wcird poem of Edgar .\Ikn 1'Ix.:·s_ The author, though he has been ca"t~1 the princc of .\mo.;ric;m !'Ol"h. rx.:ri_,lu:d mi,t'rahly at a very early age, as the re~tlit \Ii :ldtliction~ buch as minc. In thi~ pOCIll. ht: repn·,enb hllll~l£ as opcnmg hi~ dvur tl) a hlack ra\ell, a fonl bini oi prey, who, once afl milled, resi~ts all effort,; to l'jn:t Inn, loll! lJ('rcilll1g himself 011 a Tlllrhle !Jlbt over tht ('ntraIH.'e, !!a7.t:s at hlTn wlIh tIll' l'\l'S llf a demon_ Each time 11<' i, cOllunall<kd to clepart he rroab out tI (' (lm11l0U~ word .. N e\"{'fTllOf('."

The JlOt.'Il1 is a parahk m which tlw writeT' tl'IlS of hts crud aud hOl'dt~s 11011(1

agc 10 evi l Imbits. It u~ed 10 haunt me when I. too, was bound, and a~ain aud again, ~atan whispcred j() Ill)" tortun:d brain the awful won!. "~evnmore:'

Though I dre<lmed night :1111.1 day of in·edom. the dream seemed impossihle of realization. I said, "It will take ,>(JUll"ILiug" ~trong(:r than \kath to dc1inr IIll' . r"r the hllle(lU~ thillg is far deeper Ihan Ill)" ph)~­

ical he111g."· .\l1d I was righI, for it lOok the law of the Spi ri t of I.ife ill Chfi~t Je;,l1s wllich rnake~ us fr('C from the law of ~i ll ami death .

1)0 you ask, "Did you pray?" Yes; I callie to the placc where [ did nothing else. [ prayed and I'ra)"cd .011(1 I'IL\ YED_ Night afH.:r night I walked up and do\\"n our long drawing rooms calling on God. and sometimcs almost literally tearing- thc hair out of my head. :\nd you ~y. ".\11(1 you I\ eren' t healed after that:" \""0: I wa s not healed because I didn't heliev(: the simple s.\atclllClll of the Word of God: rather, Ill) healing could not be manifested, beeauM' of my unbelief. T shut the door and prtvcntcd the )lOwcr of God frOIl! op­erating unhindered in my body.

"And why did you not ha\'e faith?" Simply becausc I did not havc light enough to take it. It is a gift and has 10 be ap­propriated. And morcover, God's m~thod of bestowing it is through lIis Word. "Faith cOllleth" - nOle that it cometh­"by hearing. and hearing by the Word of God." Rom. 10:17.

I was getting very weak now and spent hour after hour in bed, and God in I [is mcrcy kcpt mc much alone, so that li e could talk to me. At last I drew my neg­lected Uible to me and plunged into it with fuJI purpose of heart to get all there wa~ for me. to do all that God told me to do, to bclie\'c all He said, and praisc God. the insoluhlc problem was soh·c(1. the impossi­ble \Vas achie\·ed . the deliverance was wrought. T I:ere i~ no trouble about it when God can get liS to mcct lIi ~ cOI1<1i­lions of repentance and faith. \\ 'hen God says faith He means Foilfl. It is well to know that.

If al1)"ol1c asks by what special scripture I lIas lieal ed I frel as though I \'ould almost ~ay 1 was 11caled hy the whole Huok. For it is there in Job. the oldest hook in the Uible, which has as clear Icaching on healing ill the atonement as the \Von] COI1 -lains (Job 33:24): and in Gene~is where God makes man as He wants him, in His own image and likeness. even as to his

I'h~~lcal I,elllg- iH'e tr"l11 ner)" di~ahllit~, and FXil\!U,. wlwn' tht' eh. ":II \It ... 1[. marchc,l out \" 011 \\ ill n·ad ,(bout 11 in the lU.3th I'gallll, and the 37th wr" "wilh n,,1 ('11\' i( ... ·hk ,,,'r'lln among tll\'lr tri!~,:' Thlllk oi 1I! \\'hat a gloriolls I'TUl""S.!l1LI 11"1\" ,li(1 tlwy do it l Thn,}ugh tile lI"olHl\-r \Vorkillg pll\\Tr of till' Blood of thl" l'a"'I\Tr I_anlb. _\lld I.(·viticus with tlw lqwr \"Il·;ln'111.1: lTflm"ll~' wllert', Whl'l1 tilt" Il'll"r Imd l1((t a 5('Il11r] ~P()t ill hIS wh"k hod\". I:l' \\"a~ Ilt":lkd 11\ tht· hlood (Ii thl' Illni ,lain "\l"T tht: rulllllll"; Ilater, 111 an canhtll \{'"el. IllClllrC of Olri,t. who t\ln,u;.:h tht Ell'TlI:LI SIl!rit offered Ilim~cli witll()1\1 "1"'1 UIII(J l;\"I: in :\u1ll"er~, whrre ('\'l'r\" rl'conlt,[ COl .... · of sicklles~ is (Il-all wiill hy ~lLpernat\lra! 1II,·aIlS. prayer. ~ac rilice and at,\Ill·t1lt"ut: in Dcutl'TOIlOIlW, where (;,,<1 ('''plicitly prl1!ll1~rs to take ;lWa\"

all sl("k1lL'~" from Ilis ob ... dient people, hut I call11(lt qUOtt' furtl: ... r. Sldlice it to ~al' that I found till' Billie w~s (llle lIIa,~ (l'f h(,;llil1r.:: for till' emir{' man, thrte thinl~. 1I(.t tWII tlllrd~ a, I had Illistakenly SlIl'­Il\\,td, a1l<1 wilt'n Iii" word" \\"ert' fnund. I (lid l'at tlwllI. \11\1 tlwy did tll .... work Th ... \" ne\er iaiL I knCII" [ was Iwaln\. Ihat' I c'mld not help hl'lIl~ he:lkd II('CaU'l' God \\".10; iaithiul. all(1 I all1lo~t lost imert:,t III Illy ,\"mptOHls, r was so certain of tla' truth. TIll' drugs w('nt - I (lid not know for 11111rtten years after my healing- what hecal1\e of them_ I thou!!!!t mayll<: God would sl'nd an angel to take thelll away. and I \\"a, sort of watching- for him. hut the fir't thing J kllt'll ti'l'Y were 1:"(.IIt'_ .-\nd that would. Iwt 11;\\ e helped lllU{"h, ],1lI "ollletiTmg ('IS(' \\"a" gone_ The ~pt'Cili{". Irre~istible. illdl"crilmhll' cra\ ing pnuill{"t(1 by thl' lIl'moll power was gOIl"", Tile !lifl cOlIS black bird of pre) Ilut croaked '":\n ermore," Ilad flown, n('vrr to return. I had no more u,e for morphine and chloral than fo r "Rough on l,at~" had 110 room for them or any otiwr (I rugs. in my ph~'s ical econOI1\~'. I\lv :lppet ite became so ex­cellent that I ha(1 to cat ahont s('vcn lIl('als a day. and I had no room for (Irugs \nll needle% 10 ~ay. my ~1I1 was filled with Ili ~ prai~es. and is ~till-

"\ty soul cloth mag-nih the Lord. and my spi rit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour."

The Lord bringeth the COll nse l of the na ­tions to nought: He ma keth the thoughts of the peoples to be of no effect, The counsel of the Lord standeth fast for ever, rhe thoughts of His heart to all gencra ~


P salm }3: I O, II, R.V.

Pag, St:Vnr

. \nd tilt hl'" "f all 110 that thts healing wa ... nt) 1101.1'1'.\' aCCTdt·nt. 110 ~11.'C1al miracle on my IIthati, bUI tli\: \\Ilfklllg \Jut in 1lI~ oi (;,)ors WIt! ior all III \1.5. Pl'ril:\:t soun,l· Ill" ".\ lanh 1II tilt' :\allle oi Je~u~ of !\al.·Lnth So far ai I kilO\\" til(" tic'hl. G(KI's work is being done tLllIa, Jlrl1l("I'~U~ hy mcn and women \\"ho ha\'(' heen rai~t'd fmm J1h~~ical as wcll as sl'inlllal (\(oath, IK'oplc who wcre giHn up to dic by the I1lldic;11 f:lcllity. I hdie\"(' I {"(luld J::uc off han,] til<" names oi Oll{' hlindre~1 ~\lch

.\11<1 there art: ~tlll ,ac:lncitS ln tht" rank~ oi tl e ;\nlly oi the King". I r )011 are af­·hl't\·,j ~tcl' out and rl.'ct:i\~ I, alin!!, and th"n !!l·t hi \H)rk_

I W,h in Qicagn illlllwdiatel,- ;If\er Ill~ hl·alill.l: and Wtut (lll~' \Ia\ to Ih~ \\'C'II1CIl',

Tl'II1l'I(' tn tilt' \""'''Hulay J'ran'r \IC'I·ting­I do uot kllOw how it i~ Ill)\\, but il u,td to IK' a sort of ral1yiuJ:: pbl'(' for Chri~lian workl'r,: tlwv C<lU1l' (roll1 tlw \1 (")(ltl\' In ,!ltnk ;uu! mallv lllis"iolh and rhUfc1H"5 \\"hl'lI I \\·alk;.:(/· in 1 found tlw I'n'ach("r talking <If tllc awiul ,n,lre"; in which l'('(ll'k who trint' with narcotic flnlg!!, inchrtjmg t(lI~lc~-n. gt'l t:lltall)::ll'll. Ill' '\:lrm~1 !hem \(I !!iw tl1('111 up elllireh ii tlw)' \H"re talll l'(:ritl~ with them. .\u<l tlwn he ~It down_ I knn\ frolll t'xpcrknce Ihat thu' coulfln(1t !!in' thl·t11 up lUlle" the.\· t()(,k .k~u~, and so. prompted by the Il oh Spiril, t ro"e and :t~hd if J might ~av a w("Ird_ It was not p.lrl1a11lt'ntary for me til (10 t hi~, but G(ul W<lS in it. ami 1 got lean'. Then I saill' "'I a11l glad for thc gon<l advice ou~ hrothcr has given liS and I \\ant to tell VPII I",w to Ii" iI, :11111 I alii ~1'I('aking from tIll' fkpths of eXIl("rieIKl" \Iul I 101.1 111\ ,tnT\' I tllillk many of tlu1ll .lid IIllt I licH' in Di\ine I kaling 1lt'1{'f(' I IIlI.1 11 hut I do not behe\"c tllcre was aile that did not believe in it after I had tinish('<1 I was so happ\'. lih' ~omc cagee! Ihill,!!" ~d f ree, Ihat they cOlild 110t ht:lp rejoicing with lll. :Uld ~pontallcol!sh' thry rOse 10 their ket and in one greal hurst of praise ~ang

".-lfl hail Ih,. tmc'rr of Irlll.f' Nal/fr"

Til,' ,,"on' otlla::illq 11"//111101/\' i.f /"krll from Ilrr b(lok "/lmlillq Frotll !frat"!"/!" bv !.ili.,,! H. }' rOll/Oils. -'1./1, ()lla:lwblr fr("'1 /;/utd I'IIMislrillrf Jifms.·. Sfnllqfirld .. \/0_ i'rin' 50 n·llls.

Amenca'sGreatest Need Anl('rica's great t'q 111 ... ·(\ IS a return til

the Hihk ,t.1l1dard of rt"ti!!OII. .\n(1 tlw hl'~t way to regain ground already In,t i~ to he­g"in in )'ol(r hallie by the e~ tahli~hing of .1 family altar. n ail:: f) ('1'oti()lH i~ a ([uar­tl' rl.'" designed to a~si~ t yOIl ill Y(:Hlr family (Ievotions. Two chapter" of Bihle reading i~ given for each day one for the morn· ing" alld the other fo r niJ:"h t r('ading. ~Iis­sionary ' lmyer requests and hirtl!(la\~ are gin·n, as well as a brief devotional COl11-lIll'llt on the Illt'Tllor)" vent' felr thr (lay Th(' ell ildn'n have not IWI'n forJ,!ntten, for a "IK'6'11 porti()n is IIIrhl(lt'{1 ('arh da\ for thc l1\ C(ln~i(kring tlH' illrn'as('(1 l'O'M of pr()(llll'ti'lll tl1(' Ilrin's are \l'ry rrasnnal)I(" In tllC IT.,. \ 10e p('r )" l':lr or lOe p.:r Quarlt' r : ILn'l' Of mort e()pi('S to OUl' ac!­(Ire~, 2Oc: 5 crll,ies ]Oc: 8 c()pi('~ 45c . in larger CJ\lantitie~ 5c caeh. Canadian and fort'ign pric('s aT(' 50c per \'Car M Bc per Quarter; in (111.1n l il il's of 10 or Illore 10 one a{ltIre~s. 7c each. Ordrr fr(llll tht' r.(}~pel Publi!oohing H ouse. Sprin!!firld. l\li~""'uri

Page 8: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1940-1949/1942/1942_12_26.pdf · Alice Rey .. olds Flower. .. -, .... """--.,. ---, -• '-'. ... "The world i~ full of dcsert{'rs from Ihe


We're Starting

--Will You on a Gospel Trip

Along? Come J p, Kolenda, Florianopoli., Brn,t

"",10,." II ",,>!IH ," ",In. lilll( I.\f you I" ,HC(lnlt"IOI) U. it! your ''''''Rinalioo on a little ,np inlO ,he lilt' c,." "I dot· 'laic, I , Thnnda, "flt·r<"~"1. ~lrs Kole,l<b amI

I, e~rr}"U1l1: 'our ~Ullca t· and accordiOn, board Ihe hUI for Tij,a'" "n'e f"nv 11 ile. awar /It,.OIU e vf ila~oll1l" r .• \ion;"<1 "" 01" IIul "" ur car ill Iril,'ehnJ: .\1 Tijuc:u our nalive

" .. ,k~r, Cri,ol(ollo. ami ian"I,' a,,"\ Ui ",111 lI:r"lIl JOY Although Ih;\, onr neWt'l out­~Ialion, ,,·:u "pened onl.' Ihr.·,· ,,., nlhs a<\f). ~ 1I0o.Liy number already are intue.,,·d in the 1I0~l'tt P.·ople crowd Ihe 1 .• ,)/,' fro,nl H>nlll. "hilc "'{,res of olher~ li'll'" inlNHI.\' "II the '!\II idt. AI Ih~ close of Ihe sen'ice le"c" reSllond 10 Ihe iOlvilalion W .... ro'pI (hri".

Friday we arrive 111 [Iaja,. The "hurch i, no"ded, and "hat live[y singinlo/! \Ir. Koknda hr;m/; a ,horl message fol1ow~d hy a spe~ial M'n~, ThO! glory of God dnc.·,'II" Ihc .. hoUl~ 01 prai,~ rrn~ OUI. On our rt tur" trip a wet\"; I~"·r. Jo~e (.traldo, the colored nat,vc pastor, oaill, ·'UrOlher, come often; e'er)' I"n~ yo..! vi,il m Ilu' d,ureh i. revind I a'l Sunday liv~ ,,'u], round Ihe I."nl. ;,,,,1 1."1 nillltl ,,",' 01 the.e receiHd the Bapll,m in Ihe 1\ ,II Spirit,"

"Who ~e All Th" ... Fo[k1~

Salurday ollr journey e<lnli"u,,~ 10 H.io do Sui "here \\O! find the [;\tlc church fitled w;lh helieven whom we haH never seen "\\,ho are all thesc I('>lk'·' \\e in'1l1ire, 10 which Ihe nali,'c workn reillies, "The5e are all new eonHrts since "our vi~il nine 11101lIh. .ltn." 5111"[3Y we hold lour service~, beside. I baplismal .enice in Ihe near,b), riHr at "hich Ihirleell 'Ur innncr~~d It .ee111\ Ihc "Iwlt 10WII bas lurnO!d out 10 \\;tnus il. including Ihe mayor a'HI nearly all Ihe olli(ial~.

