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    Learn How You Can Live Forever!


    John F. Harrigan M.S.

  • We’re born to live forever…

    …joyous, happy and free!

  • Really? Can that be?

    How is physical immortality possible?

  • We create our bodies and our lives — the earth and sky.

    Physical immortality is possible because we’re

    creating reality.

  • We create with our thoughts, words and actions.




  • We manifest the world by what we think,

    say and do.

  • Creation sculpts itself, by choice and inclination.


  • lifedeath

    Death, suffering and disease are choices we make, not a natural

    consequence of living.

  • lifedeath

    We can choose to live strong and well, to grow and evolve

    without death.

  • lifedeath

    We can be immortal.

  • Consciously or by default, with awareness or unknowing,

    we choose what we receive.

  • We choose individually and collectively—moment to moment,

    day by day, and over eons.

  • Reality is constructed by choices made.

  • Our choice of thought and action add up to our experience.

  • There is consciousness in every form of life, and we

    orchestrate this life, how it forms and behaves, from the

    cells of our bodies to the planets and stars.

    We Orchestrate Life

  • By what we think and do, we direct and form the world.

    We FORM the World

  • Now you know the secret to immortality!

  • We’re in charge, and we create the world.

    It’s that simple!

  • Yet, simple can sound crazy… and very hard to do!

  • …life can seem impossible if we’re fearful, angry

    and in pain.

    As simple as things may be…

  • We don’t create our best when we don’t feel our best.

  • Our thoughts and instincts get off track when we’re in pain.

  • But, there’s a way out.

  • The way out of suffering, fear and pain…

    …is the way to physical immortality,

    and it’s not a secret at all.

  • But… some work is required.

  • AWARENESS must be built and improved.

  • Healing and restoration must take place.

  • Better thoughts, words and deeds must be done…

  • …with an eye toward IMMORTALITY,

    our true human design.

  • Death, suffering and disease are choices

    we make.

    Let’s Review…We’re born to live forever:

    joyous, happy and free.

    We create the world with our thoughts, words

    and deeds.

  • Ok, simple enough, but what’s the secret sauce or special trick to activating

    physical immortality?

    Surely, there must be more?

  • From my experience, there is a secret sauce that

    facilitates immortality.

  • There are two things that can be the extra

    help you need.

  • 1. A Mentor

    2. Qi Gong

    The Two Things are:

  • What’s a mentor?

    Well, that’s why I’m here.

  • A mentor is an experienced and trusted advisor…

    • counselor • confidant

    …someone who teaches and shows you the way.

  • With my…

    • Powerful Books • Online Courses • Simple Videos

    …you’ll find all the mentoring you need!

  • Our second suggestion, or Secret Sauce #2 for immortality is…

    Qi Gong

  • Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese healing art.

    It’s purpose is to make you strong, calm

    and immortal…

    …physically immortal.

  • I’m a Qi Gong Master. I’ve practiced Qi Gong over 20 years.

    My mentor is a Qi Gong Grandmaster from Beijing,


  • When I’m with my mentor, I feel his physical immortality.

    It’s still, strong and absolute.

  • In my books, courses and talks, I share this immortality, giving

    you my mentor’s stillness, strength and peace…

    …until it’s your own!

  • I’ve spent decades of practice, pursuit

    and diligence…

  • …developing techniques for wellness, strength and calm I’ll share with you…

  • …so you can have your own immortal life of happiness,

    joy and freedom!

  • “Qi Gong & Spiritual Growth”

    If you’re ready to activate your immortality,

    take a look at my new book.


  • “Qi Gong & Spiritual Growth”

    inspired, guided and helped to a healthy, strong and immortal human life!

    Learn more



  • “Qi Gong & Spiritual Growth”

    I found this book to be a beautiful presentation of QiGong. John has a loving and common sense approach to spirituality. ~ J.B.

    Thank your Mr. Harrigan, for this gift! ~ Samantha

    What a great read! Easy on the eyes and the mind, it is the perfect way to slow down the hectic day and find your inner peace. I felt more at ease and relaxed right from the beginning! I appreciate the way it was broken down into short, simple sections. I recommend it to all those seeking a bit of serenity in their life! ~ JL

    A Qi Gong Master and counselor, Harrigan passes on his knowledge in an easy to follow and loving manner. A very well written and inspirational read. Recommended. ~ TFL

    Uplifting, easy to follow, great exercises to relieve stress, good for any faith or none. Blends with any spiritual practice. Overall very positive, easy to follow and do. Exercises you can do anywhere and any place. I highly recommend this book.. ~ A.T.

    I've been searching for spiritual growth and peace and this book was a great help. The greatest lesson for me that we can avoid pain by choosing to focus on the positive. He made me realize there's something to be positive about everyday and in every situation. ~ E.W

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