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09/01/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)



Table of Contents

Section 1. Auto Guidelines

Section 2. Homeowners Guidelines

Section 3. Umbrella Guidelines

Section 4. Farmowners Guidelines

Version: 09/01/2021

09/01/2019 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)



SECTION I - AUTO GUIDELINES A. Auto Underwriting Guidelines B. Change Form Signatures and Dates C. Coverage D. Trailers, Campers, and Motor Homes

SECTION II - AUTO RATING AND ENDORSEMENTS A. Auto Rating B. Driver Experience Classification Plan C. Endorsements

SECTION III - AUTO RATING FACTORS A. Base Rates & Coverage Factors B. Driver Class Rating Factor C. Discounts & Surcharges D. Insurance Score E. Symbol Determination Charts F. Auto Symbol Factors G. Camper & Trailer Factors

SECTION IV - AUTO PROCESSING A. Claims Processing B. Billing Payment Options

10/15/2020 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) I A-1

AUTO UNDERWRITING GUIDELINES The underwriting process is based on all available information including the application, the history we maintain, motor vehicle records, and other sources of public information. The State of Illinois provides four-and-a-half years of driving experience and is extended to 7 years for suspension, revocations, or alcohol-related violations. Each risk must be underwritten based on the applicant and other drivers, the number and type of violations, the number of claims/accidents, and the personal financial level. Additional information regarding specific circumstances such as limits, youthful drivers, and health issues. The Driver Experience Classification Plan, which is based on the driver's experience in the past 36 months, is used only after the driver is approved by the agent or the Home Office Auto Underwriting Department. Do Not Submit:

• Driver's license currently revoked or under suspension • Conviction for any felony or insurance fraud • Any impairment of any of the drivers to the point where there might be sudden disablement • Violation for driving during a period while a license was suspended or revoked • Violation for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics • SR-22 filing required in the last five years • Violation for leaving the scene of an accident • Violation for reckless driving • Homicide or assault arising out of the operation of an auto • Violation for illegal transportation of alcohol • Arrest for drunk or disorderly conduct • Arrest for possession or use of narcotics • Any applicant(s) that have received a major violation in the last five years • Any applicant(s) that have received more than three minor violations in the last three years • Any applicant(s) with five or more violations and accidents combined in the past three years • Any applicant with three of more losses including comprehensive losses where over $500 was paid

or each loss in the past five years Ineligible vehicles include but not limited to the following:

• Any vehicle used in racing or equipped with racing items • Vehicles used commercially, including but not limited to livery (for hire), limousine service, rented to

others, rideshare, or delivery (including mail trucks) • Vehicles used to transport hotel/motel guests, nursery or school children • Vehicles that are held for resale • Used in snow removal for a charge • Motor homes and vehicles with an original cost new in excess of $100,000 • Motor Homes with no supporting coverage • Gray market vehicle • Commercial vehicles including but not limited to dump trucks, tow trucks, or emergency vehicles,

buses, and any vehicle that requires a State or Federal motor carrier permit or special driver’s license

• Merchant trucks and vans, and flatbed trucks • Gross Vehicle Weight Rating greater than 10,000 lbs. • Kit cars, self-built, replicars • Vehicles used for towing • Previously totaled, salvaged, or reconstructed vehicles (may be accepted with liability only

coverage) • Storage only vehicles without a supporting driving vehicle insured with Madison Mutual

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The agent is authorized to submit business in accordance with all Company guidelines and requirements. At the time of submission, the agent will be advised regarding acceptability and whether the risk has been approved. Additional information regarding drivers, violations and accidents, vehicles, etc., may be required before the risk is approved. In this situation no coverage is in effect until authority is given by the Company underwriter. The agent will be notified regarding any risk that does not meet the Company guidelines.

• Each driver should have at least one year of continuous prior auto insurance.

• All vehicles should be owned and titled by the applicant.

• All vehicles should be in the care, custody, and control of the applicant.

• The applicant must be at least 21 years of age unless we have supporting insurance from their parents on a personal auto policy.

• Adult children over the age of 25 living in the home are required to be on their own policy.

• Photos are required for vehicles 15 years or older with Comprehensive or Collision Coverage. The photos should clearly show no un-repaired damage and that the auto is in good physical condition.

• The requested coverage on the application cannot include bodily injury coverage of $250,000/$500,000, if the applicant is under twenty-five with no supporting coverage or if there is a youthful operator who has a surcharge.

• If any driver has a present or past mental or physical impairment/disability or medical condition such as diabetes, epilepsy or heart condition, a completed Health Statement is required to be submitted with the application. The company will not terminate, cancel, or refuse insurance solely on the basis of a physical or mental impairment.

• While each driver's record is important to your decision, the agent must also consider the combined driving records of all drivers plus the auto(s) to be insured and the coverage requested.

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The Named Insured must sign the Change Form if:

1. There is a change in agency representation (Agent of Record). 2. A driver is excluded (To Change a Driver). 3. An auto is deleted. 4. Liability coverage is reduced (To Change Coverage). 5. Physical damage coverage deductibles are increased (To Change Coverage). 6. Coverage is deleted. 7. Endorsement values are reduced (To Change an Endorsement). 8. Endorsements are deleted. 9. Requests for Cancellation.

Agent Signature and Agent No/Date and Time The agent must sign and date all Change Forms. The agent must keep a copy of all Change Forms. Refund Requested

The company will refund premium credits requested by the agent greater than $20.00 if another premium payment is not due and the policy is not within 60 days of the renewal date.

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COVERAGE The Company offers liability and physical damage coverage as detailed on the Territory Rate Tables and various endorsements as detailed in the Endorsement Section. There are certain rules which the agent must abide by, and there are certain guidelines which the Home Office believes the agent should follow. The following is a list of rules and guidelines:

Rules: 1. The liability limits (bodily injury coverage, property damage coverage, medical payments

coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, and underinsured motorist coverage) must be the same for all autos on the policy.

2. An applicant/insured must carry bodily injury coverage, property damage coverage, and

uninsured motorist coverage, collectively, if any one of the coverages is carried. 3. An applicant/insured cannot have collision coverage without comprehensive coverage;

however, they can carry comprehensive coverage without collision coverage. 4. An applicant/insured cannot carry uninsured motorist coverage with higher limits than bodily

injury coverage. 5. An applicant/insured cannot carry underinsured motorist coverage with higher limits than

uninsured motorist coverage. 6. An applicant/insured must carry comprehensive coverage and collision coverage to request

Endorsement PP0302 (Optional Limits Transportation Expense Coverage), Endorsement PP316 (Excess Electronic Equipment Coverage), Endorsement PP1329 (Custom Equipment Coverage).

7. When bodily injury coverage limits are requested in excess of 25,000/50,000, equal limits of

uninsured motorist coverage, and underinsured motorist coverage must be offered.


1. The Company believes the agents should recommend to the applicant/insured that the bodily injury coverage and property damage coverage be relatively commensurate with each other. The Company recommends the following bodily injury coverage and property damage coverage as such:

25/50/20 25/50/25 25/100/25 50/100/50 100/300/50 100/300/100 300/500/100 300/500/250 250/500/100 250/500/250

2. Physical damage (comprehensive coverage and collision coverage) premiums vary greatly

depending on the deductible requested. The amount of physical damage deductibles written for an applicant should be commensurate with the exposure the applicant is willing to retain and the premium he is willing to pay. Generally, if an applicant has the financial resources, it would be to his benefit to carry a larger deductible.

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• Trailers / Campers – Include both single and double-axle trailers. Trailers are defined as utility trailers designated for use with a private passenger auto. Campers must be designed for use with a private passenger auto and provide living facilities. They do not include trailers or campers used for business or display purposes, and campers cannot be used for regular living quarters. Trailers / Campers with liability coverage only, DO NOT need to be added to the policy. They are automatically covered for liability from the towing vehicle.

• Truck Campers – A truck camper is defined as a camper that is securely fastened to the bed of a pickup truck that is classified as a private passenger auto.

• Camper Shells – A camper shell is defined as a shell that is securely fastened to the bed of a pickup truck that is classified as a private passenger auto. A shell does not provide living facilities and is principally used to provide cover for items being carried in the bed of the truck.

• Motor Home – A motor home is defined as a self-propelled unit and provides living facilities including a permanent toilet. They must be used for recreational purposes only.

If the applicant wishes to insure a motor home, an endorsement is not necessary, and the agent should list the motor home on the application just as any other auto. Trailers which are owned by the named insured and/or spouse are automatically covered for any liability coverage that is extended from the towing auto, if the auto is insured with the Company. If the insured wishes physical damage coverage on the trailer, a premium must be paid. We will not insure trailers owned by itinerant workers, trailers used for regular living quarters, home-made trailers, trailers owned by garage or rental sales agencies for hire to the public, or trailers used for business or display purposes. Coverage applies only to the body and chassis and to built-in accessories. It will not cover television antennas, awnings, cabanas, loss of wearing apparel or other personal effects. If the camper is to be left at a campsite, it must be in our insuring area.

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AUTO RATING The following is an explanation regarding the rating of private passenger vehicles, trucks, trailers, campers, and motor homes. Please refer to this section and how it relates to the usage of the vehicle, discounts, and surcharges.

1. Policy Term


Bodily Injury 1.000 2.043

Property Damage 1.000 2.022

Medical Payments 1.000 2.000

UM Bodily Injury 1.000 2.000

UIM Bodily Injury 1.000 2.000

Collison 1.000 1.924

Comprehensive 1.000 1.975

Rental 1.000 2.000

ERS 1.000 2.000

2. Auto Usage

• Pleasure Use: is defined as no business use of the auto. Pleasure use includes commuting to and from work and/or school.

• Business Use: is defined as the use of the auto as required by or customarily involved in the duties of any driver operating the auto in his occupation, profession, or business other than commuting to and from work and/or school.

If a business or corporation is the owner, then the auto must be classified as business, unless the business or corporation is leasing the auto to the driver for pleasure use.

Autos used by clergymen in the performance of duties associated with their occupation must be classified for business use.

• Farm Use: is defined as an auto principally garaged on a farm or ranch and not customarily used in commuting to and from work and/or school and which is not used in any occupation other than farming or ranching.

An auto owned by a farm or ranch employee and used primarily for pleasure shall not be considered farm use.

• Work From Home Use: is defined as an auto assigned to a driver that works from home 3 or more days per week for the entire policy period.

• Trailers or campers with a weight (trailer and load) greater than 1,500 pounds and truck campers are defined as trailers or campers designed for use with a private passenger auto; however, it does not include homemade trailers or campers, trailers or campers used for business or display purposes.

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Pleasure 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Business 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.25

Farm 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 0.90

Work From Home (WFH) 0.90 0.90 0.95 0.95 0.95

3. Drivers

• Principal: Driver who drives the auto more than 50% of the time.

• Occasional: Rated driver who operates the auto on a part-time basis.


Principal 1.00

Occasional 0.80

Student Occasional 0.80

Military Occasional 0.80

• Student Occasional: A single child attending a college or university who only operates the auto while on school breaks or summers.

• Student Infrequent: A driver who attends a college or university out of state. These drivers are not rated. These drivers are under 26 years of age and over 100 miles away at school without an auto.

• Student Out of Zone: A child who is attending a college or university and has an automobile with him or her and is out of our zone of operation will be rated as it was in zip code 62040.

• Military Occasional: A single child in the military who operates the auto only while home on leave.

• Military Infrequent: A driver who is stationed out of state or overseas. These drivers are not rated.

4. Non-Drivers

• Excluded: A driver who is not covered under the policy. (UWR920-20)

• Under Age: A child who is listed on the policy but is not of the legal driving age.

• Permit Less Than 18: A driver under 18 that is driving on an instruction permit or blue slip. These drivers are not rated. When the driver receives their license, they must be rated. When the driver turns 18, the agent will be contacted as the driver must be rated or excluded.

• Impaired No License: A person who is listed on the policy because they live in the household, but they cannot drive because of a mental or physical impairment and do not have a license.

• Not Rated: A driver insured on this policy and not rated because they are properly rated on another Madison Mutual Insurance Company auto policy.

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• Roommate Not Rated: A driver that is added because he/she lives with a Madison Mutual Insurance Company policyholder, but they are not rated.

5. Transition Premium Stabilization Factor

• The Transition Premium Stabilization Factor is designed to benefit policyholders by limiting the amount of change from the expiring premium to the renewal premium. This factor is calculated when comparing the expiring premium to the renewal premium and it limits the increase to +20%.

6. Annual Mileage

While this may be difficult to precisely determine, speedometer readings, factual information secured from the applicant, and the producer’s knowledge should be pooled to determine the annual mileage.

The annual mileage for autos classified as business use should be the sum of business and pleasure use.


5000 and lower 0.87 0.87 0.87

5001-6000 0.88 0.88 0.88

6001-7000 0.90 0.90 0.90

7001-8000 0.92 0.92 0.92

8001-9000 0.94 0.94 0.94

9001-10000 0.96 0.96 0.96

10001-11000 0.97 0.98 0.97

11001-12000 0.98 0.99 0.98

12001-13000 0.99 1.00 0.99

13001-14000 1.00 1.01 1.00

14001-15000 1.00 1.02 1.00

15001-16000 1.01 1.04 1.01

16001-17000 1.02 1.06 1.02

17001-18000 1.04 1.10 1.04

18001-19000 1.05 1.12 1.05

19001-20000 1.06 1.15 1.06

20001-25000 1.13 1.20 1.13

25001 + 1.25 1.30 1.25

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7. Model Year


1979 & Older 0.835 0.855 0.890 0.232 0.360

1980-1994 0.900 0.855 0.890 0.237 0.363

1995 0.900 0.860 0.890 0.239 0.366

1996 0.900 0.865 0.890 0.247 0.370

1997 0.900 0.870 0.890 0.440 0.551

1998 0.900 0.875 0.890 0.442 0.561

1999 0.900 0.880 0.890 0.444 0.572

2000 0.900 0.885 0.890 0.446 0.605

2001 0.900 0.890 0.890 0.453 0.635

2002 0.900 0.895 0.890 0.593 0.667

2003 0.900 0.900 0.890 0.620 0.750

2004 0.900 0.933 0.910 0.691 0.829

2005 0.925 0.967 0.930 0.741 0.850

2006 0.950 1.000 0.950 0.883 0.887

2007 0.975 1.000 0.975 0.886 0.935

2008 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.908 0.971

2009 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

2010 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.039 1.053

2011 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.065 1.126

2012 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.116 1.191

2013 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.174 1.329

2014 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.263 1.380

2015 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.300 1.446

2016 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.432 1.461

2017 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.445 1.526

2018 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.455 1.540

2019 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.483 1.560

2020 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.495 1.610

2021 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.516 1.620

2022 & Newer 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.516 1.620

09/01/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II B-1


The Driver Experience Classification Plan is the method by which the Company can underwrite those drivers who have had accidents and/or violations. The Company considers certain conditions to be very serious and normally will not underwrite those drivers without special or extenuating circumstances. Certain other conditions are not considered as serious; however, the conditions tend to show additional exposure on the part of the Company. The Plan is not applicable if the driver is excluded from the policy with the Named Driver Exclusion Endorsement. The Plan is based upon the driver's experience during the last 36 months. In the Driver Experience Classification Plan, the word "loss" is interpreted as the total amount of loss incurred (reserve amounts plus paid amounts) over $1,000. It includes amounts paid and reserved with this or any other insurance company and loss amounts incurred by the driver which he either paid or did not pay (unrepaired damage). Driver Experience Points will be assigned as follows: Accidents - Accidents are defined as at-fault accidents in which the driver is at fault and the resulting loss is

in excess of $1,000.

• Points will be assigned according to the chart on page II B-2 and II B-3. • Points will not be assigned when the accident occurred as a result of the operation of an insured

auto in response to an emergency if the driver, at the time of the accident, was responding to a call to duty as a volunteer member of any police or fire department, first-aid squad, or any law enforcement agency. This exception does not include an accident occurring after the emergency situation ceases or after the auto ceases to be used in response to such emergency.

Violations - Violations are defined as convictions of any driver for traffic violations. They are classified by MINOR, MEDIUM, and MAJOR violations.

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Points will be assigned as follows for all Accidents/Claims, Minor Violations, Medium Violations, and Major Violations:

Accident/Claims BI PD MED Points


Collision Points


Comp Points


0 0 0 0 1 3 3 1 2 4 4 1 3 4 4 1 4

5+ 4 4

4 4

1 2

Minor Violations


0 0 1 1 2 2 3 2 4

5+ 3 3

Medium Violations


0 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 4

5+ 4 4

Major Violations


0 0 1 3 2 3 4


4 4 4 4

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Administration of the Driver Experience Classification Plan

Points, if applicable, are assigned to each driver on the application. See the factor additions below at how the points apply to each driver. The factor is determined by the number of points and the number of years that the rated driver has been insured with Madison Mutual Insurance Company. If point(s) are assigned to a driver and it is learned that the point(s) are no longer applicable, the Company will delete the point(s) effective the next renewal/change date. If point(s) should have been assigned to a driver and were not, the point(s) will be added effective the next renewal/change date.

Years Insured

Points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-14 15+

0 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.87 0.86 0.85

1 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.07 1.05 1.01 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.96 0.94

2 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.24 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.17 1.16 1.16 1.08 1.04

3 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.32 1.30 1.29 1.29 1.27 1.26 1.26 1.24 1.18

4 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.42 1.40 1.39 1.40 1.38 1.37 1.36 1.30 1.30

5 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.55 1.55 1.58 1.55 1.55 1.57 1.54 1.54 1.54

6 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.72 1.72 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.67 1.64

7 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.86 1.82

8 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.01 2.00

9 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20

10 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35 2.35

11 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50

12 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65

13 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80

14 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95

15 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10

16 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25

17 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40

18 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55

19 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70

20 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85

21+ 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00

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Below is a list of endorsements we currently offer. The following pages contain a brief explanation of each endorsement. The explanation of each endorsement does not replace, expand, or detract from the wording and meaning of the actual endorsement.



PP0174 Amendment of Policy Provisions – Illinois PP0302 Optional Limits Transportation Expense Coverage PP0305 PP0312

Loss Payable Clause Trailer/Camper Body Coverage (Maximum Limit of Liability) – Illinois

PP0314 Coverage for Damage to Your Auto (Maximum Limit of Liability) – Illinois PP0316 Excess Electronic Equipment Coverage – Illinois PP0328 PP0447

Miscellaneous Type Vehicle Amendment (Motor Homes) Underinsured Motorist Coverage – Illinois

PP1301 Coverage for Damage to Your Auto Exclusion Endorsement PP1303 Trust Endorsement PP1329 PP1367 PP2304

Custom Equipment Coverage Endorsement – Illinois Named Non-Owner Coverage – Illinois Joint Ownership Coverage – Illinois

UWR920-20 Named Driver Exclusion Endorsement UWR920-30 Additional Insured Endorsement UWR920-40 UWR920-45 UWR920-65

Unrepaired Damage Endorsement Property Damage Uninsured Motorist Coverage - Illinois Federal Employees/Contractors Using Autos in Government Business

UWR920-85 Waiver of Deductible – Glass Damage UWR920-90 UWR920-95

Emergency Towing and Road Service Coverage Alternate Payment of Loss

UWR920-96 Automatic Termination

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Amends the Personal Auto Policy to comply with Illinois requirements regarding:

• Definition Section of the policy and the “minimum limit of liability”

• A party who has entered into a civil union with the named insured recognized under Illinois law

• Replaces the meaning of a “Newly acquired auto”

• Part A – Liability Coverage is amended regarding the damages paid for “bodily injury” and “property damage”

• Other Provision section has been replaced

• Medical Payments Coverage definition amended with the addition of exclusion regarding vehicles not owned or furnished or available for regular use by “you” or a “family member”

• Uninsured Motorists Coverage definition of insured changed regarding “insured”, definition of an “uninsured motor vehicle”, and exclusion added for vehicles not owed or for the regular use of you or a family member

This endorsement is automatically added to all policies.

There is no charge for this endorsement.

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The Optional Limits Transportation Expense Coverage Endorsement provides reimbursement for rental fees (excluding mileage) incurred when an insured auto is withdrawn from service due to a physical damage loss other than theft. See the endorsement for details. It does not cover loss of use of an auto because of mechanical failure or for car service. The following are the Optional Limits Transportation Expense Coverage options:

Limit Per Day

Maximum Limit

Rate Per Vehicle

$30.00 $900.00 $19.00 $45.00 $1350.00 $29.00 $60.00 $1800.00 $38.00

Coverage will begin:

• on the date of the accident if the auto is inoperable or

• on the day repair begins if the auto is operable,

• will terminate upon date of completion of repairs or upon an earlier date if we offer settlement.

This endorsement is added on the Private Passenger Automobile Detail screen under the Vehicle tab. When you choose yes in the drop down for Rental Reimbursement the endorsement is added.

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The coverage for Loss Payable Clause is added when there is a loss payee to protect their interest in the vehicle. When we pay the loss payee we shall, to the extent of payment, be subrogated to the loss payee's rights of recovery. We reserve the right to cancel the policy based on the provisions of the policy. There is no charge in premium for this endorsement.

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Trailers or campers may be covered by this endorsement if they carry comprehensive and collision coverage. The trailer, camper, or truck camper may be covered only if the towing vehicle is insured with us. If this endorsement is used, bodily injury, property damage, medical, uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist are provided without charge by an extension of coverage from the towing vehicle. We will not insure trailers owned by itinerant workers, trailers used for regular living quarters, homemade trailers, trailers owned by garage or rental sales agencies for hire to the public, or trailers used for business or display purposes. Coverage applies only to the body and chassis and to built-in accessories. If the camper is to be left at a camp site, it must be in our insuring area. If the Trailer or Camper Endorsement is required, the information on the trailer, camper, or truck camper and the premium amounts for comprehensive and collision coverage is added on the Vehicle tab under the Trailer and Camper List. The premium for the Trailer/Camper Body Coverage is calculated similar to an auto.

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The Coverage for Damage to Your Auto Maximum Limit Endorsement provides physical damage coverage for direct and accidental loss or damage to an auto at the lesser of the amount shown in the declaration or schedule, the amount necessary to repair with like kind and quality parts or replace, or the actual cash value. This endorsement replaces comprehensive and collision coverage (Part E of the policy). The premium charge for this endorsement is as follows:

Deductible Rate per $100 Value

$250 $2.00 $500 $1.65

$1000 $1.25

To insure an auto on a stated value basis, an appraisal or bill of sale must be attached to the policy with two current pictures clearly showing the condition of the auto if the maximum limit value of the auto being purchased is over $5,000. If the maximum limit value of the auto being purchased is $5,000 or less only current pictures are required to be attached to the policy. Current pictures can be from online advertisements of a newly acquired vehicle. You must receive prior Home Office approval before binding any stated value endorsement of $25,000 or greater.

This endorsement is required on all vehicles whose model year is 30 years or prior to the current calendar year that is purchasing Comprehensive or Collision coverage. This endorsement is added on the Private Passenger Automobile Detail screen under the Vehicle tab. When you choose yes in the drop down for ‘Rate Based on Coverage for Damage to Your Auto Maximum Limit’ and then enter a Stated Amount, the endorsement is added.

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This endorsement provides coverage for loss to electronic equipment that reproduces, receives or transmits audio, visual, or data signals that is permanently installed in the auto. The agent and the applicant/insured must agree on the present actual cash value of the equipment. To have this endorsement, comprehensive and collision coverage must be carried.

There is no charge for this endorsement when the actual cash value of the equipment is $1000.00 or less. The premium is 5% of the actual cash value for anything $1001.00 or greater with a $25.00 minimum. This endorsement is added on the Private Passenger Automobile Detail screen under the Vehicle tab. On the coverage list at the bottom select ‘Add’ next to Excess Electronic Equipment Endorsement. Enter Equipment Description and Actual Cash Value and then Save.

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The coverage for Miscellaneous Type Vehicle Amendment (Motor Homes) This endorsement is added whenever a motor home has been added to the policy. This endorsement does not provide liability, medical payments or physical damage coverage while the motor home is rented or leased to any organization or any other person. Also, does not cover any physical damage loss you incur if the motor home is fraudulently acquired by any person or organization while in their care. A motor home is added on the vehicle tab under Motor Home List. There is no charge in premium for this endorsement.

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PP0447 This coverage provides compensatory damages which an insured is legally entitled to recover from the owner or operator of an underinsured motor vehicle. An automobile policy option which covers one for property damage and bodily injury caused by another motorist whose coverage is insufficient to cover the damages one has suffered. This policy compensates the injured party for the difference between the injury suffered and the liability covered by the insurance of the driver at fault. See the endorsement for completed coverage details. See rating pages for premium charge.

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The Coverage for Damage to Your Auto Exclusion Endorsement is added when there is physical damage added to an auto. We will not pay for loss to your covered auto or any non-owned auto due to diminution in value. There is no charge for adding this endorsement.

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The Trust Endorsement allows a trust to be added to the policy when a trust or trustee is an owner of the auto.

There is no charge for adding this endorsement. The name of the trust and trustee(s) along with the address are needed. This endorsement is added using the Additional Interest tab and then selecting ‘Additional Insured – Trust’ in the drop down for Interest Type.

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This endorsement provides coverage for the loss, direct or accidental, of custom furnishings such as installed special carpeting, furniture, television receivers, facilities for cooking or sleeping, murals, paintings, decals, graphics, or height extending roofs. The agent and the applicant/insured must agree on the present actual cash value of the equipment.

To have this endorsement, comprehensive and collision coverage must be carried. The premium for Customized Equipment is a charge of $50.00 when the equipment’s actual cash value is between $0.00 and $1500.00. If the premium is over $1500.00 then there will be a $50.00 charge for the first $1500.00 of equipment and then 3% of the actual cash value amount over $1500.00. This endorsement is not needed on vans, Suburban’s and pickups that are customized by the factory or by a customizing shop. Use the following rules to insure them: FULL-SIZE LUXURY VANS (LV in Body Style) Use a symbol 21 on vans 1990 and newer. MINI VANS (MV in Body Style) Use a symbol 13. FULL-SIZE LUXURY PICKUPS (LP in Body Style) Use a symbol 21. MINI-SIZE PICKUPS (MP in Body Style) Use a symbol 13. CHEVROLET SUBURBAN LUXURY VEHICLE (LV in Body Style) Use a symbol 21. This procedure covers the customizing inside and outside the van. If the vans have no customizing at all, you will use the ISO Symbol. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS WHETHER THIS ENDORSEMENT IS NEEDED, CONTACT THE HOME OFFICE. This endorsement is added on the Private Passenger Automobile Detail screen under the Vehicle tab. On the coverage list at the bottom select ‘Add’ next to Customized Equipment Endorsement. Enter Equipment Description and Actual Cash Value and then Save.

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The Named Non-Owner Coverage Endorsement provides liability coverage (Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Uninsured Motorist and Underinsured Motorist) for a driver who regularly drives an auto that the individual does not own. If the individual owns or uses an auto or is a Federally/State-owned auto in the performance of his duties as a Federal/State Government Employee, he must have this coverage. The Federal/State Government does not carry liability insurance on government vehicles or the employee while driving employee-owned vehicles in their employment. Under the Federal Tort Claims Act the Attorney General will, upon request, defend an employee in any civil action brought against an individual for bodily injury or property damage arising out of an accident occurring within the scope of employment. However, the employee must request the defense. The premium for the Named Non-Owned Coverage Endorsement is determined by the following:

Named Individual – 10% increase Individual & Resident Relative – 12% increase This endorsement is located on the Driver Detail screen and it asks the following: Does the driver regularly drive a non-owned vehicle(s) and does Named Non-Owned Coverage Endorsement need to be added? You must select yes to this question to add the endorsement.

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Joint Ownership Coverage is added when a vehicle is owned by two or more individuals that are not spouses or non-resident relatives. There is a 10% premium increase for Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Comprehensive, and Collision coverage.

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This endorsement excludes any driver who is a member of the household and because of their driving record does not qualify based on the Company’s underwriting guidelines. This endorsement excludes the named driver from all coverage under our policy when the named driver is operating any covered auto insured under our policy.

The Exclusion Endorsement will only be used for a household member. The Exclusion Endorsement will be used in the event a member of the household has a suspension or revocation of their operator’s license. The agent must complete the endorsement as follows:

• List the name of the excluded driver

• Excluded driver’s signature is required

• Policyholder’s signature is required

• Agent’s signature is required The agent's signature assures us that the endorsement has been properly explained insofar as this endorsement excludes the named driver from all policy coverage when operating any auto or any other vehicle. This endorsement is added by adding a Non-Driver on the Driver tab and then filling out the non-driver detail and selecting excluded from the drop-down list for Non-Driver Type. There is no charge for adding this endorsement.

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The Additional Insured Endorsement allows a driver other than the named insured (applicant and spouse) the same rights under the policy as the named insured. The additional insured may be any driver other than the named insured; however, if the driver is an owner of an auto on the policy, he/she must be an additional insured. If the owner is a business or corporation, the business classification must be used in determining the Family Auto Classification Code. The premium for the Additional Insured Endorsement shall be figured by adding 8% to the auto on which he is listed as additional insured only if it is a business or corporation that is being added. All other types are not charged an additional premium. This endorsement is added using the Additional Interest tab and then selecting ‘Additional Insured – Business’ in the drop down for Interest Type.

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UWR920-40 Always inspect all autos to be insured. If the auto(s) have unrepaired damage this endorsement must be issued. This endorsement must be issued whether the person is requesting liability only, physical damage only, or full coverage (liability and physical damage coverage). The dollar amount of the unrepaired damage must be determined and agreed to by the applicant/insured. If you do not feel qualified to make this decision, obtain a bona fide estimate or have a claims representative determine the amount of damage. Always encourage an insured to have all damage repaired. Generally, we will not accept autos with significant damage or damage which could create a safety hazard, or any auto with unrepaired damage in excess of 50% of the actual cash value. If there is a question as to the proper Underwriting decision, please contact the Home Office. A complete description of the damage and the dollar amount must be entered under the Endorsement Information. If necessary, fax a copy of the repair estimate to the home office. This endorsement is added on the Private Passenger Automobile Detail screen under the Vehicle tab and it asks the following question: Does vehicle have any existing damage? Answer yes to this question and then explain the damage and enter the dollar amount of damage to add the endorsement. There is no charge for adding this endorsement.

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UWR920-45 The Uninsured Motorists Property Damage (UMPD) Coverage Endorsement provides: (1) property damage losses recoverable shall be limited to damage caused by the actual physical contact of an uninsured motorist vehicle with the insured motor vehicle; (2) there shall be no coverage for loss of use and no coverage for loss of, or damage to, personal property located in the insured motor vehicle; (3) any claim submitted shall include the name and address of the owner of the at-fault uninsured motor vehicle, a registration number and description of the vehicle, and any other available information to establish that there is no applicable motor vehicle property damage liability insurance. The charge is $14.00 per auto.

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This endorsement clarifies that under the definition of an “insured”, The United States of America or any of its agencies are not included. Also, any employee as defined in Section 2679 of Title 28, United States Code. This requires the Attorney General of the United States to defend that person in a civil action as a result of a bodily injury or property damage claim. This endorsement is automatically added to all policies.

There is no charge for this endorsement.

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The coverage for Waiver of Deductible – Glass Damage If an insured vehicle is carrying comprehensive coverage, the deductible stated in the Declaration will not apply to the replacement of glass. The provisions of this endorsement do not apply to:

1. any light or any component of any light of your automobile; 2. sunroofs of any type; 3. removable roof panels of any type; or 4. mirrors of any type.

This endorsement cannot be added to Motorhomes. The premium for this coverage is a flat $17.00 per vehicle.

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UWR920-90 The coverage for Emergency Towing and Road Service Coverage can only be added when a vehicle carries both comprehensive and collision coverage. The premium for this coverage is as follows:

Limit Premium

$75.00 $8.00 $100.00 $12.00

The coverage is added in the vehicle tab on the private passenger automobile detail under coverage. If there are multiple previous claims regarding Emergency Towing and Road Service, this coverage may not be eligible to be added to the policy.

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UWR920-95 This endorsement changes Part D – Coverage For Damage To Your Auto – Payment of Loss Section of the policy. Madison Mutual will not provide sales tax at time of the total loss payment. Payment of sales tax is on a reimbursement basis when the necessary paperwork from the new vehicle purchase has been provided to the claims department. This endorsement is automatically added to all policies.

There is no charge for this endorsement.

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UWR920-96 This endorsement addresses two circumstances when Madison Mutual’s coverage will automatically end. 1) the sale of the vehicle to someone other than a spouse who resides in the same household and 2) when a different insurance policy is purchased for “your covered auto”. If either of those occur, then Madison Mutual’s policy with regards to that “covered auto” will terminate immediately and there will be no coverage from that point forward. This endorsement is automatically added to all policies.

There is no charge for this endorsement.

Base Rate 25/50 50/100 100/300 250/500 300/500

123 1.000 1.220 1.460 1.750 1.962

* Bodily Injury Limits of 300/500 are not offered on new business

Base Rate 20 25 50 100 250

90 1.000 1.115 1.233 1.390 1.529

Base Rate 1000 2000 5000 10000

10 1.000 1.560 2.400 3.900

Base Rate 0 50 100 250 500 1000 2500 5000

117 3.079 2.062 1.724 1.200 1.000 0.850 0.620 0.500

* Collision Deductibles of $0, $50, and $100 are not offered on new business

Base Rate 0 50 100 250 500 1000 2500 5000

43 2.546 2.122 1.768 1.300 1.000 0.820 0.600 0.500

* Comprehensive Deductibles of $0, $50, and $100 are not offered on new business

Base Rate 25/50 50/100 100/300 250/500 300/500

13 1.000 1.150 1.480 1.890 1.954

Base Rate 50/100 100/300 250/500 300/500

6 1.160 1.490 1.900 1.990

Base Rate 250 500 1000

46 0.85 0.64 0.52

Base Rate 250 500 1000

97 0.750 0.550 0.450

150Auto Policy with 1 Vehicle

* Underinsured Motorist Limits of 300/500 are not offered on new business

Camper/Trailers - Collision Deductible

Camper/Trailers - Comprehensive Deductible

* Uninsured Motorist Limits of 300/500 are not offered on new business

Minimum Premium

Uninsured Motorist

Underinsured Motorist

Base Rates & Coverage Factors

Comprehensive Deductible

Bodily Injury

Collision Deductible

Medical Payments

Property Damage

04/15/2021 III A-1 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

AGE BI PD MP Collision Comp BI PD MP Collision Comp BI PD MP Collision Comp BI PD MP Collision Comp

15 3.438 2.828 1.433 1.880 1.600 1.433 3.230 2.885 2.000 1.845 1.891 2.096

16 3.438 2.718 1.433 1.880 1.527 1.433 3.230 2.872 2.000 1.845 1.885 2.096

17 2.966 2.350 1.412 1.822 1.513 1.412 2.965 2.863 1.900 1.789 1.880 2.096

18 2.700 2.135 1.412 1.766 1.474 1.412 2.840 2.659 1.764 1.733 1.842 2.096

19 2.600 1.977 1.389 1.667 1.466 1.389 2.750 2.548 1.595 1.660 1.780 2.096

20 2.400 1.885 1.374 1.554 1.420 1.374 2.565 2.350 1.530 1.650 1.750 2.095

21 2.000 1.771 1.342 1.554 1.388 1.342 2.251 2.152 1.489 1.525 1.400 1.850

22 1.800 1.600 1.342 1.533 1.330 1.342 2.092 1.982 1.297 1.504 1.342 1.650

23 1.712 1.590 1.247 1.460 1.240 1.247 1.898 1.900 1.297 1.433 1.332 1.500

24 1.635 1.501 1.225 1.418 1.168 1.225 1.709 1.800 1.297 1.391 1.224 1.441

25 1.450 1.400 1.144 1.230 1.070 1.144 1.262 1.300 1.297 1.206 1.130 1.377

26 1.350 1.379 1.143 1.178 1.040 1.143 1.156 1.280 1.273 1.156 1.100 1.355

27 1.280 1.342 1.134 1.146 1.033 1.134 1.125 1.174 1.273 1.125 1.107 1.330

28 1.280 1.329 1.119 1.125 1.030 1.119 1.104 1.140 1.273 1.104 1.097 1.316

29 1.280 1.308 1.102 1.122 1.024 1.102 1.098 1.122 1.263 1.098 1.087 1.273

30 1.280 1.292 1.102 1.104 1.018 1.102 1.081 1.105 1.252 1.081 1.057 1.252

31 1.270 1.266 1.102 1.093 1.014 1.102 1.072 1.081 1.218 1.072 1.038 1.218

32 1.260 1.140 1.079 1.083 1.008 1.079 1.061 1.061 1.182 1.061 1.028 1.182

33 1.250 1.130 1.049 1.078 1.003 1.049 1.056 1.051 1.146 1.056 1.018 1.146

34 1.240 1.118 1.019 1.073 0.997 1.019 1.052 1.041 1.116 1.052 1.008 1.116

35 1.230 1.108 1.017 1.073 0.989 1.017 1.050 1.032 1.114 1.050 0.998 1.114

36 1.220 1.076 0.988 1.062 0.978 0.988 1.041 1.013 1.082 1.041 0.989 1.082

37 1.210 1.065 0.967 1.051 0.959 0.967 1.031 1.003 1.060 1.031 0.979 1.060

38 1.200 1.055 0.937 1.042 0.948 0.937 1.017 0.993 1.024 1.017 0.969 1.024

39 1.190 1.055 0.915 1.020 0.938 0.915 0.999 0.983 1.002 0.999 0.959 1.002

40 1.189 1.053 0.895 0.994 0.913 0.895 0.967 0.983 0.978 0.967 0.930 0.978

41 1.189 1.025 0.885 0.979 0.913 0.885 0.957 0.983 0.969 0.957 0.922 0.969

42 1.183 1.024 0.872 0.977 0.913 0.872 0.957 0.983 0.967 0.957 0.920 0.967

43 1.177 1.024 0.872 0.927 0.905 0.872 0.907 0.983 0.962 0.907 0.920 0.962

44 1.167 0.963 0.834 0.905 0.897 0.834 0.885 0.983 0.911 0.885 0.920 0.911

45 1.157 0.963 0.825 0.883 0.884 0.825 0.863 0.983 0.899 0.863 0.900 0.899

46 1.147 0.963 0.813 0.863 0.883 0.813 0.840 0.974 0.888 0.840 0.891 0.888

47 1.137 0.963 0.801 0.863 0.878 0.801 0.840 0.973 0.878 0.840 0.890 0.877

48 1.127 0.963 0.790 0.850 0.877 0.790 0.816 0.973 0.867 0.816 0.874 0.817

49 1.116 0.952 0.787 0.850 0.874 0.780 0.800 0.973 0.866 0.800 0.874 0.813

50 1.111 0.952 0.777 0.848 0.833 0.770 0.790 0.972 0.866 0.790 0.874 0.807

51 1.107 0.942 0.768 0.848 0.829 0.760 0.784 0.951 0.866 0.780 0.868 0.797

52 1.107 0.941 0.768 0.848 0.827 0.748 0.784 0.951 0.866 0.778 0.865 0.797

53 1.105 0.940 0.768 0.847 0.784 0.743 0.784 0.951 0.866 0.778 0.865 0.797

54 1.106 0.939 0.768 0.846 0.783 0.743 0.784 0.951 0.858 0.777 0.865 0.797

55 1.105 0.938 0.768 0.845 0.773 0.743 0.784 0.951 0.848 0.777 0.865 0.740

56 1.063 0.937 0.768 0.844 0.773 0.743 0.784 0.951 0.848 0.776 0.856 0.739

57 1.062 0.936 0.768 0.843 0.773 0.743 0.784 0.951 0.848 0.776 0.855 0.738

58 1.066 0.935 0.768 0.842 0.773 0.743 0.784 0.951 0.848 0.775 0.855 0.738

59 1.064 0.934 0.768 0.841 0.772 0.743 0.784 0.951 0.848 0.775 0.840 0.738

60 1.049 0.933 0.768 0.840 0.771 0.743 0.784 0.951 0.848 0.775 0.831 0.738

61 1.048 0.923 0.759 0.839 0.750 0.742 0.782 0.951 0.848 0.775 0.821 0.738

62 1.055 0.907 0.759 0.838 0.749 0.742 0.810 0.951 0.848 0.775 0.821 0.737

63 1.056 0.907 0.755 0.837 0.764 0.720 0.811 0.951 0.813 0.775 0.813 0.737

64 1.057 0.907 0.755 0.836 0.772 0.670 0.812 0.951 0.813 0.775 0.813 0.737

65 1.062 0.913 0.755 0.835 0.772 0.664 0.813 0.952 0.812 0.775 0.813 0.737

66 1.100 0.971 0.751 0.829 0.772 0.664 0.814 0.980 0.812 0.775 0.813 0.736

67 1.120 0.982 0.750 0.852 0.772 0.663 0.815 0.989 0.812 0.786 0.813 0.736

68 1.148 0.982 0.750 0.854 0.781 0.662 0.816 1.009 0.812 0.788 0.813 0.736

69 1.154 0.982 0.742 0.859 0.797 0.662 0.855 1.028 0.812 0.793 0.831 0.736

70 1.190 0.990 0.742 0.889 0.817 0.662 0.933 1.124 0.812 0.865 0.896 0.736

71 1.230 1.039 0.742 0.976 0.818 0.662 0.972 1.162 0.812 0.901 0.934 0.736

72 1.271 1.059 0.742 1.005 0.819 0.662 0.992 1.163 0.812 0.930 0.963 0.736

73 1.340 1.060 0.742 1.015 0.823 0.662 1.001 1.201 0.841 0.940 0.991 0.736

74 1.364 1.089 0.742 1.044 0.825 0.661 1.005 1.201 0.841 0.953 1.009 0.736

75 1.387 1.128 0.742 1.063 0.832 0.660 1.008 1.249 0.841 0.970 1.038 0.736

76 1.421 1.148 0.742 1.073 0.880 0.660 1.013 1.297 0.841 0.979 1.076 0.736

77 1.433 1.167 0.742 1.093 0.899 0.660 1.040 1.316 0.841 0.997 1.094 0.736

78 1.456 1.178 0.742 1.123 0.931 0.660 1.150 1.316 0.841 1.024 1.113 0.736

79 1.479 1.177 0.742 1.171 0.956 0.660 1.250 1.316 0.841 1.200 1.132 0.736

80+ 1.500 1.300 0.742 1.375 1.099 0.660 1.500 1.450 0.841 1.400 1.250 0.736

Single Female Married Female Single Male Married Male

Driver Class Rating Factors

10/15/2020 III B-1 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

09/01/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III C-1


The following is a list and explanation of premium discounts we are currently offering:

1. Vehicle Driver Matrix – This discount/surcharge is given based on the number of drivers on the policy and the number of vehicles on the policy. Trailers, campers, or Motor Homes (self-propelled units) do not qualify as a vehicle.