Quite a nnmbO!r of Chri.tian, came on Iflot ,. di'lance of len 10 Iwelv~ miles from MOSlluitinho and Tro111l1udo to O!njo), Ihe Sunday ,ervice~ Afler Ihe night meel;n8 Ihey walked hOI11e. [I s tarted to rain. and for morc than Ihree Ioour~ they stumbled along in the darkness. wadin~ Ihrough thc mud. carr)'inll: their shoe. in Iheir hands. Sad? "No," Ihey said, "we unJ.l nearl)' aU Ihe \\"3V," On ~Ionday "e fnllO\\'ed them, going by bus and by spring­If. ~ "lIl(Oll, In spite or the rain, the ehurd, ".J filled. As we waded home Ihrough the mud \\'ith our lorches and lanter"" it h.ld Ihe appcarancO! of a torchlight Ilroce.<ion

Be.,.".e They L ove the Word o f God Tuuday we journeyl'd 10 Tromhndo A,

we rode ;n the waJ.;on 10 our mO!~tinll h~lI thai even;n~, [ said, "Surely nOI many wi\! ('(t1111' in thi~ mud tn Ihe 'ervite." [ma,l:;n.· my 'IIrl'ri<e on ar riv in\! at the church to find IWO CO"pll'~ thl're from Mosquilinho. They were a1110nlt th~ proup Ihat had walked 10 Rio ,10 ~\lt 011 5und;\\', and now Ihe~' had (,paw t'Hh~ mill'< on 1.'<'1 throUlth Ihe mud 10 ;l,l1e',d .'nc ~rT\"ict, Thr$e hO!lie\'O!r~ do this often, boe­c~use thO!l' lo"e lh,· Word of God

The hall was filled, and whal a ~1'f\"i<'0!' A young lady wept under conviclion tr}";n>!:

\("I tidll ,1 "II, ,hI' ,,,'nl m1\,i,1t thrn <lilft·n·,,' 1,,,1<'-, .\nulJ.n .,,'II'lg lady had • demon '<Haek j,,,, ;1" Ilw "har t,,11 was /.:i,·en, hut ,,~

"r I.ran-d lor h"r ~hc '1Uieled down. 1 a,kl'd :! man if he klle,,· thi ~ "ir1, \() whith he rO!phed, "Yt'~, and [ am ,urpr;,e,\ Ih,.1 sh ... luic\{'d ,"""n, f'r it \I ually lakes f.ve or six "'til 10 h"ld her dunn/.: Ihe-e ,,11 •• '1.,' Sh,' not onl)' :'er"me 'Iui('l, bUI a lill[e lat~r whe' we pra"ed lor a cou,.le who "ere _ccklllll 'all'ali"n, ,h" .100 c;r,,,,~ forward. knl'e:inK an,1 l'aUinJ: un f.~od. Pray for Ill!' ~'OUtllt "um,"I, ,,,,,1 ft.r the """'y nlhl"f' in t:"nil who art' in a .,imilar condition.

Our nali,'\' P" tnr fwm 1111"'''''''11' "h" "r,."m· ,,"nicd '" on Ihi~ Irip insi, led that "C '1'1''''\ \\'edn~,day nighl in lItumenau for a special meO!tinll:. Thur day nighl we "ere back fflf our scnire in Florianopotis. One week had pa~sed, a happy and bu~)' week indeed. Other, <lT0! coming, and the.c too we want to fill with aCI;vil}" lor Ihe Mhter "hile thl' doors ,.f ollportunily ~Iill are open.


For ~ome lime Ollr 1U""onaril"s ilt ~o\lIL Alrica hav.:': felt Ihe n~ed 01 gctlinJ: togelhv bel ween the reg ular bi""11ial conferences Jor a special limc of fellowship and w"iling lin God, To Ihis O!nd " gathering rece'1I1y wa~ arranged in Johannc'burg. Thirty-eight mis sionarie$ were there, bc~ides several pastors of our white ultmbliu in South Africa. "It is impossible for me to describe what those len days mcanl 10 U~ all," wrilO!s E.dgar P eltenger. "The whole thcme of the meelings seemed to be Ihe Holy Spiril, and wilhoul .ny previous arrao'J:ing, each speaker fitted in 10 whal the Lord already had planned for Ihe scnices. Hours each d~y were spent in waiting upon Ihe Lord, Sixteen received Ihe Baplism in the 11 01)' Spirit. amOng them ~cvera l of Ihe missionaries· children, OnO! mis~ionary said our 'ballerie. wcre being rechan:cd: All of us ha,'e now rO!turned to our various Slalion., «ome separated by SOO miles, As we take up ministr)' .~.in, I am sure ;1 will bring 11.:':\\ tife and victory anlong Ihe nati\"l' behe~eh.

"Brother O,a\\'m:r hu been tr.r.,'eling through sections of ~ I Olambiquc visiting our work therO!. }[~ \\ritO!s that ne,'O!r in his "ear~ Cif mir.i~!ry in thi ' land has he ~cen ,nch bIO!sS;l':; among the pcoplO!, Several of onr ]]al,vc preache., who tra"ded a di >!ancl" of SOO miles l,rO!aehing IhO! go~pel in a seclio" ""OWl! as Hlcng:oland, relurncd wilh the report th,,\ Ihe I.ord had been wilh them, Xumben wcre healed in ans\\'~r to prayer, Onr men here on th~ minc$ ;n Tran,,'aal g;"e t()warJ th~

,upport of Ihese workcn in ~fozambi(]ue, It i. e"pO!eted that the uITl"rinl:'s of our mine men this ~ear will run III the "ei~hborh .. ocl of $5flO,OO, Thu~ a. we co-operate, we find the blc~sing <:'1 Ih .. Lord r .. sting upon Ih~ \\"hfll~ work .,

DI!(~",ber 26, 1942


[t i, \\ilh cI«p r~grt'l

that "I' repurl the p"".

inl." a\\a)' oi a'~>lh~r of ""r '"luionari", Beulah I, B"d"'a!ltr, ,,00 en 1"Tt,\ inl" Iht l,re,cnc,' 01 Ihe Lon\ :\o,'\'mh<'r 15 while \\' .rkin~ fnr her ~!,hlc-r ;n til(' I\nrthcrn T~rr;I'" il'< "f (",lei C03~L \\",<t ,\Irica,

~Ii, Bud.walta wa~ h"rn [)eCl"mbt'r 14, 1909 :-;he C'~l1C5 "f a ",;~,io"-

, f"",il~', "Ih~r~ I,i h.'r r .. lali"tl !.a,·in.\! ~cr\"cd Ihe l.ord on Chi"a ·\PI1"i"'menl wa. firsl j:nnl",1 \0 hl"r by lhe (;"",'ral C",,,wit ;n S,·p~cm, la. )'IJI. "t "hich Ii",,, she ~ikd for Gold ("";ht \lter aboul "'ur year~ abroael. ,he ",_ lurnnl I. If,,, homeland <ufiering from p"llagra, "" douhl brought 011 through lack of nourishing ["od Ou,,;OI': her limr of furlough ,I,,· 'tX:"1 ~ lerm at our Cetltral Bihle Institute.

At the beginning of 1938 it seemed that her health h"d IX:{-n lull.\' restored, lInd anxious to rUurn tn the fIC Id of her callinr;:, ,he again bailed fllr G(,ld ('03,t io February of that year. Sinc~ lhat t,me ,hI' has labored \ery hapl,i)" \\'i~h her c(morhr, FlorCfK"e BlOS50m.

\1;" B[Il""'m II3Y§ high Iribute 10 her bclo"o:d frit·ud, \h~ Inss of wholll has broughl to her ~uc:, d~p sorrow, yet mingled with joy 3,lti c"mf"rl. "My comfo~\ I <1r3w from admonitions )(i'"n by Beul"h before her !ton,egoinK.~ sh~ wri,,·,. "Jtt~1 a few days Ix:fort ~hO! pa"O!d n,,"'y, we sang togelher as a duct. ·God', Way Is the ile;t Way: and alter thi' she s;oid, ·Florenee. whal{','~r happens, remember that "all things wO"k logclher for good."· On Ihe morning following Ihe Il10era[, he r words came back to tnt .0 I,[ain!y. 'In Ihe morning when )·ou get up and see the lo\"dy .""rise. remember I will be enjoyin\! il Irom .OOve "here I shan ne,'cr be tired lIgain.' ,.

Miss B10S§OTl1 lells of her friend' s great joy in ha"ing been able 10 complele a ta<k that had been on hn h .. arl for a numbcr flf years-the printinj.( 01 t'I~ Dasbani rrimcr, On ScptO!mbcr rr shc went to Tan,,"!!e to begin thi5 work and re­mained there with BrOlher and S;~tcr W eston ,,,,1,1 OcwlK'r 2.1. Ar~ er rell1rnill!! 10 the Vendi sla ti ol1, she was very tired as a rcsuh of th .. many hours spent in doing Ihe prirlting. Shorl))' after­wards she w.s taken wilh an illness whit'h <level, "IX"'\ mlO I>TlCnmonia and sub,t~lncIIII)' re.ultct.i HI her d.alh.

M" \\'",ton also POl}"S tribute 10 the swe~l. calm, f'ka~nI dis\lo~ilion of this chosen ,· ... ~d of 1M Lord and sp<'<lks of the comlorl they ha,·c m r .... membrance of the h.appy month she was wilh Ih,m ; I Tamale. ··She ~mil .. <l often Ihal mOT1lh,~ ~!r-, \\'e_ton w,ite~. '"I Hen remembcr ,aying I~ I,"r, 'Beulah, such a beauliful light radiat '5 irom your face when you smile.' H er answer was another I()vely smile. There is still with \I~ and ;\TOllnd atK.m 11> a Ira~rance Ihat she [cit,

"Th,' 11re • ...,nee oi tloe Lord was noticO!:tblt at Ih .. I nil" 01 Ihe luneral whkh was held i" Vendi. 1:I1l':li'h. T",;. and Dagbane language, were used, The \[cdical Officer, Ih~ O;<,jriet Connni;sion .. r ~nd 1I s('(tre or more African Chri~tial15 from Ta,,'alc weill U!, in a lorry. The re" "I t'lI: large ,roup .tlending the funeral (tst;n,,"!ted belween !Y1 and J(IO) "ere madc II:' "f Christians and (,i"",I, "I Yl'ntli.~

Page 9: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1940-1949/1942/1942_12_26.pdf · Alice Rey .. olds Flower. .. -, .... """--.,. ---, -• '-'. ... "The world i~ full of dcsert{'rs from Ihe

December 26, 1942


From FinaT P~[er'oo. Palma Soriano. Cuba cornu word of n~w fields openinl{. but Ihev are unable to take care o f them, "\\'hile it hurl~ to refuse," Bro[her p ... tcr<on wriles. "our s trength just will not hold oul. \Y ... ~re askin,;: Ihe Lord [0 ~i"e us youn11: nall\'C "orkus to fill in Ihe gaps. Will you joil1 1I~ in praya lor thi~?

" It ,.,a< our pri,-ilcj.!e recently 10 ha\'e with '" 1. \1101 ""h"'e>re and Ruth P01torfJ fe>r lour ('\'('ninl:' <ervice •. and the Lord rcall~' work~d 10 th ... ',,]'-.lliol1 01 soul •. SinC'e ~ ... ,'eral Chinesc ~ltrntle<l. a short _en-ice "as e,,",luned in Chine<e If'r Iheir bencfil afler Ihe re,;:ular me~lil1l't and a t the dC>!'e of Ihe la<1 ~en'icc nne n,;"t·,~ knelt ill pra)er fN uhalion. Bc. iore lea"inl:'. he purchased a Bihle in hi~ ow n lanJ;(u:ll.:r.

"As there arc a number of ,.llllaican< and " ther Fu,!.:lish speaki n,!.: peopl ... fr0m o the r i~­I~nd, he re in Palma. !!la11Y of whom do 11 01

Six Years ,

\fr_ ~IHI \I,.~ John Fra"klin h:,,'e jll,1 r. lurned 10 Ihe homeland fe>r a nn·ded furlotll{h \\'riling on th ... cn 01 th ... ir ,Iep.lrture Irom Cualemala. Brolher Franklin i, in r"'rMI''''ctive nloo!l "(her ,ix y~3" h"H~ !,a,,~d on th~ fl chl Jcar~ in which God h:u shown lIis hilh­fulness in pro\'iding alld caring for u<: but. he~t of a lt. we ha\'c secn !lis \,'urkitlj.! in many heart~ and lin" He has called inlo Hi < ~~r\"ic ... ~ hlle J.!roup o f nali-e mini,lers who carr\" th ... work forward in 16 assemblies h ... "id ... ! man" out~lation~. St"nal hundred Ita"e hun ,,,,"ed ~nd ~ nu",ber filled with the lI oly SI)i r,1

"\Y ... (10 nOI he~itale to say Ihal if we h", .. e $e~n God's blessing on the mi~.ion field it i~ because of Ihe faithlul co-operation of tioel's I"yal .cn·~nIS who h3\"e <tOOtI back 01 U5 ill pray~r aud wil h (,nanei,,1 ~upport. Of couue Ihis would mean nothing were il nOI for the workinK of Ih ... Spirit of God. Kenrlhele ... we doubt nOI hut that ollr Lord is to a considerah1e. ~xtel\t dC J\('ndcnl lIpon our faith fulncss to Hi s comlliand to ·J.!o into all Ihe world and preach the go,pel.' lIi s hope i, thaI :I hos l of laborer. will he $enl forth to Ihe han· ... '!. J.:n lil 1 lis eOlilinjo{. we musl do all in our power 10 keep thi~ aim hdore us and make all el,e subservienl to this end: 'Pray ye therefor ... th~ l.ord of the hane.1 that lie may send forth lal>oren inlo I ri ~ han'e<l .'

Li r h t !

"To our friends in the homeland who h~ve s tood wilh us. it may be refreshing 10 hear how God is an5,,·cr;ng prayer. For inst ance. lasl Sunday at Ihe close of the mee ling in our new work hef(' in Gnalemala Cil), . a man s tood up


SuuL .u ""..u.~ '" N~I P .. 1.u.

336 '1<1. PociJic $l

$".uu;/i.id, MudD ....

under, land :-;I'~nidl, w,' haH ,I .• r led an Enlo:"~lo _(·rvi ... " ".hidl I' held t\"C -I' t"u week._ \\'e are "xpeetill~ 10 sec m~nl' '<I"eo " :l r ... ,ult of Ihi, drort.

"I.a't \>('cl; IIrOlht'r ~"tk ami \I~""<i nc" lidd up in the l"oul1t.li,,~ There- "ere tncr 100 prc'ent at the I.nin· \1,,'1 of I"cm I-al-e ne,'er heu,t ., go I'd n' ... '-a>:e :and thn­jll'l drink in eler,th;n" that ,. <aid. although they Cant'lll coml'Te]o('nd what IIi, aoom.

"It \\a< ~n ene""r~).:tll1('''1 ~n<l Ihril1 I" n' "ht'u ,,,me 2() -"onn~ pe, 1'1 ... fr"m our oul't~lioll III ,10hn '.tarli ~'all1e to Ihi' <eT\'i~e, Ioa"ill\1 walk ... ,1 Ihe l"n~ ,1i'1"" ... e tl1r"'II.:" Ihe ddrklH" ..

Guatemala ",d ,aid 'Throlllo:l"'"1 II,,· mall)· y~ar~ "I Ill,·

liie I had heen a ,]e,·""t 'enanl and wOhhil' ... r "j ;0\01" IIm il final'" I came \(l tht, I,ittn d;, illn,ion that II,..y "('nl,1 nm !!IN'[ Ihe n(','<1 of !Il\'

,oul inr ,-,'l""L!liull, ! tlo('n hecame an atloei,t and ,~id tI'en' "a .. llO (;od at all , BUI in tl'at dark mOm,'''1 of d,·,pcrat;on ,nmcon,' f!".lve 111 ... a Bible_ II hrou~101 ht.:ht to 111\· ,oul. r am \'1m ,·inced of ;1 . Ir lltll, an ,1 Ihat 'i' wh .. I am lH't asham~d Ihi< niltht 10 accepl Chri<t as tn" ~aviour. ·

'"\\"c arc I:'lad 10 rel'<>rl Ihat Cod i, hleHi".: the n~" ''''rk in Ihe npilal. II "a~ b"'lo:un a linle ol'cr a Y"ar al{o. ;llld la .. 1 we ... k ,.ur ~lU'

,b~' ~ch""1 a\lendan"r "a" I~n_ II al'pears th;u our I,r..-enl 'Iuan ... r, "ill, ..... ", h. 10" rt1~11

Forl y_one Ye.n in Bondalle

'"I~~c,'nlly whcn I wa~ ";5ilinlo: one of our a"cmbr.e~, Ihe nal;'-e I'",h,r inlrodu"cd me to ~n cld,·rly man who had jnsl hr~n saved, 1 Ie '~Clllct! remark ablv finn in h;" lailh. On learn iug that he hat! heen a leading ii~urt' ;n the Callwlic church of hi. \'il13 ,;::('. I was impre.s('d 10 ask him to lell hi~ ,tor~' He 'aid 'FOrt)', on~ y~'lr' a,l:o a rohlOTlellr p~s'ed Ihrough thi' .eet ion of the counlr)" gi ,·ing OUI Bih1<-, :H111 (;ospel I"'flions. Inl o my hands fcll the tirst CO P'" 0; a Bible Ih,l\ I had '''er ~ee"_ Bul when Ihe I·illage priest j.:ot word of il. h ... _([tt out a "arlling to all I'cr<ons in hi, I'ari~h. <ayin,!.: Ihal Ihe Biblc ">I., Ihe ~Ior}" of t he '"Cur",'d Protestali l " :'Iartin Lulher, and th~1 Ihe e,-anj.!elicah wac I ... k;n~ Ollt 0; .,tinkilll.: ,,,pukhcrs Iha! "hieh had lonll ;inre bern buried a'l(l forgotten. I, eading of Ihc Dihle was striCllr forhid(len under Ihr";ll of "X '

( Upper) Sunday School in C .. atem .... CiIJ'. 01>C1l...! aye •• alo. The ulendan .. ., already i. 140. (Low,,~) M ... ionarie •• nd nali". m'ni.I" ... ;n Cunlema la.

