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Page 1: … in our midst - Norddeutsche Mission...in leadership position exercise his authority in the fear of the Lord. May humility and Christ -likeness be evident in our lives. May we eschew

… in our midst

Visions of God’s Kingdom Partnership Service Trinity Sunday, June 3, 2012

Page 2: … in our midst - Norddeutsche Mission...in leadership position exercise his authority in the fear of the Lord. May humility and Christ -likeness be evident in our lives. May we eschew

Editor: Norddeutsche Mission / Bremen Mission Berckstraße 27 D-28359 Bremen Phone: 49 (0)421 / 467 70 38 Fax: 49 (0)421 / 467 79 07 [email protected] www.norddeutschemission.de Bank account: 107 27 27 Bank: Sparkasse Bremen (bank code: 290 501 01) Draft of the Bremen Mission youth council with contributions from our German and African member churches. Editorial work: Hannes Menke With thanks to A. Afele, Dr. Koku Atakro, Douglas Asamany, Bridget Ben-Naimah, Brigitte Gläser, Esther Haas, Heike Jakubeit, Judith Niermann, Olivia Quampah, Christa Schulz-Achelis as well as to the Erlangen publishing house for mission and ecumenicalism for granting the reprint out of their book “Dein Reich komme in aller Welt” (Thy Kingdom come all over the world)

Page 3: … in our midst - Norddeutsche Mission...in leadership position exercise his authority in the fear of the Lord. May humility and Christ -likeness be evident in our lives. May we eschew

... in our midst Visions of God’s kingdom

As an international family we worship separately, but jointly, in various places, hoping for God’s presence in our midst. As congregations and churches of different languages and cultures, we sing and pray separately, knowing that we are united by one spirit within our midst. As Christ’s witnesses and disciples we are convinced that within our world a different kind of world has dawned in our midst. The seed of God’s Kingdom is sown and we are watching it grow in our midst. This year’s partnership service on Trinity Sunday, 3 June 2012, should provide an opportunity to raise our different hopes and visions regarding the Kingdom of God. The texts, associations, sermon meditation, proverbs and some pictures, which are compiled in the booklet/folder for the service, aim to put into relation with each other one’s own ideas, the biblical perspective as well as our and other people’s notions. This draft of the service, as proposed here, has been drawn up by the members of the youth council of Bremen Mission. We would like to thank Pastor Brigitte Gläser, Ecumenical Secretary of Oldenburg Church for the sermon meditation, and Pastor Dr. Koku Atakro of the Theological Seminary in Peki, Ghana, and his colleagues for their prayers and contributions. Both, the procedure of the service and the songs can be adapted to your specific local conditions. We also would like to cordially request that you make the collection during the partnership service available to the work of Bremen Mission and its partner churches. For that purpose you will find a collection proposal. You can download the order of the service as a PDF file or as a Word document from our web site under “Service/Download”. With best regards,

Hannes Menke General Secretary of Bremen Mission

Page 4: … in our midst - Norddeutsche Mission...in leadership position exercise his authority in the fear of the Lord. May humility and Christ -likeness be evident in our lives. May we eschew

Contents Service order 5 Collection proposal 6 + 7 Prayers 6 - 9 Sermon meditation 10 - 15 Participatory action 16 - 20 Short stories on the subject of the Kingdom of God 21 African proverbs 22 Annex 23

Visions of the Kingdom 23 + 24 of God Teaching unit for confirmands 25

Page 5: … in our midst - Norddeutsche Mission...in leadership position exercise his authority in the fear of the Lord. May humility and Christ -likeness be evident in our lives. May we eschew

Order of Service Overture music Address of welcome Hymn Psalm Offering prayer Hymn Reading of Old Testament: Isaiah 63, 17 – 25 Reading of New Testament: Mark 4, 30 – 34 Hymn Sermon about Mark 4, 30 – 34 Musical interlude Participatory action Notices Hymn Intercessions and Lord’s Prayer Mission Blessing Nutifafa na mi! (The peace of God be with you! Literally: The coolness God gives be with you) Music

