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  • 8/8/2019 IMCOM World News - 20110114


    Te weekly e-newsletter or those serving Soldiers, Civilians and Families at U.S. Army Garrisons around the world

    http://www.army.mil/imcom Vol. 5, No. 2 Jan. 14, 20


    SECARMY views Leonard Wood tornado damage

    Wingshooter scheduled gala speaker Panzer Hotel hosts grand opening

    Secretary o the Army John McHugh metwith post ocials and military amilies Jan. 6 toreach out to the local community and see what

    Marty Fischer, described as one o Americasbest-known outdoor personalities, is coming to

    Fort Stewart to share his expertise... (More)

    Te Panzer Hotel is now open or guests, ol-lowing a grand opening ceremony Dec. 15.

    I want to welcome you to ... (More)

    the Army can do to assist in the recovery rom theNew Years Eve tornado, which injured our andle several homes uninhabitable. (More)

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

    Next Monday marks the 25th Fed-eral holiday recognizing one o Americasgreatest heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr. Let us celebrate the lie and legacy oa man who brought hope and healing to

    our Nation and commemorate the valueshe exemplied in his lie and teachings --courage, truth, respect, integrity, humilityand service.

    Tese same values are at the core owhat the Army strives to cultivate in eachand every Soldier and Civilian. Tey arealso what makes the Army such an endur-ing and eective institution. As you enjoythis holiday, take a moment to rememberthe lie and legacy o Dr. Martin LutherKing, Jr. and rededicate yoursel to thevalues he espoused.

    Tis special holiday is part ... (More)

  • 8/8/2019 IMCOM World News - 20110114


    Vol. 5, No. 2 Jan. 14, 2011 Pag

    IMCOM shares Armys Home at All American BowEmployees rom the Installation Manage-

    ment Command Headquarters participated inthe Army Strong Zone at the Army All American

    Bowl in San Antonio Jan. 6-8.Te display eatured inormation about IM

    COM programs, installations ... (More)

    A trip to the Main Post PX put Likedia Mar-tinez in the right place at the right time to save aSoldiers lie Dec. 28. (More)

    Battling the reezing cold, Stuttgart area CuScouts trudged through snow and slush duringthe Dec. 11 Bastogne Historical Walk in Belgiuas they commemorated the hardships ... (More

    Depot and tenant organization saety pro-grams recently competed or the 2010 Saety Ao the Year Awards. (More)

    Woman helps Soldier having seizure

    Cub Scouts complete historic walk

    Organizations 1st-rate saety progra

    IMCOM World NewsPublished by:U.S. Army Installation Management Command

    Commanding General: Lt. Gen. Rick LynchPublic Aairs & StratComm Director: Mike Thiem

    IMCOM World News StaffPublic Affairs & Strategic Communications Directorate

    Managing Editor: R. Slade WaltersLayout Editor: Luke ElliottWeb: Neal SnyderVideo: Keith Smith

    This ofcial U.S. Army electronic publication is published we eklyunder the supervision o the U.S. Army Installation ManagementCommand Public Aairs & Strategic Communications Directorateto provide the U.S. Army Installation Management Community,which is made up o Soldiers and Civilian employees o theU.S. Army Ofce o the Assistant Chie o Sta o the Army orInstallation Management (OACSIM); the U.S. Army Installation

    Management Command (IMCOM); the U.S. Army Family, Moraleand Welare Command (FMWRC); and the U.S. Army EnvironmentalCommand (AEC), with inormation on people, policies, operations,developments, trends and ideas o and about the InstallationManagement Community. Contents o the IMCOM World Newsare not necessarily the ofcial views o, or endorsed by, the U.S.Government, Department o Deense, the Department o the Army.Any editorial content in this electronic publication or linked rom thiselectronic publication is the responsibility o the IMCOM Public Aairs& Strategic Communications Directorate and the specifc region orgarrison public aairs ofce where the content originated. Unlessotherwise indicated (and except or by permission and copyrightitems), material may be reprinted provided credit is give to theoriginating garrison, author and/or photographer. All photographsby U.S. Army unless otherwise credited. Submissions o garrison-related articles published to army.mil by garrison public aairs ofces

    are invited.