<','II:n"", atton_ Th.· '-"1')' 1:1,] "·a, laken (,' '" IIH'. "".1 41 ,~"', 1 •. ,,,,<1 <iurm)! which I (t :\f(.t! In draw 11;10:11 III 11\';11 Iht' I'r~adlin,!: of tloe 1o:'''l'd. wI,;, h i" Iht' ~ Ial\'r year, ha, be­!',""e- 1'r< nnu'K<'d. BIII .. 1 I"-t U1\' fe~., j.jave \'1' .,11,1 I f"l1l<l ,1",,101 no ]')IIJ.!,·r. e.peei;Illy IU 1 _ 'w 1',,-,, ..:r"he "f 1;0,] ito tl· ... ,farl_ ~nd Ihes .j I h" e ,,10o ha,l lo"t'n .,1\ e<1

An O;>cn Door

I un~ .,,,,1 ~I'''t:~ ,,,II n,,1 permIt U' 10 continue leI hIlI{ " hat Ihin\{, (jod Ioa\ IHOU~ 'I. "'nd ho" '·inal.l~~ arc Ol'enms.: 10 tht J.!o",d Thrrc" 110 ,1"'lhl hUI thaI Ihe Lord ha~ _CI hdore liS gn 01"'11 d'K'r ..• ti<:!d of Io:n·. t t'"purtH"itl'

',\llh,III j:(h "e 11l"~t retllrn h(lme for a few m'''lt1o •. Ihe "ork will i-!" nn in our .11o''''"ce, \, '''u !I;,\,\, pra\'ell for m "h,le 'HI Ihe {'eld, ,,·r tnhl Y"" "ill rCl1l~n,hcr U~ duri nJ.! our ~t~y 111 the h"mdand \\-e .h"l1 he 111 c, '''Ianl rtl"tael wilh thc ""rk in I;u~temala. ~o Ihal il ~"u 1 !a" 10 fonlll1,,(, h ... lpiuJ.: our native II1t'lhrtll ~ntt"l" ,:, .... do.,r- th:tt arc (.pening and "i,inl{ Ih~m prq)3rati01l ~I our Bible InstItute. )'(In 111.1\' ,,·nd ),our ofJ~nnJ.:~ 10 1;le Minions Ikl'"rtnle,,( a t Sl'rmlortiel<1. \11'Jour;, dr .,,!:naled ':\ati,e work 111 Gual~ma1a, in earc of John Franklin: We wi1\ sce Ihal }'our fallhfulncu in Ihi ~ rC!ll'ec l may (ontribule I<l Sfreat .... r vlctoroes ~hr"d. h)' thc hdl) 01 Iltt Spiril of God, \Ve ~h.d t eudt'a"or to kfel' you i"[onn,,,! ;l~ to lite I'r")(r~,~ ~nd dcvelopmrnl of the ,,·ork."

(I) Native putor And fAmi ly. Th., WOme n have waler j.n on Ihei .. ~adl And the man il ho ldinr a larre Iquaoh. (Z) Broth .... FrankliD .ha"inl\'. u . inr •• !I t .. bl" . n o"I.I.tion pulpit. whi"h i. merely a hox on . ti lt .. (3) Saved, aft .... 41 yean in f.,.. .. . nd bo"dale (oe. accomp."J'i". ar ticle). (4) A native pal lor brinl' the mi .. ionar , • lifl of ""Iar nne 10 •• tilfy hi. Ihird.

Page 10: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1940-1949/1942/1942_12_26.pdf · Alice Rey .. olds Flower. .. -, .... """--.,. ---, -• '-'. ... "The world i~ full of dcsert{'rs from Ihe

TItE,; I'E:>OTI:tOSTAI. 1-:\".\:>;1.1:.1. December 26, }912

SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ha\'e mad( r(' ea ltd attempl!; 10 bnrn It and ,Iaml' il 'III vi exi~(e",:". lnfidds lor CtntunCi a\, 'I'e"t their lime and ~lrenl(lh Ir}inll t t>

!c I .. ,,· faith ;n it. .\nd yet:· says om' wriler. ·Ihi l:..:.ok n'~~ U\1 today like a phoenix (r"m II,,: fire. ,,;11. an air 01 mml{l~ rity and Whole Bible Sunday School Course

Ihe Blblc. the W ord of God

I" n ("r }illln ,I I r "n TC'xl }rr.36 J. J, ~ 2 Till II,! I'rl'r I 21. I'~alm

]!'IR<). I .1 41l R. ~htl 24 35, !'tu'r I :25; I 1I:11'~ 8 :.5(,.

\\,ilh ,III, quarl.r wc 1"'lo:an ;1 nrw ".c[,o "f 11'5.>0,. whidl "ill 1~J<c. II Ibn "Io(h II t· Hihk Innn (,rm' " I" k ...... ali,"'. Ito !114,1 wr ~hall ha\'(' • "",(, IIti", Ie- "II (rom th., 0101 Testa· ",rl'l and in 1')1-1, if Ihr I."rd Idrrk<. w,' .haU IlO ("r",,~h tIlt" \'"'~ T,' l~nH'nl

~ tu d)'illll Ihc Hihl,· in Ihi~ I.a)· <Ii!! f1l " hh- "' t" t·,· dC'Mly (h .• t th"lI~h it I~a writll'n over a l'C'I'iud of Ira) )'(".IT 1)1" .,10"111 40 <llIf"n'll( amhnu fr"1ll "il walk, "I lih·. with 1"T)ill" <!rIo(TI' s "I tduc;!!ic'''. yd Ihroullhm" d'cre i, UIIC' n,"tiIlIlOU th'llIl' II,c' n dnnpti,," "I ",an th,,,u!!h a divilldy ;IPI'"intc'd Sa"I"llr.

\1,,11\ rMn,'" (It,; li.",~ f."II<> apl'T< i.Lle t he (lId Ie t.1"'UlI, U~ \., Iu<. ,11111 ii' n.~

ht",,, h" tn Ih,· \,." T, t<llICnl li"IIe'Hr, tht, [InTI'" r of h"lh Te ta 11"'nt1 i~ tl,,· ,.n1\' In r.'"al (hri I h,1It, in I"'~I.,,,~ .. I II", 01" Te't~· "'rUI Snlptur. (wllleh were the only wrllle01 S",,'lurr in III .I;.y). ~,li". "TI ,e , arr Ihr "hit h 1\' lilY (II nit" }olm ~ .1'1 \g-ain, nolICC ho" Jr u lau):ht II". "'" \1"01,1< "II t he road In 1'm"'''"i- ".\nd ''''$1I11"illl( at \lo~e. and 1111 Ihc 1'r')l'hel I1\" .'x IlOUlltied un lo Ihclil in all th(' Scrip· tun ' the Ihin),: > C"",',' rn", ),( II"" ell," I."ke 21 "27,

In the Old "["e) l.\In,'nl, l"hri.t i~ ro~e.h .. dow",d hy type. ,,,..I, a, ·\htr , "I('rifit·c, :\o,lh\ ark. lIlt' hraun .'erp· cnt. thl' r" rl1il llr(' or llor I'lhcrnack, etc , I! r i, lorefi"ured by li"inlf onen ,,,cli ," .\ '[;UlI, haM, ,11'\("[110, Mel ehi~ed~c, David, el ~ ,: Il l' is predieled ~nd poinle.1 to by P ... lmi.," and Pro"I"' I. , ~"ch a~ "[os(' ~. David, haiah, et(.

So Ihen. ~ ~ " e ~o throul{h the Old T e.tauH"ut, may our prll}'er he that il~ pal{("> lila" rnt'a! 10 u ~ .1e 'oI" and all lhe h1t ~~ in): \ and pri,ilel(l'~ }Ie afTord~!

I. THE NEED FOR THE B IBLE, The (;0<;1 ,,100 <'ru(ed Ihe uni"n~e

and human hein~( l11u~1 he II (;00 of wi , dc'l1\ alld m",1 h;I<'(' a IlUq/O~e (or Iho,t whom lie rrealed. Ih.t how is man to find t..tn (;011'1 puqlO5CS and lin' up 10 them ? Man need5 a re"elalion frvm (;00. :\nd. _iuce books are Ihe hut lI1ethod~ of l)reser"ing Irulh in it- Iluril\' and Iran,milliru:: it from one generati"" to lI"ulhcr, what is more reasonable and "i,~ Ihan that (;.>tI ~h\)n1d ha'e renaled !lim,eli and IIi, rlernal puq)OSe5 for man throu~h a hN,l· an.1 th~t book the Bible?

II. THE INSPIRATION OF THE BIBLE. I. The muninll' of in.piration. ··AIl scrip­

lure is ~i"en b) in~l)iralillll of (;011." The word "in spiral ion" lil.-r"lI) mean, "(jod·hreathed." The Bihle was nOI the product 01 humAn thinki,,): and i""ll(in.ltion; il was Irulh which (amC Irom thr hrl)rt and mind of Gud. "Fe" the l)rophc")' c~mt· n1>1 <II any lime b~' the will of man, bUI hoi,. men of (jod spake as they were nlOccti h) th~ II\,h, (iho,t." "'h en \Ie 'av Ihe Hihle wa~ divinely inspired we mean th~1 Iht I rophel' and wril"n 01 old .. pake a5 they WHe mOI'eel h~ the 1101)' tihoM.

z. The word. of lhe Bible in.pi~ 0101 mere ly

th .. lI.o" .. hh. \1,,, f' " "on h"l {" ired Ihe II ,hI e,j II ~ ,) '\'cI W ,\t'r . hut

()\ tt-. ir \\','r<l <It Iv 11, a II" "~ral wa) ; the I~il)k Ihe \\'nrll of {,".] (OJ,I,,,ui,,/{" Ihi I.ne 01 Ih(>1'lo(hl the)" a\ th'l \\( II" ,t ther" fore. de) end upon thf' writtr' .... '.rd But I',e ">(,,,'1 OI'l'o,ilr' tnll" Tht· \\'"rel 11 ~ It dr:I.TI~' qal,'o (hal f'\I'n a thf' ""rrei" rtlrr~ "rolf .It,·;nely in pard wllrd" IIr~v cli,l n .. 1 wllkr· ~t.1nd the Ihoug-hts 01 Iho t "or,'" Sn I 1"'ln 1 10, II: Daniel I! :8, 'I. '1 10;,1 I he lilt'ral "1> .. 1 ~en' in \!ired is "cr~' .-Ic~r fr .. m Ihe (, \I"winl( :'o'ii,t"n" 2 S .. ",. 2J,!; I,~, I.!: I",. I :7, 'I. Fzl'k, '1], ,14, Mati. I:Z!: l. IS ; MMk 12;36, Luke 110 : An 1:1(1.

3. Men wrole cn'npenl;"ely not mech .. ni c~ lIy .

Hea(\ JI'T ,'II) I. 1, 4 \Vhl'lI thc ~a ... e,1 WTltll w«,te Ilw)' did no l beconw ,iutu","II>U I .ud did "HI my,teri"",ly 111""" I,wir hand, acro~, th" parchmenl <rrc,l1<, "hilt the mind, 01 tho,· ""'II "OTI' blan\.; ,,,,d in"\'I'\c. i\' d matltr "f hel,


WI;n j, r it- jot • ~~ mud, unhllrtnf'd h.v Ih<iT 111,V alt~d" .... ,>t're II e Ihrl't· Ihbrc" t"I;lrt'n ~ :\eb,,.. I.ld",·uar". furnace." \'f'tair.·. Ih· iam"u_ I'[~nd, infidrl who died

II liill, d"rc<l to prediel Ihal in one hundred t r 10'111 h" lim(' the Bible and ChriSlianit)

"ould ht· _we t irom ,·x!>tence. But wllat p,,~nl"I' Iii, own printing pre.s with which

h, ha'\ i,rinled his iaith·dc-lrllY;"" littralllr~ \\a~ ,,_~d ailn hi. dtalh 10 prinl copic. of the \\'ord oi (,od: and Ihe Hry 1,01he in ",hidl he li"~',1 hlh hun ~Iachd with Bible, of t he (,(011:'.1 I ~ihk Scwirtr'

\n'\ whal oj Ih~ circulatil'll and jlopularit) ,I Ihe Bibl··' It remain, the ue.,I sellinll" Book

in thc world . Durilll-( Ihe p:hl Y";lr th e A<ner 'can l3ible Society hrnk" nil prniou, rec"nl, of CitClolatwll L"p 10 Ihe prnem thc Bihle as por Ii, n !>:nc h~~n tr .. n, latcd in lo I.()(,O langIl3p;(',\ The I(rl'''t Gideon Society "I la) (1)('n h". di .. · 1r:t"'I~<1 three milli"" T",ulI1rnt, 10 men in "rvice, h~,'c "",\{ore" two million more, and "ill undc'u!, t ~dly !;lr ""Pd" Ihcir Io((lal 01 hv,'

m,lIi,,!! Te_t3m<:nls di~trilm l ed. D ale Carneliri", aUlhor "j "II"" III wll' I'ri"",], awl IIIllu"nce Peol'le," reo

~Ul the Word of the LOI'd eQdurctlj fore\ler. I Pet 1 ' lS"

o'<:nth dew'led cO,hi\lnahle '1';1(" m Ii, (""I"mll, " Phillls",\,hy c,; Lill· ... 10 :l mO_1 enlhl1sia\l ic recommend~ti()n "I a lie" edilion of a book conlain· ing '"The (",,"': kte Saj":nl(~ 01 Je,u~," S"y' \Ir. CarnrJ.:ic. "li 1 \.;I1C," an)' Ihinl( al all aboul Imm~n nature. tuan)' of III\" readn~ will wekollle thi~ lit lie vest ·POC\.;N boo\.; as a 'find: [I " " working manual packed with "raClical Il"idan~e for ,( [ .. inl{ the daily l)roh· km~ of hllin~n n:[aliol1ship:'


f ~

Ihe ,'cry word in~piratlo" eliminates the id~a of merc ",edml1ical ltction. For example. )"OU ,,'ould nut say Ihat a bu.iues, mall in_pires the dic taphone inlo which he SI)taks. {n <In of God', (kalin/-!> in. through, and for "'0111 lie re'1uires man', co·oper .. uon. God in~l'ired Ihe saned "rilen working thrOIls;:h Iheir I;)culties and u~ing their intli,·icluality. Thu~. Ihe poe tic na­ture of i)a\'id, thc Siernness of A1110~. Ihe love and gentlelless oi Joltn. Cle" arc dearly ,Iauwed "pon their particular "rilinIlS, yel wh;\I Ihey ,aid was nevertheless divinely inspired,


Head Psalm 119,89; ha, 40:8; Peler 2~. 25. The Hry cxi,lenee of Ihe Bible in our

m;d~ 1 tOOa}' is in itself one of the greate~t of a1\ miracles. It. existence i, an unanswerable prool 01 ils die·ine origin and inlallibility! Kings



Head I Killg . 8 :56 and Matt. 24 :35. 1I0w do \\( \.;now Ihe \Vo,,1 i_ reo liable and 10 he drpended upon?

It d"inu to be in.pired. The tc rm "and God said," or its equivalent, j ~ lI'ied over '1600 times! (lIri,t lIim­~clf, as "ell as hoth Old .. ntl New Testament writers. claim the inspira · lion of Ihe S(ril'lnres. See l'.x. 24 A: Joshua 3:9; 2 Kings 17:13; 15.1.36:14; Man. 5:18; John 10:35: Lu\.;e 24 :25-27.45; 2 Petu 3' 15. 16; I CCtr. 2:13; I John 1:5; Rev. I;! .

The W ord appeau 10 be 'n.p'red. The inlegrity of ii, human .. ull ,on cannOI be Quest ioned. Its influence ha, been powerful enough to change individuals and nation5 lor centuries. Its reliab,lity h nidenl became 01 ( I ) its accura(y, (Z) i15 ;unal'.il1 J,: unilY, (1) its eternal inlereslingnrs,. (4) iu

remarkable circulation, (5) its timelessness and applicability 10 all ages. (6) ils miraculous l)rCS­en·aloOI1. (7) its many iulfilled prophecies.

The Word pro"e. to be inlPired. In other words, it works! \Vhile external evidence 01 I),e ;ml,iration and reliability of Ihe Bible ;1 helpful. especially for the purpose of dealing with Ihe Ul1col1\'cr\cd, il is not al all necC,Hry! The casiesl way to prove the "\\orkabiIiIY" anc! r~a litj" of elc~tricity is to push .. li,;hl swi tch OT put YOllr finger into .. wall socket. YOII wi!! get rcal results! Real scientific di~co"cric5 lire made when Ihe scientis t .. cis upon certain Iheories which he assumes 10 be true, Jesus 6aid, '·ff any Itlan will 10 do His will he ~hall know 01 Ihe doclrine." In other word5, Goo will vcry ""ickl)" re"eal Himsclf and prove the workiulj; [lower of His \Vord 10 any sincere iudi"idual """0 win for Ihe time being "supllOse·· the \Vord to be true and begin to obey it! - } B. Bisho:>l)

Page 11: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1940-1949/1942/1942_12_26.pdf · Alice Rey .. olds Flower. .. -, .... """--.,. ---, -• '-'. ... "The world i~ full of dcsert{'rs from Ihe

Dcumbrr ::6, 19-12


and the

"We 11,1<1 ~nrn ty·eight l11i~, i,'narie5 in Ethi"via lItc.tore t ,,~, hall.1l1S <.Irove m oUI," ~Jy5 R. \' BUlghJnl of Ihe ~udan Int!'rior "Ii"i. n_ "~"m uf our ~uti,,,,, Were total1)' de~lr")'ffl. It is my de,ire to go 10 Ethiopia I" I .. ok lno Ihe "hoI. QueSl ion of our reooCntry and rebuilding, if ;a pas. So1!:e Ca n be ,reured. Pray fur thi~ maUtr, Ihat British 311d American officialdom may be moved t.) ~ r''''1 Ihe n~e<,ary facilitie~."