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Almighty God, we praise you, we exalt you, we glorify your name tor what you are. You are the Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, there is no name besides you, we worship your holiness and majesty. Faithful God and loving Savior, we thank you for your gracious love. We thank you for your Church, tor the community of believers. We thank you for men and women whom you have called to be followers of your Son Jesus Christ. We thank you for the reformers of your Church and the family of the Bremen Mission. Out of thankfulness we pray for Christians everywhere but most especially Chris-tians in Germany, Ghana and Togo. We thank you for making it possible to come together as one people and as partners, working in your vine yard. We pray for the leadership of the existing partnership of the Bremen Mission. Give us all the faith and the strength to persevere in righteousness. Remind us of the mission to go into the world and proclaim your Good News. Help the Bremen Mission family promote unity, oneness, peaceful co-existence, love and under-standing. Help us to avoid violence globally, oh God we pray. Enable us to share our gifts in mutual respect and to seek tor the new future which you offer us through Jesus Christ. We pray that you take control over this year‘s celebration. May your Divine Spirit which calls us together guide us and lead us through this celebration. Above all we pray for your spirit direct our activities and may we have a fulfilling celebration. We thank you and give you the glory. AMEN. Suggestion for the collection on Trinity Sunday, 3 June 2012 Youth work in Ghana and Togo A large proportion of the population of both, Ghana and Togo, consists of young people. Many of them are concerned for their future, good education and training. Some of them, however, have given up hope in view of discouraging prospects for the future. This is why our partner Churches in Ghana and Togo have concentrated on developing a thorough youth work. Church-based youth groups provide support, they prevent youngsters from “drifting into criminality”. Staff members of the

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Church visit schools, organise workshops, for instance on the subject of AIDS, and help finding training places. We would like to ask you to support the efforts of the Evangelical Churches in Ghana and Togo with today’s collection. Because, as the national youth pastor of E.P. Church has put it, “Working with young people has a lot to do with development, with hope and the future. This is important for the Church, this is important for Africa.”

Page 8: … in our midst - Norddeutsche Mission...in leadership position exercise his authority in the fear of the Lord. May humility and Christ -likeness be evident in our lives. May we eschew

INTERCESSORY PRAYERS God, our creator and sustainer, you are the tree and we are the branches, we cannot do without you. Yet we live as if we are whole. Forgive us for our many sins and draw us to yourself. We thank you for the partnership that has brought the Bremen Mission of Germany, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ghana and EEPT of Togo together. Like the Trinity, we work together to bring light to where there is darkness. We pray for our political leaders especially in Ghana where an election is slated for this year, that God through His agents will bring peace and unity to our beloved country. We also pray for peace and reconciliation in the Republic of Togo specifically during the parliamentary elections. We pray for the Church Universal and its agents worldwide that the church becomes the mouthpiece of God to speak against evil in the society. Let thy church be the defender of the marginalized, the poor, the vulnerable and the outcasts. We ask that God should touch those who have to reach out most especially, the needy, so that the world will become a happier place for us all through Jesus thy Son Christ Jesus, our Lord! Amen. God in whom we live, move and have our being, we pray against global injustices. We pray for human dignity, respect for equity in all societies. Let the rule of law, respect for human dignity prevail at all times. We thank thee for the abundant re-sources you have bestowed on us, signifying your care and love for us. Help us to equally distribute these gifts for which we shall forever be grateful to you our maker. Selfishness and avarice is the cause of human suffering, therefore, take them away from us. As you have given to the world its natural resources may we also be a channel of blessings to the less privileged. This and many others we ask through Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen. Oh God, our Lord, from whom we come and unto whom we shall return, take away the selfish life in us and give us a new heart to enable us to show kindness and love to others. Cause us to remember that naked we dame, and naked shall we go. May our lives become a means of blessings to our unfortunate brothers and sisters. May we leave this world better than we came to meet it. May every Christian in leadership position exercise his authority in the fear of the Lord. May humility and Christ -likeness be evident in our lives. May we eschew corrupt practices. May no charge preferred against God‘s people stand, In whatever position we find our-selves, let us be servant leaders enriching the lives of our peoples in Germany, Ghana and Togo. May God be our helper through Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen. Lord, teach us to number our days so that we will be inclined unto wisdom. What-ever we can do to make life better for a fellow human being, let us do that, that through us our family, our church, our community, our country and the world as a whole will be a better place for all humankind.

