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  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance




    In this age of globalization organizations get confronted with increasingworldwide competition all around. So it becomes very necessary for an organization to

    come up with a well thought-out and strategic business planning to be able to offer

    products and services with additional value beyond competitor products and services.

    Employees can act strategic by contributing to the properly implementation of the

    business strategy. The organization gains a competitive advantage from this strategic

    behavior. Hence the performance of an organization depends a lot on the behavior of

    employees working in it as well the climate prevailing in the organization. or this reason

    Human !esource "anagement #H!"$ is an important part of the strategic planning in an

    organization #%ecker& Huselid ' (lrich& )**+$.

    ,Humans are active individuals with past eperiences& internalized values& and

    norms that are not necessarily those of the employing organization as said by /aauwe&

    )**0. 1ewin and 2artwright #+34+$ said that human behavior could be understood as a

    function of the individual person in its surrounding area. 5ccording to 6ames et al #)**7$

    ,the various meanings that people associate with their physical surrounding areas are

    referred to as their psychological environments. or organizational contets& 6ames and

    6ones #+380$ call this aspect as psychological climate which refers to peoples9 attachment

    to their :obs& co-workers& leaders& e;uity of treatment and the like on individual level. In a

    summarized way we can say that employee behavior is a function of characteristics of the

    person and characteristics of the individually perceived psychological climate in the

    organization. In this study psychological climate characteristics can be degree of trust&

    conflict& morale& rewards e;uity& leader credibility& resistance to change and scape goating

    in the organization. %urton& 1auridsen and

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    Employee Attitude

    The importance of attitude in understanding psychological phenomenon was

    recognizedearly in the history of social psychology. rom the time of the concept9s entry i

    nto language of psychology& interest in attitude has been strong and growing. However&

    over the year9s attitudes has been studied with differing emphasis and methods. 5ttitude

    can also be defined in two ways& 2onceptual and contained the words >readiness9& >set9 or >disposition to act9. Even 511/

    these terms in defining attitude. He defines attitude as follows:

    ,5ttitude is a mental and neural state of readiness organized through eperience&

    eerting a directive or dynamic influence upon the individual9s response to all ob:ects and

    situations with which it is related

    Features of Attitude

    5ttitudes affect behavior of an individual by putting him ready to respond

    favorably to things in his environment.

    5ttitudes are ac;uired through learning over a period of time. The process of

    learning attitudes starts right from the childhood and continues throughout the life

    of a person. 5ttitudes are invisible as they constitute a psychologies phenomenon which

    cannot be observed directly. They can be observed by observing the behavior of

    an individual.

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    5ttitudes are pervasive in nature and every individual has some kind of attitude

    towards the ob:ects in his environment. "oreover& attitudes are forced in the

    socialization process and may relate to anything in the environment.

    Association between Employee attitude and HRM

    The association between H!" and performance is not strongly proved as

    epected might be because the link is mediated by employee attitudes. To consider this

    possibility& it is re;uired to eplore the association between H!" and employee attitudes.

    Eploration of the association between H!" and employee attitudes is a better test in a

    way to deal with information from independent sources. The information on both the H!

    practices and performance was provided by the same manager in each workplace&

    opening up the possibility of some response consistency bias. This is less likely to be a

    problem when the attitudinal information is provided by employees.

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    i r








    disengagement& spirit& intimacy& aloofness& production emphasis and consideration

    #%urton et al& )**0& p.0$. The difference is the level on which it is dealt with those climate


  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    eclusively as a descriptive measure of organizational activities. It is based upon

    perceptions and is itself not an aspect of the organizational structure #Coys and Aecotis&

    +33+ in %urton et al.& )**0$.

    Dow since the definition of organizational climate is clear& it is time to look at

    climate profiles in particular. The competing values framework@ fleibility versus control

    and internal versus eternal focus& by uinn and !ohrbaugh #+37F& in %urton et al.& )**0$

    is used by %urton et al. #)**0$ to classify types of organizational climate. %urton et al.

    #)**0$ cull out four climatic profiles@ the group climate& the developmental climate& the

    rational goal climate and the internal process climate. Those are described based upon

    their degree of trust& conflict& morale& e;uity of rewards& resistance to change and leader


    Group climate@

    The group climate is concentrated on internal focus with high trust and morale.

    Aevelopmental climate@

    The developmental climate is more eternally oriented. Trust and moral are high

    as well& but the resistance to change is low.

    !ational goal climate@

    The rational goal climate is eternally oriented to succeed& but morale and trust

    are lower.

    Internal process climate@

    The internal process climate is more mechanical with a high resistance to change&

    low of trust and low morale. The focus lies internal& on staying functioning.

    /urpose of Study

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    The purpose of this study is to describe and distinguish the uni;ue ;ualities of the

    organizational climate of Triveni Engineering as perceived by its employee work groups&

    to eamine associations of that climate with a management system specifically

    performance of the employees study. urther it intends to measure the impact of

    organizational climate on performance. Secondly it intends to measure the employee

    attitude and its impact on performance of the employees.

    Therefore& this study intends to measure the impact of both the employee attitude

    and the organizational climate on performance.

    2ontet of the Study

    This research basically emphasizes the need to identify the right attitude for

    effective performance which would also enhance the overall growth of the organization.

    Secondly& it caters to establish the favoring organizational climate which would enhance

    the productivity of the employees. Thus& this study aspires to determine the impact of

    both the employee attitude and organizational climate on the performance of the

    employees of the organization.

    Significance of the Study

    indings from organizational climate and employee attitude research may have

    value in clarifying the future direction of management policies& procedures& and

    conventions& thereby enabling the organization to adapt eternally and integrate itsfunctions internally. (nderstanding of climate factors such as perception of

    communication and collaboration can be used in making programmatic strategies and

    administrative decisions. The ;uality and climate for organizational communications is a

    ma:or factor associated with programmatic direction. %oth formal and informal

    communications among colleagues and supervisors affect the motivation and support to

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    implement innovative educational programs and affects the performance of its

    employees. 5dditionally& organizational climate research findings may contribute to

    maintaining or improving employee :ob satisfaction #1itwin ' Stringer& +3B7$&

    motivation to accomplish ob:ectives or goal setting& longevity of employee tenure& and

    employees9 concept of professional status #%andura& +37B as cited in Copelman et al.&

    +33*$. The ;uantity of research suggested that the academy has invested much time and

    thought into research studies on organizational climate& and placing the concept in the

    field of organizational development. This study can add to the body of research on

    organizational climate& and provide findings to which other researchers may relate.

    This provides potential tool for the motivation of the employees which could help

    the employees in transforming their negative attitude to positive attitude. The

    management may make the employees understand that they are the partners of the

    business and the employees9 organization life depends up on the constructive

    contributions made by them.