R,\CI-' Sl:ICIDE 1'\ I'OLA:\D Accordilll,'" h) George \\- Hcral,r, article '"

1"'l'rirll" .IlruNry' " In P"la",r nn child ma)- oc [)om "ilh,,1It a [lemlit froUl Ihc Xa7i GOHrnur (;eneral, a!"! llermi.sion i, rduwd in the ,'a>l majority <of (a~c,. The [all' pn-,cribcs ahorti('11 dnd tho,e "h" fail to ol",), are IlUlli,hcd, In old<.lilion. greal l111m~rs of Sla,' men have bttl, «'!'<uall-..! fr'm Ihcir \\i.'e~ as a m~thod of Nl­forcing nce \cicide." Apparently God's law, "TI",u shalt not kill," rnean~ nothing to Hilkr

PIWSTIT1JTIO/\ According to Ihe ChicJgo Daily TrilJJmr,

twenty_f,,'e {aml'~ formerly occupied bv Ihe C. C. C. will III u<cd as dl'"tt·ntion centers and quaranline h'spitais to cure an<.l rehabililate gi r[~ inle<:ted with .'Clter ... al disea, ..... Each howital "ill I)rovidc mililar}' trcalmem for one hundred to three hum!red t:'irl~,

Medica! treatment is not e' I(l11gh, hO"'l'"ver, Somelhing ~hou!d be done 10 n:meo./y Ihe spirilual eause of this lerrillle Situalion, h is lime l:nc1c Sam quil comidering proslitution an una"oidable evil and dealt ,,"h il as sin.

HITLER'S JEWISH EKEl--IIES Whcn Ililkr made the jews his en ... ",ies, he

made h;nl~H Iheir enemy, and today he is suf fering for it . jewish ;menti,'e and producti"" genius ;s on the Allies' ~illc. For example, "Iauricio H05hschild is a Germau jew who emi­grated to Somh America. The Nazis chealed him out of sOme wcJl-earllcd cash by thrcate,,;n>: him witlt the concentratiol' c:unJ). So 1l0shschHd, \\' ho is in Ihe l in ore business, is now providi nl;' Uncle Sam \\,;11. this "ilal war metal , an impor­tant souree of which \.a5 CUI o ff with Ihe fall of Malaya.

PALESTINE AFTER 25 YEARS Twenty·five years ago on Nove",bu 2, the

famous Balfour Declaration was gi"en to the world. It staled: "His )'Iaj('!;ty' , GO\'ernmenl views with fa.'or the eslab!ishmenl in Pales line 01 a ""tional home for Ihe Jewish people and will use ;ts beSI endeavors 10 facilita te Ihe achievement of Ihat obj«-t ,"

The New York Ti",es, cOmmenting on this twenty-fifth anniversar}', wrote: "A half million imrnigTant5 rang ing Irom penniless refugees to Nobel Prize wil1tle:u, ha"e tUTlled a more or Ius prnnit;ve counlry into a ' land Rowing with milk and honey.'''

WRONG ORDERS Charles E, Fulln, Ihe radio preacher, s.~yJ "Some y ... ar~ ago a passengcr Irain was rll ~hil! g

into K~w York as an(o(her train was emerj:l:ing. There was a hcad-on collision. Ffty I,,'" wcre muffed ont. An engineer was J)inne.l under hi! cllgitle, frighlfully injured, and tears were run­ninl'( down hi, ehe<:ks. In his dyillg agonics !1<! held a I'k<::~' of ycllow paper eru~h{'d ;n his hand, and said: 'TJke Ihis. This will ,how ),011 Ihat ,"meone ga.·e nle the wrong orders.' Unregenerate mcn and "omen will stao<.l before Ihe Great White Throm' and point 10 their Moderui.t preachers, s"yil1g. '!:iomecne ga,'e m ... the wront:;' orders r 'Thu, sa ilh Ihe Lord concerning the prophets that make my l>C<ll'lc crt', ... It shall be night unlo }'ou: "tkah 3 :5. 6."

PERMANENT ''0 !)!\"()J~l- 1\ ~Ol !! C\IUlU' \

,,, Utll I '" ,hi''! th "uh' 1,,1\' in t!,,' 'It .. " , "fit., I II: al ., d:;'rc~ 10 t},

lu a j"" ",u'''''''-s. .. nn :n"'nl_ :I'e gr"m.", e ,,-e I",",n Cit rls mad,· t" xllIJ ti,,· I "', bnl

eon,mllll.:olll of 1S'13 w pr, "hi", rc, .,.'~ a, "igil""I:}, \Hillen

T.\I~!: YOl'l~ CO\II'.\\\ TO ('II t' RCI I

f;c !IIC \\';(..>I:i",.-I,,"" p'l"r ""id "1 I",,,, .. " e, ml'''''' "Hr k<"l'1 I",,, ,""'~ fr"lll d",,{"h I h",'e "ilt"fl I><" .. n at ~It_ \'an' "11 the ~.,hl>atl n",tni"g \\h-n h" brcakb'l t .. h e \\a, lilt.~1 w,lh ~uo·,t, In,\, ;,,1 I .- ~Ia)',,,,,, ;1\ I",,, "m "I 1,II1~ll,1

«'U'lc'} 10 Ihl'I1!. he I""'] lOlbl,IIIII, \ .. im ii' II " I, ;«,,"''''I''!O)' hi",-"

PIH .. '''' CO);T]{OJ. 1" '\I)l~\\ \\ Therl' j, ,'" In"t'd"", II r. In "all

rJ"",in;,I,d ""r""y. _\ n\'\\ ruli "f. I]III)! 1""~"lInl'''1 ,,'ad, "Ou,' I" Ihe I'al'<'r, 1.1Ke, al C"ngr"","I!''''''! 1'.:ri, .!i,.,,1- "nol • 'veriLl 1""'1'" "'!1 d and "lb." 1J<',i.~!i"als "ill be dL"""tl1l1'''1. .\:"" l"'I.e·, .",d I"r,,~lica\' '''I'I~'rt1U II", n,'" ,r" "ill b ,-x'!Ul't,'d'"

J \l'\.\:EQ ("O\CFIT ~,,:d a T"kyu broadca,t ru~ntly r~(' ,rtkd by

\\'a,lulIgln!i, D. C "Jal~'11 j, a nati,,,. 1",,,le hy the g(Xl; -th1l~ Ihe feeling of God is stell in Ja lla'" As Ih~ ).16ji EmpCTur ha, ,aid, J"p,U] i, t ;()d'~ C"ulllr)' Japan i) Ihe gT\'ate~1 of Jlatiun~. jap3n :, a "Hlibn nalion, ,,,,<.I tl,o,~ \\" ,''''I~"n in tl:l, '~~t,{>n l.a,-e ~cn born 01 Goo, They "ere not !~)rn for m~n, bUI fur the E"'po:'rur \\"r are 11111. li.-.nl( I'ur Ihe Eml'ervr, al1d ~r~ dilhr tit "I»olntd}' fronl people of olher 11all"", The Emperor i, the highe,1 'pen"n' in the world :.,,'\ \\'e are II,c Rr,'atc~t l.e(,plc in tlu- ~'orld_"

DELINQUEKCY OF YOtJNG GIRLS According 10 the NOlillnaf P,o/ubl/iollisl, ~I rs.

Franklin I). Roo<evc1t in r~l)()rtiI1g on her eountr}-­wi<.le tour of war i,,<.Iu5tries before a press con· ference $aid : "Ddin<]uency among IJ, 14 and 15 year old girls is on Ihe increase, Their mOllier$ ha"e gone to work and I~ft them without SUller­.. ision. Kdghbothood boy~ h:l\c taken over the jobs of big brOlhen go~ to war. Thi, has led to gr{';ll increase in Ihe !lllmber of illl1!:,tm1;lle children bom 10 Ihese 'under 20' war worker girls," she sa id ,

And acronl illg to Time 150,000 young American girls disappeared inlO an infamous life last )'rar

An I",/rlll, general;on is ari'ing in these lusl rlO}'S, just as 2 Timolhy 3: 1-7 said w()trld happen,

THE ClWSS AN!) Till-: ClW\\' l\ General Doug!as ~facArth\!r has beslowed Ihe

Di<;ting"i<;h,'(1 Scn'ice Cro,~ /I'hl)n""Ol!,ly upon Capl.1i" Coliu 1', Kdly. 1J. S. A .. for his ,alor in giving his lile while single·hanllt'dly ,inkin~ lhe japal1e~e \\Jrsh;p Haruna

Having depMted Irom thi$ life. Captain Kd!y wi]) 11 ... " ... r <;cc tlta t (rOSS n"l hc is .l:oilll( tn rcceiw .1 cruwn which he _,ha ll ,ee and we.:!r for­evcr. becau,· "hile on ... arth he had ,,,,'n ,,,,,,ther ero", J ero,s of inlinildy mure ,·~l,,~. It \\'a~ the Cn)';" ul Chri'l. H e I,ad ,,-~n ,,,,1 .. nl~· I" Cros" Imt the Christ upon il lie had ""'I Him as his Sa\'iour and 10n\lCl\ IU lII~l'l Him a~a;n,

A n:bli\'c 01 Ih ... bte hen) ~ay, Ihat wllt'lI he wtnl into Ih ... air ~eT\ icr ;n IlJwaii , he ~aid Ihat he kl)cw it wa) Ibngerou" bUI he \\,.1' "ready to go: read)' to m«'t Ill}' Saviour."

Dail)' }oun~ Americans Jr~ rI);"1: in 1J,IItlc a., Captain Kclly did. Smile 111;1)' f' l~i"e Ihe h 'nnrafy cross, HI)" many "ill roxcivc the eternal crown? Will $()me )'U1lng man J,<, {;j1l,~! lu ".n ;!lId rlie, Jiter \\'c ha\' ~ fa iled to 1.-11 him that Ill<" W.ly to a crOll'n is Ihrou~h Ih.· ('rus,,' MJy it ne,'n be' <;o !-Tllr j'r.-.r');)-,lrriOlI G'III,d'OII,

Page £/",01

H){ll) ]-()J{ !,'l.\l\\ ]\,,(, (;]H·,]-:I\.

I,d" i 311:Cflu"" I11011!)' _\me I~an, "re .11!'I,I)"nl: " nthl.' -n,~ f'lIl"<"" toou,"",,1 l()Il~ " f,,>'! t,> ~ \\"t) JUI 11'5 flintt! ~r ant 0 the ( ;re<:-k

e ~ ,I, \"e Ih ... er i I .-' MSS lata tt ... 1 dun 'C the c:nn 1n.r II

" e t"el" n n Jolla I, Ut Ii II,,", 0' I,~xl.

I'IH}']]."'·!."'"!' \11!'",1()\", 1,\ l:JnrlJ J{. 'rum l .. tl IC 'Il-li!,,~hop 0' B'az,! tTled

, e~p;I.r.IIU 0" t'le I )I] \;! hbtor I i" Y I I 01"1: th .. ,\1:,' <Ic'l! aJ :Ja. ,,1m 1<:' IIru 1 I!, .. t therr " "lid b<- greal, ll~ 101l\\r-(11 \1 ... Iwo eQUntn,' 'I I'n'I'M,'''t JIIi ,to "<n' 1",il,~1 I" ItJ"~ I\r;II!1.

T" tl1L 11,,- I'rN' unl1 ,f I\ra~il 1"1" ,,,plied 1>7 ,1.,1,1 'hilt the lx'i Jl .xl, ill ,>- It y

re tit, "'I' mlu>I'''fle.-t hy \" "ai' I'r! nt T

~"'natoe,. t tal tI,,·, ha,<! 1:' .. '" ~ ,'dt " :11,,1 ,,"'!1 I' , ...... uhllral alkl Stlrlll,I .. ' life If UtOllll, and ~t..,,,, "II, I~,,,· [,r"lou",1 f' ~1' ,'I i., n.lI' uJ tr~drt; 'n 1 hn I",,' I t 'I .. (a't (10" ... lIle" .'1<1 ""m unl fr ,,,,, I'd, or I .. dose • tlr

.c ~nt, " ul 1",1 '" 111 alkl "'>U I

\ "I ,t of \mfrl 1{'rWI) ..

,<bn'" a!kl ira

SONG~ OF S,\CRllEGF There n .. laws asaill~1 IJkinl: the l."rd·~ ""HI<"

in "Iln al~1 lnakinll' "' .. ullin. rc"'ark~ .. huut re li~i, n <,,'er Ihe radio, and )-. t I1Inr" .",1 m('rt <unll~ ar,' Ik'ing bn<l.<l{J,~, "I\1ch "Ire dr!;nitc1y .acrilq.:; u,. Th~y u e<l t" ~in>:, ""lhl1dujah. I'm a H1I111" "I'~rody of "I~n;,'c l-J AII.li"." Then Ih~y IWI/.m to ja~l ~I!, h lIel(1"II ,piri tual~ a. '11(},~nn"h," "llall~lujah," and ""Fed the S1'ir'l \lm'in',,' BUI Ih~ laU'1 sonll 01 ~arTl!eae i~ "Prai"" Ihe I fOrd. 31"\ P:OH ,1'e Amll1unit,,)n." Sun'!}' Ihi~ will nol brinK (;0(1'. hk~i!l1l: '11 our war eff.,rt, for mO,1 people u'e il a< dance "",-,it­and ,;ng ,t with n.) 1)r;\;St "halcnr in their hearts III Ihe Lord.

Whcn a cfTl~i" danre l~lnd I'layr:..-l "Th~ Star SpanK!~d Banner" III s"inK tillle II "a~ forbitldrn to hroadc-a,t any m' re for many month~ Wh)­~h<'ulolll't Ih~ officia!$ be ;u'l as !Iriel abollt these ~~cl'lkl/iou. "'''1.;$' They lake Ihe n:llne of th~' I.nrtl in v~i", in '0I1p:. And "Ihe I.t'lrd .,,11 nOI 1",ld him ~\li!tJe,s thaI tahlh IIi, nam~ in \--ai,,'" Exodus 20 :7.

'\ RF.\'IV:\1. IX AFR IC\ Brnlhe, al,d Si<ter F lI"df't<m. n'-;lI,h ,\',"m.

blie, oj lind mi"'onJrin. write fr"m ti ... 1I('k'all C",,~o rtl/aT<]il1l! vne "f Ih";r nali.,t e".1,,~di~t,

"Rt'("r"lly Sangne wa~ invitcd to mak, a trill ~ct('" the !ak" takin", '" m,' '''' CI"i'li"n_ \\'ilh him a. I",,,ible, 10 h",-~ fdlo,,",hip with a ncighh.?r­inl! "1i"i('11 II ....-as J hu",t j:l:alhtrilW "f wh,tc n1i";O'MTle~ and their hlack "ork~r~_ ~anl!' f I ... d p:one for I lIow~hip ~nd 1<> !i, ten In ("h"r, hut Ihey I"hl him that they Iqc\ .eUl fur him I., to,,­du<::t rn-iva! ,en'ice<;, for Ihc w()rk w'l' ,!e<,~1 :Hul cold. Ita"inl: had no c<" !.-<:r, i"n ~ for a lunK tim"_ ]{caliziull' the r(51)()n~ib;[ily, he called hi~ ("h ri s­lian, tol:('lh~r in th,' b".h om,ide Ihe \i!!Jj:t :l1Id they p'J}l'<1 IhroulI'h to God for "iet"ry_ Then \l <tli nj:l: on top (II thing, Ihey p!a}'f!.-! th~'r drum' and ""'P: IU' l ily umi! Ihe rlmrd' "a~ I>aeked al­nlfht In 'l!ff"C;lI'On. Ih"1l "'an~,.e g;l\'C tl", ,I('''I>t"1 mes~al:" i" ,,1\ ,t; ,imlllicily anti l,,,w\-r. im rnedmldr making all al'll<'a! l(lr 'oul tl("{'i,i"n, I"r Chri' l To thc a",a~f"'Cnt .,f all Ihe "Id w',rkt-ro I,'n HIll!' an-"p led Ihe I~'rtl }<',u" Later th",u~h· nllt Ihe dal th,y eondllctl'd rne\'tin~s in all rurller. oi Ihe \'lllal(c, and had th,· j"y "f '~illl( a iurther ... illhl",'n ~"uh decide for Chnq, nlJkiul!' a lotal 01 IWfUlI" ;,,11\ in unc tI"y; '1,,'h a ['" "f hack­~Iid('n \«'n' re,lored an, r eo!d Chri5tians warmed up, Ihal ti,c whole churrh ", .. 111 tnha!, .111<! later "<\\~ h .. , { .. me ill lI""t '.,,,,1 •. ,rf [.ein!: ·,:I.\-ed ,,:leh da} Rnu,ning to lu~ ,,"" .',lIal:" Sal1~'''' ("n­tin uc<.l Ihe ,I("od ....-or~ ~"th.,t nuw nrty b~ck­sliddcn Chr"lian in hi, ,iI"'~t· i, re'lUred awl h"I' I'}' in the lo.'c ,uKl "'Hk "f II", L"rrJ. Many Ulore suul, ha,'e been addl~1 t" til<' church ~n,! tl!, ') havf" al~o (}1>C'lI'd up work III .i!( Il~'rc viJlallri,"

Page 12: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1940-1949/1942/1942_12_26.pdf · Alice Rey .. olds Flower. .. -, .... """--.,. ---, -• '-'. ... "The world i~ full of dcsert{'rs from Ihe



La.' July 2S our t>iloy Cbra. l11r«- yean aoo fOUT month. old ("IlIt<! a h.oil I'm It wu tlm:~ ;nc::hu lonl{ 1O';lh a whitt 'hiny head at 0"'" end an'\ a nt'Cdk ''','Ti' 1'01111 al th~ olh,"r Shf swat­IO'A't'C1 If When .h(' 'old U5 \\ hat Ihe had donC' we took htT In tht p;I"r,r for ,("'Cial prayer. About hHnty-~('\·tn hours later ~he ' .... ned it from h ... r bo .... eh. At no 1;10(' did 11 give her any dis­comfoTt ( Mrs. ) I,lwra Ernnl, Glidden, Wis-

Ed. n01.~ Thil lutimony ;8 attested to by Sister Ern('lI" p:isIOr, L. D /illidge, Glidden, \\-'isconsin.

