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VIDYA PRASARAK MANDAL, THANEK. G. JOSHI COLLEGE OF ARTS &N. G. BEDEKAR COLLEGE OF COMMERCECERTIFICATEOFPROJECT WORKThis is certify thatMr. / Ms. _______________________________________________ OfM.Com. (BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ) Part.: ____ Semester :_____ Roll No. : _____ has undertaken & completed the project work titled _________________________________________________ during the academic year __________under the guidance of Mr. / Ms. ___________________________________Submitted on _____________ to this college in fulfillment of the curriculum of MASTER OF COMMERCE ( BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ) UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI .This is a bonafide project work & the information presented is True & original to the best of our knowledge and belief .



I ROHAN PATIL studying in MCOM Part-2 hereby declare that I have done a project on reference to INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION [IMC] IN RED BULLS. As required by the university rules, I state that the work presented in this thesis is original in nature and to the best my knowledge, has not been submitted so far to any other university.Whenever references have been made to the work of others, it is clearly indicated in the sources of information in references


Place: ThaneDate:


It gives me great pleasure to declare that my project on INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION [IMC] IN RED BULLS have been prepared purely from the point of view of students requirements.This project covers all the information pertaining to INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION [IMC] IN REDBULLS. I had tried my best to write project in simple and lucid manner. I have tried to avoid unnecessary discussions and details. At the same time it provides all the necessary information. I feel that it would be of immense help to the students as well as all others referring in updating their knowledge.I am indebted to our principal Dr. Mrs. Shakuntala A. Singh Madam for giving us such an awesome opportunity. I am also thankful to our coordinator Mr. D.M. Murdeshwar Sir and also librarian and my colleagues for their valuable support, co-operation and encouragement in completing my project.Special thanks to Prof. SADHANA SINGH my internal guide for this project for giving me expert guidance, full support and encouragement in completing my project successfully.I take this opportunity to thanks my parents for giving guidance and for their patience and understanding me while I am busy with my project work.Lastly I am thankful to God for giving me strength, spirit and also his blessings for completing my project successfully.






















Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is an approach used by organizations to brand and coordinate their communication efforts. The American Association of Advertising Agencies defines IMC as "a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines and combines these disciplines to provide clarity, consistency and maximum communication impact. " The primary idea behind an IMC strategy is to create a seamless experience for consumers across different aspects of the marketing mix. The brand's core image and messaging are reinforced as each marketing communication channel works together as parts of a unified whole rather than in isolation.

An approach to achieving the objectives of a marketing campaign, through a well coordinated use of different promotional methods that are intended to reinforce each other.As defined by the American Association of Advertising Agencies, integrated marketing communications " ... recognizes the value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion and combines them to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communication impact."

Integrated Marketing Communication(IMC) is the application of consistent brand messaging across both traditional and non-traditional marketing channels and using different promotionalmethods to reinforce each other.

It is essential for organizations to promote their brands well among the end-users not only to outshine competitors but also survive in the long run. Brand promotion increases awareness of products and services and eventually increases their sales, yielding high profits and revenue for the organization.To understand integrated marketing communication, let us first understand what does brand communication mean?Brand communication is an initiative taken by organizations to make their products and services popular among the end-users. Brand communication goes a long way in promoting products and services among target consumers. The process involves identifying individuals who are best suited to the purchase of products or services (also called target consumers) and promoting the brand among them through any one of the following means: Advertising Sales Promotion Public Relation Direct Marketing Personal Selling Social media, and so on

Integrated Marketing Communication - Let us now understand what does integrated marketing communication mean?

Integrated marketing communication refers to integrating all the methods of brand promotion to promote a particular product or service among target customers. In integrated marketing communication, all aspects of marketing communication work together for increased sales and maximum cost effectiveness.Various components of Integrated Marketing Communication:1. The Foundation -As the name suggests, foundation stage involves detailed analysis of both the product as well as target market. It is essential for marketers to understand the brand, its offerings and end-users. You need to know the needs, attitudes and expectations of the target customers. Keep a close watch on competitors activities.2. The Corporate Culture -The features of products and services ought to be in line with the work culture of the organization. Every organization has a vision and its important for the marketers to keep in mind the same before designing products and services. Let us understand it with the help of an example.Organization As vision is to promote green and clean world. Naturally its products need to be eco friendly and biodegradable, in lines with the vision of the organization.3. Brand Focus -Brand Focus represents the corporate identity of the brand.4. Consumer Experience -Marketers need to focus on consumer experience which refers to what the customers feel about the product. A consumer is likely to pick up a product which has good packaging and looks attractive. Products need to meet and exceed customer expectations.

