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  • 8/9/2019 Implementation of Sample Dashboard 2.1


    Description ofapplication(s)



    Stories statusand links to work






    Progress Barfor all

    iterations forcurrentrelease

    Burn down




    Iterationor p!asesc!edule








    1. Introduction

    This document describes the steps to implement the sample dashboard that captures a

    minimal set of information required to be displayed by each project within their

    respective RTC dashboard. The goal is to have a standardized dashboard across all RTCproject areas within IBM ccount

    project area!s dashboard should loo" similar to the below# once you complete the

    implementation steps$

    ote t!at t!e aoe sample das!oard screens!ot is from a pro#ect t!at follows t!e *gilemet!odolog$ and !ence uses t!e S+R,M template- Pro#ects using t!e Open.up template will

    create a das!oard t!at contains similar information. Specifically, the All Stories viewlet willrefer to All Use Cases and the Open Impediments will refer to All Risks T!is is t!e asedas!oard !oweer teams can add more information related to t!eir pro#ect-

    0or pro#ect areas most of t!e aoe information can e pulled into t!e das!oard wit! t!e !elp ofout.of.t!e.o1 'ueries/reports/plan- 0or Scrum pro#ects t!ere are two iewlets t!at will re'uire$ou to do pro#ect specific customi2ation 3Open Defects4 and 3Backlog stories4- 0or Open.uppro#ects t!ere are two iewlets t!at will re'uire $ou to do customi2ation 3Open Defects4 and 3,secases4- *ll pro#ects will need to modif$ a little %TM& to create t!e pro#ect sc!edule iewlet- T!epro#ect sc!edule is desirale ut optional for teams-

  • 8/9/2019 Implementation of Sample Dashboard 2.1


    T!e instructions on !ow to create a customi2ed 'uer$ for open defects and anot!er 'uer$ for t!eacklog stories using $our 5e rowser and t!en reference t!e 'ueries from $our das!oardare proided in t!e sections elow

  • 8/9/2019 Implementation of Sample Dashboard 2.1


    2. Steps to implement the sample dashboard in yourproject area using predefined queries

    *s in a +op$ .6 Paste $ou are going to cop$ a sample das!oard and t!en paste it into $our

    pro#ect area- T!is page contains t!e steps to find and cop$ t!e sample das!oard- Note: Thesource and target projects must be on the same RT ser!er

    7- 8ou will need to use t!e RT+ 5e and not t!e RT+ +lient to do t!is task-

    9- Identif$ t!e source pro#ect area from w!ere $ou want to otain $our sample das!oard-T!e source sample das!oard is in t!e :Rational Insig!t ,sers;RT+

  • 8/9/2019 Implementation of Sample Dashboard 2.1


    E- Rename t!e ta to :8our pro#ect name= F :Standard Das!oard=- To edit t!e ta click ont!e ta te1t- Once $ou click on the tab text, you can see the rename optionappear under the menu arrow.

    G- To customi2e t!e das!oard to reflect $our pro#ect area4s information access t!e menuoptions for eac! iewlet and click on :Hdit Setting= (or :Hdit +ontent= for t!e %TM& pro#ectsc!edule iewlet) to modif$ t!e pro#ect name content 'uer$ !tml as applicale for $ourpro#ect- Aenerall$ for eac! iewlet $ou will need to c!ange t!e pro#ect name to e t!ename of $our pro#ect- T!ese ne1t images s!ow w!at $ou will want to c!ange in a iewlet-



    When you have changed each viewlet, make sure to click the SAVE button inthe upper right corner of the web page. This saves all the changes to thedashboard. erform this save function periodically.


  • 8/9/2019 Implementation of Sample Dashboard 2.1


    ". reating queries and modifying !ie#lettes

    !." #$pen Stories% viewlet &or #'se (ases% for $pen)'pro*ects+

    In t!e Open Stories iewlet elow $ou will select t!e 3Open Stories4 'uer$ and a parameter-8our 'uer$ name will likel$ e different- If your template is $pen%up& you #ill need tocustomi'e a query that displays all (se ases. (se ases in $pen%up are equi!alent tostories in Scrum

    5!en $ou click on t!e uer$ Hdit utton make sure to select $our pro#ect and t!en t!e proper'uer$ for $our pro#ect to displa$- In t!is e1ample t!e customi2ed 3Open Defects4 'uer$ isselected

  • 8/9/2019 Implementation of Sample Dashboard 2.1


    !. #$pen -efects% viewlet &Applicable for both Scrum and $pen)'p ro*ects+

    In the sample dashboard, there are two open defects viewlet. One lists the opendefects with WI ID's and short description whereas the other viewlet depicts thedefect status for the current iteration in a graph. In the below section, you will learnhow to customie these two viewlet for your pro!ect area."imilarly pro!ect teams canadditional viewlet to show the overall defects by it status to their pro!ect dashboard.

    !.." ist of $pen defects by W/ /- and short description

    7- Open a new rowser ta w!ic! contains $our RT+ pro#ect- 8ou s!ould !ae two tasopen- T!e first ta will e to manage work item 'ueries- T!e second ta will e tomanage t!e das!oard iewlets

    9- To create a 'uer$ go to t!e 35ork Items4 link from RT+ we and click on 3+reateuer$ in t!e left naigator

    >- In t!e 'uer$ editor enter t!e name for t!e 'uer$ as :Open Defects=

    ?- In t!e onditionsta click t!e plus sign icon t!en select t!e 3Planned for4 attriuteand click )dd attribute condition. Repeat t!is step until $ou get t!e attriutes set for

    t!e 3status4 and 3t$pe4 conditions for 'uer$ing- Since we want to 'uer$ t!e list ofopened defects for current iteration select t!e alue as elow for t!e selectedattriutes

    a- Planned 0or J Select t!e current iteration- Status J ,nresoledc- T$peJ Defect-

  • 8/9/2019 Implementation of Sample Dashboard 2.1


    @- B$ default new 'ueries are priate- To e ale to pull in t!e customi2ed 'uer$ intot!e das!oard s!are t!e 3Opened Defects4 'uer$ to t!e pro#ect area4s pre.define'uer$ section w!ic! can e done $ clicking )dd Team )rea and select $our pro#ectarea-

    - +lick Sa!eto sae t!e 'uer$

    - Switc! to t!e das!oard ta in $our rowser in t!e 3Open Defects4 iewlet of $ournewl$ copied das!oard select t!e 3Hdit Settings4 option from t!e 3menu4 icon on t!etitle ar of t!e iewlet-

    E- Hdit t!e 5ork Items iewlet to point to $our pro#ect area and set t!e following

    a- Make sure t!e pro#ect is $our pro#ect-- Select t!e new 3Open defects4 'uer$ t!at $ou #ust created aoec- Set t!e second icon to KPriorit$=d- Set results per page to 7

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