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Table of Contents


Oral Health Confidence

Chapter 1: Bad Breath Causes

What Is Halitosis?

Is Halitosis a Medical Thing?

Chapter 2: Bad Breath Prevention

Healthy Practices to Prevent Bad Breath

Chapter 3: Bad Breath Begone

Getting Diagnosed: Do You Really Have Bad Breath?

Oral Hygiene Products That Help

Natural Alternatives to Help With Halitosis


Living With Halitosis

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There’s been an alarming rise in mental health issues these past few years. Unfortunately,

it is a distressing signal that we have been neglectful with ourselves, especially in terms

of self-care.

Do you know what else a significant contributor to this issue is? Poor self-esteem. After

all, it’s a good indicator that there’s a lack of self-love somewhere. This is the reason why

we advocate oral health confidence.

Oral Health Confidence

Oral health confidence has different elements, including:

● ANiceSetofTeeth: They’re bright, white, and not crooked. Your gums are not

bleeding as well. You have the confidence to flash a big smile anytime.

● KissableLips: A part of your mouth you shouldn’t ignore is your lips. They shouldn’t

be chapped or filled with random sores.

● FreshBreath: Finally, your breath should smell nice and fresh. You can confidently talk with other people without worries, no matter what time of the day.

Of all three, though, breath is probably the most problematic. You can have a bright smile

and smooth lips and still feel less confident if you know that your breath smells funky.

If you’re reading this eBook right now, then chances are, you’re having problems with bad

breath too. Don’t worry, we’ve been there, and we completely understand what you’re

going through.

That’s why we’ve decided to write an eBook dedicated to dealing with it. In this handbook,

we will discuss what halitosis is, the products that can help you, natural alternatives, and

more. Excited? Let’s get started!

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We have discussed during the introduction how big of a role bad breath plays in oral

health confidence. It’s big, and it can plague a person for years.

Well, it’s about time to put an end to it. That’s why in this chapter, we will learn more about

what it is and what causes it to get more insight into how we can solve it later on.

What Is Halitosis?

Also known as bad breath, halitosis is a condition where a person has an unpleasant odor

coming out of the mouth. This odor can escape when talking, eating, and worse while

yawning. Different factors can cause bad breath, and as promised, we will share them with you down below.

Food and Drinks That Cause Bad Breath

The first factor that can cause bad breath is the food and drinks we consume. Here are some of the culprits that you might want to avoid, especially before date night:


Garlic, onions, and other spices can leave your mouth smelling unpleasant because of

different reasons. First of all, spices can be difficult to remove from your mouth. They can leave a film of flavor, which is why you can still taste them for hours after you’ve eaten, that can smell every time you exhale as long as it’s there.

Next, pepper has a component called “capsaicin”. It’s the one responsible for that hot and

tingly sensation. You can wash it down easily with milk. The problem is, milk can cause

bad breath if it stays in your mouth for too long.

Finally, spicy food can cause heartburn, so even if you do brush your teeth after eating,

that weird smell may still creep up with just a burp.

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Another food category that can cause bad breath is fish. It produces a very distinct fishy smell so people can actually tell what you’ve had for your last meal. It can get pretty bad.

Fortunately, it’s easy to lessen the effect. According to the American Society of Nutrition, the compound trimethylamine or TMA causes the fishy smell, but you can counter it by treating the fish with a squeeze of lemon or other similar acidic ingredients. Apparently, acid can make TMA bind to water more easily.


When it comes to drinks, coffee and alcohol can also cause bad breath. This is due to alcohol and caffeinated drinks causing dry mouth, a condition that can hinder your salivary glands from producing enough saliva. This then allows bad bacteria to linger in

your mouth longer since there’s no saliva to wash them away. Drinking water frequently can help, especially after meals.

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Habits That Cause Bad Breath

Anyway, aside from eating and drinking certain foods and drinks, some habits can cause

bad breath as well. Here they are:

● Drinking: We’ve already discussed above how alcohol can mess up your breath.

● Smoking: Consuming any type of tobacco product in general, including chewing

tobacco, can result in bad breath.

● Vaping: If you thought switching to e-cigs will produce better results, then sadly, it

doesn’t. You’ll certainly have a better chance if you use e-juices that don’t have nicotine

since nicotine can cause gum swelling that can then lead to halitosis. Take note, though,

that the main ingredient of e-juices, glycol, can also cause dry mouth.

Is Halitosis a Medical Thing?

What if you don’t smoke or drink, and you don’t particularly enjoy eating fish and spicy food, and much more drinking coffee? Can you still have bad breath? Sadly, you can.

According to a Harvard Health Publishing article, gum diseases, such as gingivitis and

periodontitis, can cause halitosis. However, did you know that it can also be caused by respiratory infections and gastrointestinal diseases?

Aside from that, there’s also a condition called “pseudo-halitosis” or halitophobia, where

the person afflicted only thinks they have bad breath but don’t really. While people suffering from it may benefit from simple reassurance, they can also get help from a therapist if it gets worse.