5. Communication Tools -Communication tools include various modes of promoting a particular brand such as advertising, direct selling, promoting through social media such as facebook, twitter, orkut and so on.6. Promotional Tools -Brands are promoted through various promotional tools such as trade promotions, personal selling and so on. Organizations need to strengthen their relationship with customers and external clients.7. Integration Tools -Organizations need to keep a regular track on customer feedbacks and reviews. You need to have specific software like customer relationship management (CRM) which helps in measuring the effectiveness of various integrated marketing communications tools.

Integrated marketing communication enables all aspects of marketing mix to work together in harmony to promote a particular product or service effectively among end-users

The Shift from Fragmented to Integrated Marketing Communications

Prior to the emergence of integrated marketing communications during the 1990s, mass communicationsthe practice of relaying information to large segments of the population through television, radio, and other mediadominated marketing. Marketing was a one-way feed. Advertisers broadcasted their offerings and value propositions with little regard for the diverse needs, tastes, and values of consumers.

Often, this "one size fits all" approach was costly and uninformative due to the lack of tools for measuring results in terms of sales. But as methods for collecting and analyzing consumer data through single-source technology such as store scanners improved, marketers were increasingly able to correlate promotional activities with consumer purchasing patterns. Companies also began to downsize their operations and expand marketing tasks within their organizations. Advertising agencies were also expected to understand and provide all marketing functions, not just advertising, for their clients.

Today, corporate marketing budgets are allocated toward trade promotions, consumer promotions, branding, public relations, and advertising. The allocation of communication budgets away from mass media and traditional advertising has raised the importance of IMC importance for effective marketing. Now, marketing is viewed more as a two-way conversation between marketers and consumers. This transition in the advertising and media industries can be summarized by the following market trends:

a shift from mass media advertising to multiple forms of communicationthe growing popularity of more specialized (niche) media, which considers individualized patterns of consumption and increased segmentation of consumer tastes and preferences the move from a manufacturer-dominated market to a retailer-dominated, consumer-controlled market the growing use of data-based marketing as opposed to general-focus advertising and marketing greater business accountability, particularly in advertising performance-based compensation within organizations, which helps increase sales and benefits in companies unlimited Internet access and greater online availability of goods and services a larger focus on developing marketing communications activities that produce value for target audiences while increasing benefits and reducing costs

The Tools of Integrated Marketing Communications

The IMC process generally begins with an integrated marketing communications plan that describes the different types of marketing, advertising, and sales tools that will be used during campaigns. These are largely promotional tools, which include everything from search engine optimization (SEO) tactics and banner advertisements to webinars and blogs. Traditional marketing communication elements such as newspapers, billboards, and magazines may also be used to inform and persuade consumers. Marketers must also decide on the appropriate combination of traditional and digital communications for their target audience to build a strong brand-consumer relationship. Regardless of the brand's promotional mix, it is important that marketers ensure their messaging is consistent and credible across all communication channels.

Benefits of Integrated Marketing Communications

With so many products and services to choose from, consumers are often overwhelmed by the vast number of advertisements flooding both online and offline communication channels. Marketing messages run the risk of being overlooked and ignored if they are not relevant to consumers' needs and wants. One of the major benefits of integrated marketing communications is that marketers can clearly and effectively communicate their brand's story and messaging across several communication channels to create brand awareness. IMC is also more cost-effective than mass media since consumers are likely to interact with brands across various forums and digital interfaces. As consumers spend more time on computers and mobile devices, marketers seek to weave together multiple exposures to their brands using different touch points. Companies can then view the performance of their communication tactics as a whole instead of as fragmented pieces. The other benefit of integrated marketing communications is that it creates a competitive advantage for companies looking to boost their sales and profits. This is especially useful for small- or mid-sized firms with limited staff and marketing budgets. IMC immerses customers in communications and helps them move through the various stages of the buying process. The organization simultaneously consolidates its image, develops a dialogue, and nurtures its relationship with customers throughout the exchange. IMC can be instrumental in creating a seamless purchasing experience that spurs customers to become loyal, lifelong customers.