    Theoretical ramework

    The theoretical framework for this study focused on two eisting paradigms@

    organizational theory and leadership theory.

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    The theoretical framework used in the research given by International Society for

    2ompleity& Information& and Aesign& )**4 suggested that organizational theory is an

    important factor as it pertains to the study and its potential results.

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    Triveni can be best described as technology focused sugar-plus industry. Through

    a rational blend of technology and human capital& they deliver high ;uality products and

    end-to-end solutions to their customers globally. They have head office located in


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    Sustained transformation ' enhancement of ;uality delivery is an integral belief

    that powers their growth and is the guiding principle for a truly eceptional customer

    eperience. 5 rational blend of determined intentions& focused efforts& intelligent

    direction and skillful eecution offers them a strong platform to deliver world-class

    products and solutions to their customers.

    They have institutionalized ;uality in everything that they do. rom processes to

    people to products& focus on ;uality touches every constituent of our organization. To

    realize their goal of being a customer-focused& truly global corporation& they have

    adopted ;uality enhancement practice by introducing si sigma& ;uality management

    system and total ;uality management initiatives.

    They lay emphasis on continuous improvement and performance ecellence to

    ensure high standards of ;uality in their products and solutions. They also focus on

    developing a ;uality management system that is designed to facilitate continual

    improvement& stimulate efficiency and enhance their customers9 eperience with their

    products and solutions.

    Aefinition of Terms

    +.Environment@ In the contet of organizational climate& environment is combatively

    used in literature to reference the social and psychological contet of organizations.

    ). Or"ani#ation@ It refers to an institution& age ncy or entity established to serve a

    specific function.

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    1itwin #+3B7$ use the terms climate and organizational climate to ,refer to the idea of

    perceived environmental ;uality. orehand and Gilmer #+3B0$ defined climate as ,the

    set of characteristics that describe an organization and that #a$ distinguish the

    organization from other organizations& #b$ are relatively enduring over time& and #c$

    influence the behavior of people in the organization #p. FB)$.

    0. Or"ani#ationa$ %&$t&re@ It is a pattern of basic assumptions invented& discovered& or

    developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of eternal adaptation

    and internal integration that has worked well enough to be considered valid and&

    therefore& to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive& think& and feel in

    relation to those problems.

    4.C$imate %ate"ories@ ery broad dimensions of organizational functions& each covering

    many aspects of the climate perceptions being measured.

    B. Per%e'tion ( 'er%eive@ It is the act or ability to mentally understand& feel& or

    intuitively comprehend impressions& ;ualities or concepts by means of the senses or

    knowledge? to be aware of through the senses& to mentally separate a thing from others.


    The organizational climate research may have value in clarifying the future

    direction of management policies& procedures& thus enabling the organization to adapt

    eternally and integrate its functions internally. (nderstanding of climate factors such as

    perception of communication and collaboration can be used in making programmatic

    strategies and administrative decisions. The ;uality and climate for organizational

    communications is a factor associated with programmatic direction. %oth formal and

    informal communications among colleagues and supervisors affect the motivation and

    support to implement innovative programs and the performance efforts of its employees.

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    5dditionally& organizational climate research findings may contribute to maintaining or

    improving employee :ob satisfaction #1itwin ' Stringer& +3B7$& motivation to accomplish

    ob:ectives or goal setting& longevity of employee tenure& and employees9 concept of

    professional status #%andura& +37B as cited in Copelman et al.& +33*$. In these regards&

    describing the organizational climate among categories is a potentially useful

    management and organizational development strategy for the organization.

    Hence this research is intended to find out the relationship between the

    organizational climate& employee attitude and performance to enable the employers to

    keep their employees motivated and committed towards their work which would

    ultimately enhances performance.

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    Patterson, !a$%o$m G, *est, !i%hae$ A, athom, Re.e%%a an/ Ni%0e$$,

    Ste'hen12234, in their papersuggestedthat people are the most valuable resource of an

    organisation& and that the management of people makes a difference to company

    performance. In this research& they address these assumptions directly. %ut rather than

    focusing simply on the traditional ;uestion of whether and which human resource

    management practices most affect performance& they ask four central ;uestions@ +. Is

    there any relationship between employee attitudes #:ob satisfaction and commitment to

    their organizations$ and the performance of their companiesJ ). Aoes organizational

    culture predict the subse;uent performance of organizationsJ F. Ao human resource

    management practices make a difference to company performance and& if so& which of

    these practices appear most importantJ 0. How do other managerial practices& such as

    competitive strategies& emphasis on ;uality& investment in research and development& and

    investment in technology& compare in terms of their influence upon company

    performance with the influence of human resource management practicesJ

    Their fundamental aim in the report is to aid managers in determining where to

    direct their efforts in order to have most impact upon the performance of their companies.

    They have drawn upon data gathered from an intensive ongoing ten year study of over a

    hundred small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in the (nited Cingdom.

    These data provide a clear picture of the links between various managerial practices and

    company performance.

    Ca''e$$i, Peter an/ Ne&mar0, Davi/ 12224, showed their interest in the

    potential effects of different systems for organizing work and managing employees on the

    performance of organizations has a long history in the social sciences. The interest in

    economics& arguably more recent& reflects a general concern about the sources of

    competitiveness in organizations. 5 number of methodological problems have confronted

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    previous attempts to eamine the relationship between work practices and the

    performance of firms. 5mong the most intractable has been a concern about establishing

    causation given heterogeneity biases in what have typically been cross-sectional data.

    The results from prior literature are suggestive of important productivity effects but

    remain inconclusive. To address the ma:or methodological problems they use a national

    probability sample of establishments& measures of work practices and performance that

    are comparable across organizations& and most importantly a uni;ue longitudinal design

    incorporating data from a period prior to the advent of high performance work practices.

    Their results suggested that work practices that transfer power to employees& often

    described as ,high performance practices& may rose productivity& although the statistical

    case is weak. However& they also found that these work practices on average raise labor

    costs per employee. The net result is no apparent effect on efficiency& a measure that

    combines labor costs and labor productivity. =hile these results do not appear to be

    consistent with the view that such practices are good for employers& neither do they

    suggest that such practices harm employers. They are& however& consistent with the view

    that these practices raise average compensation and hence may be good for employees.