We’re not here to talk about pseudo-halitosis, though. We’re here to deal with actual

halitosis, and that’s what we will talk about more in the following chapters.

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Have you heard the saying “prevention is better than cure”? Well, it’s true. The best

way to deal with bad breath, especially the occasional bouts of it that are not caused by

unavoidable medical conditions, is to prevent them from happening in the first place.

Healthy Practices to Prevent Bad Breath

Here healthy oral habits you must keep in mind:

● TeethBrushing: This is a given. It’s very easy to have food debris still hanging

around after meals. They can even mess up the acidity of your mouth and make it easier

for bad breath causing bacteria to grow. For best results, brush twice daily.

● Flossing: Here’s the problem, though: just simply brushing your teeth won’t get everything out. What about the food debris that’s stuck in between your teeth? In those

tight crevices that your toothbrush can’t reach? Simple. You floss them.

● TongueScraping: Remember what we told earlier about spicy food that leaves a layer of film in the mouth? The most effective way to remove that is by using a simple tool

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called a tongue scraper. You can brush your tongue with your toothbrush as well. In fact,

there are toothbrushes with built-in scrapers.

● Hydrating:Prevent a dreaded dry mouth by frequently drinking water. Hydrating regularly can also help wash away any leftover food and drinks from your mouth. Aside

from that, it can also help deal with heartburn, plus, it’s simply healthy to drink eight

glasses of water a day. Case closed.

● HealthySnacking: Trade your spicy chips and dips with equally crispy carrot or celery sticks. It can also help keep hunger at bay—hunger that can cause the acids in

our stomach to creep up and cause bad breath. The best thing about these snacks is that

they can also help clean your palate.

By practicing the tips we shared above and turning them into habits, we’re sure you will

be able to prevent bad breath. The only thing that’s left for us to do is to deal with halitosis

that simply won’t go away despite our best efforts. Don’t worry, that’s what we will share with you in the next chapter.

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We now understand where bad breath comes from, and we already talked about the

actions that we can do to prevent it, but what if it persists? There is no need to worry

because we’re not done yet.

As promised, in this chapter, we will talk about how to deal with a more serious problem

like how to get diagnosed, the oral hygiene products that you can use, and finally, the natural alternatives that you can explore. We still have a lot of ground to cover, so let’s

move on.

Getting Diagnosed: Do You Really Have Bad Breath?

So, do you really think that you have a serious problem? The first step to resolve this issue is to consult a medical professional.

Your dentist will most likely conduct some tests. They can start by smelling the breath

coming out of both your nose and mouth. They may also scrape the back of your tongue

since it’s frequently where the smell collects.

Aside from relying on their keen sense of smell, they will use sophisticated tools in order

to rate how serious your problem is as well as the chemicals present in your mouth that

cause the problem in the first place.

Once diagnosed, the dentist might prescribe certain oral hygiene products (that we’re

going to talk more about in a bit), or procedures as treatment. If other health conditions are

the cause, they might ask you to contact your primary care physician as well, especially

if the smell is caused by taking certain medications.

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Your dentist can also recommend certain dental procedures such as extraction of

damaged teeth, gum disease treatment, and more. Finally, they might also repair faulty

tooth restorations and dental appliances that can serve as a breeding ground for bad-

breath-causing bacteria.

Honestly, there’s no way for us to determine which treatment would be good for you. Each

case is different. The best way is still to consult your dentist. They’ll know what’s best for you.

Oral Hygiene Products That Help

For now, let’s talk about the different hygiene products that you can use to help you out. Here they are:

1. Mouth Rinse

If your issue is bacteria or plaque build-up, then your dentist might recommend a mouth

rinse that can help rid of them. Different mouthwashes in the market also come in different scents and flavors that can help freshen your breath.

2. Dental Floss

While flosses can already help in dealing with your bad breath by removing leftover food and bacteria in between teeth, some brands come with extra antibacterial agents that can

help you out even further.

3. Toothpaste

Speaking of antibacterial agents, you can also opt to look for kinds of toothpaste that have them. We also recommend those that help improve gum health and prevent bleeding.

4. Sugarless Gum

Those dealing with dry mouths will surely find chewing gum helpful in stimulating the mouth to produce more saliva.

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3. Artificial Saliva Spray

Since we’re talking about saliva already, there are also artificial saliva sprays that can serve as a substitute to lubricate the mouth and provide instant relief temporarily. Aside

from sprays, artificial saliva also comes in other forms like tablets and swabs.

Natural Alternatives to Help With Halitosis

We understand, though, why some people might not be comfortable using swabs or

artificial saliva sprays. Using a mouth rinse or changing your toothpaste brand is easy to do, but are there other things that you can do? Are there natural alternatives that you can use to help?

Yes! In fact, here they are:

1. Fennel Seeds

According to a paper published in the Journal of Oral Health and Community Industry,

chewing on fennel seeds can improve your salivary pH levels and have an anti-cariogenic

effect. This means that it can help fight plaque, reduce bad breath, and improve your overall oral health.