Red Bull can be called as a pioneer in the energy drink category worldwide. Red Bull was the brand that created the energy drink category. The brand came into existence in 1984. Red Bull Energy Drink is a functional beverage. Thanks to a unique combination of high quality ingredients Red Bull Energy Drink vitalizes body and mind. Red Bull Energy Drink has been developed for people who want to have a clear and focused mind, perform physically, are dynamic and performance-oriented whilst also balancing this with a fun and active lifestyle. In short, Red Bull gives wings to people who want to be mentally and physically active and have a zest for life As of the end of 2014, Red Bull employed 10,410 people in 167 countries - compared to the end of 2013 when we had 9,694 employees in 166 countries. In terms of further expansion, Red Bull is targeting the core market of the USA and growth markets in the Far East, while also focusing on the continued world-wide roll-out of the Red Bull Editions.


Inspired by functional drinks from the Far East, Dietrich Mateschitz founded Red Bull in the mid 1980's. He created the formula of Red Bull Energy Drink and developed the unique marketing concept of Red Bull. In 1987, on April 1, Red Bull Energy Drink was sold for the very first time in its home market Austria. This was not only the launch of a completely new product, in fact it was the birth of a totally new product category. Today Red Bull is available in more than 167 countries and around 50 billion cans of Red Bull have been consumed so far.

CURRENT CUSTOMERS ARE :1. Young people are especially open to determined exhaustion and insufficient energy. 2. More specifically male teenagers & people in their 20s, are also most likely to believe in the authenticity of the energy drinks. As a result, the majority of energy drinks are developed for and advertised to this younger generation. Appeal to very specialized groups, such as gamers, extreme sports enthusiasts, and the hip-hop crowd. The power of consumers is decreasing due to :1. Low loyalty to RB2. Low switching costs3. Health issues 4. Low value perceived 5. Many substitutes6. Over average price 7. More price sensitivity due to economic situations

SITUATIONAL ANALYSISSWOT ANALYSISStrengths Market leadership- Within the energy drinks market Red Bull is the industry leader throughout the world. Marketing Efforts- a lot of promotions and well targeted campaigns and sponsorship e.g. formula 1 helps to expand Red bull brand and increase consumer brand awareness. Strong, fresh & fashionable brand identity.Weaknesses Above-average prices. Lack of innovation-Reliant on small product base- The company only markets one branded product Lack of patent on RBs recipe means anyone can copy it. Red bull loses out on women ,teen agers and seniors as these groups wont pay for a drink that doesnt include the ingredients they needs nor branded for their life style Decrease in perceived value of the product due the fact that Red Bull has recently faced much controversy in regards to the health concerns associated with it. RB core benefits dont fit into new trends , there are new trends to focus more on being natural, healthy ,new trends not only towards boosting body and brain but also memory ,intelligence ,lowers stress and depression accordingly RB seems not to be appealing to the next generation


Marketing researches shows that Middle East and Africa shows the largest growth of energy drinks consumption 255%,mainly by young customers who may choose not to drink alcohols due to social and religious reasons in cafs and music venues The new cultural shift towards weight loosing and having in shape bodies would be an opportunity if RB RB introduced a low calorie product /Sugar free product The new cultural shift especially of guys towards body building and going to the gyms The consumers are price sensitive ,introducing a high quality product compared to competitors with slightly lower prices would be very effective The consumers are size sensitive ,introducing a larger pack relative to competitors with lower prices would be a very effective Experiences create word of mouth which to a great extent positively affect my acquaintances (relatives friends colleagues) buyer decisions The increasing demand of the customers to soft drinks, juices, etcThreats Health concerns- expected tougher rules from government on high caffeine content. Consumer awareness of health and well being- people may start to drink other alternatives as it is associated with healthier life style. Organic energy drinks might steal RBs market share. Numerous substitutes Low capital requirements to enter the industry High level of intensive competition with energy drinks and other carbonated soft drinks producers as well as juices Pepsi, Coke, Schweppes, Johanna juices Increasing health and hygiene awareness among Egyptians has greatly increased sales of fruit juice products for health watchers as well as bottled water and sparkling water Experiences create word of mouth which to a great extent negatively affect my acquaintances (relatives friends colleagues) buyer decisions in case of initial bad experiences using the products Easy entrance to the market due to easy access to distribution channels Low switching costs by buyers


Our mission is to be the premier marketer and supplier of RedBull in Asia, Europe and other parts of the globe. We will achieve this mission by building long-term relationships with the people who can make it become a reality.


