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Page 1: Improved social action existing product research

Social Action and Community Media

Existing Product Research

Page 2: Improved social action existing product research

Case Study: National obesity forums

Purpose: The purpose of the image is to raise awareness about obesity, especially in children. It also wants to create national awareness for the issue of obesity and where it starts. The campaign provides information about obesity and obesity in children and also

Aims:The campaigns aim is to make people aware that the eating habits you have can have a lasting effect on your children. It makes people aware that obese children are more likely to age quicker. It wants to get their message across and grab the audiences attention to the issue they are raising.

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Techniques:The campaign uses many techniques to raise awareness for their issue. First the campaign uses an image of a baby with the body of an obese man. This grabs the audience’s attention by showing them an abnormal picture. Many of the audience will have children themselves and this will make them stop and think about what they are feeding their children and whether they feel it is healthy. The image will also scare the audience as they will not want the image to come true for their son or daughter. The baby himself looks sad and unwell and people may start to feel maternal towards the child, women especially and this will make them feel sorry for the child. The campaign then uses some facts to shock the reader. Facts that make the reader think about their own children, their diet and how it could be effecting them. The font used for ‘The eating habits you give your children can last a lifetime’ is very plain and boring. It is not big and bold or fancy, it’s just text. Just like what it is saying, it just is, unless the audience make a change which is what the campaign is trying to make you do. The text is written small because the image says enough.

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Case Study: National Obesity Forum

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Case Study: National obesity

On http://www.noo.org.uk/NOO_about_obesity/trends I found that the posters created to raise awareness about obesity, especially child obesity haven’t made much of an impact at all. These findings show that people with a healthy BMI have lowered, something which shouldn’t have happened if the posters really made an impact. They show that since 1993 obesity rates have risen for both men and women. The number of children who now suffer with obesity has also risen.

Compared to what the facts say on www.noo.org.uk to what I can see in the graph, obesity rates in reception children have risen, especially in children although in 2010-11 the rates have dropped since 2009. The rates have clearly risen with year 6 boys and girls as the years go on, showing me that the posters haven’t made much of on an impact on it’s audience.

This table confirms that the rates of obesity have been slowly rising.

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Case Study: The New Ark Missionary

Purpose: The purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness for poverty in third world countries such as India. This campaign will want to raise global awareness for the people who are less well off than us. The organisation will want to build relationships between first world countries and third world countries to try and help those less fortunate.

Aims:With this advert they aim to get the audience to feel sorry for the girls and donate their old clothes. It aims to make people aware that there are people out there that have a different idea of what fashion is and that their lives are a lot worse. It will also make the audience aware that people in India have a lot more to care about rather than ‘The winter collection’

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This ad campaign is very simple and gets straight to the point. It uses just one image and a small amount of text. The larger text is written in a typical fashion magazine font and stands out over the image. They have used this font to relate to normal people and the magazines that they read. The image shows a small Indian child wearing cardboard. This is to show that these children can not afford the luxuries that we can afford. This will create sympathy in the audience and will make them want to read on. They have chosen the word winter rather than summer so the audience will think of what winter weather is like and start to imagine wearing their ‘winter collection’. The little girl looks sad and looks straight into the audiences eyes. This will create sympathy within the audience and maybe touch on the maternal instincts of the women, reading the magazine which this ad would be published, making them want to take care of the child. They have used a dark background on the image to represent the dark sky in winter, to make the audience remember and think about our winters. It could also represent a dark time for the child after not having the luxuries as the audience would have. The small text in the bottom asks the audience to donate clothes rather than money making the audience realise that it’s not just money that these children would be appreciative of.

