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  • 1.Myanmar Healthcare Opportunities AP Hub Meeting, NPT 28 April 2014 Present By, Dr. Kaung Kyaw Swe@Kelvin, CMC M.B.B.S, M.B.A

2. Myanmar Healthcare Information ASEAN Countries Healthcare Situation Myanmar Health Profile Myanmar Healthcare Opportunities Myanmar Healthcare Statistics Myanmar Healthcare Manpower Myanmar Healthcare Facilities Content 3. Singapore Healthcare Situation 4. Thailand Healthcare Situation 5. Myanmar Healthcare Situation 6. ASEAN Healthcare Situation Statistics in 2012 Singapore Thailand Myanmar Total Population 5,303,000 66,785,000 52,797,000 Life expectancy at birth (M/F) 80/85 71/79 64/68 Probability of dying under 5 (per 1,000 live births) 3 0.06% 13 0.02% 52 0.10% Probability of dying between 15 and 60 years (per 1,000 population) 68/42 182/90 242/184 Total expenditure on health per capita (USD) 2,787 353 28 Total expenditure on health as % of GDP 4.6 4.1 2.0 source: www.who.int/countries/ 7. Myanmar Health Profile - From 1962-2010, Myanmar was a closed country under Military rule - So Myanmar will suffering badly Health care from over fifty years of neglect by lack of Government Investment - The most struggling diseases are HIV, Malaria, Tuberculosis and Cancer Diseases - Spend 3.9% of its GDP on healthcare - Now Government spend approximately $450 million USD of the governments budget in 2013 8. Myanmar Healthcare Opportunities Healthcare equipment Myanmars healthcare sector is lacking in is the availability of modern medical equipment which were previously unavailable mostly due to economic sanctions. With the lifting of western sanctions, companies such as General Electric are now actively engaging Myanmar by providing imaging systems to both public and private hospitals 9. Myanmar Healthcare Opportunities Healthcare services Myanmars healthcare services sector offers opportunities for foreign partnered healthcare facilities that presently do not exist in Myanmar. Myanmars health services are severely behind neighbouring countries such as Thailand. 10. Myanmar Healthcare Opportunities Healthcare & pharmaceutical supplies Myanmars pharmaceutical industry is estimated to be worth around $100-120 million USD in 2013. Indian pharmacy companies account for 35-40% of the market share followed by Bangladesh, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan and Vietnam. As western sanctions are lifted, more US and European producers can be expected to enter into the market. Yangon and Mandalay account for 60% of all pharmacy sales in Myanmar. According to the Ministry of Commerce, more than 5,000 categories of medicine are imported annually. Opportunities exist for suppliers of healthcare and pharmacy products that were previously unavailable in Myanmars present market due to the presence of sanctions. 11. Myanmar Healthcare Opportunities Healthcare training Myanmars healthcare future relies in large part to the quality and service of healthcare professionals in the region. Myanmars government understands the need to produce healthcare service professionals of higher quality that are well versed in the latest medical practices. Companies such as GE have already started offering training programs within the country. 12. Myanmar Healthcare Statistics 13. Myanmar Healthcare Manpower 14. Myanmar Healthcare Facilities Statistics Myanmar Ratio Total Population 52,797,000 Hospital - Government 1,156 1 : 45,672 Hospital - Private 25 1 : 2,111,880 Doctor 17,476 1 : 3,021 Nurse 45,405 1 : 1,163 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing N/A 15. Lets workout together for.. Myanmar Better Healthcare 16. Thank You For Your Attention 17. No. 258/262, Strand Road, 12th Floor, Classic Strand, Pabedan Township, PO 11141, Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: +95 1 387066 Fax: +95 1 249824 Website: www.imcmyanmar.org Institute of Management Consultants Myanmar

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