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Page 1: Immanuel Lutheran Church April 2017 Messenger Lutheran Church April 2017 Messenger Immanuel Lutheran Church ... raising of Lazarus, ... 4/19 Lee Score 4/20 Joe Durand

Immanuel Lutheran Church

April 2017


Immanuel Lutheran Church Called, Empowered, and Sent by God to Live, Love, and Learn God’s Word

Nuestra Declaracíon De Misíon Somos llamados, autorizados, y enviados por Dios para vivir, amar, y aprender la Palabra de Dios

Pastor John Okan


Church Email: [email protected]

Immanuel Lutheran Church 5782 Lawrence Rd. Everson, WA 98247

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Dear People of Immanuel,

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)

Throughout this season of Lent, our Sunday gospel readings have been large sections of John’s Gospel:

Nicodemus coming to Jesus by night, the Samaritan woman at the well, the healing of a man born blind and the

raising of Lazarus, all wonderful and remarkable stories. All of them pointing to Jesus as the Messiah, as God’s Word

made flesh, as the one through whom and in whom all things were created.

There is a cosmic quality to John’s gospel, as Jesus from the very beginning is proclaimed as, “the Lamb of

God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29) These are the words of John the Baptist proclaiming this

Word made flesh to dwell among us, full of grace and truth and “From his fullness we have all received, grace upon

grace.” (John 1:14, 16)

Jesus, in John’s gospel, is many things -

the bread of life (John 6),

the light of the world (John 8)

the gate and the great shepherd of the sheep (John 10)

the way, the truth and the life (John 14)

the true vine. (John 15)

Jesus is ethereal and cosmic and other-worldly is John’s gospel, able to command the earth and the stars. It is

fitting then that John’s gospel records Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding in Cana and provides Jesus’ final words, “It

is finished.” (John 19:30). Yet, amidst the miracles and majesty, we are reminded that God’s heart breaks, that upon

reaching the tomb of Lazarus, “Jesus weeps.” (John 11:35) In the face of death and dying, God’s heart is broken and

God weeps.

As we conclude the season of Lent, as we strip the altar on Maundy Thursday, as we quietly contemplate our

savior’s death of Good Friday, we do so knowing that God has done it all so that none of us will ever be separated

from God’s love, for we know,

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”(John 1:5)

Pastor John Pastor John’s e-mail: [email protected] OFFICE PHONE #360-592-0216

Office hours: M, W, and Thursday mornings

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Scripture Readings April 2 – 5 Lent

Ezekiel 37:1-14

Psalm 130

Romans 8:6-11

John 11:1-45

April 9 – Passion/Palm Sunday

Isaiah 50:4-9a

Psalm 31:9-16

Philippians 2:5-11

Matthew 26:14-27:66

April 13- Maundy Thursday

Exodus 12:1-14

Psalm 116:1-2,12-19

1 Corinthians 11:23-26

John 13:1-17,31b-35

April 14 – Good Friday

Isaiah 52:13-53:12

Psalm 22

Hebrews 10:16-25

John 18:1-19:42

April 16 - Easter Day

Acts 10:34-43

Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24

Colossians 3:1-4

Matthew 28:1-10

April 23 – 2 Easter

Acts 2:14a, 22-32

Psalm 16

1 Peter 1:3-9

John 20:19-31

April 30 – 3 Easter

Acts 2:14a, 36-41

Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19

1 Peter 1:17-23

Luke 24:13-35



April 8 – Flower arranging class 1:00 – 3:00 in Parish Hall

April 9 – Passion/Palm Sunday

April 9– Church Council meets at 12:00.

HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE April 9 – Passion/Palm Sunday April 13 – Maundy Thursday service – 7:00 April 14 – Good Friday Service – 7:00 p.m. April 16 - Easter Sunday Sunrise Service – 7:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast – 8:30 Easter Celebrative Service – 10:00 a.m.

Women of Immanuel NEWS April 8 - Easter Flower Arranging Class! From 1:00-3:00 pm. $25 and must sign up ahead so Jodie King Erickson, the florist who is teaching the class, can bring all the flowers and materials. Jodie has been masterfully creating wonderful arrangements for the last 40 years and has graciously offered to share her talent and her fun sense of humor with us. We will be making our own gorgeous table arrangement that you can have for the Holy Week or give as an Easter gift. Hosted by WOI. Make sure you sign up on the sheet on the Bulletin Board or Call Sue Ohlswager 360-966-7840 Or Dawn Durand 360-739-3380 to reserve your spot. Let's get creative, have a cup of tea and rejoice in a good time spent together in fellowship.