Number of Vehicles

Number of Drivers 1 2 3 4 5+

1 1.000 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850

2 1.150 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850

3 1.150 0.950 0.880 0.880 0.880

4 1.170 0.950 0.950 0.910 0.900

5+ 1.190 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950


Number of Vehicles

Number of Drivers 1 2 3 4 5+

1 1.000 0.810 0.800 0.800 0.800

2 1.150 0.810 0.810 0.800 0.800

3 1.170 1.040 0.940 0.910 0.910

4 1.190 1.040 1.030 0.940 0.910

5+ 1.190 1.040 1.030 1.020 1.000


Number of Vehicles

Number of Drivers 1 2 3 4 5+

1 1.000 0.810 0.810 0.810 0.800

2 1.140 0.810 0.810 0.810 0.810

3 1.140 1.020 0.910 0.890 0.880

4 1.190 1.040 0.990 0.920 0.910

5+ 1.190 1.040 1.000 0.920 0.920


Number of Vehicles

Number of Drivers 1 2 3 4 5+

1 1.000 0.810 0.810 0.800 0.800

2 1.100 0.810 0.810 0.800 0.800

3 1.210 0.970 0.880 0.880 0.880

4 1.210 0.980 0.950 0.950 0.910

5+ 1.210 0.980 0.950 0.950 0.950


Number of Vehicles

Number of Drivers 1 2 3 4 5+

1 1.000 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980

2 1.020 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990

3 1.050 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990

4 1.120 1.040 1.040 0.990 0.990

5+ 1.130 1.090 1.080 1.080 1.080

This discount applies to the premiums of Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Comprehensive, and Collision coverage.

09/01/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III C-2

2. Good Student Discount – To receive this discount, the student must:

A. Be single, under 25 years of age, and the rated driver on an auto. B. Be enrolled as a full-time student in high school, college, university, or trade school. (12

hours is considered full time)

• Madison Mutual must be furnished with a statement by a school official once a year indicating one of the following achievements: a. The student must be in the upper 20% of their class b. Maintain a grade average of "B" in a school system that grades A, B, C, D & F c. Maintain a grade average of "4" in a school system that grades 5, 4, 3, 2, & 1 d. Maintain a grade average of "3" in a school system that grades 4, 3, 2, & 1 e. If the school has an Honor Roll or Dean's List, the student's name must be on

the list.

• The auto must be rated as a Private Passenger Auto.

• The Good Student Discount will be terminated when the student turns 25, gets married, or when we are not furnished with a statement by a school official.

• The Good Student will receive a 10% discount. This discount applies to the premiums of Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Comprehensive, and Collision coverage.

3. Anti-Theft Device Discount – This discount is given when an anti-theft device is installed by the manufacturer and maintained in working condition. The comprehensive coverage premium to any auto which is rated as a private passenger auto is reduced by the following:

Definition Anti-Theft Discount

Alarm 0.90

Active Devices 0.90

Alarm Optional 0.90

Active Disabling 0.90

Active Disabling Optional 0.90

Active Disabling Standard, Alarm Optional 0.90

Passive Disabling 0.90

Passive Disabling Optional 0.90

Anti-Theft Device; Type Unknown Optional 1.00

Anti-Theft Device; Type Unknown 1.00

Anti-Theft Device Not Available 1.00

No Information Available 1.00

4. Auto-Home Discount – A discount of 14% will be given if the insured also has a homeowner policy (HO2, HO3, HO4, HO5, HO6, HO8) with the Company. This discount applies to the premiums of Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Comprehensive, and Collision coverage. The discount will be added to existing policies at renewal and cannot be added mid-term. It does not apply to campers or trailers; it also does not apply to our Dwelling program. (See homeowner discount section for details pertaining to the homeowner policies.)

In addition, a discount of 10% will be given to eligible employees, retirees, or board members of Madison Mutual Insurance Company, their spouses, domestic partners, children and family members in the household.

A. Retired employees must be 65 years of age or older. B. This discount only applies to policies sold through Madison Mutual In-House Agency. C. All other underwriting standards and provisions apply.

09/01/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III C-3

5. Defensive Driving Discount – To receive this 5% discount, all persons rated on an auto must: A. Be at least 55 years of age, and B. Successfully complete an accident prevention course approved by the Secretary of State

and not required to take such a course because of violations of motor vehicle laws unless the driver has maintained an accident-free driving record for one year following completion of such course, and

C. Provide us with a copy of their certificate of completion of the course.

6. 5-Year Loss Free Discount – A discount of 5% will be given to rated drivers, 21 years old or older, who have been loss free for 5 years. Loss free means that there has not been an at fault accident over $1,000 within the last 5 years. This discount applies to the premiums of Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments Comprehensive, Collision, Uninsured Motorist, Underinsured Motorist coverages. It does not apply to campers and trailers.

7. Youthful Operator Surcharge – A surcharge of 8% will be added to all policies with at least one youthful operator listed as a driver in the household. A youthful operator is a driver that is under the age of 25.

09/01/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III D-1

INSURANCE SCORING A rating adjustment will be applied to the policy premium based on the insured’s personal finance level.



Tenure < 10 Tenure >= 10




LEVEL 0 1.01 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00

LEVEL 1 0.73 0.62 0.60 0.73 0.61 0.60

LEVEL 2 0.77 0.69 0.67 0.77 0.69 0.67

LEVEL 3 0.80 0.75 0.77 0.79 0.75 0.77

LEVEL 4 0.83 0.81 0.83 0.83 0.81 0.83

LEVEL 5 0.87 0.85 0.87 0.87 0.85 0.86

LEVEL 6 0.93 0.90 0.91 0.89 0.90 0.90

LEVEL 7 0.94 0.93 0.95 0.92 0.93 0.95

LEVEL 8 0.96 0.98 1.01 0.95 0.98 1.00

LEVEL 9 0.96 1.03 1.02 0.95 1.01 1.01

LEVEL 10 0.98 1.03 1.04 0.97 1.02 1.03

LEVEL 11 0.98 1.03 1.04 0.98 1.03 1.04

LEVEL 12 0.98 1.03 1.04 0.98 1.03 1.04

LEVEL 13 1.02 1.07 1.05 1.01 1.05 1.05

LEVEL 14 1.02 1.09 1.05 1.01 1.05 1.05

LEVEL 15 1.06 1.10 1.06 1.04 1.10 1.06

LEVEL 16 1.06 1.11 1.07 1.06 1.11 1.07

LEVEL 17 1.11 1.13 1.08 1.10 1.12 1.08

LEVEL 18 1.17 1.16 1.09 1.12 1.14 1.09

LEVEL 19 1.19 1.19 1.11 1.17 1.18 1.11

LEVEL 20 1.26 1.23 1.13 1.23 1.21 1.13

LEVEL 21 1.32 1.29 1.15 1.28 1.24 1.14

LEVEL 22 1.42 1.36 1.20 1.35 1.29 1.16

LEVEL 23 1.54 1.44 1.25 1.45 1.38 1.20

LEVEL 24 1.70 1.56 1.30 1.61 1.48 1.26

LEVEL 25 1.86 1.65 1.36 1.77 1.58 1.30

APPLICATION OF INSURANCE SCORING AND PERSONAL FINANCE LEVEL The insurance scoring adjustment will be based on the following criteria:

• New Business – The Personal Finance Level will be applied to all new applications.

• Renewal Business – The Personal Finance Level used in the calculation of a renewal offer may be manually adjusted downward on a policy after ten or more years of renewals to recognize the longevity of their payment pattern with the company. These manual adjustments would only result in a lower overall premium for any such policies compared to the price that would have been offered without the manual adjustment to the Personal Finance Level.

• The Company will annually re-underwrite and rerate based upon a current credit report or insurance score if the insured or the insured’s agent makes a request unless the insurer’s treatment is as 1) otherwise approved by the Department; 2) the insured is already in the most favorably priced tier; 3) credit was not used for rating when the policy was initially written; or 4) the insurer has recalculated an insurance score or obtained an updated credit report of the consumer in the previous 12-month period.

• The Company will notify the insured/applicant in the event their application or policy is adversely affected by the use of insurance scoring. This adverse action can include the following: 1) rejecting an application; 2) cancelling or non-renewing a policy; 3) limiting coverage; 4) not applying the best rate; 5) not applying a discount; 6) surcharging at a higher rate; 7) a reduction in coverage. The insured/applicant will be notified of the four reasons that were the primary influences of the adverse action. The Company will not cancel or non-renew any policy where Insurance Scoring is the sole reason.

• No-hits – If an insurance score is ordered and the result is a “no-hit” or “thin file”, the policy will be rated based on the experience of all “no hit” or “thin file” policies for the company as actuarially justified in its filing.

09/01/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III D-2

• Extraordinary Life Event – The Company shall review and consider an exception to an insurance score and the Personal Finance Level after receiving a written and signed notification from the applicant or insured explaining how the applicant or insured believes the extraordinary life even adversely impacts the applicant’s or insured’s insurance score. By definition, the “extraordinary life event” will mean the following: 1) a catastrophic illness or injury to an applicant or insured or an immediate family member of the applicant or insured; 2) the death of a spouse, child, or parent of an applicant or insured; 3) involuntary loss of employment for a period of 3 months or more by an applicant or insured; 4) identity theft of an applicant or insured; or 5) the dissolution of marriage of an applicant or insured.

09/01/2019 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III E-1


(For Autos for Which I.S.O. Symbol Is Not Available) (Call Home Office for the Factory A.D.P.)

1989 - 2010

A.D.P.* Symbol A.D.P.* Symbol

0 - 6,500 1 30,001 - 33,000 19

6,501 - 8,000 2 33,001 - 36,000 20

8,001 - 9,000 3 36,001 - 40,000 21

9,001 - 10,000 4 40,001 - 45,000 22

10,001 - 11,250 5 45,001 - 50,000 23

11,251 - 12,500 6 50,001 - 60,000 24

12,501 - 13,750 7 60,001 - 70,000 25

13,751 - 15,000 8 70,001 - 80,000 26

15,001 - 16,250 10 80,001 - 90,000 27

16,251 - 17,500 11 90,001 - 100,000 28**

17,501 - 18,750 12 100,001 - 110,000 29**

18,751 - 20,000 13 110,001 - 120,000 30**

20,001 - 22,000 14 120,001 - 130,000 31**

22,001 - 24,000 15 130,001 - 140,000 32**

24,001 - 26,000 16 140,001 - 150,000 33**

26,001 - 28,000 17 150,001 - 160,000 34**

28,001 - 30,000 18 160,001 - 999,999 35**

NOTE: ** Contact underwriting for Binding Authority at Symbol 28 and above.

* Factory A.D.P. – Manufacturer’s suggested advertised delivered price, including standard equipment only.

09/01/2019 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III E-2


(For Autos for Which I.S.O. Symbol is not Available) (Call Home Office for the Factory A.D. P.)

After 2010

A.D.P.* Symbol A.D.P.* Symbol

0 - 3,000 1 31,001 - 32,000 37

3,001 - 5,500 2 32,001 - 33,000 38

5,501 - 8,000 3 33,001 - 34,000 39

8,001 - 9,000 4 34,001 - 35,000 40

9,001 - 10,000 5 35,001 - 36,000 41

10,001 - 11,000 6 36,001 - 37,000 42

11,001 - 12,000 7 37,001 - 38,000 43

12,001 - 13,000 8 38,001 - 39,000 44

13,001 - 14,000 10 39,001 - 40,000 45

14,001 - 15,000 11 40,001 - 41,250 46

15,001 - 15,625 12 41,251 - 42,500 47

15,626 - 16,250 13 42,501 - 43,750 48

16,251 - 16,875 14 43,751 - 45,000 49

16,876 - 17,500 15 45,001 - 46,250 50

17,501 - 18,125 16 46,251 - 47,500 51

18,126 - 18,750 17 47,501 - 48,750 52

18,751 - 19,375 18 48,751 - 50,000 53

19,376 - 20,000 19 50,001 - 52,500 54

20,001 - 20,625 20 52,501 - 55,000 55

20,626 - 21,250 21 55,001 - 57,500 56

21,251 - 21,875 22 57,501 - 60,000 57

21,876 - 22,500 23 60,001 - 65,000 58

22,501 - 23,125 24 65,001 - 70,000 59

23,126 - 23,750 25 70,001 - 75,000 60

23,751 - 24,375 26 75,001 - 80,000 61

24,376 - 25,000 27 80,001 - 85,000 62

25,001 - 25,625 28 85,001 - 90,000 63

25,626 - 26,250 29 90,001 - 95,000 64**

26,251 - 26,875 30 95,001 - 100,000 65**

26,876 - 27,500 31 100,001 - 110,000 66**

27,501 - 28,125 32 110,001 - 120,000 67**

28,126 - 28,750 33 120,001 - 130,000 68**

28,751 - 29,375 34 130,001 - 140,000 69**

29,376 - 30,000 35 140,001 - 150,000 70**

30,001 - 31,000 36 150,001 - 999,999 75**

NOTE: ** Contact underwriting for Binding Authority at Symbol 64 and above.

*Factory A.D.P. - Manufacturer's suggested advertised delivered price, including standard equipment only.

09/01/2019 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III E-3


If vehicle does not have an ISO RAPA Symbol established, use the following procedures to determine the RAPA Vehicle Symbols:

Property Damage RAPA Symbols

1. If a Prior Model Year version of the vehicle has been symbolled, use the Prior Model Year’s two-

character Symbol for the current model year.

2. If a Prior Model Year version of the vehicle has not been established, determine the two-

character Symbol for the current model year by using the Price New of the current model year

for Symbol One (see Chart below) and RAPA Character Two, use Vehicle Attribute Symbol K.

1981 and Newer Model Years

Price New RAPA Symbol Character One

0 - 12,500 A 12,501 - 13,750 B 13,751 - 15,000 C 15,001 - 17,500 D 17,501 - 18,750 E 18,751 - 20,000 F 20,001 - 22,000 G 22,001 - 24,000 H 24,001 - 30,000 J 30,001 - 33,000 K 33,001 - 36,000 L 36,001 - 45,000 M 45,001 - 80,000 N 80,001 and above P

Liability RAPA Symbols

1. If a Prior Model Year version of the vehicle has been symbolled, use the Prior Model Year’s two-

character Symbol for the current model year.

2. If a Prior Model Year version of the vehicle has not been symbolled or does not exist, determine

the two-character Symbol for the current model year by using RAPA Character One Symbol K

and RAPA Character Two Symbol M.

NOTE: ** Contact underwriting for Binding Authority at Symbol ‘P’ and above.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

2011 and Newer 0.310 0.380 0.470 0.580 0.660 0.730 0.810 0.870 0.940 1.000 1.060 1.110 1.160 1.220 1.270

2010 and Older 0.670 0.700 0.750 0.800 0.830 0.880 0.930 1.000 1.070 1.110 1.170 1.200 1.250 1.330 1.392

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

2011 and Newer 1.330 1.390 1.440 1.490 1.540 1.590 1.640 1.690 1.740 1.780 1.830 1.880 1.920 1.970 2.020

2010 and Older 1.462 1.537 1.610 1.720 1.950 2.160 2.430 2.557 2.670 2.910 3.500 4.000 4.750 5.429 5.965

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

2011 and Newer 2.060 2.100 2.150 2.190 2.250 2.320 2.390 2.450 2.520 2.580 2.650 2.710 2.780 2.840 2.910

2010 and Older 6.501 7.037 7.573 7.573 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

2011 and Newer 2.990 3.070 3.150 3.220 3.300 3.380 3.450 3.570 3.720 3.880 4.040 4.290 4.620 4.960 5.310


62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

2011 and Newer 5.670 6.040 6.410 6.770 7.320 8.060 8.790 9.520 10.260 11.000 11.740 12.480 13.220 13.960



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

2011 and Newer 0.440 0.550 0.670 0.770 0.820 0.850 0.880 0.920 0.960 1.000 1.030 1.060 1.080 1.110 1.130

2010 and Older 0.848 0.865 0.874 0.884 0.912 0.909 0.945 1.000 1.055 1.109 1.145 1.218 1.273 1.364 1.436

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

2011 and Newer 1.160 1.190 1.220 1.240 1.270 1.300 1.330 1.350 1.380 1.400 1.420 1.450 1.470 1.500 1.520

2010 and Older 1.527 1.600 1.673 1.764 1.836 1.945 2.055 2.218 2.455 2.709 4.746 4.802 4.858 4.419 4.969

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

2011 and Newer 1.540 1.570 1.590 1.610 1.640 1.670 1.700 1.720 1.750 1.770 1.800 1.820 1.840 1.860 1.890

2010 and Older 5.025 5.081 5.137 5.193 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

2011 and Newer 1.920 1.940 1.970 2.000 2.030 2.050 2.080 2.120 2.170 2.230 2.290 2.390 2.510 2.630 2.780


62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

2011 and Newer 2.960 3.130 3.310 3.480 3.740 4.090 4.440 4.790 5.130 5.480 5.830 6.180 6.530 6.880



Collision Symbol Rates

Comprehensive Symbol Rates


09/01/2019 III F-1 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

Symbol 1 BI PD MED Symbol 2 BI PD MED Symbol 1 COMP COLL Symbol 2 COMP COLL

A 0.599 0.589 0.581 A 0.447 0.599 0.518 A 0.804 0.745 A 0.634 0.690

B 0.659 0.625 0.627 B 0.492 0.635 0.559 B 0.804 0.844 B 0.683 0.741

C 0.725 0.662 0.678 C 0.541 0.674 0.604 C 0.804 0.899 C 0.733 0.793

D 0.793 0.702 0.736 D 0.621 0.714 0.653 D 0.891 0.923 D 0.783 0.842

E 0.846 0.750 0.767 E 0.690 0.757 0.699 E 0.942 0.923 E 0.833 0.878

F 0.888 0.802 0.802 F 0.748 0.795 0.743 F 0.942 0.963 F 0.875 0.902

G 0.927 0.871 0.858 G 0.799 0.821 0.790 G 1.000 0.963 G 0.910 0.927

H 0.955 0.927 0.900 H 0.842 0.850 0.833 H 1.000 1.000 H 0.945 0.951

J 0.978 0.963 0.953 J 0.878 0.898 0.872 J 1.010 1.000 J 0.975 0.976

K 1.000 1.000 1.000 K 0.918 0.932 0.908 K 1.164 1.000 K 1.000 1.000

L 1.021 1.032 1.042 L 0.957 0.964 0.950 L 1.164 1.053 L 1.025 1.024

M 1.043 1.063 1.086 M 1.000 1.000 1.000 M 1.263 1.053 M 1.050 1.049

N 1.069 1.087 1.137 N 1.040 1.030 1.050 N 1.698 1.188 N 1.075 1.073

P 1.094 1.116 1.188 P 1.079 1.059 1.095 P (a) (b) P 1.100 1.098

R 1.129 1.149 1.245 R 1.123 1.088 1.142 R 1.130 1.135

T 1.164 1.182 1.289 T 1.174 1.115 1.185 T 1.165 1.183

U 1.223 1.213 1.346 U 1.228 1.140 1.220 U 1.205 1.232

V 1.284 1.247 1.413 V 1.297 1.174 1.250 V 1.250 1.293

W 1.348 1.295 1.484 W 1.402 1.199 1.288 W 1.298 1.366

X 1.415 1.361 1.558 X 1.493 1.233 1.332 X 1.360 1.439

Y 1.486 1.442 1.636 Y 1.590 1.306 1.398 Y 1.435 1.512

Z 1.510 1.585

0 1.585 1.659

1 1.660 1.732

2 1.735 1.805

3 1.815 1.878

4 1.900 1.951

5 1.985 2.024

6 2.075 2.098

7 2.170 2.171

8 2.265 2.244

9 2.404 2.320

Physical Damage RAPA SymbolsLiability RAPA Symbols

(a) For Comprehensive Coverage, add 0.430 to the Character N relativity for each $10,000 or fraction of $10,000 above $80,000.

(b) For Collision Coverage, add 0.256 to the Character N relativity for each $10,000 or fraction of $10,000 above $80,000.

*Physical Damage Symbol One 'P' must be submitted to underwriting for approval.

09/01/2019 III F-2 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

Auto Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

2010 0.608 0.792 0.921 0.921 1.050 1.050 1.142 1.142 1.289 1.289 1.455 1.455 1.713 1.713 2.082

2009 0.579 0.754 0.877 0.877 1.000 1.000 1.088 1.088 1.228 1.228 1.386 1.386 1.632 1.632 1.982

2008 0.544 0.614 0.789 0.789 0.895 0.895 1.000 1.000 1.088 1.088 1.246 1.246 1.456 1.456 1.789

2007 0.544 0.614 0.789 0.789 0.895 0.895 1.000 1.000 1.088 1.088 1.246 1.246 1.456 1.456 1.789

2006 - 1989 0.491 0.579 0.649 0.649 0.825 0.825 0.895 0.895 1.000 1.000 1.105 1.105 1.351 1.351 1.614

Auto Year 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

2010 2.082 2.542 2.542 2.929 3.334 3.334 3.482 3.647 3.758 3.905 4.034 4.182 4.329 4.458 4.587

2009 1.982 2.421 2.421 2.789 3.175 3.175 3.316 3.474 3.579 3.719 3.842 3.982 4.123 4.246 4.368

2008 1.789 2.175 2.175 2.526 2.877 2.877 3.000 3.123 3.228 3.368 3.509 3.649 3.772 3.912 4.035

2007 1.789 2.175 2.175 2.526 2.877 2.877 3.000 3.123 3.228 3.368 3.509 3.649 3.772 3.912 4.035

2006 - 1989 1.614 1.895 1.895 2.211 2.526 2.526 2.614 2.719 2.877 3.018 3.140 3.281 3.386 3.526 3.667

Auto Year 32 33 34 35

2010 4.734 4.882 5.029 5.139

2009 4.509 4.649 4.789 4.895

2008 4.175 4.298 4.404 4.579

2007 4.175 4.298 4.404 4.579

2006 - 1989 3.789 3.930 4.070 4.193

Auto Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

2021 0.698 0.856 1.072 1.278 1.358 1.429 1.509 1.548 1.652 1.696 1.739 1.777 1.807 1.846 1.956

2020 0.681 0.835 1.046 1.247 1.325 1.395 1.473 1.510 1.612 1.655 1.697 1.734 1.764 1.802 1.909

2019 0.664 0.814 1.020 1.216 1.292 1.361 1.437 1.472 1.572 1.614 1.655 1.691 1.721 1.758 1.862

2018 0.647 0.793 0.994 1.185 1.259 1.327 1.401 1.434 1.532 1.573 1.613 1.648 1.678 1.714 1.815

2017 0.630 0.772 0.968 1.154 1.226 1.293 1.365 1.396 1.492 1.532 1.571 1.605 1.635 1.670 1.768

2016 0.613 0.751 0.942 1.123 1.193 1.259 1.329 1.358 1.452 1.491 1.529 1.562 1.592 1.626 1.721

2015 0.596 0.730 0.916 1.092 1.160 1.225 1.293 1.320 1.412 1.450 1.487 1.519 1.549 1.582 1.674

2014 0.579 0.709 0.890 1.061 1.127 1.191 1.257 1.282 1.372 1.409 1.445 1.476 1.506 1.538 1.627

2013 0.562 0.688 0.864 1.030 1.094 1.157 1.221 1.244 1.332 1.368 1.403 1.433 1.463 1.494 1.580

2012 0.546 0.668 0.839 1.000 0.998 1.123 1.185 1.208 1.293 1.262 1.362 1.450 1.447 1.450 1.534

2011 0.518 0.635 0.797 0.950 0.948 1.066 1.127 1.147 1.228 1.199 1.293 1.378 1.374 1.377 1.458

Auto Year 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

2021 2.091 2.094 2.157 2.226 2.385 2.410 2.426 2.439 2.511 2.603 2.774 2.816 2.858 2.900 2.940

2020 2.040 2.043 2.105 2.172 2.327 2.351 2.367 2.380 2.443 2.540 2.707 2.748 2.789 2.830 2.869

2019 1.989 1.992 2.053 2.118 2.269 2.292 2.308 2.321 2.375 2.477 2.640 2.680 2.720 2.760 2.798

2018 1.938 1.941 2.001 2.064 2.211 2.233 2.249 2.262 2.307 2.414 2.573 2.612 2.651 2.690 2.727

2017 1.887 1.890 1.949 2.010 2.153 2.174 2.190 2.203 2.239 2.351 2.506 2.544 2.582 2.620 2.656

2016 1.836 1.839 1.897 1.956 2.095 2.115 2.131 2.144 2.171 2.288 2.439 2.476 2.513 2.550 2.585

2015 1.785 1.788 1.845 1.902 2.037 2.056 2.072 2.085 2.103 2.225 2.372 2.408 2.444 2.480 2.514

2014 1.734 1.737 1.793 1.848 1.979 1.997 2.013 2.026 2.035 2.162 2.305 2.340 2.375 2.410 2.443

2013 1.683 1.686 1.741 1.794 1.921 1.938 1.954 1.967 1.976 2.099 2.238 2.272 2.306 2.340 2.372

2012 1.634 1.637 1.623 1.742 1.865 1.882 1.897 1.910 1.918 2.038 2.173 2.311 2.303 2.303 2.303

2011 1.552 1.555 1.542 1.654 1.771 1.788 1.802 1.814 1.823 1.935 2.064 2.195 2.187 2.187 2.188





After 2010


09/01/2019 III G-1 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

Auto Year 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

2021 3.104 3.269 3.460 3.634 3.668 3.694 3.728 3.880 4.049 4.208 4.169 4.533 4.594 4.655 4.701

2020 3.029 3.190 3.376 3.546 3.579 3.605 3.638 3.786 3.951 4.106 4.093 4.424 4.483 4.542 4.588

2019 2.954 3.111 3.292 3.458 3.490 3.516 3.548 3.692 3.853 4.004 4.017 4.315 4.372 4.429 4.475

2018 2.879 3.032 3.208 3.370 3.401 3.427 3.458 3.598 3.755 3.902 3.941 4.206 4.261 4.316 4.362

2017 2.804 2.953 3.124 3.282 3.312 3.338 3.368 3.504 3.657 3.800 3.865 4.097 4.150 4.203 4.249

2016 2.729 2.874 3.040 3.194 3.223 3.249 3.278 3.410 3.559 3.698 3.789 3.988 4.039 4.090 4.136

2015 2.654 2.795 2.956 3.106 3.134 3.16 3.188 3.316 3.461 3.596 3.713 3.879 3.928 3.977 4.023

2014 2.579 2.716 2.872 3.018 3.045 3.071 3.098 3.222 3.363 3.494 3.637 3.770 3.817 3.864 3.910

2013 2.504 2.637 2.788 2.930 2.956 2.982 3.008 3.128 3.265 3.392 3.531 3.661 3.706 3.751 3.797

2012 2.431 2.560 2.707 2.845 2.814 2.791 2.920 3.037 3.170 3.293 3.428 3.554 3.695 3.684 3.686

2011 2.309 2.432 2.572 2.702 2.674 2.651 2.774 2.885 3.011 3.128 3.256 3.376 3.510 3.499 3.501

Auto Year 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

2021 4.714 4.716 4.717 4.753 4.788 4.824 4.860 4.888 4.924 4.959 4.995 5.027 5.241 5.557 5.937

2020 4.600 4.602 4.603 4.638 4.672 4.707 4.742 4.770 4.805 4.839 4.874 4.905 5.106 5.422 5.794

2019 4.486 4.488 4.489 4.523 4.556 4.590 4.624 4.652 4.686 4.719 4.753 4.783 4.971 5.287 5.651

2018 4.372 4.374 4.375 4.408 4.440 4.473 4.506 4.534 4.567 4.599 4.632 4.661 4.836 5.152 5.508

2017 4.258 4.260 4.261 4.293 4.324 4.356 4.388 4.416 4.448 4.479 4.511 4.539 4.701 5.017 5.365

2016 4.144 4.146 4.147 4.178 4.208 4.239 4.270 4.298 4.329 4.359 4.390 4.417 4.566 4.882 5.222

2015 4.030 4.032 4.033 4.063 4.092 4.122 4.152 4.180 4.210 4.239 4.269 4.295 4.431 4.747 5.079

2014 3.916 3.918 3.919 3.948 3.976 4.005 4.034 4.062 4.091 4.119 4.148 4.173 4.296 4.612 4.936

2013 3.802 3.804 3.805 3.833 3.860 3.888 3.916 3.944 3.972 3.999 4.027 4.051 4.170 4.477 4.793

2012 3.691 3.693 3.694 3.678 3.668 3.654 3.658 3.712 3.791 3.873 3.870 3.933 4.049 4.347 4.653

2011 3.507 3.509 3.509 3.494 3.485 3.472 3.476 3.526 3.601 3.679 3.677 3.736 3.846 4.129 4.420

Auto Year 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

2021 6.350 6.755 7.170 7.575 8.199 9.019 11.866 10.657 11.485 12.313 13.141 13.969 14.797 15.625

2020 6.196 6.592 6.997 7.392 8.000 8.801 10.764 10.399 11.207 12.015 12.823 13.631 14.439 15.247

2019 6.042 6.429 6.824 7.209 7.801 8.583 9.662 10.141 10.929 11.717 12.505 13.293 14.081 14.869

2018 5.888 6.266 6.651 7.026 7.602 8.365 8.560 9.883 10.651 11.419 12.187 12.955 13.723 14.491

2017 5.734 6.103 6.478 6.843 7.403 8.147 7.458 9.625 10.373 11.121 11.869 12.617 13.365 14.113

2016 5.580 5.940 6.305 6.660 7.204 7.929 7.696 9.367 10.095 10.823 11.551 12.279 13.007 13.735

2015 5.426 5.777 6.132 6.477 7.005 7.711 7.934 9.109 9.817 10.525 11.233 11.941 12.649 13.357

2014 5.272 5.614 5.959 6.294 6.806 7.493 8.172 8.851 9.539 10.227 10.915 11.603 12.291 12.979

2013 5.118 5.451 5.786 6.111 6.607 7.275 7.934 8.593 9.261 9.929 10.597 11.265 11.933 12.601

2012 4.969 5.292 5.617 5.933 6.415 7.063 7.703 8.343 8.991 9.640 10.288 10.937 11.585 12.234

2011 4.720 5.028 5.336 5.636 6.094 6.709 7.318 7.925 8.541 9.157 9.773 10.389 11.006 11.622

09/01/2019 III G-2 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

Auto Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

2010 0.700 0.840 0.910 0.910 0.980 0.980 1.120 1.120 1.155 1.155 1.575 1.575 1.925 1.925 2.450

2009 0.667 0.800 0.867 0.867 0.933 0.933 1.067 1.067 1.100 1.100 1.500 1.500 1.833 1.833 2.333

2008 0.633 0.733 0.800 0.800 0.867 0.867 1.000 1.000 1.033 1.033 1.233 1.233 1.667 1.667 2.067

2007 0.633 0.733 0.800 0.800 0.867 0.867 1.000 1.000 1.033 1.033 1.233 1.233 1.667 1.667 2.067

2006 - 1989 0.533 0.667 0.733 0.733 0.833 0.833 0.900 0.900 0.933 0.933 1.133 1.133 1.500 1.500 1.900

Auto Year 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

2010 2.450 3.150 3.150 3.780 4.445 4.445 4.795 5.005 5.285 5.495 5.810 6.055 6.300 6.580 6.895

2009 2.333 3.000 3.000 3.600 4.233 4.233 4.567 4.767 5.033 5.233 5.533 5.767 6.000 6.267 6.567

2008 2.067 2.700 2.700 3.233 3.867 3.867 4.033 4.300 4.600 4.800 5.067 5.300 5.567 5.800 6.033

2007 2.067 2.700 2.700 3.233 3.867 3.867 4.033 4.300 4.600 4.800 5.067 5.300 5.567 5.800 6.033

2006 - 1989 1.900 2.367 2.367 2.833 3.267 3.267 3.467 3.733 3.967 4.200 4.433 4.700 4.967 5.167 5.467

Auto Year 32 33 34 35

2010 7.070 7.630 8.785 9.065

2009 6.733 7.267 8.367 8.633

2008 6.300 6.600 6.800 7.067

2007 6.300 6.600 6.800 7.067

2006 - 1989 5.733 5.967 6.233 6.433

Auto Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

2021 0.710 0.885 1.149 1.299 1.298 1.381 1.398 1.424 1.607 1.615 1.631 1.655 1.658 1.661 1.945

2020 0.693 0.864 1.121 1.267 1.267 1.347 1.364 1.390 1.568 1.576 1.591 1.615 1.618 1.621 1.898

2019 0.676 0.843 1.093 1.235 1.236 1.313 1.330 1.356 1.529 1.537 1.551 1.575 1.578 1.581 1.851

2018 0.659 0.822 1.065 1.203 1.205 1.279 1.296 1.322 1.490 1.498 1.511 1.535 1.538 1.541 1.804

2017 0.642 0.801 1.037 1.171 1.174 1.245 1.262 1.288 1.451 1.459 1.471 1.495 1.498 1.501 1.757

2016 0.625 0.780 1.009 1.139 1.143 1.211 1.228 1.254 1.412 1.420 1.431 1.455 1.458 1.461 1.710

2015 0.608 0.759 0.981 1.107 1.112 1.177 1.194 1.220 1.373 1.381 1.391 1.415 1.418 1.421 1.663

2014 0.591 0.738 0.953 1.075 1.081 1.143 1.160 1.186 1.334 1.342 1.351 1.375 1.378 1.381 1.616

2013 0.574 0.717 0.925 1.043 1.050 1.109 1.126 1.152 1.295 1.303 1.311 1.335 1.338 1.341 1.569

2012 0.557 0.696 0.898 1.013 1.019 1.077 1.093 1.118 1.257 1.250 1.273 1.296 1.294 1.302 1.523

2011 0.524 0.655 0.844 0.953 0.958 1.013 1.028 1.051 1.182 1.176 1.198 1.219 1.217 1.224 1.432

Auto Year 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

2021 2.260 2.265 2.266 2.479 2.721 2.743 2.748 2.751 2.762 3.002 3.253 3.524 3.583 3.634 3.686

2020 2.205 2.210 2.211 2.419 2.655 2.676 2.682 2.685 2.695 2.929 3.174 3.439 3.496 3.546 3.597

2019 2.150 2.155 2.156 2.359 2.589 2.609 2.616 2.619 2.628 2.856 3.095 3.354 3.409 3.458 3.508

2018 2.095 2.100 2.101 2.299 2.523 2.542 2.550 2.553 2.561 2.783 3.016 3.269 3.322 3.370 3.419

2017 2.040 2.045 2.046 2.239 2.457 2.475 2.484 2.487 2.494 2.710 2.937 3.184 3.235 3.282 3.330

2016 1.985 1.990 1.991 2.179 2.391 2.408 2.418 2.421 2.427 2.637 2.858 3.099 3.148 3.194 3.241

2015 1.930 1.935 1.936 2.119 2.325 2.341 2.352 2.355 2.360 2.564 2.779 3.014 3.061 3.106 3.152

2014 1.875 1.880 1.881 2.059 2.259 2.274 2.286 2.289 2.293 2.491 2.700 2.929 2.974 3.018 3.063

2013 1.820 1.825 1.826 1.999 2.193 2.207 2.220 2.223 2.226 2.418 2.621 2.844 2.887 2.930 2.974

2012 1.767 1.772 1.773 1.941 2.129 2.143 2.155 2.152 2.161 2.348 2.545 2.761 2.749 2.752 2.737

2011 1.661 1.666 1.668 1.825 2.002 2.015 2.027 2.024 2.032 2.208 2.394 2.597 2.585 2.589 2.574






After 2010

09/01/2019 III G-3 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

Auto Year 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

2021 3.736 4.010 4.261 4.525 4.575 4.640 4.704 4.922 5.177 5.409 5.728 6.042 6.352 6.354 6.356

2020 3.646 3.913 4.158 4.415 4.465 4.528 4.590 4.803 5.052 5.278 5.590 5.896 6.198 6.200 6.202

2019 3.556 3.816 4.055 4.305 4.355 4.416 4.476 4.684 4.927 5.147 5.452 5.750 6.044 6.046 6.048

2018 3.466 3.719 3.952 4.195 4.245 4.304 4.362 4.565 4.802 5.016 5.314 5.604 5.890 5.892 5.894

2017 3.376 3.622 3.849 4.085 4.135 4.192 4.248 4.446 4.677 4.885 5.176 5.458 5.736 5.738 5.740

2016 3.286 3.525 3.746 3.975 4.025 4.080 4.134 4.327 4.552 4.754 5.038 5.312 5.582 5.584 5.586

2015 3.196 3.428 3.643 3.865 3.915 3.968 4.020 4.208 4.427 4.623 4.900 5.166 5.428 5.430 5.432

2014 3.106 3.331 3.540 3.755 3.805 3.856 3.906 4.089 4.302 4.492 4.762 5.020 5.274 5.276 5.278

2013 3.016 3.234 3.437 3.645 3.695 3.744 3.792 3.970 4.177 4.361 4.624 4.874 5.120 5.122 5.124

2012 2.928 3.140 3.337 3.539 3.517 3.493 3.682 3.854 4.055 4.234 4.489 4.732 4.971 4.961 4.975

2011 2.753 2.954 3.138 3.329 3.308 3.284 3.463 3.626 3.813 3.982 4.223 4.450 4.676 4.665 4.678

Auto Year 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

2021 6.368 6.369 6.370 6.391 6.402 6.415 6.435 6.504 6.614 6.750 6.798 6.963 7.187 7.528 7.963

2020 6.214 6.215 6.216 6.236 6.247 6.260 6.279 6.347 6.454 6.586 6.634 6.795 7.013 7.346 7.770

2019 6.060 6.061 6.062 6.081 6.092 6.105 6.123 6.190 6.294 6.422 6.470 6.627 6.839 7.164 7.577

2018 5.906 5.907 5.908 5.926 5.937 5.950 5.967 6.033 6.134 6.258 6.306 6.459 6.665 6.982 7.384

2017 5.752 5.753 5.754 5.771 5.782 5.795 5.811 5.876 5.974 6.094 6.142 6.291 6.491 6.800 7.191

2016 5.598 5.599 5.600 5.616 5.627 5.640 5.655 5.719 5.814 5.930 5.978 6.123 6.317 6.618 6.998

2015 5.444 5.445 5.446 5.461 5.472 5.485 5.499 5.562 5.654 5.766 5.814 5.955 6.143 6.436 6.805

2014 5.290 5.291 5.292 5.306 5.317 5.330 5.343 5.405 5.494 5.602 5.650 5.787 5.969 6.254 6.612

2013 5.136 5.137 5.138 5.151 5.162 5.175 5.187 5.248 5.334 5.438 5.486 5.619 5.795 6.072 6.419

2012 4.986 4.972 4.988 5.001 5.012 5.002 5.036 5.095 5.179 5.280 5.326 5.455 5.626 5.895 6.232

2011 4.690 4.675 4.691 4.703 4.714 4.704 4.737 4.791 4.870 4.966 5.010 5.131 5.291 5.544 5.861

Auto Year 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

2021 8.473 8.962 9.474 9.963 10.714 11.706 12.707 13.712 14.683 15.691 16.689 17.691 18.690 19.691

2020 8.268 8.745 9.245 9.722 10.454 11.423 12.400 13.380 14.328 15.311 16.285 17.263 18.238 19.215

2019 8.063 8.528 9.016 9.481 10.194 11.140 12.093 13.048 13.973 14.931 15.881 16.835 17.786 18.739

2018 7.858 8.311 8.787 9.240 9.934 10.857 11.786 12.716 13.618 14.551 15.477 16.407 17.334 18.263

2017 7.653 8.094 8.558 8.999 9.674 10.574 11.479 12.384 13.263 14.171 15.073 15.979 16.882 17.787

2016 7.448 7.877 8.329 8.758 9.414 10.291 11.172 12.052 12.908 13.791 14.669 15.551 16.430 17.311

2015 7.243 7.660 8.100 8.517 9.154 10.008 10.865 11.720 12.553 13.411 14.265 15.123 15.978 16.835

2014 7.038 7.443 7.871 8.276 8.894 9.725 10.558 11.388 12.198 13.031 13.861 14.695 15.526 16.359

2013 6.833 7.226 7.642 8.035 8.634 9.442 10.251 11.056 11.843 12.651 13.457 14.267 15.074 15.883

2012 6.634 7.016 7.419 7.801 8.383 9.167 9.952 10.734 11.498 12.283 13.065 13.851 14.635 15.420

2011 6.239 6.598 6.978 7.336 7.884 8.621 9.359 10.096 10.813 11.552 12.289 13.028 13.764 14.503

09/01/2019 III G-4 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

09/01/2019 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) IV A-1


If an insured or third-party claimant comes to your office to report a claim, please phone the Home Office at (800)766-6642 and let the person speak directly with a Claim Department Customer Service representative. If an insured or third-party claimant telephones your office to report a claim, please give them the Home Office toll-free phone number (800)766-6642 and ask that they call and speak directly with a Claim Department Customer Service representative. You may also give the customer our website, www.madisonmutual.com, where they can also report the loss. Never admit liability or coverage on a claim. If an insured or claimant questions these procedures, merely explain that we have professional claims representatives at the Home Office, and they can:

• Provide the best service for efficient claims settlement

• Authorize claims settlement on the phone (within specified parameters)

• Help with the selection of a body shop, contractor, etc. convenient to the insured or claimant

If the insured/claimant refuses to call the Home Office, the agent must call the Home Office Claim Customer Service Department immediately to report the claim.