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    Patterson, !a$%o$m *arr, Peter an/ *est, !i%hae$ )7794, predicted that

    associations between company climate and productivity would be mediated by average

    level of :ob satisfaction. In a study of 0) manufacturing companies& subse;uent

    productivity was significantly correlated in controlled analyses with eight aspects of

    organizational climate #e.g. skill development and concern for employee welfare$ and

    also with average :ob satisfaction. The mediation hypothesis was supported in

    hierarchical multiple regressions for separate aspects of climate. In addition& an overall

    analysis showed that company productivity was more strongly correlated with those

    aspects of climate that had stronger satisfaction loadings. 5 second prediction& that

    managers9 perceptions of climate would be more closely linked to company productivity

    than would those of non-managers& was not supported. However& managers9 assessments

    of most aspects of their company9s climate were significantly more positive than those of


    arami$$o, +ernan/o Pra0ash !&$0i, a5 an/ So$omon, Pa&$ )77;4,

    researched to investigate the effects of ethical climate on salesperson9s role stress& :ob

    attitudes& turnover intention& and :ob performance. !esponses from +F7 salespeople who

    work for a large retailer selling high-end consumer durables at B7 stores in +B states were

    used to eamine the process through which ethical climate affects organizational

    variables. This is the first study offering empirical evidence that both :ob stress and :ob

    attitudes are the mechanisms through which a high ethical climate leads to lower turnover

    intention and higher :ob performance. !esults indicated that ethical climate results in

    lower role conflict and role ambiguity and higher satisfaction& which& in turn& leads to

    lower turnover intention and organizational commitment. 5lso& findings indicate that

    organizational commitment is a significant predictor of :ob performance.

    Cas%io, *a5ne +)77;4 , in his paper found that the behavior of individual

    workers has important financial conse;uences for organizational performance and

    productivity& as well as for employees themselves. They have eamined :ust a few of the

    many possible areas where the control of costs associated with employee behaviors #e.g.&

    turnover& absenteeism& presenters& unhealthy lifestyles$ and the benefits associated with

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    wise management of employees #promotion of positive employee attitudes& training and

    development programs targeted to strategic challenges& use of valid staffing practices for

    hiring and promotion$ can increase productivity and decrease operating epenses.

    2omprehensive audits of human resource policies at all levels of employees and

    managers may well reveal opportunities for even greater gains.

    *ei, +an an" )77@4, studied the influence of

    employees9 attitude towards their organization9s workplace health policies on their

    organizational commitment and :ob satisfaction were eamined in a 2hina-based

    company with data collected from +)F workers and managers. The main hypotheses were

    that employees9 attitude towards =H/ were associated with #a$ their :ob satisfaction& #b$

    and organizational commitment. Support was obtained for each hypothesis. Employees9

    attitudes towards workplace health policies were both positively related to their :ob

    satisfaction and organizational commitment. However& the hypothesis that employees9 :ob

    levels related to their attitudes was not tested in this study. 5t last& implications and

    suggestions were given regarding developing workplace health policies in 2hinese

    organizations in this research.

    G&est, Davi/ E an/ Cona5, Nei$ )77@4 eplored the link between human

    resource management #H!"$& employee attitudes and workplace performance using the

    )**0 =orkplace Employment !elations Survey. It was found that there is an association

    between a composite measure of H!" and workplace performance and between a

    composite measure of employee attitudes and workplace performance. %ut& in contrast to

    most previous research& there is no association between H!" and employee attitudes and

    a negative association between H!" and employee well-being. This study eplores some

    key issues concerning the relation between employee9s attitude towards human resource

    management #H!"$ and performance. These include the way in which they

    conceptualize and measure H!"& the nature of performance and the process whereby

    H!" and performance might be linked. The main focus is on the way H!" and

    performance might be linked and in particular a core assumption in many models that

    H!" has its impact through its effect on workers attitudes and behavior.

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    &thans, +re/, Norman, Steven !, Avo$io, Br&%e 6 an/ Ave5, ames B)77@4

    , in their paper investigated whether the recently emerging core construct of positive

    psychological capital #consisting of hope& resilience& optimism& and efficacy$ plays a role

    in mediating the effects of a supportive organizational climate with employee outcomes.

    (tilizing three diverse samples& results showed that employees9 psychological capital is

    positively related to their performance& satisfaction& and commitment and a supportive

    climate is related to employees9 satisfaction and commitment. The study9s ma:or

    hypothesis that employees9 psychological capital mediates the relationship between

    supportive climate and their performance was also supported. In conclusion& the results of

    this study not only suggest the seeming value of employees9 psychological capital at all

    levels within organizations& but also the benefits that may result from organizations

    providing positive& supportive climates. Since psychological capital is >>state-like99 and

    there is at least preliminary evidence that it can be developed & investing in and

    developing employees9 psychological capital may be an eample of the new thinking and

    new approaches that are needed for the >>flat world99 environment facing today9s

    organizations and their leaders.

    i%htman, Ro.ert )77@4, eamined how organizational climate factors& such

    as opportunity for personal growth& development& advancement& etc.& influence the degree

    that supply chain managers perceive their work situation as facilitating their giving their

    best effort #performance$ to their work. This study focuses on supply chain managers& as

    this is a new& important& and previously unstudied managerial group. It was hypothesized&

    based on past research& that supply chain managers who perceived a supportive climate in

    their organization would feel that their work facilitates their giving their ,best effort at

    work while those supply chain managers who perceived their organizational climate as

    unsupportive would perceive their work situation as not conducive to their putting forth

    their best effort at work. The results indicated that of the si climate ;uestions dealing

    with self-fulfillment& advancement& interpersonal relations& etc.& supply chain managers

    who reported that their work environment facilitates putting forth their best effort

    indicated that they perceived their organization as providing a high degree of opportunity

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    to achieve these factors. =hereas& supply chain managers who perceived their

    organization as not supportive of these si factors perceived that their work environment

    did not facilitate their putting forth their ,best effort.

    S'r&i$$, E/ri% 6)7734 , in his case ;uantified correlation factors between

    organizational climate and employee performance at one specific division of an

    organization. The goal was to determine if the factors that defined organizational climate

    and employee performance could be correlated to a statistically significant degree that

    would then illustrate the need for leaders to understand what could influence the

    organizational efficiency and productivity of employees. 5n electronic web-based survey

    was utilized to collect survey responses from the participants. The demography consisted

    of employees below the senior manager level within the specific division. The results

    suggested that organizational climate is significantly correlated to employee performance

    according to +8 of +7 hypotheses.

    Ri0etta, !i%hae$ )7734, conducted meta-analytic regression analyses on +B

    studies that had repeatedly measured performance and :ob attitudes #i.e.& :ob satisfaction

    or organizational commitment$. The effect of :ob attitudes on subse;uent performance&

    with baseline performance controlled& was weak but statistically significant #KL.*B$. The

    effect was slightly stronger for commitment than for satisfaction and depended negatively

    on time lag. Effects of performance on subse;uent :ob attitudes were elusive #KL .**

    across all studies$& which suggested that :ob attitudes are more likely to influence

    performance than vice versa.

