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EUCHARIST: DIVINE COMMUNION We call the Eucharist Holy Communion. At Mass, we do not consume bread and wine but truly the body and blood of Jesus Christ. We commune with God! We also commune with the Church and all that the Church teaches. EUCHARIST: ARE YOU READY? Are you ready to receive God? We ask God into our lives spiritually every day. At Holy Communion, we ask Jesus into our bodies AND souls. We become the house of God. We need to make sure that we have a clean house for such an awesome guest. Our house is made clean through Confession and we are ready to receive our guest, Jesus Christ. EUCHARIST: THE CROSS ON THE ALTAR Its amazing that God saves us through dying on the Cross. What’s more amazing is that He perpetuates this throughout history with the Holy Eucharist. With every Mass, we are transported to the place of Calvary. St. John and St. Mary are there and Simon of Cyrene too. Like them if we bring our suffer-ings to Christ on the Cross, our sufferings can bring forth redemption and healing. Are you there? You are at every Mass! EUCHARIST: THIS SAYING IS HARD Is this true? Could Jesus Christ actually become what looks like bread and wine? Could God all powerful make himself humble and be carried in someone’s hands? This was not the first time he was carried. Remember how he humbled himself and was carried in the hands of Mary, His Mother. Its a hard saying. It requires us to intentionally believe. What is your belief? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EUCARISTIA: COMUNION DIVINA Llamamos la Eucaristía Sagrada Comunión. En la Misa, no consumimos pan y vino, sino el verdadero cuerpo y sangre de Jesús Cristo. Entramos en comunión con Dios! También entramos en comunión con la Iglesia y todas las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. EUCARISTIA: ESTAS LISTO? Estas listo para recibir a Dios? Le pedimos a Dios que entre en nuestra vida espiritualmente todo los días. En la Sagrada Comunión, le pedimos a Jesús que entre en nuestros cuerpos Y almas. Nosotros nos la casa de Dios. Necesitamos asegurarnos que nuestra casa este limpia para un invitado impresio-nante. Nuestra casa se limpia con la confesión y estamos listos para recibir a nuestro invitado, Jesús Cristo. EUCARISTIA: LA CRUZ EN EL ALTAR. Es impresionante como Dios nos salva por medio de morir en la Cruz. Lo que es mas impresionante es que El perpetua por medio de la historia con la Sagrada Eucaristía. Con cada Misa, somos transportados a lugar del Calvario. San Juan y Santa María estuvieron allí y Simón de Cirene también. Igual a ellos si traemos nuestros sufrimientos a Cristo en la Cruz, nuestros sufrimientos pueden traer redención y sanación. Tu estas allí? Estas en cada Misa! EUCARISTIA: EL DICHO ES DIFICIL Es verdad esto? Podría ser que Jesús Cristo en verdad pueda parecerse en pan y vino? Podría Dios todo poderoso hacerse humilde y dejarse cargar en las manos de alguien? Esta no seria la primera vez que fuera cargado. Te acuerdas como se hizo humilde y se dejo cargar en las manos de María, Su Madre. Es un dicho difícil. Requiere que creamos. En que crees tu?

EDGE comes this fall for all 8th grade students who have

received the sacrament of Confirmation.

EDGE is a Catholic middle school ministry program designed

to help middle schoolers unleash who they were created to be,

in Christ. This will give our 8th graders a perfect transition

into Lifeteen nights for high school.

EDGE will meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30

p.m. in the school cafeter ia beginning September 9th.

Please contact Rosemary Crocker at the church office for any

questions or to enroll your child in this ministry.

Life Teen officially begins on

Wednesday, September 9th.

We will meet every Wednesday evening this Fall from

6:00 – 7:30 pm in the Holy Family Center.

This semester our theme will be Spiritual

Warfare and will focus on the ongoing struggle between

Good and Evil in our world as well as the spiritual world

around us.

We will also continue our tradition of having sports nights,

community service nights and special prayer nights. If you

are a high school student you will not want to miss these

exciting, spiritual and prayerful evenings.


School of Discipleship (Religious Ed.)

We will have a meeting for parents on

Wednesday, August 26 @ 6PM in English in the Holy Family Center and 7 PM in Spanish at the Church.