09/01/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) IV B-1

BILLING PAYMENT OPTIONS Our automobile program offers three payment options to policyholders if they choose the 6-month billing option. These options are the following;

• Direct Bill – Pay in Full

• Direct Bill – 3 Pay with two months required down and the first installment due approximately forty-five days after the initial premium. The third installment will then be forty-five days later.

• Automated Debit 6 Pay - A monthly (ACH or credit card) with two down payment options. o 20% down payment with 4 remaining installments on the first term o 33% down payment with 4 remaining installments on the first term o Six even installments after renewal

If the 12-month billing option is chosen, policyholders also have three payment options:

• Direct Bill – Pay in Full

• Direct Bill – 6 Pay with 16.65% required down with five installments of 16.67% each due approximately every forty-five days after.

• Automated Debit 12 Pay – A monthly (ACH or credit card) with one option o 9.0% down payment with 10 remaining installments of 9.1% each on the first term o Twelve installments after renewal with the first one being 8.15% and remaining 11 each

8.35% Down payments on any bill plan option can be made by the following payment types:

• ACH from the customer’s account

• ACH Trust from the agent’s trust account

• Credit Card Automated Debit 6 Pay or 12 Pay requires an authorization form to be completed and attached to the policy or kept in the agency office. There is a $1 service charge per installment when selecting this method of payment. This type of payment does require an immediate down-payment. If no money is collected, an immediate transaction will pull from the customer’s account. There is a $20 Insufficient Fund charge when a payment is not honored by the financial institution. In order to finalize any outstanding balances, there is a minimum seven-day delay until any refunds are processed. In the event we receive an overpayment on a policy, the entire amount will be applied to the following installment and will not be divided among the remaining installments. If a policy is cancelled for non-payment and a payment is later received there are two options:

• Reinstate with a lapse in coverage. This is allowed only within 14 days after cancellation and there is no coverage during this time. Payments received after the 14 days will be returned.

• If 30 days past the due date, a new application must be submitted as new business and all previous discounts will not apply.

06/03/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)




A. Agent’s Underwriting Guidelines B. Agent’s Authority Guidelines C. Coverage Minimums


A. Policy Types B. Endorsement List C. Dwelling Endorsement Description/Guidelines/Rating D. Homeowner Endorsement Description/Guidelines/Rating E. Madison Mutual Endorsement (MM) Description/Guidelines/Rating


C. Base Rates and Other Rating Factors D. Increased/Reduced Coverage E. Discounts and Surcharges F. Insurance Scoring


A. Signature Requirements B. Billing Payment Options C. Claim Processing

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) I A-1


An application for insurance is submitted at the discretion of the agent, who should use all available information in the field underwriting process. The Home Office uses all information including the application, the history we maintain and other sources of public information. We view the integrity of the information on the application with major importance. The truthfulness of the details of claims is important to the underwriting decision. It is important to note that the underwriting process is based on all available information. On HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-8, DP-1, DP-2, and DP-3 policies, photographs are suggested for all property regardless of age and should be emailed to the Underwriting Department. Photos should be taken from opposite diagonal corners of the dwelling and at least one photo of each additional structure. The Agent should be familiar with the property and have completed a physical inspection. The property should show good care and maintenance and show pride of ownership.

All Dwelling and Homeowner forms Except HO-4 and HO-6 must have an e2Value property valuation fully completed. If the home is 25 years or older, it must be closely scrutinized so that replacement cost coverage is adequately maintained to reflect policy co-insurance requirements.

Inspection Guidelines:

• Exterior inspections will be ordered on all new business policies. These inspections will include detailed roof inspections.

• Homes built prior to 1950 will require an interior and exterior inspection.

• Inspections may also be ordered at the discretion of the underwriter. All Modular Homes:

• Must not be older than 25 years.

• Will be subject to a Company safety review.

• Must meet all other Underwriting criteria.

All Condominium Policies:

• Cannot be owned by a corporation or partnership

• Cannot be occupied by more than one additional family or more than two boarders.

• A unit may be rented to others; however, if a unit is rented to others the HO2470 must be added.

• Certain occupancies incidental to the dwelling are permitted provided that the premises is used primarily for dwelling purposes and there are no other ineligible business exposures.

• If there are more than two attached units, they cannot have a common attic. Firewalls between units are desired.

Co-Insurance Requirements:

• DP-3, HO-2 and HO-3 must meet the 80% co-insurance requirement.

• We prefer that you write coverage A for 90% of replacement cost.

• HO-5 must be written for 100% of replacement cost. Rental Dwellings

• Up to 4 rental dwellings are allowed with supporting coverage The Named Insured Must:

• Be on the deed of the home.

• Be a member of the household. Trampolines

• All trampolines must be properly anchored, padding must cover springs, and must have netting.

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) I A-2

In-Ground Pools

• Must have a 4-foot fence with a locking gate.

• Pools with diving boards are eligible if the depth is 8 feet or more and if the board is no more than 20 inches above the water level.

• Slides are eligible with a minimum pool depth of 5 feet.

Above-Ground Pools

• Pools require a locking gate if they are more than 48” in height

• A 4-foot fence with locked gate or an elevated decking completely surrounding the pool and a retractable ladder that leads to a self-closing, self-locking gate.

• Diving boards and pool slides are not eligible with above ground pools.

Protection Class

• The protection class listings received by ISO LOCATION (PPC) apply to risks insured under Homeowner Policies.

• Single Class: In a classified area where the primary responding fire department has a single classification (e.g. 6,) applies for all properties located within the classified area.

• Split Classification: In a classified area where two or more classifications are shown, the classifications will be displayed as “#/#X” (e.g. 6/6X). The classification is assigned as follows:

Distance to Primary Responding Fire

Department Protection Class

A. 5 Road miles or less and within 1,000 feet of a hydrant

Use the first class shown (e.g. 6/6X), use class 6

B. 5 road miles or less and over 1,000 feet to hydrant

Use the second class shown (e.g. 6/6X), use 6X

C. More than five, but less than seven road miles and within 1000 feet of hydrant

Use Class 10W

D. For properties not qualifying for A, B, or C. above

Use Class 10

Liability Requirements

All ATV’s, watercraft (boats, jet skis, wave runners, etc.), snowmobiles and dwellings not insured for liability by MMIC must be specifically insured for liability coverage by another insurance company.

06/03/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) I B-1


The agent is authorized to submit business in accordance with all Company guidelines and requirements. At the time of submission, the agent will be advised regarding acceptability and whether the risk has been approved. Additional information may be required before the risk is approved. In this situation no coverage is in effect until authority is given by the Company underwriter. The agent will be notified regarding any risk that does not meet the Company guidelines. All properties should be inspected prior to submitting for approval. Dwellings with an estimated replacement cost exceeding the actual cash value or purchase price of the dwelling by 200% or more must be submitted for underwriting approval.

The dwelling must have the following:

• An approved central heating system, which is thermostatically controlled, which directly distributes

heat to all rooms in the dwelling by way of ducts or in the case of hot-water heat, a steam or hot-water system. Wood heating appliances are acceptable, but it cannot be the principal source of heat and must meet all National Fire Protection Association regulations and must be UL approved.

• Full masonry foundation under the dwelling exterior supporting walls.

• Basements with a dirt floor are not acceptable.

• Porches are to be secured and adequately footed.

• A modern indoor plumbing system permanently piped to a reliable water supply.

• Yard maintenance to include the cutting of grass and the disposal of any debris around the dwelling and additional structures.

• A modern electrical system with minimum amperage of 100 is required, 200 amperage is required for dwellings with electric heat and other appliances.

• Porches or decks more than 2 feet off the ground or with three (3) or more steps leading to them must be protected with properly installed handrails.

Roofs in good repair and within the following "maximum" age requirements are acceptable:

• Metal roofs are accepted with cosmetic damage endorsement added.

• Architectural shingles, 20 years.

• Vulcanized (seamless rubber roofing) 30 years.

• Asphalt or fiberglass, 15 years or less in good condition is acceptable.

• Roofs older than 15 years old and/or showing excessive wear will only be considered with the ACV endorsement.

Do not Submit: Applications should not be submitted if any of the following conditions exist:

• Dwelling is in deteriorating condition.

• Structures with settling or cracking of foundation and/or walls.

• Coverage A over $750,000

• Dwelling is isolated.

• Property is for sale.

• Vacant or Unoccupied properties, unless under new construction.

• Dwelling under renovation or undergoing extensive remodeling.

• Dwelling is used for more than a two-family residence.

• Commercial or apartment buildings.

• Residences used for the purpose of college housing.

• Daycare on premises.

• Slate, roll, tin, rock, tar, gravel, or wood roofs.

• Log homes or log sided homes.

• Dwellings with wood shake siding.

• Mobile home, trailer home or house trailer.

• Dwellings over 75 years old without functional replacement cost endorsement.

06/03/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) I B-2

• Dwellings with metal siding without cosmetic damage endorsement.

• Dwelling has an indoor swimming pool.

• Dwellings with asbestos or asphalt siding.

• Wood stoves in garage or other outbuildings are not acceptable.

• Risks that have knob and tube wiring.

• Risks that have a Doberman, Chow, Pit Bull, Staffordshire Terrier, Rottweiler, Mastiff, Wolf Hybrid, Presa Canarios, or Akita, including any dog that is a mix of one of these are not acceptable and should not be submitted.

• Animals with past biting history or territorial behavior (pack mentality).

• Risks with animals other than domestic animals. Unacceptable animals include: Horses, farm animals, exotic animals and reptiles.

• Modular homes older than 25 years

• Dwellings with FPE Stab-Lok electrical panels.

• Dwellings with a challenger electrical system.

• Prior Insurance: Applicant must have prior insurance including policies that have lapsed or cancelled for nonpayment. This does not apply to first time home buyer when living with parents.

• Risks with more than two losses in the last five years should be submitted to underwriting for approval.

• A dwelling application (DP-1, DP-2 and DP-3) should not be submitted without a supporting homeowner’s or farmowner’s policy unless the risk is for new construction of a primary dwelling.

• Seasonal homes should be submitted under the dwelling program and must have the supporting primary home under the homeowner or farmowner program.

• Builders Risk (dwellings under construction) needs to be written in the dwelling program. The maximum authority for:

• Coverage A is $500,000.

• Coverage C on an HO-4 is $100,000.

• Coverage C on an HO-6 is $275,000. The agent should call underwriting if there is a question as to the correct decision or if there are special or extenuating circumstances which you believe could affect the decision. Copies of signed applications and all applicable forms should be maintained in agent’s files (See page IV B-1 for signature requirements).

• Signed Mine Subsidence Forms

• Signed Cancellation Forms

• Copy of Power of Attorney Forms when applicable

• Signed ACH Agreements

• Signed Credit Card Authorization Form

• Signed ACH Cancellations

03/15/2019 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) I C-1


Primary residences are the only dwellings eligible for the Homeowner Program. All other residences must be placed in the Dwelling Program. The following limits of liability are required:

Coverage HO-2 HO-3 HO-4 HO-5 HO-6 HO-8

A. Dwelling 50,000 75,000 ** 200,000 5,000 40,000

B. Other Structures10% of

Cov A

10% of

Cov A**

10% of

Cov A**

10% of

Cov A

C. Personal Property50% of

Cov A

50% of

Cov A




80% of

Cov A




50% of

Cov A

D. Loss of Use30% of

Cov A

30% of

Cov A

30% of

Cov C

30% of

Cov A

50% of

Cov C

10% of

Cov A

SECTION IIE. Personal Liability 100,000 100,000 100,000 300,000 100,000 100,000

F. Medical Payments 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000

Minimum Premium 150 175 150 225 150 150



Minimum Premium Based on Coverage A Coverage A Minimum Deductible Minimum Premium

50,000 – 59,000 500/1500 $200

60,000 – 69,000 500/1500 $250

70,000 – 99,000 500/1500 $300

100,000 – 149,000 500/1500 $450

150,000 – 199,000 500/1500 $500

200,000 – 249,000 500/1500 $550

250,000 – 299,000 500/1500 $600

300,000 – 349,000 500/1500 $650

350,000 – 399,000 500/1500 $800

400,000 – 449,000 500/1500 $1,000

450,000 – 499,000 500/1500 $1,250

500,000 – 549,000 1000/1500 $1,400

550,000 – 599,000 1000/1500 $1,700

600,000 – 649,000 1000/1500 $2,000

650,000 – 699,000 1000/1500 $2,500

700,000 – 749,000 1000/1500 $3,000

750,000 – 899,000 2000/2000 $3,500

Over 900,000 2500/2500 $4,500

Coverage DP-1 DP-2 DP-3A. Dwelling 25,000 50,000 75,000

B. Other Structures 500 500 500

C. Personal Property 500 500 500

D. Loss of Use 500 500 500

Minimum Premium - Coverage A 150 150 150


SECTION I (Coverages B, C, and D Optional)

06/03/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II A-1


Provides the dwelling (Coverage A) basic perils protection. Coverage B, Coverage C, and Coverage D may be added, if requested, and are covered for the same perils. Each coverage must be specified, and a separate premium charged for each limit.

Covered Perils: fire or lightning, windstorm or hail, explosion, riot or civil commotion, aircraft, vehicles, smoke, and vandalism or malicious mischief.

Use the DP-1 to insure rental homes, seasonal homes and homes under construction.

Following are the mandatory endorsements for DP-1:

• DP0112 – Special Provisions – Illinois

• MM752 – Windstorm or Hail Deductible

• MM754 – Pollution Liability Exclusion DP-2 Broad Form

Provides the dwelling (Coverage A) broad form named perils protection. Coverage B, Coverage C, and Coverage D may be added, if requested, and are covered for the same perils. Each coverage must by specified and a separate premium charged for each limit.

Covered Perils: fire or lightning, windstorm or hail, explosion, riot or civil commotion, aircraft, vehicles, smoke, vandalism or malicious mischief, breakage of glass, theft, falling objects, weight of ice, snow or sleet, collapse of buildings or any part thereof, sudden and accidental tearing, cracking, burning or bulging of heating system, accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam, freezing of plumbing, heating, air conditioning systems and domestic appliances, and sudden and accidental injury from electrical currents artificially generated.

Use the DP-2 to insure rental homes, seasonal homes and homes under construction.

Following are the mandatory endorsements for DP-2:

• DP0112 – Special Provisions – Illinois

• MM752 – Windstorm or Hail Deductible

• MM754 – Pollution Liability Exclusion

06/03/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II A-2

DP-3 Special Form

Provides the dwelling (Coverage A) and if requested, other structures (Coverage B) all risk perils protection except exclusions. Coverage B, Coverage C, and Coverage D may be added, if requested. Each coverage must be specified and a separate premium charged for each limit.

Coverage C Covered Perils: fire or lightning, windstorm or hail, explosion, riot or civil commotion, aircraft, vehicles, smoke, vandalism or malicious mischief, breakage of glass, burglars, falling objects, weight of ice, snow, sleet, collapse of buildings or any part of a building, accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam, sudden and accidental tearing, cracking, burning or bulging of heating system, freezing of plumbing, heating, air conditioning systems and domestic appliances, and sudden and accidental damage from artificially generated electrical current

Use DP-3 to insure rental homes, seasonal homes and homes under construction.

Coverage A must be written for at least 80% of Replacement Cost. Following are the mandatory endorsements for DP-3

• DP0112 – Special Provisions – Illinois

• MM752 – Windstorm or Hail Deductible

• MM754 – Pollution Liability Exclusion HO-2 Broad Form

Provides broad from named perils protection for the dwelling, other structures, personal property and loss of use.

Covered Perils: fire or lightning, windstorm or hail, explosion, riot or civil commotion, aircraft, vehicles, smoke, vandalism or malicious mischief, theft, breakage of glass, falling objects, weight of ice, snow or sleet, accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam, sudden and accidental tearing, cracking, burning or bulging of heating system, freezing of plumbing, heating, air conditioning systems and domestic appliances, sudden and accidental damage from artificially generated electrical current, and volcanic eruption.

Policies may be issued to an owner-occupant of a dwelling which is used exclusively for private residential purposes and contains no more than 2 families and no more than 2 roomers or boarders per family.

The Company prefers that Coverage A be written for 90% of Replacement Cost.

Following are the mandatory endorsements for HO-2:

• HO-0112 – Special Provisions – Illinois

• HO-0426 – Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage

• HO-0446 – Inflation Guard

• MM-752 – Windstorm or Hail Deductible

• MM-754 – Pollution Liability Exclusion

• MM-830 – Identity Fraud Restoration

06/03/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II A-3

HO-3 All Risk Form Provides the dwelling and other structures all risk perils protection except exclusions. Personal property provides broad form named perils coverage.

Personal Property Covered Perils: fire or lightning, windstorm or hail, explosion, riot or civil commotion, aircraft, vehicles, smoke, vandalism or malicious mischief, theft, breakage of glass, falling objects, weight of ice, snow or sleet, accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam, sudden and accidental tearing, cracking, burning or bulging of heating system, freezing of plumbing, heating, air conditioning systems and domestic appliances, sudden and accidental damage from artificially generated electrical current, damage by glass or safety glazing material, and volcanic eruption. Polices may be issued to an owner-occupant of a dwelling which is used exclusively for private residential purposes and contains no more than 2 families and no more than 2 roomers or boarders per family. The Company prefers that Coverage A be written for 90% of Replacement Cost.

Following are the mandatory endorsements for HO-3

• HO-0112 – Special Provisions – Illinois

• HO-0427 – Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage

• HO-0446 – Inflation Guard

• MM-752 – Windstorm or Hail Deductible

• MM-754 – Pollution Liability Exclusion

• MM-830 – Identity Fraud Restoration HO-4 Contents Broad Form Provides personal property and loss of use against the broad form named perils.

Covered Perils: fire or lightning, windstorm or hail, explosion, riot or civil commotion, aircraft, vehicles, smoke, vandalism or malicious mischief, theft, breakage of glass, falling objects, weight of ice, snow or sleet, accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam, sudden and accidental tearing, cracking, burning or bulging of heating system, freezing of plumbing, heating, air conditioning systems and domestic appliances, sudden and accidental damage from artificially generated electrical current, and volcanic eruption.

Use HO–4-to insure the tenant (non-owner) of a dwelling or an apartment. Following are the mandatory endorsements for HO-4:

• HO-0112 – Special Provisions – Illinois

• HO-0426 – Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage

• MM-754 – Pollution Liability Exclusion

• MM-830 – Identity Fraud Restoration

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HO-5 Comprehensive Form

Provides the dwelling and other structures and personal properties open perils protection except for the exclusions. Basic policy is an HO-5 all risk form.

Special Underwriting Requirements:

• Coverage A must be equal to 100% of full replacement cost

• Dwelling Coverage A minimum is $200,000

• Dwelling over 30 years old are not eligible

• Dwelling roofs over 15 years old will be subject to safety review

• Dwellings in Fire Protection Class 10/10W are allowed as long as there is sufficient brush clearance to protect from wildfires which will be verified by external safety review

• Dwelling cannot be a duplex Following are the mandatory “minimum” coverages and endorsements for HO-5 that are included without costs:

• $300,000 Personal Liability/$2,000 Medical Payments

• $500/$1500 or higher Deductible (Flat/All Perils), Lower deductibles not available

• HO-0112 – Special Provisions – Illinois

• HO-0420 – Specified Additional Amount of Insurance for Coverage A – Dwelling

• HO-0427 – Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage

• HO-0446 – Inflation Guard

• HO-0465 – Cov. C Increased Special Limits of Liability:

• Class 1 – Money, Bank Notes, etc. $500

• Class 6 – Jewelry, Watches and Furs $2,000

• HO-0490 – Personal Property Replacement Cost Loss Settlement

• MM-754 – Pollution Liability Exclusion

• MM-825 – Mechanical Breakdown

• MM-830 – Identity Fraud Restoration

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HO-6 Unit-Owners Form

The Condominium Unit-Owners policy provides liability and personal property coverage for condominium unit owners.

The amount of insurance should be the value of the contents on a replacement cost basis plus the replacement value of any portion of the internal unit the insured is chooses to cover or is required to cover per the association agreement or bylaws. The agreement may require coverage for all building components including but not limited to the cabinets, lighting and plumbing fixtures, and floor coverings within the perimeter walls of the unit. A thorough review of the association bylaws is recommended.

An HO6 policy may be issued on owner occupied units, including seasonal units, which are part of a community association organized under a condominium, cooperative, town house, or a planned development community. The primary use for the unit must be for residential purposes including approved on premises business activities.

Coverage “A” under the condominium policy includes the alteration, appliances, fixtures, improvements, and real property of the individual unit owner. Under Coverage “C” personal property is insured against named perils. The policy can be endorsed for Unit Owners Special coverage by adding the HO1731.

Following are the mandatory endorsements for HO-6:

• HO-0112 – Special Provisions – Illinois

• HO-0428 – Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage

• HO-1731 – Unit-Owners Coverage C Special Coverage

• HO-1732 – Unit-Owners Coverage A Special Coverage

• MM-752 – Windstorm or Hail Deductible

• MM-754 – Pollution Liability Exclusion

• MM-830 – Identity Fraud Restoration HO-8 Modified Coverage Form

Provides the dwelling, other structures, personal property and loss of use against the following perils.

Covered Perils: fire or lightning, windstorm or hail, explosion, riot or civil commotion, aircraft, vehicles, smoke, vandalism or malicious mischief, theft, breakage of glass, and volcanic eruption.

Use HO-8 to insure the good risks where replacement cost features are not desired or co-insurance requirements are not met.

Following are the mandatory endorsements for HO-8:

• HO-0112 – Special Provisions – Illinois

• HO-0426 – Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage

• MM-752 – Windstorm or Hail Deductible

• MM-754 – Pollution Liability Exclusion

• MM-830 – Identity Fraud Restoration

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II B-1


Below is a list of endorsements we currently offer: Dwelling Endorsements DP-0112 Special Provisions - Illinois DP-0411 Automatic Increase in Insurance DP-0414 Additional Living Expense DP-0417 Trees, Shrubs, and Other Plants DP-0420 Permitted Incidental Occupancies DP-0422 Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage DP-0431 Improvements, Alterations, and Additions DP-0432 Deferred Premium Payment DP-0441 Additional Insured DP-0469 Earthquake DP-0471 Ordinance or Law Coverage Increased Amount of Coverage DP-0474 Ordinance or Law Coverage DP-0475 Actual Cash Value Loss Settlement Windstorm or Hail Losses to Roof Surfacing DP-0479 Mine Subsidence Residence and Other Structures - Illinois DP-0495 Water Back Up and Sump Discharge or Overflow DP-0530 Functional Replacement Cost Loss Settlement DP-1609 Water Exclusion Endorsement DP-1610 Water Exclusion Endorsement DW-430 Personal Liability Protection MM-043 Dwelling Under Construction, Theft of Building Materials (DP-3) MM-102 Amendatory Endorsement – Inspection (DP-1) MM-103 Amendatory Endorsement – Inspection (DP-2, DP-3) MM-444 Roof Exclusion Endorsement MM-643 Cosmetic Damage Exclusion – Windstorm or Hail MM-644 Roof Surfacing Cosmetic Damage Exclusion – Windstorm or Hail MM-670 Fire Department Service Charge Increase MM-752 Windstorm or Hail Deductible MM-754 Pollution Liability Exclusion MM-801 Other Structures Exclusion MM-600 Manuscript Endorsement

Homeowner Endorsements HO-0112 Special Provisions – Illinois HO-0410 Additional Interests – Residence Premises HO-0416 Premises Alarm or Fire Protection System HO-0418 Deferred Premium Payment HO-0420 Specified Additional Amount of Insurance – Coverage A HO-0426 Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage (HO-2, HO-4, HO-8) HO-0427 Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage (HO-3, HO-5) HO-0428 Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage (HO-6) HO-0430 Theft Coverage Increase (HO-8) HO-0435 Supplemental Loss Assessment Coverage HO-0436 Loss Assessment Coverage for Earthquake HO-0440 Structures Rented to Others – Residence Premises HO-0441 Additional Insured – Residence Premises HO-0442 Permitted Incidental Occupancies – Residence Premises HO-0443 Replacement Cost Loss Settlement for Certain Non-Building Structures on the

Residence Premises HO-0446 Inflation Guard (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO6) HO-0448 Other Structures on the Residence Premises – Increased Limits HO-0449 Building Additions and Alterations – Other Residence HO-0450 Personal Property at Other Residences – Increased Limit HO-0451 Building Additions and Alterations – Increased Limit (HO-4)

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HO-0453 Credit Card, Electronic Fund Transfer Card or Access Device, Forgery and Counterfeit – Increased Limit

HO-0454 Earthquake HO-0458 Other Members of Your Household HO-0461 Scheduled Personal Property HO-0465 Coverage C Increased Special Limits of Liability HO-0466 Coverage C Increased Special Limits of Liability HO-0477 Ordinance of Law Increased Amount of Coverage HO-0490 Personal Property Replacement Cost Loss Settlement HO-0491 Coverage B – Other Structures Away From the Residence Premises HO-0492 Specific Structures Away From the Residence Premises HO-0493 Actual Cash Value Loss Settlement Windstorm or Hail Losses to Roof Surfacing HO-0495 Limited Water Back-up and Sump Discharge or Overflow Coverage HO-0498 Refrigerated Property Coverage HO-0527 Additional Insured – Student Living Away from the Residence Premises HO-0528 Owned Motorized Golf Cart Physical Loss Coverage HO-0530 Functional Replacement Cost Loss Settlement HO-0541 Extended Theft Coverage for Residence Premises Occasionally Rented to Others HO-0546 Landlord’s Furnishings HO-0607 Limited Coverage for Theft of Personal Property Located in a Dwelling Under

Construction HO-0614 Increased Amount of Insurance for Personal Property Located in a Self-Storage

Facility HO-0615 Trust Endorsement HO-0643 Cosmetic Damage Exclusion – Windstorm or Hail HO-0644 Roof Surfacing Cosmetic Damage Exclusion – Windstorm or Hail HO-0648 Residence Premises Definition Endorsement HO-0649 Broadened Residence Premises Definition Endorsement HO-0750 Additional Insured – Managers or Lessors of Premises Leased to and Insured HO-0762 Loss Payable Provision - Illinois HO-1731 Unit – Owners Coverage C Special Coverage HO-1732 Unit – Owners Coverage A Special Coverage HO-1733 Unit – Owners Rental to Others HO-1747 Broadened Residence Premises Definition Endorsement – Unit-Owners HO-1748 Residence Premises Definition Endorsement – Unit-Owners HO-2388 Mine Subsidence Residence and Other Structures – Illinois HO-2398 Mine Subsidence Residence – Living Units Only - Illinois HO-2443 Permitted Incidental Occupancies – Other Residence HO-2445 Farmers Personal Liability - Illinois HO-2464 Owned Snowmobiles HO-2470 Additional Residence Rented to Others HO-2471 Business Pursuits HO-2472 Incidental Farming Personal Liability HO-2475 Watercraft HO-2496 Exclusion of Farm Employees Illegally Employed HO-P004 Limited Home Day Care Coverage Advisory Notice to Policyholders MM-101 Amendatory Endorsement – Inspection (HO-3, HO-5, HO-8) MM-375 Other Structures MM-380 Snowmobile Physical Damage Protection MM-395 Watercraft – Special Excess Limit of Liability MM-444 Roof Exclusion Endorsement MM-670 Fire Department Service Charge Increase MM-752 Windstorm or Hail Deductible MM-754 Pollution Liability Exclusion MM-801 Other Structures Exclusion MM-825 Equipment Breakdown MM-830 Identity Fraud Restoration MM-600 Manuscript Endorsement

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II C-1


The following is a list of endorsements with their rules and rates. See the actual endorsement for the official terminology, coverage and exclusions. DP-0112(08/11) Special Provisions – Illinois – Mandatory – (applies to all DP-1, DP-2 and DP-3) –

Amends Section I for exclusions and conditions and in Section II Coverage E for Personal Liability regarding limit of liability, the section on Communicable Disease, and Duties after “Occurrence”. Also changes Section I and II Conditions regarding Cancellation and Non-Renewal.

No Charge

DP-0411(12/02) Automatic Increase in Insurance (DP-2 & DP-3) – The limit of liability for coverage A

(and coverage B if applicable) will be increased automatically every year. This increase will be based on the current Company inflation factor.

No Charge

DP-0414(12/02) Additional Living Expense (DP-1) – Provides the increase in living expenses due to

a covered loss. Enables the insured to continue and maintain their normal standard of living while repairs are completed.

No Charge

DP-0417(12/02) Trees, Shrubs, and Other Plants (DP-1) – We will pay for the limit of liability shown

in the Declarations for this coverage. The most available for any one tree is $500. The peril of windstorm and hail is covered.

.70 per $100 of Coverage

DP-0420(12/02) Permitted Incidental Occupancies (DP-1, DP-2, & DP-3) – Provides personal

property coverage for the occupancy described in the Schedule on the endorsement. We are not liable in any one loss for more than the limit of liability shown in this policy.

$4.00 per $1000 of Coverage DP-0422(12/02) Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage (DP-1, DP-2, & DP-3) – For

use with all Dwelling forms. Coverage only applies as a result of a peril insured against. The amount indicated in the Schedule is the most we will pay for the total of all loss or costs payable under the Other Coverage Section of the policy. $10,000 is automatically included with all dwelling policies.

No Charge

DP-0431(12/02) Improvements, Alterations and Additions (DP-1, DP-2, & DP-3) – Provides

coverage for improvements, alterations, or additions to the Described Location whether rented or not. Our limit of liability is the amount shown in this policy for a loss as a result of a covered peril.

$5.75 per $1000 of Coverage

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II C-2

DP-0432(12/02) Deferred Premium Payment (DP-1, DP-2, & DP-3) – Premium option for the insured to pay their premium in installments. Each installment calculated at the annual premium then in effect.

No Charge

DP-0441(12/02) Additional Insured (Residence Premises) (DP-1, DP-2, & DP-3) – Provides protection for an individual who has financial interest in the described dwelling.

No Charge

DP-0469(12/02) Earthquake (DP-1, DP-2, & DP-3) – Provides protection for applicable coverages, for direct physical loss to covered property caused by earthquake, land shock waves or tremors before, during or after a volcanic eruption subject to endorsement exclusions.

• The dollar amount of the earthquake deductible is determined by multiplying either the Coverage A or Coverage C Limit of Liability shown in the Declarations, whichever is greater, by the deductible percentage amount.

• The minimum deductible for any one loss is $500.

• This coverage cannot be effective on an application or on an existing policy for thirty days after an earthquake shock of 5.0 or greater on the Richter Scale.

• Masonry or masonry veneer structures built before 1950 are not eligible.

• A 10% or 15% deductible must be selected (a 15% deductible is required for structures with concrete block basement walls).

• Coverage availability must be provided for property located in some zip codes.

• A minimum 15% deductible must be selected in some zip codes.

Refer to Company for Rates

DP-0471(12/02) Ordinance or Law Coverage Increased Amount of Coverage (DP-2 or DP-3) –

Increases the total amount of Ordinance of Law Coverage provided under the basic policy. Based on the percentage selected, Coverage A or B increased for an owner or for a tenant an increase in Improvements, Alterations, or Additions.

Options Charge Minimum Premium

10% 5% $20.00

25% 9% $25.00

50% 15% $35.00

DP-0474(12/02) Ordinance or Law Coverage (DP-1) – Increases the total amount of Ordinance of

Law Coverage provided under the basic policy. Based on the percentage selected, Coverage A or B increased for an owner and for a tenant an increase in Improvements, Alterations, or Additions.

Options Charge Minimum Premium

10% 5% $20.00

25% 9% $25.00

50% 15% $35.00

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II C-3

DP-0475(12/02) Actual Cash Value Loss Settlement Windstorm or Hail Losses to Roof Surfacing (DP-2 & DP-3) – Provides for actual cash value settlement for roof surfacing damage by windstorm or hail. Dwellings are eligible for a discount to the basic policy premium depending on the calendar year that the roof was replaced. This endorsement will be added automatically to all roofs that are 16 years or older or has had a claim where the roof has not been replaced. No Discount will apply if the dwelling has had a recent claim where the roof has not been replaced.

Age of Roof Discount

Current Year 0%

1 Year Old 0%

2 Years Old 0%

3 Years Old 0%

4 Years Old 0%

5 Years Old 0%

6 Years Old 0%

7 Years Old 0%

8 Years Old 0%

9 Years Old 0%

10 Years Old 2%

11 Years Old 3%

12 Years Old 4%

13 Years Old 4%

14 Years Old 5%

15 Years Old 5%

16 Years Old or Older 6%

DP-0479(06/12) Mine Subsidence (DP-2 & DP-3) – Provides standard Illinois Mine Subsidence

coverage to “residences,” including unscheduled or other structures or scheduled other structures against direct loss from mine subsidence caused by lateral or vertical ground movement, caused by a failure initiated at the mine level of man-made underground mines, including, but not limited to coal mines, clay mines, limestone mines and fluorspar mines, excluding lateral or vertical ground movement caused by earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, soil conditions, soil erosion, soil freezing or thawing, improperly compacted soil, construction defects, roots of trees or shrubs or collapse of storm and sewer drains or rapid transit tunnels.

The limit for mine subsidence is the limit of Coverage A or $750,000 whichever is less. A policy deductible applies with a minimum $250 Deductible.

Coverage is mandatory in the following counties and will be included on every policy at a separately stated premium unless waived in writing by the insured.

All other counties are exempt, however, Mine Subsidence insurance shall be provided if requested by an insured or applicant of any county not listed below.

Counties of:

Bond, Bureau, Christian, Clinton, Douglas, Franklin, Fulton, Gallatin, Grundy, Jackson, Jefferson, Knox, LaSalle, Logan, McDonough, Macoupin, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Menard, Mercer, Montgomery, Peoria, Perry, Putnam, Randolph, Rock Island, St. Clair, Saline, Sangamon, Tazewell, Vermilion, Washington, and Williamson.

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II C-4





From Up To From Up To

1 10,000 $19 380,001 390,000 $124

10,001 20,000 $22 390,001 400,000 $127

20,001 30,000 $24 400,001 410,000 $129

30,001 40,000 $27 410,001 420,000 $132

40,001 50,000 $30 420,001 430,000 $135

50,001 60,000 $33 430,001 440,000 $138

60,001 70,000 $35 440,001 450,000 $141

70,001 80,000 $38 450,001 460,000 $143

80,001 90,000 $41 460,001 470,000 $146

90,001 100,000 $44 470,001 480,000 $149

100,001 110,000 $46 480,001 490,000 $152

110,001 120,000 $49 490,001 500,000 $154

120,001 130,000 $52 500,001 510,000 $157

130,001 140,000 $55 510,001 520,000 $160

140,001 150,000 $58 520,001 530,000 $163

150,001 160,000 $60 530,001 540,000 $165

160,001 170,000 $63 540,001 550,000 $168

170,001 180,000 $66 550,001 560,000 $171

180,001 190,000 $69 560,001 570,000 $174

190,001 200,000 $71 570,001 580,000 $177

200,001 210,000 $74 580,001 590,000 $179

210,001 220,000 $77 590,001 600,000 $182

220,001 230,000 $80 600,001 610,000 $185

230,001 240,000 $82 610,001 620,000 $188

240,001 250,000 $85 620,001 630,000 $190

250,001 260,000 $88 630,001 640,000 $193

260,001 270,000 $91 640,001 650,000 $196

270,001 280,000 $94 650,001 660,000 $199

280,001 290,000 $96 660,001 670,000 $201

290,001 300,000 $99 670,001 680,000 $204

300,001 310,000 $102 680,001 690,000 $207

310,001 320,000 $105 690,001 700,000 $210

320,001 330,000 $107 700,001 710,000 $212

330,001 340,000 $110 710,001 720,000 $215

340,001 350,000 $113 720,001 730,000 $218

350,001 360,000 $116 730,001 740,000 $221

360,001 370,000 $118 740,001 750,000 $224

370,001 380,000 $121

DP-0495(01/09) Water Back Up and Sump Discharge or Overflow (DP-1, DP-2, & DP-3) – Provides

for direct physical loss, not caused by the negligence of any insured, to property covered under Section I caused by:

• Water which backs up through sewers or drains; or

• Water which overflows from a sump pump, sump pump well or other type system designed to remove subsurface water which is drained from the foundation area even if such overflow results from the mechanical breakdown of the sump.

This endorsement does not increase the limits of liability for Coverage A, B, C or D. $250 deductible applies.

The following should be submitted for underwriting approval:

• This endorsement does NOT cover flood losses. Do not submit risks in flood hazard areas or areas known to be subject to periodic flooding.

• It cannot be added on a new or existing policy during a flood watch or warning.

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II C-5

• Risks having losses, insured or not, caused by water which backs up from sewers, drains or sump pumps during the previous five years.

• If added mid-term, coverage must be made effective a minimum of thirty days from the date of request.

DP-0530(12/02) Functional Replacement Cost Loss Settlement (DP-2 & DP-3) – Loss Settlement is based on the definition of Functional Replacement Cost (see endorsement for exact wording). Rates determined based on the replacement cost percentage of the building. Settlement is based on coinsurance percentage of less than or greater than 80%.

Replacement Cost %


100-90% .895

89-80% .890

79-70% .885

69-60% .870

59-50% .860

DP-1609(01/09) Water Exclusion Endorsement (DP-1 & DP-2) – Defines water and how the

exclusion relates to flood, surface water, water which backs up through sewers, and water below the surface of the ground. See endorsement for complete definition.

No Charge

DP-1610(01/09) Water Exclusion Endorsement (DP-3) – Defines water and how the exclusion

relates to flood, surface water, water which backs up through sewers, and water below the surface of the ground. See endorsement for complete definition.

No Charge

DW-430(03/85) Personal Liability (DP-1, DP-2, & DP-3) – Provides for premises O, L, and T (owners, landlords, and tenants) type coverage for premises only. Agent should specify desired limit under Coverage E. Medical coverage CANNOT be added to a DP-1, DP-2, or DP-3. If requested the coverage must be extended by adding an HO-2470 endorsement on the Homeowners policy.


$100,000 $23.00

$300,000 $28.00

$500,000 $39.00

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Following is a list of endorsements that have specific rules. The agent should call the underwriting office if there is a question as to the correct decision or if there are special or extenuating circumstances which you believe could affect the underwriting decision. HO-0112(08/11) Special Provisions – Illinois – Mandatory (All Forms) – Amends Section I for

exclusions and conditions and in Section II Coverage E for Personal Liability regarding limit of liability, the section on Communicable Disease, and Duties after “Occurrence”. Also changes Section I and II Conditions regarding Cancellation and Non-Renewal.

No Charge

HO-0410(10/00) Additional Interests-Residence Premises (All Forms) – Provides Section I coverage for the Additional Insured’s interest in the covered property.

No Charge

HO-0416(10/00) Premises Alarm or Fire Protection System (All Forms) – Insured acknowledges the installation of an alarm or automatic sprinkler system. Insured agrees to maintain the system in working order.

No Charge

HO-0418(10/00) Deferred Premium Payment (All Forms) – Premium option for the insured to pay their premium in installments. Each installment calculated at the annual premium then in effect.

No Charge

HO-0420(05/11) Specified Additional Amount of Insurance for Coverage A – Dwelling (HO-2, HO-3, & HO-5) - Provides replacement cost under Coverage A for up to 125% of the limit of liability. To be eligible for this endorsement the dwelling must:

• Have a replacement cost of at least $50,000 (HO-2)

• Have a replacement cost of $75,000 (HO-3 and HO-5)

• Be insured for 100% of replacement cost

• Not be over 74 years of age when application is written

• Cannot be added to HO-8 Policy

Years Premium

0 - 10 $25.00

11 – 20 $30.00

21 – 30 $35.00

31 – 40 $40.00

41 – 50 $45.00

51 - 74 $100.00

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HO-0426(05/11) Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage (HO-2, HO-4, & HO-8)

The effect of this endorsement is to limit the amount of coverage available under policy when Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot or Bacteria result from a covered loss.

• The limit of liability under Section I Property Coverage for this coverage is $10,000.

• This coverage only applies when such loss or costs are a result of a Peril Insured Against.

• This limitation does not apply when a covered loss results from Fire or Lightning.

• This amount does not increase the Section I Property Coverage limit of liability.

• This limit of liability under Section II Liability Coverage E resulting from “fungi”, Wet or Dry Rot or Bacteria is limited to $25,000.

• This Amount does not Increase the Coverage E limit of liability.

No Charge

HO-0427(05/11) Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage (HO-3 & HO-5)

The effect of this endorsement is to limit the amount of coverage available under the policy when Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria result from a covered loss.

• The limit of liability under Section I Property Coverage for this coverage is $10,000.

• This coverage only applies when such loss or costs are a result of a Peril Insured Against.

• This limitation does not apply when a covered loss results from Fire or Lightning.

• This amount does not increase the Section I Property Coverage limit of liability.

• This limit of liability under Section II Liability Coverage E resulting from “fungi”, Wet or Dry Rot or Bacteria is limited to $25,000.

• This amount does not increase the Coverage E limit of liability

No Charge

HO-0428(05/11) Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage (HO-6)

The effect of this endorsement is to limit the amount of coverage available under the policy when Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria result from a covered loss.

• The limit of liability under Section I Property Coverage for this coverage is $10,000.

• This coverage only applies when such loss or costs are a result of a Peril Insured Against.

• This limitation does not apply when a covered loss results from Fire or Lightning.

• This amount does not increase the Section I Property Coverage limit of liability.

• This limit of liability under Section II Liability Coverage E resulting from “fungi”, Wet or Dry Rot or Bacteria is limited to $25,000.

• This amount does not increase the Coverage E limit of liability

No Charge

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HO-0430(05/11) Theft Coverage Increase (HO-8) – Additional categories added for the peril of theft including $1500 on jewelry, watches, furs; $2500 for firearms and related equipment; and $2500 for silverware. Amends the peril of theft to the limits of liability shown in the schedule.

$10.00 Charge

HO-0435(05/11) Supplemental Loss Assessment Coverage (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-6, & HO-8) – Pays the additional amount of assessment or assessments arising out of a single loss.

