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The smiths

This image as high key lighting, this highlights happy heart-warming image to the viewer and creates a happy up beat effect. Also the fact that the lead singer or the front person on the image is smiling also then creates a happy/ upbeat effect. We can also tell that they are a indie rock band due to their dress styles and haircuts, We can also tell they are an indie rock band as the clothes they wear are unconventional and this genre of music in known to break conventions.

Jake Bugg

This image has high key lighting which creates a happy upbeat effect to the image. However his posture is layback as he is lay against the wall which highlights the indie rock genre. Also the shadow could show there is two sides and as he shadow his dark it could show there may be two sides to Jake and one a bad side, this once again shows the indie genre. He clothes Jake is wearing the jacket and the jeans also show us a representation if the indie genre. Finally the prop in the picture (guitar) is linked in with the indie genre.

Arctic Monkeys

This image is low key lighting which is a convention of the indie rock genre. There is also a fish eye lens used which is a tradition of the indie genre and this could be a statement by the arctic monkeys saying that they are just as good as the old classic rock bands and they are a classic rock band just like the Beatles and the stones. The black and white colours could also show them trying to be classical

The family rain

The image has high key lighting which creates an upbeat relaxed mood or effect, also one of the band members has a pair of sunglasses on which could create a mysterious effect as it could show that he wants to stay hidden and doesn’t want to show his identity. The way the band is dressed and they are also poorly groomed which are conventions to this genre and also show a rebellious side which is another convention of this genre.

Johnny cash

This image is low key and black and white which creates a ‘cool’ classical approach to the image, he is also smoking a cigarette which shows a rebellious side to the image which is a convention of this genre, he is also winking to the camera which creates a cheeky playful attitude to the image which could be seen as breaking conventions which is a convention of this genre.

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