~1'1~ \1 ,~,n~Y 111 '[ FD F"r tht I','" h'll )' .... r. I 10.,,· ,,,th'red from the

effN"I ' of 1\ fall from :I tret': .... hkh '0 injuTl-d my loa. k th.1' 1I1Y v;l;ll ror~;m. " ... n:' afTtttro causing much I"l;n. [ """1:),1 ,did by trtatmcl'l~ of "an,,,,. kl1l1h: hUI tht vcrtehrac would Hot fitay '11 rlan' ,\1 t;l11 ('\ I ",,,,,ld ouffH c"'htamly for nJ('l1th~, ~l ... ·,tdinlt l11uch limt in I ... tt I ",a, prayed f"f 11~111)' lil11C5 11111> ohtaining l>;Irti;11 rrhef Th;s 'I'r;l1g 1 had a <c·i"". ~Idc op,ell. 'Iy back hl"gal1 Ionrti"~ me ;.ltai", ~nd I wa. finally com(l<'lled 10 R" back tu t~l. h""I1.1 I R"I 10 the cnd of my' ~1£ (th.mk (~~i). S"n1rthinl:" had to i)( done.. \pril 17, 19~.? ~fler I had ~uff('r...:1 all da}' lilY

]);Iltor COllin! 111 ,um" of Ihe church .. "d tOlCether \'it 1t"1 ([""'" hdOft (; ~I dcttrrnined to pray through :\II('r ,,,me time my pastor anointl"d mc \lith ",I, ~Ild Ihe power ~,f God fell. I was comllkldy healed not only of my back Irouble but uf elerylhing thaI \la~ the IlL1\1er with me, indud· mg my h~art which had 1I«n OOlhning mc for several Yfa... I ~1.ran" to my fect :loud tlle Spiril took eunlrul, 1 wn completely healed, and I've nul ~lIffrnd l",,'r ( ~Ii, ~) I,ob KrtwilOll, 716 North \Valer, !>oln'l'\<>n, Ore,.on,

Ed, 11011' · T!Ii~ thtnllony was rectived in July. It wa. fully VOUdl('11 for hy the pastor Illeluiolled. Omer Bailey, of Ihe ~ame addrcss, According 10 onr cuSlorn we held Ihe Icstilllony several weeks Ami then wrotc Mi., Krewson, She replied in Octoocr th~1 she ;s slill healed. She Slales further that shc IL1\ now a new namt and a new a<.ldress, being Mni. C. E. Landis (a pastor's wile), 1005 C;lInnjl S treel. nal!a~, OrCII()II.


In 191J m II car accident lOme ,·ertebrae ;11 Ih., $1110111 of my back \lerc dislocated. making a cun'c ill my SpillC, 'IHnl \0 a ph)'siciall but as a Rristl(' had Iro\\l1 there he could not heljl me. Nine yean latn I was in another car acddent resulting in Ihe bur~tinl of a ,'erubra at the baN: of illY n.-.::k.

, su!Terro Ireatly from backaehe and head­ach6, but could gel no help from doctou who said there was nOlhing the)· could do for me, I ","0111.1 be in bed days at a time, unable 10 do my work. and only oblainro IJarti.l1 and temporary ,elief by hemIC anoillled and prayed for.

In April I~I WI': (alllt 10 Detroit and ~gan attending Drightmoor Tabernaele, where Ihe paSlor, Bond Bo\\'man lias 1),vtlle liealing ser· vice once a month, fOf which in llrelJaralion Ihey fasl and pray. [II September, 1941 I was anoint· ed and prayed for and then Crlxl healed the bUHI' ...:1 verlebra at the base of my ne.:k I have never had "II(lIhcr 1"'"1 there, bUI my l>.lckache al Ihe small of Ihe I~'ck and my headache, continued unabated.

Olristmas IIcek 1941 I lIas very sick. and in b«I Ihree days !rum dillreS! in my head. I bttame Kfeatly di'rOllrd~ed and was asking God for grace to cndure. On December 28 I alloke ,'cry nrly. h \\a~ I)him- Healing sen-icc d~y.

As I IUS praying abootll my Cl>noilion, I s.all the i.MrI ~Ircteh forth IIi, hand ;md lay it upon


my head, a.~urin&, me that lit "'Juld hul me I realiUt! thm the I..<'>rd \1:15 my only help

I ,,'ent to Ihe .ervice and "as anoinled and prayed lor. I felt Ihe pO",er of God gu Ihrough my body. and all at once I hej:<ln t(1 ha,'c ludl <In assurance Ihal I 1l!'liK'li God c"nl,"OIolllly The next day I le,t; fied 10 my ~i,ter. bhu Black· burn, ",1.0 lived in the ,.;!IT11' houM' and she felt 01 my ~pin<:, ~nd f<)Und it ~lrallC'lJt \\.'hrn my hUlband came frOllI lUI work I IOld hun anrl he 100 pronotlnced my IJack <Iraighl

I haven't ha<l one of Iho.e he;>dacht-s since. and my ba,k i$ ~lrOI1!(' ~Irs. Vdma SI1(1<l"ra", .11.18 Cumming ... Berkle)', :\Ii(hilt~n,

Ed. 1)I)I('---Aller ho[,ling this le,limony for !IOIne time we wrou Si,ter !>nodgrass anrl in Novnnher she re]llied Ihal she;~ entirely deliver...:I, an'" ~he cncJo~cd the Inlimony flf her hu~b.1!\(I, E. Snuo.l­grass and hu ~i~ter, M r~. E<.Ina ll1 .. ckhurn, HlOute 1, 4213 Edgeland. I~,)'al Oak, IIlieh" giving fur. thcr details of Si~lcr Sllod8ra~s' grcat affliclion and healing and verifying flllly her tcs1Ul1ony.


Uptou Sinclair in his 11,",1., Al1Irrir~1I O~If'(Il1 A iJOI)" II/ Rrm;II;UrllTrs, ~ay~ he '1'cnl Ihirl>' }'~an "f ",,,ral a~ony w.l\Chiu!(, h;~ (alher S\lUR",lc with Ihe ensla,'emtnt 01 li'luor.

"\\'hi,ky in it> rnultiple fornn·-'rnint-jIlJcl)~.' '1<~ldi."< 'hot SqJtche<: 'E~g,'''>gFt:I: 'punch.' \,'a~ Ihe m~1 compicn,.u, ,ingle 1.1(1 in my boyllood, It wJ~ ""I Ihal my f~ther could nut earn mone)'. hili Ihat I"" ,""uhl ""I k<'t'l) il.

"Wllt'n h, \13\ nol under Ihc influence of th, (l~'m"n rum. the hUle 'd'mnmer' <.Ifarly lo\·ed hi~ (amily. 10 lilt- mirl)' yean during ",hieh I "alch .. d him "cre (m, l(lllg moral agony lie would make all <uriS o f pledges, wilh tears in his cye~; hc \I(.uld i"'enl al! SI)rts of de\-icel 10 ChCOlI hi, cruel ma~lcr_ My carl ii'S! memory of the home ni my malernal gralldfalher was o( i)(inJl awakened by a disturba'l« down~lairs, and luok· iug o\"( r the hani~leTS ill al;'lrm while my grand­falher-·a :\lclhodist dcaeoTl-was nruggling with his gro"n IOn to kl-ep him from gOIUg OUI while drunk"

Ther(' i~ One IIho e;'ln g;'·c li\)crty to every soul en~la\'cd 11)' liquur. lie is Ihe Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. "If Ihe ~UIl therefore shall make you Iree, ye shall he IreI' indeed," John 8 :36, There is no habil Irom which a nmn tanllot be freed if h" will put his trust in Christ.


A Chal'iain writC$ from Fort Eustis, Va.: "I have b<-en much impressed recently by a COf'y 01 your R~ill .. , a timely, wdl written paper thai should have tremendOuS appeal (or c\'ery man in Ihe service, You are preN:nting a Il"re;J.1 message in lerml and ill languagc thaI Ihe man in Ihe army can understand. Seldom hne I s<'t'n such aUracti"e format and content for a publication of this kind and you are to ~ congralu'''I~ for ,erving the Jnny in sueh a splendid way.

"Will it i)( (lOSsiblt to get supplies of Ihis f"Iper for distribution among the Tnl'n r I am sure that Ihey will r.-.::e;'·e il gralefully. \Ve would also like to have an assorlment of lractl to include in IhI- bullelins on Sunday.

"Tru.nk you for what yOu art doing to make the work of Ihe chaplaincy more eff«til'e, and we look forward to more help,~

A friend wriles from Oklahoma City: '" have heard from one Rrt-'f'ill .. IIhich was leu t to a soldier ill the Hawaiian Islands and read by seven­tcell others soldiers K~I' up the good work."

THE F.VERLASTI:\G AR:-'IS "Hi~ left hand i~ nnder my head. and his righl

h""d dOlh embrace me." S. So!. 2:6.

\V~aril}" my ~piril ~inketh

Inlo Jesm' heall alld hands, Calmly Irnqing. II1{1u~h the journey

Lie Ihrough 'tra"~e unlro(\dcn lands, All my 51'iril i~ al resl On Ihe loving Father', breast.

Decct,wet" 26, 1942

Therc my ~piril C<lllI1<Jt mUflnur, P leased \\'ilh all thaI may bt"hde­

\\·h~1 :he will 01 ."If \luuld cherish h already crucjfied~

DUrled is each murmu~jnll w(Ofd In th.· IIra.'e of O,ri<1 my Lord

Th r~ m,- <I,i~it ,a!ln(,1 que<lIon, L'I1I" d"th -he thillk or sa'·,

All the thorn_ "I life around h~r Cann'" I;Ik(" her ""arc al"I,'

lie lI'hu mao., me Ji:uid"d, be'l. And my heart i5 left al re't,

T re my <pml ~n"",s no <larkncs', LOve r("maills IIhen ;.ll i~ I':"nc­

Sorroll', cnl.hill!: soul and body Do Ihe h"<lth",,< kno\\' alone­

RC<t111~ in (."hri,t', bk''iO!d 1i~ht.

]iear. ,he ""t the rarthly night

There my ~pir it i, nOI cardul. For ~hc knowelh of "" ill;

JI~nging still "1)1111 h("T Father, Thou'('h lie slay her, lruslin~ $till;

How shall flesh alld blood repine Wherr the dl~,t("ninr i. divine:

Th", on God my 'piril ,,~iIClh, Even ~o dnth owrcomr:

~iltnlly el1llurinll:" all Ihinl!5. Mockery and martynlom:

Like a slill sea 'I"th ,he lie, 1'1111 01 praise to Gn<1 most high_

-J. 1. Winkler

TilE STRENGTH OF :\IAITA Th ... way Malta, most OOmbt-d !pot on earth.

ha~ w;lhslood wilherin~ enemy attacks has had a RrC<lI deal to <.10 lIith Allied SUCCbses Ihroughoul I\orlh .\lrica. The Go,·emor of Malia from 1940 h' 11101,-. 19~2, was Gener~[ Sir \Vm. Dobbie, who ,aid in a thTllling radio address in Gr~at Britain I ~eclltly:

"One word more. [have pur(lOScJy left 10 Ih" laM the point that really o\'ershadows all otherl in importance. During Ihese two years of thr siege I was very conscions of Ihe good hand of (;od llP011 us, and 1 am sure Ihat the eontinuw ,al~'ly of :-'lalta was ultimately <.Iue 10 lIis divinc protection. I am nOI alone in thi, conviction. ,\fany olhers share it with me, and are glad to acknowledge it huml1ly and Ihankfully. I am com·inred ti13t God for Chris t 's sake 51i1l doe' answer prayer. and r bo::lie,·e that the re.:ognition uf this laet was the secret of Ihe sl)irit, enduro anee and fortllude shown by so many persons in ~Ialta."

General Dobbie's suecessor as commander 01 ~Ialta is likewise a jlraying man-Viscount Gorl­who also has a ringing Chrislian leslimony.


Better be careful whal is done in Ihe darkne", it may be re.:orded by a camera! Detailed pho­tography is 1]011' po5sibl~ in utter (brkn~ss. Clear pictures can i)( taken on the str~el during black­outs. This nell' technique is n'ade po«ibte by the de\'dopment of ;In im'isible lighl (invisible to Ih~ human eye) which illuminales !lIe obje.:t for re­production on a sf>CCial infra red film,

Some may think Ihe}' can eommil evil d~dl in Ihe dark unsetn, bUI if man is able to record deeds in the dark, how mudl more is God able to s~e alii "If I say. Surely Ihe darkness ~hall cov.:r me: even the night shall be lil-"'I .100111 me. Yea, Ihe darkness hidelh not from Th~.~

Psalm 139:11, 12.

OPI U~I IN OCCUPIED CHINA It is reported in Hrr~ld of lfo/i"css Iha t 0111 01

the thirty mi11ion Chinese in Ihe northe~Slcrn

provinces under 1al~1nest rille, thirlecn million I'av~ brconle opium addicis since Seplcmber ,,[ 1931, through Ih~ deliberate j1Qliey 01 Jafl-1n I" poi....,n !lIe mimi> and ruin Ihe bodies 01 IheSt" COflquerCiI peopk

Page 13: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1940-1949/1942/1942_12_26.pdf · Alice Rey .. olds Flower. .. -, .... """--.,. ---, -• '-'. ... "The world i~ full of dcsert{'rs from Ihe

December 26,1942

ComingM . eetmgs


KfI_"O. \\'.\SII -,m .\ " ~ .. nk· ,,' I,.m ..... 11,.. 1).-", ~1.'"""rh, I'HI",

"h~·JnJ. r.., <k • 1 S II .. , ·'e'.

ltISIJ..IR( K :-:. I).\K c-.. p<1 T,t .... Qac!.:, .. " ~.I~, .. n'h S •. , ,.~. 1. ~. l '" . ," .I<"'a-", ~ ..• '" ,hl"'~, \\,n "I'q'. Ib ,_ ,,,I,;.,.lanarl, E'.·lid, •. . LH\·ISTO\. In.ITlO-ll,h ud 1,1 .• h" .~".; Ike 31. f~, 1 '"" .... , ,or k"'~<r. E~a, ~d,,' ,nd M" Lc-,', !-"..,n. h.,.!!. I\uh II (; Cnff'n I'""

(·.\I.IHI·FI.I., 1/).1110 \I .... I"~' ", P'O« «" ",,,,1 J.,,, '" I ~II"; t:. J, Ihi .. h. I:.,."~<h.'- 1\ 110.1"" " ".,." II, f.,'"nlf'!' ,

OI,;IS('\', ILL li •• h~1 n.u.~b 1>.0 31 J," .-~: 11, a' <! lI" .\"bu, .\.n<>t.1. Ok!."'''na c,,), Okla.. t:,·o"r~li.tJ (" Ed"'Md U .... "'" •• 1' ... ""

J.VW1STO:o<, llU110 1'.,~~r L~,,,u. T3h.",od •. lUb and Idaho S .... l',,;o" 1'·",.,,,,.,,,1 II .ch·nigh, s.-" ....... 0.-.: JI. .. "I. ",,~hl. ""lI' ,·h",,·h., "'."' ..... " M I~", I."oon. ",,"c, .• 1 0"" .• 11 .. a",1 ~'.TI,tl. '<t, H. G. C:"ft,,,. P."or.