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Through us, the partner churches in Germany, Ghana and Togo will enrich the Reform family and to a larger extension the body of Christ. We remember the sac-rifices of our forebears like Lorenz Wolf, Bultman, Plato, Graf and the rest. Lord, let not these sacrifices be in vain. Indeed without their efforts, where would some of us be today? May we never quench the fire which was lit in Bremen 175 years ago. Amen. Oh God, be merciful to your children who are suffering. As the sun rises, bring along food and drink to your children. Come to us with continued ram and let the sun shine at the proper time. Let there be abundance of food and prosperity. Let the barren ground yield its fruits and the barren women procreate. Let the rich be-come channels of blessings to the poor and the poor singing praises to their maker. Grant our nations peace so that the Church will also function in them in peace. Let the leadership in our nations humble themselves and promote freedom and justice, eschewing bribery and corruption. May the leadership of thy Christian church do right and have the fear of God in directing their steps. May the church members experience heaven on earth through its agents. May the sick experience healing and the vulnerable, a sense of belonging and affection. Amen. God who created the universe and sustaining it according to His will set the destiny of our lives, enabling us to reach others wherever they may be. May those of us who have much be deeply concerned for those who have little. For all who are handicapped in the race of life through no fault of theirs live secure lives. As Christians, remind us that we are the salt of the earth so that we live by our calling. May our weapons be freedom and justice through Christ Jesus. Amen.

Rev. Dr. M.k. Atakro

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Prayer Meditation Prayer Meditation to Mark 4, 30 ff. Pay attention – listen! How should we describe God's kingdom, this is what Jesus asks his followers, continuing „It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade." (Mark 4,30 – 32) The mustard seed, being the smallest of all seeds, conceals the secret of creation as nothing else does – this secret is revealed, so to say, in fast motion: it takes no more than 18 months to form a tree of 6 meters height from the seed! The Evangelist Matthew tells us the same story. (Mt. 13,31 – 32). Reading this, I think: Oops, God's kingdom must be really gorgeous. If this is how it works, then we should not be surprised that Christianity established its dominance very quickly, sometimes boastfully, occasionally recklessly. That it did not protect the marooned people, the small ones and the threatened ones under its shadow, but on the contrary disposed of them and annihilated them. Pay attention – listen! These are the words frequently used by the Evangelist Mark when he relates Jesus' admonitions and when he makes me prick up my ears. What is the purpose of the parable unless its purpose is to legitimize delusions of grandeur? Pay attention – listen! Jesus involves the disciples whom He has just appointed in discussions dealing with the central question, according to Mark: What is the meaning of God's kingdom? „Pay attention – listen!“ This is how he admonishes them frequently in order to

prevent them from using flowery, more or less pious, phrases, from indifference, from resignation or even from pure angriness. At the time of Mark, they did have good excuses for their behavior. Who is Mark? Mark tells his story dramatically, this is not surprising. Because the Gospel of Mark is the oldest one of the four gospels and was probably written during or shortly after the Jewish war. This war, lasting from the year 66 to the year 70, devastated the country thoroughly. The Roman Empire, ruling as a colonial power, had brutally put down the Jewish rebellions, had occupied Jerusalem in 70 and destroyed the temple. These catastrophic conditions, the desperate situation of the civilian population, are reflected in Mark's Gospel. We do not know with certainty who Mark, the author, was; probably he was Johannes Markus, a Christian of Jewish origin from Jerusalem who accompanied Paul during his first mission trip