    Voon, Boo-Ho, Hama$i, ami$ An/ Tan"0a&, ennier)7724, in their paper

    eamined the relationships among service climate& employee satisfaction& employee

    loyalty& and organizational performance of service organizations. The service-driven

    market orientation model of oon #)**B$ was adapted to gauge the service climate from

    the employee9s perspective. Structured ;uestionnaires were given to senior employees of

    three selected service organizations. 5 total of +)* usable ;uestionnaires were analyzed

    and the findings indicate that service climate positively influence employee satisfaction&

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    employee loyalty& and employee perceived organizational performance. There were also

    positive relationships among employee satisfaction& employee loyalty and organizational


    N"o, Han"->&e +o$e5, Sharon an/ oi, Ra5mon/ )7724, in their paper tested a

    conceptual model to eamine the impact of family friendly work practices #=/s$ at

    the organizational level. In their model& top management support for e;ual opportunities

    is considered an antecedent of =/s and positive organizational climate& and firm

    performance and employee turnover are considered outcome variables. Structural

    e;uation modeling #SE"$ was used to analyze the data collected from a sample of H!

    managers in multinational corporations #"D2s$ in Hong Cong. The results showed that

    top management support for e;ual opportunities was positively related to a firm9s level of

    =/s and organizational climate. In addition& =/s were positively related to

    organizational climate. They further found that organizational climate acted as a mediator

    between =/s and firm-level outcomes.

    ohnson, Diane E )7724,argued that these non-financial measures may be better

    predictors of performance than traditional financial accounting measures. The assumed

    relationship between non-financial measures and performance is that non-financial

    measures drive performance. Employee attitudes often are used as non-financial

    measures of performance. However& Schneider et al. #)**Fb$ have developed a model

    that suggests performance #i.e.& financial outcomes$ drives employee attitude& rather than

    the reverse. Their research empirically eplores this relationship.

    Their findings suggested that financial performance leads to employee attitudes&

    most specifically when the financial performance improved. The findings were of interest

    to researchers #and practitioners$ in a number of important ways. "ost notably& they

    found that when eploring the relationship between financial performance and employee

    attitudes& it was important to investigate changes in financial performance rather than :ust

    levels of financial performance. =hen only levels of !

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    These findings were contrary to the epectations derived from theory and prior research.

    However& when looking at the changes in financial performance over three- and si-

    month periods preceding the collection of attitudinal data& banking centers that

    eperienced the highest positive change in !

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    precedence in the relationship between organizational climate and organizational

    performance in +8+ branches of a financial services organization in the Detherlands. It

    was argued that four H!-induced organizational climate dimensions influence

    organizational performance. 5dditionally& it was also hypothesized that high

    organizational performance influences the four organizational climate dimensions

    through investments in H! practices and through signaling effects. inally& it was

    reasoned that possibly both processes are present simultaneously. !esults of testing a

    series of competing models in 5"

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    evidence that the relation between organizational climate and profitability& sustainability

    ' growth& E%IT margin and productivity is mediated by employee engagement.

    urthermore& it was found that organizational climate is strongly influenced by

    management support& and that the relation between organizational unit size and

    organizational climate is mediated by management support. These results contribute to

    the literature on organizational climate and performance. %esides& these results are of

    great value to the business world& as managerial implications have been identified that

    can be used to improve organizational climate& and thus& company performance

    Ra#a, S5e/ Ahma/ an/ Shah Ari/, Pir !ehr A$i )7174,aimed to determine

    the impact of organizational climate on performance of college teachers. The researcher

    selected the area of college education as the focus of the study. The study was delimited

    to all the public sector degree colleges of /un:ab. /opulation of this study consisted of all

    the principals and teachers working in public sector degree colleges of /un:ab and the

    simple random sampling techni;ue sample was used. The sample consisted of 8* degree

    colleges& their heads& and five teachers from each sampled college. In order to measure

    the variables& the research instruments were the ;uestionnaires for principals and

    teachers. Each ;uestionnaire consisted of F* items. The data collected from sampled

    colleges were tabulated& analyzed and interpreted in light of the ob:ectives of the study by

    applying statistical tools of research& such as mean& standard deviation& standard error of

    means& and coefficient of correlation.

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    &&, Hie& )7114, eamined the relationship between employee attitudes and

    selected measures of :ob performance #sales volume& turnover& and absenteeism$. (sing

    annual employee survey data from Eroski& a cooperative retail business in Spain&

    evidence was found that employee attitudes are positively related to sales volume. This

    relationship is& however& only present in stores with a high level of employee ownership

    and employee involvement #called 2oop stores$. In stores with lower level of employee

    ownership #called Gespa stores$& no such evidence was found. In both types of stores& no

    evidence of employee attitudes related to turnover rate and absenteeism rate was found.

    These empirical findings fit well with literature on :ob attitudes and producer

    cooperatives. It was argued that the findings are consistent with 2oop9s superior

    institutional features over Gespa9s.

    Coo0e, *i$$iam N6 An/ !e5er, Davi/ G6)7114, in their paper studied the

    effects of high-involvement& high commitment H!" systems on performance was any

    treatment& ecept by assumption& of the cognitive responses of employees to these

    systems. To eamine these largely untested assumptions& the literature was integrated and

    etended on knowledge-based perspectives of firms and psychological workplace

    climates? developing a structural model of the multifaceted nature of knowledge and skill

    development climates and the direct and multiplicative effects of these climates on

    employee psychological states of performance. Estimated against a sample of 777

    employees across eight automotive supplier firms& their modeling obtains substantial

    empirical support& which lended credence to the underlying assumptions made about

    employee cognitive responses in the strategic H!" literature. 5mong more pronounced

    findings& employees9 psychological states of performance are positively and strongly

    associated with climates within which employees place greater value on learning new

    skills and were more receptive to the diffusion of new technologies.