I'llll.ADEt.f'III.\ . .1'.-1 .. (' .'\. R.dl),. <;O-,,,,h J."e, F.II",,·oh,p. 1I,~b"'ay II .. i,,, T .. lot ••• 1<. I~,h and C"'n S .... J.' I. I 'l"c,,1 ':..-.,h •.• "",,,,,,.1 ,.v ...... "'a ,i," 'I",~k~", a,~t <P"'Ci.1 mu<;'; 0<\ pc,,' ~,.""" O. (,,,1'< llowlI<. (' .1 \'i,'~ I'r •• ;· ."",,, "f Sc, .. ,), ,I.,.~y

HARtllSlIl'ItG. I'A Mo,,~:,g. lIur",n., ~nd Julol<"<: 1)~1. 1'.",eo,,,.I.1 .\' ~,,,blv 0; (0 -d. <'.;0' J.ff., " S ... ,an . .l S"',c., 10,~' .. 'iO, anol ',JO), S"""h" I); tri •• ~UI .. r"".nM'" 1'1,·", \'." ~I<le,. and .\. ~~"' "'' ('l,,, ... f",moe lOa_1M. S,,,,,,,,,I .rr v"'u t",~i, i"l \\'a'eh'ni~!,' ~"<I d on" Sund~)' '''.' .\n,h mt \',gn>. I· ...... ,

CO~I~IU{(I OKI,I -J.n 3·, l)e." II •. dr. ~:v~hir<h", C J B,o .. ". 1' ..... ,

IH:SC\S. OK" I.-t>ec ;, (0' ! "".k. 0. Iun~ ... 1I •• hlt ~ .. ~ ..... f,·.,,'~,1 I W. L. II,,,,.-n. 1',"'0,

5,1 >.: FH ,I Nl'I~·O. C,\UF 856 (a l'P .~I .. I)"c. 6- ; An,. I'ick • • :'3·,&,li< ' , (:IoMlco G. 1\""1' n, 1'.'1"< JAMf.STO\\~, N Y ....(·"h·~.y

co,,,1 (h"'~h, Orc. Zi- ·Jan. J7, ~Ic,\li>l.r. (hic"i<>. lll., ha,,~.li'l "i<k j) D<~k •. 1''''10'

I"nle-1I., ... y


IH~~IINCflAM. ALA -'11110 l'loeo and ho.1 Av. :-:.; ,"',,~I ,n I'''''''.'', 1h~Jm. \\'ilkin •. GU..,I, <.i.y. III .. Eva~&.Ii'I-C. E 1I;"h~"'n 1'''1'''.

1l0CSTON, Tt:X,\S-K." ... and O"i,,,,",, S .... J.". J-l~; William " Wa.d . ", ... h, i"'1'on. n. C .. . ~.an&.li" -1, L. ~h"o •. 1'",.,,<

"'ASIlINGTON. IND.- 11 ... in K in ~<"I' ,<,;' .11. .. ",,1 ~be )-,)"'''''" 11".ic •• 1 E,·,,,,~,r.,, •. 11.\) •. K~,,,a. , -,\ ~ &-nn· ""'. 1'00i0r.

MOlllI .!::. AJ..~ C"'Rhl"n ,\".mhly. n.-c.:l h'a"ord". ,~d IJr" 11, I-<roy Sand .... Joft ... on (";". 11". 'I'",';~I 'I,...k. n' ANI .i"g«, (l),./e , - Gore •• I'a"~r.

T!lUFF' IlII"I':IlS, .\TI( II -J,n. J. lor I """., J.a~ H. ,fi.1 E,·.ngdi'l. and .-'lnn H""ofo.1 .1 ... '" ,no S"ioj ... l.o .. d.,xl ,'oro I,." S 1I"II.,n. 1'."0',

Il\YTON.\. lIF,\(,II. 1'1.\ Full Go'p<l T.--".,n·" k. ,I"" ; It.lph C. Fr.n.i., nail.". T« .... FVk ·~eH<t. t'ha •. S. II..,,,, ,·. I'.,,,,..

II \\·W.\III). {''' I .IF ·10#1 II S, __ ,,,;v.! '" 1',"'II'C" u",il "TI h; E. :.; S'a"Io.·. ll .. ",· ••. (., ", __ ]':,·a"geli.,. !>Iltcial J)i.in~ lIe~lin~ ,<",i,'~' .. ch h;d.~ nigh •. -J. ~:. $"k>. 1''''0'.

\\'1),'1)5011. 1',1 I'C·'I<:<:".,al URh.!u>u ... Gable A,~ .. D«.. 27-Jan. 17, I'.ul K.u/f· man. Toron.o. Canad~. t:n"~.h,,,-C1ad,. f. U"ch ... a!loc .nd ])oro,hr II. H"""" 1'0<'0",

n:II.(;US FALLS. MI),·N. _ Go'I><1 T.b· ~<nad<, Jan J-17, o,.i,,,.n Ilild. E,·an· K.!i". Ji.""'dc ..... M",,~ay. Ih,,,,,,,h }',i· d.y" 4:15 p m .. SU"d~rl B:lO a 'D .• St. ';on KGDt:, 12lO kilo._U. C, Itei", •. 1""0'.

101.A. K,\NSilS Follow.l,ip·\\"" ch Se,· .~. De.:. JI. A Idlo .... hip OU1'I><' (covered di.h) .. ,II bo! ~fV.d ., 1:00 ~ "'. in ( :Om' m"ni'y II1cla-. Ri".nid~ I''''k, At IO,lO .. , .. ·ill If 0 '0 d,u'oh I~< <I,,·o,lon.1 tenioe All n.i~hl,..,.i"" •••• rnbti • • i·",i .. d .0 pu'id. p.o, •.• F I). Clorln.. P .. ,,,,

TAMPA. Fi.A.- N"b' a.k. Aye ... , •• ",. bl,., S110 Sch ... h A,·c .. on·da,. m'~"n~ wi,h 100. ... 1 dinner. d.diu,lon 01 chu.ch. la yi"g 01 C"""Ulon<. and C. A .ally, J.". L llri"ll" }.",,, (riend •. mUlie.1 i"",,,,,,,.,,I. arod oonR'. abo ~ bo.k .. il "",,,,.,,ion,- \Jar IOnic •• in bond. 01 I)i",i" "ffici~l" at niib. 'uiv~1 b..in. wi.h Iho,b ••• "d Si,.er ~f.'" Tho",p"," .. u3ngcli,,,, Ou< I' ••• i· den' hal •• que.l.d Ih ..... mak< 'he (>t.' day of ,h. y ... a d~,. 01 1''"'''; I .. '"

m':-"l(;()IIHI\' .\1. \ " ,.,..""~. :<h ... t.1 F "h r,,,, n " ". " o,,~ tlo.k " "

, I· .... " • " ., ~ ,~ " .\!I· '. , , " , , I .... " 'h .. ' .... , ,

\I., , , ,. , • n. 0 ,

" " ",I , " .".: ", ." , " , ],,, "" " " • .\i- n ,


I(lLL'~tnl\, 1'.\ I \ Rlh. h,' 1'<, , ' , _ ... I, " •. ~, JIt, I,

e c. ~:'! .. ~;,"I L./:·;:::';";. !~ '" , • • 1\ ,,, e",' "'''''':' .f>. " "i I, ". Il. ~".;n, ... "" al I .\

\, • 1',.".k"l 1';111. OKI.\ N.~ , \, u~1

II""""". ( P<J T.I><."""Ie, "",,"~ W.·" "n<I'~ l (, , . G \\ 11..,,1--... 1. W "

r"j S ~1",,<11 'I",.~ft_ II ~. '1\ 01, II I. I're. 1'''''0'

F. r , .. , .' n, IK ,"

~'.\!I1.\!(l:-:T. II" \' __ \ "'ni"",.,1 F.I· ]0.,. ~'V .• "d l .\. R II)'. \\~"CTn ~.i_D

I' .. , ac n",,; '. J 1 s.:"i(~, II ", lI, "I'd ~,.) 1'1.". 1''''1" 'o"'~, ,,,I, All {" .'." •. ,,,,1 m, "I ... u.~~d

I ... p ..... '.. Ru".11 I\' lIa,,, •. Src I'i, !·· .... d,,". 1l'''II"1~''', \I I'.,

nFl,U·.\. :-: Y E"h.,.",h .\nc" .. ' '1 ~.,~.~ . ",1 (cn".1 ~". Y 'k 1' .. 1

h'I' .IJ'~""K, Ja • :-."i,·r I" \' ,~). ~ ,.I() •• ",1 7,.\1. \k.·',,,~. ,. ," 1) c

.. ,\ d .. J." J, .. ;,1, •• ,,;. •• ~·lO I In U~n)" I) J"n~'. 1\ '~. ,U ,I<. I'~ .,-c.a~,. 1. I~,d "",,hr.1 " .• '1 t' .• ~nl ~,

FO:<1'OR!.I. 01/10 \!,,,i.,,,,' (,n,,", ,i"", 1'"1.<1,, S,"if>n. (,;~ I.,., ~ s, .. J." t'. " (1),1< Un"""" .. I"" r. ~, ,~,. T",,..l.v. !:.~ an,1 ],JO. IIrd· .. ~ to:'

~'. ., d 7.lO .\1:."" .. ", ..... c. ,. , ,abl. di",u.,,,,ns I;" ""ni,'N' ~"ol .. i ... I':o<"i,,~ .,."i<., <>I"'n ,,' 1,,,',Ii,- I),.",",

:<"1"" ... "I<n' (;. F. 1..",. ,n {ho,"", !! • " .• I'ro, ~I<tI 10< pa<t"', .n.1 Ih<" ""~,

r.." , .\. ,I." ". ~ .. ,.'" . T ..... " .. , \ldION. 01110- N""h~ •• t 01 io M'ni ••

•. " 'n ,n",.. I' .... ,<o>, .. r Chur,h S !! ,·~·,,,,t ",,1 ,·".k 5u, J~n. 11--·1.\ 'I·"n· ;,,~ ..,,,,i,., (0< n"n;'I~" ."J c' "'1"''';'-'''' . I, lIi"nn ~uJ><.i"'~' d~"1 G. F I.".i, p.e"di~. Tb.-m< "I ,n"i,u.c, "Hc"'~1 ,n .ho l'fC'~n.·day ~n ... ~'· A numb" "I ahl< mi .", ... "ill bo: .p<ak,n~ On ,,,,,I '''''J",,'' 1"'I0""·,g '" .. ,·i.,1. For CQml,IN< I'''''' 1I,.,n ond IU<I~" i"fnr'"ali~" .. " .. l' ~:. FI ".1",". s..-. .. ~.)'. "5 " 1.)''',-,n S, .. \\".<1, .. , nh. (lh", ~lfI)\\ISTFIl III11U~ .'\:-:n l'II.\Yt·1I

('ONI'FRt'NO: 1'i>~ ("I, """",1 lIih,. or.l 1',;0," lO"'

( ... ,," will mrol a. Ibc ~.h ."d lir,.d A • ...,mbl~, W,ehi'~ F.II ., Tua., Ja,,- 19-..."'"! Felko .. · hip .. "''''. m"h, of ,b. I~,h, F,u .-no",. Im,,'i.h...-J by 'oul p""plc .. I .. a. p" .. i1,I.. Sur><'inl~nd.n" "I 'bo 1,11u ... · inK JJi"ricu "'ill plU.icip.1.l<: T~u •. w.,. '1.,.,-. ,\rbn, ••. Okl~h"", •. Nc .. Ilu,,.., and Kansa.. Thi. """I~re·",. ha. R"'" • I,.. "". ~I ,h .. lot,. a"cD,I«1 n,~,'n~. in ,b. S",,,h. If 10" "0"' ,"~I ,ri.il u.l uI,I,h "" .,... '0 .tl~"d.

I' '. i"fo.",.",.-." ",·ri •• lIi',,;"1 SUI'<fi~· ""d.", ~' n. llavi,. 210'1 11.11. ,I,·c .• F,. W",'h. T<1<,"'. o. Pa_,o. ~:, U. Crumr. ;;31 ">e. K. Wi,hil' Fall •. Tn"

MISCEI. LANEOUS NOTICES NF\I .\nlll<l'S~ --'ILl nOlI "1. ,'ha.«.

I'alif I' 0 110'< ;.3, ·'~."m.I""o a~o Ih< <h'''''h he.~ e.lk-d D'~ ~, 1' ... .,..."'-'\11,. .. .. (l",I.

:-IF\\" ADDRESS-I:» W ~h A" .. T<>.· "n~",". \\")." "We h." •• «.,"<01 ,h. I'.l'''''~''· hN~, ""d h~,·. m",·.d ,h~ ,h",~;, and I'."">I"~. '0 .I",,'~ .dd.~ .. ,"

I' ... r ~~d 1'.0.1 I'ilo,. rON !->.\I.t: F.,~b •. f"o ' \'01' C"',", .,Ib

.. o.di"~ "f"n ('''''pel Ta"",,,,"ck"' in r<d a",1 ht"., t,. ucell<n. <o",Ii.~'n. u,v to i" ... 11 or hanr in «on. of dum·h. Will , .. II ch~ap ~. M ~lcn Ul~. I' 0 lIox 141. Oe"er. 1'~,

W,\STEIl---lhhlu. 1101>1< di.,;o".ri" •. &, .. 1 hook>. 00fI1f \:ook •• "'OU",,'. Ch,,";~n m.'Ku;"e'. ,.ac". "e. tI, ei.~uh lo ''''o·'g 01", K'''l ... 1 hUll," in W~" (',,"'Tal A,~.n­••• Plu'e "nd pootpaid ~:. Mol ... i", Bible I'Yao""I""c Cru .... d". n~.da".II~. A.k.

NOTICE-At! 1><"'0"' mO"inll '0 0, Ii .. · i,,~ l" 0' 3<oun,1 J~ck..,,,. 1'."" .. will ~~,I • ""ar", ",<:I"",no ., ,h. A,,~'nb)y 01 God '"' (;!.' dalc S, . ,n W",. Jaehon._ I'a •• o. a,'d II" ,\ If ~I"ch<'ll,

S(lTICF_SoIJi",. «>mi"K '" ,I,han • .-.I Flfin. Scbool wm ~nd R .. 'urn "elco"'. ., Ih .. A .. ,,,,hl, "I God. 11.1 "nd C A"" I)"u~!a •. ,I.i. --J¢hn Eilin". p~ .. o"

"OTICF.·- ""t.t;~" ... ,i"".-.I ~, C-.,np Fd,,·a,d ... ill ~nd a "'~.m ,.d.om~ .. ,I>< Full Q.,'p<1 Chu.eh. Sot"h I)"n',i< M .... on ~"u .. lJoi. app.oxi"mlel~ i mil .. h"'" H) .• "ni., O.uol '~Hi"., .\1 ••. Edi.h ~yd · ~'. I~n""porl. )h ••.

>.:OTI('E_U ), u b~n boy. a , ('.",p }1eC01. nU' I.. C'O'JM. who ... .-.1 oJ)iril<",1 h .. lp 0' d".in: In .u~nd 1''',, ' «:0< .. 1 n,..,'· '"~ '. 1'1 ... ~ '."01 m. Ihd. nan'" . ,,01

",ok. i, .• 1 ... a do)' 01 I".i.".-\\ H C"""b, I'a .. or.

.dd" .... and I .. ill Jlodly ("()"t:l<:t 'h~", .-PO"o< 11 "1",,, ,\ 11,.""0. 1m A'<>II, I ... Cro .... Wi ...

Pog6 Tlmlcen

RUS'fY By Fr.n'" V .. nclenberl'

\",,1><,,1\ rdrcd.. I h!!'c~m\' "I Ru ty Tit h h was I, II 1>)/ h" I •. clter hOc "J.' ''1'\ "<I"I\'d Oil c! ,I. ile .. , \l1l \0 '''11''10( I, t .. ,·c .. 11I11·limt· ),,1.. \1 )a'1 ,"c ,ri""li,'" h"1 d~'''!l I 10 In 10 !i", a pi;",· '" lilt world ,.tH'ro· 111' ,,,,uid 1><"10111:: .

lIi< j(>urn~y~ ltd him I(> a d"I;o.nl "it\, aon 10 a 1o(T<'''1' (If pl"'1,lc ,,",ch .1' '. had [to, known hd"r! "(,r;l.'''I1'a'" :'oj;,n", :'01" n "mal, : .. ,,1 :'olr l"r"~~, and in II 1>i'll1 ... h(>{\1 Ihal ,,'0\, ",lifh'rent"· RtI'l\ I!"" " II"" Ch.lllC<

and I~arnrd ;\ ,w" w.n of 1i1~. HU~I)'\ <Illrolv 'clf-rdmnl" ami ~hn'l" 1<:00<1 hum." won him .1 real 1,la"I." ;\1 .j tI\." ,,"rio! \nd ~t "'~ ,~,,... 1 m~ 1'(' iound the '1nalt'l Frirnd of all I' wry In{ernl~dl~t~ .Iwulol ha\'f Ihi, ~I'kndid hook Price so."


Spr;nllfielcl, M iuoy.'