$1000 is automatically included Maximum Limit of $50,000

Amount of Coverage Premium

$5,000 $8.00

$10,000 $13.00

$15,000 $16.00

$20,000 $18.00

$25,000 $21.00

$30,000 $23.00

$35,000 $27.00

$40,000 $30.00

$45,000 $33.00

$50,000 $36.00

HO-0436(05/11) Loss Assessment Coverage for Earthquake (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-6, & HO-8) – Provides protection for applicable coverages, for direct physical loss to covered property caused by earthquake, land shock waves or tremors before, during or after a volcanic eruption subject to endorsement exclusions. We pay your share of any loss assessment charged against you by a corporation or association of property owners.

• The dollar amount of the earthquake deductible is determined by multiplying either the Coverage A or Coverage C Limit of Liability shown in the Declarations, whichever is greater, by the deductible percentage amount.

• The minimum deductible for any one loss is $500.

• This coverage cannot be effective on an application or an existing policy for thirty days after an earthquake shock 5.0 or greater on the Richter Scale.

• Masonry or masonry veneer structures built before 1950 are not eligible.

• A 10% or 15% deductible must be selected (a 15% deductible is required for structures with concrete block basement walls).

• Coverage availability must be provided for property located in some zip codes.

• A minimum 15% deductible must be selected in some zip codes.

Refer to Company for Rates

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-4

HO-0440(10/00) Structures Rented to Others - Residence Premises (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, & HO-8) – Provides Section I and Section II coverage for structures rented to others located on the residence premises. However, if the structure is a full-size dwelling, the structure must be insured on a Dwelling policy and NOT by endorsement.

• HO-0454 (Earthquake) and HO-2388 (Mine Subsidence) are mandatory on this endorsement if this coverage is being requested on this policy.

Premium Rate

• $6.00 per $1,000 of insurance applied to each structure

• Plus the appropriate charge for Section II Additional Insured Locations-Rented to Others(endorsement HO-2470 rates)

HO-0441(10/00) Additional Insured - Residence Premises (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-6 & HO-8) – Provides Section I and Section II coverage for the Additional Insured’s interest in the covered property.

No Charge

HO-0442(10/00) Permitted Incidental Occupancies – Residence Premises (All Forms) – Provides Section I Business Personal Property and Other Structure coverage and Section II coverage for accepted incidental occupancies. Endorsement is permitted if the premises are occupied principally as a dwelling and there is no other business conducted.

• There is a $2500 limit applied to items held for resale.

• HO-0454 (Earthquake) and HO-2388 (Mine Subsidence are mandatory on this endorsement if this coverage is being requested on this policy.

• The number of walk-in customers should be minimal

• Annual gross receipts from the business should not exceed $5,000

• Beauty Shops are not permitted

• Contractors are not eligible.

Section I premium: $4.00 per $1,000 of insurance Section II premium:

Coverage F Limits

Coverage E Limits $1,000 $2,000 $5,000

$100,000 $28.00 $31.00 $34.00

$300,000 $30.00 $33.00 $36.00

$500,000 $32.00 $35.00 $38.00

HO-0443(05/11) Replacement Cost Loss Settlement for Certain Non-Building Structures on the

Residence Premises (HO2, HO3, & HO5) – Amends Section I Condition regarding certain structures on the residence premises. Provides replacement cost for loss settlement.

$4.00 per $1,000 of insurance

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-5

HO-0446(10/00) Inflation Guard - Mandatory (HO-2, HO-3, HO-4, HO-5 & HO-6) - Mid-term losses and renewal amounts of insurance are adjusted by dividing the current index by the index as of the effective date of the endorsement attached or prior renewal effective date. The resulting factor is then multiplied by the limits for Coverage A, B, C and D.

No Charge

HO-0448(10/00) Other Structures on Residence Premises - Increased Limits (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-6 & HO-8) – Provides additional coverage for a specific Other Structure located on the residence premises. To increase Coverage B (other structures coverage) this endorsement must be added.

• HO-0454 (Earthquake) and HO-2388 (Mine Subsidence) are mandatory on this endorsement if this coverage is being requested on this policy.

• Structure must be located on the residence premises.

• Photographs of all structures are required.

• Endorsement does not affect the limit of liability that applies to the structures Under Coverage B – Other Structures.

$6.00 per $1,000 of insurance

HO-0449(10/00) Building Additions and Alterations – Other Residence (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-6 & HO-8) – Pays the limit of liability shown in the schedule for any additions, improvements, or alterations made to that part of the building rented to an insured.

$5.75 per $1,000 of insurance

HO-0450(05/11) Personal Property at Other Residences - Increased Limit (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-6 & HO-8) – Provides increased coverage over the policy limit for Personal Property located away from the residence premises. The policy limit is 10% of Coverage C or $1,000 whichever is greater.

$7.00 per $1,000 of insurance

HO-0451(10/00) Building Additions and Alterations - Increased Limit (HO-4) - Provides increased coverage over the policy limit for building improvements or installations at the expense of the insured to the residence premises. The policy limit is 10% of Coverage C.

$6.00 per $1,000 of insurance

HO-0453(10/00) Credit Card, Fund Transfer Card, Forgery and Counterfeit Money Coverage Increased Limit (All Forms) – Provides increased coverage over the base policy limit of $500.

Increased Limit


$1,000 $5.00

$5,000 $8.00

$10,000 $10.00

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-6

HO-0454(05/11) Earthquake (All Forms) – Provides coverage for direct physical loss to covered property caused by earthquake, land shock waves or tremors before, during or after a volcanic eruption subject to endorsement exclusions.

• The dollar amount of the earthquake deductible is determined by multiplying either the Coverage A or Coverage C Limit of Liability shown in the Declarations, whichever is greater, by the deductible percentage amount.

• The minimum deductible for any one loss is $500.

• This coverage cannot be effective on an application or an existing policy for thirty days after an earthquake shock 5.0 or greater on the Richter Scale.

• Masonry or masonry veneer structures built before 1950 are not eligible.

• A 10% or 15% deductible must be selected (a 15% deductible is required for structures with concrete block basement walls).

• Coverage availability must be provided for property located in some zip codes.

• A minimum 15% deductible must be selected in some zip codes.

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HO-0458(05/11) Other Members of Your Household (All Forms) – Amends the policy definition of who qualifies for an insured. Provides both Section I and Section II coverage.

Coverage F Limits


$100,000 $35.00

$300,000 $42.00

$500,000 $45.00

HO-0461(05/11) Scheduled Personal Property (All Forms) – Provides coverage against all risks of physical loss with certain conditions on scheduled personal property. Includes breakage coverage. No deductible applies. The following must be included with the application and all changes to have coverage:

• Itemized list of all items to be scheduled

• Detailed descriptions and value of each item

• Current appraisals for jewelry or furs

• All required information (if applicable) such as manufacturer/brand, serial and model numbers.

• Photographs (if required)

Rate per $100 value

Class Property Rate 1 Jewelry (Current Appraisal) ............................................. 1.15 2 Furs .................................................................................. 0.45 3 Cameras/ Personal .......................................................... 1.60 4 Musical Instruments/Personal .......................................... 0.75 5 Silverware ........................................................................ 0.30 6 Golfer’s Equipment/ Personal .......................................... 1.10 7 Fine Arts, China, Antiques ............................................... 0.70 8 Postage Stamps, Books ................................................... 0.60 9 Coins ................................................................................ 1.75 10 Bicycles .......................................................................... 10.00 11 CB Radio, Car Phones, Mobile Phones ........................... 5.00

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-7

12 Guns ................................................................................. 3.00 13 Satellite Receiving Equipment ......................................... 3.00 14 Tools/ Personal ................................................................ 2.15 15 Hearing Aids ..................................................................... 2.65 16 Computers/ Personal ....................................................... 1.25 17 Cameras/ Business .......................................................... 2.25 18 Musical Instruments/ Business ........................................ 1.40 19 Golfer’s Equipment/ Business .......................................... 1.85 20 Tools/ Business ................................................................ 2.80 21 Computers/ Business ....................................................... 1.85 22 Stereo and Equipment ..................................................... 2.10 23 Jewelry (Appraisal over 3 years) ...................................... 1.75 24 Lawn and Garden Machinery ........................................... 2.00

HO-0465(05/11) Coverage C - Increased Special Limits of Liability (HO-2, HO-3, HO-4,

HO-5 & HO-8) – Class A Money, Bank Notes, Bullion, etc., the policy limit of $200 maybe

increased to $500.

$8.00 per $100

Class B Securities, Accounts, etc., the policy limit of $1,500 may be increased to $2,000.

$6.00 per $100

Class E Jewelry, Watches, Furs, etc., the policy limit of $1,500 may be

increased to $2,500 but not exceeding $1,000 for any one item. This limit applies to theft only.

$9.00 per $1,000

Class F Firearms and related equipment for loss by theft, the policy limit of

$2,500 may be increased to $5,000. $2.40 per $100

Class G Silverware, Silver-plated ware, etc., the policy limit of $2500 may be increased to $5,000. This limit applies to theft only.

$1.50 per $500

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-8

HO-0466(05/11) Coverage C – Increased Special Limit of Liability (HO-6) –

Class A Money, Bank Notes, Bullion, etc., the policy limit of $200 maybe increased to $500.

$8.00 per $100

Class B Securities, Accounts, etc., the policy limit of $1,500 may be

increased to $2,000.

$6.00 per $100

Class E Jewelry, Watches, Furs, etc., the policy limit of $1,500 may be increased to $2,500 but not exceeding $1,000 for any one item. This limit applies to theft only.

$9.00 per $1,000

Class F Firearms and related equipment for loss by theft, the policy limit of

$2,500 may be increased to $5,000.

$2.40 per $100

Class G Silverware, Silver-plated ware, etc., the policy limit of $2500 may be increased to $5,000. This limit applies to theft only.

$1.50 per $500

HO-0477(10/00) Ordinance of Law Increased Amount of Coverage (All Forms) – Increases the total amount of Ordinance of Law Coverage provided under the basic policy. Based on the percentage selected, Coverage A or B increased for an owner or for a tenant an increase in Improvements, Alterations, or Additions.

Options Charge Minimum Premium

10% 5% $20.00

25% 9% $25.00

50% 15% $35.00

HO-0490(05/11) Personal Property Replacement Cost Loss Settlement – Provides named peril

coverage to unscheduled personal property to include the full cost of repair or replacement without reduction for depreciation. Liability on any item, including depreciation, may not exceed the cost to repair, restoration or replacement with material or labor of like kind and quality to a maximum of 400% of Actual Cash Value.

• The Company reserves the right to replace any item(s) damaged or lost without obligation to replace all items.

• The Company will provide Actual Cash Value settlement until proof of replacement is received.

HO-2 15% of Base Premium HO-3 12% of Base Premium HO-4, & HO-6 16% of Base Premium ($25.00 minimum) HO-8 15% of Base Premium

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-9

HO-0491(05/11) Coverage B – Other Structures Away from the Residence Premises (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-6 & HO-8) – Provides Section I coverage for other structures which are owned by the insured and located away from the residence premises. Does not provide coverage for buildings being used or capable of being used as a dwelling, from which business is conducted or business property is stored, or any rental dwelling. The limit of liability for other structures will not be more than 10% of the limit of liability that applies to coverage A.

$35.00 Charge

HO-0492(05/11) Specific Structures Away from the Residence Premises (HO-2, HO-3, & HO-5) – Provides Section I coverage for buildings listed in the Schedule and located away from the residence premises. Does not provide coverage for buildings being used or capable of being used as a dwelling, from which business is conducted or business property is stored, or any rental dwelling.

$4.00 per $1000 of Coverage

HO-0493(04/16) Actual Cash Value Loss Settlement Windstorm or Hail Losses to Roof Surfacing (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-6 & HO-8) – Provides for actual cash value settlement for roof surfacing damage by windstorm or hail. Dwellings are eligible for a discount to the basic policy premium depending on the calendar year that the roof was replaced. This endorsement will be added automatically to all roofs that are 16 years or older or has had a claim where the roof has not been replaced. No Discount will apply if the dwelling has had a recent claim where the roof has not been replaced.

Age of Roof Discount

Current Year 0%

1 Year Old 0%

2 Years Old 0%

3 Years Old 0%

4 Years Old 0%

5 Years Old 0%

6 Years Old 0%

7 Years Old 0%

8 Years Old 0%

9 Years Old 0%

10 Years Old 2%

11 Years Old 3%

12 Years Old 4%

13 Years Old 4%

14 Years Old 5%

15 Years Old 5%

16 Years Old or Older 6%

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-10

HO-0495(05/11) Water Back-up and Sump Discharge or Overflow (All Forms) – Provides for direct physical loss, not caused by the negligence of any insured, to property covered under Section I caused by:

• Water which backs up through sewers or drains; or

• Water which overflows from a sump pump, sump pump well or other type system designed to remove subsurface water which is drained from the foundation area even if such overflow results from the mechanical breakdown of the sump.

This endorsement does not increase the limits of liability for Coverage A, B, C or D. $250 deductible applies.

The following should be submitted for underwriting approval:

• This endorsement does NOT cover flood losses. Do not submit risks in flood hazard areas or areas known to be subject to periodic flooding.

• It cannot be added on a new or existing policy during a flood watch or warning.

• Risks having losses, insured or not, caused by water which backs up from sewers, drains or sump pumps during the previous five years.

• If added mid-term, coverage must be made effective a minimum of thirty days from the date of request.

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HO-0498(05/11) Refrigerated Property Coverage (All Forms) – Provides up to $500 coverage on

property stored in freezers or refrigerators on the residence premises. $100 deductible applies.

$10.00 Charge

HO-0527(05/11) Additional Insured – Student Living Away from the Residence Premises (All Forms) – Extends the definition of a Named Insured to include the person listed in the Schedule. Provides both Section I and Section II coverage. Applies only while that person is enrolled at the school and is residing at the address shown.

$500 Deductible Applies

Minimum Amount of Coverage is $2,000

Coverage F Limits

Coverage E Limits $1,000 $2,000 $5,000

$100,000 $45.00 $57.00 $63.00

$300,000 $53.00 $59.00 $67.00

$500,000 $55.00 $61.00 $71.00

HO-0528(05/11) Owned Motorized Golf Cart Physical Loss Coverage (All Forms) – Provides direct

physical damage to an owned golf cart. Collision coverage is included.

$500 Deductible Applies Minimum Amount of Coverage is $2,000

$7.00 per $500 of Coverage

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-11

HO-0530(05/11) Functional Replacement Cost Loss Settlement (HO-2, HO-3, & HO-5) – Loss Settlement is based on the definition of Functional Replacement Cost (see endorsement for exact wording). Rates determined based on the replacement cost percentage of the building. Settlement is based on coinsurance percentage of less than or greater than 80%.

Replacement Cost %


100-90% 0.895

89-80% 0.890

79-70% 0.885

69-60% 0.870

59-50% 0.860

HO-0541(10/00) Extended Theft Coverage for Residence Premises Occasionally Rented to Others (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5 & HO-8) – Provides coverage for loss by theft while the portion of the residence premises usually occupied by the insured is occasionally rented in whole or part to others, or while there is rental to a roomer or boarder. This endorsement must be added to extend this coverage.

$20.00 Charge

HO-0546(10/00) Landlord’s Furnishings (HO-2, HO-3, & HO-5) – Additional Section I coverage for landlord furnishings as indicated in the Schedule. It is subject to the Coverage C limit that applies at the time of loss.

$20.00 Flat Charge for $1,000 of Coverage

$4.00 for each additional $1,000 HO-0607(05/11) Limited Coverage for Theft of Personal Property Located in a Dwelling Under

Construction (All Forms) – Provides for theft of personal property located in a dwelling under construction.

Number of Days

Charge per $1000

0-30 days 0.002

31-60 days 0.004

61-90 days 0.006

HO-0614(05/11) Increased Amount of Insurance for Personal Property Located in a Self-Storage Facility (All Forms) – Under Section I Personal Property, coverage is afforded for personal Property located in a self-storage facility. The limit of liability is the amount shown in the schedule.

Coverage Premium

$2,000 $15.00

$4,000 $20.00

$6,000 $28.00

$8,000 $38.00

$10,000 $48.00

$12,000 $60.00

$14,000 $75.00

$20,000 $100.00

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-12

HO-0615(05/11) Trust Endorsement (All Forms) – Definition of “Insured” is amended to include the Trust and Trustee(s) for Coverage A Dwelling and B other structures. Provides Section II coverage for the Trust and the duties of the trustee(s).

Coverage E Premium

$100,000 $12.00

$300,000 $15.00

$500,000 $20.00

HO-0643(04/16) Cosmetic Damage Exclusion – Windstorm or Hail (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, & HO-

8) – Cosmetic damage is damage that just affects the appearance but not the function of a specific property component. The policy may be endorsed to exclude cosmetic damage on buildings covered under Coverage A and Coverage B caused by the peril of Windstorm or Hail to all exterior surfacing. Dwellings with metal roofs and/or siding must have this endorsement.

-2.7% of the Basic Policy Premium

HO-0644(04/16) Roof Surfacing Cosmetic Damage Exclusion – Windstorm or Hail (HO-2, HO-3,

HO-5, & HO-8) – Cosmetic damage is damage that just affects the appearance but not the function of a specific property component. The policy may be endorsed to exclude cosmetic damage on buildings covered under Coverage A and Coverage B caused by the peril of Windstorm or Hail to all roof surfacing only. Dwellings with metal roofs must have this endorsement.

-2.2% of the Basic Policy Premium

HO-0648(10/15) Residence Premises Definition Endorsement (HO-2, HO-3, HO-4, HO-5, & HO- 8) – Definition of "residence premises" is modified by making the residency requirements apply only when the policy first incepts, and not later.

No Charge

HO-0649(10/15) Broadened Residence Premises Definition Endorsement (HO2, HO-3, HO-4, HO-5, & HO-8) – Allows the insured to schedule the un-occupancy period to allow for a start and stop time for the residency requirements.

No Charge

HO-0750(05/11) Additional Insured – Managers or Lessors of Premises Leased to an Insured (All Forms) – Definition of an insured is extended to include the person or organization named in the Schedule. Applies only to the part of the premises leased to an insured shown in the Schedule.

$15.00 Charge

HO-0762(05/11) Loss Payable Provisions - Illinois (All Forms) – Applies to covered business property. Coverage for property in which the insured and a Loss Payee have an insurable interest. Indicate if condition A, B, or C applies.

No Charge

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-13

HO-1731(05/11) Unit-Owners Coverage C Special Coverage (HO-6) – Perils Insured Against under Coverage C has been deleted. Provides open perils coverage for personal property. Automatically included with all HO6 polices for the premium indicated.

20% of the Base Rate

HO-1732(05/11) Unit-Owners Coverage A Special Coverage (HO-6) – Perils Insured Against under Coverage A has been deleted. Provides open perils coverage for Coverage A for described property. Automatically included with all HO6 policies for the premium indicated.

$5.00 Flat Premium Charge $1.00 per additional $1,000

HO-1733(05/11) Unit-Owners Rental to Others (HO-6) – Extends Section I and Section II coverage while the residence premises is regularly rented or held for rental. See underwriting guidelines regarding condominiums being rented.

25% of the Base Rate

HO-1747(10/15) Broadened Residence Premises Definition Endorsement – Unit Owners (HO-6) – Allows the insured to schedule the un-occupancy period to allow for a start and stop time for the residency requirements.

No Charge

HO-1748(10/15) Residence Premises Definition Endorsement – Unit Owners (HO-6) – Definition of "residence premises" is modified by making the residency requirements apply only when the policy first incepts, and not later.

. No Charge

HO-2388(6/12) Mine Subsidence Residence And Other Structures - Illinois (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-8) – Provides standard Illinois Mine Subsidence coverage to “residences,” including unscheduled or other structures or scheduled other structures against direct loss from mine subsidence caused by lateral or vertical ground movement, caused by a failure initiated at the mine level of man-made underground mines, including, but not limited to coal mines, clay mines, limestone mines and fluorspar mines, excluding lateral or vertical ground movement caused by earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, soil conditions, soil erosion, soil freezing or thawing, improperly compacted soil, construction defects, roots of trees or shrubs or collapse of storm and sewer drains or rapid transit tunnels.

• The limit for mine subsidence is the limit of Coverage A or $750,000, whichever is less.

• A policy deductible applies with a minimum $250 Deductible.

• Coverage is mandatory in the following counties and will be included on every policy at a separately stated premium unless waived in writing by the insured (All other counties are exempt; however, Mine Subsidence insurance shall be provided if requested by an insured or applicant of any county not listed below.)

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-14

Counties of: Bond, Bureau, Christian, Clinton, Douglas, Franklin, Fulton, Gallatin, Grundy, Jackson, Jefferson, Knox, LaSalle, Logan, McDonough, Macoupin, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Menard, Mercer, Montgomery, Peoria, Perry, Putnam, Randolph, Rock Island, St. Clair, Saline, Sangamon, Tazewell, Vermilion, Washington, and Williamson





From Up To From Up To

1 10,000 $19 380,001 390,000 $124

10,001 20,000 $22 390,001 400,000 $127

20,001 30,000 $24 400,001 410,000 $129

30,001 40,000 $27 410,001 420,000 $132

40,001 50,000 $30 420,001 430,000 $135

50,001 60,000 $33 430,001 440,000 $138

60,001 70,000 $35 440,001 450,000 $141

70,001 80,000 $38 450,001 460,000 $143

80,001 90,000 $41 460,001 470,000 $146

90,001 100,000 $44 470,001 480,000 $149

100,001 110,000 $46 480,001 490,000 $152

110,001 120,000 $49 490,001 500,000 $154

120,001 130,000 $52 500,001 510,000 $157

130,001 140,000 $55 510,001 520,000 $160

140,001 150,000 $58 520,001 530,000 $163

150,001 160,000 $60 530,001 540,000 $165

160,001 170,000 $63 540,001 550,000 $168

170,001 180,000 $66 550,001 560,000 $171

180,001 190,000 $69 560,001 570,000 $174

190,001 200,000 $71 570,001 580,000 $177

200,001 210,000 $74 580,001 590,000 $179

210,001 220,000 $77 590,001 600,000 $182

220,001 230,000 $80 600,001 610,000 $185

230,001 240,000 $82 610,001 620,000 $188 240,001 250,000 $85 620,001 630,000 $190 250,001 260,000 $88 630,001 640,000 $193 260,001 270,000 $91 640,001 650,000 $196

270,001 280,000 $94 650,001 660,000 $199

280,001 290,000 $96 660,001 670,000 $201

290,001 300,000 $99 670,001 680,000 $204

300,001 310,000 $102 680,001 690,000 $207

310,001 320,000 $105 690,001 700,000 $210

320,001 330,000 $107 700,001 710,000 $212

330,001 340,000 $110 710,001 720,000 $215

340,001 350,000 $113 720,001 730,000 $218

350,001 360,000 $116 730,001 740,000 $221

360,001 370,000 $118 740,001 750,000 $224

370,001 380,000 $121

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-15

HO-2398(6/12) Mine Subsidence Residence – Living Units Only – Illinois (HO-6) – Provides standard Illinois Mine Subsidence coverage for a living unit which is that portion of a unit designated for separate ownership. This endorsement insured against direct loss to a “living unit” and is limited to improvements, alterations, or additions, and additional living expenses incurred by you. Also provides coverage for assessments made agains an insured resulting from an occurrence of “mine subsidence.” The most we will pay is the amount provided for in the policy for items in 2.a of the endorsement or $15,000.

• A policy deductible applies with a minimum $250 Deductible.

• Coverage is mandatory in the following counties and will be included on every policy at a separately stated premium unless waived in writing by the insured (All other counties are exempt; however, Mine Subsidence insurance shall be provided if requested by an insured or applicant of any county not listed below.)

Counties of: Bond, Bureau, Christian, Clinton, Douglas, Franklin, Fulton, Gallatin, Grundy, Jackson, Jefferson, Knox, LaSalle, Logan, McDonough, Macoupin, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Menard, Mercer, Montgomery, Peoria, Perry, Putnam, Randolph, Rock Island, St. Clair, Saline, Sangamon, Tazewell, Vermilion, Washington, and Williamson.

$12.00 Charge HO-2443(10/00) Permitted Incidental Occupancies – Others Residence (All Forms) – Provides

Section II Coverage and broadens the definition of an “insured location” from which an insured conducts business described in the Schedule.

Coverage F Limits

Coverage E Limits $1,000 $2,000 $5,000

$100,000 $17.00 $19.00 $23.00

$300,000 $22.00 $25.00 $29.00

$500,000 $41.00 $47.00 $52.00

HO-2445(05/11) Farmers Personal Liability – Illinois (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-6 & HO-8) –

Provides Section II coverage for farming operations when the following applies:

• The named insured is not a full-time farmer.

• The owned acreage is not in excess of 500 acres.

• Not eligible if there is more than one farm building, if there is any farm personal property or if the insured is a full-time farmer.

• Farm Employee coverage is not provided.

Coverage F Limits

Coverage E Limits $1,000 $2,000 $5,000

$100,000 $76.00 $80.00 $93.00

$300,000 $95.00 $98.00 $101.00

$500,000 $104.00 $111.00 $124.00

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-16

HO-2464(10/00) Owned Snowmobile (All Forms) – Provides Section II coverage while off the residence premises provided the unit is owned by the named insured or any resident of the named insured’s household.

Coverage F Limits

Coverage E Limits $1,000 $2,000 $5,000

$100,000 $42.00 $44.00 $47.00

$300,000 $52.00 $54.00 $57.00

$500,000 $60.00 $63.00 $69.00

HO-2470(10/00) Additional Residences Rented to Others (All Forms) – Provides Section II coverage


• Secondary seasonal residences owned and occupied by the named insured.

• One and two family dwellings owned by the insured and rented to others.

• Supporting dwelling policy is required when adding this endorsement.

• Requires coverage for all additional premises where the name insured or spouse maintains a residence other than a business or farm.

With company approval, proof of liability coverage (copy of declaration page or certificate of insurance) will be accepted when unable to place secondary, seasonal or rental dwellings with our company.

Occupied by named insured (1 Family Dwelling)

Coverage F Limits

Coverage E Limits $1,000 $2,000 $5,000

$100,000 $15.00 $18.00 $21.00

$300,000 $19.00 $22.00 $27.00

$500,000 $22.00 $25.00 $29.00

Occupied by named insured (2 Family Dwelling)

Coverage F Limits

Coverage E Limits $1,000 $2,000 $5,000

$100,000 $15.00 $19.00 $24.00

$300,000 $18.00 $21.00 $26.00

$500,000 $21.00 $25.00 $28.00

Rented to others (1 Family Dwelling or Condominium)

Coverage F Limits

Coverage E Limits $1,000 $2,000 $5,000

$100,000 $18.00 $21.00 $26.00

$300,000 $23.00 $27.00 $30.00

$500,000 $24.00 $28.00 $31.00

Rented to others (2 Family Dwelling)

Coverage F Limits

Coverage E Limits $1,000 $2,000 $5,000

$100,000 $20.00 $23.00 $28.00

$300,000 $25.00 $29.00 $31.00

$500,000 $29.00 $33.00 $36.00

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-17

HO-2471(10/00) Business Pursuits (All Forms) – Provides Section II coverage for Business Pursuits:

• Provided the business is not owned or financially controlled by the insured. A charge should be made for each individual involved in a business pursuit.

• Maximum Business Pursuits is $5,000 annual gross income. (Class 1)

• Occupations not otherwise classified, contact Home Office Underwriting.


Class 1 - Salesmen, Collectors or Messengers- Including installation, demonstration or servicing operations; and Clerical Office Employees-defined as those employees whose duties are confined to keeping books or records, conducting correspondence or who are engaged wholly in office work where such books or records are kept or where such correspondence is conducted, having no other duty of any nature in or about the employer’s premises.

Coverage F Limits

Coverage E Limits $1,000 $2,000 $5,000

$100,000 $6.00 $8.00 $10.00

$300,000 $8.00 $10.00 $12.00

$500,000 $10.00 $12.00 $14.00

Class 2 - Teachers – Excluding liability for corporal punishment of pupils.

Coverage F Limits

Coverage E Limits $1,000 $2,000 $5,000

$100,000 $8.00 $10.00 $12.00

$300,000 $10.00 $12.00 $14.00

$500,000 $12.00 $14.00 $16.00

Class 3 - Teachers – Including liability for corporal punishment of pupils.

Coverage F Limits

Coverage E Limits $1,000 $2,000 $5,000

$100,000 $15.00 $18.00 $22.00

$300,000 $20.00 $23.00 $27.00

$500,000 $23.00 $26.00 $30.00

HO-2472(10/00) Incidental Farming Personal Liability (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, & HO-8) – Provides

Section II coverage for farming operations conducted on the residence premises when the following apply:

• The named insured is not a full-time farmer

• The owned acreage does not exceed 40 acres or house livestock (use endorsement HO-2445)

• All owned acreage must be adjacent to residence premises (use endorsement HO-2445)

• Not eligible if more than one farm building or farm personal property.

• Farm Employees coverage is not provided.

Coverage F Limits

Coverage E Limits $1,000 $2,000 $5,000

$100,000 $22.00 $27.00 $32.00

$300,000 $33.00 $36.00 $39.00

$500,000 $47.00 $52.00 $56.00

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-18

HO-2475(10/00) Watercraft (All Forms) – Provides Section II coverage for the use of watercraft. Coverage is provided automatically under the Homeowner Policy with no premium charge for the following:

• Watercraft with horsepower less than 25

• Sailboats under 26 feet

• Sailboats with no auxiliary power

Submit to Underwriting for approval on the following:

• Outboard motors with horsepower over 200

• Inboard motors and inboard/outboard motors with a horsepower rating of more than 260.

• Personal watercraft such as wave runners and jet skis Do Not Submit the following:

• Sailboats over 40 feet in length

• Automobile motor conversions

NOTE: Where two or more outboard motors are regularly used in connection with any single watercraft owned by the insured, the horsepower on such outboards shall be cumulated for rating purposes

MEDICAL Limit of Liability 1000 2000 5000

OUTBOARD MOTORS- (Over 200 HP – Submit to Underwriting) 100,000 8 9 11 Boat Class 1 (26 HP to 49 HP) 300,000 10 11 13 500,000 12 14 17 100,000 13 14 17 Boat Class 2 (50 HP to 125 HP) 300,000 16 18 21 500,000 18 20 23

100,000 32 35 40 Boat Class 3 (126 HP to 160 HP) 300,000 42 45 50 500,000 44 47 52 100,000 42 45 50 Boat Class 4 (161 HP to 200 HP) 300,000 48 51 56

500,000 52 55 60 INBOARD/OUT BOARD MOTORS- (Over 260 HP – Submit to Underwriting)

100,000 32 35 40

Boat Class 3 (Up to 160 HP) 300,000 42 45 50 500,000 44 47 52

100,000 42 45 50 Boat Class 5 (161 HP to 260 HP) 300,000 48 51 56

500,000 55 58 63

SAILBOATS- (Under 26ft do not require an endorsement; over 40ft DO NOT SUBMIT) 100,000 42 45 50

Boat Class 6 (26ft. to 40ft. inclusive with power) 300,000 48 51 56 500,000 50 53 58

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II D-19

(PWC) Personal Watercraft- (Such as wave runners and jet skis – Submit to Underwriting) 100,000 44 47 52

Boat Class 7 300,000 52 55 60 500,000 60 63 68

HO-2496(10/00) Exclusion of Farm Employees Illegally Employed (All Forms) – Under Section II Coverage E Personal Liability and Coverage F Medical Payments excludes coverage for bodily injury for “farm employees” illegally employed with the knowledge of an insured.

No Charge

HO-P004(05/11) Limited Home Day Care Coverage Advisory Notice to Policyholders – Mandatory (All Forms) – Provides a summary of the limited coverage for Home Day Care services.

No Charge

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II E-1


MM-043(10/12) Dwelling Under Construction, Theft of Building Materials (DP-3) – Provides for theft

of building materials on new construction located on the residence premises.

• Can only be added to a DP-3 Policy at the original date of inception.

• Construction must be completed in one year.

• Coverage does not increase the limit of liability for Coverage A or B.

• A $250 Deductible applies.

• This endorsement does not provide coverage for contractor’s tools.

$40.00 flat charge for $5,000 $80.00 flat charge for $10,000

MM-101(06/18) Amendatory Endorsement – Inspection – Mandatory (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, & HO-8) – The Company may audit and inspect the records and property of the insured and insured location(s); however, this does not warrant that the property or operations are safe, meets local standards and codes, nor, are in compliance with any state, federal rule or regulations.

No Charge

MM-102(06/18) Amendatory Endorsement – Inspection – Mandatory (DP-1) – The Company may audit and inspect the records and property of the insured and insured location(s); however, this does not warrant that the property or operations are safe, meets local standards and codes, nor, are in compliance with any state, federal rule or regulations.

No Charge

MM-103(06/18) Amendatory Endorsement – Inspection – Mandatory (DP-2 & DP-3) – The Company

may audit and inspect the records and property of the insured and insured location(s); however, this does not warrant that the property or operations are safe, meets local standards and codes, nor, are in compliance with any state, federal rule or regulations.

No Charge

MM-266(03/18) Buried Utility Lines Coverage (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5) – Provides coverage for underground piping such as water, sewage, and gas lines, buried connections, valves or equipment that serve underground piping, and underground wire such as electrical cable, power lines, and communication or data wiring.

• $500 deductible applies

Coverage is provided for: Leak, Break, Tear, Rupture, Collapse, and Electrical arcing

Caused by:

• Mechanical breakdown

• Artificially generated electric current (including insulation breakdown)

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II E-2

• Wear and tear, marring, deterioration, hidden decay, rust or corrosion

• Freezing (ground freeze), including frost heave and thaw

• Weight of equipment, animals or people

• Root invasion

$24 flat charge for $10,000 of Coverage MM-375(01/83) Other Structures – If there are no other structures, on the residence premises, the

limit of liability shown for Coverage B will be added to the limit of liability for Coverage A and the sum of the two will be the limit of liability under Coverage A.

If there are other structures and at the time of a loss the limit of liability for Coverage B exceeds the replacement cost of other structures, the amount of insurance in excess of the replacement cost will be applied as an additional amount of insurance under Coverage A. This endorsement is mandatory on all policies without Specified Additional Amount of Insurance For Coverage A – Dwelling.

• Mandatory on HO-2 and HO-3 when endorsement HO-0420 is not added.

No Charge

MM-380(10/12) Snowmobile - Physical Damage Protection (All HO Forms) – Provides all risk

coverage for physical damage on an actual cash value basis on owned snowmobiles subject to endorsement exclusions.

• $250 deductible applies.

• $2.50 per $100 of Insurance

MM-395(08/03) Watercraft - Special Excess Limit of Liability (All HO Forms) – Provides year-round all risk coverage for physical damage on an actual cash value basis. Loss by theft does not apply to items covered under miscellaneous accessories unless the boat or motor is stolen.

• $250 deductible applies

The following is required when requesting this endorsement:

• Photographs of items to be covered under this endorsement such as boat, motors, trailers, etc. Cover must be removed from the boat when photographing.

• Year, make, model, serial number and value of each item.

• Horsepower of each motor.

• Length of boat.

• Driver’s License number and details regarding driving record of each driver. The following should be submitted for underwriting approval:

• Outboard motors with a horsepower of more than 200.

• Inboard motors and inboard/outboard motors with a horse-power rating of more than 260.

• Watercraft over 20 years old.

• Inboard or inboard/outboard with a value of over $50,000.

• Personal Watercraft such as wave runners and jet skis.

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II E-3

Do not Submit the following:

• Sailboats of more than 40 feet in length.

• Automobile motor conversions.

Rate per $100.00 value

Class 1 Outboard Motor ............................................... 1.60 Class 2 Outboard Boat ................................................. 1.50 Class 3 Inboard/Outboard Boat ................................... see following chart:

Code Value Factor Code Value Factor

A ............. 0-7000 ...............................2.00 .................. G .......... 22,001-25,000 ............... 1.40 B ............. 7001-10,000 ............................1.90 .................. H .......... 25,001-30,000 ............... 1.30 C ............ 10,001-13,000 ............................1.80 .................. I ........... 30,001-35,000 ............... 1.20 D ............ 13,001-16,000 ............................1.70 .................. J ........... 35,001-45,000 ............... 1.10 E ............. 16,001-19,000 ............................1.60 .................. K .......... 45,001-50,000 ............... 1.00 F ............. 19,001-22,000 ............................1.50 .................. $50,001 and above, contact underwriting

Class 4 Boat Trailer ..................................................... 1.40 Class 5 Miscellaneous Accessories ............................. 1.50 Class 6 Personal Watercraft ........................................ 3.00

MM-444(05/16) Roof Exclusion Endorsement (All DP & HO Forms) – Excludes coverage due to loss or damage or ensuing loss or damage to the listed building or structure arising out of damage to or deterioration of the roof or roof surfacing.

No Charge

MM-0643(03/17) Cosmetic Damage Exclusion – Windstorm or Hail (All DP Forms) – Cosmetic

damage is damage that just affects the appearance but not the function of a specific property component. The policy may be endorsed to exclude cosmetic damage on buildings covered under Coverage A and Coverage B caused by the peril of Windstorm or Hail to all exterior surfacing.

-2.7% of the Basic Policy Premium

MM-0644(03/17) Roof Surfacing Cosmetic Damage Exclusion – Windstorm or Hail (All DP Forms) –

Cosmetic damage is damage that just affects the appearance but not the function of a specific property component. The policy may be endorsed to exclude cosmetic damage on buildings covered under Coverage A and Coverage B caused by the peril of Windstorm or Hail to all roof surfacing only.

-2.2% of the Basic Policy Premium

MM-670(10/12) Fire Department Service Charge Endorsement (All DP & HO Forms) – Provides additional coverage for the requested increase amount. The base policy limit is $500. The maximum coverage available with this endorsement is $2000.

$1.50 per $100 of increased coverage

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II E-4

MM-752(09/12) Windstorm or Hail Deductible – Mandatory (All DP & HO Forms) – Provides coverage for any one loss caused by windstorm or hail that exceeds the windstorm or hail deductible. No other deductible in the policy applies to losses caused by windstorm or hail.

No Charge MM-754(10/12) Pollution Liability Exclusion – Mandatory (All DP & HO Forms) – Excludes bodily

injury and property damage from the actual, alleged or threatened discharge or release of “pollutants” into or upon land, water, or air.

No Charge

MM-801(10/12) Other Structure Exclusion (All DP & HO Forms) – Excludes coverage for specifically described structures and the contents of such structures that do not meet the Company’s underwriting requirements.

No Charge

MM-825(09/13) Equipment Breakdown – Protects homeowners from the costs associated with repairing or replacing household equipment that has been damaged by mechanical, electrical, or pressure failure. Provides $50,000 maximum limit or the Equipment Breakdown Limit indicated, $3000 for spoilage of perishable goods, and resulting water damage from the “breakdown” of a sump pump. $500 deductible applies.

$20 Premium Charge – HO2, HO3, HO8

Automatically included with HO5

MM-830(03/18) Identity Fraud Restoration – Mandatory (All HO Forms) – Provides assistance to

policyholders in the event of identity theft. Gives the insured access to a fraud specialist who will aid them in the process of resolving issues by communicating with creditors, government agencies, and law enforcement; helps consumers avoid recurrence of identity theft. Coverage is automatically included with all policy forms at no premium charge to the insured.

No Charge

MM-600(10/11) Manuscript Endorsement (All DP & HO Forms) – Provides coverage that is not on a

standard form that changes any conditions, agreements, exclusions, or warranties of the insurance contract.

No Charge

Policy Form Base Rate Factor

HO-2 575.00 0.99

HO-3 585.00 1.00

HO-4 105.00 1.00

HO-5 592.00 1.25

HO-6 125.00 1.00

HO-8 525.00 1.25

DP-1 575.00 1.20

DP-2 575.00 1.25

DP-3 575.00 1.30

Applies to DP-1, DP-2, DP-3, HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-6, HO-8
































*Wood roof types are no longer offered on new business.

*Metal roofs and siding will require the cosmetic damage endorsement.

Shingles, Synthetic/Rubber

Shingles, Steel, Aggregate Finish


Shakes, Wood*

Shingles, Asphalt/Fiberglass

Shingles, Pine*

Shingles, Wood*

Tile, Concrete

Tile, Mission

Policy Form Rating Factor & Base Rates

Tiles, Photovoltaic

Aluminum, Standing Seam

Steel, Standing Seam

Rolled Roof/Single Ply


Shingles, Photovoltaic

Tile, Spanish


Hail Proof

Aluminum, Corrugated

Aluminum, Shingle


Tile, Clay

Roof Type

Built-Up/Tar and Gravel

Roof Rating Factor


Shingles, Architectural

Fiberglass, Translucent Panel




Shakes, Victorian Scalloped*

01/15/2021 III C-1 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

Square Footage Factor

0-999 0.940

1,000-1,099 0.940

1,100-1,199 0.940

1,200-1,299 0.950

1,300-1,399 0.950

1,400-1,499 0.960

1,500-1,599 0.960

1,600-1,699 0.970

1,700-1,799 0.980

1,800-1,899 0.995

1,900-1,999 1.000

2,000-2,099 1.140

2,100-2,199 1.151

2,200-2,299 1.163

2,300-2,399 1.174

2,400-2,499 1.185

2,500-2,599 1.198

2,600-2,699 1.209

2,700-2,799 1.215

2,800-2,899 1.215

2,900-2,999 1.220

3,000-3,499 1.381

3,500-3,999 1.388

4,000-4,499 1.394

4,500-4,999 1.407

5,000-5,499 1.413

5,500-5,999 1.439

6,000-6,999 1.464

7,000-7,999 1.489

8,000-8,999 1.504

9,000-9,999 1.517

10,000 + 1.530

Square Footage Rating Factor

Territory Rating Factor

Applies to all HO and DP Policies

Refer to Company for Rates

Coverage A & C Rating Factor

Applies to all HO and DP Policies

*Square Footage includes heated finished areas only

Refer to Company for Rates

Applies to DP-1, DP-2, DP-3, HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-6, HO-8

01/15/2021 III C-2 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

Construction Class Factor

Frame 1.00

Other 0.90

*The percent of construction needs to be 50% or more to get the 'Other' discount

Protection Class Factor

1 0.99

1X 1.08

1Y 1.08

2 1.00

2X 1.08

2Y 1.08

3 1.01

3X 1.08

3Y 1.08

4 1.02

4X 1.08

4Y 1.08

5 1.04

5X 1.08

5Y 1.08

6 1.11

6X 1.17

6Y 1.17

7 1.13

7X 1.17

7Y 1.17

8 1.21

8B 1.23

8X 1.25

8Y 1.23

9 1.34

10 1.67

10W 1.63

The Transition Premium Stabilization Factor is designed to benefit policy holders by limiting the

amount of change from the expiring premium to the renewal premium. This factor is calculated

when comparing the expiring premium to the renewal premium and it limits the increase to +25%.