    Heernan, !ar"aret an/ D&n/on, Ton5)71)4 , eplored the relationship

    between organizational-level High /erformance =ork Systems #H/=S$ and individual

    employee-level behaviors. Aata was collected from +77 employees in three companies in

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    the !epublic of Ireland #!oI$. The findings showed that employees in organizations with

    a high investment in H/=S report lower :ob satisfaction& affective commitment and

    higher perceptions of :ob pressure than those in organizations with a medium or low

    investment in H/=S. (sing cross-level analyses& perceptions of relational distributive

    and relational procedural :ustice were found to mediate the relationship between H/=S

    and employee outcomes of :ob satisfaction and affective commitment. Interactional

    :ustice and relational procedural :ustice partially mediated the relationship between

    organizational-level H/=S and employee work pressure. %y using :ustice theory& the

    research contributes to the body of knowledge concerning the causal processes between

    H! practice and performance outcomes.

    iao, Chin-*en &, Chien->& H&an", Ch&an-&ei an/ Chian", Ta-&n"

    )71)4, in their paper aimed to eplore the relations among work values& work attitude

    #including :ob involvement and organizational commitment$ and :ob performance& and

    eplored how the director9s leadership may be a moderator between the work values and

    work attitude of green industry employees in Taiwan. Aata was collected through

    convenience sampling. The samples in this study were employees and directors in the

    green energy industry in Taiwan& 5 total of B4* ;uestionnaires were sent to employees

    and +)* ;uestionnaires to directors.

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance




    /urpose of the Study

    To have a deep knowledge about the sub:ect matter

    To determine the relationship between employee attitude and performance as well

    as organizational climate and performance

    To find out which of the two has the greatest impact on the employee performance

    To frame the research ;uestions and have a discussion on it.

    !esearch Aesign

    5 research design is a type of blueprint prepared on various types of blueprints

    available for the collection& measurement and analysis of data. 5 research design calls for

    developing the most efficient plan of gathering the needed information. The design of a

    research study is based on the purpose of the study.

    5 research design is the specification of methods and procedures for ac;uiring the

    information needed. It is the overall pattern or framework of the pro:ect that stipulates

    what information is to be collected from which source and by what procedures.

    Typically& a research design involves the following components or tasks@-

    +. Aefine the information needed

    ). Aesign the eploratory& descriptive andNor causal phases of the research

    F. Specify the measurement and scaling procedures

    0. 2onstruct and pretest a ;uestionnaire or an appropriate form for data collection.

    4. Specify the sampling process and sample size

    B. Aevelop a plan of data analysis.

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    In this study& the type of research used is Aescriptive !esearch design. or getting

    into detail of descriptive research& it is first necessary to know about 2onclusive research

    design as descriptive research is a type of conclusive research design.

    Conclusi"e Researc #esign

    It is the research designed to assist the decision maker in determining& evaluating

    and selecting the best course of action to take in the given situation. It is more formal and

    structured than eploratory research. It is based on large& representative samples& and the

    data obtained are sub:ected to ;uantitative analysis. The findings from the research are

    considered to be conclusive in nature in that they are used as inputs into managerial

    decision making.

    2onclusive research design is further divided into two-descriptive research and

    causal research. Aescriptive research is the one that has description of something

    usually market characteristics or functions as their ma:or ob:ective. It is concerned with

    the si =9s i.e.& who& what& when& where& why and way the research is conducted. 2ausal

    research is the one where the ma:or ob:ective is to obtain evidence regarding cause-and-

    effect relationships.

    In this study& descriptive plus causal research design both are being used as the

    research design. This is due to the reason that the problem is clearly defined and our

    ma:or ob:ective lies in to describe the need and relevance of employee attitude and

    organizational climate in the contet of organization and how this affects the performance

    of the employee. The study also demands certain predictions which are also the part of

    descriptive research design. urther& the impact of both attitude and climate needs to be

    measured against performance? hence the causal research design came into the picture.

    2ollectively& it contributes to conclusive research design.

    !esearch uestion

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    The research ;uestions are refined statements of the specific components of the

    problem. Each component of the problem may have to be broken down into

    subcomponents or research ;uestions. !esearch ;uestions ask what specific information

    is re;uired with respect to the problem components. The formulation of the research

    ;uestions should be guided not only by the problem definition& but also by the theoretical

    framework and the analytical model adopted.

    !esearch ;uestions linked with this study are as follows-

    +. Is there a statistically significant relationship between organizational climate and

    employee performanceJ

    ). To what etent employee attitude plays a significant role in enhancing the employee


    These research ;uestions will be discussed later in the report


    The participants are the people who were taken into consideration in the study.

    These are the employees of the Triveni Engineering who filled the ;uestionnaires and

    were analyzed to determine as to how much their performance is affected by their attitude

    and the organizational climate.

    Aata 2ollection

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance











    P ri m

    a r5

    Da t


    o $ $e %

    t i on

    P r

    i ma r


    a ta

    Co $ $

    e %t i o



    2ollection of data is the first step in statistics. The data collection process follows

    the formulation for research design including the sample plan. The data can be secondary

    or primary.

    Figure $.1@ Types of Aata 2ollection

    2ollection of /rimary Aata can be through observations or through direct

    communication with respondents on one form or another or through personal interviews.

    I have collected primary data by the means of a uestionnaire. The uestionnaire was

    formulated keeping in mind the ob:ectives of the research study.

    Secondary datameans data that is already available i.e.& they refer to data& which

    has already been collected and analyzed by someone else. In other words& it is the data

    collected for some purpose other than the problem at hand. =hen a secondary data is

    used& it has to be taken into consideration the various sources from where data can be

    obtained. This includes information from various books& periodicals& magazines etc.

    Ad"antages of %econdary data

    +. Help in identifying the problem

    ). Help in developing an approach to the problem.

    F. Help in formulating an appropriate research design

    0. Help in answering certain research ;uestions and test some hypotheses

    4. Help in interpreting primary data more insightfully.

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    Instrument (sed

    In this study& the instrument used is ;uestionnaire .5 ;uestionnaire is defined as a

    structured techni;ue for data collection that consists of a series of ;uestions& written orverbal& that a respondent answers. The ;uestionnaire has been developed keeping in

    consideration the ob:ective of the study.

    Ob&ecti"es of a 'ood (uestionnaire

    It must translate the information needed into a set of specific ;uestions that the

    respondents can and will answer.

    5 ;uestionnaire must uplift& motivate& and encourage the respondent to become

    involved in the interview& to cooperate& and to complete the interview. 5 ;uestionnaire must minimize response error.

    In this research& basically three parameters are used out of which one is divided

    into three described as follows@-


  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    1astly& the employee performance measures the etent to which the employee9s

    performance is being affected by the organizational climate and the employee attitude.

    Hence& the ;uestionnaire used in the study obeys all the above listed ob:ectives of


    /ilot Study

    5 pilot study is an initial investigation to give information that will be necessary

    when designing a future trial or study. or eample a pilot may be used to@

    assess the time re;uired to eamine each patient&

    to determine the ;uality of a proposed ;uestionnaire& or

    to estimate the variability of key variables #for sample size calculation$.

    There should be an outline of the future study for which the pilot is being used to

    gather information. 5s the sample size of a pilot study is seldom sufficient to draw

    reliable conclusions& the pilot should not be an end in itself.