\oTtn \\. "'''~ .. " nr l<i,,,,,. a, Ihd '.1, F .. t,t '" i .,,_ work hCT<, "k'" ·.n.1 mo 'h~" ,U"". ~' of add" .... and 1 .h n I .. ~I •• I ,,, I,,·, .h<m Oo"",h i. I ",at· \ .. 41' T, II S. n. .. ·;..r. I.. I) II IhU.rd. 1' •• , r. II ~ II. fl .... , ll •. ,,,,,h, !<h"rrl'O", I .•

NOTtCr·1I Ih".. 1,."i"1f In'",I< '" ,.t"i,· •• ',,,ion.oI M ,I" "'~'·~",·"I Flri"., S ·h, .. l. 110>1>1.. N' MH. ",ill .• ,1 m • ,h.ir "''''~' ~"I arld«.,r', I .h.!I boo- .,,~ t ,. ('Or,.,., ,h.,,, .n,1 .... th.m 'r"ilu~1

~ .. I"· .I!~~ .- Ouillin, Pa.,O'. A ... mhb "I CM n·,x I~' I",";nq."". N 'I"

N'(\Tl<"I' II '"" h, •• 1.;,"'<1. to< •• 1 •• ,;, . ., ~, O·lI.ill~ ".,,,,,,1 1I","i,,1 SN;"." ~rM. M, .. w •• ".11 hr ~'l'I" '" ..... , .. , Ih ... , ,'h'" .~.m in .n. WH I'"""hl. ~T " lI"n,"q.wn.'~, "'''''13''' I' •• " ('~"'nl ", .. ~,~t,I, 01 (;'-"1 l.mrlw'1I An. ~" ('.11><><,,, ~t .• 5rr;"~Ii.M, Mo. T~I.pbM' , .. , "OTlrF:_p~'''''n . hHi"" ..., .. ~~ "" •• at

<",m" n • ...-k,",i.IIf" \1".u"~.ld It y .. pl .. ... or'''' ,I< ,hr;, ".mc' A'''' .rld" ..... »d .. . ,hall hr .,1."1 1<> """, .. I Ih~", Th~ n~"rr" ''' .. mhl,· 01 '",..f i< M "-?4 Fihh 5,. 110'"

" ..... n. K. Wo n"",1 ..... m .... ""''''. h' '11 d<I," ....... ·he< in ,bi. ,·;"o'h o \1 W,bh,. I'~ .,or. 6;W~ Fifth S" 11.".1 .. ." ... R.,

NOTI,!' ! ;., ... ,to Gn.p<1 ('mg.am. s,,';"" K""t), '70 ~il " S"n,l> .. ~·VI • '" ~ ... ~ .... ·~·rl.r ""'mmq a, ~.-.o S,.,i,., K.-t7 T~"'~ hni"" Iri~n,l_ ., T.,,,,,,,, Fir'1. in,·i,. , h.m '0 "'~"I nut ' .. vice a. I~" 1'"., '~'!'~I .. ~b \'"",hv 1:'1(1" m I' ,., ,< ('bu. ~ ./0 ..... It .thrJ T''''rl •• IWI'I E I'ichr, Uh'd .• f ', \\'q"h. T.x".

>':OTlrF-~)J.ti .... "".,,', .... t I.;.,,~. rl.,,, ~"" lho, .. e h,,'~ a ]'~n,,~~ ... 1 "".k ;n J""olio" fi,y. K", •. ,. \\" ,houJ.! I ... ,Id'"hl<" .~ h .. ~~ .~. "."' .. 01 oil mon in ""iI""" ,,' F,," lIil" 'nrl will ,..., ". ","" 'n C"'nU', u'" lotlri.nd .h .. m. a.-.d ... in 'h~", f.,,- 00"" --t: ~ .. ]-' ,I .. , 1'"." •. 1!J~ \I' ~'h .. 1",.~'i " rity. K.n.a.

NOT1('F Th .... ""minM '0 H;rn,l".h.,m , Ata .. ,ot w",k '" ""·i<~",.,, ol"wn,<I A' .h" ",ml Air Ih,~ h ...... ill Ii d • ", •• m ,nl""". o. ,"" ~'"" A .... m~l~ 01 Gowl T.I"',."Kk .• 7.h PIa." ord !rod A .. ~, N' J( yO" ",iii '~h" ". n.m .. ond ~,hI .. , .. , nf I,;",,!. An,1 ,,!>,iv •• h .. e, "'. _hatl I .. gl>'l '" con"'" ",.m an,1 ",i""I" ,<> 'h<i' ' ,,;'il"~1 ..... 'I,·l F Rkh~...,,,. I'a"o,. 8721 Thud A'C. 11: .. IIlnnina-hom. Ala


Contributions November ,.

ALAHAMA t)p<lih 'I . l'I"~n' ARIZO:O<A F'e.""".1 Off«'~1 ,\"nn,I. 1c A ..... mht~ <>1 ,,,,,I ARKANSAS 1" "''''''01 Offrri"rl Ihmbu.& A ... ",blt 01 t";·~t S5 1.0.,,10- A .... mt,l,. 01 God

"'G S 00 . ~ . ~

1)1"1) 7.11 '00 ,. .~

Il oun,a",hu'lI II ... ,~ lI ill (lm.eh Mutl ............ A,,<n,bIT "I God CALIFORNIA 1' ... on.1 Oll<rinu 1I.'kH.ficl~ I..m,,", .1."",1.1,. "I ~'ul1<r,on GI~d Tidin". '\ •• rm 01 ll~m~1 A .... 'nbl,. of God 55

7'11,13 (; .... 1 X.IO God lJ.1;4


I.. 1 I. «1m ]., .. ~ O~II ,," of ('..-.I CIIu .. h &- C'" 11.2:2 , \. I' 'hi I ,. ;,)" :-:.,i""al f'i.r 1' .. , ....... ,.1 Td .. ," d. 10m O.kland n.,hr! TaN-m.d, .1 O.Hand }:h", T.b Dore .. Sotldt _ S.OO (I.kl,' t 1'" • I'.n·, ... 1 ( oI\W,71 n I' ,. I, I OroyiUe A ... rnblt of God ChUfClI __ ". I'a .. ific Pah .. <lu I" ayer Cird. non 1'.10 Aho Clad Tid .... Tabo:,·.,!.: 6.00 S 1. \", '"'" )<, ., 1'-,,«, .. al

Mi".'n y,,1I' \I" I' .. ,;;. '-~ l ~ ;. , ~ ,,' I' ,I .. , , \. '" San.a A". Fir., A, .. rn tol Cod (" \ .' ,() $cl.<!ad C.lva., T,"",nad~ JOf{) 11,".1 "1.1 'loIi " ~ .. r' ", ~fn \', 'I'-' 1',,1] ('_pol A ... mbl, 6o.OCI COLO RADO l'cr.onoJ Oil"",,.. Jo\.UO F·. I Q l' " •• ' ,UI lin' .... ' 1 hI"" CONNECTICUT P~r_'1 Oll"erla, • ....nI.DO Di!:LAWAI(i:. 1' ..... ".,1 OI!<n"I' 1",-, 1.. .... Full ( .. ,.pol A,,,,,,blt 1\00 \\',h,,, It"" {·all.", I' '«'00, &1 lh "00 DISTRICT OF COLU MUIA I'.t Off 1'(1 FLORID'" I'"..,,,,! (I,lt" 'N" ".,'1 lAurel IliII 11.,1><1 A.~mblr of (;ud l'" (lak I ") .~ ... ,,""I, "f {00J 6..:l I'e', ..... La ~~'I S,de '\'..,m "I Co.I I' T.",pa Il"hd l'on'l>loo lo.W CI-.ORCIA I'~ .. "nal Oll~"n.. 1.(\' ~I<,uh,,~ ,\ .. ~",bl, "I (;.,,\ IU(I H)A1 0 It.,· '''' s~ Iboo 8oa,,",u yu.t ..... fttlblt 01 God 4.00 11. ..... 01~ "'" U"n, ~. ~.61) ,'It.", hl,..r,! St ..... , l'Orm. {~.t

Ch .. {,!"ld,.". (h !to.1)) B,II,.,·,II. 1-',,11 {,i"'I",1 oJ hurd, 511(1 I a .. Sl I.,u" IInbd Tal .. cnkl. IO'i(t (, .. I>a .1, <,"bi,. 01 God &.- (',\ Jb lO flu,ard II. ,.; \1,_ W~IC 7.00 litm Faitb 11,,,,,. SJ ") I.VOIANA I',,",,,,al Olfe"ni' 35.9S 'h' "h,1I I.,. I>d (hU!<1 !I.OO IOWA 1' .. ",.>:,1 Off.,,· u lIIlO ('0""''' 111 .. 11'. ,\ "I G T.bt:",ad" I;'.ll .Ioy illc A .... ",blT 01 ( ;rod ;.l'>l O,kaloo.a Full G"'1><1 T ah.-.nac!.: 1100 KANSA S 1'."",",,1 Off"i",_ 45,lS .\·I,I.,HI .\ .... '''1>t1 "j (i,.1 {1"'T<h 11.111 11",· .. __ \ "i (; (I, ,'hikt"n' (,,,,,,1' 100 lIre><len '\ •• en,blt 01 (;<oJ _ 7.D K .• n .... C"y .. "II {;. '1",1 T,t,.., ad.

(."""h SS CA "WMe .• , --»5.00 I'i".b"'!r A .... " 01 (.001 S~ & (;A 64.Jl 11"" .. 11 ".~mh11 d riod lh",d, 10.00 ~, ,' .. ul "",,,,bl1 "I "~I .SI !.al"", ...... ",bly "I (;.J 0,,, • .-1, IS.SO \\,illi~m"(o .. ,, ,I .. ~mblr ,,( 1"-'" ~.OO K~:NTUCKY 11,~h JJ",j~ • .-\ of G J.ll4 M, S,«bni IJon.ld",,, t·"ion A ('h 1.:'7 ~"«I .. ",I .",.,,,1.11 o( G,od 1011 LOUISIANA I,~,,',.,.I (lIIc""/I:' / •. Il \ ..... O,ln', 1'"., __ \ ... m <o( (;.,.,J SS .lII.!fJl MARYLAND I'.,. .. nal Off""nl' jl,OO MASS ACHUSETTS I'c'~,n.1 Off" J3 I! lIo"on ~"~II~. 5., ... H.I" ;" ('hu,," 1.00 MI CHICAN 1' .... ", .. 1 Off .. , ~, 11.\ OIl tlllt"" ~h .. "", ... ,,· (1),,,.1, A._i.,_ .xI.1J 1'"",,,. {;"'"rl 'I.be, ..,1. lJ.O>I M'NNt:SOTA I' .. ""'~I Off'''''K' 5.' ~ Albert 1.<. The I'copl .. ('hur<:b I (WI ])""00" ("'''1",1 1 abc",.". ~OO ~I, ""~I.,I,. F .. "",,,. '1 .. I"r"~,·" ,16.i SO '" 1' .. 1 .-,,1) I, '1 ... 1 .\.,.,,,b1y 10.«1 M ISSISSIPPI 1' ... "".IOfferi'·a. !!.OO >.: .•• H •• h, A .. ~~t.I, "I G.t J OO MISSOURI 1'.,,,,,,,.1 Olfennr' 14JO\ A,l&n,. B'ar CrulL A • ..,,,,bl , 01 Cod no 1..10"'''D A""'mLlt 01 (;c.1 l hurch Ih ..... td,,,. A • ..,mlol, 01 (;'d 1100

Page 14: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1940-1949/1942/1942_12_26.pdf · Alice Rey .. olds Flower. .. -, .... """--.,. ---, -• '-'. ... "The world i~ full of dcsert{'rs from Ihe

Page Fourteen TilE PENTECOSTAL EV"';';CEL December 26,1942

Kelt /Joil.J Out By Bali) Miller

\\'11('11 young' l";tn :-'lurry and his pilot friend, Ray, were forced 1(, ball {Jut of a bla7.ing plane high abo\iC the Sierra mounlain~. thty did not reall7.(' that even greater adventurts lay hefore thelll as tlwy sought for 13~year~old Lonlie Lane's miner ,t:"uardian, l'ota\()"Crt'ek Johnny, missing in the deserted J-Ir(.:h Sierras.

Ken's faith in God holds him steady and gives him courage as he lo~es his way in Ihe mountains, faces an angry pack of wolves, fights a mountain snow sto rm, etc.

A(h-elltare, thrills, mystery, excitement-all run rampant ill this hook II rit\en for boys by a man who knows. loves and

'. understands real red~bloodcd youth. Price SOC each.


lAth"", " .. embly 01 ('"",I ;;:A :.20 Ma, .halt A ... mhl,. of G,d 11.11 Morti .. ill. A'.e",hI1 "f (; •• 1 I'llUrch 1.92 Nonhm",,' A .. o",hly 01 Go<I Chu.ch 1.!n I'.dti<: A .... "' .. ly nl C"'I (l"uch & SS J 00 Shdly,,!'. ,\."ml,ly "I (;",1 _5~ MON TAN,o\ 1' .. ..,".1 Offe,ln](. 3,00 f.k.l.h,k"IK~'Y Thh",,, .. o1. l,rnJOO GI>'/rOw (;0,]><1 TaM,·,..,I. 7 "'.I NI;! UR",SK ,o\ 1'"""n .• 1 Off«i,,~, IHIO H,~ SI";"N Full (""1",1 T.t....,,,.de 1109 C.,,,,I 1 .I.n~ A ... mhl, ,.f tN.1 ... eA 11.00 NEV ADA 1,«""".1 Off«;",. 15,00 N EW HAMPSHIR E 1'"", 01 Otic, 2,00 N E W JI:: RSEY l'e,,,,,,,.1 Oll"i",. 17_00 A,I.n.le ('u,. G,.,,~ 1',",-«,,'.1 __ u.r.) ~:U Harb", ".y 1',,,. ]!'r.i •• Ch"rcn 11.35 T,~n"'" (;0-]><1 T ,he,,,,,d. ,.. SS _ J7_70 NEW MEXI CO 1'«00".1 Off .. i,,~. 6_00 N E W YO RK 1'«0<.".1 Off.,i 'W' ¥.I.OO 11'0"" ~' ... York CI'y r;""d N< ... Tab 10.00 II"",. N< ... vo,~ 1'1,. Mi'l,_,I, ~I H ome 2\,00 lIufhl" I', .. . T.b S!; 1'1 ...... CA 61.05 N, .. York Rod (I,u'ch 1.00 N ... York Cit, I'i"t Ukra;"i." E,'a,,·

Molital l'e"lc«>",,1 ("',,~h .\0.00 Ridlr",,""1 I'<".""".ul Ch""h 1!n,00 R"d'e"~' Flim T ab"" ,ack C~"fCh 5.00 S~r>"u ... MOfl\in~ S .. , Mi""", \,00 W •• o"o..-," 1'"n,Ian,enlal Go. Tob ('A l.5O NORT II CI<ROLIN A 1'0<00,,~1 Off U5 Ott lO 1''''0,",1 Off'''''R' .2Sl,OO \V.eo FUll GO'P<I A .. "tnbly of Go<l 501 OKLAHOMA 1'«..,,,.1 Off .. inHI :?J.OO F'U-I ~n " .. ~n,I'ly "f (;",1 6.1! HonobIa A ... mbl, 01 God 5,00 ~1"tr"Q" ,1 .~,,,~lf ... r G",I ... CA 3.00 O~I.ho'M l'<1lo ... ,.I,ip M~li .. ]( 26.5! l'A"'h" ,b ,,, .. ,,,hlr <>f God::iS ._ 1!_J5 I·,d.e, ", ... ",hly 0 God SS 1<.15 (N .. ~,) I',unam Ro.d.~d A <>! G _ 1&.74 1I",,,~,,.lt A"cmbly 01 Cod ~ J2.00 ORECO N I',,,onal Offrr;,,;. ___ 5.1.15 AI,pl.g>t~ Cbd .. Amb"""do,, ___ 3.15 ~· .. ~Ie 1'0i", H'Kb .. ay T.~,,,,de __ . HIS PENNSYLVANIA l'tT""".1 Oft'~. _ .. H7.1'9 AII~~to..-" I'~n. A of C I" U.nd & CA 83,00 Bonwood 1'~n,eco",1 F"n ('''''p<I M,. 8,43 t: ..... Sln)ud'~U'H l' ll;Rh .. ay ],1 C,o\ IHO fall.ntin'~t l!ollento",'" Pen. Chu'ch 450 Ou.~ .. ,to"" ""~m "f "od SS & CA 25,.'(1 Wind"" 1',,,'«0,,,1 L>l<luhou.~ J.'.Ol \'otk Fi, .. I'.",~,'O, .. I lnu«h ..... 10,00 SOUTH CAROL IN,o\ 1'«""'31 Oft' .. 2.00 SOUTH DAKOT A LJutbank C"I> T~b 1,1ll (',,,,,kN C".(",1 Ta"",,,.t\< NWII'SS 3.4l l.ah 1', .. ton Go<]>d Ta~cn.c1~ Y.'XI S."ux F.II. C""""I Tabe, ~de 10000 TENNESSEE l'~'""nal Off~<in~. 10.00 TEX AS 1'«"'n.1 OffNiug. 1Z.!4 Colo""n ,\",,,,bly ~I l;o,l 9.10 nal\~. Bo.hd Tt",pl, lUl) I'orl W""n So",h~'~"<fn lIib l""it 80,00 1I0u.!~" C.", A 01 G Ch 55 '" WMC 17.00 !iou.tvn ~:v."g .. h'I'e T<"'I'I, lUlU lIou •• "" for_t A "f C ('h 8; WMC 19l'(l 1I0,,,!<>n lI~iglt" (;" '1'<'1 Ta~r~"d< 5.00 IIQuoton \1,'11",,1,. I'ark ,~,~",bl~ of