Classes for School of Discipleship (Religious Ed.)

Will start on Wednesday, September 9 at 6 PM and on Sunday, September 13 at 11:00 AM.


Coming in September: This popular and exciting bible study

class is being offered again. Join us as we study the bible in this

very informative class, developed by Dr. Scott Hahn, bible schol-

ar and professor at Franciscan University. This course provides

an overview of scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. This class

provides an excellent framework of scripture, as well as bringing

God’s Word alive.

Begins Tuesday September 22nd at 7:00 p.m. in the

Holy Family Center.

Hope Center is currently taking applications for a Business Office Assistant.

This position is responsible for supporting the Executive Director, com-pleting financial and bookkeeping functions, and other office manage-

ment tasks for the center including but not limited to reception duties as needed. The ideal candidate will have previous QuickBooks experience,

and general accounting knowledge. This is a part-time position with approximately 10-15 hours a week.

Please email resume and cover letter to

[email protected].

Grief Support Ministry

Have you suffered a recent loss in your life? We are starting a new grief support group to help

guide you in the grieving process to peace and healing, if you are interested please call the church office


Meeting for Greeters

There will be a mandatory meeting for all English Greeters

Saturday, August 29, 9 AM -11 AM School Cafeteria

English Masses need more greeters, if you are interested in be-

coming a greeter, please attend this meeting.

Please call Vickie @ 214-808-3830 or Bertha Hernandez 214-282-2688 for questions.

JLCCS is currently seeking a full-time school accountant. The candidate must be a team player,

able to work independently, be detail oriented, and have at least one (1) year of full charge

bookkeeping experience in Quick Books, Payroll, and ac-count reconciliations. Candidates must also have excellent communication and technical skills, including MS Excel

and other MS Office applications. If you are interested please send resume and cover letter to

[email protected].



Safe Environment August 22 & 23

Afternoon Mass in September - Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 5:30 pm (English)

Labor Day September 7- Office Closed

DACA - September 27



This week feature:

Country Store & Game Booths

We need your help!!! Please consider donating some of these items for the festival.

Homemade Jams, Jellies and Preserves. Handmade Crafts (for Country Store) Stuffed Animals (in good condition)

2L soda bottles Gift Cards ($5 and up)

Happy Meal prizes (in good condition) Bagged Candy (game booths)

You can leave your donations at the Church Office or in the Holy Family Center one week prior

to festival.

Raffle Tickets were mailed out this week. Please help us by selling your raffle tickets

and turn into the office or in the box in the vestibule of the church.

This is one of our biggest fundraisers for the parish.

Thank you for your help.



Sunday, August $ 9,203.50

Maintenance Fund $ 1,891.00

Amount needed to meet weekly expenses- $9,925

Sponsor of the Week

I.O.O.F Event Center

Clases de Planificación Familiar Natural

Aviso para todas las personas que piensan casarse en los próximos meses.

Las clases de planificación familiar natural se llevaran a cabo los días 8,

22 y 29 de Agosto a las 9:30 de la mañana. Estas clases serán en la biblioteca de la escuela.

Para más información llamen a Gerardo al 903-874-4473.


Las clases pre matrimoniales para las parejas que se van a casar en los próximos seis meses serán el 23 y 30 de Agosto de 8:30 am a 3:00 pm en la biblioteca

de la escuela. Por favor no traiga niños.

Para más información llamen a Gerardo al 903-874-4473.

Noticias de la Escuela del Discipulado (Catecismo)

Tendremos una junta para padres de familia el Miércoles 26 de Agosto a las 6 PM en Ingles en la

Sagrada Familia y a las 7 PM en Español en la Iglesia.

Las clases de la Escuela del Discipulado (catecismo)

comenzaran el Miércoles 9 de Septiembre a las 6 PM y el Domingo 13 de Septiembre a las 11:00 AM.



Esta semana necesitamos ayudo con

Puesto de Juegos & Tienda Estamos pidiendo donaciones con las siguientes cosas para

nuestro festival: Botellas de 2L de soda

Tarjeta de regalo ($5 y arriba) Juguetes de Happy Meal (en buenas condiciones)

Dulces en bolsa (puesto de juegos)

Pueden dejar sus donaciones en la Oficina de la Iglesia o en La Sagrada Familia una semana antes

de el festival.