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(Acts 12, 12; 13, 5.13; Colossians 4, 10; Philemon 24; 1. Petr. 5, 13); but we do not know his name, and this is not essential in order to understand his gospel. One thing is certain: this unknown Mark was the first to create a gospel, a word which signifies a literary category. For this purpose, he meticulously collected memories, tales which were told about Jesus, he created a correlation between them. I am of the opinion that two questions provided an internal dramatic effect to his narrations, at the same time documenting his qualities as an author: „What is the matter with God's kingdom?“ This question, embedded in parables, helps his followers to lift the secret – but in the end it remains open as a great secret. Because each reader can find a reply only within his or her own life. Mark can only approach the secret, using parables and corresponding explanations. The patience of a sower or a peasant woman is required, these people having the special ability not to overlook the inconspicuous item, the mustard seed. Carefulness and patience are required, these are the topical words that come to my mind. And the mustard seed appears in a chain of parable tales. Because Mark provides answers not by providing dogmatic formulas but by narrating the deeds of Jesus. He does it in the first chapters, preceding our parable: tales of healing, of pacifying the storm in the lake, of multiplying the bread supply – scenes that are transparent, that have a hidden meaning. Something arises from them, some shine of life, a life that has been saved from debt, death and extinction, a creation that was healed. His gospel, his parables – they are all tales of resurrection! And this leads us to the second question that Mark asks: What does it mean, „to be resurrected”? In the first portion of his gospel, Mark narrates quite a number of these resurrection tales, creating the impression that we are dealing mostly with a miraculous healer who is capable of healing all sicknesses and ailments, using magic and supernatural powers. Probably this is how many people in Galilee understood Jesus, - why they almost lay siege to him – in the same manner in which nowadays many people go on a pilgrimage to Lourdes or seek assistance from other miracle healers. Such reports of miraculous healings had already been known in the Greek-Roman world and were apt to cause a sensation, in the same manner as they do today. Popular newspapers spread these news, overshadowing many persons in the medical profession. Yes, there were and there are miraculous healings, one way or the other, - thanks to God. But Mark has another central idea: Jesus has arrived to preach God's Gospel: „The time has come, the kingdom of God is near. (Mk 1,15). His healing and salvation activities are not a purpose in itself. They are signals, first manifestations of a new order, a new world, in which God's will rules – not at some future time in another world, but in heaven and on earth. His healings, the pacifying of the storm on the lake, the partition of the bread are indications that God's kingdom is really near.

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His practical deeds are a declaration of war against a world in which people become sick and are made ill, - a declaration of the beginning of the end of a sickening world. If we want to understand the parable of the mustard seed, we first have to understand who we are – in this order. Therefore, let us go back one step in the text: „Pay attention! Listen - see! A sower went out to sow“ ... on the border of the road, on rocky ground, below thistles and also on fertile ground – carrying multiple fruit. This is how our mustard seed chapter begins, relating our reality: We who are ready to listen to God's word in its merciful meaning, to understand it and to believe – each of us continues at the same time to be the four-fold acre:

- ‚Those who stand at the border of the road‘: They listen with one ear and lose the message through the other one.

- ‚Those that represent rocky ground‘, I am quite interested to listen but I am apt to forget when it is important, when civil courage is required.

- ‚Those that were sowed below thistles‘, they do listen, but the sorrow and the yearning for other worldly matters suffocate the seed of the words.

- ,And those that were sowed on good earth‘ this is the place where we find those who listen to the word, who accept it, who act accordingly - they bear hundredfold fruit.