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Women of Immanuel Board meetsThursday, April 6, at noon.

The Women of Immanuel are raffling a Linda Anderson Quilt. All money raised will go toward the septic system fund. Tickets are $2.00 for one ticket. $20 for 12 tickets. See quilt in parish hall and buy a ticket or two or three! LOOKING AHEAD MAY –Card Making, date will be announced JUNE – Plan on the Strawberry Social a traditional community gathering! Date depends on Strawberry availability. June 26-30 Vacation Bible School – Time to start gathering children to join us in learning of God’s gifts, making crafts, singing and playing games and getting to know each other.

Thanks to the Cooks! A heartfelt thank-you to all who made soup for our Lenten meals and everyone involved in making our Wednesday night suppers such a wonderful success.

April Birthdays 4/5 Irene Higbee 4/6 Kari Toivola 4/6 David Goree

4/8 Valerie Henderson 4/8 Anne-Marie Fjeld

4/8 Esteban Cruz Estrada 4/8 Asia Roman

4/12 Mike Bruland 4/13 Muriel Gates

4/15 Kim Roe 4/18 Vicki Wagner

4/19 Lee Score 4/20 Joe Durand

4/29 Paul Hookham 4/29 Gary Sirguy

4/29 Gail Halverson

April Anniversaries 4/6 Mike & Karen Brewer 4/11 Ron & Judy Bruland 4/22 Linda & Carl Hoines

4/28 Nancy & Dennis Workman 4/28 Pastor John & Liza Okan

Treasurer’s Report

2017 Budget: $144,482.72

Monthly Income: $12, 042.22

March Offering: $8345.20

Other Income: $895.00

Total: $9240.20

To February 28 our expenses

exceeded our income by $7,308.69

Parsonage Fund: $2489.09

SS Offering: $1,066.72

Campaign Fund: $12,966

Campaign Fund 2: $660.00

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April 2, 2017 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

Ass’t. Min. Laura Hookham

Greeter: Muriel & Shelly Ron & Judy

Usher Ron & Judy

Com. Asst’ Liza Okan

Reader: Ron Bruland

Flowers: Lent

After Worship Prayer Teams:

1st Service: Clarice & Jim

2nd Service: Michelle & Dennis

Communion Set-up: Liza Okan

April 9 8:30 a.m 10:30 a.m.

Ass’t. Min: Sara Murdock

Greeter: Pam Andrews Wes Murdock

Usher: Wes Murdock

Com. Ass’t: Michelle Pattison

Communion Set Up: Michelle Pattison

Reader: Michelle Pattison

Flowers: Lent

After Worship Prayer Teams:

1st Service: Helen & Lois

2nd Service: Joanie & Michelle

April 16 EASTER 7:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.

Ass’t. Min: Don Anderson

Greeter: Hunters Mike & Karen Brewer

Ushers: Mike & Karen Brewer

Comm. Ass’t: Linda Anderson

Reader: Kim Roe

Flowers: Ron & Judy Bruland for 53rd Anniversary

After Worship Prayer Teams:

1st Service: Carol & Dennis

2nd Service: Linda & Joanie

Communion Set Up: Valerie & Linda

April 23 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

Ass’t Min. Karen Harkness

Greeter: Freemans


Com. Ass’t: Sara Murdock

Communion Set-up: Sara Murdock

Reader: Liza Okan

Flowers: Bill & Carol VanderYacht

After Worship Prayer Teams:

1st Service: Lois & Clarice

2nd Service: Michelle & Linda

April 30 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

Ass’t Min. Don Anderson

Greeter: Pam Andrews Ron & Judy

Usher: Ron & Judy

Com. Ass’t Linda Anderson

Com. Set up: Linda Anderson

Reader: Dennis Workman


Healing Worship Prayer Teams:

1st Service: Lois & Joe; Pastor & Carol

2nd Service: Nancy & Linda; Pastor & Dennis

If you are unable to serve on your assigned

Sunday, please call someone that you can

either switch an assigned Sunday with or sub

for you.