People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage that anticipate and satisfy people's desires and needs. Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value. Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities. Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization.

CONSUMER BEHAVIOR AND MARKET ANALYSISControversies Seen as addictive, drug-infused beverages with negative health implications .Red Bull has recently faced much controversy in regards to the health concerns associated with it. Due to the high levels of taurine and caffeine it has been banned in countries such as; Denmark, Norway, France, Uruguay and Iceland. It has been proven that caffeine can be deadly when consumed in massive doses, but the amount estimated to prove fatal is 10 grams, which would require 125 cans of the drink .A study conducted in 2007 by American researchers found that although consumption of Red Bull could increase both blood pressure and heart rates it was only dangerous for those people with heart disease. Most claims about the dangers of Red Bull and other energy drinks have been proven to be nothing more than urban myths.


Market Share of Red Bull in compared to AMP by PepsiCo, Burn by Coca cola and Power Horse be Heineken is as follows :Red Bull controlled approximately 60% of the market in 2009 with Red Bull has managed to maintain their strong market share through advertising and heavy event sponsorship.

RB is facing High level of intensive competition with energy drinks and other carbonated soft drinks producers as well as juices Pepsi, Coke, Schweppes, Johanna juices .Coca Cola is thinking of adding energy to its regular drinks .Numerous substitutes as coffee ,energy bars ,energy gums and even fruits are available

TARGET AUDIENCE New target groups should be targeted and approached with new values and accordingly product versions 1. Young ambitious nerdy students who need brain energy ,they dont have purchasing power yet ,accordingly their mothers are targeted through personal selling sampling ,the personal selling should illustrate the difference between regular RB and Red Bull Brainergy ,distribution channels include the regular ones in addition to school cafeterias ,design should be in different color for differentiation 2. Young generation who always need differentiation with a slim making coffee energy drink (Black color ) called Kryptonite(Buzz marketing vending machines college cafeterias )3. Career driven fashionable females looking for other benefits as vitamins ,slim making and longer period energy ,the traditional RB has a male image ,accordingly a anew package with a softer image or a name flower with a new berry flavor 4. Health watchers through launching sugar free RB and focusing on other ingredients in the original RB as vitamins


We are seeking to be:

Clear ,engaging ,unique and relevant to the target audience Delivering a positive emotion to the audience rather than just good through providing the benefits needed by every single target audience Delivering high perceived value as the customer is ready to pay for the drink which meet his changing needs through changes in our products


A high perceived value products offering all benefits you need, health energy, multiflavored, slim making ,brain energy bundle of products ,we clear ,engaging and unique seeking more than sales ,we are seeking loyalty through convenience


A-Marketing objectives

Short-Term Objectives Aggressive Marketing Strategy can take advantage of the positive press on the health benefits of new product versions and the existing vitamins of the original RB to boost the sales of the product line. The company can use recent studies on the new health and brain benefits as the basis of its press releases and advertising campaigns. Introduce the new available product versions as Kryptonite, Brainergy ,Sugar Free Focusing on the wrong health claims that has been facing original RB

Long-Term Objectives: Customer Loyalty perceiving RB as a major choice at thirst ,with health benefits ,differentiated flavors, reasonable prices RB must continue its innovative research and development strategy to come up with new flavors and products using its extensive research facilities on product improvement. The company , can use its resources and professional expertise to come up with new flavors that will suit the continuous demand

B- IMC Objectives Delivering a new message to customers We provide tasty ,healthy ,reasonably priced ,multi flavored drink with all required benefits ,energetic ,health ,brain energy and slim making

Delivering new Products Image

1. Healthy2. Brain energy 3. Multi flavors(Regular /Berry/Coffee )4. Slim making (Sugar Free)5. Average priced6. High Quality7. Natural ingredients

OTHER INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS ACTIVITIESOnline Communications: Objectives: To increase Red Bulls new positioning and brand awareness to our primary target market. Strategy:Red Bull will be using online banner advertising through Facebook, and redesigning their official website to showcase the new advertisements. The Facebook ads will show up on consumers profiles that have liked Red Bull and its products. Execution: Banner advertisements will be placed on Facebook user profiles that have liked Red Bull and its products. They will run during the same scheduling as the billboard advertisements and magazine inserts. On our official website we will be showcasing the All you need campaign advertisements. The coupon will specify that when you purchase two 4-packs of Red Bull energy drinks, keep your receipt, fill out the information and mail it then you will receive your money back for the second case. The online communications will run the opposite months as the outdoor and print advertisements to create Red Bulls classic buzz marketing and anticipation. These months would be August, September and from February to April.