    U.S. Army Installation Management CommandPublic Affairs & Strategic Communications Directorate11711 N. Interstate Highway 35San Antonio, TX 78233

    Submissions or comments:[email protected](210) 424-8153


    Army supporters soar with KnightsCommunity leaders rom around the U.S.

    gained a new perspective o the U.S. Army lastweek rom 13,500 eet above this south exas city.

    Te Golden Knights supported ... (More)

  • 8/8/2019 IMCOM World News - 20110114


    Bragg rescuers rehearse down aircraft recovery

    WWII jeep is rolling piece o history

    DHS seminar hones emergency response

    IMCOM to AMC logistics transormation

    Retired colonel shares Dr. Kings dream

    Army supporters soar with Knights

    Exercise joins Army, local K-9 agencies

    Soldiers visit post-WWII Augsburg

    Rescue units rom Simmons Army Air Fieldresponded to a simulated helicopter crash at theaerial gunnery range in the training area o Fort

    As the Fort Irwin and National rainingCenter G-3 chie o operations, Lt. Col. StephenTrasher is always on the move, but in his sparetime he keeps a piece o American history rollingdown the road in his World War II jeep, a 1942Ford GPW.

    Its essential because the material ... (More)

    A tornado tears through Fort Leonard Woodand destroys 150 homes. Tree U.S. Soldiers arekilled when their UH-60 Black Hawk ... (More)

    While transerring the logistics unctions oU.S. Army installations across the globe romone U.S. Army command to another is no simpletask, the Installation Management Command andthe Army Materiel Command are making stridestoward the scheduled completion date o Oct. 1.

    We have already completed much ... (More)

    When retired Col. Nathan Tomas, Jr. spoke atFort Irwin and the National raining Centers Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. ... (More)

    Heidelberg women soccer players had a raropportunity Sunday to learn rom one o the msuccessul womens soccer coaches ... (More)

    Te Fort Carson military working dog unit

    and more than 50 local area K-9 agencies...(M

    Soldiers assigned to the U.S. Army GarrisoStuttgart Headquarters and ... (More)

    Bragg, Dec. 9, 2010.Te exercise helped assessed the SAAF emer-

    gency response plan at night in a ... (More)

    Vol. 5, No. 2 Jan. 14, 2011 Page

  • 8/8/2019 IMCOM World News - 20110114


    Vol. 5, No. 2 Jan. 14, 2011 Page

    IN THE PRESSExternal Media Report

    Trough the gates o Fort GeorgeMeade pass the most powerul technicalminds that the government employs. ButFort Meades website contains pixelized,aux-shaded green onts and a two-columndescending-text template not seen since thedays o GeoCities.

    Yes, Fort Meade, a 5,400-acre complexless than an hours drive outside ... (More)

    You dont pray or meditate. Youreamong the Nones -- olks who claim no

    religion and maybe you shrug o spiritual-ity, too.

    So you might funk the ve spiritualquestions on the U.S. Armys current well-being assessment survey or soldiers. Al-ready, one church-state watchdog, MichaelMikey Weinstein is having a ... (More)

    Dallas, Arlington and Fort Worth obvi-ously have major roles in Super Bowl XLV.But an unexpected place Fort Hood isgetting a taste o the big game.

    Te Army base near Killeen is playinga large part in the NFLs military outreacheort. In conjunction with the Super Bowl,the league hosts programs or servicemembers and their amilies, and ... (More)

    Te commercial building that housesFirstLight Federal Credit Union and theUSO Center in East Fort Bliss has receivednational recognition or its environmentaldesign.

    On Monday, Te United States GreenBuilding Council designated the acility

    a Silver-level Leadership in Energy andEnvironmental Design . .. (More)

    Military historian and author DaleAndrade unveiled his latest book, whichdetails the success o the 3rd IDs work inIraq during the 2007 troop surge, Mondayat Fort Stewarts Club Stewart. Aer theceremony, Andrade signed copies o Surg-ing South o Baghdad: Te 3rd InantryDivision and ask Force Marne in Iraq,2007-2008, which was released ... (More)

    NSAs Base-Crappiest Website

    No God, no mantra? Youd funk

    Super Bowl activities-Fort Hood

    Green kudos: Fort Bliss building

    Book details 3rd IDs role in Iraq

    Buying braces on the economy Quality o lie award nominations

    USO Announces Grand Opening at Lee Contract Management

    Rec Center discounts or Survivors Dirt turned or new WTU complex

    Single Soldiers give back NBC Today hosts surprise baby shower

    Commissary products saety Neighbor, MP rescue girl rom huge icicle

    AMSC Excellence in Education Award Providing Home For Survivor Families

    No more new patients or braces, the ortho-dontist at the Mannheim Dental Clinic told me.