A big thank-you to all the helpers; you are

greatly appreciated and needed!

Email address for Kim: [email protected] Email address for Pastor John: [email protected] Office phone: (360) 592-5876 Pastor John’s phone: (360) 393-2435

If you still aren’t receiving your Messenger via email, please send Kim your email address to [email protected]. You will receive your news faster, and save paper, postage and time. Thanks!

Your talent is

God’s gift to you.

What you do with

it is your gift

back to God –

Leo Buscaglia

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Called to speak up By the Rev. Kirby Unti, NWWA Synod Bishop - From the April 2017 edition of The Spirit


These are difficult days when it comes to knowing how to navigate the world of politics as a Christian. I had the privilege of meeting with Governor Jay Inslee a few weeks back and he said in his three decades as a public servant he has never seen greater interest or concern than what we are now experiencing. People of every stripe are asking the question, “What can we do?”

The challenge is made more difficult because many of us were raised not to speak in public about religion or politics. Obviously we didn’t get the clue from Jesus on this as he was quite outspoken on both.

Adding to the challenge in the United States is the confusion we have around the separation of church and state. The bottom line is the church is prohibited from completing the following sentence, “Vote for Candidate _______. We do not compromise our non profit status by speaking out on issues.

The Lutheran Church has a long history of speaking out on public issues. We certainly are following Luther’s practice. Luther was very outspoken about public education and providing a community chest for the poor. He saw this as both the responsibility of the church and of the state.

It is okay to be political while striving not to be partisan. When it comes to party politics there is plenty of blame to go around on both sides of the aisle.

This is why it is important to me to hold the Office of President in high regard just as we hope people would respect the office of pastor, teacher or bishop. The office is to be respected even when you disagree with the politics.

When Lutherans speak out in the public square we do so from the point of our deepest held values. This is why, when the travel ban was first placed in front of us by executive order,

many Lutherans spoke out regardless of which political party they supported. Lutherans know our own story of immigration and we have been key players in resettling people from around the world. We have been formed by countless stories in scripture that remind us of what it means to “welcome the stranger.”

Today I learned from Lutheran Social Services to be aware of the impact that a reduction of Medicaid might have on our parents who are receiving care in a nursing home. 75% of our elders need Medicaid to access this care. Yes, I will speak out if I see this happening. Caring for our elders is embedded deep in my bones because of my Christian formation.

In our Social Statement on Church & Society we are reminded our our responsibility to

speak out on timely, urgent issues on which the voice of this church should be heard;

expect its pastors, bishops, and lay church leaders to pray for and to exhort those in positions of authority on the basis of God’s prophetic Word;

work with and on behalf of the poor, the powerless, and those who suffer, using its power and influence with political and economic decision-making bodies to develop and advocate policies that seek to advance justice, peace, and the care of creation;

mediate to achieve just and peaceful solutions to social conflicts;

participate in local, national, and international ecumenical organizations, and interfaith and ecumenical partnerships in the service of common goals.

Friends, these are challenging times but my spirits are lifted knowing the gospel has something extremely relevant to say. Let’s listen and act. Read more on the flip side of this edition of The Spirit for ways you (and your congregation) can pray, advocate, accompany, welcome, and give. (www.lutheransnw.org/publications)

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Our 2017 Synod Assembly will be a ONE-day event!

Saturday, May 20

9am - 6pm at Salem Lutheran Church

in Mount Vernon

We are delighted to welcome The Rev. Daniel Rift as our Churchwide

Representative! He serves as the Director of

ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal.

Pastor Rift's report will be a highlight for many as we hear more about our partnership with our churchwide partners - and specifically about the ELCA World Hunger & Disaster Appeal.

Offering collected at the assembly will be divided as follows:

10% to our companion synod: The Evangelical Lutheran Church in European Russia 45% to a global designee: ELCA World Hunger 45% to these three local organizations: Family Promise of Skagit Valley (homeless ministry in which many of our congregations participate and Day Center at Bethlehem, Sedro-Woolley) Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church (Concrete) Internship (only detatched site in NWWA) La Iglesia El Camino de Emaus (Burlington, Spanish-language ministry)

Please Note:

Online Registration will be open April 1-28, 2017 Registration fees (including lunch): $80/Voting Member $55/Retired Rostered Leaders & Observers $25/Visitors After April 28 - an additional $10/person

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