Los boletos de la rifa ya fueron enviados esta semana pa-sada. Por favor ayúdennos en vender sus boletos y entre-gue a la oficina o en la caja que esta en el vestíbulo de la

Iglesia. Este es uno de nuestros eventos mas grandes para recau-

dar fondos para nuestra parroquia. Gracias por su ayuda.


Las clases de Bautizo serán el 28 de Agosto, 4 de Septiembre y 11 de Septiembre.

Las clases serán en el Salón de la Sagrada Familia a las 7 PM.

Llene la forma que esta en el vestíbulo para registrase para la platicas de Bautizos y entréguenla en la oficina

UNA SEMANA antes de las platicas.

Por favor NOTE que si no la entrega no se podrá quedar a las platicas.

Para mas información hable con Gerardo 903-874-4473

Flowers for the Altar are in Loving Memory of Juan Pulin

Las flores del altar son en

memoria de juan pulin.

Donated by Maria & Juan Pulin






Ambiente Seguro - Agosto 22 & 23

Misas en Septiembre - Martes y Jueves @ 5:30 PM (Ingles)

Labor Day - Septiembre 7 - Oficina estará cerrada

DACA - Septiembre 27



AUGUST 24th- 30th

We Pray For Our Sick and Homebound in our parish: Bertha Hernandez, Mark E. Gonzales, Maria Gonzales, Da-vid Novotny, Maria Hernandez, Janet Gonzales, Evelyn Vega, Lynn Wesley, Agustin Cervantes, Rosa Cuevas, Alex Coker, Larry Houdek, Harry Pierson, Josie Gonzaba, Imma Halley Baulechong, Eugene Gonzales, Stephen Bo-nin, Harry Palos, Wesley Morelock, Nell Mazoch, Tina Bojorquez, Albert Ovalle, Eugene Gonzales, Jack Matthews Jr., Yolanda Rodriguez, and Rosemary Vasquez.

Please note that after six weeks, names will be removed from the prayers of the sick. Please call the office to have someone included.

Monday, August 24th / Rv 21:9b-14/ Jn 1:45-51

Tuesday, August 25th / 1 Thes 2:1-8/ Mt 23:23-26

8:15 AM +Juanita M. Palos Wednesday, August 26th / 1 Thes 2:9-13/ Mt 23:27-32

8:15 AM - Int. of Lee Ledbetter Thursday, August 27th / 1 Thes 3:7-13/ Mt 24:42-51

8:15 AM +Alfredo Castilleja

Friday, August 28th / 1 Thes 4:1-8/ Mt 25:1-13 8:15 AM +Joe Stephans 12:15 PM Int. of J.L.C.C. S. Staff

Saturday, August 29th, 1 Thes 4:9-11/ Mk 6:17-29

5:30 PM +Ed & Gert Siwiwski

Sunday, August 30th, Dt 4:1-2, 6-8/ Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27/ Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

8:00 AM +Ronnie Miller

9:30 AM +Irene Soileau

11:30 AM +Gloria Salazar

1:30 PM Pro Populo

Q: Why is marriage indissoluble?

A: Marriage is triply indissoluble: first, because the es-sence of love is mutual self-giving without reservation; second, because it is an image of God’s unconditional faithfulness to his creation; and third, because it represents Christ’s devotion to his Church, even unto death on the Cross. __________________________________________________________________________________________

P: Por que es indisoluble el matrimonio?

R: El matrimonio es indisoluble por tres razones. Por un lado porque corresponde a la esencia del amor el entregarse mutuamente sin reser-vas; luego porque es una imagen de la fidelidad incondicional de Dios a su creación; y es también indisoluble finalmente porque representa la entrega de Cristo a su Iglesia, que llego hasta la muerte en Cruz. The schedule will no longer be available in the bulletin, you can pick up your schedule at the church vestibule or on the website @ www.iccorsicana.org We will have a question and answer in this space. These questions and answers can be found in the Youcat. El horario ya no estará disponible en el boletín, puede recoger su horario en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia o en la pagina de internet www.iccorsicana.org. Tendremos una pregunta con la respuesta en este espacio. Esta y otras preguntas y respuestas están en el Youcat.

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