Construction Class Rating Factor

Transition Premium Stabilization Factor

Applies to all HO and DP Policies

Applies to all HO and DP Policies

Applies to all HO and DP Policies

Protection Class Rating Factor

01/15/2021 III C-3 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

03/15/2019 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III D-1

INCREASED/REDUCED COVERAGES The below listed figures reflect the increase or decreased premium associated with changing the limits of coverage B, C, D, E and F. DWELLING POLICIES

DP-1, DP-2 and DP-3

Coverage Frame Masonry

Coverage B (per $100) .70 .60

Coverage C (per $100) .70 .60

Coverage D (per $100) .50 .50

• Coverage B must have the same Construction Class as Coverage A.

• Coverage D affords a maximum 12-month indemnification (recovery) for Loss of Use/Rents if limit is specified. If the Dwelling is a rental, specify a limit equal to the monthly rental multiplied times twelve.


PERSONAL PROPERTY – Coverage C Increased Limit

Policy Form Premium

HO-2 $2.00 per $1,000 of insurance

HO-3 $1.50 per $1,000 of insurance

HO-5 $2.00 per $1,000 of insurance

HO-8 $2.50 per $1,000 of insurance


Increased Limit

HO-2, HO-3, HO-4, HO-6 AND HO-8

Limit of Liability 1,000 2,000 5,000

$100,000 Included $12.00 $18.00

$300,000 $20.00 $23.00 $31.00

$500,000 $25.00 $27.00 $35.00


Limit of Liability 1,000 2,000 5,000

$300,000 N/A Included $30.00

$500,000 N/A $27.00 $35.00

03/15/2019 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III E- 1


Deductibles All Deductibles Apply to both HO and DP Policies

All Other Perils Deductible

Windstorm or Hail Deductible

Discount/Surcharge Minimum Surcharge

Or Maximum Discount

$250 $1,500 30% NA

$500 $1,500 6% $100.00 MIN

$1,000 $1,500 -4% $125.00 MAX

$1,500 $1,500 -13% $175.00 MAX

$2,000 $2,000 -18% $250.00 MAX

$2,500 $2,500 -23% $360.00 MAX

$5,000 $5,000 -29% $850.00 MAX

*HO-4 Policies do not have a different Windstorm or Hail Deductible *$100 Minimum Surcharge does not apply to HO-4 & HO-6 Policies

Age Discounts and Surcharges Applies to DP-1, DP-2, DP-3, HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-6, and HO-8

Age of Home Discount Surcharge

0 years 27% -

1 year 25% -

2 years 23% -

3 years 21% -

4 years 20% -

5 years 19% -

6 years 16% -

7 years 13% -

8 years 9% -

9 years 6% -

10 years 2%

11-14 years - -

15-19 years - 2%

20-29 years - 5%

30-34 years - 6%

35-39 years - 7%

40-44 years - 8%

45-49 years - 9%

50-54 years - 10%

55-59 years - 11%

60-64 years - 12%

65-69 years - 13%

70-74 years - 14%

75-79 years - 15%

80-84 years - 16%

85-89 years - 17%

90-99 years - 18%

100+ years - 22%

03/15/2019 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III E- 2

Home Protection Device Credits Applies to HO-2, HO-3, HO-4, HO-5, HO-6 and HO-8 (Credits are not cumulative)

Loyalty Discount Applies to all HO and DP Policies

A loyalty adjustment will be applied to the rates based on the number of years the policy has been in force with Madison Mutual. This Loyalty discount is the years the policyholder has maintained continuous coverage under a Madison Mutual policy.

Years Insured With MMIC


0-2 0%

3 2%

4 3%

5 4%

6 5%

7 6%

8+ 7%

Auto – Home Discount Applies to all HO Policies

Homeowner policies are eligible for a 15% discount to the base premium if the named insured has a private passenger auto policy currently in force. (See auto discount section for details pertaining to guidelines for auto policies.) The discount will be added to existing policies at renewal and cannot be added mid-term. The discount does not apply to Dwelling policies.

Mature Discount

Applies to all HO and DP Policies

Age Factor

0 - 49 1.00

50 - 54 0.98

55+ 0.95

Prior Claims Applies to all HO and DP Policies

Number of Prior Claims

Non-Weather Weather

0 1.00 1.00

1 1.20 1.10

2+ 1.50 1.25

*There is no charge on claims that have paid out less than $1000 or that are over 3 years old.

Code Device Discount

01 None 0%

02 Smoke Detection, Deadbolt Locks, Fire Extinguisher 0.5%

03 Local Burglar Alarm, Deadbolt Locks on Exterior Doors, Fire Extinguisher, Smoke Detection


04 Fire/Burglar System Reporting To Police, Fire or Central Station, Deadbolt Locks on Exterior Doors, Fire Extinguisher, Smoke Detectors


05 All of the Above plus Partial Sprinkler 10%

06 All of the Above plus Full Sprinkler 15%

05/15/2020 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III F-1

INSURANCE SCORING A rating adjustment will be applied to the policy premium based on the insured’s personal finance level.




LEVEL 0 No Hit/No Score 1.04

LEVEL 1 >=891 0.72

LEVEL 2 858 to 890 0.76

LEVEL 3 829 to 857 0.78

LEVEL 4 807 to 828 0.81

LEVEL 5 788 to 806 0.87

LEVEL 6 771 to 787 0.89

LEVEL 7 758 to 770 0.92

LEVEL 8 744 to 757 0.96

LEVEL 9 734 to 743 0.97

LEVEL 10 723 to 733 0.99

LEVEL 11 714 to 722 1.01

LEVEL 12 705 to 713 1.03

LEVEL 13 696 to 704 1.06

LEVEL 14 687 to 695 1.08

LEVEL 15 678 to 686 1.17

LEVEL 16 666 to 677 1.21

LEVEL 17 655 to 665 1.31

LEVEL 18 643 to 654 1.35

LEVEL 19 631 to 642 1.39

LEVEL 20 618 to 630 1.45

LEVEL 21 603 to 617 1.50

LEVEL 22 585 to 602 1.62

LEVEL 23 567 to 584 1.72

LEVEL 24 549 to 566 1.81

LEVEL 25 <=548 1.90

APPLICATION OF INSURANCE SCORING AND PERSONAL FINANCE LEVEL The insurance scoring adjustment will be based on the following criteria:

• New Business – The Personal Finance Level will be applied to all new applications.

• Renewal Business – The Personal Finance Level will be applied to existing business not yet scored. At the request of the named insured or the insured’s agent, a new score may be ordered once every 12 months. The Company shall have the discretion to obtain current insurance scoring information upon any renewal, if consistent with its underwriting guidelines.

• The Company will annually re-underwrite and rerate based upon a current credit report or insurance score if the insured or the insured’s agent makes a request unless the insurer’s treatment is as 1) otherwise approved by the Department; 2) the insured is already in the most favorably priced tier; 3) credit was not used for rating when the policy was initially written; 4) the insurer reevaluates the insured at least every 5 years after policy issuance based on underwriting and rating factors other than credit information or 5) the insurer has recalculated an insurance score or obtained an updated credit report of the consumer in the previous 12-month period.

• The Company will notify the insured/applicant in the event their application or policy is adversely affected by the use of insurance scoring. This adverse action can include the following: 1) rejecting an application; 2) cancelling or non-renewing a policy; 3) limiting coverage; 4) not applying the best rate; 5) not applying a discount; 6) surcharging at a higher rate; 7) a reduction in coverage. The insured/applicant will be notified of the four reasons that were the primary influences of the adverse action. The Company will not cancel or non-renew any policy where Insurance Scoring is the sole reason.

05/15/2020 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III F-2

• Extraordinary Life Event – The Company shall review and consider an exception to an insurance score and the Personal Finance Level after receiving a written and signed notification from the applicant or insured explaining how the applicant or insured believes the extraordinary life even adversely impacts the applicant’s or insured’s insurance score. By definition, the “extraordinary life event” will mean the following: 1) a catastrophic illness or injury to an applicant or insured or an immediate family member of the applicant or insured; 2) the death of a spouse, child, or parent of an applicant or insured; 3) involuntary loss of employment for a period of 3 months or more by an applicant or insured; 4) identity theft of an applicant or insured; or 5) the dissolution of marriage of an applicant or insured.

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) IV A-1

SIGNATURE REQUIREMENTS A Signature is required for the following:

• Adding, changing or removing a named insured.

• Adding or removing an Additional Insured (DP-0441 or HO-0441).

• Increase in deductible.

• Decrease in policy limits.

• Deletion of scheduled structures or personal property.

• Deleting Mine Subsidence coverage (Fax signed Mine Subsidence Rejection Form).

• Deleting Earthquake coverage.

A Signature is not required for the following:

• Increasing coverage.

• Adding scheduled structures or personal property.

• Changing or deleting a mortgagee.

• Updating administrative information (phone numbers, etc.). Signature Requirements for adding/removing non-relative residents:

• A non-relative resident such as a boyfriend/girlfriend can be added as a named insured. We will not require that a separate HO-4 policy be written on the non-relative resident; however, a signature is required to add the non-relative as a named insured on the policy.

• If a future request is made to delete the non-relative resident, a homeowner change signed by the non-relative resident will be required.

Signature Requirements for adding/removing a spouse: When a policyholder marries, a homeowner change can be submitted adding the new spouse:

• The agent may submit a Homeowner’s change signed by the insured requesting that the spouse be added.

• The agent may submit a Homeowner’s change form noting “per the insured” in the remarks section.

• The insured may send a signed letter to the Home Office requesting the addition of his/her spouse. While it is not required to obtain a policyholder signature in the circumstances stated above, you may wish to obtain a signature in order to ensure that there are no disputes as to the coverage available in the future.


• An AOR request form, signed by the named insured and requesting agent, can be submitted to the Policy Services Department.

• The Company will notify the current agent of the AOR change request, giving them 7-days to obtain and submit a signed AOR rescission in order to conserve the policy.

• If a signed rescission is not received, the company will process the AOR effective the policy’s upcoming renewal date.

• If the insured requests a midterm AOR, Underwriting approval is needed to rewrite the policy and override the original effective date of the policy to honor the tenure of the original policy.

• The application to rewrite the policy needs to be submitted within 5 business of Underwriting’s approval to rewrite.

12/07/2017 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) IV B-1

BILLING PAYMENT OPTIONS Our homeowners program offers five payment options to policyholders. These options are the following;

• Direct Bill – Pay in Full

• Direct Bill – 6 Pay requires two months down – 5 remaining installments every 45 days

• Direct Bill – 2 Pay requires 50% down – 1 installment after 150 days

• Automated Debit 12 Pay - A monthly (ACH) requires 2 months down

• Mortgagee Bill Full Pay Down payments on any bill plan option can be made by the following payment types:

• ACH from the customer’s account

• ACH Trust from the agent’s trust account

• Credit Card Automated Debit 12 Pay requires an authorization form to be completed and attached to the policy or kept in the agency office. There is a $1 service charge per installment when selecting this method of payment. This type of payment does require an immediate down-payment. If no money is collected, an immediate transaction will pull from the customer’s account. There is a $20 Insufficient Fund charge when a payment is not honored by the financial institution Credit cards can be used with our Direct Bill payment options. A current email address is required with this form of payment. There is a $5 service charge per installment. In order to finalize any outstanding balances, there is a minimum seven day delay until any refunds are processed. In the event we receive an overpayment on a policy, the entire amount will be applied to the following installment and will not be divided among the remaining installments. If a policy is cancelled for non-payment and a payment is later received there are two options:

• Reinstate with a lapse in coverage. This is allowed only within 14 days after cancellation and there is no coverage during this time. Payments received after the 14 days will be returned

• If 30 days past the due date, a new application must be submitted as new business and all previous discounts will not apply

09/01/13 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) IV C-1


If an insured or third-party claimant comes to your office to report a claim, please phone the Home Office at (800)766-6642 and let the person speak directly with a Claim Department Customer Service representative. If an insured or third-party claimant telephones your office to report a claim, please give them the Home Office toll-free phone number (800)766-6642 and ask that they call and speak directly with a Claim Department Customer Service Representative. You may also give the customer our website, www.madisonmutual.com, where they can also report the loss. Never admit liability or coverage on a claim. If an insured or claimant questions these procedures, merely explain that we have professional claims representatives at the Home Office, and they can:

Provide the best service for efficient claims settlement

Authorize claims settlement on the phone (within specified parameters)

Help with the selection of a contractor, etc. convenient to the insured or claimant

If the insured/claimant refuses to call the Home Office, call the Home Office Claims Customer Service Department immediately to report the claim.

09/01/13 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)



SECTION I - UMBRELLA GUIDELINES A. Authority Guidelines B. Agents’ Underwriting Guidelines


A. Policy Types B. Retention Limit Discounts C. Billing Payment Options


A. Liability Coverage Minimums B. Rates C. List of Endorsements

09/01/13 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) I A-1


The agent is authorized to issue a Personal Umbrella application up to limits of one million that meets all of the guidelines of the program. Higher limits must be referred to the Home Office for approval. See page I A-1 regarding ineligible exposures and page I A-2 for eligibility requirements and underlying policies.


An application for insurance is submitted at the discretion of the agent, who should use all available information in the field underwriting process. The Home Office uses all information including the application, the history we maintain and other sources of public information. We view the integrity of the information on the application with major importance. The truthfulness of the details of claims is important to the underwriting decision. It is important to note that the underwriting process is based on all available information. All policies are written for one year. Applicants should be of integrity, good morals and reputation. An application is written only in the name of an individual and spouse, and is specifically designed for executives, various professionals and other individuals with the need for substantial liability protection. In the case of the professional person, there must be a record of ethical and competent practices. Persons not eligible include, but are not limited to, the following occupations which place them in the public limelight or criticism:

Politicians - State level and higher

Labor leaders

Entertainers including professional actors, actresses, athletes, radio broadcasters and telecasters

Any person presently involved in a lawsuit

Any person who has been sued for libel or slander

Persons who present a moral or morale hazard

Day Care Operators

Private Investigators

Exposures generally considered undesirable and may be disqualified:

Any exposure that would not meet our Primary Underwriting Requirements.

More than 4 Residential Properties (RP).

Off Premises office or more than an incidental on-premises office.

Motorcycles - if driven by an insured under the age of 25; and/or if the vehicle is equipped with a engine generating more than 750cc's of displacement; and/or if the operator has less than five (5)

years of experience with this type of motorcycle.

Watercraft: 1. Inboard or inboard-outboard motor power in excess of 450 horsepower owned by, rented to or chartered by an insured; 2. Forty (40) feet or more in length if the vessel is owned by, rented to or chartered by an insured;

3. The following eligibility chart applies for all boats:

09/01/13 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) I A-2



Length 0-25 26-50 51-100 101-150 151-275 276-350 351-450

0'-15.99' Yes Yes Yes No No No No

16'-25.99' Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

26'-40' Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4. Boats whose maximum speed exceeds 40 miles per hour; 5. Non-standard types (e.g. Homemade, kit, hydrofoil, air propeller, or any unique design or construction); 6. Vessels with full time or part time paid crews; 7. Youthful operators under 19 years of age. Any operator under the age of 25 must hold a Coast Guard approved certificate; 8. Boats operated by persons with little or no boating experience. Operators should have five years of boating experience with the type of vessel being insured; 9. Operators whose driving record would not qualify them for our auto program; 10. Vessels operating more than 50 miles off the coast of the U.S.

Coverage Not Available on the Personal Umbrella:

Professional and Aircraft liability coverage is not available.

Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Coverage are not available on the Personal Umbrella Policy. To be eligible, the Company must:

Write all underlying policies that are available.

Write employers liability coverage on underlying policies when farms are insured.

A copy of a policy declaration must be provided for any personal insurance not provided by Madison Mutual Insurance Company and it must be written by a company or carrier with an A.M. Best's rating of B+ or better.

If the applicant has no owned autos, an application may be submitted using the Non-Ownership charge. However, some underlying coverage must exist in the form of a Non-Ownership Automobile Liability Policy or Drive Other Car coverage.

In the case of co-ownership of property, a copy of the declaration for the co-owner’s policy must be submitted.

Special Rates:

The company may change rates other than those indicated when required by its reinsurers and submitted as an individual risk filing.


09/01/13 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II A - 1


The Personal Umbrella policy provides for a $1,000,000 basic limit of liability for each occurrence. Optional limits are available up to $5,000,000. The two principal features include:

Excess coverage over the insured’s primary underlying policies.

Additional coverage for exposures not provided for under the insured’s primary policies (This coverage is subject to a retained limit of $250, $500 or $1000).

The basic coverage under this program may include:

Personal Liability including residences and farms

Eligible owned and non-owned automobiles


Employers Liability

Recreational Vehicles

RETENTION LIMIT DISCOUNTS The minimum retention by the insured for occurrences not covered by underlying insurance is $250. For retained limits greater than $250, reduce the total premium as follows:

Retained Limit Premium Credit $500 $3.00 $1,000 $5.00

12/07/2017 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II B - 1

BILLING PAYMENT OPTIONS Our umbrella program offers three payment options to policyholders. These options are the following:

• Direct Bill – Pay in Full

• Direct Bill – 6 Pay requires two months down – 5 remaining installments every 45 days

• Automated Debit 12 Pay - A monthly (ACH) requires 2 months down Down payments on any bill plan option can be made by the following payment types:

• ACH from the customer’s account

• ACH Trust from the agent’s trust account

• Credit Card Automated Debit 12 Pay requires an authorization form to be completed and attached to the policy or kept in the agency office. There is a $1 service charge per installment when selecting this method of payment. This type of payment does require an immediate down-payment. If no money is collected, an immediate transaction will pull from the customer’s account. There is a $20 Insufficient Fund charge when a payment is not honored by the financial institution Credit cards can be used with our Direct Bill payment options. A current email address is required with this form of payment. There is a $5 service charge per installment. In order to finalize any outstanding balances, there is a minimum seven day delay until any refunds are processed. In the event we receive an overpayment on a policy, the entire amount will be applied to the following installment and will not be divided among the remaining installments. If a policy is cancelled for non-payment and a payment is later received there are two options:

• Reinstate with a lapse in coverage. This is allowed only within 14 days after cancellation and there is no coverage during this time. Payments received after the 14 days will be returned

• If 30 days past the due date, a new application must be submitted as new business and all previous discounts will not apply

09/01/13 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)



If Madison Mutual is not the primary carrier, the minimum underlying requirement is $500,000

Coverage Required Underlying Limits

Automobile $250,000/500,000 Bodily Injury $100,000 Property Damage

or $300,000 Combined Single Limit

Homeowners or Farmowners Personal $300,000 Single Limit

Watercraft - less than 26 feet in length $300,000 - 26 feet or more in length $500,000 - personal watercraft including $500,000

but not limited to wave runners and jet skis

Recreational Vehicles (must include $250,000/500,000 Bodily Injury Guest Passenger Liability) $100,000 Property Damage or

$300,000 Combined Single Limit

Motorcycles licensed for roadway use $250,000/500,000 Bodily Injury (must include Guest Passenger Liability) $100,000 Property Damage

or $300,000 Combined Single Limit

Business Pursuits or Owned $300,000 Bodily Injury Property - Rental Property $50,000 Property Damage (Up to 4 family) or

$300,000 Single Limit

Employers' Liability $500,000 Per Employee $500,000 Per Accident $500,000 Per Disease

*Minimum Annual Premium is $150.00

*The Company may modify the premium based on the exposure.

PERSONAL LIABILITY - Residences & Farms

$1M $2M $3M $4M $5M

A. Initial Residence

160 acres or less 50$ 80$ 110$ 140$ 170$

B. Initial Farm Residence

160 acres or less 60$ 96$ 132$ 168$ 204$

C. Each Additional Residence (Includes Farms) 15$ 24$ 33$ 42$ 51$

D. Additional Farm Acreage

0 - 160 acres 10$ 16$ 22$ 28$ 34$

161 - 500 acres 20$ 32$ 44$ 56$ 68$

501 - 1000 acres 30$ 48$ 66$ 84$ 102$

1001 - 1500 acres 40$ 64$ 88$ 112$ 136$

1501- 2000 acres 50$ 80$ 110$ 140$ 170$

Over 2000 acres 60$ 96$ 132$ 168$ 208$

*Includes all owned, leased, rented, and operated acres.

*Do not charge for acreage if wooded or used for a yard.

E. Vacant Lot < 5 acres 10$ 16$ 22$ 28$ 34$

F. Time Share 15$ 24$ 33$ 42$ 51$

G. Additional Insured

Business Type $15 $15 $15 $15 $15

All Other Types N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C

H. Pond or Adjoining Lake 10$ 16$ 22$ 28$ 34$

I. Vacant Lots with Structures 15$ 24$ 33$ 42$ 51$


09/01/13III B-1

Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)


$1M $2M $3M $4M $5M

A. Initial Vehicle 85$ 136$ 187$ 238$ 289$

B. Additional Vehicle 30$ 48$ 66$ 84$ 102$

*Owned, Leased, or Furnished for Regular Use

C. No Vehicle - Non-Ownership Charge 50$ 80$ 110$ 140$ 170$

D. Youthful Driver Surcharge (less than 25) 50$ 80$ 110$ 140$ 170$

*Number of youthful operators should not exceed the number of vehicles

E. Motorcycle 30$ 48$ 66$ 84$ 102$

F. Motor Home 30$ 48$ 66$ 84$ 102$


$1M $2M $3M $4M $5M

A. Watercraft Length/HP

Sailing < 26' 20$ 32$ 44$ 56$ 68$

Paddle Boats <26' 20$ 32$ 44$ 56$ 68$

0-15.99/0-25 20$ 32$ 44$ 56$ 68$

0-15.99/26-50 38$ 61$ 84$ 106$ 129$

0-15.99/51-100 57$ 91$ 125$ 160$ 194$

16-25.99/0-25 20$ 32$ 44$ 56$ 68$

16-25.99/26-50 38$ 61$ 84$ 106$ 129$

16-25.99/51-100 57$ 91$ 125$ 160$ 194$

16-25.99/101-150 57$ 91$ 125$ 160$ 194$

16-25.99/151-275 99$ 158$ 218$ 277$ 337$

26-40/0-25 31$ 50$ 68$ 87$ 105$

26-40/26-50 38$ 61$ 84$ 106$ 129$

26-40/51-100 57$ 91$ 125$ 160$ 194$

26-40/101-150 70$ 112$ 154$ 196$ 238$

26-40/151-275 110$ 176$ 242$ 308$ 374$

26-40/276-350 140$ 224$ 308$ 392$ 476$

26-40/351-450 170$ 272$ 374$ 476$ 578$

B. Watercraft < 26HP

Wave Runners 30$ 48$ 66$ 84$ 102$

Jet Skis 30$ 48$ 66$ 84$ 102$

Youthful Operator Surcharge(age 16-25) 20$ 32$ 44$ 56$ 68$

*Number of youthful operators should not exceed the number of watercrafts

*Where two or more motors are used together in connection with any single

watercraft, the combined horsepower will be used for rating purposes.

09/01/13III B-2

Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)


$1M $2M $3M $4M $5M

A. Golf Cart 10$ 16$ 22$ 28$ 34$

B. Snowmobiles 10$ 16$ 22$ 28$ 34$

C. ATV 10$ 16$ 22$ 28$ 34$

D. Mini-Bikes 10$ 16$ 22$ 28$ 34$

E. Trial Bikes 10$ 16$ 22$ 28$ 34$

F. Other Vehicles Not Licensed for Highway 10$ 16$ 22$ 28$ 34$

G. Other RV Vehicles 10$ 16$ 22$ 28$ 34$

H. Youthful Driver Surcharge/RV (age 16-25) 20$ 32$ 44$ 56$ 68$

*Number of youthful operators should not exceed the number of recreational vehicles.


$1M $2M $3M $4M $5M

A. Business Pursuits

HO, FO, CPL, or FCPL additional 10$ 16$ 22$ 28$ 34$

Office Premises 10$ 16$ 22$ 28$ 34$

B. Custom Farming 25$ 40$ 55$ 70$ 83$

09/01/13III B-3

Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

09/01/13 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III C-1

UMBRELLA ENDORSEMENTS DL9806 (10/06) – Personal Umbrella Liability Policy Excess Business Pursuits Coverage Endorsement DL9808 (10/06) – Personal Umbrella Liability Policy Trust Endorsement DL9812 (10/06) – Personal Umbrella Liability Policy Auto Liability Following Form Endorsement DL9813 (10/06) – Personal Umbrella Liability Policy Exclusion – Designated Auto Endorsement DL9814 (10/06) – Personal Umbrella Liability Policy exclusion – Designated Recreational Motor Vehicle

Endorsement DL9815 (10/06) – Personal Umbrella Liability Policy Exclusion – Designated Watercraft Exclusion

Endorsement DL9816 (10/06) – Personal Umbrella Liability Policy Exclusion – All Hazards in Connection with Designated Premises Endorsement DL9817 (04/02) – Personal Umbrella Liability Policy Exclusion – Fungi, Wet, or Dry Rot, or Bacteria

Endorsement DL9824 (10/06) – Personal Umbrella Liability Policy Exclusion – Motorcycle and Moped Endorsement DL9825 (10/06) – Personal Umbrella Liability Policy Exclusion – Watercraft Endorsement DL9826 (10/06) – Personal Umbrella Liability Policy Exclusion – Recreational Motor Vehicle Endorsement DL9830 (10/06) – Personal Umbrella Liability Policy Exclusion – Motor Home Endorsement Personal

Umbrella Liability Policy

DL9866 (09/11) – Personal Umbrella Liability Policy Amendment of Policy Provisions – Illinois DL9902 (10/06) – Excess Permitted Incidental Occupancies Liability Coverage Endorsement MM715 (10/12) – Named Driver Exclusion MM716 (10/12) – Named Driver Exclusion – Specified Auto MM725 (10/12) – Additional Insured Endorsement MM740 (10/12) – Additional Insured Endorsement – Partnership or Joint Venture MM745 (10/12) – Additional Insured Endorsement – Corporation MM750 (10/12) – Additional Insured Endorsement – Financial Institution MM754 (10/12) – Pollution Exclusion MM770 (10/12) – Named Motorcycle Operator Exclusion Endorsement MM771 (10/12) – Named All-Terrain Vehicle Operator Exclusion Endorsement MM772 (10/12) – Named Watercraft Operator Exclusion Endorsement MM785 (10/12) – Guest Passenger Liability Exclusion

Sticky Note

07/01/2017 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)




A. Farmowner Underwriting Guidelines

B. Underwriting Guidelines for Dwellings and Other Structures

C. Agent Underwriting Guidelines

D. Definitions and Coverage Minimums

E. Types of Farm Properties


A. Rate Order of Calculation

B. Discounts and Surcharges

C. Insurance Score

D. Individual Premium Modification Plan


A. Forms and Endorsement List

B. Liability Endorsements

C. Property Endorsements

D. Madison Mutual Endorsements



03/15/2019 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) I A-1

FARMOWNER UNDERWRITING GUIDELINES The Madison Mutual Insurance Company Farm Program is aimed at the modern up to date farm where the principal operation is the growing of grains, feeds, produce, or the raising of livestock. Commercial or farm commercial exposures which present unique liability and property risks are not eligible for this program. We specifically target the small, hobby, or medium size farm. The Company prefers that the owner live on the insured location and is heavily involved in the day to day operation of the farm. All buildings both for the residence and farm should be well maintained and updated regarding the plumbing, electrical, and heating. The roof should be in excellent condition. All risks should reflect a good claim history and financial record. Claim activity should be thoroughly documented and investigated regarding the nature of the loss. The loss record should be reviewed for any frequency and severity trends. Also, are there adequate safety and preventive measures in place not only in regards to the building but the premises as well. The following list is typical for the type of risks we are writing under our farm program:

• Country home with 5 or more acres

• Grain operations – corn, wheat, soybeans

• Hay

• Vegetables

• Potatoes

• Orchards

• Cattle

• Dairy

• Sheep and goats

The following list is representative of the type of risks and operations that we do not write under our farm program:

• Machinery or any type of auto repair service

• Any manufacturing

• Mining or gravel excavation

• Any public sales or auctions

• Those that allow the public to pick fruits or vegetables, or are involved in retail sale of farm products.

• Farms where the main objective is providing commodities for manufacturing or processing by the insured for sale to others, including custom feed.

• Custom farming work with over 15% of income and/or exceeding $100,000.

• Poultry or commercial hatcheries

• Any rifle or pistol range facilities

• Logging or sawmill operations

• Farms with more than 2 horses

• Any horse boarding, training, breeding, or rodeo exposure

• Plant or tree nurseries open to the public

• Any public hay rides, or organized off-road racing

• Hog confinements

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) I B-1



• Must be in excellent to good condition with the premises being well maintained.

• Roof should not be brittle or aged. • With roof surfacing 16 years old or older are subject to Actual Cash Value (ACV) Loss settlement.

• Must have a modern electrical system with minimum amperage of 100 amps or 200 amps with electrical heat.

• Electrical wiring should not be frayed and must be properly installed by a licensed electrician.

• Must have an approved central heating system which is defined as a heating system which directly distributes heat to all rooms in the dwelling by way of ducts or in the case of hot-water heat, a steam or hot-water system.

• Must have full masonry foundation under the dwelling exterior supporting walls.

• Porches are to be secured and adequately footed.

• Hand rails should be on any risk with four or more steps.

• Must have a modern plumbing system permanently piped to a reliable water supply. Mobile-Manufactured Homes:

• Must be insured for at least $10,000.

• Must not be the primary residence

• Must be occupied by no more than one family.

• Must be manufactured within the last 20 years.

• No solid fuel-burning units’ factory-installed units are eligible.

• Be anchored with tie-downs that are positioned every 20 feet.

• Skirting must be properly installed.

• Attached rooms must be very well constructed, securely attached, and must have a sloped roof.

• Steps at all entrances must be securely anchored to the ground.

• Must be in very good condition with excellent housekeeping. Other specific underwriting guidelines for ineligible dwellings include:

• No aluminum wiring or knob or tube wiring and/or cloth covered wiring

• No dwellings with asbestos or asphalt siding

• Wood burning stoves must be properly installed and UL approved

• Wood stove must not be the primary heat source nor located in garage or outside structure

• No worn roofing, cracked foundation, or poor maintenance

• No dwellings with a roll, tin, rock, tar, gravel, or wood roof.

• Log cabin dwellings or homes with wood shake siding are ineligible

• No property that is for sale or vacant

• No modular homes that are over 20 years old

• No homes undergoing extensive repair

• No diving boards or slides

• All trampolines must be anchored and padded

• Risks that have the following breeds: Chow, Pit Bull, Staffordshire Terrier, Rottweiler, Mastiff, Wolf Hybrid, Presa Canarios, Akita, or any dog that is one of the mixes listed are ineligible

• Risks with animals with a biting history or has displayed an aggressive nature are ineligible

• Risks with more than two losses in the last five years should be submitted to underwriting for approval.

• No dwellings with more than a two-family residence

• Homes where the replacement cost is greater than 125% of the actual cash value or market value refer to the Company

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) I B-2

• ATV or watercraft must meet the driving record found under the Personal Automobile Program. High performance ATV/watercraft are not eligible

• Prior Insurance: Applicant must have prior insurance including policies that have lapsed or cancelled for nonpayment. This does not apply to first time home buyer when living with parents.

In-Ground Pools

• Must have a 4-foot fence with a locking gate.

• Pools with diving boards are eligible if the depth is 8 feet or more and if the board is no more than 20 inches above the water level.

• Slides are eligible with a minimum pool depth of 5 feet. Above-Ground Pools

• pools require a locking gate if they are more than 48” in height

• A 4’ fence with locked gate or an elevated decking completely surrounding the pool and a retractable ladder that leads to a self-closing, self-locking gate.

• Diving boards and pool slides are not eligible with above ground pools. Protection Class

• The protection class listings received by ISO LOCATION (PPC) apply to risks insured under Homeowner Policies.

• Single Class: In a classified area where the primary responding fire department has a single classification (e.g. 6,) applies for all properties located within the classified area.

• Split Classification: In a classified are where two or more classifications are shown, the classifications will be displayed as “#/#X” (e.g. 6/6X). The classification is assigned as follows:

Distance to Primary Responding Fire

Department Protection Class

A. 5 Road miles or less and within 1,000 feet of a hydrant

Use the first class shown (e.g. 6/6X), use class 6

B. 5 road miles or less and over 1,000 feet to hydrant

Use the second class shown (e.g. 6/6X), use 6X

C. More than five, but less than seven road miles and within 1000 feet of hydrant

Use Class 10W

D. For properties not qualifying for A, B, or C. above

Use Class 10

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) I C-1

AGENT UNDERWRITING GUIDELINES The agent is authorized to submit business in accordance with all Company guidelines and requirements. At the time of submission, the agent will be advised regarding acceptability and whether the risk has been approved. Additional information may be required before the risk is approved. In this situation, no coverage is in effect until authority is given by the Company underwriter. All Farmowner polices are to be submitted to the Company for approval. All applications including changes are to be submitted through the Company’s inCore system. Dwellings must have a E2Value completed on all dwellings requesting Replacement Cost Coverage. Agents may use the “standard” classification when computing the replacement values on pre-1930 and pre-1940 homes on the E2Value system. The Company considers the agent as the front-line underwriter for submitting risks. All available information should be reviewed prior to sending to the Company. The agent should complete an inspection of the property and complete the ordering of all reports including for losses (CLUE), the insurance score (Personal Finance Level), and the E2Value as mentioned above. While the Company will complete an inspection on all farm applications, it is essential that the agent review the underwriting guidelines and how they apply to the risk before sending to the Company. Agents are not required to send photos but should inspect the premises first before sending to the Company for consideration.

07/01/2017 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

I D-1

DEFINITIONS FARM PROPERTY is defined as dwellings, barns, sheds, and other outbuildings used in connection therewith and their contents of scheduled or unscheduled personal property and farm personal property situated on land used for poultry, fruit, livestock, dairy, grain or other farming purposes. DWELLING means a building designed and used for one or two family residential occupancy. BARNS AND OTHER STRUCTURES meaning, but not limited to silos, garages, implement sheds, offices, and grain storage structures all used in the farming operation. UNSCHEDULED PERSONAL PROPERTY means household goods. FARM PERSONAL PROPERTY means, but is not limited to, livestock, poultry, farm produce, farm machinery, farm supplies, equipment, all used in the farming operation. LIVESTOCK means horses, cattle, swine, mules, goats and sheep. GRAIN means harvested crops, row or otherwise, seeds, silage, and for the perils of fire and malicious mischief the company includes in this definition of grain, growing crops. (Loss settlement varies with maturation of crop.)


Coverage Basic Broad Special

Owner Occupied/Additional Dwelling

A. Dwelling 50,000 75,000 125,000

B. Other private Structures Appurtenant to Dwellings 10% of Cov A 10% of Cov A 10% of Cov A

C. Household Personal Property 50% of Cov A 50% of Cov A 50% of Cov A

D. Loss of Use 20% of Cov A 20% of Cov A 20% of Cov A

Unit Owners

A. Dwelling None None None

C. Household Personal Property None None None

D. Loss of Use 50% of Cov C 50% of Cov C 50% of Cov C

Manufactured Homes

A. Dwelling 10,000 10,000 10,000

C. Household Personal Property 50% of Cov A 50% of Cov A 50% of Cov A

D. Loss of Use 20% of Cov A 20% of Cov A 20% of Cov A

Other Coverages

E. Scheduled Farm Personal Property None None None

F. Unscheduled Farm Personal Property None None None

G. Barns, Outbuildings and Other Farm Structures None None None

H. Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability None None None

I. Personal and Advertising Injury Liability None None None

J. Medical Payments None None None

07/01/2017 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) I D-2


Coverage Frame Masonry

Coverage B, C, & D (per $100) .70 .60


Policy Type Premium

Basic, Broad, & Special $2.00 per $1,000 of insurance

*Minimum overall policy premium is $150.00

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) I E-1



Each building or structure must be classified in accordance with the following requirements and should be

inspected prior to submission. See the Rate Section of the manual for premiums for specific types of


Type 1

• Buildings should be of superior construction

• Excellent repair and well maintained

• Utilized solely for the original farming operation

• Must be less than two stories

• Continuous masonry or concrete foundation under all exterior walls

• Buildings must be fully enclosed with no open sheds

• No hay storage

• Minimum amount of coverage $5000

• Eligible for Replacement Cost if the building is 20 years old or less (Underwriting

Approval Required).

Type 2

• Buildings should be in very good condition and well maintained

• Above average construction

• Open sheds and hay storage allowed

• Continuous masonry or concrete foundation under all exterior walls

• Buildings framed on poles of a minimum of six inch diameters at ground level, if set a

minimum of four feet below ground level plus the poles must be pressure treated with

wood preservatives.

• Should be fully enclosed on at least three sides

• Insured for at least 80% of Actual Cash Value

• Minimum amount of coverage $2000

• Eligible for Replacement Cost if the building is 20 years old or less (Underwriting

Approval Required).

Type 3

• Structures not meeting the minimum requirements for Type 1 or Type 2

• Buildings of average construction

• Buildings not utilized for their original farming operations

• Structures used for grain grinding and cleaning

• Used for feed mixing

• Hay chopping

• Not eligible for Replacement Cost

07/01/2017 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II A-1

Farm Dwellings

Rate Order of Calculation

Base Premium

X Territory

X Coverage A

X Construction Class

X Fire Protection Class

X Square Footage

X Policy Type

X Roof Type

X Age of Home

X Home Protection Device

X Deductible

X Insurance Score

X Prior Claims

X Loyalty Discount

X Multi-Policy Discount

X Mature Discount


01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II B-1


Deductibles Applies to Basic, Broad, & Special Forms

All Other Perils Deductible

Windstorm or Hail Deductible


$500 $1,500 9%

$1,000 $1,500 Base

$1,500 $1,500 -4%

$2,000 $2,000 -10%

$2,500 $2,500 -13%

$5,000 $5,000 -22%

Age Discounts and Surcharges Applies to Basic, Broad, & Special Forms

Age of Home Discount Surcharge

0 years 28% -

1 year 27% -

2 years 26% -

3 years 24% -

4 years 22% -

5 years 20% -

6 years 16% -

7 years 12% -

8 years 10% -

9 years 6% -

10 years 3% -

11 years 2% -

12 years - -

13 years - -

14 years - 1%

15-19 years - 2%

20-24 years - 4%

25-29 years - 5%

30-34 years 6%

35-39 years 8%

40-44 years 8%

45-49 years 10%

50-54 years 10%

55-59 years 11%

60-64 years 12%

65-69 years 14%

70-74 years 14%

75-79 years 16%

80-84 years 16%

85-89 years 18%

90-99 years 20%

100+ years - 22%

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

II B-2

Home Protection Device Credits Applies to Basic, Broad, & Special Forms

Loyalty Discount Applies to Basic, Broad, & Special Forms

A loyalty adjustment will be applied to the rates based on the number of years the policy has been in force with Madison Mutual. This Loyalty discount is the years the policyholder has maintained continuous coverage under a Madison Mutual policy.

Years Insured With MMIC


0-2 0%

3 2%

4 3%

5 4%

6 5%

7 6%

8+ 7%

Multi-Policy Discount Applies to Basic, Broad, & Special Forms

Farmowner policies are eligible for a 15% discount to the base premium if the named insured has a private passenger auto policy currently in force. The discount will be added to existing policies at renewal and cannot be added mid-term. In addition, a discount of 10% will be given to eligible employees, retirees, or board members of Madison Mutual Insurance Company, their spouses, domestic partners, children and family members in the household.

A. Retired employees must be 65 years of age or older. B. This discount only applies to policies sold through Madison Mutual In-House Agency. C. All other underwriting standards and provisions apply.

Mature Discount Applies to Basic, Broad, & Special Forms

Age Factor

0 - 49 1.00

50 - 54 0.98

55+ 0.95

Code Device Discount

01 None 0%

02 Smoke Detection, Deadbolt Locks, Fire Extinguisher .5%

03 Local Burglar Alarm, Deadbolt Locks on Exterior Doors, Fire Extinguisher, Smoke Detection


04 Fire/Burglar System Reporting To Police, Fire or Central Station, Deadbolt Locks on Exterior Doors, Fire Extinguisher, Smoke Detectors


05 All of the Above plus Partial Sprinkler 10%

06 All of the Above plus Full Sprinkler 15%

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

II B-3

Prior Claims Applies to Basic, Broad, & Special Forms

Number of Prior Claims

Non-Weather Weather

0 1.00 1.00

1 1.20 1.10

2+ 1.50 1.25

*There is no charge on claims that have paid out less than $1000 or that are over 3 years old.

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) II C-1

INSURANCE SCORING A rating adjustment will be applied to the policy premium based on the insured’s personal finance level.


LEVEL 0 No Hit/Score 1.04

LEVEL 1 >=891 0.72

LEVEL 2 858 to 890 0.76

LEVEL 3 829 to 857 0.78

LEVEL 4 807 to 828 0.81

LEVEL 5 788 to 806 0.87

LEVEL 6 771 to 787 0.89

LEVEL 7 758 to 770 0.92

LEVEL 8 744 to 757 0.96

LEVEL 9 734 to 743 0.97

LEVEL 10 723 to 733 0.99

LEVEL 11 714 to 722 1.01

LEVEL 12 705 to 713 1.03

LEVEL 13 696 to 704 1.06

LEVEL 14 687 to 695 1.08

LEVEL 15 678 to 686 1.17

LEVEL 16 666 to 677 1.21

LEVEL 17 655 to 665 1.31

LEVEL 18 643 to 654 1.35

LEVEL 19 631 to 642 1.39

LEVEL 20 618 to 630 1.45

LEVEL 21 603 to 617 1.50

LEVEL 22 585 to 602 1.62

LEVEL 23 567 to 584 1.72

LEVEL 24 549 to 566 1.81

LEVEL 25 <=548 1.90

APPLICATION OF INSURANCE SCORING AND PERSONAL FINANCE LEVEL The insurance scoring adjustment will be based on the following criteria:

• New Business – The Personal Finance Level will be applied to all new applications.