1. To initiate strong awareness about the launch of new product versions To win market shares over our top functional drinks competitors

1. The promotional activities will convey the clear message that We provide tasty ,healthy ,reasonably priced ,multi flavored drink with all required benefits ,energetic ,health ,brain energy and slim making product not only to young males 1. BR is a market leader with an European origin


The marketing mix strategy is made up of the 4ps Product Price Place Promotion

PRODUCT1. Brainergy Young ambitious nerdy students who need brain energy ,they dont have purchasing power yet ,accordingly their mothers are targeted through personal selling sampling ,the personal selling should illustrate the difference between regular RB and Red Bull Brainergy ,distribution channels include the regular ones in addition to school cafeterias ,design should be in different color for differentiation 2. Kryptonite Young generation who always need differentiation with a slim making coffee energy drink (Black color ) called Kryptonite(Buzz marketing vending machines college cafeterias )3. RB Female Career driven fashionable females looking for other benefits as vitamins ,slim making and longer period energy ,the traditional RB has a male image ,accordingly a anew package with a softer image or a name flower with a new berry flavor 4. RB Sugar Free Health watchers through launching sugar free RB and focusing on other ingredients in the original RB as vitamins 5. Regular RB

Pricing In the second P pricing we have observed that RB is continuously increasing its prices as compared to its competitors mostly in other products which a number of customers use rarely so some times he feel uncomfortable when he compares the prices which were sometime before The different cost are used in managerial analysis in managerial analysis like AVC, ATC, FC, VC, MC are all the prices which are involved in production process of a product. So we will concentrate on these factors very much. There are two main types of price setting: Penetration and skimming Penetration is used Its an approach in which we set firstly low and then as demand increases we increase the price .We are following this strategy for competition based pricing to achieve high customer loyalty after encouraging customers use the original and new products

PLACEMENT (DISTRIBUTION)Distribution Strategy Intensive distribution aims to provide saturation coverage of the market by using all available outlets such as: 1. Super markets, 2. Gyms3. Coffee Houses as Costa Coffee4. Hyper markets 5. School and college cafeterias 6. Pharmacies PROMOTION (MARKETING )

Promise & Support: All benefits you need from Body health to brain health Slogan: Charge Up on Red Bull Theme: Red Bull For every One Core Benefit:- Fulfillment Functional Benefit:- Makes Energy Push VS Pull: push strategy is applied as benefits and values are announced expecting demand in response Value Preposition: Best value for money. Marketing Strategy Used:- Penetration strategy supported by product differentiation


Its a 1 year national campaign focusing on urban areas. We are launching in the fall as demand for soft and cold drinks decreases at fall and it is the back to school season and then continues at a high intensity through the busy holiday season. To maximize total impressions and utilize a broad range of channels, a pulse approach will be used in scheduling media Pulse scheduling (promotional presence year-round, but emphasized and intensified before and during summer). . Reach is key moderate frequency to avoid annoying overplay. Transit, outdoor, print, television media are used A profile match strategy will be implemented. Approaching females through Womens magazines such as and TV Female oriented channels and the message should support independence We will also use Event marketing/sponsorship

Market Coverage 1. Trendsetting areas - major urban markets 2. Reaching the trendsetting female is the main concern of thecampaign and the extent of coverage will rely entirely on the substantial budget Timing 1. Energy drink sales decline in the fall 2. campaign will focus heavily on promoting Red Bull fromSeptember 1st to December 31st3. prime time television ads will be prominent as well as the alreadyexisting pulse flight of outdoor, transit and magazine advertising.MEDIA SELECTION RATIONALES


Still a corner stone in any major media campaign and is the most viewed channel for now a days concerning out target customers TV communicates with sight, sound and motion, which is needed for RB. It is the only media that can reach 99% of the homes at once. RB has the budget to cover the high costs of this media. Television allows a demonstration of the advantages of Red Bull Good reach and proven impact Female oriented TV programs and channels are approached