This is simple language – I for my part recognize myself immediately. Jesus does not expect people to be one hundred percent Christians. The parables are not moral sermons but realistic descriptions of our life: many good things are left behind, many good beginnings do not lead anywhere, many hopes remain unfulfilled; the obstacles are too strong, our habits are overruling, we are embarrassed to expose ourselves, we are considerate of other people's opinions, - the good intention is suffocated. While other seeds fell upon the earth and multiplied thirty-fold, even sixty-fold and hundred-fold! Jesus invests immeasurable confidence – in whom? In good, fertile earth, and in us, the people? In our ears, our patience, our attention - can we watch the grass grow? Slowly but surely, we are approaching the secret of God's kingdom: because Jesus is certain that somebody, somewhere will understand God's liberating word; that it will create life as it did at the beginning of creation; this is why he trusts us to hear and to understand it – even if our experience tells us otherwise, even if the running of the world does not create this impression. The parables of sowing, of a crop that grows “automatically”, become an icon against paralyzing resignation, against unnecessary sorrows, but also against actionism and brutal, blind aggression. Because the hope on development is sown between resignation and rage: the soft deed, the cautious change, the trusting prayer. Jesus promotes communication, drives his disciples forward, does not intend to leave his disciples in peace, observing the devastations and the violence that are obvious everywhere: what is it

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that we should compare God's kingdom with? „Pay attention! Listen – there!“ What happens is like a mustard seed: once it has been sown onto the earth, it germinates, it becomes bigger than all other herbs and it develops large branches enabling the birds under the sky to live in its shadow. God's kingdom is near! Great expectations must have been induced in the disciples who were standing before the debris of war. If this is true, then some world-shaking event must occur – the great miracle that solves all problems in one go and forces justice to come in. Instead of that, Jesus walked around with them in Galilee, took His time to deal with small people: He sat at the bed of a feverish woman, until the fever subsided; He cared for mentally deranged people, He gave life power back to them, He allowed Himself to be touched by a leper, comparable to a person that suffers from AIDS today - the great upheaval did not occur! Perhaps we have the same ideas as the disciples: something tremendous should happen so that the world's problems could be solved: the financial crises, the climatic crises, the unemployment, incurable illnesses! For a long time I have been hoping for the big breakthrough, initiating peace and justice. But inwardly, I have resigned to the fact that everything remains the same. Even in our personal life, the same thing happens: something ought to happen, this could not have been all. ... But we have resigned, a long time ago, to the fact that everything continues as before. The church is in the same position. When I decided to relinquish my profession as a teacher, to study theology and to become a priest, my friends shook their heads: how can you join such a weary community - something ought to happen to it... I am not a courageous person, but this parable creates courage in me. It helps me to understand the world and to look at my life with new eyes. It helps me to discard the opinion of the general public that everything will always remain unchanged. I believe that the parable can encourage us to be Christians in the world. I do not believe that God's kingdom will come into being only after the mustard tree stands before us, big and powerful. It will not come into existence after all dreams, yearnings and hopes have been fulfilled, after all distress and misery have come to an end. „Pay attention! Listen!“ this is how Jesus starts his parable tale: not to the wisdom of the general public, but to the smallest thing that is sown. This is the miracle. „Pay attention! Listen!“ but do not wait for some worldwide miracle. We are expected to look at the beginnings in Jesus: „The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Messiah, the son of God“. The small beginnings, the inconspicuous icons of God's presence in the world, in our life.

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God's kingdom is really near: Behold - this book „Radically courageous – a guidance book for living a different life” (German title: Radikal mutig – Eine Anleitung zum Andersleben). It is unbelievable that the woman who wrote this book was only 24 years old. She explains that the book is not meant to be scientific, it contains rather smallish anecdotes, for instance how to take action against wastage of foodstuff, how to use the street theatre against ostracism, a term which means social exclusion, actions against genetic engineering which destroys the conventional „countrified“ agriculture and the natural biodiversity. And the young woman has decided to feed herself with food that was discarded by others, collected in containers. We remember ... how was it with the mustard seed...? Behold - staff members of the Evangelical Church in Togo. They are builders of bridges between churches in the North and in the South, translators between the world of faith and the world of politics, hopefully fighting against repression and resignation. They observe the authoritative behavior of the political rulers and the quarreling of the opposition. Beyond all, they reassure us: „It is worthwhile to introduce faith into the life of the nation, faith in honesty, faith in justice and faith in reconciliation“. We remember ... how was it with the mustard seed...? Behold - a financial service in Cologne, run by women. They provide advice to men and women, advice relating to individual provision for old age, monetary investments that are ecologically responsible, tax systems that are fair and just. Their declared objective is to combine solidarity with one's own employment. There are, indeed, capitalists who use their earnings, instead of reinvesting them, for the fight against poverty and distress. We remember...how was it with the mustard seed...? There is a woman in Ho, Ghana, who has been caring for children for many years, children who have no home, who earn their subsistence as bearers in the market and, in the night, as watchmen of the market stalls – they have no roof over their heads. In the afternoon, she takes the time to assemble the children for playing, she helps them with their homework, she provides a warm meal for them and prays with them. Young volunteers from Germany assist her and enable these children and adolescents to go to school. We remember ... how was it with the mustard seed...? In the middle of Hamburg, the metropolis, there is a project named „bread and roses“: a house of hospitality where again and again homeless persons find a home for the day where they can catch their breath, where they can orientate themselves, develop new perspectives for life for themselves. We remember ... how was it with the mustard seed...?