God SS ('A LlJC IIMC' 8; II'\\' I.lH3 I'elly A ... mLly 01 Cod 50.88 ""Utry A .... mbl~ of (,,,,,I _ _ 1.50 Sou,,,,lIe H<1hei 11,11 A",", 01 Cod 300 Sp,i"l1 A'«'n~\r 01 (,,,,,I Clm,eb ~.OO T~,'" 1>i'l,i<l O"i,t ,\mb .. Cony,,, 1.'>0.00 Wichi.a Fall •• ~ ... mblr of God \\,~IC 3.00 \'''''~.''n _~'~mbI1 01 God SS ,'I;: CA lJ.«I VERMONT I' ... onal Off .. inu 10_00 VIRCINI A S. 1',,,1 A <>l " Cb '" SS 5.00

WAS HINCTON 1'.,""",,1 Off<ri~](. .175.15 I '''1r~lia _"'. ,",bly o! Cnd m_55 n,u ... I.h P'''loro".1 A of Cod VI' 1.51 \ o,,,,ul,,,lio U,.hd T''''I'I. 8; SS , SOO E,· ... !I Borha"y T.",~le 22.'ilQ O .• hill. hl~bo fun ('_""I ('hUTch 2.3-4 SI",h". h," 1', "O~'MI ('h ... SS lS.OO Toooma 1',,,,oro".,1 Ta~'nacl, SOO W EST VIRCIN!,o\ 1'<r<on.1 Offer;"g> 1.00 1"'.m""t Tri";', T.,I",r".de . __ 8.00 WISCONSIN 1'."0",1 Offeri"II' _ 18,00 ':"a".vill. Fun Go.",,1 Ch",.h 6.00 l':.~".1oa -(h,I"i." A ... mbl, 1200 \\'i«'o".in Rapid . Go'\l<1 Tab VI' 28,00 WYOMING 1\·h.~tI.n~ " .... ", of Cod 19_75 C,o\NADA Pe"o ... 1 Off.,;'II;:' J.OO

To,"1 ,\",,,u,,, R<I",,,,d 8.69318 110"" Mi";o,,. I'uod 9!JM Ollie. EXI~n'e 1'",,,1 &'.78 I,"<fa',,'e EXI"''''' FU'ld ;,35 R.ported Civ"" Dlt .. 1 f"c

!10m .. .\Ii .. io" o lJ6.81 lI.po,ted Ci,"," n;, .. t

" },fi"'"nari .. &11.81 1,893.61

Amount R..,.;ved ,,' ,,' "If" .\I .. ,;"n. 6,79') . .17

A",ounl I',eviou.ly ". po<1e.! 112.68),:16

Amo',,' ! R..,.i~ed ,~ Fo" dgn Mi .. io~1 . hi. M. ", 69.479_n

MISS ION,o\RY CONTRIDUTIO NS o.,.,.m!>o. I_ Deoomher S incl".I""

AL.A.B"MA 1' ... on,1 Off.,inS'· __ . $ J)OO n , rt",,,~h3n' (E.,,) A.,emhl1 "I God _ 3.50 C1>ntQn l'in,d31~ "".mhl, 2.00 F'·e,g,.," N<", lio,,", A.",mloly 5.3 ~'idhn~ City ~!t Zion A .... mbly ____ 6J1O ~lillp<>" I.ibefly C",,,,,I T.b<,".c1e _ HIO ~h,ri., Ah~",l" A .. omblv 01 Goo 100 ARI ZONA 1' .. ..,".1 Off«inK' ._. __ I{IO.00 n"ugl .. ""'mbly of G",I __ J.ll Pho<n,x Gbd Tldi·,It. T,I",,,,,d. ,_ 10.01 l',~.e01t A ... ",hl, of God Clmrch 5.00 ARKANS AS Per..,,,.1 Offori"g> 66.'00 lIi](Aot A ... mbl, 01 ('.<'d _____ _ 1.00 11"" ·e,·ill. C,ay""" A ••• ", of Cod SS 1000 FI 1)O"do ,0. ••• ",1>1, of ('.od . _____ ._. 49.9~ 1'01'1 S",i.b 1'1,,,, lJ<lh,1 A ... m of God .10.01 Morrih 'n A .. em~ly 01 Cod '''' ....... __ 1.J8 N'e~'I"''' A ... mhlr 01 God (b &- 5..<; • 0'1 Sh .. id,n A 01 G SS CA & o,il CA !J 79 S1>rln~dale A .. embly 01 Coo _______ 12.2S Suhi.oo ~Iid ... "y ",.,.mLly 01 Cod Ch 2.00 \',,,k! 1Iill Job .. ..,,, Vi ... ('hu,th 1.00 11'.ielron '\",mhly ~I Cod .. _ i 00 C,o\LiFORNIA l'enon.,1 Off .. l"g' ,.IOI./>1 ""OY<> C,,~de Full Co.po:l o,ure!> _ 8,31 Bock-kv ,\ ... ",bly 01 ('0<><1 CA _ 14,tiJ (:~mp Call." 1',.1." nand . ___ , ___ 2.00 Carl,h,d Go,pel T.~,n~de 55 . _~ ___ 18,00 ('~n'r.ll San Jo,qui~ Vall.y S.., W MC 4.019 flo.i, 1'''''0<-0'''' '\'''''''bly 2J_32 Co,ona A",em!>ly of G'd C.nu,eh 10,43 Comin. ,o\ ... ""bl,' o! God o,ureh 66.66 Dinuba A •• ~mblv of God -' _______ .. _ J).82 E",aion Gl.,d Tiding . o,,,,cb _ 40.00 1',,,i1la d A< •• mblr of God ___ 00 Indio ,\ •• ~",bl, ° Cod SS ro.66 l':inll,hu.S' F"l1 Got\l<1 A .. embly 12 50 La JOlla A"o",bly 01 God __ ._~_ 21.1S I"" Angd .. Cre'" 01 the Good Sloip

G,ac. 5.00 Lao An~d .. Sou.h .. " ('.Iilom;. Lao

,\ngele. s.c';"" II'~IC 9.37

"<>rln IIolly",ood ,o\ .. ~mbly 01 God 101'0 Oakland ('.In.y ,,,,,"pol Cburch SS .10.00 Oakland R .. ,v.1 T,,~.naole 38_.1 Orla-d C.?"y R.ncho AI",m of Cod S.OO P.d~e Cmv. 1'" .. ,· .... oro.!.1 Chu,ch ;:;:r.oo Sanu ,o\na Fir" ,o\"em 0/ ('.ad Cbu,th l.71 ~a" I);,,., A"embl, of God lS.OO s.-, 1 ·.!,I II,!) {:"Ikll~ .\\,. Societ, 100.00 Tul~bh F~lI Go 1"1 Chu,~b II! SS 17\10 y. " ( t1 C.lv",y T.h"n.e]" SS 50.00 COLORADO P .. ""n.1 Off.,'nu 39.116 I· ... ! .. rlR~ Full (;''''1,,1 Mi .. i~n 10,00 I·"n .. A. ~,"],]y or ('0<><1 & SS 1_00 C"",k A ..... ",bJ, of ('0<><1 4 J) nen"~' Full 1;0 ""I llall .. _""" _.. 1.50 (;I .. "~"",,, SI"in~. ,\ .... ,.,bly of God z.ro Lovda' ~ A .... ntblr of (,,,,,I 5.00 l'u,Io]'. GI.d Ti,linll' Tab & W~IC 61.r.) S.erTi, ~ A,-~,"blr of God 1..10 CONNECTICUT 1''''''naIOff,rinlll 3.75 Danhu" Pen' Tabt.",,"ok !OS & CA 16.~ Ea.! l'ur!.·h'''H eo.pol T"b "CA 25.00

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Page 15: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1940-1949/1942/1942_12_26.pdf · Alice Rey .. olds Flower. .. -, .... """--.,. ---, -• '-'. ... "The world i~ full of dcsert{'rs from Ihe

Uecrm.br.- 26,1942

~lac<>mb A ... mbly M GOO 10 '\(l Mouoon A'><:m1.ol, 01 Cod ('h & SS 56.OJ Ord,ill. A",mbly M God Churoh 3.50 S;ov.,ona I\" .. obl! 01 GOO 5.00 ~,<n • .., A",mbly 01 (;-"1 CA ~ 50 S!'ri".~old Full G",,~l Church 5.00 Wauhgan A .... mbly 01 God Chun::h 5.ZJ iNOiANA 1","'0.>1 Off.rin~. 52.1ll f.,'a",,·ill< Fai'h Mi"ion SS 5.00 Cuy Full c."p<1 Tak,oad. 1'4 '7 n'''"'n T;>I,..,oo<l, 2\.96 "",,"I,hu'lI" A",,,,hly of "od 2000 Mo,g;m,o .. 'n ,\ of G Mi"io~ & SS 14.1"1< ); ... . \!b""y Full "" pd Tal>«nod. 8,(0 );,w H"m..",v C<~'"I Ou,eh ,. \$,00 );"flh .. , Indian. Ch.i" •. \mb" .... (\o .. J~.29 T.", Ha,,,. ,\, •• ",hl)· of (;,><1. SIJ.OO \\'h.,,~.ld 1\.",,,,My ..,1 "00 4 B! IOWA !'«<{On,1 Off.,i"Il' 76.35 Ik".ndnr/ Full c.,.p<1 T"h"rn,el. CA If.o Con'ad A ... mhly of God SS 2:9.00 ("""on A ... ",bty 01 G "I '.Il) K«>kuk ,\ ... ml>ly <>1 G<>d 7.90 Nashua A"o",My of God .. __ . __ .. _____ 5.n O.k.I"""a Full c.,.p<1 T.I><,noci, c\ ,.so I',HY ,\ ''' onhl.'' "I I;od SS S.91 Spiti. \..,ke c.,'1'<1 ~!,' ('hu,d, c.~ 1.00 S,o,m L,h I\»on,h!y of God HIO T . oy .\lilt. A".mbly 01 G"" .'.'5 K ANSAS I'o .. onal Off.rin~. ______ -. . __ ~ 80.00 "'c",,1i~ "" .. ,",I,ly d (;od SS '" C" 8.SIJ A.hland ih",,,,l>ly ,,1 Coo ("A 2.7; Coffey,one "' .. mLI)' of G".-I Ch & SS J39J 1)0,111' City ,\""tnl,l,. ,,\ God _ I~.OO f.,;h. ,\ •• cruLh' 01 C>d 950 Fl~·".,d .\'",mhTy of G<>d Cl,urch nOJ I1orton A ... n,blr 01 God Ch~pel _. __ 2.00 Kan'a' L;ty n,r<,,,\ ...... m of GOO 18.00 K',"a. Ci.y Fun Goop<1 T.I><"tacl, 5.00 Kann. DiS1,i<1 Counc;! 75,00 MeAI! •• t.r A ... ",b of God Jr Cl .... _ 1..10 ~I<d"ine Lodge A,,,,",,,b!~ of God ._ Il.J6 Ov.<I~nd !'Mk " i"t "" .. ombly of God I~.OO \\'d"t'" A,,,,,,,bl)' 01 G,,<I ("hu'ch 6.;-0 \\'ic1.o'1> 50mh ;;.n<'C' St,." ,\ 01 G J . .IO KENTUC K Y 1' .. ."".1 Off,d' 1'1:' _ •• 24,4(1 CO";ng'"" ("h ri.,i.n A. ... mbly ._ V» f...,,,d~n c."pd Tabccnac10 3.67 Nichol.wille " .. ,,,,bly 01 G<>ol ._ ..... _ 5.00 0,...",1><>'0 A",,,,,hly of G,,.j 10 . .'0 !'aducah "> .... mbl~ of (;od .... __ ~.J5 LOU ISIANA 1'«.(m~1 Offoring. 11.00 Colhnstoo A".",bly 01 Goo .,, __ .__ 1 •. 15 Down"ille Poln' A'.'mLI)' 01 God 1.71 lVi"nfi old n,th.l A .. , .. mbly of God 2.50 M A I N E 1' ... "".1 Off«in,. S.OO

MARYLA.ND 1' .. ""'"2100'.,,,,&. ISM I1~" ... 'own Dr.h.1 1"h.~,'~1 C'h S;; j <.0 S<)u.h Cuml><,la'd A ,I G a.u,~h 41.00 MASSACHUSETTS I'" .. 'na\ Offe< 1.1.00 n,.,.,..kl0h Full Go.",,1 f1tun-h 1\,fO ('b.l .... a !In.,,," Ill" 1',,1 & 1'1" .\ II.!J MI CHICAN 1'0c.""al O:l<Ti"'R' be!. ... Hon.nn Ha,i>or 6e'hel __ \ of " ~.OO Do,ro', Glad T;din¥, ;;~ 1.00 Dotroit W<n Si.-l. llooh.1 t'h",,'h 19m ~'", Jo • .-I.,n Full {' ...... pd I itu,,'h I~OO \hll.~d '-\"~mbly (,I God Ourch I;m I'"., H~to, ,I.,..-mltlyQj GOO (1. ,\ SS 1~'7 s~ Ih"n .\ "I G ~1i"i"n .. r C ~""il 3.00 l',,;.-,~ City Fuil G~'~I M;"ion & ('.\ 600 MINNESOTA !' .... , ... \ OfF,,;nlj:8 l5.;t \""in Go 1><1 T.t. .. n.,d. ;;S 4.SO

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Page Six/eell

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December 26, 1942 Ft W"uh I/' .... n UerK~" A,.r",bl, 01

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VIRCINIA .\ ,,'" Cal Pn' T.b 16.~1 n,a, ". (~.I .... I T,(,."n.c)r 2_00 II; ~ull (; ,,\><,I (I, &!'S Ulrl

WAStllNCTON I'~<."".l Off."".. 141,SIl .\I;or" <0, ! "I,.,,)' I' •• , T, .. I t~ ,,< SS J1.:'I1 ll,." .,,," ,I, ,,"1.1,' I (;,.! Trtn!.le 1.75 :o.;,,,h •• Full I; '1~1 ,\ .. ""hlv .SO " ,,:.. ., T ... ,,,,,,,,. S~ I< \'I' '067.71 Selab I'"n"" ,I <bu.ch SS 300 ('n,," I, \. I, 01 God ~S XI.19 WEST VIRCI'IIIA 1'.,< _'- Off"",., 23_2!0 IIo .. d." l' Pr<" II", hi \1;", 3 &I I);~ r "k /.. ," Ch".",," A, eml>ll _ 6.111 W .... ,' Sho,!,!".""" (; ... p~1 L'ih\!ouuse 5.00 WISCONSIN 1' ..... ",1 O iTr .. "S' ,15J.SIl '\Wl" ," I". 1,,1 T~m]>l. 61. 11 1I.-"a ... , (, 'I'"~ T,,\ ... 'n.1<I~ HI ';1_ • ,;" 1"1.\ ... ,,,1,], ' .00 \I,id .. " 11<0<. A .. ""W, 01 God 6.00 T"",,' ,~~ ,\",,",bly 01 (;...1 Tabo:t 4_~

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GOSPEL PUBLISHING HOUSE · SPRING FI ELD, MO, 11 0."""0'" Fi", .\ .. ~'n\)I)' 01 God II ,,,ham A ••• mhly " I God 11",." •• ·;(1 •. ~''''''''''' "I Cod

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Pel'Jlllltl1iJet/ r----!


AS .-\ GROUP, we regard the armed forces in terms of "millions of men:' hut in cvery church such as you rs, the "armed forces" represcnt thc boys who aren't at Iheir place

'" _ ...... _--_ .. _ ....... ~-, .. of rcsponsibility ill thc church. This Roll of I lonor is a "pcrpclu<ll public s.1Iutc" to thcir dcvotioll to God and their country.

It will mcan milch to crcrv man whn dons a uniform to know that whcn hI: I(·a\'c~. his name will remain oil a Roll of I [onor-your "Badge oj Rcc('Jgnition:' To ])O.'it this Roll of Iionor is a gesture oi friendship and a PerfcCl Tributc.

This Plaque will serve as a constant reminder to pray for those who are serving our Country.

Each plaque is hand made by master CrafhtllCI1, embossed in gold on a blue suwe background and enclosed in a broad and handsome mahogany finished frame. ~ames arc hand embossed 011 gold strip~ and are casily inserted ill the board, enabling you to P.1y dignified and fitting tribute to the men who hal'''' left to "do the job."

S IZE (O" t. ide) A-12x15 illChu B-15;4x23;4 inches C-25xJOY; inches D-JlxJZV. inches E-JOxS6 inches ...

CAP ACITY ... _. 8 names

.. _ .. .34 namts .. _68 names __ .% namu

. ..... _ .192 n3mu


.. .so •••••••• H 9.~

• ____ H •• H_ ~ ... t 7.50 ••• __ ... _ •. _ •.•••• ~............ .._ • .2<11.50

.. __ ..... . ........ _ ...... _ ... _ ...... ~ .... __ '".SO

Pric .. , in dude n3me cmboued in gold a t top of HONO R ROL L. Gold emboss~d name s t rip~ are additional; 25 cento each wilh order of Pl3que; 30 cen to each wh .. n ordered la ter.


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