Radio: FM 100 in Cairo/Giza ,FM 97.6 IN Alexandria are mostly listened by target groups considered music stationsMagazines: We should take advantage of the fact that magazines have become a very specialized medium. There are many consumers' magazines in Egypt. Good color production is also an advantage that creates strong images which is the purpose of RB EEN Magazine addresses young customers of both genders, Arabeati mainly targets males. Flash and Origami addresses well educated relatively high income customers Provides critical brand awareness as well as clear and precise demographic selectivity Provides geographic flexibility across many urban markets Internet: Online advertising is similar to print advertising in that it offers a visual message. It also has additional advantages; it can also use the audio and video capabilities. As we are targeting our ads to young outgoing people, sound and movement may attract more attention from viewers and has the unique feature of being interactive. Interactive media would RB the opportunity to reach younger of both genders ,to reach consumers who have developed a preference for online communication. Initiating a campaign on face book is very important to create buzz marketing and reach brand awareness we are targeting Outdoor: On buses which is an efficient carrier reaching mass audience Billboards in specific geographical area would allow us get a good reach and frequency. It is a low cost and flexible alternative. (Campus, malls and metro stations)

SALES PROMOTIONAL MIX Must encourage the first purchase of the product in store and make the new target market aware of the product and its benefits Large displays integrated into the cooler shelves that hold the product Freestanding units at the point of purchase Bull hoof-print stickers placed on the floor leading from the door to the freestanding rack or coolers Bull sound when you step on the last footprint

Contests: Win another RB, Uncover a secret code underneath the bottle cap and win sporting goods and electronics by logging on the website, Win a trip Paris increasing consumer purchases and encourage consumer involvement with the product Samples: Distributed in supermarkets, school/universities. Samples are a way to avoid product resistance as It will encourage new product purchases and it represents low risk for consumers since they get it for free. They have nothing to lose by trying it. Sales people will try to explain the new benefits of new product versions Point-of-purchase: In supermarkets to reach the parents of nerdy teen ager students seeking brain energy, increasing product trial and provide a good product visibility.

Allowances and discounts: Case allowance as the goods approach will be used so it can encourage retailers to buy more of the product to get a certain amount free .Example selling a pack of 5 cans with an additional can free Cooperative advertising: To encourage retailers to buy our product and to maintain our high level of advertisement that consumers expect PUBLIC RELATIONS (GETTING INVOLVED) Effectively build the Red Bull brand in association with female culture Target market is among the worlds most intelligent and critical consumer segments Red Bull brand must make substantial, visible contributions to causesaffecting the modern woman Red Bull will announce a donation ofL.E 1million to the Egyptian Breast Cancer Foundation the most publicized issue affecting women worldwide Funds have been earmarked as part of the marketing budget We will focus the public announcement of the donation in our media tools Red Bull becomes a key national organizer and sponsor of the womens breast marathon Run and will have a presence at the main event on September 30, 2007 where individuals dressed in Red Bull apparel will be handing out free product samples as well as Red Bull branded merchandise


As previously stated new target customers include Young ambitious nerdy students who need brain energy ,they dont have purchasing power yet ,accordingly their mothers are targeted through personal selling sampling ,the personal selling should illustrate the difference between regular RB and Red Bull Brainergy ,distribution channels include the regular ones in addition to school cafeterias ,design should be in different color for differentiation

CREATIVE PLAN To communicate that Red Bull can restore mental awareness andenergize a busy, independent person, provides brain energy Communicate that Red Bull is an effective, good tasting substitute forother caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, pop);Diet drinks (sugar free version ) and it contains all natural ingredient As a mature brand RB is targeting new segments as females accordingly ads should Show attractive women consuming Red Bull as a substitute for coffee and other energy supplements Show attractive women consuming Red Bull as a substitute for coffee and other energy supplements .There must be a clear contrast between the average, dull woman and the successful, vibrant Red Bull drinker . Humor will be used to stress the advantages of Red Bull over other energy supplements and competitive brands The positive aspects of Red Bull will be presented in contrast to the negative aspects of the alternatives ,demonstrated visually as well as implied A new Slogan is used instead of The previous slogan Red Bull gives you wings and will be replaced by: Charge up on Red Bull in order to effectively presents Red Bull as a slightly different brand than in the past Tactics Marketing Department Chart1. Tactics to implement the previously discussed IMC Program is done through the marketing department chart :1. Market Research Manager: Collects data about customer needs, benefits expected from the market products, current status of loyalty to competitors, Level of satisfaction, the relationship between customers and the brand .2. The brand Manager reviews all aspects of the IMC program including: targeting, segmenting, positioning, pricing, promotion, packaging3. The distribution manager works with retailers ,ensures transportation on time considering lead time ,ensures favourable shelf spaces 4. The advertising Manager reviews and implements the media selection and the action plan part of the IMC program, including advertising schedules ,contests ,promotions in areas where demand is low 5. The sales Manager works with retailers, large communities as clubs, colleges, schools, negotiate quantity discounts, price reductions .6. The Marketing director receive reports from all the previous managers ,puts the broad strategies ,evaluates the implementation and the success of the overall IMC program ,make strategic pricing ,promotion, product strategies