    In this study& the pilot study has been conducted on 0* samples to check the

    reliability of the ;uestionnaire .The sampling method used in the pilot study was

    convenient sampling.

    Reliability of !ilot %tudy

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    Case Pro%essin" S&mmar5

    D O

    2ases alid 0* +**.*

    Ecluded * .*

    Total 0* +**.*

    Re$ia.i$it5 Statisti%s

    2ronbachPs 5lpha D of Items

    .8F+ F*

    Table F.+@E)ibit 1

    rom the above& we can see the cronbach alpha value come out to be *.8F which

    is greater than *.B. This implies that the ;uestionnaire is reliable and can be used for the

    purpose of the study further.

    Reliability of O"erall (uestionnaire

    Case Processing Summary

    N %

    Cases Valid 150 100.0

    Excludeda 0 .0

    Total 150 100.0


    Table F.)@E)ibit *

    Here& the reliability of the entire ;uestionnaire came out to be ;uite good as the 2ronbach

    value is *.8++ which is greater than *.B that is acceptable.

    Re$ia.i$it5 Statisti%s

    2ronbachPs 5lpha D of Items

    .8++ F*

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance




    The ;uestionnaires were assigned randomly in the work time in the organization.

    5ll the ;uestionnaires9 were returned voluntarily. /articipants were assured of

    confidentiality. Do one in the organization assessed the completed ;uestionnaires and the

    assistant sent all the sealed ;uestionnaires to the researcher.


    Sampling is a method to draw a representative sample from the population or

    universe through which the population parameters are estimated. The term population

    refers to set of data not to the sources of the data& from the whole universe.

    Specifically& it addresses three ;uestions@-

    To =hom to survey #The Sample (nit$

    How many to Survey #The Sample Size$ How to select them #The Sampling /rocedure$

    Sampling is the selection of some part of an aggregate or totality on the basis of

    which a :udgment or inference about the aggregate or totality is made. In other words& it

    is the process of obtaining information about population by eamining a part of it. In

    most of the research work and surveys& the usual approach happens to be to make

    generalizations or to draw inferences based on samples about the parameters of

    population from which the samples are taken. or the collection of data deliberate

    sampling has been done in which various types of information were collected from the


  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    %ampling tecni+ue used

    In this study& %onvenient sam'$in"was used. This sampling method involves

    deliberate selection of a particular unit of the universe for constituting a sample based onthe easy availability of the people..


  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    Aata 5nalysis

    5nalysis of data is done on the basis of responses received through the

    ;uestionnaires. The ;uestionnaires were filled by all the employees of the organization

    according to the instructions mentioned. Then these responses are entered in S/SS for


    5nalysis and interpretation of data contains two steps

    5nalysis of data

    interpretation of the analyzed data

    The data is entered as shown below@-

    Figure ,.1@ Snapshot +

    The responses are entered as shown below@-

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    Figure ,.*@ Snapshot )

    or this study& the method used for analyzing the data is !egression 5nalysis

    which measures the impact of dependent variable on independent variable. Here& the

    impact of employee attitude and organizational climate is being measured on

    performance. The regression coefficient tells us the intensity of impact on the dependent

    variable. In this study& dependent variable includes performance and independent variable

    includes employee attitude and organizational climate.

    This research study used regression analysis to illustrate the relationship between

    organizational climate and employee performance ' employee attitude and employee

    performance. !egression analysis epands upon correlational analysis. =hile correlation

    measures a linear relationship& regression creates a line to describe the relationship

    #"oore& )**+$. "oore #)**+$ further posited& ,the usefulness of a regression line

    depends on the correlation between the variables.

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    This research study used the method of !& which shows how ,successful the

    regression was in eplaining the response #"oore& )**+& p. )3*$. The predictor and

    response variable values were identified from the participants to the survey from the

    research target population. The survey responses to the F* ;uestions were allocated to the

    factors defined for organizational climate and employee attitude. These responses to the

    ;uestions on the survey were assigned a value of +-4 #for disagree& somewat disagree&

    etc.$ and were used as the numeric values for the organizational climate and employee

    attitude factors sub:ected to regression analysis. The responses to the ;uestions on the

    survey were allocated to the factors defined for the employee performance factors. These

    responses were used as the numeric values sub:ected to regression analysis.

    or checking of the impact of the organizational climate and employee attitude on

    performance& the performance is regressed on the both the former parameters. The

    regression e;uation can be epressed as@

    /erformanceL Employee 5ttitude M

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    Model Summary

    Model / / Suare

    )dusted /


    Std. Error of t2e


    1 .#(a .1$$ .1#" .$51"0

    a. redictors- Constant!4 )tt4 &C

    Table 0.+@E)ibit $

    rom the above we can see that regression coefficient for employee attitude was

    significant when performance is regressed on employee attitude with KL.FFF& pQ*.*+.

    This implies that employee attitude has the significant effect on the employee


  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    %ource of #ata

    a$ /rimary Aata@Structured uestionnaire

    b$ Secondary Aata@6ournals& 2ompany Aata& etc.

    !esults of !esearch uestions

    The research ;uestions framed were@

    !+@ Is there a statistically significant relationship between organizational climate and

    employee performanceJ

    !)@ To what etent employee attitude plays a significant role in enhancing the

    employee performanceJ

    These ;uestions would be discussed based upon the hypothesis which could be as


    The result of these research ;uestions would be eplained with the help of the

    hypothesis for each research ;uestion.

    Hypotesis for R(1H+@ 2ollaborative climate has significant impact on the employee performance.

    H)@ !ole clarity and ambiguity has significant impact on employee performance.

    Hypotesis for R(*

    HF@ %elongingness towards the organization plays a significant role in affecting


    H0@ 5ppreciation by the top management significantly motivates employee to perform


  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    Aiscussion of !esearch uestion

    -est of Hypotesis 1

    =ith the help of the correlation analysis this hypothesis can be tested. Hence from the

    figure below@

    Table 0.F@E)ibit ,

    It can be said that collaborative environment is significantly and positively related

    with performance with value of correlational coefficient as .0*B and p value as .***

    which is less than *.*+ thus making it significant. Hence& it can be interpreted as the more

    the climate is collaborative the more the effect on the performance can be seen.

    Therefore& the collaborative environment is moderately related to performance

    and hence we can say the hypothesis H+ is supported by the result.

    -est for Hypotesis *

    The regression result could best eplain this hypothesis. rom the below figure it

    can be depicted that the role clarity and role ambiguity significantly effects the employee

    performance. The intensity of the impact of role ambiguity can be shown by the


    /erf 2

    /erf /earson 2orrelation + .0*B

    Sig. #)-tailed$ .***

    D +4* +4*

    2 /earson 2orrelation .0*B +

    Sig. #)-tailed$ .***

    D +4* +4*

    . 2orrelation is significant at the *.*+ level #)-tailed$.