• Renewal Business – The Personal Finance Level will be applied to existing business not yet scored. At the request of the named insured or the insured’s agent, a new score may be ordered once every 12 months. The Company shall have the discretion to obtain current insurance scoring information upon any renewal, if consistent with its underwriting guidelines.

• The Company will annually re-underwrite and rerate based upon a current credit report or insurance score if the insured or the insured’s agent makes a request unless the insurer’s treatment is as 1) otherwise approved by the Department; 2) the insured is already in the most favorably priced tier; 3) credit was not used for rating when the policy was initially written; 4) the insurer reevaluates the insured at least every 5 years after policy issuance based on underwriting and rating factors other than credit information or 5) the insurer has recalculated an insurance score or obtained an updated credit report of the consumer in the previous 12-month period.

• The Company will notify the insured/applicant in the event their application or policy is adversely affected by the use of insurance scoring. This adverse action can include the following: 1) rejecting an application; 2) cancelling or non-renewing a policy; 3) limiting coverage; 4) not applying the best rate; 5) not applying a discount; 6) surcharging at a higher rate; 7) a reduction in coverage. The insured/applicant will be notified of the four reasons that were the primary influences of the adverse action. The Company will not cancel or non-renew any policy where Insurance Scoring is the sole reason.

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This plan may be utilized at the discretion of the Company for any farmowner policy that develops a premium of $1000 or more prior to the application of this plan. This plan recognizes unique exposures or characteristics that warrant the application of the credit or debit outlined below. The purpose of the plan is to recognize the special risks that are not contemplated in the base premiums. The total credit or debit for any one policy may not exceed 25%



Loss History or Exposure: No losses in the last five years; weather only related claims; no theft, fire, liability claims in the last five years; loss history reflects little or no frequency or severity. Other considerations: damage susceptibility, location, concentration, exposure to windstorm.

-10% to 10%

Management: Named insured is owner and fully involved in the day to day operation of the farm; safety programs implemented and reviewed on a routine basis including training for farm employees; willing to cooperate with the recommendations of the Company and provides up to date information on inventory and changes in exposures.

-10% to 10%

Equipment, Machinery, and Livestock: Type of livestock and care demonstrated on the location; safety precautions and upkeep of equipment and machinery; how and where is livestock and machinery kept; is fencing provided for livestock; where is equipment kept and is routine maintenance performed; how old is the machinery and is it regularly inspected.

-10% to 10%

Building Construction: Dwellings are of superior construction and have modern plumbing, heating, with a minimum amperage of 100; no knob and tube wiring; upkeep of premises shows care and pride of ownership; well-maintained grounds roofs on all dwelling and farm structures are not aged or brittle.

-10% to 10%

Protective and Safety Features: Fire extinguishers and smoke alarms are present and in good working condition; hazardous material properly maintained and disposed; fire and burglar alarm to police, fire, or central station; no attractive nuisance present such as trampolines, slides, or diving boards unless safety features are present such as trampolines padded and anchored; no aggressive breeds of dogs such as Pit Bulls, Dobermans, Chow, or Rottweiler.

-10% to 10%

07/01/2017 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III A-1



Form # Edition Date Name FL0020 Oct-06 Farm Liability Coverage Form FL0111 Sep-94 Illinois Changes FL0116 Sep-94 Exclusion – Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act FL0163 Apr-16 Amendatory Endorsement FL0406 Jan-98 Additional Residence Rented to Others FL0407 Oct-88 Additional Insured and Residence Premises FL0430 Sep-03 Limited Farm Pollution Liability Extension Endorsement FL0432 Jun-90 Additional Insured – Executors, Administrators, Trustees, or

Beneficiaries FL0443 Jan-98 Business Activities FL0450 Oct-06 Additional Insured – Farm Liability FL0465 Oct-06 Farm Employers’ Liability and Farm Employees’ Medical Payments

Insurance FL0469 Sep-03 Custom Farming Liability Coverage FL0471 Oct-06 Owned Snowmobile Coverage FL0474 Oct-06 All-Terrain Vehicle Coverage FL0477 Sep-03 Insureds’ Liability While Employed by Others in Non-Farm Jobs FL0483 Sep-03 Watercraft FL0532 Oct-06 Limited Fungi or Bacteria Coverage – Liability FL1001 Sep-94 Exclusion – Employment Related Practices FL1002 Jun-90 Exclusion – Personal and Advertising Injury Liability FL1003 Sep-03 Exclusion – Advertising Liability FL1005 Jan-98 Exclusion – Designated Products – Off Premises FL1006 Jan-98 Exclusion – Products Related to a Specific Premises or Operation FL1007 Sep-03 Exclusion – Products and Completed Operations FL1008 Sep-03 Contractual Liability Limitation FL1012 Dec-14 Exclusion-Access or Disclosure of Confidential or Personal Information

and Data Related Liability-With Limited Bodily Injury Exception FL1040 Jan-15 Certified Acts of Terrorism Aggregate Limit; Cap on Losses From

Certified Acts of Terrorism FL1044 Jan-15 Exclusion of Certified Nuclear, Biological, Chemical or Radiological Acts

of Terrorism; Cap on Losses From Certified Acts of Terrorism FL1050 Oct-06 Exclusion – Silica or Silica-Related Dust FL1067 Jan-15 Conditional Exclusion of Terrorism (Relating to Disposition of Federal

Terrorism Risk Insurance Act) FL1068 Jan-15 Conditional Exclusion of Terrorism Involving Nuclear, Biological or

Chemical Terrorism (Relating to Disposition of Federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act)

FL1069 Jan-15 Conditional Limitation of Coverage For Terrorism On An Annual Aggregate Basis (Relating to Disposition of Federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act)

FL1071 Jan-15 Exclusion of Other Acts of Terrorism Committed Outside the United States; Cap of Losses From Certified Acts of Terrorism

FL1073 Jan-15 Exclusion of Certified Acts of Terrorism FL1075 Jan-15 Exclusion of Certified Acts of Terrorism and Exclusion of Other Acts of

Terrorism Committed Outside the United States FL1076 Jan-15 Exclusion Punitive Damages Related to a Certified Act of Terrorism IL0021 Sep-08 Nuclear Energy Liability Exclusion Endorsement

07/01/2017 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III A-2

IL0118 Feb-17 Illinois Changes IL0147 Sep-11 Illinois Changes – Civil Union IL0162 Oct-13 Illinois Changes – Defense Costs IL0284 Dec-05 Illinois Changes – Cancellation and Non-Renewal


Form # Edition Date Name FP0012 Sep-03 Farm Property – Farm Dwellings, Appurtenant Structures and Household

Personal Property Coverage Form FP0013 Sep-03 Farm Property – Farm Personal Property Coverage Form FP0014 Sep-03 Farm Property – Barns, Outbuildings and Other Farm Structures

Coverage Form FP0030 Feb-09 Mobile Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Coverage Form FP0040 Feb-09 Livestock Coverage Form FP0090 Sep-03 Farm Property – Other Farm Provisions Form – Additional Coverages

Conditions, Definitions FP0160 Mar-08 Exclusion of Loss Due to Virus or Bacteria FP0304 Jan-98 Single Farm Property Per-Occurrence Deductible FP0404 Sep-03 Dwelling and Farm Building Replacement Cost Protection (Including

Ordinance of Law Coverage) FP0407 Sep-03 Increased Special Limits on Specified Household Personal Property FP0409 Sep-03 Increased Special Limits on Business Property FP0420 Sep-03 Foreign Objects in Machinery FP0421 Jan-98 Debris Removal Increased Limit of Insurance FP0422 Jan-98 Pollutant Clean Up and Removal Additional Aggregate Limit of Insurance FP0424 Sep-03 Spoilage Coverage – Perishable Farm Personal Property FP0428 Apr-16 Coverage G – Barns, Outbuildings and Other Farm Structures – Blanket

Insurance FP0431 Jan-98 Inflation Guard FP0436 Jan-98 Replacement Cost – Household Personal Property FP0450 Jan-98 Additional Insured – Farm Property FP0456 Jan-98 Collision Resulting in Death of Livestock FP0461 Apr-16 Scheduled Personal Property FP0478 Sep-03 Functional Building Evaluation FP0479 Jan-98 Functional Farm Personal Property, Machinery and Equipment Valuation FP0480 Sep-03 Rental to Others – Theft Coverage FP0503 Apr-16 Debris Removal Expense FP0520 Sep-03 Scheduled Farm Personal Property Away from the Insured Location FP0521 Apr-16 Replacement Cost – Mobile Agricultural Machinery and Equipment FP0522 Sep-03 Cab Glass Breakage FP0525 Apr-16 Increased Limits for Structures Appurtenant to Dwellings FP0526 Sep-03 Expenses Consequential to Enforcement of Ordinances or Laws

Affecting Building, Zoning or Land Use (Coverages A and B Only) FP0527 Apr-16 Motorized Golf Carts FP0530 Mar-08 Exclusion of Loss Due to Virus or Bacteria; Limited Coverage for Fungi,

Wet Rot and Dry Rot, Property FP0531 Apr-16 Exclusion of Loss Due to Virus or Bacteria; Limited Coverage for Fungi,

Wet Rot and Dry Rot – Farm Dwellings, Appurtenant Structures and Household Personal Property

FP0564 Apr-16 Unit Owners including Mine Subsidence Option FP1004 Oct-06 Livestock – Additional Causes of Loss FP1015 Apr-16 Windstorm or Hail Exclusion FP1021 Apr-98 Exclusion of Certain Computer-Related Losses

07/01/2017 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III A-3

FP1040 Apr-16 Cause of Loss – Earthquake Form FP1057 Apr-16 Coverage for Damage Sustained Only by Tires in Collisions, Upsets or

Overturns of Mobile Agricultural Machinery and Equipment FP1060 Feb-09 Causes of Loss Form – Farm Property FP1209 Apr-16 Limitation on Windstorm or Hail Coverage for Roof Surfacing FP1210 Apr-16 Actual Cash Value – Dwellings and Appurtenant Private Structures FP1211 Sep-03 Loss Payable Provisions FP1212 Sep-03 Burglary and Robbery Protective Safeguards FP1229 Sep-03 Peak Season FP1301 Sep-03 Value Reporting Endorsement FP1302 Oct-06 Report of Values FP1303 Oct-06 Supplemental Report of Values FP1401 Sep-03 Cov G Damage to Below Ground Foundation of Buildings or Structure

and Related Consequential Expense IL0903 Jul-02 Mine Subsidence Schedule IL0912 Oct-11 Illinois Change – Mine Subsidence – Non-Residential Building IL0934 Oct-11 Illinois Changes – Mine Subsidence – Residential Buildings


MM101 Jan-17 Amendatory Endorsement - Inspection MM300 Sep-13 Farm Property – Equipment Breakdown Coverage MM380 Nov-13 Snowmobile Physical Damage Protection MM385 Nov-13 Off-Road Recreational Vehicles – Physical Damage Coverage MM395 Nov-13 Watercraft – Special Excess Limit of Liability MM433 Jan-17 Sound Receiving and Transmitting Equipment MM434 Nov-13 Coverage for Weight of Ice, Sleet, or Snow MM440 Jan-17 Roof Exclusion MM450 Nov-13 Additional Insured – Designated Premises Only (Section I & Section II) MM451 Nov-13 Additional Insured – Designated Premises Only (Section II) MM452 Nov-13 Additional Insured – Designated Premises Only (Section I) MM453 Nov-13 Additional Insured – Partnership MM576 Nov-13 Livestock Suffocation Endorsement MM579 Nov-13 Livestock Strangulation Endorsement MM825 Nov-13 Liability Coverages for Home Day Care Business MM830 Sep-13 Identity Management Coverage Endorsement MM883 Nov-13 Sump Overflow and Water Backup from Sewers or Drains (Coverage A,

B, C and D Only) MM970 Nov-13 Loss Rents Coverage MM980 Nov-13 Other Structure Exclusion Endorsement

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III B-1


FL0020 (10/06) Farm Liability Coverage Form – Mandatory – Provides the following coverages against

claims arising from the policyholder’s insured locations and farming operations, products, and personal activities, all on an occurrence basis. Coverages may include bodily injury, medical payments, property damage, personal injury, and advertising injury.

Liability Limit 100,000 300,000 500,000 1,000,000

Up to 160 Acres 114 147 160 217

161 – 500 Acres 180 232 259 346

501 – 1000 Acres 234 304 337 451

Over 1000 Acres 300 387 430 576

Medical Payment

1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000

4 7 20 48

FL0111 (09/94) Illinois Changes – Mandatory –Amends the farm liability coverage form with additional

exclusionary language concerning Bodily Injury and Property Damage.

No Charge FL0116 (09/94) Exclusion - Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act – Mandatory –

Excludes liability coverage for any damages awarded under the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act, or any law or violation due to the Act.

No Charge

FL0163 (09/03) Amendatory Endorsement – Excludes bodily injury or property damage

arising out of pollution. Adds chemical drift liability coverage for physical injury to crops or animals.

No Charge FL0406 (01/98) Additional Residence Rented to Others – Applies to premises liability for additional

dwellings, whether on or off the farm premises, including dwellings rented or held for rental and owned by the named insured, spouse, or a member of the insured’s household.

Owner Occupied

Liability Limit

Medical Payment

1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000

100,000 14 15 20 29

300,000 18 22 26 35

500,000 23 26 30 39

1,000,000 25 28 32 42

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III B-2

One Family

Liability Limit

Medical Payment

1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000

100,000 19 22 29 34

300,000 22 25 32 37

500,000 29 32 39 44

1,000,000 34 37 44 49

Two Family

Liability Limit

Medical Payment

1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000

100,000 30 33 39 44

300,000 34 37 43 48

500,000 39 42 48 53

1,000,000 48 51 57 62

FL0407 (10/88) Additional Insured and Residence Premises – Adds liability protection to cover a resident

of the named insured’s household, if the resident is not included in the definition of insured in the FL0020.

Liability Limit

Medical Payment

1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000

100,000 28 31 33 36

300,000 32 35 37 40

500,000 38 41 43 46

1,000,000 48 51 53 56

FL0430 (09/03) Limited Farm Pollution Liability Extension Endorsement – Replaces and restates the

pollution exclusion in the Farm Liability Coverage Form FL0020, narrowing in scope principally to occurrences involving leaking underground storage tanks, and retaining the exclusionary provisions that relate to the handling of waste to responding to the effects of pollutants, to consequential losses, costs, or expenses, and to discharges from aircraft.

Limit Premium

$25,000 $30.00

$50,000 $45.00

$75,000 $80.00

$100,000 $110.00

FL0432 (06/90) Additional Insured - Executors, Administrators, Trustees, or Beneficiaries – Protects the

insurable liability interest for an executor, administrator, trustee, or beneficiary plus a living trust for the insured location(s).

No Charge

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FL0443 (01/98) Business Activities – Liability may be extended to cover a particular business at an insured location. A description of the type of eligible business must be indicated. The endorsement does include an exclusion for liquor liability.

Limit Premium

$100,000 $23.00

$300,000 $33.00

$500,000 $43.00

$1,000,000 $58.00

FL0450 (10/06) Additional Insured - Farm Liability – The definition of an insured may be broadened to

add the following categories: person or organization the insured leases land; person or organization that exercises financial control; non-resident co-owner of a non-farm or additional residence; relative who co-owns and helps operate the farm bur resides away from the farm premises.

Additional Insured Type

Limit of Liability

100,000 300,000 500,000 1,000,000

Type 1 No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge

Type 2 30.00 35.00 43.00 52.00

Type 3 30.00 35.00 43.00 52.00

Type 4 25.00 30.00 38.00 47.00

Type 5 25.00 30.00 38.00 47.00

Type 6 No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge

Type 7 No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge

Type 8 No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge

FL0465 (10/06) Farm Employers' Liability and Farm Employees' Medical Payments Insurance – Provides

coverage for farm employees including liability and medical payments coverage. Limits of insurance under this endorsement are independent of those for Coverage H, I, and J, and are not subject to the General Aggregate Limit. Indicate the selected limits on the schedule.

Full Time Employees > 180 Days

Liability Limit

Medical Payment

1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000

100,000 149 160 172 187

300,000 199 210 222 237

500,000 220 231 243 258

1,000,000 276 287 299 314

Part-Time Employees < 180 Days

Liability Limit

Medical Payment

1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000

100,000 52 59 67 77

300,000 70 77 85 95

500,000 77 84 92 102

1,000,000 97 104 112 122

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III B-4

FL0469 (09/03) Custom Farming Liability Coverage – Applies to farming operations performed by the insured for others for a charge under contract or agreement. Form FL0020 includes coverage for liability from custom farming to the extent of the first $5000 of the insured’s receipts.

Receipts in Excess of $5000

Rate Per $100 of Coverage

Liability Limit

Medical Payment

1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000

100,000 0.88 0.96 1.04 1.11

300,000 0.98 1.05 1.12 1.19

500,000 1.20 1.28 1.34 1.42

1,000,000 1.47 1.55 1.61 1.67

FL0471 (10/06) Owned Snowmobile Coverage – Provides liability coverage for owned snowmobiles.

Does not apply to motor vehicle registration or while used to carry persons for a charge. Also, no coverage while rented to others or operated in any racing.

Rate Per Snowmobile

Liability Limit

Medical Payment

1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000

100,000 56 64 72 79

300,000 69 77 85 92

500,000 80 89 98 105

1,000,000 85 93 100 117

FL0474 (10/06) All-terrain Vehicle Coverage – Liability coverage for specifically scheduled all-terrain

vehicles owned or operated by or rented or loaned to the insured. Does not apply to any all-terrain vehicles while rented to others, while used to carry persons for a charge or while operated in, or in practice for, any prearranged or organized race, speed contest or other competition. This endorsement would also be used for liability coverage on a motorized golf cart.

Rate Per ATV

Liability Limit

Medical Payment

1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000

100,000 36 50 64 92

300,000 56 80 94 120

500,000 100 112 122 135

1,000,000 140 148 157 175

FL0477 (09/03) Insureds' Liability While Employed by Others in Non-Farm Jobs – Provides liability for

the occupation, business pursuits, or profession described in the Schedule of the endorsement. This coverage is not for an insured who is the sole owner or in which the insured is a partner.

Liability Limit

Medical Payment

1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000

100,000 26 28 30 38

300,000 29 32 35 43

500,000 32 36 39 47

1,000,000 40 44 50 55

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III B-5

FL0483 (09/03) Watercraft – Includes liability coverage for watercraft that does not meet the limitation in the liability form (outboard motors/engines of up to25 horsepower and sailboats less than 26 feet in length). No coverage while used to carry persons for a fee, bodily injury to any employee while engaged in the employment of the insured, or any organized racing.

Outboard Motor

Horsepower Limit of Liability

Up To 15 Feet 15 To 26 Feet

1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000

25 or < HP

100,000 Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl.

300,000 Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl.

500,000 Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl.

1,000,000 Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl. Incl.

26 – 50 HP

100,000 17 21 31 41 26 30 40 50

300,000 23 27 38 48 33 49 58 68

500,000 34 38 49 59 46 52 69 73

1,000,000 45 52 60 71 58 65 80 85

51 – 100 HP

100,000 38 45 59 73 48 54 68 82

300,000 46 55 69 83 56 65 79 93

500,000 52 61 75 89 63 73 87 101

1,000,000 66 75 98 111 77 87 101 116

101 – 150 HP

100,000 51 60 76 92 59 65 81 97

300,000 60 72 86 102 70 82 96 112

500,000 70 79 93 109 79 89 103 119

1,000,000 84 93 108 121 93 103 117 132

151 – 200 HP

100,000 66 75 92 111 70 79 98 118

300,000 74 89 103 121 84 97 113 131

500,000 85 89 111 129 95 108 121 139

1,000,000 106 123 135 155 116 133 145 165

Over 200 HP

100,000 97 102 107 113 120 125 134 143

300,000 120 126 131 137 146 155 164 173

500,000 130 139 144 150 159 171 180 189

1,000,000 170 181 197 208 200 211 223 237

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III B-6

Inboard/Outboard Motor

Horsepower Limit of Liability

Up To 15 Feet 15 To 26 Feet

1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000

50 or < HP

100,000 49 55 60 66 69 73 78 84

300,000 61 69 74 80 85 91 96 102

500,000 70 77 82 88 93 102 107 113

1,000,000 89 96 101 108 112 121 128 135

51 – 100 HP

100,000 74 78 83 89 90 96 101 107

300,000 92 97 102 108 113 120 125 131

500,000 101 108 113 119 121 133 138 144

1,000,000 120 128 135 141 146 156 162 168

101 – 150 HP

100,000 97 102 107 113 120 125 134 143

300,000 120 126 131 137 146 155 164 173

500,000 130 139 144 150 159 171 180 189

1,000,000 165 172 180 186 193 200 210 219

151 – 200 HP

100,000 120 126 131 137 140 146 155 164

300,000 150 157 162 168 167 176 185 194

500,000 160 170 175 181 183 193 202 211

1,000,000 191 200 207 219 228 239 248 257

Over 200 HP

100,000 143 150 157 164 172 178 183 190

300,000 172 179 186 201 214 219 227 235

500,000 183 191 198 210 223 230 239 250

1,000,000 228 238 248 256 267 278 287 296

Sailboats Personal Watercraft

Limit of Liability

26 to 40 Feet Limit of Liability

1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000

100,000 41 48 55 65 100,000 44 47 52 55

300,000 47 54 60 70 300,000 52 55 60 63

500,000 55 62 68 78 500,000 60 63 68 71

1,000,000 105 118 123 133 1,000,000 72 78 84 90

FL0532 (10/06) Limited Fungi or Bacteria Coverage – Liability – Mandatory – Used with liability form

FL0020 to provide coverage for fungi or bacteria that are contained in a good or product, subject to an aggregate limit of insurance of $50,000.

No Charge FL1001 (09/94) Exclusion - Employment Related Practices – Mandatory – Amends Form FL0020 by

excluding bodily injury and personal injury liability arising out of employment related practices.

No Charge FL1002 (06/90) Exclusion - Personal and Advertising Injury Liability – Amends Form FL0020 to exclude

both the Personal and Advertising Liability from the form.

No Charge

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III B-7

FL1003 (09/03) Exclusion - Advertising Liability – Amends the FL0020 by excluding the Advertising injury component of Coverage I – Personal and Advertising Injury Liability

No Charge

FL1005 (09/98) Exclusion - Designated Products - Off Premises – Coverage under FL0020 is excluded for damages, which arise out of a designated product and occurs off the premises owned or rented by the insured. Enter the designated product in the Schedule.

No Charge FL1006 (09/98) Exclusion- Products Related to a Specific Premises or Operation – Coverage may be

excluded for damages which arise out of a product connected with a designated premise or designated operation. Coverage applies on and off premises but does not apply to incidents which occur after the insured has relinquished possession of the product. Enter the designated premises or operation in the Schedule of the endorsement.

No Charge

FL1007 (09/03) Exclusion - Products and Completed Operations – Coverage under FL0020 may be

excluded for damages which occur away from the premises owned or rented by the insured arising out of farm products or operations.

No Charge

FL1008 (09/03) Contractual Liability Limitation – The policy may be endorsed to eliminate broad contractual liability coverage. The endorsement therefore provides a revised definition of “insured contract.”

No Charge

FL1012 (12/14) Exclusion-Access or Disclosure of Confidential or Personal Information and Data Related

Liability-With Limited Bodily Injury Exception – Mandatory

No Charge

FL1040 (01/15) Certified Acts of Terrorism Aggregate Limit; Cap on Losses From Certified Acts of Terrorism

No Charge

FL1044 (01/15) Exclusion of Certified Nuclear, Biological, Chemical or Radiological Acts of Terrorism; Cap on Losses from Certified Acts of Terrorism

No Charge

FL1050 (10/06) Exclusion - Silica or Silica-Related Dust – Mandatory – Amends Form FL0020 by

excluding bodily injury, property damage, personal and advertising liability arising out of silica or silica-related dust.

No Charge

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III B-8

FL1067 (01/15) Conditional Exclusion of Terrorism (Relating to Disposition of Federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act) – Mandatory – Relating to Disposition of Federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, conditional endorsement that excludes terrorism coverage. Based on whether the federal program terminates during the policy period.

No Charge FL1068 (01/15) Conditional Exclusion of Terrorism Involving Nuclear, Biological or Chemical Terrorism

(Relating to Disposition of Federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act)

No Charge

FL1069 (01/15) Conditional Limitation of Coverage for Terrorism on an Annual Aggregate Basis (Relating

to Disposition of Federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Act

No Charge

FL1071 (01/15) Exclusion of Other Acts of Terrorism Committed Outside the United States; Cap of Losses from Certified Acts of Terrorism

No Charge

FL1073 (01/15) Exclusion of Other Acts of Terrorism

No Charge

FL1075 (01/15) Exclusion of Other Acts of Terrorism and Exclusion of Other Acts of Terrorism Committed Outside the United States

No Charge

FL1076 (01/15) Exclusion Punitive Damages Related to a Certified Act of Terrorism

No Charge

IL0021 (09/08) Nuclear Energy Liability Exclusion Endorsement – Mandatory – Broad form exclusion

automatically added to the FL0020. No coverage with respect to hazardous material or nuclear material. Applies not only to liability but medical payments coverage as well.

No Charge

IL0118 (02/17) Illinois Changes – Mandatory – Added to all policies with FL0020, FL0090, FP0030, & FP0040 – Amends the Causes of Loss Form – Farm Property, Mobile Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Coverage Form and Livestock Coverage regarding the Intentional Loss Exclusion and Transfer of Rights against Others. Notice given by or on behalf of the insured to any of our authorized agents in Indiana shall be considered to be notice to us.

No Charge

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IL0147 (09/11) Illinois Changes – Civil Union – Mandatory – Amends the Farm Coverage by replacing the term “spouse” with Spouse or party to a civil union recognized under Illinois law.

No Charge

IL0162 (10/13) Illinois Changes – Defense Costs – Mandatory – Amends the Farm Coverage by adding

insuring agreements that are set forth as a duty to defend and allow us to collect defense costs when we initially defend an uncovered claim.

No Charge

IL0284 (12/05) Illinois Changes - Cancellation and Non-Renewal – Mandatory – Amends the

Cancellation and Non-renewal provision of the policy regarding the number of days required and the method by which the notice must be mailed.

No Charge

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FP0012 (09/03) Farm Property - Farm Dwellings, Appurtenant Structures and Household Personal

Property Coverage Form – Provides first-party property damage on dwellings and household personal property. The form includes the following coverages: Coverage A – Dwellings; Coverage B – Other private Structures Appurtenant to Dwellings; Coverage C – Household Personal Property; Coverage D – Loss of Use. Covers each residential building (including attached structures) for which a limit is shown in the Declarations. The selected value must be at least 80% of the replacement value for replacement cost valuation to apply. Under Coverage B, other private structures are automatically covered for an amount corresponding to 10% of the Coverage A Limit of Insurance.

See Appendix

FP0013 (09/03) Farm Property - Farm Personal Property Coverage Form – Provides first-party property

damage insurance on farm personal property. Includes Coverage E – Scheduled Farm Personal Property and Coverage F – Unscheduled Farm Personal Property. Only offers Basic or Broad cause of loss. Photos are required if value is at $50,000 or greater.

Coverage E – Scheduled Farm Personal Property

Rates per $100 of Coverage

Basic Broad Special

Farm Machinery 0.25 0.28 0.31

Farm Supplies 0.43 0.47 0.51

Grain/Farm Products 0.47 0.52 0.57

Hay in the Building 1.04 1.14 1.25

Hay in the Open 1.04 NA NA

Irrigation Equipment 0.79 0.87 0.95

Livestock 0.31 0.34 0.36

Portable Buildings 0.47 0.52 0.57

Poultry 0.51 0.57 0.62

All Other Farm Property Not Classified Above 0.43 0.47 0.51

Coverage F – Unscheduled Farm Personal Property

Rates per $100 of Coverage

$15,000 - $50,000 0.340

$50,001 - $150,000 0.325

$150,001 - $250,000 0.310

Over $250,000 0.300

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FP0014 (09/03) Farm Property - Barns, Outbuildings and Other Farm Structures Coverage Form – Provides first-party property damage on real property usual to a farm, other than dwellings and private structures appurtenant to dwellings. Includes Coverage G – Barns, Outbuildings and Other Farm Structures. Covers the following types of property for which a limit is shown in the Declarations: farm buildings, silos, portable buildings, fences (except field and pasture), corrals, pens, chutes, outdoor radio and TV equipment, building materials and supplies.

Farm Property

Rate per $100 of Coverage

Basic Broad Special

Type 1 0.45 0.50 0.55

Type 2 0.60 0.69 0.78

Type 3 0.80 0.89 0.98

Other Structures

Rate per $100 of Coverage

Basic Broad Special

Metal Grain Bins 0.51 0.63 0.72

Masonry Silos 0.51 0.63 0.72

Wire Cribs 1.14 1.27 NA

Portable Buildings 1.14 1.27 NA

Crop Dryers 1.46 1.58 1.68

Metal Bins with Dryers 1.46 1.58 1.68

Corn Cribs 0.77 0.87 0.96

Confinement Buildings 0.86 0.94 1.01

Grain Dryers – Stationary 1.52 1.63 1.74

Permanent Fencing 0.84 0.97 1.06

Steel Grain Bins 0.57 0.68 0.74

Silo – Other 0.74 0.82 0.89

Tanks – Bulk Liquid Storage 1.46 1.52 1.61

Outdoor Radio & Television Equipment 2.46 2.58 2.71

Satellite Dishes/Antennae 1.58 1.65 1.73

Permanent Outside Electrical Apparatus 2.35 2.46 2.53

Water Pumps Electric 3.32 3.41 3.56

Antennas & Towers 3.82 3.92 4.29

Private Power Poles and Wiring 1.28 1.37 1.68

FP0030 (02/09) Mobile Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Coverage Form – Provides coverage against risks of direct physical loss, subject to certain exclusions and conditions; may be covered on a blanket or scheduled basis. Use this form when no other property coverage is needed for farm exposure.

.470 per $100 of Coverage

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FP0040 (02/09) Livestock Coverage Form – Provides coverage against risks of direct physical loss, subject to certain exclusions and conditions; may be covered on a blanket or scheduled basis. Blanket basis is subject to an 80% co-insurance requirement. Not all livestock and animals are eligible; for example, horses, mules used or bred exclusively for racing, show, or delivery, livestock while being transported by common carrier; or insured’s covering livestock for auctions. Coverage for livestock in custody of common or contract carrier.

.467 per $100 of Coverage

FP0090 (09/03) Farm Property - Other Farm Provisions Form - Additional Coverages Conditions, Definitions – Mandatory – If FP0012, FP0013, or FP0014 is added to the policy, attach FP0090 which provides additional coverages including Debris Removal, Fire Department Service Charge, and further defines the peril of Collapse. This endorsement outlines the Conditions for Abandonment, Appraisal, and the Duties in the event of a Loss or Damage. See the endorsement for a complete list of all coverages, definitions, and conditions.

No Charge FP0160 (03/08) Exclusion of Loss Due to Virus or Bacteria – Mandatory – If FP0012, FP0013, FP0014,

FP0030, or FP0040 is added to the policy. This form excludes coverage for property damage to buildings, structures, livestock, mobile agricultural equipment as well as income loss, extra expense, fair rental value or additional living expenses due to loss resulting from any virus or bacteria.

No Charge

FP0304 (01/98) Single Farm Property Per-Occurrence Deductible – Mandatory – When the Farm Coverage Part, includes more than one of the property coverage forms (FP0012, FP0013, FP0014) if the insured sustains losses, damages, or expenses, more than the deductibles, otherwise applicable under two or more of these coverage forms, only the highest applicable deductible amount will apply.

No Charge

FP0404 (09/03) Dwelling and Farm Building Replacement Cost Protection (Including Ordinance or Law Coverage) – Provides replacement cost, physical damage coverage, and four additional coverages on property covered under Coverage A or Coverage G. The four coverages (see endorsement for limitation and exclusions) including replacement cost, enforcement of ordinance or law, expense coverage, and reconstruction or repair costs. Property must be insured for 100% of replacement cost and may be attached with FP0012 and FP0014.

1% of any Dwelling or Farm Building Premium

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FP0407 (09/03) Increased Special Limits on Specified Household Personal Property – Specific household property may be increased over the limit(s) provided in the policy form. Items include jewelry, watches, and furs, money and securities, silverware, firearms, and electronic apparatus.

Class Description Rate Maximum Increase Policy Total

Class A Gold $1.20 per $100 $2,500 $5,000

Class B Letters of Credit $6.00 per $100 $1,500 $3,000

Class G1 Furs, Jewelry, Stones, Watches $11.25 per $1000 $2,500 $5,000

Class G2 Goldware $3.25 per $1000 $2,500 $5,000

Class G3 Firearms $2.65 per $100 $3,000 $6,000

Class H Electronic Apparatus and accessories while in or upon a motor vehicle or other motorized land conveyance

$1.75 per $100 $1,500 $3,000

Class I Electronic Apparatus and accessories used primarily in connection with the operation of the farm or a business while off the insured location

$2.00 per $100 $1,500 $3,000

FP0409 (09/03) Increased Special Limits on Business Property – The policy automatically includes

$2,500 for business property on the insured location. This may be increased to a maximum amount of $10,000. The policy also includes automatically $500 for business property off the insured location. If the policy is increased for business property on the premises, then the off-premises amount is increased to an amount equal to 20% of the total on-premises amount. There is no additional premium charge for this 20% increase.

Special Limit of Insurance


$2,500 Included

$5,000 $44.00

$10,000 $88.00

FP0420 (09/03) Foreign Objects in Machinery – Coverage may be provided on items of farm machinery,

vehicles and equipment specifically described in the Coverage E declaration. The property must be insured against the Special Covered Causes of Loss, must indicate whether it applies to an item, and must reflect the full value of the item.

$.10 per $100 of Coverage E Limit

FP0421 (01/98) Debris Removal Increased Limit of Insurance – Under the FP0090, an additional amount

of insurance is included that provides for the removal of the debris of covered property for an amount that equals to 25% of the loss. This amount may be increased under this endorsement for an additional specified dollar amount.

$0.72 per $100 of Coverage

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FP0422 (01/98) Pollutant Clean Up and Removal Additional Aggregate Limit of Insurance – Form FP0090 provides a $10,000 annual aggregate Limit of Insurance for the cost to remove pollutants from land or water at an insured location. This amount may be increased. Indicate on the Schedule, the location the increased amount applies.

Limit Deductible

$1,000 $2,500 $5,000

$25,000 $40.00 $37.00 $33.00

$50,000 $60.00 $54.00 $50.00

$75,000 $85.00 $78.00 $71.00

FP0424 (09/03) Spoilage Coverage - Perishable Farm Personal Property – Coverage E Scheduled Farm

Personal Property may be extended for spoilage of perishable farm personal property caused by breakdown or contamination from mechanical breakdown of equipment or public power outage. Maximum amount of insurance available is $50,000.


Rate Per $1000

$500 $1,000 $2,500 $5,000

3.00 2.70 2.55 2.40

FP0428 (04/16) Coverage G - Barns, Outbuildings, and Other Farm Structures – Blanket

Coverage – Form for coverages of farm buildings and structures. In the schedule need to indicate the insured locations, property not to be covered, if any, the applicable cause of loss – Basic, Broad, or Special, a single limit of insurance, and the loss valuation, actual cash value or replacement cost.

Coverage G Blanket Coverage = 10% of the Property’s Premium

Farm Property

Rate per $100 of Coverage

Basic Broad Special

Type 1 0.45 0.50 0.55

Type 2 0.60 0.69 0.78

Type 3 0.80 0.89 0.98

Other Structures

Rate per $100 of Coverage

Basic Broad Special

Metal Grain Bins 0.51 0.63 0.72

Masonry Silos 0.51 0.63 0.72

Wire Cribs 1.14 1.27 NA

Portable Buildings 1.14 1.27 NA

Crop Dryers 1.46 1.58 1.68

Metal Bins with Dryers 1.46 1.58 1.68

Corn Cribs 0.77 0.87 0.96

Confinement Buildings 0.86 0.94 1.01

Grain Dryers – Stationary 1.52 1.63 1.74

Permanent Fencing 0.84 0.97 1.06

Steel Grain Bins 0.57 0.68 0.74

Silo – Other 0.74 0.82 0.89

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Tanks – Bulk Liquid Storage 1.46 1.52 1.61

Outdoor Radio & Television Equipment 2.46 2.58 2.71

Satellite Dishes/Antennae 1.58 1.65 1.73

Permanent Outside Electrical Apparatus 2.35 2.46 2.53

Water Pumps Electric 3.32 3.41 3.56

Antennas & Towers 3.82 3.92 4.29

Private Power Poles and Wiring 1.28 1.37 1.68

FP0431 (01/98) Inflation Guard – Provides automatic annual increase on the property limits.

3% inflation guard automatically included.

No Charge

FP0436 (01/98) Replacement Cost - Household Personal Property – Provides replacement cost

coverage for an additional premium for contents of the insured dwelling.

Dwelling Type Coverage Premium Premium Charge

Owner Occupied Coverage A 7%

Tenant Occupied Coverage C 10%

FP0450 (01/98) Additional Insured - Farm Property – Persons or organizations may be designated as

additional insureds to protect their interest in an insured location.

No Charge FP0456 (01/98) Collision Resulting in Death of Livestock – Used with FP0013 and revises coverage on

livestock under Coverage E and restricts collision resulting in death of livestock. The sub-limits are based on a selected per animal basis. Enter the applicable limit for livestock and enter Collision instead of Basic or Broad in the covered causes of loss column.

Amount of Coverage


$500 per head $15.00

$1000 per head $22.00

$2000 per head $29.00

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FP0461 (04/16) Scheduled Personal Property – Coverage for certain scheduled property may be provided against risks of direct physical loss with certain exceptions. Each item needs a completed description and amount of insurance.

Rate per $100 value Class Property Rate

1 Jewelry (Current Appraisal for Values Over $5,000) ........ 1.25 2 Furs ................................................................................... 0.30 3 Cameras/ Personal ........................................................... 1.30 4 Musical Instruments/Personal ........................................... 0.60 5 Silverware ......................................................................... 0.20 6 Golfer’s Equipment/ Personal ........................................... 1.10 7 Fine Arts, China, Antiques ................................................ 0.50 8 Postage Stamps, Books .................................................... 0.60 9 Coins ................................................................................. 1.50 10 Bicycles ...........................................................................10.00 11 CB Radio, Car Phones, Mobile Phones ............................ 5.00 12 Guns .................................................................................. 3.00 13 Satellite Receiving Equipment .......................................... 3.00 14 Tools/ Personal ................................................................. 1.75 15 Hearing Aids...................................................................... 2.00 16 Computers/ Personal ........................................................ 1.00 17 Cameras/ Business ........................................................... 2.00 18 Musical Instruments/ Business ......................................... 0.90 19 Golfer’s Equipment/ Business ........................................... 1.65 20 Tools/ Business ................................................................. 2.65 21 Computers/ Business ........................................................ 1.50 22 Stereo and Equipment ...................................................... 1.10 23 Jewelry (Appraisal over 3 years)....................................... 1.85 24 Lawn and Garden Machinery ............................................ 1.75

FP0478 (09/03) Functional Building Valuation – Amends Farm Property Coverage. Loss settlement is

based on “functional building valuation” which uses materials which may be less costly but functionally equivalent to the damaged building or structure.

Replacement Cost %


100-90% .895

89-80% .890

79-70% .885

69-60% .870

59-50% .860

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FP0479 (01/98) Functional Farm Personal Property, Machinery and Equipment Valuation – Amends Farm Property Coverage. Loss settlement is based on “functional valuation” which will pay for closely equivalent property available to the property, machinery or equipment damaged.

Replacement Cost %


100-90% .105

89-80% .110

79-70% .115

69-60% .130

59-50% .140

FP0480 (09/03) Rental to Others - Theft Coverage – Policy may be extended to cover loss by theft while

the portion of the residence premises usually occupied by the insured is occasionally rented in whole or in part to a roomer or boarder.

$15.00 per Location

FP0503 (04/16) Debris Removal Expense – Amends Inland Marine forms, Livestock Coverage Form and

Mobile Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Coverage Form to include coverage for your expense to remove debris of covered property resulting from a covered cause of loss.

$0.40 per $100 of Coverage

FP0520 (09/03) Scheduled Farm Personal Property Away from the Insured Location – Subject to Declarations entry, specific items of Coverage E property, such as grain and hay, farm products, poultry and portable buildings, may be separately covered by endorsement when such items are located away from the insured location. The same Covered Causes of Loss that apply to these items when they are located on the insured location apply away from the insured location.

$1.10 per $100 of Coverage

FP0521 (04/16) Replacement Cost - Mobile Agricultural Machinery and Equipment – Provides

coverage for items of mobile agricultural machinery and equipment up to five years old for replacement cost vs. actual cash value. Each item to be covered is subject to a minimum value of 80% of its replacement value. Not all equipment or machinery is eligible; for example, portable sawmills irrigation equipment, or self-propelled harvester-thresher combines and cotton pickers.

$0.30 multiplied by the Scheduled Equipment’s Premium

FP0522 (09/03) Cab Glass Breakage – Form FP0013 may be endorsed to cover breakage of glass in the cab or scheduled mobile agricultural machinery or farm vehicles. Provides for replacement of broken cab glass on either an actual cash value or on the basis to repair or replace with the most closely equivalent cab glass obtainable. In the schedule, identify the machinery or vehicle for which coverage is desired.

$8.00 per Cab

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FP0525 (04/16) Increased Limits for Structures Appurtenant to Dwellings – Provides additional amount of insurance over the automatic 10% for Coverage B appurtenant structures. Indicate the additional amount of insurance plus a description of the building.

