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The Mauti/DeGroot Family

The Mauti FamilyIn 1954, Claudia and Giovanni

Mauti (my Nonna & Nonno) flew from Rome, Italy to Montreal to begin their new life in Canada. After landing in Montreal they

took a train to Toronto.

With their new born son Franco (Uncle Frank), they took a train from Montreal to Toronto to live with my Nonno’s brother, Armando.

The Mauti FamilyThey moved to Canada to find work. Why do you think there

weren’t many jobs in Italy at the time? They were very poor when they came over, but were able to

carve a life for themselves in Canada.

My Nonno worked in the construction industry laying asphalt and my Nonna worked as a house cleaner. They had 2 more boys, Joseph (my dad) and Ivano.

The Mauti FamilyMy Nonno and Nonna lived the rest of their lives in Canada. My

Nonno considered Canada his home, and favourite country.

Both my Nonno and Nonna died in 2011, 2 weeks apart.

The DeGroot Family

In 1951, Martin & Johanna DeGroot left the Netherlands because of cheap farmland in

Canada. They sailed from Amsterdam with their two

daughters Kathy (age 2) and Trudy (age 1 - my mom).

After landing in Halifax,they took the long train ride to Stroud. My Grandpa worked as a farm hand until he saved enough money to buy his own land in 1956. He bought 200 acres for $10,000 to start his own farm.

The DeGroot Family

The farm was in Phelpson, Ontario and they lived there for 42 years

working the land. They had 5 more daughters and 2 boys (total

of NINE children) My grandpa died in 2004 at the age of 93. My

Grandma is still alive, also 93 years old.

The Mauti FamilyPrimary Source

The DeGroot FamilyPrimary Source

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