    Nor are they accepting new patients in Hei-delberg. He looked straight at me, as he shatteredmy hopes o ever owning another new car, buyinga house eventually or even enjoying retirementbeore I am a centenarian. (More)

    HEIDELBERG, Germany - Ocials an-nounced today the Installation ManagementCommand-Europe nominations or the Secretaryo the Army 2010 Quality o Lie Awards.

    *Superior Quality o Lie Award - Large UnitU.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden or its

    Comprehensive Community Fitness ... (More)

    Te USO o Hampton Roads and CentralVirginia will host a grand opening o its 11thwelcome center, located at Fort Lee, on Jan. 11 at1 p.m.

    Expected attendees include the First Lady oVirginia, Maureen McDonnell, state and localelected ocials, and senior Army ... (More)

    odays Deense leaders are aced with adaunting challenge. Simply stated, the nationseconomy cannot sustain the level o deensespending that the country has experienced sincethe attacks o September 11th. Over the pastdecade, the US Deense Budget has more thandoubled. Te U.S. Armys top line has ... (More)

    In recognition o their sacrice, the ArmysFamily and MWR Command is oering discount-ed rates at Armed Forces Recreation Centers tomilitary Families who have lost a Family member

    in service to our Nation.Armed Forces Recreation Centers are ull

    service resort hotels designed and ... (More)

    Te Warrior ransition Unit allows the Armyto rehabilitate Soldiers and return them to de-ploying units.

    A new WU complex is one o many new

    projects on Fort Sill. Jan. 6 marked the ground-breaking or the three-phase plan. Among thenew acilities are a Soldier and amily ... (More)

    Te year o 2010 was notable or the U.S.Army Garrison Baden-Wurttemberg BetterOpportunity or Single Soldiers program, andnowhere is that more evident than in the nationalrecognition o the BOSS programs in all threecommunities.

    Heidelberg and Kaiserslauterns ... (More)

    Te nation witnessed Fort Drums holidayspirit recently when 112 expectant mothers weretreated to an early-morning surprise.

    NBCs oday show hosted a baby shower atthe Commons as nearly 50 employees o WalmartSupercenter on Route 11 gave each mother-to-bea stroller ull o necessities or their ... (More)

    Te Deense Commissary Agency Europewould like to reassure their customers that themeat and eggs in their commissaries are sae.

    Concern was raised recently when dioxin wasound in some eggs and poultry within Germanyaer tainted grease was inadvertently used tomake animal eed. (More)

    North Country citizens can potentially skirtdanger outdoors this winter i they steer clear ohomes, buildings or other structures prone toicicle ormations.

    In an incident just beore the holidays, 7-year-old Kate-Lynn Hopkins was pinned down in morethan a oot o snow by a giant ... (More)

    Consider applying or the Army Manage-ment Sta College (AMSC) Excellence (EIE) inEducation Award. Applying or the EIE Award isan opportunity or your organization to reviewits processes, make necessary improvements, andthen to have those processes reviewed objec-tively by educators, human resource experts, andsubject matter experts who have interest andknowledge o education and lielong learning.

    Te AMSC Excellence in Education AwardCriteria is designed to dispel the notion that

    education is a single event or class and ... (More


    Emily McFalls lie has led her to this moment.Standing among riends, supporters, well-

    wishers, and Army and community leaders,McFall could smile knowing she had completeda major milestone in a new Army initiative atRedstone Arsenal.

    McFall is the Arsenals coordinator o SurvivorOutreach Services, known popularly as SOS. It isa program ocused on providing a sae and homeyhaven or the Gold Star amilies o allen Soldiers,and oering them the support, counseling and

    encouragement to continue on ... (More



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