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Impact Weapons



Greatly Increase Effectiveness of Strikes

This page will provide you with an introduction to a wide variety of Impact Weapons. You will find links

on this page to other learning resources, images and descriptions of Impact Weapons that can be

classified into a number of different "sub-categories". This is an effort to develope at least a loosely

organized scheme of classification, or "TAXONOMY", to facilitate systematic study.

•Canes- Walking sticks and sword canes.

•Batons-Solid- solid batons, nightsticks, billy clubs, short-stick or "jo" (Japanese).

•Batons-Collapsible- with coil spring or steel tube.

•Yawara stick or koppo stick- variously called a "palm-stick, pocket-stick, Dulo-Dulo, Shobo, Chizikunbo

or Kubotan". This category also includes the "Shu-Chu" and the Okinawan "Tecchu"

•Blackjacks- made with either a coil spring or a flat strip of spring-steel.

•Sand clubs- Small leather sack filled with sand or birdshot/buckshot

•Saps- Palm Sap, flat-slapper or SLAPJACK, short sap.

•Sap Gloves and Gauntlets-Gloves with powdered lead, lead shot, and/or metal plates sewn into or

attached to the outside

•Brass or metal knuckles-sometimes called "knucks", 4-finger knuckles, 2-finger knuckles and 1-finger

knuckles, the classic "D-KNUCKs, B-Knucks" and Japanese Ninja Shuko and "Tekken".

•Plastic, Nylon or Lexan fistloads-These instruments are undetectable using conventional metal


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The days of the Quarterstaff and Japanese "BO" staff are gone. One doesn't often see a traveler walking

the streets with a 6-foot pole. But occasionally you might see someone with a cane. Combat use of the

cane was once a highly developed martial art. Even today there are books and even classroom

instruction where you can get schooled in cane combat.

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When we speak of "Impact Weapons", we are talking about an instrument or tool, the purpose of which

is to increase the effectiveness of strikes. That is, to deliver an IMPACT to the human body. Impact

weapons are capable of stunning, disabling or even killing depending on the skill with which they are


The cane was once a "gentlemanly fashion accessory". That has become increasingly rare except for the

elderly. An advantage of the ordinary cane is that they are legal to carry in most jurisdictions in the US.

Another advantage is that you can strike from further away without close physical contact. The

Assassin's Tradecraft is concerned with stealth and surprise. From that perspective it is much more

preferable to have an instrument-tool-weapon-implement (take your pick which term you like) that is

concealable. Image below shows a variety of forms of polce-type Impact Weapons:

Blackjacks-which have a coil-spring handle and 12-14 ounce cast-lead tips.

Slapjacks-which have 3/4" flat spring-steel handle and a weighted, encased in leather but relatively FLAT

striking surface, to reduce the chance of cutting and maximize the "stunning effect. The illustration

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(below) shows 2 sizes of the flat slapper.

An advantage of the slapper (sometimes called a "sap" or "slapjack") is that it lies flat in a hip pocket. It

stays out of the way and out of sight ...until you need it. There was a time (and they are more and more

rare) when police all over the country had "sap" pockets" installed in their uniform pants to carry their

Impact Weapons.

An acquaintance of the author, allegedly an old time "enforcer" for organized crime (now doing time in a

Michigan prison) is said to have had a sap pocket in all of his dress slacks. Worn with a sport coat, you'd

never know he carried a sap. He favored the flat-sap as one of those Impact Weapons that "got the job

done without gettin' the guy's blood all over my duds because it don't cut 'em”. It spreads the blow out

over a wider area".

(below-Sap pocket in police uniform pants)

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Palm Sap-(photos below)These little gems add a terrific impact to a simple "slap" on the side of the

head. Sometimes made with a solid 10-14 ounce block of lead encased in tough cowhide, the leather

fixes the lead weight securely in place in the palm of the hand. It is one of so-called "low profile" Impact

Weapons. When covered by a slightly over sized pair of gloves, one would never know you had this thing

in your hand! It may be a better choice to have this thing in your non-weapon bearing hand if you carry

a firearm. Photo: Todd Foster

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These weapons are illegal to carry, but knowing about them can help you defend against them being

used on YOU. If the need arises, there is value in knowing how to use them on someone else. "UM...the

BAD GUYS". The Palm Sap, I would technically classify as a "Fistload" weapon.

See our page on FISTLOAD WEAPONS

Brass Knuckles: The name is somewhat of a misnomer. They can be made of other materials such as

wood, aluminum or high-impact plastic.The principle behind a set of brass knuckles is that the striking

force is based firmly in the PALM of the hand which supports the "instrument". The force is transferred

from the palm, between the fingers to the striking surface. If you have one set of "KNUCKS" in each

hand, with the wrists locked, you should be able to do a complete pushup on the punching surface. This

would ensure you have a correct grip:

(above) The "base" of a set of brass knuckles or "KNUCKS" is seated firmly into the palm of the hand.

The fingers are inserted through the rings.

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A nasty, more concealable, two knuckle version with spikes:

PHOTO Above-Weapon Collector-UK. Brass Knuckles are becoming increasingly rare in many

 jurisdictions. They are illegal to carry, but they can be effective aganist a much larger opponent. If used

against the forehead and facial bones, they can be expected to severely lacerate the skin and cause

profuse bleeding. (This is probably why they are illegal in most jurisdictions.) At one time, they were sold

through novelty catalogues along side "x-ray specs" and boys books on Magic.

"Single-Knuck" Called a "GRI-GRI":


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(above) Stick fighting-By a living Master if NINJITSU! Step-by-step instructions and over 300 photographs

allow the trainee to follow and learn the techniques with ease. (Details on the use of the KOPPO stick.)