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Case Study: The New Ark Missionary

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Impact: The New Ark Mission has saved many people from severe infection or worse. From children to older people The New Ark Mission gets these people off the streets and into a safe environment.

http://www.newarkmission.org/transformation.asp7Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: The New Ark Missionary

These percentages show me that since 1994 there has been a massive impact when raising awareness for poverty in third world countries such as India. Over 18 years there has been a massive drop in the amount of people under the poverty line and access to water has become a lot easier- something third world countries struggle with. http://data.worldbank.org/country/india

This is some research that I found that was taken place in 2012. The table first shows the impact that poverty has on children all over the world. To me, this shows that posters and raising awareness has not made much of an impact on it’s audience, especially when you look at the second lot of statistics. The poverty to wealthy ratio has risen a lot in the past 170 years, this shows that more awareness needs to be risen. http://www.statisticbrain.com/world-poverty-statistics/

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Case Study: Life Way Online

Purpose:The purpose of this ad campaign is to raise awareness for internet safety for children. It wants to make a national change to make sure children are protected from online predators on the internet. It also wants to change attitudes and let the audience know what the internet isn’t always as safe as people seem and parents need to be strict with it. It wants to build a relationships with parents to make sure their issue is addressed in the way they feel is best.

Aims:They want to make parents see that with their company their child will be a lot safer while using the internet. It wants to reach out to parents and let them know that the internet isn’t always safe and with limiting access to certain sites they can make sure their child isn’t at risk.

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The poster uses the image of a normal girl. This is so that the audience realises that it can happen to anyone and to stop thinking ‘it won’t happen to us’. The font that the poster uses for the ‘Sara was searching the internet for a new friend…’ looks as though ‘Sara’ herself has written it. This is to represent that she was just a normal child ‘Searching’ is written in the style of a search bar that is normally found on the is internet. This makes this campaign easily relatable to anyone in the audience who uses the internet. The first section of the text is bigger than the second lot of text. This could represent a sinking feeling you get when you realise something so innocent does not stay innocent all the time. It may either bring on the sinking feeling within the audience. The girl in the picture is looking away from the audience slightly. This could represent the fact that she is missing and not even herself knows where she is.

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Case Study: LifeWayonline

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Case Study: Lifeway Online

Here are some facts and statistics I found relating to online safety ranging from how many children aged 5-15 use the internet and what problems can occur. The second lot of facts show that from age 8-15 nearly all children have used the internet and when compared with the cyber bullying facts I think it shows that cyber bullying posters make little impact on it’s audience.The statistics show that cases of cyber bullying has risen by 87% in the past 2 years. The stats also show that cyber bullying can lead to more serious things such as self-harm and suicidal thoughts. I think if posters raising awareness for internet safety was successful cases would of decreased rather than increase by 87%.

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Case Study: Be you be healthy

Purpose:This ad’s purpose is to bring about national change in Chicago, USA. It wants to change the attitude towards teen pregnancies and release all the blame from the teen girls and make the audience realise that the boys are partly to blame too.It wants to raise awareness for teen pregnancy.It wants to challenge dominant representations and show that teen pregnancy isn’t just about the pregnant girl.

Aims:The poster aims to change the way we look at teen pregnancy and show the audience that all the blame is not the girl who chose to have unprotected sex and that there was a boy involved too. It aims to raise awareness for teen pregnancy so people can do what they can to lower the number there are.

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The poster asks the audience a rhetorical question. This reaches out to the audience and gets them to answer is consciously. The question is big and stands out on the image to draw the audience in and get them involved with what it is asking. The question also draws the audience to the image that is used on the poster. ‘Most teen pregnancies are.’ uses a full stop. This makes the statement right to the point about teen pregnancies and hints that there is nothing else to say. It shows that all they need to tell you is that most teen pregnancies are unexpected and you should know that. This will make the audience start thinking about the issue and what they feel about it. The image is of a boy who looks like a typical young man, wearing baggy clothes and sitting on his skateboard. This is to show that teenage pregnancy can happen to anyone not just certain people, even your own children. They have used an image of a boy with a baby bump and this is to show that the pregnancy is not all down to the female that carries the child. There is a male involved to and he has to get some of the blame. They have used this abnormal image to grab the attention of the audience as it is not something you see everyday- just like the text mentions. The image and the text together are there to make the audience think that it’s unexpected of a teen boy to be pregnant and you also shouldn’t expect it of women. They have used the image of a young, normal boy and a skate park background. This is to make the audience feel as though the issue can happen to them and they want to do something about it.