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon does more than just give a sweet hint and scent to your favorite pastries. In

fact, according to one study, it is often an added ingredient to mouth rinses because it has

mouth freshening effects.

If you want to use it to help with your condition, then you can follow this quick recipe: boil water that has a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, cardamom seeds, and bay leaves. Use

this solution as a mouthwash. Rinse your mouth with it twice a day.

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3. Lemon

We already mentioned above that treating fish with water can help in lessening the distinct odor of fish, but did you know that it can help with the smell of your breath as well? For an

easy mouth rinse, just squeeze a slice of lemon into water and rinse your mouth with it. Voila! Instant fresh breath. In fact, according to the Journal of Food Science, it can even

deodorize the mouth of a person who just consumed raw garlic.

4. Green Tea

Do you know what else was proven to help in freshening one’s breath in that same study?

Green tea. To maximize the effects, we recommend trading your morning coffee for it. The efficiency of green tea as a deodorizing agent was also proven in a separate study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology.

5. Cardamom

Apparently, cardamom is very effective in dealing with bad breath causing bacteria according to a study. In fact, did you know that even Wrigley uses this ingredient in their chewing gum? You don’t have to get the gum, though. You can chew a cardamom pod

after a meal to maximize its benefits.

6. Anise

We know we’ve mentioned that spicy food can cause bad breath, but who knew that

spices hold the cure as well? Aniseed, or simply Anise, has been found to have a very

potent antibacterial effect on bad breath causing bacteria.

7. Clove

Here’s another spice that has been proven to be a complete powerhouse against bad

breath. First, it has anti-infective properties that help deal with mouth infections. Next, it

can also serve as an antiseptic to rid your mouth of harmful components. Lastly, it has

potent anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce gum swelling and mouth sores.

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No wonder it’s been used as a natural remedy for toothache for years. Anyway, you can

easily whip up your own clove mouth rinse by mixing it with half a cup of water and a dash

of cinnamon.

8. Miswak

There weren’t any toothbrushes seven thousand years ago, but there were miswak twigs.

These are teeth-cleaning twigs made out of the branches of a persica tree. They literally

look like small brooms.

Who knew that our ancestors were on point when it comes to oral health? You see,

miswak has strong anti-inflammatory properties that can help with gum diseases and mouth sores. Aside from that, it also contains vitamin C that can help heal gum bleeding.

In fact, according to a paper published in the Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology,

it was found that miswak proves even more effective in dealing with dental plaque and gingivitis than a regular toothbrush!

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Intrigued? Here’s how to use it:

1. You can get a readymade miswak twig for toothbrushing, but getting a fresh twig is


2. Chew the bark off of its end, but don’t swallow the bark. Spit it out.

3. What you want is to expose the fibrous center. Chew on it until it becomes soft bristles.

4. Dip it in water. Some people add ingredients like rosewater or mint to add some scent, while others use it with toothpaste. Water is enough, though, and it is also the

traditional way.

5. Brush your teeth with it. It can be a bit awkward to use at first, but you’ll get the hang of it with frequent use.

6. Rinse your mouth and your twig with water.

7. Let it dry.

8. Once the bristles get worn, you can simply cut them off with a knife and repeat steps two and three.

9. Finally, store your miswak in a clean, dry container when it’s not in use.

Here’s a fun fact: Muslims use miswak as part of a purification ritual.

That’s it! There are certainly a lot of other products and natural remedies that we haven’t

explored yet, but the ones we mentioned in this chapter are those that we have already

tried and tested ourselves. If you want to learn about other options, then you may consult

your dentist.

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We have finally reached the end of this eBook. We hope that our short handbook has shed some light on understanding halitosis and how to deal with it.

We know how difficult it is to suffer from it. We’ve been there ourselves, so we sincerely hope that you’ve found a solution that works for you within the pages of our book. By the

way, we offer more information about halitosis and how to deal with it on our website, so

you might want to check that out as well.

Living With Halitosis

Speaking of living with halitosis, here are even more tips that might improve your quality of life as you’re struggling to remedy it. Consider it as a parting gift from us.

● Visityourdentistregularly. In this way, your dentist would find it easier to identify oral health issues and deal with them before they get serious and lead to bad breath.

● Changeyourdiet. There are specific diets and eating practices, like intermittent fasting, that can increase the risk of developing halitosis. You might also want to skip the

bad breath causing ingredients we mentioned above and ban them from your grocery list.

● Change toothbrushes regularly. Lastly, remember that toothbrushes should be

replaced every few months to improve their efficiency. Don’t wait for your toothbrush to get frayed or worn. You will also benefit from getting a soft-bristled one if you’re struggling with gum problems.

By keeping the tips we shared with you in this eBook, we’re sure that you will soon be free

from this condition. Of that, we have no doubt. We wish you all the best!

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