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    regression coefficient value #K$ of .))7 and p value .**4 which is less than *.*4 which

    indicates that less the ambiguity? more effective will be the performance.

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    Table 0.4@E)ibit /

    -est of Hypotesis ,

    The correlational analysis between appreciation and performance depicted

    that the more the appreciation received by the employee the more will be the effect of it

    on performance. Therefore& appreciation is significantly related to performance with r

    value of ,*.088 and p value of ,.*** #pQ*.*+$. Hence if the top management continues

    to appreciate their employees for their good work& the performance of the employee

    would be enhanced. The detailed result is depicted below@

    Table 0.B@E)ibit 0

    Thus& the hypothesis 0 is supported by the result.


    /erf %elongingness

    /erf /earson 2orrelation + .*F4

    Sig. #)-tailed$ .B8+

    D +4* +4*

    %elongingness /earson 2orrelation .*F4 +

    Sig. #)-tailed$ .B8+

    D +4* +4*


    /erf 5ppreciation

    /erf /earson 2orrelation + .088

    Sig. #)-tailed$ .***

    D +4* +4*

    5ppreciation /earson 2orrelation .088 +

    Sig. #)-tailed$ .***

    D +4* +4*

    . 2orrelation is significant at the *.*+ level #)-tailed$.

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance




    Summary of the indings

    The primary focus of this research study was to ascertain if a statistically

    significant relationship eists between organizational climate and employee performance

    as well as between employee attitude and employee performance. These two variables i.e.

    organizational climate and employee attitude have additional factors to help define and

    clarify the manner in which the research would be conducted. The survey ;uestionnaire

    used a 1ikert-scaled response system& ;uestions that were mapped to each variable& and

    factors for each variable.

    rom the research& we got to know that employee performance is enhanced by

    having positive attitude& so it is necessary to have positive attitude to have the favorable

    impact on the performance.

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    The hypothesis predicts that once the organisation has a reasonable climate wherein the

    employee can perform effectively and efficiently. Thus& it is believed that when the

    employees are satisfied with the climate maintained by the organization& they will

    perform better.

    Hypothesis ) investigates the relationship between role clarity ' role ambiguity

    and employee performance. This hypothesis predicts that more the clearer the role of the

    employee is& the more will be the employee9s performance. The organisation& which

    practiced all the dimensions& will lead to high employee performance.

    Hypothesis F investigates the relationship between belongingness with the

    organization and employee performance. This hypothesis predicts that once the employee

    is satisfied with his work place and feels as if it is his own organisation then it will surely

    affect the employee performance positively.

    Hypothesis 0 investigates the relationship between appreciation given by top

    management and its impact on the employee performance. This hypothesis states that if

    the employee is appraised for his good work& heNshe would be motivated and would

    perform better.


    or over 8* years& the attitudes-performance problem has been the sub:ect of

    much research in social sciences. /roducer cooperatives and labor-managed firms have

    also attracted much attention from scholars in various fields. This paper& a study of

    attitudes-performance and climate-performance in a cooperative setting& is a contribution

    to both of these important topics. %y doing the statistical analysis& it was found that

    employee attitudes can potentially help boost performance& and that employee attitudes

    are not significantly related to belongingness but significantly related to appreciation.

    Secondly& for the organizational climate& it was found that collaborative and role

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    ambiguity has significant impact on the performance whereas role clarity does not have

    significant effect on the performance.

    The results of this descriptive study revealed that employees9 perceptions of

    attitude were significant and positively related to employee performance. The result also

    indicates that organisation and employee performance is the main practices of the

    organisation followed by employee loyalty and competitor orientation. The findings

    suggest that organization should focus on making the climate helpful and friendly which

    indirectly contribute to organizational enhanced performance which makes it competitive

    in the business. Employee within the organisation should communicate to each other in

    order to share the ideas or opinion regarding the current issues specifically about the

    latest preferences service that is epected by the customers nowadays. This will much

    assist the service organisation in order to create competitive advantage and have a

    friendly environment internally.

    5s epected& the result suggested that employees9 attitudes towards their

    workplace positively associated with their performance. That means employees with

    more positive attitudes towards their workplace are more likely satisfied with their :obs.

    "oreover& among the overall attitudes& employees9 perceived support from the

    organization and their supervisor& the appraisal by supervisors were also strongly related

    to their performance. In the study& it was epected that employees were positive towards

    the climate also but this result was not supported.


    The following are the recommendations that can be implemented taking into

    consideration this particular research study@

    Nee/ Ana$5sis- 1eaders of the organization re;uire formal and informal

    education to understand the needs of the employees who work in the organization.

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    1eaders should evaluate internal resources and solicit the assistance of eternal

    resources to understand the nuances of his or her area of responsibility.

    Ri"i/ Investi"ation- "ore specific investigation of the impact of climate should

    also be performed because the nature of service provided and operationaldifferences of the each department may moderate the relationships between

    climate and organizational performance

    Cross C&$t&ra$ Iss&es@ The element of cross-cultural differences should be


    Re"&$ar s&'ervision@ Employee turnover is one factor that may be affected by

    leaders not understanding the importance of an organizational climate. 2ontinuing

    to monitor and maintain a positive organizational climate could reduce attrition

    within the organization& which could contribute to increases in organizational



    There are some limitations which are encountered during the research. They are as


    The results of this study couldn9t be generalized to all employees in the big social

    contet& and should be used carefully.

    This research enables us to eamine the correlations of each variable& but this

    study has not taken the personality issues in eploring employees9 attitudes&

    therefore we should be careful about attributing all the results to performanceitself.

    There is no concrete basis to prove the response given is a true measure of the

    opinion of all the employees as a whole.

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    The ;uestionnaire contained mostly multiple-choice ;uestions? therefore many

    respondents may not have given a proper thought before answering the ;uestions

    The response of the respondents may not be accurate thinking that the

    management might misuse the data

    "ost respondents might be influenced by their peers in answering the ;uestions

    Aue to the fact that most of the respondents were young& the ;uestions might not

    have been answered with due sincerity

    5nother limitation is that this study only investigated the link between employee

    attitudes& climate and performance. There are many other potential firm factors

    that could have differential effects on employee attitudes- employee performance


    Implication for /ractice

    This study contributes to the recognition that the perception of organizational

    climate shows variance between business units within a large organization& and that these

    differences might have important financial conse;uences #=right and Gardner )**)$.

