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Imperialism across the world

• Imperialism is the term that refers to a nations extension of power to other lands. – During this time

“Western” nations demonstrated their power and began imperialistic practices.

What term describes the belief that race determines traits and abilities?

• Racism

What term describes a political unit that depends on another

government for is protection?

• Protectorate

What term refers to the system in which local government officials

were replaced by western officials?

• Direct Rule

What term refers to the system where local rulers were allowed to keep

authority and status in the colony.

• Indirect Rule

Which leader established an independent Egyptian state and helped modernize the nation?

• Muhammad Ali

Which European explorer traveled through much of Africa’s “uncharted” regions?

• David Livingstone– He was looking for a

river to open Central Africa to commerce and Christianity.

Which European journalist found Livingston and uttered the famous words “Dr. Livingston, I presume?”

• Henry Stanley – Hired by King Leopold

II of Belgium

What was the name given to the descendants of the white Dutch

settlers in Africa?

• Boers

What indigenous group did the Boers frequently battle with?

• Zulu

What was the “white mans’ burden”?

• Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize primitive people.

Who were the Indian soldiers forced to work for the British?

• Sepoys

What term refers to a governor who ruled as a representative of a


• Viceroy

Who eventually led the movement for Indian independence from the British?

• Mohandas Gandhi

What term refers to Portuguese and Spanish officials who resided in Latin

America for political and economic gain?

• peninsulares

What is the term that refers to descendants of Europeans born in Latin America who live their permanently?

• Creoles

What U.S. document guaranteed the independence of the new Latin

American nations?

• Monroe Doctrine

People then living in Texas revolted and gained independence from

which Mexican ruler?

• Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna– Soon after Texas

became a state.

What is the term that refers to crops grown for money rather than

for personal use?

• Cash Crops

What was the “greatest engineering feat of the time”?

• Panama Canal

What drug did the British ship to China which eventually led to a treaty that

strongly favored the British?

• Opium

What term refers to areas where the imperial powers had exclusive

trading rights?

• Spheres of Influence

What U.S. idea reduced the restrictions on foreign imports?

• Open Door Policy

Which Chinese group was upset about foreign takeover of Chinese

lands and rebeled?

• The Boxers– “Destroy the foreigner”

was their slogan.

What term refers to a payment for damages?

• Indemnity– What China had to pay

once Beijing was attacked in response to the Boxer rebellion.

What term refers to political compromises?

• Concessions

Who invented the light bulb

• Thomas Edison– I have not failed, I just

found 10,000 ways to not make a light bulb.

Who invented the telephone?

• Alexander Graham Bell

Who wrote The Communist Manifesto?

• Carl Marx.– Oppressor and

oppressed have always “stood in constant opposition to one another.”

What women’s movement began during this time both in the United

States and Great Britain?

• Feminism– This included suffrage.

What queen tried to strengthen her monarchy and hold off United

States control?

• Queen Liliuokalani– The U.S. sent military

forces, she was deposed, and Hawaii was annexed in 1898.

Which French scientist discovered that radium gave off energy?

• Marie Curie

Which German born scientist provided a new view of the universe?

• Albert Einstein– Theory of relativity

Which doctor studied the human minds and devised a method known as psychoanalysis?

• Sigmund Freud

What theory was used to justify the dominance of Western nations?

• Social Darwinism

The Suez canal link the Mediterranean Sea and what other sea?

• Red Sea

Which European nation controlled most of Africa and India?

• Great Britain

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