The ideal weapon for self-defense is a stick. To find a comprehensive system of techniques using the

stick, we must turn to the East, for systems known to the West have fallen into disuse. In this book, the

techniques of Kukishin Ryu-an ancient Japanese method-have been updated and adapted for use today.

A thorough grounding in the fundamentals dealt with here will enable you to disarm and control any


CONTENTS Section 1: Basic Movements Section 2: Techniques against First Attack Section 3: Techniques

against Foot Attacks Section 4: Techniques against Wrist Holding Section 5: Techniques against Sleeve

and Lapel Holding Section 6: Techniques against Seizure from Behind Section 7: Techniques against Stick

Holding Section 8: Immobilizations

Nunchaku -Versitile Impact Weapon, used to strike, trap, crush (like a large nut-cracker) or Strangle:


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"Koppo" and "Yawara" Sticks:

Many of these weapons are terrifc force multipliers in the Assassin's Tradecraft. Each has a specific use.

You may want to look at an old manual for the Yawara Stick. I have included the link (below). Techniques

would be similar for BOTH the Koppo and Yawara Sticks.

FREE! Old Yawara stick Manual 

•Koppo sticks (Image above-Don Rearic)-Impact can either be "diffuse", meaning spread out over a

given area or it can be FOCUSED, meaning concentrated within a smaler area. NOTICE THE DENTS IN THE

2X4! These dents clearly indicate that the impact was FOCUSED!; and what formidable Impact Weapons

they can be. Koppo sticks can be made of wood dowels or metal rods. They have cord that aids in

retention (holding on to it when you're in a scuffle) The ends are rounded, and the rod amplifies the

impact of a strike. It will focus all the impact of a strike in an area the size of a dime. Koppos can also beused for pressing and poking various sensitive spots on the body.

•Yawara Sticks 

-These are similar to koppo sticks but without the cord for retention.

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Karate Master Tak Kubota has a version of this he calls a "Kubotan" along with a series of techniques to

arrest and subdue. Free! Official Kubotan Manual 

•Shu-Chu ("T-Handled" striking instruments)

with these Impact Weapons, the "Peg" that protrudes from the side of the Shu Chu stick extends outbetween the index and middle fingrs. Thus, you have three directions in which to strike:

1.Forward, as in a normal punch

2.Downward, as in a "hammerfist" little-finger side

3.Upward, jabbing thumb-side of the stick under the jaw.

Shu Chu close up:

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A rare video on FISTLOAD weapons. It's worth a look. VHS format:

The Slungshot-An effective and potentially LETHAL surprise weapon that is outlawed in most states is

called the "SLUNGSHOT". It is little-known today, but in times past (1800's) it was widely used criminals

and tough-guys in rough areas,; especially around waterfronts. It consists of a single 1lb. lead ball or

"shot". The shot was wrapped around with sturdy rope or cord tied in a knot called a "monkey-fist".

Unique to this knot is that fact that the harder you pull on it, the tighter it grips the lead shot...

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Below: Hybrid "blackjack/slungshot"? (no spring)

(Has a “pinky finger" loop for retention) 

...The cord (of varying lengths to suit the user) is slipped over the wrist. The shot is carried in the palm of 

the hand or up the sleeve. At the right moment, the shot is thrown into the face of the subject

(surprise!) and then retrieved and swung repeatedly impacting vulnerable areas of the head and neck. It

can even be "snapped like a towel. The cord can also be used for strangling the subject.

"...*(slungshots) had the advantage of being easy to make, silent, and very effective, particularly against

an unsuspecting opponent. This gave them a dubious reputation, similar to that carried by switchblade

knives in the 1950s, and they were outlawed in many jurisdictions. The use as a criminal weapon

continued at least up until the early 1920's"...

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(Comparison of the Black Jack vs. the flat Slapper)

Above is a comparison between the coil-spring Blackjack and the flat "slapjack" type Impact weapons. A.

Has a coil spring with a longer, thinner lead load. The wrist strap makes it easy to conceal up a coat-

sleeve then drop into place at a moment's notice. B. Has a coil spring and a heavier lead load.

The retention strap goes around back of the hand. This enables one to grab onto a subject without

losing grip of the instrument. C. Short, flat slapper with Flat steel spring (it flexes in only two directions).

It has a retention strap. It can jab with tips and "chop" with edges. D. Larger, Heavier Slapper.

There is a discussion of a variety of impact weapons available Masaad Ayoob's book. He doesn't cover

the "criminal weapons" like brass knuckles or slungshots, but he does cover police batons nightsticks

Jacks and Saps. His classic work on Police weapons in this category is "Fundamentals Of Modern Police

Impact Weapons"

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 Although directed at law enforcement and security types, this book has several good chapters on

Blackjacks, Flat Slappers, Palm Saps and Sap Gloves. I have a copy in my own library. Well worth

reading. -Rich Dallas, Security Specialist 

Another tool worthy of being included in the "Assassin's" arsenal of impact weapons is the

"BANDANDO". From what I understand, the bandando is a brand name, and I believe it is no longer inproduction. The idea is so simple and innovative that one could devise a similar item for offense or

defense in close combat.

The folowing is an illustration from rollinghitch1262. It shows a pattern for a bandana that has secret

hidden pockets in it, sturdily sewn, of INDENTICALLY PATTERNED MATERIAL. The hidden pockets can be

heavily loaded with coins, stones (in a pinch) or with old padlocks. Perhaps the padlocks could even be

chained together. With matching material, this would amount to a lower profile slungshot. A slungshot

that is camouflaged from the casual observer. The chain could also be useful in fending off knife attacks.

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“SAP gloves":

WW2 "Spring Cosh" (collapsable):

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