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God's kingdom – there are projects for unemployed adolescents in a small city in Germany or in a village in West Africa. Surprisingly, young people discover their abilities and talents and the purpose of their lives. Initiated by unemployed Germans or by the Protestant female solidarity in Togo and Ghana, youngsters discover new perspectives for shaping their lives successfully. We remember ... how was it with the mustard seed...? Growth? No problem! We learn from the mustard seed: once it has been sown … we do not have to worry about its growth, says Jesus. The seed germinates and grows all by itself, we do not know, how. But we do know: once the fruit is ripe, the sickle will be put to the crop; because the time of harvest has come (Mk. 4, 26 ff). And, this is what I want to add, it will be reason for rejoicing! Because at that time things will come to light that were hidden before. „Pay attention! Listen!“: Proverbs of the big wide world such as the one saying that he who is rich will receive more whereas the belongings of the one who is poor will be taken away from him – the day will come when such calculations will no longer apply because they were made without the landlord, without God. „Pay attention!“ Use your ears to listen to the words that are there to hear. (Mk 4, 22 ff). The small mustard seed has already been sown, has taken roots and will overshadow anything that at present seems to be big. At one time, when Jesus was asked when God's kingdom was supposed to arrive, he answered: „Behold, the kingdom of God is already in the midst of you.“ (Lk 17, 21).

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Participatory Action during the Service The Kingdom of God is like … Jesus tells in parables from the Kingdom of God. Language images shall illustrate how people can imagine God’s presence in the world, another possible world. Confirmands from the Oldenburg Church, Germany, have thought about parables of the Kingdom of God. They tried to put into pictures their idea of the Kingdom of God. Some of these pictures are printed here. Theology students and teachers in Peki, Ghana, also have found their language: African proverbs are deeply filled with wisdom about how God lives with the mankind. Some of them have been gathered by us, too. We would like to ask you in this service to form small groups of three or four people and to think (in “murmuring”) about your idea of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is like … The results of the groups can either be written or drawn on small postcards. The Kingdom of God is like … Or the Pastor passes through the rows with a radio microphone and asks some people for their ideas. The Kingdom of God is like … (In the annex we have gathered some associations and executed texts of personal ideas and short stories of the Kingdom of God. They may serve as an example. Attached also please find a teaching unit for confirmands that can be used to prepare this service.)

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The kingdom of God is like …

Page 18: … in our midst - Norddeutsche Mission...in leadership position exercise his authority in the fear of the Lord. May humility and Christ -likeness be evident in our lives. May we eschew

L7wo kat7ã 5e fia enye Dzata eye togb4 be ele gbeme h7ã la ahlL7wo kat7ã 5e fia enye Dzata eye togb4 be ele gbeme h7ã la ahlL7wo kat7ã 5e fia enye Dzata eye togb4 be ele gbeme h7ã la ahlL7wo kat7ã 5e fia enye Dzata eye togb4 be ele gbeme h7ã la ahl----1 1 1 1 tsina.tsina.tsina.tsina.