$3.35 per $1000 of Coverage FP0526 (09/03) Expenses Consequential to Enforcement of Ordinance or Laws Affecting Building, Zoning

or Land Use (Coverages A and B Only) – Provides an additional percentage amount starting at 10% of the Coverage A Limit of Insurance to pay increased costs necessarily incurred to comply with an ordinance or law being enforced. This endorsement defrays the increased expenses known or estimated by the insured to repair, replace, demolition damaged property and clear all debris in compliance with the ordinance or law.

Increased Percent

Rate Per $1000

10% 1.06

25% 1.15

50% 1.25

FP0527 (04/16) Motorized Golf Carts – Provides a specified limit of insurance representative of the

actual cash value of the vehicle. Coverage can be afforded for both permanently and not permanently attached equipment. See the endorsement for stipulations. Collision coverage may be added and must be indicated on the Schedule of the endorsement. $500 Deductible Applies.

Physical Damage Coverage Only: $7.00 per $500 of Coverage Physical Damage & Collision Coverage: $9.00 per $500 of Coverage

FP0530 (03/08) Exclusion of Loss Due to Virus or Bacteria; Limited Coverage for Fungi, Wet Rot and Dry

Rot – Property – Mandatory with FP0013, FP0014 and/or FP0030. Provides limited coverage for loss or damage resulting from fungi, wet rot or dry rot. Contains an exclusion due to virus or bacteria which applies to all farm property coverages made a part of the policy including property damage, income loss, extra expense, fair rental value, additional living expenses and actions of civil authority. Automatic annual aggregate limit of $15,000 included which may be increased. $500 Deductible Applies.

Increased Limit Premium

$15,000 Included

$25,000 $48.00

FP0531 (04/16) Exclusion of Loss Due to Virus or Bacteria; Limited Coverage for Fungi, Wet Rot and Dry

Rot - Farm Dwellings, Appurtenant Structures and Household Personal Property – Mandatory with FP0012. Provides limited coverage for loss or damage resulting from fungi, wet rot or dry rot. Contains an exclusion due to virus or bacteria which applies to all farm property coverages made a part of the policy including property damage, income loss, extra expense, fair rental value, additional living expenses and actions of civil authority. $10,000 annual aggregate limit automatically included which may be increased.

Increased Limit Premium

$10,000 Included

$25,000 $35.00

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FP0564 (04/16) Unit Owners including Mine Subsidence Option – Provides standard Illinois Mine Subsidence coverage for a living unit which is that portion of a unit designated for separate ownership. This endorsement insured against direct loss to a “living unit” and is limited to improvements, alterations, or additions, and additional living expenses incurred by you. Also, provides coverage for assessments made against an insured resulting from an occurrence of “mine subsidence.” The most we will pay is the amount provided for in the policy declarations or $15,000.

• A policy deductible applies with a minimum $250 Deductible.

• Coverage is mandatory in the following counties and will be included on every policy at a separately stated premium unless waived in writing by the insured (All other counties are exempt; however, Mine Subsidence insurance shall be provided if requested by an insured or applicant of any county not listed below.)

Counties of: Bond, Bureau, Christian, Clinton, Douglas, Franklin, Fulton, Gallatin, Grundy, Jackson, Jefferson, Knox, LaSalle, Logan, McDonough, Macoupin, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Menard, Mercer, Montgomery, Peoria, Perry, Putnam, Randolph, Rock Island, St. Clair, Saline, Sangamon, Tazewell, Vermilion, Washington, and Williamson.

$12.00 Charge FP1004 (10/06) Livestock - Additional Causes of Loss – Extends coverage for livestock to include the

perils of death by accidental shooting, drowning, electrocution, attack by dogs or wild animals, and collapse of buildings.

$0.80 per $100 of Coverage

FP1015 (04/16) Windstorm or Hail Exclusion – Amends Cause of Loss Form to exclude loss caused by windstorm or hail.

-4% Discount off any Farm Risk Premium

FP1021 (04/98) Exclusion of Certain Computer-Related Losses – Excludes coverage for computer hardware, software, networks, etc whether belonging to the insured or others regardless of cause of loss.

No Charge

FP1040 (04/16) Cause of Loss - Earthquake Form – Provides protection for applicable coverages, for direct physical loss to covered property caused by earthquake, land shock waves or tremors before, during or after a volcanic eruption subject to endorsement exclusions. We pay your share of any loss assessment charged against you by a corporation or association of property owners.

• A separate deductible is applied to each coverage limit which sustains a loss.

• The minimum deductible for any one loss is $250.

• This coverage cannot be effective on an application or an existing policy for thirty days after an earthquake shock 5.0 or greater on the Richter Scale.

• Masonry or masonry veneer structures built before 1950 are not eligible.

• Deductible options are 10% and 15%. A minimum 15% deductible must be selected in some zones.

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Zone 1- Counties of: Gallatin, Hardin, Massac, Pope Zone 2- Counties of: Alexander, Calhoun, Crawford, Edwards, Franklin, Hamilton,

Jackson, Jefferson, Jersey, Johnson, Lawrence, Madison, Perry, Pike, Pulaski, Randolph, Richland, St. Clair, Saline, Union, Wabash, Washington, Wayne, White, and Williamson

Zone 3- Counties of: Adams, Bond, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Edgar, Greene, Jasper, Macoupin, Marion, Monroe, Scott

Zone 4- Counties of: Remainder of State

Rate Per $1,000 of Insurance


Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 4

Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 4

10% Deductible

Coverage A NA NA .35 .35 NA NA .50 .50

Coverage B NA NA .35 .35 NA NA .50 .50

Coverage C Owner Occupied NA NA .30 .30 NA NA .50 .50

Coverage C Tenant Occupied NA NA .30 .30 NA NA .50 .50

Coverage D NA NA .35 .35 NA NA .50 .50

Coverage E NA NA .30 .30 NA NA 50 50

Coverage F NA NA .30 .30 NA NA .50 .50

Coverage G NA NA .35 .35 NA NA .50 .50

Inland Marine NA NA .30 .30 NA NA .50 .50

15% Deductible

Coverage A .90 .50 .30 .30 1.20 .75 .40 .40

Coverage B .90 .50 .30 .30 1.20 .75 .40 .40

Coverage C Owner Occupied .57 .44 .25 .25 .64 .46 .30 .30

Coverage C Tenant Occupied .57 .44 .25 .25 .64 .46 .30 .30

Coverage D .90 .50 .30 .30 1.20 .75 .40 .40

Coverage E .57 .44 .25 .25 .64 .46 .30 .30

Coverage F .57 .44 .25 .25 .64 .46 .30 .30

Coverage G .90 .50 .30 .30 1.20 .75 .40 .40

Inland Marine .57 .44 .30 .30 .64 .46 .30 .30

*Other-These are structures other than Frame. This includes brick, brick veneer, steel frame, fire resistive, etc. FP1057 (04/16) Coverage for Damage Sustained Only by Tires in Collisions, Upsets or Overturns of

Mobile Agricultural Machinery and Equipment – Tires mounted on mobile agricultural machinery and equipment may be covered at actual cash value only against loss or damage sustained in occurrences involving collision, upset or overturn that does not cause covered damage to the rest of the machinery or equipment.

$7.08 per $100 of Insurance

FP1060 (02/09) Causes of Loss Form - Farm Property – Mandatory – The Declarations for the various coverages and property require entry of Basic, Broad, or Special. The Basic causes of loss provide coverage for fourteen different perils. The Broad causes of loss add an additional coverage for twelve additional perils. The Special causes of loss provide coverage against risks of direct physical loss to eligible property, subject to certain exclusions and conditions.

No Charge

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FP1209 (04/16) Limitation on Windstorm or Hail Coverage for Roof Surfacing – Amends Farm Property Coverage form to either exclude damage to roofing surface caused by windstorm or hail or limiting loss settlement to Actual Cash Value of the roof surfacing.


Age of Roof Coverage A Discount

Coverage G Discount

Current Year 4% 4%

1 Year Old 4% 4%

2 Years Old 4% 4%

3 Years Old 5% 4%

4 Years Old 5% 4%

5 Years Old 5% 4%

6 Years Old 6% 4%

7 Years Old 6% 4%

8 Years Old 6% 4%

9 Years Old 7% 4%

10 Years Old 7% 4%

11 Years Old 7% 4%

12 Years Old 7% 4%

13 Years Old 7% 4%

14 Years Old 7% 4%

15 Years Old 7% 4%

16 Years Old or Older 7% 4%


Building Type Discount

Dwellings – Coverage A 2.2%

Other Structures – Coverage G 1.1%

FP1210 (04/16) Actual Cash Value - Dwellings and Appurtenant Private Structures – Available for

specified tenant or owner-occupied dwellings. The endorsement provides for actual cash value loss valuation instead of replacement cost. In the Schedule indicate which dwelling (s) the endorsement applies.

No Charge FP1211 (09/03) Loss Payable Provisions – For each loss payee, indicate the appropriate provision in the

schedule. Loss payable when it is intended to make the payment jointly to the insured and a named loss payee as their interests may appear; also to protect the interest of a lender; or to be used when duplicate interests exist in property undergoing transfer by sale.

No Charge

FP1212 (09/03) Burglary and Robbery Protective Safeguards – Contains descriptions of

categories of protective safeguards that may be on the insured’s’ premises, such as burglar alarms and other security systems. For other systems, indicate the type of alarm located on the premises.

No Charge

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FP1229 (09/03) Peak Season – Limits of Insurance under Coverage E and Coverage F may be increased for a selected specified period. Calculate the additional period during which the increased Limit of Insurance applies.

Calculate 1/12 of the applicable Scheduled (Cov E) or Unscheduled (Cov F)

Farm Personal Property times the number of months

Coverage E – Scheduled Farm Personal Property

Rates per $100 of Coverage

Irrigation Equipment 0.633

Misc. Tools and Equipment 0.556

Hay in the Open 0.667

Hay in the Building 0.891

Livestock 0.574

Machinery 0.626

Grain/Farm Products 0.649

Farm Supplies 0.549

Portable Buildings 0.649

Poultry 0.574

All Other Farm Property Not Classified Above 0.549

Coverage F – Unscheduled Farm Personal Property

Rates per $100 of Coverage

$15,000 - $50,000 0.400

$50,001 - $150,000 0.375

$150,001 - $250,000 0.360

Over $250,000 0.310

FP1301 (09/03) Value Reporting Endorsement – This endorsement provides a means for rating property

on a value basis. It is appropriate for farm property inventories that characteristically undergo seasonal fluctuations.

No Charge

FP1302 (10/06) Report of Values – Provides a format for reporting property values and includes a

summary of reporting dates. If additional space is needed to report property values, attach Supplemental Report of Values form

No Charge

FP1303 (10/06) Supplemental Report of Values – Provides additional space for when reporting property

values and using form FP1302.

No Charge

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MM101 (01/17) Amendatory Endorsement – Inspection – Mandatory – The Company may audit and inspect the records and property of the insured and insured location(s); however, this does not warrant that the property or operations are safe, meets local standards and codes, nor, are in compliance with any state, federal rule or regulation.

No Charge

MM300 (09/13) Farm Property – Equipment Breakdown Coverage – Provides coverage for physical

damage sustained by covered equipment, business interruption, lost value of spoilage due to breakdown, mechanical breakdown, shorted electrical circuits, overheating, cracking or bulging of a boiler or other pressure vessel, centrifugal force, and ammonia contamination due to equipment breakdown.

Coverage A – G Limits Deductible Amount

$250 $500 $1,000 $2,500 $5,000

Less than $500,000 $45.00 $44.00 $43.00 $39.00 $34.00

$500,000 - $999,999 $65.00 $64.00 $62.00 $57.00 $50.00

$1,000,000 - $1,999,999 $105.00 $103.00 $100.00 $100.00 $80.00

$2,000,000 and Greater $137.00 $137.00 $130.00 $119.00 $105.00

MM380 (11/13) Snowmobile – Physical Damage Protection – Provides all risk physical damage year- round on owned snowmobiles subject to policy conditions and exclusions. Accessories also included. A $250 deductible applies.

$3.10 per $100 of Insurance

MM385 (11/13) Off-road Recreational Vehicles – Physical Damage Coverage – Provides all risk physical damage coverage year-round on owned land vehicles and accessories subject to policy conditions and exclusions. Coverage is on an actual cash basis.

Deductible Rate per $100

$500 $3.50

$1000 $3.00

$1500 $2.50

MM395 (11/13) Watercraft – Special Excess Limit of Liability – Provides all risk of physical damage year- round for boats, motors, boat trailers, and accessories subject to exclusions. Information required include the serial number, year, make, model and value of each item. Also, the horsepower for each motor, the length of the boat, and the driver’s license of each operator. Driving record of each operator would need to qualify based on our automobile guidelines.

• $250 deductible applies

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III D-2

The following is required when requesting this endorsement:

• Photographs of items to be covered under this endorsement such as boat, motors, trailers, etc. Cover must be removed from the boat when photographing.

• Year, make, model, serial number and value of each item.

• Horsepower of each motor.

• Length of boat.

• Driver’s License number and details regarding driving record of each driver. The following should be submitted for underwriting approval:

• Outboard motors with a horsepower of more than 200.

• Inboard motors and inboard/outboard motors with a horse-power rating of more than 260.

• Watercraft over 20 years old.

• Inboard or inboard/outboard with a value of over $50,000.

• Personal Watercraft such as wave runners and jet skis.

Do not Submit the following:

• Sailboats of more than 40 feet in length.

• Automobile motor conversions.

Rate per $100.00 value

Class 1 Outboard Motor ............................................... 1.60 Class 2 Outboard Boat ................................................. 1.50 Class 3 Inboard/Outboard Boat .................................... see following chart:

Code Value Factor Code Value Factor A ............. 0-7000…………. 2.00.................... G……….... 22,001-25,000....................... 1.40 B ............. 7001-10,000………...1.90 ....... ….........H .......... ….25,001-30,000 ....................... 1.30 C ............. 10,001-13,000………...1.80……………....I .......... ….30,001-35,000 ....................... 1.20 D ............. 13,001-16,000………...1.70 .................... J………….35,001-45,000 ....................... 1.10 E ............. 16,001-19,000…………1.60 K………….45,001-50,000 ....................... 1.00 F ............. 19,001-22,000…………1.50……………………$50,001 and above, contact underwriting

Class 4 Boat Trailer ...................................................... 1.40 Class 5 Miscellaneous Accessories ............................. 1.50 Class 6 Personal Watercraft ......................................... 3.00

MM433 (01/17) Sound Receiving and Transmitting Equipment – Broadens Coverage under the FP0013

for Scheduled Farm Personal Property and Unscheduled Farm Personal Property for sound receiving and transmitting devices, including their accessories and antennas to include coverage for vandalism and theft if equipment is permanently installed in a motor vehicle.

Scheduled Rate: 1.000 per $100 of Coverage Unscheduled Rate: 0.633 per $100 of Coverage

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III D-3

MM434 (11/13) Coverage for Weight of Ice, Sleet, or Snow – This coverage can apply to Coverage E, Coverage F, or Coverage G. This coverage should not be placed on structures with flat roofs and caution should be taken on structures with low pitched roofs.

$0.06 per $100 of Insurance

MM440 (01/17) Roof Exclusion Endorsement – Excludes coverage due to loss or damage or ensuing loss or damage to the listed building or structure arising out of damage to or deterioration of the roof or roof surfacing.

Building/Structure Discount

Main Dwelling 7%

Other Structure 5%

Both Main Dwelling & Other Structure 7%

MM450 (11/13) Additional Insured – Designated Premises Only (Section I & Section II) – Provides

additional insured coverage for Section I and Section II coverages for individuals,

corporations, corporation officers, trustees, and joint ventures.

No Charge

MM451 (11/13) Additional Insured – Designated Premises Only (Section II) – Provides additional insured

coverage for Section II coverage for individuals, corporations, corporation officers,

trustees, and joint ventures.

No Charge

MM452 (11/13) Additional Insured – Designated Premises Only (Section I) – Provides additional insured

coverage for Section I coverage for individuals, corporations, corporation officers,

trustees, and joint ventures.

No Charge

MM453 (11/13) Additional Insured – Partnership – Provides additional insured coverage for Section I and

Section II coverages for partnerships.

No Charge

MM576 (11/13) Livestock Suffocation Endorsement – Adds the peril of suffocation to livestock caused by electrical interruption or mechanical breakdown, subject to the conditions, provisions, and exclusions of the policy. Special 10% loss deductible applies.

$0.34 per $100 of Insurance

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III D-4

MM579 (11/13) Livestock Strangulation Endorsement – Broadens the livestock perils to include death of an insured animal as a direct result of the constriction of air flow into an animal’s respiratory tract.

$0.90 per $100 of Insurance

MM825 (11/13) Liability Coverages for Home Day Care Business – Mandatory – Excludes liability for

Home Day Care Business conducted on the insured location.

No Charge

MM830 (09/13) Identity Management Coverage Endorsement – Mandatory – Provides assistance to

policyholders in the event of identity theft. Gives the insured access to a fraud specialist who will aid them in the process of resolving issues by communication with creditors, government agencies, and law enforcement; helps consumers avoid recurrence of identity theft. Coverage is automatically included with the policy at no premium charge.

No Charge

MM883 (11/13) Sump Overflow and Water Backup from Sewers or Drains (Coverage A, B, C and D Only)

– Provides for direct physical loss, not caused by the negligence of any insured, to property covered under Section I caused by:

• Water which backs up through sewers or drains; or

• Water which overflows from a sump pump, sump pump well or other type system designed to remove subsurface water which is drained from the foundation area even if such overflow results from the mechanical breakdown of the sump.

This endorsement does not increase the limits of liability for Coverage A, B, C or D. The following should be submitted for underwriting approval:

• This endorsement does NOT cover flood losses. Do not submit risks in flood hazard areas or areas known to be subject to periodic flooding.

• It cannot be added on a new or existing policy during a flood watch or warning.

• Risks having losses, insured or not, caused by water which backs up from sewers, drains or sump pumps during the previous five years.

• If added mid-term, coverage must be made effective a minimum of thirty days from the date of request.

Amount of Coverage


$5,000 $54

$10,000 $96

$15,000 $132

$20,000 $175

$25,000 $202

01/15/2021 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) III D-5

MM970 (11/13) Loss Rents Coverage – Offers coverage for loss of rents from a covered peril. The amount paid will be less any expenses and charges which do not continue while the dwelling is under repair, renovation, and uninhabitable. This amount will be the minimum time required until the dwelling can be occupied again. The maximum per month to be paid will not be more than 25% of the total limit.

.454 per $100 for Masonry .510 per $100 for Frame

MM980 (11/13) Other Structure Exclusion Endorsement – Does not provide coverage for any loss or

claim in respect to the structure and contents of the listed structure(s) on the endorsement.

No Charge

12/07/2017 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) IV A-1

BILLING PAYMENT OPTIONS Our farmowner program offers four payment options to policyholders. These options are the following:

• Direct Bill – Pay in Full

• Direct Bill – 6 Pay requires two months down – 5 remaining installments every 45 days

• Direct Bill – 2 Pay requires 50% down – 1 installment after 150 days

• Automated Debit 12 Pay - A monthly (ACH) requires 2 months down

Down payments on any bill plan option can be made by the following payment types:

• ACH from the customer’s account

• ACH Trust from the agent’s trust account

• Credit Card

Automated Debit 12 Pay requires an authorization form to be completed and attached to the policy or

kept in the agency office. There is a $1 service charge per installment when selecting this method of

payment. This type of payment does require an immediate down-payment. If no money is collected, an

immediate transaction will pull from the customer’s account.

There is a $20 Insufficient Fund charge when a payment is not honored by the financial institution

Credit cards can be used with our Direct Bill payment options. A current email address is required with

this form of payment. There is a $5 service charge per installment.

In order to finalize any outstanding balances, there is a minimum seven day delay until any refunds are


In the event we receive an overpayment on a policy, the entire amount will be applied to the following

installment and will not be divided among the remaining installments.

If a policy is cancelled for non-payment and a payment is later received there are two options:

• Reinstate with a lapse in coverage. This is allowed only within 14 days after cancellation and

there is no coverage during this time. Payments received after the 14 days will be returned

• If 30 days past the due date, a new application must be submitted as new business and all

previous discounts will not apply

07/01/2017 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL) V A-1

CLAIM PROCESSING If an insured or third-party claimant comes to your office to report a claim, please phone the Home Office at (800)766-6642 and let the person speak directly with a Claim Customer Service Representative. If an insured or third-party claimant telephones your office to report a claim, please give them the Home Office toll-free phone number, (800)766-6642, and ask that they call and speak directly with a Claim Customer Service Representative. You may also give the customer our website, www.madisonmutual.com to report the loss. Please refer all insureds or claimants to the carrier to disclose coverage and address the claim process.

ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor

60001 1.088 60067 1.000 60122 0.800 60179 1.000

60002 0.950 60068 0.920 60123 0.890 60180 1.060

60004 1.000 60069 0.950 60124 1.013 60181 0.800

60005 1.000 60070 0.900 60126 0.740 60183 1.014

60006 1.000 60071 1.016 60128 0.800 60184 1.000

60007 1.000 60072 1.017 60129 1.200 60185 1.000

60008 1.000 60073 0.950 60130 0.830 60186 1.000

60009 1.000 60074 1.000 60131 0.800 60187 0.800

60010 1.000 60075 0.950 60132 0.800 60188 0.840

60011 1.000 60076 0.930 60133 0.920 60189 0.830

60012 1.000 60077 0.920 60134 0.940 60190 0.840

60013 0.950 60078 0.949 60135 1.200 60191 0.800

60014 0.980 60079 0.950 60136 1.040 60192 0.993

60015 0.880 60081 0.966 60137 0.820 60193 0.940

60016 1.000 60082 1.000 60138 0.800 60194 0.940

60017 1.000 60083 0.900 60139 0.840 60195 0.940

60018 1.000 60084 0.950 60140 1.020 60196 1.000

60019 1.000 60085 0.950 60141 0.830 60197 1.000

60020 0.950 60086 0.950 60142 1.030 60199 1.000

60021 0.854 60087 0.910 60143 0.800 60201 0.830

60022 1.000 60088 0.950 60144 1.051 60202 0.850

60025 1.000 60089 0.900 60145 1.200 60203 1.000

60026 1.000 60090 0.930 60146 1.200 60204 1.000

60029 1.000 60091 0.900 60147 1.051 60208 1.000

60030 0.950 60093 0.900 60148 0.780 60209 1.000

60031 0.950 60094 1.000 60150 1.200 60290 1.013

60033 1.080 60095 1.000 60151 1.192 60301 1.000

60034 1.080 60096 0.850 60152 1.070 60302 0.950

60035 0.950 60097 1.060 60153 0.830 60303 1.000

60037 0.950 60098 1.070 60154 0.830 60304 0.950

60038 1.000 60099 0.950 60155 0.830 60305 0.950

60039 0.980 60101 0.752 60156 1.005 60399 0.850

60040 0.950 60102 0.969 60157 0.850 60401 0.860

60041 0.950 60103 0.950 60159 1.000 60402 0.910

60042 0.930 60104 0.840 60160 0.900 60403 0.830

60043 1.000 60105 0.800 60161 1.000 60404 0.940

60044 0.880 60106 0.760 60162 0.830 60406 0.950

60045 0.900 60107 0.900 60163 1.000 60407 1.000

60046 0.950 60108 0.780 60164 0.820 60408 0.910

60047 0.950 60109 1.070 60165 0.820 60409 0.950

60048 0.900 60110 0.945 60168 1.000 60410 0.860

60050 0.971 60111 1.200 60169 0.930 60411 0.950

60051 0.935 60112 1.250 60170 0.917 60412 0.950

60053 1.000 60113 1.062 60171 0.850 60415 0.950

60055 0.956 60115 1.125 60172 0.830 60416 1.000

60056 0.920 60116 0.800 60173 0.879 60417 0.830

60060 0.950 60117 0.800 60174 0.950 60419 0.950

60061 0.950 60118 0.950 60175 1.014 60420 1.125

60062 0.900 60119 1.050 60176 1.000 60421 0.860

60064 0.950 60120 0.930 60177 0.920 60422 0.950

60065 0.920 60121 0.917 60178 1.200 60423 0.920

Territory Rating Factors

01/15/2021 Appendix A-1 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor

60424 1.100 60477 0.950 60550 1.200 60631 1.000

60425 0.950 60478 0.950 60551 1.250 60632 1.124

60426 0.950 60479 1.120 60552 1.200 60633 1.060

60428 0.950 60480 0.950 60553 1.125 60634 1.050

60429 0.950 60481 0.920 60554 1.050 60636 1.072

60430 0.950 60482 0.950 60555 0.890 60637 1.013

60431 0.850 60484 0.950 60556 1.200 60638 1.050

60432 0.850 60487 0.950 60557 1.000 60639 1.100

60433 0.840 60490 0.850 60558 1.000 60640 1.007

60434 0.880 60491 0.740 60559 0.760 60641 1.057

60435 0.800 60499 1.000 60560 1.120 60642 1.003

60436 0.810 60501 0.950 60561 0.770 60643 1.100

60437 1.100 60502 0.900 60563 0.900 60644 1.100

60438 0.950 60503 0.950 60564 0.880 60645 1.000

60439 0.950 60504 0.900 60565 0.820 60646 1.000

60440 0.750 60505 0.900 60566 0.860 60647 1.029

60441 0.800 60506 0.920 60567 0.870 60649 1.040

60442 0.840 60507 0.900 60568 0.900 60651 1.051

60443 0.950 60510 0.930 60572 1.000 60652 1.013

60444 1.100 60511 1.159 60585 0.880 60653 1.061

60445 0.950 60512 1.100 60586 0.880 60654 0.993

60446 0.820 60513 0.950 60598 1.000 60655 1.000

60447 1.060 60514 0.900 60599 1.000 60656 1.000

60448 0.750 60515 0.820 60601 1.000 60657 0.994

60449 0.840 60516 0.830 60602 1.000 60659 1.008

60450 1.000 60517 0.830 60603 1.000 60660 1.000

60451 0.880 60518 1.250 60604 1.000 60661 0.992

60452 0.950 60519 0.900 60605 1.006 60664 1.000

60453 0.950 60520 1.200 60606 1.018 60666 1.000

60454 1.000 60521 0.790 60607 1.013 60668 1.043

60455 0.950 60522 0.820 60608 1.100 60669 1.013

60456 0.950 60523 0.780 60609 1.073 60670 1.000

60457 0.950 60525 0.950 60610 1.000 60673 1.018

60458 0.950 60526 0.950 60611 1.050 60674 1.000

60459 0.950 60527 0.780 60612 1.030 60675 1.000

60460 1.098 60530 1.170 60613 1.002 60677 1.018

60461 0.950 60531 1.250 60614 1.000 60678 1.000

60462 0.950 60532 0.780 60615 1.013 60680 1.018

60463 0.910 60534 0.950 60616 1.043 60681 1.000

60464 0.950 60536 1.100 60617 1.079 60682 1.013

60465 0.950 60537 1.100 60618 1.022 60684 1.018

60466 0.950 60538 1.050 60619 1.064 60685 1.000

60467 0.950 60539 0.987 60620 1.062 60686 1.030

60468 0.920 60540 0.800 60621 1.069 60687 1.000

60469 1.000 60541 1.100 60622 1.100 60688 1.000

60470 1.250 60542 0.960 60623 1.083 60689 1.013

60471 0.950 60543 1.120 60624 1.072 60690 1.000

60472 1.000 60544 0.847 60625 1.021 60691 1.000

60473 0.950 60545 1.100 60626 1.000 60693 1.000

60474 1.100 60546 0.950 60628 1.100 60694 1.000

60475 0.810 60548 1.200 60629 1.100 60695 1.013

60476 1.000 60549 1.250 60630 1.032 60696 1.000

01/15/2021 Appendix A-2 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor

60697 1.000 60956 0.990 61052 1.125 61231 1.019

60699 1.013 60957 1.085 61053 1.035 61232 1.242

60701 1.000 60958 1.393 61054 1.035 61233 1.260

60706 1.000 60959 1.157 61057 0.990 61234 1.260

60707 1.000 60960 1.203 61059 0.990 61235 1.125

60712 0.950 60961 1.358 61060 1.008 61236 1.125

60714 1.000 60962 1.170 61061 0.990 61237 1.305

60803 0.960 60963 1.197 61062 1.008 61238 1.125

60804 1.000 60964 1.263 61063 1.143 61239 1.197

60805 0.960 60966 1.080 61064 1.017 61240 1.197

60827 0.960 60967 0.990 61065 1.240 61241 1.050

60901 1.140 60968 1.098 61067 1.017 61242 1.197

60910 1.263 60969 1.323 61068 0.842 61243 1.008

60911 1.152 60970 1.080 61070 1.008 61244 0.863

60912 1.152 60973 1.080 61071 0.735 61250 0.990

60913 1.260 60974 0.990 61072 1.080 61251 0.990

60914 1.017 61001 1.017 61073 1.080 61252 0.900

60915 1.030 61006 1.062 61074 1.035 61254 1.125

60917 1.341 61007 1.053 61075 0.990 61256 1.197

60918 1.152 61008 1.160 61077 1.183 61257 1.197

60919 1.160 61010 0.990 61078 1.035 61258 1.125

60920 1.080 61011 1.264 61079 1.112 61259 1.305

60921 1.119 61012 1.310 61080 0.914 61260 1.080

60922 1.080 61013 0.900 61081 0.728 61261 0.945

60924 1.080 61014 1.035 61084 1.125 61262 1.125

60926 1.080 61015 1.080 61085 0.990 61263 1.011

60927 1.080 61016 1.117 61087 0.990 61264 0.923

60928 1.080 61018 1.008 61088 1.188 61265 0.990

60929 1.080 61019 1.026 61089 1.008 61266 0.990

60930 1.080 61020 1.080 61091 1.030 61270 0.900

60931 1.035 61021 0.743 61101 1.044 61272 1.089

60932 1.203 61024 1.202 61102 1.125 61273 1.260

60933 1.125 61025 0.945 61103 0.981 61274 1.125

60934 1.080 61027 0.981 61104 0.945 61275 1.197

60935 1.160 61028 0.990 61105 1.045 61276 1.094

60936 1.152 61030 1.062 61106 0.953 61277 0.990

60938 1.080 61031 1.035 61107 0.827 61278 1.197

60939 1.080 61032 0.788 61108 0.981 61279 1.197

60940 1.159 61036 0.945 61109 0.870 61281 1.094

60941 1.340 61037 0.900 61110 0.953 61282 1.125

60942 1.096 61038 1.233 61111 0.848 61283 1.062

60944 1.312 61039 1.035 61112 1.066 61284 1.206

60945 0.990 61041 0.990 61114 0.845 61285 1.035

60946 1.118 61042 1.062 61115 0.863 61299 1.035

60948 1.080 61043 1.080 61125 1.067 61301 0.918

60949 1.243 61044 1.008 61126 1.030 61310 1.035

60950 1.081 61046 1.035 61130 1.030 61311 1.080

60951 1.080 61047 1.080 61131 1.030 61312 1.072

60952 1.152 61048 0.981 61132 1.030 61313 1.080

60953 1.080 61049 1.125 61201 0.863 61314 1.137

60954 1.246 61050 1.008 61204 1.035 61315 0.999

60955 1.125 61051 1.035 61230 0.994 61316 0.950

01/15/2021 Appendix A-3 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor

61317 1.062 61378 1.035 61467 1.035 61550 0.792

61318 1.125 61379 1.077 61468 1.125 61552 0.820

61319 1.080 61401 1.026 61469 1.125 61553 1.007

61320 0.987 61402 0.900 61470 1.080 61554 0.750

61321 1.250 61410 1.035 61471 1.125 61555 0.800

61322 0.999 61411 1.080 61472 1.035 61558 0.800

61323 1.004 61412 1.091 61473 1.170 61559 0.900

61324 0.903 61413 1.125 61474 1.035 61560 1.106

61325 1.150 61414 1.062 61475 1.080 61561 0.911

61326 1.008 61415 1.112 61476 1.071 61562 0.859

61327 1.062 61416 1.080 61477 1.080 61563 0.936

61328 1.103 61417 1.107 61478 1.127 61564 0.800

61329 1.008 61418 1.125 61479 1.135 61565 1.128

61330 1.117 61419 1.125 61480 1.125 61567 1.150

61331 1.035 61420 1.125 61482 1.105 61568 0.840

61332 1.150 61421 1.149 61483 1.185 61569 0.940

61333 1.125 61422 1.053 61484 1.096 61570 1.027

61334 1.180 61423 1.064 61485 1.035 61571 0.789

61335 1.148 61424 1.149 61486 1.027 61572 0.990

61336 1.125 61425 1.125 61488 1.017 61601 0.780

61337 1.110 61426 1.149 61489 0.965 61602 0.780

61338 1.197 61427 1.080 61490 1.125 61603 0.760

61340 1.028 61428 1.035 61491 1.156 61604 0.713

61341 1.149 61430 0.945 61501 1.094 61605 0.760

61342 1.100 61431 1.102 61516 0.927 61606 0.760

61344 1.330 61432 1.048 61517 0.900 61607 0.781

61345 1.191 61433 1.080 61519 0.995 61610 0.770

61346 1.123 61434 1.260 61520 0.780 61611 0.778

61348 1.142 61435 1.083 61523 0.801 61612 0.790

61349 1.103 61436 1.062 61524 0.936 61613 0.793

61350 0.999 61437 1.125 61525 0.840 61614 0.770

61353 1.080 61438 1.080 61526 0.897 61615 0.772

61354 0.837 61439 1.017 61528 0.869 61616 0.763

61356 0.999 61440 1.080 61529 0.910 61625 0.750

61358 1.250 61441 1.094 61530 0.880 61629 0.808

61359 1.004 61442 1.102 61531 1.007 61630 0.808

61360 1.120 61443 1.143 61532 1.200 61633 0.780

61361 1.199 61447 1.138 61533 0.940 61634 0.808

61362 0.963 61448 1.017 61534 0.840 61635 0.822

61363 1.026 61449 1.200 61535 0.850 61636 0.778

61364 0.990 61450 1.125 61536 0.880 61637 0.760

61367 1.035 61451 0.930 61537 1.097 61638 0.820

61368 1.061 61452 1.250 61539 0.876 61639 0.760

61369 1.164 61453 1.099 61540 1.048 61641 0.808

61370 1.160 61454 1.125 61541 1.166 61643 0.808

61371 1.160 61455 0.990 61542 0.995 61650 0.808

61372 1.160 61458 1.035 61543 1.032 61651 0.808

61373 1.190 61459 1.105 61544 1.112 61652 0.808

61374 1.117 61460 1.125 61545 0.841 61653 0.808

61375 1.166 61462 1.035 61546 0.970 61654 0.808

61376 1.086 61465 1.091 61547 0.900 61655 0.808

61377 1.178 61466 1.076 61548 0.880 61656 0.808

01/15/2021 Appendix A-4 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor

61701 0.990 61774 1.060 61862 1.209 62010 1.105

61702 0.990 61775 1.215 61863 1.241 62011 1.267

61704 1.035 61776 1.150 61864 1.143 62012 1.325

61705 1.035 61777 1.229 61865 1.215 62013 1.200

61709 1.035 61778 1.274 61866 1.114 62014 1.190

61710 0.990 61790 0.945 61870 1.161 62015 1.300

61720 1.150 61791 0.990 61871 1.218 62016 1.230

61721 0.981 61799 0.990 61872 1.186 62017 1.330

61722 1.064 61801 0.945 61873 1.134 62018 1.242

61723 1.216 61802 0.978 61874 1.026 62019 1.330

61724 1.060 61803 0.957 61875 1.207 62021 1.369

61725 1.035 61810 1.214 61876 1.182 62022 1.319

61726 1.080 61811 1.171 61877 1.170 62023 1.278

61727 1.097 61812 1.230 61878 1.300 62024 1.105

61728 1.188 61813 1.133 61880 1.116 62025 1.233

61729 0.981 61814 1.133 61882 1.193 62026 1.238

61730 1.163 61815 1.107 61883 1.035 62027 1.245

61731 1.150 61816 1.258 61884 1.165 62028 1.244

61732 1.035 61817 1.160 61910 1.143 62030 1.381

61733 0.863 61818 1.098 61911 1.130 62031 1.309

61734 0.850 61820 0.954 61912 1.134 62032 1.330

61735 1.217 61821 0.972 61913 1.170 62033 1.370

61736 1.099 61822 1.044 61914 1.151 62034 1.305

61737 1.099 61824 0.986 61917 1.269 62035 1.237

61738 0.952 61825 0.977 61919 1.211 62036 1.200

61739 1.170 61826 0.986 61920 1.026 62037 1.440

61740 1.125 61830 1.181 61924 1.150 62040 1.500

61741 1.125 61831 1.257 61925 1.130 62044 1.244

61742 0.950 61832 0.963 61928 1.140 62045 1.200

61743 1.125 61833 0.981 61929 1.192 62046 1.412

61744 1.082 61834 0.999 61930 1.211 62047 1.200

61745 1.035 61839 1.208 61931 1.167 62048 1.310

61747 0.870 61840 1.192 61932 1.201 62049 1.250

61748 1.092 61841 1.161 61933 1.269 62050 1.220

61749 1.152 61842 1.246 61936 1.127 62051 1.330

61750 1.219 61843 1.306 61937 1.157 62052 1.300

61751 1.202 61844 1.206 61938 0.935 62053 1.200

61752 1.054 61845 1.317 61940 1.180 62054 1.292

61753 1.160 61846 1.121 61941 1.221 62056 1.220

61754 1.035 61847 1.310 61942 1.235 62058 1.397

61755 0.880 61848 1.202 61943 1.180 62059 1.499

61756 1.100 61849 1.193 61944 1.056 62060 1.355

61758 1.035 61850 1.178 61949 1.056 62061 1.344

61759 0.890 61851 1.221 61951 1.071 62062 1.305

61760 0.996 61852 1.265 61953 1.230 62063 1.305

61761 1.035 61853 1.161 61955 1.056 62065 1.200

61764 1.125 61854 1.300 61956 1.188 62067 1.431

61769 1.215 61855 1.187 61957 1.200 62069 1.278

61770 1.116 61856 1.062 62001 1.335 62070 1.200

61771 0.950 61857 1.214 62002 1.122 62071 1.409

61772 1.036 61858 1.106 62006 1.200 62074 1.397

61773 1.170 61859 1.218 62009 1.251 62075 1.220

01/15/2021 Appendix A-5 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor

62076 1.220 62241 1.350 62311 1.125 62410 1.850

62077 1.390 62242 1.350 62312 1.350 62411 1.270

62078 1.220 62243 1.355 62313 1.170 62413 2.000

62079 1.377 62244 1.450 62314 1.350 62414 1.250

62080 1.257 62245 1.148 62316 1.170 62417 1.900

62081 1.280 62246 1.293 62319 1.250 62418 1.296

62082 1.197 62247 1.248 62320 1.270 62419 1.700

62083 1.200 62248 1.500 62321 1.152 62420 1.650

62084 1.253 62249 1.210 62323 1.350 62421 1.700

62085 1.281 62250 1.500 62324 1.270 62422 1.300

62086 1.404 62252 1.400 62325 1.270 62423 1.300

62087 1.352 62253 1.400 62326 1.080 62424 1.450

62088 1.350 62254 1.314 62329 1.170 62425 1.700

62089 1.220 62255 1.431 62330 1.170 62426 1.500

62090 1.387 62256 1.350 62334 1.170 62427 2.000

62091 1.350 62257 1.476 62336 1.170 62428 1.800

62092 1.179 62258 1.281 62338 1.270 62431 1.300

62093 1.380 62259 1.250 62339 1.270 62432 1.900

62094 1.220 62260 1.301 62340 1.350 62433 2.000

62095 1.105 62261 1.350 62341 1.125 62434 1.650

62097 1.406 62262 1.248 62343 1.400 62435 1.562

62098 1.213 62263 1.900 62344 1.250 62436 1.886

62201 1.409 62264 1.440 62345 1.390 62438 1.210

62202 1.409 62265 1.105 62346 1.270 62439 1.800

62203 1.330 62266 1.350 62347 1.270 62440 1.350

62204 1.446 62268 1.950 62348 1.270 62441 1.300

62205 1.469 62269 1.260 62349 1.270 62442 1.300

62206 1.404 62271 1.800 62351 1.270 62443 1.500

62207 1.358 62272 1.420 62352 1.250 62444 1.300

62208 1.190 62273 1.378 62353 1.200 62445 1.500

62214 1.700 62274 1.600 62354 1.125 62446 1.750

62215 1.300 62275 1.301 62355 1.250 62447 1.750

62216 1.300 62277 1.400 62356 1.350 62448 1.750

62217 1.350 62278 1.450 62357 1.350 62449 1.750

62218 1.300 62279 1.500 62358 1.170 62450 1.700

62219 1.350 62280 1.380 62359 1.270 62451 1.750

62220 1.215 62281 1.400 62360 1.270 62452 1.750

62221 1.188 62282 1.440 62361 1.260 62454 1.750

62222 1.257 62284 1.424 62362 1.350 62458 1.283

62223 1.205 62285 1.305 62363 1.220 62459 1.750

62225 1.380 62286 1.300 62365 1.270 62460 1.750

62226 1.122 62288 1.300 62366 1.250 62461 1.200

62230 1.105 62289 1.460 62367 1.170 62462 1.300

62231 1.350 62292 1.300 62370 1.350 62463 1.220

62232 1.275 62293 1.122 62373 1.170 62464 1.750

62233 1.280 62294 1.350 62374 1.080 62465 1.220

62234 1.430 62295 1.480 62375 1.200 62466 1.750

62236 1.350 62297 1.350 62376 1.290 62467 1.200

62237 1.600 62298 1.375 62378 1.200 62468 1.750

62238 1.800 62301 1.044 62379 1.170 62469 1.400

62239 1.338 62305 0.935 62380 1.170 62471 1.215

62240 1.301 62306 1.100 62401 0.978 62473 1.250

01/15/2021 Appendix A-6 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor

62474 1.300 62561 0.945 62671 1.226 62791 0.840

62475 1.750 62563 0.972 62672 1.225 62794 0.884

62476 1.700 62565 1.096 62673 1.100 62796 0.884

62477 1.650 62567 1.200 62674 1.320 62801 1.549

62478 1.750 62568 0.935 62675 1.008 62803 1.750

62479 1.750 62570 0.990 62677 0.945 62806 1.700

62480 1.750 62571 1.200 62681 1.250 62807 1.750

62481 1.750 62572 1.260 62682 1.250 62808 1.750

62501 1.150 62573 1.076 62683 1.235 62809 1.750

62510 1.200 62601 1.250 62684 1.000 62810 1.750

62512 1.175 62610 1.250 62685 1.314 62811 1.650

62513 1.200 62611 1.200 62688 1.008 62812 1.676

62514 1.150 62612 1.200 62689 0.945 62814 1.750

62515 1.000 62613 1.098 62690 1.056 62815 1.700

62517 1.200 62615 0.945 62691 1.200 62816 1.750

62518 1.136 62617 1.200 62692 1.125 62817 1.750

62519 1.225 62618 1.200 62693 0.945 62818 1.700

62520 1.020 62621 1.280 62694 1.250 62819 1.750

62521 0.850 62622 1.200 62695 1.140 62820 1.750

62522 0.980 62624 1.250 62701 0.810 62821 1.750

62523 0.873 62625 0.990 62702 0.870 62822 1.750

62524 1.000 62626 1.143 62703 0.900 62823 1.750

62525 0.873 62627 1.200 62704 0.850 62824 1.650

62526 1.000 62628 1.250 62705 0.810 62825 1.750

62530 1.000 62629 0.990 62706 0.810 62827 1.750

62531 1.200 62630 1.400 62707 0.816 62828 1.750

62532 1.020 62631 1.250 62708 0.855 62829 1.750

62533 1.260 62633 1.200 62711 0.950 62830 1.750

62534 1.200 62634 1.225 62712 0.970 62831 1.750

62535 1.035 62635 1.124 62715 0.868 62832 1.600

62536 0.945 62638 1.250 62716 0.900 62833 1.700

62537 0.961 62639 1.250 62719 0.855 62834 1.750

62538 1.260 62640 1.134 62721 0.868 62835 1.750

62539 1.050 62642 1.035 62722 0.840 62836 1.750

62540 1.200 62643 1.170 62723 0.884 62837 1.737

62541 1.094 62644 1.080 62726 0.855 62838 1.700

62543 1.176 62649 1.238 62736 0.855 62839 1.650

62544 1.116 62650 0.952 62739 0.868 62840 1.750

62545 1.050 62651 1.120 62756 0.840 62841 1.750

62546 1.200 62655 1.200 62757 0.868 62842 1.750

62547 1.200 62656 1.009 62761 0.855 62843 1.750

62548 1.094 62659 0.945 62762 0.840 62844 1.750

62549 1.050 62660 1.120 62763 0.840 62846 1.750

62550 1.200 62661 1.053 62764 0.884 62848 1.750

62551 1.180 62662 1.150 62765 0.868 62849 1.750

62553 1.250 62663 1.250 62766 0.884 62850 1.750

62554 1.079 62664 1.080 62767 0.868 62851 1.750

62555 1.200 62665 1.300 62769 0.855 62852 1.650

62556 1.200 62666 1.125 62776 0.840 62853 1.750

62557 1.130 62667 1.235 62777 0.868 62854 1.750

62558 0.990 62668 1.250 62781 0.855 62855 1.650

62560 1.260 62670 0.990 62786 0.868 62856 1.750

01/15/2021 Appendix A-7 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor ZIP Code Factor

