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Page 1: Importance of Research

Importance of ResearchBy Kerry Bond

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Quantitative Research• Quantitative research is asking people for

their own opinions on something but in a structured way. The research has to be structured so that you can produce statistics and hard facts. Often with quantitative research a large survey of many different people would be carried out, this has to match the target market.

Quantitative research typically includes customer surveys and questionnaires.

Quantitative research is important for students to use because it will help you to see if there is a market for your product also what type of people are your best costumers. It also helps to back up any queries that you could potentially have about your product.

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Qualitative Research• Qualitative research is to find out the

‘why’, rather than the ‘how’ of the chosen topic. Qualitative research does this by analysing unstructured information such as: emails, feedback forms, interview transcripts and more. Unlike quantitative research, qualitative research does not rely on statistics or numbers.

• Qualitative research is useful for students to use as it helps insight on certain aspects about people so that the product development can go smoothly. Qualitative research can provide a more complex answer to certain problems such as minority and race.

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Secondary Research• Secondary research is existing research, as opposed to

research collected directly from ‘research subjects’, that occurs when a project or topic requires a collection of existing data. Secondary research could include previous newspapers, magazines, research reports, film archives, photo libraries, worldwide web, searching internet forums and government and NGO statistics. Secondary research is carried out to determine what is already known and what new data is required.

Secondary research is important so that we are able to compare existing research with new research if needed. It also helps us to be able to find certain types of research on are own and tends to be more extensive. It lets us compare and consider how right on wrong a certain bit of primary research or secondary research is wrong or right.

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Primary Research• Primary research includes interview

techniques, observations, questionnaires, surveys, types of questions, focus groups, audience panels, participation in internet forums. Primary research it he opposite to secondary research. It is research that is collected from ‘research subjects’

Primary research is important as it allows people to gather new information that is more relevant to the time. It also helps to discover information that is needed in order to create a target audience for a specific product.

• This survey represents primary research, it shows someone trying to gather information of their own

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Data Gathering Agencies • Analyses data about a certain target

market, environment or competition. The purpose of Data gathering agencies are so that market research projects can have a better understanding of the subject.

• Data gathering is important as it uses primary research. Primary research allows to the person to know that the research is from a good source and is reliable. As well as using Primary research, data gathering also relates to audience research and can help someone decide on their target audience due to the feedback that is given.

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Research Board (BARB)• BARB was set up in 1981 to provide the

industry standard television audience results service for broadcasters and the advertising industry. BARB is owned by BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, BSkyB and the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising) and is a not for profit company limited by guarantee.

• BARB is important because when a person is deciding to advertise a product or service they can compare and see which television program and or radio station has the highest ratings. Therefore being able to decide which would be more appropriate for their target audience, also help them get bigger publicity.

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Radio Joint Audience Research Ltd (RAJAR)• Is the official body in charge of measuring

the amount of people listening to a radio station. It is owned by the BBC and the RadioCentre. However RAJAR picks specific audiences to get a more specific reading.

• There are approximately 310 individual stations on the survey and results are published regularly.

• RAJAR is important because it allows radio stations to see how popular there station is. It also gives a more specific percentage of a certain target audience that listens to the certain station, helping to choose the best place for advertisement and or how well the advertisement is going.

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Self-Generated• Self-generated research is where

you collect information/evidence through your own record of events. I.e. video, audio or photographic.

Self generated research is important because it teaches a person how to collect information by themselves. A lot of university work requires self-generated research. Also to shows that you have a knowledge about a certain subject and are able create the research without using an existing sources.

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Audience Research• Audience research is collecting information from

your certain target audience for a specific product, pitch/presentation and or service. Also being able to discover your target audience.

As audience research is based around your target audience it is a very important type of research. Potential buyers are always the most important and knowing there feedback is valuable information. It is almost important as it helps to understand more about your target audience. In addition it helps to decide whether the product is being sold to the right audience so that money and time is not wasted.

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Market Research• Market research is organised research

to gather information on customers and buyers. Market research, includes social and opinion research. It helps to understand where and in which market the product should be.

Market research is important because it allows companies to get advantage over competitors. Market research provides important information to identify and analyse the market need, market size and competition.

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Production Research• Production research is used to ensure that the

product that is being produced is so to a high standard and also to the demand of the certain market. In the production research it often comes to creating proto types of the product. These needs to be perfected. Also different things such as health and safety and legal issues need to be researched and considered in this stage of the development.

Production research is important because in the final development the need and want for the product is identified and finalised.

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