    5lthough the variance in survey scales at the level of branch is rather limited compared

    with the variance at the individual employee level& we found that these small differences

    between business units preceded significant differences in business unit performance. 5t

    the level of the business unit& the aggregated organizational climate survey scores can be

    considered a thermometer with much narrower safety margins than those applying to the

    individual measurement level. 5dditionally& we found no support that organizational

    performance preceded climate scores. Therefore& this study confirms the usefulness ofincluding organizational climate data in balanced and or H! scorecards #/aauwe )**0$ as

    a parameter relevant for achieving future financial performance. "onitoring and

    managing these differences in organizational climate scores is important for

    organizations. 5fter all& these factors are performance-stimulating factors with high

    opportunity for control by line- and H! managers as compared to eternal factors& such

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    as con:uncture or market prices. So& it seems important to take into account

    organizational climate information in future management decisions and the subse;uent

    shaping of H!-policies and practices.

    The organizational climate dimension of task support might be conceptually more

    ade;uately placed at the individual or :ob levels& instead of the branch level& and it might

    be more related to other relevant organizational outcomes then productivity& like turnover

    and or absenteeism. The climate dimension of socio-emotional support might be more

    related to well-being outcomes. It might inform employees that their wellbeing and not

    financial performance is the most important goal for their business unit& resulting in a

    negative relationship with financial performance. So& it is important to investigate the

    intervening processes whereby organizational climate affects organizational performance

    e.g.& the cognitive and affective states and salient organizational behaviors as suggested

    by Copelman et al. #+33*$. "oreover& more research is needed with regard to the impact

    of specific organizational climate dimensions on parallel organizational outcomes as

    recommended by

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    measures of both organizational climate and performance and we used structural e;uation

    modeling. However& apart from considering forward and inverse causation eplanations&

    we did not address the issue of which time lag is necessary for the proposed link between

    the organizational climate and performance in much detail. The effect of organizational

    climate on organizational performance might depend on the length of the time interval.

    The true effect of substantial organizational climate changes may only be visible over a

    longer period than the average two years in this study& since the stability of the

    organizational climate scales and the business unit performance declines over time.

    5nother important area for future research could be to investigate the timing

    sensitivity of the relationships eplored in this study. There is no specific theory on the

    lasting effects of attitude on performance. The relationships presented in this paper can

    further analyzed and enhanced through the use of structural e;uation modeling to test the

    model fit and established the causal relationships hypothesized. uture researchers may

    also wish to gather data on service climate and organizational performance capability

    from the sources other than employees& which may provide a degree of triangulation or

    validity of the data.



  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    5hmad& Habib 5hmad& Chursheed Shah& Idrees 5li #)*+*$ !elationship between 6ob

    Satisfaction& 6ob /erformance 5ttitude towards =ork and

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    6ohnson& Aiane E #)**3$ Eamining the !elationship between Employee 5ttitudes and a

    irm9s inancial /erformance@ 5 Theoretical ramework and 2ausal Investigation

    O:R6A8 OF MA6A'ER7A8 7%%:E% 3ol.

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    !iketta& "ichael #)**7$ The 2ausal !elation %etween 6ob 5ttitudes and /erformance@ 5

    "eta-5nalysis of /anel Studiesournal of Applied !sycology5 3ol. ?$

    oon& %oo-Ho& Hamali& 6amil 5nd Tangkau& 6ennifer#)**3$ 1inking Service 2limate To

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    /lease read this form carefully and give your sincere and honest feedback in five point

    scale #Strongly 5gree& 5gree& Aisagree& Strongly Aisagree& Do comment$ whatever you


    +.!5 %om'an5 has a orma$, ritten %o/e o ethi%s6

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree Strongly


    ). R&$es an/ 'ro%e/&ra$ %$imate ae%ts 'erorman%e 'ositive$56

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree Strongly


    F.Both em'$o5ees an/ mana"ement o$$os the %o/e serio&s$56

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree Strongly


    0. To' mana"ement in m5 %om'an5 has $et it .e 0non the %onseF&en%es o ai$&re

    to meet

    the ethi%a$ stan/ar/s o .ehavior6

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree Strongly


    4. Peo'$e, here are "&i/e/ .5 their on 'ersona$ ethi%s not .5 their or"ani#ation6

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree Strongly


    B. I re%eive in%om'ati.$e reF&ests rom to or more 'eo'$e6

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree Strongly


  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    8. I re%eive an assi"nment itho&t the man'oer to %om'$ete it6

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree Strongly


    7. I re%eive an assi"nment itho&t a/eF&ate reso&r%e an/ materia$s to ee%&te it6

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree Strongly


    3. C$ear, '$anne/ "oa$s an/ o.=e%tives eist or m5 =o.6

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree Strongly


    +*.I 0no ea%t$5 hat is e'e%te/ o me6

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree Strongly


    ++. I 0no ho m5 'erorman%e is "oin" to .e eva$&ate/6

    Strongly 5gree




    Strongly disagree

    +).There is a s'irit o %oo'eration ithin m5 or0 "ro&'

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree

    Strongly disagree

    +F.A$$ i/eas are ree$5 e%han"e/ ithin m5 or0 "ro&'6

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree

    Strongly disagree

    +0. !5 or0 "ro&' %oor/inates its eorts ith others hi%h he$' in enhan%in"


  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree

    Strongly disagree

    +4.I "et the s&''ort rom to' mana"ement in /ea$in" ith the ne a5s o "oin"


    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree

    Strongly disagree

    +B.I am "iven the o''ort&nit5 to or0 =oint$5 ith other 'eo'$e(or0 "ro&'s a%ross

    a/ministrative $ines an/ 'ro"ram areas6

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree

    Strongly disagree

    +8.This %om'an5 is a "reat '$a%e or or06

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree

    Strongly disagree

    +7. I ee$ a sense o onershi' or this or"ani#ation rather than =&st .ein" an


    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree

    Strongly disagree

    +3.I o&$/ re%ommen/ others to =oin this %om'an5 i "iven o''ort&nit56

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree

    Strongly disagree

    )*. The 'eo'$e I or0 ith are ver5 %oo'erative here6

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree

    Strongly disagree

  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance


  • 7/24/2019 Impact of Employee attitude and organizational climate on performance



    im'a%ts the 'erorman%e6

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree

    Strongly disagree

    )3. I thin0 the more re%e'tive em'$o5ees to an5 %han"e the "reater i$$ .e their'er%eive/

    'erorman%e %a'a%ities6

    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree

    Strongly disagree

    F*.!5 mana"er(s&'ervisor 'rovi/es %oa%hin" an/(or "&i/an%e to he$' me im'rove



    Strongly 5gree 5gree Deutral Aisagree

    Strongly disagree

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