62857 1.575 62890 1.750 62926 1.750 62962 1.750

62858 1.750 62891 1.750 62927 1.750 62963 1.750

62859 1.488 62892 1.750 62928 1.750 62964 1.750

62860 1.750 62893 1.750 62930 1.600 62965 1.550

62861 1.750 62894 1.750 62931 1.750 62966 1.663

62862 1.900 62895 1.750 62932 1.750 62967 1.750

62863 1.650 62896 1.750 62933 1.550 62969 1.750

62864 1.600 62897 1.750 62934 1.750 62970 1.750

62865 1.750 62898 1.750 62935 1.750 62971 1.750

62866 1.750 62899 1.750 62938 1.489 62972 1.750

62867 1.750 62901 1.750 62939 1.750 62973 1.750

62868 1.750 62902 1.750 62940 1.750 62974 1.700

62869 1.750 62903 1.750 62941 1.750 62975 1.750

62870 1.750 62905 1.750 62942 1.750 62976 1.750

62871 1.750 62906 1.720 62943 1.750 62977 1.750

62872 1.750 62907 1.750 62946 1.533 62979 1.750

62874 1.750 62908 1.488 62947 1.750 62982 1.750

62875 1.750 62909 1.750 62948 1.550 62983 1.750

62876 1.750 62910 1.488 62949 1.750 62984 1.750

62877 1.750 62912 1.750 62950 1.750 62985 1.750

62878 1.750 62914 1.750 62951 1.550 62987 1.750

62879 1.650 62915 1.700 62952 1.720 62988 1.750

62880 1.404 62916 1.750 62953 1.700 62990 1.750

62881 1.722 62917 1.700 62954 1.750 62992 1.750

62882 1.750 62918 1.550 62955 1.750 62993 1.750

62883 1.750 62919 1.750 62956 1.750 62994 1.750

62884 1.750 62920 1.750 62957 1.750 62995 1.750

62885 1.575 62921 1.700 62958 1.750 62996 1.750

62886 1.750 62922 1.700 62959 1.600 62997 1.450

62887 1.750 62923 1.750 62960 1.370 62998 1.750

62888 1.750 62924 1.750 62961 1.750 62999 1.750

62889 1.750

01/15/2021 Appendix A-8 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

Factor Factor Factor

0 - 50,000 0.575 105,001 - 106,000 0.857 161,001 - 162,000 1.081

50,001 - 51,000 0.581 106,001 - 107,000 0.861 162,001 - 163,000 1.085

51,001 - 52,000 0.587 107,001 - 108,000 0.865 163,001 - 164,000 1.089

52,001 - 53,000 0.593 108,001 - 109,000 0.869 164,001 - 165,000 1.093

53,001 - 54,000 0.599 109,001 - 110,000 0.873 165,001 - 166,000 1.097

54,001 - 55,000 0.605 110,001 - 111,000 0.877 166,001 - 167,000 1.101

55,001 - 56,000 0.611 111,001 - 112,000 0.881 167,001 - 168,000 1.105

56,001 - 57,000 0.617 112,001 - 113,000 0.885 168,001 - 169,000 1.109

57,001 - 58,000 0.623 113,001 - 114,000 0.889 169,001 - 170,000 1.113

58,001 - 59,000 0.629 114,001 - 115,000 0.893 170,001 - 171,000 1.117

59,001 - 60,000 0.635 115,001 - 116,000 0.897 171,001 - 172,000 1.122

60,001 - 61,000 0.641 116,001 - 117,000 0.901 172,001 - 173,000 1.127

61,001 - 62,000 0.647 117,001 - 118,000 0.905 173,001 - 174,000 1.132

62,001 - 63,000 0.653 118,001 - 119,000 0.909 174,001 - 175,000 1.136

63,001 - 64,000 0.659 119,001 - 120,000 0.913 175,001 - 176,000 1.141

64,001 - 65,000 0.665 120,001 - 121,000 0.917 176,001 - 177,000 1.146

65,001 - 66,000 0.671 121,001 - 122,000 0.921 177,001 - 178,000 1.151

66,001 - 67,000 0.677 122,001 - 123,000 0.925 178,001 - 179,000 1.155

67,001 - 68,000 0.683 123,001 - 124,000 0.929 179,001 - 180,000 1.159

68,001 - 69,000 0.689 124,001 - 125,000 0.933 180,001 - 181,000 1.163

69,001 - 70,000 0.695 125,001 - 126,000 0.937 181,001 - 182,000 1.167

70,001 - 71,000 0.700 126,001 - 127,000 0.941 182,001 - 183,000 1.170

71,001 - 72,000 0.705 127,001 - 128,000 0.945 183,001 - 184,000 1.174

72,001 - 73,000 0.710 128,001 - 129,000 0.949 184,001 - 185,000 1.178

73,001 - 74,000 0.715 129,001 - 130,000 0.953 185,001 - 186,000 1.182

74,001 - 75,000 0.720 130,001 - 131,000 0.957 186,001 - 187,000 1.185

75,001 - 76,000 0.725 131,001 - 132,000 0.961 187,001 - 188,000 1.189

76,001 - 77,000 0.730 132,001 - 133,000 0.965 188,001 - 189,000 1.193

77,001 - 78,000 0.735 133,001 - 134,000 0.969 189,001 - 190,000 1.197

78,001 - 79,000 0.740 134,001 - 135,000 0.973 190,001 - 191,000 1.201

79,001 - 80,000 0.745 135,001 - 136,000 0.977 191,001 - 192,000 1.205

80,001 - 81,000 0.750 136,001 - 137,000 0.981 192,001 - 193,000 1.209

81,001 - 82,000 0.755 137,001 - 138,000 0.985 193,001 - 194,000 1.213

82,001 - 83,000 0.760 138,001 - 139,000 0.989 194,001 - 195,000 1.217

83,001 - 84,000 0.765 139,001 - 140,000 0.993 195,001 - 196,000 1.220

84,001 - 85,000 0.770 140,001 - 141,000 0.997 196,001 - 197,000 1.224

85,001 - 86,000 0.775 141,001 - 142,000 1.001 197,001 - 198,000 1.228

86,001 - 87,000 0.780 142,001 - 143,000 1.005 198,001 - 199,000 1.232

87,001 - 88,000 0.785 143,001 - 144,000 1.009 199,001 - 200,000 1.236

88,001 - 89,000 0.789 144,001 - 145,000 1.013 200,001 - 201,000 1.240

89,001 - 90,000 0.793 145,001 - 146,000 1.017 201,001 - 202,000 1.244

90,001 - 91,000 0.797 146,001 - 147,000 1.021 202,001 - 203,000 1.248

91,001 - 92,000 0.801 147,001 - 148,000 1.025 203,001 - 204,000 1.252

92,001 - 93,000 0.805 148,001 - 149,000 1.029 204,001 - 205,000 1.256

93,001 - 94,000 0.809 149,001 - 150,000 1.033 205,001 - 206,000 1.260

94,001 - 95,000 0.813 150,001 - 151,000 1.037 206,001 - 207,000 1.264

95,001 - 96,000 0.817 151,001 - 152,000 1.041 207,001 - 208,000 1.268

96,001 - 97,000 0.821 152,001 - 153,000 1.045 208,001 - 209,000 1.272

97,001 - 98,000 0.825 153,001 - 154,000 1.049 209,001 - 210,000 1.276

98,001 - 99,000 0.829 154,001 - 155,000 1.053 210,001 - 211,000 1.280

99,001 - 100,000 0.833 155,001 - 156,000 1.057 211,001 - 212,000 1.284

100,001 - 101,000 0.837 156,001 - 157,000 1.061 212,001 - 213,000 1.288

101,001 - 102,000 0.841 157,001 - 158,000 1.065 213,001 - 214,000 1.292

102,001 - 103,000 0.845 158,001 - 159,000 1.069 214,001 - 215,000 1.296

103,001 - 104,000 0.849 159,001 - 160,000 1.073 215,001 - 216,000 1.300

104,001 - 105,000 0.853 160,001 - 161,000 1.077 216,001 - 217,000 1.304

Coverage A Factor

*Applies to Basic, Broad, & Special Forms

Amount of Coverage Amount of Coverage Amount of Coverage

01/15/2021 Appendix B-1 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

Factor Factor Factor

217,001 - 218,000 1.308 277,001 - 278,000 1.533 337,001 - 338,000 1.713

218,001 - 219,000 1.312 278,001 - 279,000 1.536 338,001 - 339,000 1.716

219,001 - 220,000 1.316 279,001 - 280,000 1.539 339,001 - 340,000 1.719

220,001 - 221,000 1.320 280,001 - 281,000 1.542 340,001 - 341,000 1.723

221,001 - 222,000 1.324 281,001 - 282,000 1.545 341,001 - 342,000 1.727

222,001 - 223,000 1.328 282,001 - 283,000 1.548 342,001 - 343,000 1.731

223,001 - 224,000 1.332 283,001 - 284,000 1.551 343,001 - 344,000 1.735

224,001 - 225,000 1.336 284,001 - 285,000 1.554 344,001 - 345,000 1.739

225,001 - 226,000 1.340 285,001 - 286,000 1.557 345,001 - 346,000 1.743

226,001 - 227,000 1.344 286,001 - 287,000 1.560 346,001 - 347,000 1.747

227,001 - 228,000 1.348 287,001 - 288,000 1.563 347,001 - 348,000 1.751

228,001 - 229,000 1.352 288,001 - 289,000 1.566 348,001 - 349,000 1.755

229,001 - 230,000 1.356 289,001 - 290,000 1.569 349,001 - 350,000 1.759

230,001 - 231,000 1.360 290,001 - 291,000 1.572 350,001 - 351,000 1.763

231,001 - 232,000 1.364 291,001 - 292,000 1.575 351,001 - 352,000 1.767

232,001 - 233,000 1.368 292,001 - 293,000 1.578 352,001 - 353,000 1.771

233,001 - 234,000 1.372 293,001 - 294,000 1.581 353,001 - 354,000 1.775

234,001 - 235,000 1.376 294,001 - 295,000 1.584 354,001 - 355,000 1.779

235,001 - 236,000 1.380 295,001 - 296,000 1.587 355,001 - 356,000 1.783

236,001 - 237,000 1.384 296,001 - 297,000 1.590 356,001 - 357,000 1.787

237,001 - 238,000 1.388 297,001 - 298,000 1.593 357,001 - 358,000 1.791

238,001 - 239,000 1.392 298,001 - 299,000 1.596 358,001 - 359,000 1.795

239,001 - 240,000 1.396 299,001 - 300,000 1.599 359,001 - 360,000 1.799

240,001 - 241,000 1.400 300,001 - 301,000 1.602 360,001 - 361,000 1.803

241,001 - 242,000 1.404 301,001 - 302,000 1.605 361,001 - 362,000 1.807

242,001 - 243,000 1.408 302,001 - 303,000 1.608 362,001 - 363,000 1.811

243,001 - 244,000 1.412 303,001 - 304,000 1.611 363,001 - 364,000 1.815

244,001 - 245,000 1.416 304,001 - 305,000 1.614 364,001 - 365,000 1.819

245,001 - 246,000 1.420 305,001 - 306,000 1.617 365,001 - 366,000 1.823

246,001 - 247,000 1.424 306,001 - 307,000 1.620 366,001 - 367,000 1.827

247,001 - 248,000 1.428 307,001 - 308,000 1.623 367,001 - 368,000 1.831

248,001 - 249,000 1.432 308,001 - 309,000 1.626 368,001 - 369,000 1.835

249,001 - 250,000 1.436 309,001 - 310,000 1.629 369,001 - 370,000 1.839

250,001 - 251,000 1.440 310,001 - 311,000 1.632 370,001 - 371,000 1.843

251,001 - 252,000 1.444 311,001 - 312,000 1.635 371,001 - 372,000 1.847

252,001 - 253,000 1.448 312,001 - 313,000 1.638 372,001 - 373,000 1.851

253,001 - 254,000 1.452 313,001 - 314,000 1.641 373,001 - 374,000 1.855

254,001 - 255,000 1.456 314,001 - 315,000 1.644 374,001 - 375,000 1.859

255,001 - 256,000 1.460 315,001 - 316,000 1.647 375,001 - 376,000 1.863

256,001 - 257,000 1.464 316,001 - 317,000 1.650 376,001 - 377,000 1.867

257,001 - 258,000 1.468 317,001 - 318,000 1.653 377,001 - 378,000 1.871

258,001 - 259,000 1.472 318,001 - 319,000 1.656 378,001 - 379,000 1.875

259,001 - 260,000 1.476 319,001 - 320,000 1.659 379,001 - 380,000 1.879

260,001 - 261,000 1.480 320,001 - 321,000 1.662 380,001 - 381,000 1.883

261,001 - 262,000 1.484 321,001 - 322,000 1.665 381,001 - 382,000 1.887

262,001 - 263,000 1.488 322,001 - 323,000 1.668 382,001 - 383,000 1.891

263,001 - 264,000 1.491 323,001 - 324,000 1.671 383,001 - 384,000 1.895

264,001 - 265,000 1.494 324,001 - 325,000 1.674 384,001 - 385,000 1.899

265,001 - 266,000 1.497 325,001 - 326,000 1.677 385,001 - 386,000 1.903

266,001 - 267,000 1.500 326,001 - 327,000 1.680 386,001 - 387,000 1.907

267,001 - 268,000 1.503 327,001 - 328,000 1.683 387,001 - 388,000 1.911

268,001 - 269,000 1.506 328,001 - 329,000 1.686 388,001 - 389,000 1.915

269,001 - 270,000 1.509 329,001 - 330,000 1.689 389,001 - 390,000 1.919

270,001 - 271,000 1.512 330,001 - 331,000 1.692 390,001 - 391,000 1.923

271,001 - 272,000 1.515 331,001 - 332,000 1.695 391,001 - 392,000 1.927

272,001 - 273,000 1.518 332,001 - 333,000 1.698 392,001 - 393,000 1.931

273,001 - 274,000 1.521 333,001 - 334,000 1.701 393,001 - 394,000 1.935

274,001 - 275,000 1.524 334,001 - 335,000 1.704 394,001 - 395,000 1.939

275,001 - 276,000 1.527 335,001 - 336,000 1.707 395,001 - 396,000 1.943

276,001 - 277,000 1.530 336,001 - 337,000 1.710 396,001 - 397,000 1.947

Amount of Coverage Amount of Coverage Amount of Coverage

01/15/2021 Appendix B-2 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

Factor Factor Factor

397,001 - 398,000 1.951 457,001 - 458,000 2.218 517,001 - 518,000 2.518

398,001 - 399,000 1.955 458,001 - 459,000 2.223 518,001 - 519,000 2.523

399,001 - 400,000 1.959 459,001 - 460,000 2.228 519,001 - 520,000 2.528

400,001 - 401,000 1.963 460,001 - 461,000 2.233 520,001 - 521,000 2.533

401,001 - 402,000 1.967 461,001 - 462,000 2.238 521,001 - 522,000 2.538

402,001 - 403,000 1.971 462,001 - 463,000 2.243 522,001 - 523,000 2.543

403,001 - 404,000 1.975 463,001 - 464,000 2.248 523,001 - 524,000 2.548

404,001 - 405,000 1.979 464,001 - 465,000 2.253 524,001 - 525,000 2.553

405,001 - 406,000 1.983 465,001 - 466,000 2.258 525,001 - 526,000 2.558

406,001 - 407,000 1.987 466,001 - 467,000 2.263 526,001 - 527,000 2.563

407,001 - 408,000 1.991 467,001 - 468,000 2.268 527,001 - 528,000 2.568

408,001 - 409,000 1.995 468,001 - 469,000 2.273 528,001 - 529,000 2.573

409,001 - 410,000 1.999 469,001 - 470,000 2.278 529,001 - 530,000 2.578

410,001 - 411,000 2.003 470,001 - 471,000 2.283 530,001 - 531,000 2.583

411,001 - 412,000 2.007 471,001 - 472,000 2.288 531,001 - 532,000 2.588

412,001 - 413,000 2.011 472,001 - 473,000 2.293 532,001 - 533,000 2.593

413,001 - 414,000 2.015 473,001 - 474,000 2.298 533,001 - 534,000 2.598

414,001 - 415,000 2.019 474,001 - 475,000 2.303 534,001 - 535,000 2.603

415,001 - 416,000 2.023 475,001 - 476,000 2.308 535,001 - 536,000 2.608

416,001 - 417,000 2.027 476,001 - 477,000 2.313 536,001 - 537,000 2.613

417,001 - 418,000 2.031 477,001 - 478,000 2.318 537,001 - 538,000 2.618

418,001 - 419,000 2.035 478,001 - 479,000 2.323 538,001 - 539,000 2.623

419,001 - 420,000 2.039 479,001 - 480,000 2.328 539,001 - 540,000 2.628

420,001 - 421,000 2.043 480,001 - 481,000 2.333 540,001 - 541,000 2.633

421,001 - 422,000 2.047 481,001 - 482,000 2.338 541,001 - 542,000 2.638

422,001 - 423,000 2.051 482,001 - 483,000 2.343 542,001 - 543,000 2.643

423,001 - 424,000 2.055 483,001 - 484,000 2.348 543,001 - 544,000 2.648

424,001 - 425,000 2.059 484,001 - 485,000 2.353 544,001 - 545,000 2.653

425,001 - 426,000 2.063 485,001 - 486,000 2.358 545,001 - 546,000 2.658

426,001 - 427,000 2.067 486,001 - 487,000 2.363 546,001 - 547,000 2.663

427,001 - 428,000 2.071 487,001 - 488,000 2.368 547,001 - 548,000 2.668

428,001 - 429,000 2.075 488,001 - 489,000 2.373 548,001 - 549,000 2.673

429,001 - 430,000 2.079 489,001 - 490,000 2.378 549,001 - 550,000 2.678

430,001 - 431,000 2.083 490,001 - 491,000 2.383 550,001 - 551,000 2.683

431,001 - 432,000 2.088 491,001 - 492,000 2.388 551,001 - 552,000 2.688

432,001 - 433,000 2.093 492,001 - 493,000 2.393 552,001 - 553,000 2.693

433,001 - 434,000 2.098 493,001 - 494,000 2.398 553,001 - 554,000 2.698

434,001 - 435,000 2.103 494,001 - 495,000 2.403 554,001 - 555,000 2.703

435,001 - 436,000 2.108 495,001 - 496,000 2.408 555,001 - 556,000 2.708

436,001 - 437,000 2.113 496,001 - 497,000 2.413 556,001 - 557,000 2.713

437,001 - 438,000 2.118 497,001 - 498,000 2.418 557,001 - 558,000 2.718

438,001 - 439,000 2.123 498,001 - 499,000 2.423 558,001 - 559,000 2.723

439,001 - 440,000 2.128 499,001 - 500,000 2.428 559,001 - 560,000 2.728

440,001 - 441,000 2.133 500,001 - 501,000 2.433 560,001 - 561,000 2.733

441,001 - 442,000 2.138 501,001 - 502,000 2.438 561,001 - 562,000 2.738

442,001 - 443,000 2.143 502,001 - 503,000 2.443 562,001 - 563,000 2.743

443,001 - 444,000 2.148 503,001 - 504,000 2.448 563,001 - 564,000 2.748

444,001 - 445,000 2.153 504,001 - 505,000 2.453 564,001 - 565,000 2.753

445,001 - 446,000 2.158 505,001 - 506,000 2.458 565,001 - 566,000 2.758

446,001 - 447,000 2.163 506,001 - 507,000 2.463 566,001 - 567,000 2.763

447,001 - 448,000 2.168 507,001 - 508,000 2.468 567,001 - 568,000 2.768

448,001 - 449,000 2.173 508,001 - 509,000 2.473 568,001 - 569,000 2.773

449,001 - 450,000 2.178 509,001 - 510,000 2.478 569,001 - 570,000 2.778

450,001 - 451,000 2.183 510,001 - 511,000 2.483 570,001 - 571,000 2.783

451,001 - 452,000 2.188 511,001 - 512,000 2.488 571,001 - 572,000 2.788

452,001 - 453,000 2.193 512,001 - 513,000 2.493 572,001 - 573,000 2.793

453,001 - 454,000 2.198 513,001 - 514,000 2.498 573,001 - 574,000 2.798

454,001 - 455,000 2.203 514,001 - 515,000 2.503 574,001 - 575,000 2.803

455,001 - 456,000 2.208 515,001 - 516,000 2.508 575,001 - 576,000 2.808

456,001 - 457,000 2.213 516,001 - 517,000 2.513 576,001 - 577,000 2.813

Amount of Coverage Amount of Coverage Amount of Coverage

01/15/2021 Appendix B-3 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

Factor Factor Factor

577,001 - 578,000 2.818 637,001 - 638,000 3.118 697,001 - 698,000 3.418

578,001 - 579,000 2.823 638,001 - 639,000 3.123 698,001 - 699,000 3.423

579,001 - 580,000 2.828 639,001 - 640,000 3.128 699,001 - 700,000 3.428

580,001 - 581,000 2.833 640,001 - 641,000 3.133 700,001 - 701,000 3.433

581,001 - 582,000 2.838 641,001 - 642,000 3.138 701,001 - 702,000 3.438

582,001 - 583,000 2.843 642,001 - 643,000 3.143 702,001 - 703,000 3.443

583,001 - 584,000 2.848 643,001 - 644,000 3.148 703,001 - 704,000 3.448

584,001 - 585,000 2.853 644,001 - 645,000 3.153 704,001 - 705,000 3.453

585,001 - 586,000 2.858 645,001 - 646,000 3.158 705,001 - 706,000 3.458

586,001 - 587,000 2.863 646,001 - 647,000 3.163 706,001 - 707,000 3.463

587,001 - 588,000 2.868 647,001 - 648,000 3.168 707,001 - 708,000 3.468

588,001 - 589,000 2.873 648,001 - 649,000 3.173 708,001 - 709,000 3.473

589,001 - 590,000 2.878 649,001 - 650,000 3.178 709,001 - 710,000 3.478

590,001 - 591,000 2.883 650,001 - 651,000 3.183 710,001 - 711,000 3.483

591,001 - 592,000 2.888 651,001 - 652,000 3.188 711,001 - 712,000 3.488

592,001 - 593,000 2.893 652,001 - 653,000 3.193 712,001 - 713,000 3.493

593,001 - 594,000 2.898 653,001 - 654,000 3.198 713,001 - 714,000 3.498

594,001 - 595,000 2.903 654,001 - 655,000 3.203 714,001 - 715,000 3.503

595,001 - 596,000 2.908 655,001 - 656,000 3.208 715,001 - 716,000 3.508

596,001 - 597,000 2.913 656,001 - 657,000 3.213 716,001 - 717,000 3.513

597,001 - 598,000 2.918 657,001 - 658,000 3.218 717,001 - 718,000 3.518

598,001 - 599,000 2.923 658,001 - 659,000 3.223 718,001 - 719,000 3.523

599,001 - 600,000 2.928 659,001 - 660,000 3.228 719,001 - 720,000 3.528

600,001 - 601,000 2.933 660,001 - 661,000 3.233 720,001 - 721,000 3.533

601,001 - 602,000 2.938 661,001 - 662,000 3.238 721,001 - 722,000 3.538

602,001 - 603,000 2.943 662,001 - 663,000 3.243 722,001 - 723,000 3.543

603,001 - 604,000 2.948 663,001 - 664,000 3.248 723,001 - 724,000 3.548

604,001 - 605,000 2.953 664,001 - 665,000 3.253 724,001 - 725,000 3.553

605,001 - 606,000 2.958 665,001 - 666,000 3.258 725,001 - 726,000 3.558

606,001 - 607,000 2.963 666,001 - 667,000 3.263 726,001 - 727,000 3.563

607,001 - 608,000 2.968 667,001 - 668,000 3.268 727,001 - 728,000 3.568

608,001 - 609,000 2.973 668,001 - 669,000 3.273 728,001 - 729,000 3.573

609,001 - 610,000 2.978 669,001 - 670,000 3.278 729,001 - 730,000 3.578

610,001 - 611,000 2.983 670,001 - 671,000 3.283 730,001 - 731,000 3.583

611,001 - 612,000 2.988 671,001 - 672,000 3.288 731,001 - 732,000 3.588

612,001 - 613,000 2.993 672,001 - 673,000 3.293 732,001 - 733,000 3.593

613,001 - 614,000 2.998 673,001 - 674,000 3.298 733,001 - 734,000 3.598

614,001 - 615,000 3.003 674,001 - 675,000 3.303 734,001 - 735,000 3.603

615,001 - 616,000 3.008 675,001 - 676,000 3.308 735,001 - 736,000 3.608

616,001 - 617,000 3.013 676,001 - 677,000 3.313 736,001 - 737,000 3.613

617,001 - 618,000 3.018 677,001 - 678,000 3.318 737,001 - 738,000 3.618

618,001 - 619,000 3.023 678,001 - 679,000 3.323 738,001 - 739,000 3.623

619,001 - 620,000 3.028 679,001 - 680,000 3.328 739,001 - 740,000 3.628

620,001 - 621,000 3.033 680,001 - 681,000 3.333 740,001 - 741,000 3.633

621,001 - 622,000 3.038 681,001 - 682,000 3.338 741,001 - 742,000 3.638

622,001 - 623,000 3.043 682,001 - 683,000 3.343 742,001 - 743,000 3.643

623,001 - 624,000 3.048 683,001 - 684,000 3.348 743,001 - 744,000 3.648

624,001 - 625,000 3.053 684,001 - 685,000 3.353 744,001 - 745,000 3.653

625,001 - 626,000 3.058 685,001 - 686,000 3.358 745,001 - 746,000 3.658

626,001 - 627,000 3.063 686,001 - 687,000 3.363 746,001 - 747,000 3.663

627,001 - 628,000 3.068 687,001 - 688,000 3.368 747,001 - 748,000 3.668

628,001 - 629,000 3.073 688,001 - 689,000 3.373 748,001 - 749,000 3.673

629,001 - 630,000 3.078 689,001 - 690,000 3.378 749,001 - 750,000 3.678

630,001 - 631,000 3.083 690,001 - 691,000 3.383 750,001 - 751,000 3.683

631,001 - 632,000 3.088 691,001 - 692,000 3.388 751,001 - 752,000 3.688

632,001 - 633,000 3.093 692,001 - 693,000 3.393 752,001 - 753,000 3.693

633,001 - 634,000 3.098 693,001 - 694,000 3.398 753,001 - 754,000 3.698

634,001 - 635,000 3.103 694,001 - 695,000 3.403 754,001 - 755,000 3.703

635,001 - 636,000 3.108 695,001 - 696,000 3.408 755,001 - 756,000 3.708

636,001 - 637,000 3.113 696,001 - 697,000 3.413 756,001 - 757,000 3.713

Amount of Coverage Amount of Coverage Amount of Coverage

01/15/2021 Appendix B-4 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

Factor Factor Factor

757,001 - 758,000 3.718 817,001 - 818,000 4.018 877,001 - 878,000 4.318

758,001 - 759,000 3.723 818,001 - 819,000 4.023 878,001 - 879,000 4.323

759,001 - 760,000 3.728 819,001 - 820,000 4.028 879,001 - 880,000 4.328

760,001 - 761,000 3.733 820,001 - 821,000 4.033 880,001 - 881,000 4.333

761,001 - 762,000 3.738 821,001 - 822,000 4.038 881,001 - 882,000 4.338

762,001 - 763,000 3.743 822,001 - 823,000 4.043 882,001 - 883,000 4.343

763,001 - 764,000 3.748 823,001 - 824,000 4.048 883,001 - 884,000 4.348

764,001 - 765,000 3.753 824,001 - 825,000 4.053 884,001 - 885,000 4.353

765,001 - 766,000 3.758 825,001 - 826,000 4.058 885,001 - 886,000 4.358

766,001 - 767,000 3.763 826,001 - 827,000 4.063 886,001 - 887,000 4.363

767,001 - 768,000 3.768 827,001 - 828,000 4.068 887,001 - 888,000 4.368

768,001 - 769,000 3.773 828,001 - 829,000 4.073 888,001 - 889,000 4.373

769,001 - 770,000 3.778 829,001 - 830,000 4.078 889,001 - 890,000 4.378

770,001 - 771,000 3.783 830,001 - 831,000 4.083 890,001 - 891,000 4.383

771,001 - 772,000 3.788 831,001 - 832,000 4.088 891,001 - 892,000 4.388

772,001 - 773,000 3.793 832,001 - 833,000 4.093 892,001 - 893,000 4.393

773,001 - 774,000 3.798 833,001 - 834,000 4.098 893,001 - 894,000 4.398

774,001 - 775,000 3.803 834,001 - 835,000 4.103 894,001 - 895,000 4.403

775,001 - 776,000 3.808 835,001 - 836,000 4.108 895,001 - 896,000 4.408

776,001 - 777,000 3.813 836,001 - 837,000 4.113 896,001 - 897,000 4.413

777,001 - 778,000 3.818 837,001 - 838,000 4.118 897,001 - 898,000 4.418

778,001 - 779,000 3.823 838,001 - 839,000 4.123 898,001 - 899,000 4.423

779,001 - 780,000 3.828 839,001 - 840,000 4.128 899,001 - 900,000 4.428

780,001 - 781,000 3.833 840,001 - 841,000 4.133 900,001 - 901,000 4.433

781,001 - 782,000 3.838 841,001 - 842,000 4.138 901,001 - 902,000 4.438

782,001 - 783,000 3.843 842,001 - 843,000 4.143 902,001 - 903,000 4.443

783,001 - 784,000 3.848 843,001 - 844,000 4.148 903,001 - 904,000 4.448

784,001 - 785,000 3.853 844,001 - 845,000 4.153 904,001 - 905,000 4.453

785,001 - 786,000 3.858 845,001 - 846,000 4.158 905,001 - 906,000 4.458

786,001 - 787,000 3.863 846,001 - 847,000 4.163 906,001 - 907,000 4.463

787,001 - 788,000 3.868 847,001 - 848,000 4.168 907,001 - 908,000 4.468

788,001 - 789,000 3.873 848,001 - 849,000 4.173 908,001 - 909,000 4.473

789,001 - 790,000 3.878 849,001 - 850,000 4.178 909,001 - 910,000 4.478

790,001 - 791,000 3.883 850,001 - 851,000 4.183 910,001 - 911,000 4.483

791,001 - 792,000 3.888 851,001 - 852,000 4.188 911,001 - 912,000 4.488

792,001 - 793,000 3.893 852,001 - 853,000 4.193 912,001 - 913,000 4.493

793,001 - 794,000 3.898 853,001 - 854,000 4.198 913,001 - 914,000 4.498

794,001 - 795,000 3.903 854,001 - 855,000 4.203 914,001 - 915,000 4.503

795,001 - 796,000 3.908 855,001 - 856,000 4.208 915,001 - 916,000 4.508

796,001 - 797,000 3.913 856,001 - 857,000 4.213 916,001 - 917,000 4.513

797,001 - 798,000 3.918 857,001 - 858,000 4.218 917,001 - 918,000 4.518

798,001 - 799,000 3.923 858,001 - 859,000 4.223 918,001 - 919,000 4.523

799,001 - 800,000 3.928 859,001 - 860,000 4.228 919,001 - 920,000 4.528

800,001 - 801,000 3.933 860,001 - 861,000 4.233 920,001 - 921,000 4.533

801,001 - 802,000 3.938 861,001 - 862,000 4.238 921,001 - 922,000 4.538

802,001 - 803,000 3.943 862,001 - 863,000 4.243 922,001 - 923,000 4.543

803,001 - 804,000 3.948 863,001 - 864,000 4.248 923,001 - 924,000 4.548

804,001 - 805,000 3.953 864,001 - 865,000 4.253 924,001 - 925,000 4.553

805,001 - 806,000 3.958 865,001 - 866,000 4.258 925,001 - 926,000 4.558

806,001 - 807,000 3.963 866,001 - 867,000 4.263 926,001 - 927,000 4.563

807,001 - 808,000 3.968 867,001 - 868,000 4.268 927,001 - 928,000 4.568

808,001 - 809,000 3.973 868,001 - 869,000 4.273 928,001 - 929,000 4.573

809,001 - 810,000 3.978 869,001 - 870,000 4.278 929,001 - 930,000 4.578

810,001 - 811,000 3.983 870,001 - 871,000 4.283 930,001 - 931,000 4.583

811,001 - 812,000 3.988 871,001 - 872,000 4.288 931,001 - 932,000 4.588

812,001 - 813,000 3.993 872,001 - 873,000 4.293 932,001 - 933,000 4.593

813,001 - 814,000 3.998 873,001 - 874,000 4.298 933,001 - 934,000 4.598

814,001 - 815,000 4.003 874,001 - 875,000 4.303 934,001 - 935,000 4.603

815,001 - 816,000 4.008 875,001 - 876,000 4.308 935,001 - 936,000 4.608

816,001 - 817,000 4.013 876,001 - 877,000 4.313 936,001 - 937,000 4.613

Amount of Coverage Amount of Coverage Amount of Coverage

01/15/2021 Appendix B-5 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

Factor Factor Factor

937,001 - 938,000 4.618 959,001 - 960,000 4.728 981,001 - 982,000 4.838

938,001 - 939,000 4.623 960,001 - 961,000 4.733 982,001 - 983,000 4.843

939,001 - 940,000 4.628 961,001 - 962,000 4.738 983,001 - 984,000 4.848

940,001 - 941,000 4.633 962,001 - 963,000 4.743 984,001 - 985,000 4.853

941,001 - 942,000 4.638 963,001 - 964,000 4.748 985,001 - 986,000 4.858

942,001 - 943,000 4.643 964,001 - 965,000 4.753 986,001 - 987,000 4.863

943,001 - 944,000 4.648 965,001 - 966,000 4.758 987,001 - 988,000 4.868

944,001 - 945,000 4.653 966,001 - 967,000 4.763 988,001 - 989,000 4.873

945,001 - 946,000 4.658 967,001 - 968,000 4.768 989,001 - 990,000 4.878

946,001 - 947,000 4.663 968,001 - 969,000 4.773 990,001 - 991,000 4.883

947,001 - 948,000 4.668 969,001 - 970,000 4.778 991,001 - 992,000 4.888

948,001 - 949,000 4.673 970,001 - 971,000 4.783 992,001 - 993,000 4.893

949,001 - 950,000 4.678 971,001 - 972,000 4.788 993,001 - 994,000 4.898

950,001 - 951,000 4.683 972,001 - 973,000 4.793 994,001 - 995,000 4.903

951,001 - 952,000 4.688 973,001 - 974,000 4.798 995,001 - 996,000 4.908

952,001 - 953,000 4.693 974,001 - 975,000 4.803 996,001 - 997,000 4.913

953,001 - 954,000 4.698 975,001 - 976,000 4.808 997,001 - 998,000 4.918

954,001 - 955,000 4.703 976,001 - 977,000 4.813 998,001 - 999,000 4.923

955,001 - 956,000 4.708 977,001 - 978,000 4.818 999,001 - 1,000,000 4.928

956,001 - 957,000 4.713 978,001 - 979,000 4.823

957,001 - 958,000 4.718 979,001 - 980,000 4.828

958,001 - 959,000 4.723 980,001 - 981,000 4.833 *Additional Amount per $1,000 = .006

Amount of Coverage Amount of Coverage Amount of Coverage

01/15/2021 Appendix B-6 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)


20,000 - 24,999 1.000

25,000 - 29,999 1.125

30,000 - 34,999 1.250

35,000 - 39,999 1.375

40,000 - 44,999 1.500

45,000 - 49,999 1.625

50,000 - 54,999 1.750

55,000 - 59,999 1.875

60,000 - 64,999 2.000

65,000 - 69,999 2.125

70,000 - 74,999 2.250

75,000 - 79,999 2.375

80,000 - 84,999 2.500

85,000 - 89,999 2.625

90,000 - 94,999 2.750

95,000 - 99,999 2.875

100,000 - 104,999 3.000

105,000 - 109,999 3.125

110,000 - 114,999 3.250

115,000 - 119,999 3.415

120,000 - 124,999 3.580

125,000 - 129,999 3.745

130,000 - 134,999 3.910

135,000 - 139,999 4.075

140,000 - 144,999 4.240

145,000 - 149,999 4.405

150,000 - 154,999 4.570

155,000 - 159,999 4.735

160,000 - 164,999 4.900

165,000 - 169,999 5.065

170,000 - 174,999 5.230

175,000 - 179,999 5.400

180,000 - 184,999 5.570

185,000 - 189,999 5.740

190,000 - 194,999 5.910

195,000 - 199,999 6.080

200,000 - 204,999 6.250

205,000 - 209,999 6.400

210,000 - 214,999 6.550

215,000 - 219,999 6.700

220,000 - 224,999 6.850

225,000 - 229,999 7.000

230,000 - 234,999 7.150

235,000 - 239,999 7.300

240,000 - 244,999 7.450

245,000 - 249,999 7.600

250,000 - 254,999 7.750

255,000 - 259,999 7.900

260,000 - 264,999 8.050

265,000 - 269,999 8.200

270,000 - 274,999 8.350

275,000 - 279,999 8.500

280,000 - 284,999 8.650

285,000 - 289,999 8.800

290,000 - 294,999 8.950

295,000 - 299,999 9.100

300,000 - and up 9.250

Coverage C Factor

*Applies to Contents Only

Amount of Coverage

01/15/2021 Appendix B-7 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

Policy Type Base Rate Factor

Basic 500.00 1.00

Broad 500.00 1.10

Special 500.00 1.15

Additional Dwelling - Basic 500.00 1.10

Additional Dwelling - Broad 500.00 1.15

Additional Dwelling - Special 500.00 1.25

Manufactured Home - Basic 550.00 1.00

Manufactured Home - Broad 550.00 1.10

Manufactured Home - Special 550.00 1.15

Contents Only - Basic 100.00 1.00

Contents Only - Broad 105.00 1.10

Contents Only - Special 110.00 1.15

Unit Owners - Basic 110.00 1.00

Unit Owners - Broad 118.00 1.10

Unit Owners - Special 125.00 1.15
































Roof Rating Factor

Policy Form Rating Factor & Base Rates

Tiles, Photovoltaic

Aluminum, Standing Seam

Steel, Standing Seam

Rolled Roof/Single Ply


Shingles, Photovoltaic

Tile, Spanish


Hail Proof

Aluminum, Corrugated

Aluminum, Shingle



Tile, Clay

Tile, Concrete

Tile, Mission

Shingles, Asphalt/Fiberglass

Shingles, Pine

Shingles, Wood

Shingles, Synthetic/Rubber

Shingles, Steel, Aggregate Finish




Shakes, Victorian Scalloped

Shakes, Wood

Roof Type

Built-Up/Tar and Gravel


Shingles, Architectural

Fiberglass, Translucent Panel

01/15/2021 Appendix C-1 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)





























































Construction Class Rating Factor

Construction Class



Protection Class

Protection Class Rating Factor

01/15/2021 Appendix C-2 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)



































10,000 +































Square Footage Rating Factor

Square Footage

01/15/2021 Appendix C-3 Madison Mutual Insurance Company (IL)

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