“Even though the lion, king of all animals lives in the same forest, vulnerable “Even though the lion, king of all animals lives in the same forest, vulnerable “Even though the lion, king of all animals lives in the same forest, vulnerable “Even though the lion, king of all animals lives in the same forest, vulnerable

animals such as the antelope also grow up in the same forest.animals such as the antelope also grow up in the same forest.animals such as the antelope also grow up in the same forest.animals such as the antelope also grow up in the same forest.

Moral Lesson: The proverb teaches complete trust, care and protection of the Almighty. Trials, problems and sufferings may come, but the providential umbrella of the Almighty is over every creature. This proverb is an encouragement to the individual African child throughout life; for, the one who endures trials wins the eternal crown.

Atadi bia h7ã `Atadi bia h7ã `Atadi bia h7ã `Atadi bia h7ã `ÅÅÅÅ le le le le eme.eme.eme.eme. “There are worms even in a ripe pepper“.“There are worms even in a ripe pepper“.“There are worms even in a ripe pepper“.“There are worms even in a ripe pepper“.

Moral Lesson: The African short pepper is very hot; because of its hotness, no one expects any living thing to reside in it; but worms are found in it always. The world with its hostile forces represent the “ripe pepper“; despite these hostile forces, humankind is providentially preserved in it. Trust in the Almighty God, makes the difference. You always have your peace now and in the world to come.

L7 asike kpo, Mawug7 ny7a tagbatsutsu n1.L7 asike kpo, Mawug7 ny7a tagbatsutsu n1.L7 asike kpo, Mawug7 ny7a tagbatsutsu n1.L7 asike kpo, Mawug7 ny7a tagbatsutsu n1.

“The animal “The animal “The animal “The animal without a tail, it is God Himself that drives away flies for it“.without a tail, it is God Himself that drives away flies for it“.without a tail, it is God Himself that drives away flies for it“.without a tail, it is God Himself that drives away flies for it“.

Moral Lesson: Animals usually use their tails for protection just as human beings depend a lot on their relatives for support. Yet some animals have no tails, or even if they have, the tails are very short. These are the orphans, the widows and the destitutes whose hope is in the Almighty God.

Agben4xevi metsia fu mato o.Agben4xevi metsia fu mato o.Agben4xevi metsia fu mato o.Agben4xevi metsia fu mato o. “The bird that is destined to live will grow feathers by all means“.“The bird that is destined to live will grow feathers by all means“.“The bird that is destined to live will grow feathers by all means“.“The bird that is destined to live will grow feathers by all means“.

Moral Lesson: The protection of the vulnerable is always in the hand of God. You have your peace when your hope is in Him. The English proverb which is equivalent to this is, “Providence tempers the wind for the shorn lamb“. This

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proverb affirms faith in God‘s unfailing and sustaining power for humankind now and forever.

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Page 21: … in our midst - Norddeutsche Mission...in leadership position exercise his authority in the fear of the Lord. May humility and Christ -likeness be evident in our lives. May we eschew
Page 22: … in our midst - Norddeutsche Mission...in leadership position exercise his authority in the fear of the Lord. May humility and Christ -likeness be evident in our lives. May we eschew

Short stories on the subject of the Kingdom of God

Winning heaven and hell

One day, a rabbi asked God to let him see heaven and hell. God permitted it and engaged the prophet Elijah to be the rabbi’s guide. First of all, Elijah led him to a large room in whose centre there was a pot on fire containing a delicious meal. People with long spoons were sitting around it, ladling out of the pot. But they all looked pale, skinny and miserable. That was because the handles of their spoons were much too long, so that they could not get the wonderful food into their mouths. Outside, the rabbi asked the prophet, what that strange kind of place was called. It was hell. Then Elijah led the rabbi into a second room, which looked exactly like the first one. In the middle of the room, a fire was burning, on which a delicious meal had been cooked. People were sitting around it with long spoons in their hands. They, however, were all well-nourished, healthy and happy. They did not try to feed themselves, but used the long spoons to feed each other. This room was heaven. “How wonderful it is, how pleasant, for God’s people to live together in harmony! That is where the Lord has promised his blessing – life that never ends.” (Psalm 133,1+3) (Source: Axel Kühner, Überlebensgeschichten für jeden Tag (survival stories for every day), publisher: Aussaat Verlag)