Budget The estimated cost that will incurred while marketing of RB new Products relaunched ranges around 14.2 Millions as estimated as followsThe details are as follows: MediaExplanation of estimated cost that will incurred for 1 year

T.VAdds on TV with different celebrities for one year will cost approx. 7 Millions

NEWS PAPERAdd in leading news papers will cost approx. 2 million

RADIOFor 30 second ad for 2 months will cost approx. 400,000

MAGAZINEFor 1 month advertising will cost approx. 200,000

BILL BOARDSFor bill boards on main locations acquiring will cost approx. 1.5 million

FREE SAMPLING TO RETAILORSFree sampling to main retailers will cost approx. 300,000

CONTESTSAfter 6 month of operation if there will be a need to give a 2nd push to our sales and a contest has to be arranged that will approx. cost about 5million

Evaluation In the first month of operation Management will over view that whether the Marketing goals and objectives are going in right direction or not if not than what went wrong and what are differences between actual and expected performance. This may require changing the action programs or even changing the goals. Involves checking ongoing performance against the annual plan and taking corrective action when necessary. It will ensure us that the com-any achieves the sales, profits and other goals set out in annual plan. It also involves determining the profitability of product.1. It involves looking at whether the company's basic strategies are well matched to its opportunities. Marketing strategies and programs can quickly become out-dated and there will be need of periodically reassess its overall approach to the market-place. A major tool is marketing audit.

Marketing Audit There will be a need of monthly marketing audit regarding current activities and sales volume. It will cover all the marketing areas of business. It will include audit of:1. Marketing Environment1. Marketing Strategy1. Marketing Organization 1. Marketing Systems1. Marketing Mix1. Marketing productivity 1. Profitability1. Measuring and Managing return on Marketing Investments 1. After six months of operation, we have to measure that whether our investment is being spent well or not. Are we getting targeted Return on Investment or not1. The net return from a marketing investment divided by the costs of the marketing investment. It measures the profits generated by investments in marketing activities.

CONCLUSION Red Bull is an energy drink sold by Austrian company Red Bull GmbH, created in 1987. In terms of market share, Red Bull is the highest selling energy drink in the world, with 5.387 billion cans sold in 2013. IMC is also more cost-effective than mass media since consumers are likely to interact with brands across various forums and digital interfaces. Market leadership- Within the energy drinks market Red Bull is the industry leader throughout the world. Marketing Efforts- a lot of promotions and well targeted campaigns and sponsorship e.g. formula 1 helps to expand Red bull brand and increase consumer brand awareness. Marketing researches shows that Middle East and Africa shows the largest growth of energy drinks consumption 255%,mainly by young customers who may choose not to drink alcohols due to social and religious reasons in cafs and music venues The new cultural shift towards weight loosing and having in shape bodies would be an opportunity if RB RB introduced a low calorie product /Sugar free product The consumers are price sensitive ,introducing a high quality product compared to competitors with slightly lower prices would be very effective The consumers are size sensitive ,introducing a larger pack relative to competitors with lower prices would be a very effective Experiences create word of mouth which to a great extent positively affect my acquaintances (relatives friends colleagues) buyer decisions The increasing demand of the customers to soft drinks, juices, etc

BIBLIOGRAPHY http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Bull http://www.hoovers.com/company-information/cs/company-profile.Red_Bul http://energydrink-in.redbull.com/the-company https://www.boundless.com/marketing/textbooks/boundless-marketing-textbook/integrated-marketing-communication-12 http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/integrated-marketing-communications-IMC.html

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