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Case Study: Be You Be Healthy

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Case Study: Be You Be Healthy

These statistics show the percentages of conception rates and their trend between the different ages of women.The first image shows the amount of women under 18 and 16 that conceive and whether or not the numbers have decreased. It shows that the number of teenage pregnancies have decreased between 1996 and 2006 and this is also shown clearly on the graph. The graph also shows that the rates do keep going down and in 2008 there were even less conception within women who are under the age of 18. I think this shows that the awareness being raised by posters is making an impact especially in the United Kingdom.

This graph shows the teen birth rate in Chicago USA, where the advert was created. This graph shows that Chicago has more teen birth rates than all of the USA and just the capital of Chicago, Illinois, is pretty much the same as all of the USA. However, even the Chicago does have a high teen birth rate the graph does show that the rates are decreasing and teenage pregnancy awareness will be making some form of impact, though not enough impact to bring the rates right down below the whole of the USA.

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Case Study: Unfair campaign

Purpose:The purpose of this ad is to bring global change about the issue of racism. It also want to change the attitudes of people that see differences in races. It wants to raise awareness about the way people feel about different races. It is also letting people know that there is racists out there and that they need to do something about it.It wants to strengthen the relation between different races.

Aims:The aim of this poster is to show people that people really aren’t different no matter what their race. To show that people are all different on the outside but on the inside they are.

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Techniques:Everything in the poster is neutral. There is a white background and black text on nearly identical pictures. The black and white represent facts in black and white. The poster is saying that this is what it’s like and it doesn’t need anymore colour or pictures or a fancy font to get the message across. It shows three human hearts and these are here to represent the different races. It shows the hearts looking nearly identical to show that everyone is the same on the inside. The poster has chosen human hearts to represent the different races rather than any other organ like the brain or lungs. This is because the heart is the most important and the campaign is letting the audience know that everyone is important no matter where they are from. The heart also represents the way people feel and this shows that everyone feels the same about racism.

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Case Study: Unfair Campaign

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Case Study: Unfair Campaign



These facts and statistics show the amount of racist incidents that happen in the uk.The second and third image show that the amount of racist incidents has been decreasing since 2007. The first picture I think shows that more awareness needs to be risen within children as more cases of racism are being reported within schools. Overall I think posters like the Unfair Campaign are making an impact overall.

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Case Study: Conservative Party

Purpose:The purpose of this ad is to bring about national change in politics. This poster is telling people make a change to the way they are living by voting for the conservatives.It wants to change the public’s attitude to the labour party get them more onto the side of the conservatives. It raises awareness about what happened to the country when labour were in power and awareness about the election. It provides facts about what some of labours changes did to the country and is trying to influence voting behaviour.

Aims:The aim of the poster is to get you to vote for the conservative party to be in power. It wants to change your opinion on the way the country is being run and wants you to change it by voting for their party.

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The main image on the font is a picture of the labour leader. His expression is smug and carefree. This will make the audience or someone who is voting see him as someone who doesn’t care for what they need and only cares about his own reputation. It makes him look as though he isn’t a serious politician and this would make the voter angry and not want to vote for him. It would make the audience realise that they need someone to take control and not mess about with money or what the people actually need. There are two separate pieces of copy on the poster. One is big and bold and is as big as the main image to show that it is an important piece of information. It is also written in black. This is to show that it is bad and like a ‘dark tunnel’ if the voter was to vote labour again. Gordon Brown is also dressed in black. This could be in relation to the ‘grim reaper’ and could be seen as the death of a country.The smaller text is written in blue and is a lot smaller compared to everything else on the poster. It could be written smaller to show that change is far away until you vote for the conservatives. It is written in blue to show that their ideas are good for the country and to represent ‘the light at the end of a dark tunnel’.After being bombarded by something that wasn’t pleasant to read you search for something lighter. ‘Vote change. Vote conservative.’ These are very short sentences that get straight to the point. They have used the word change so that the audience think that everything will be better if they put the conservative party in power.

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Case Study: Conservative Party

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Case Study: Conservative Party

These statistics show that in this particular campaign the political ads and posters made a big impact and The Conservative Party won the election. It shows that compared to the Labour Party they won by many seats are 97+ whereas the Labour Party are -91. The campaign was successful however it didn’t make quite the impact as hey would hope as they didn’t win the majority and had to go into power with the Liberal Democrat party.

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