We just sell the seed In his dream, a young man entered a shop. An angel stood behind the counter. Eagerly, the young man asked, “What do you sell, Sir?” The angel answered in a friendly voice, “Whatever it is you want to buy.” The young man began to list, “In that case I would like wars all over the world to end, better living conditions for the underprivileged, the disappearance of slum areas in Latin America, jobs for the unemployed, more companionship and love within the Church and … and …” But the angel interrupted him, “I am sorry, young man, you misunderstood. We do not sell the fruit, we just sell the seed.”

(Source unknown)

Page 23: … in our midst - Norddeutsche Mission...in leadership position exercise his authority in the fear of the Lord. May humility and Christ -likeness be evident in our lives. May we eschew

AFRICAN PROVERBS AND THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH African proverbs can be extremely useful and effective for many purposes, particularly using them as tools for teaching moral and social values, and how to conduct oneself successfully in life. Proverbs are short and not easily forgettable and they are also popular for the humor they create. Moreover, they provoke vivid images in the mind, such that things that are otherwise abstract and difficult to grasp become relatively easy to understand. Proverbs have the power to change people‘s conduct, because the truths portrayed in them are so plain and unchallengeable that those who understand the morals and advice they contain, feel compelled to conduct their lives in the manner prescribed in the proverbs by the wise elders of old. Jesus Himself used many proverbs to teach his followers. In Africa today, there is moral degeneration needing social reform, thus the use of proverbs will bring the needed education. Since it is the concern of the church to teach morals, African proverbs will continue to be invaluable and most unavoidable in preaching and teaching. The use of proverbs in teaching and preaching will affect the spiritual, moral and social lives of the people. THE AFRICAN VISION AND HOPE FOR THE KINGDOM

The African believes that the Almighty God has great power and He is above everything. If your hope is in Him, you have peace on this earth now and in the world to come. These ideas are illustrated in proverbs such as the following:

L7wo kat7ã 5e fia enye Dzata eye togb4 be ele gbeme h7ã la ahlL7wo kat7ã 5e fia enye Dzata eye togb4 be ele gbeme h7ã la ahlL7wo kat7ã 5e fia enye Dzata eye togb4 be ele gbeme h7ã la ahlL7wo kat7ã 5e fia enye Dzata eye togb4 be ele gbeme h7ã la ahl----1 tsina.1 tsina.1 tsina.1 tsina. Literally it means “even though the lion, king of all animals lives in the same forest, vulnerable animals such as the antelope also grow up in the same forest.

Agbe le Agbe le Agbe le Agbe le `̀̀̀g4 eyata agbe la 2ee won4 n1 wo me 2u ng4 eyata agbe la 2ee won4 n1 wo me 2u ng4 eyata agbe la 2ee won4 n1 wo me 2u ng4 eyata agbe la 2ee won4 n1 wo me 2u nε o.o.o.o. Literally it means “there is life ahead; therefore we live this life responsibly.

Atadi bia h7ã `Atadi bia h7ã `Atadi bia h7ã `Atadi bia h7ã `ÅÅÅÅ le eme.le eme.le eme.le eme. Literally it means “there are worms even in a ripe pepper“.

L7 asike kpo, Mawug7 ny7a tagbatsutsu n1.L7 asike kpo, Mawug7 ny7a tagbatsutsu n1.L7 asike kpo, Mawug7 ny7a tagbatsutsu n1.L7 asike kpo, Mawug7 ny7a tagbatsutsu n1.

Literally it means “the animal without a tail, it is God Himself that drives away flies for it“.

Agben4xevi metsia fu mato o.Agben4xevi metsia fu mato o.Agben4xevi metsia fu mato o.Agben4xevi metsia fu mato o. Literally it means “the bird that is destined to live will grow feathers by all means“.

Page 24: … in our midst - Norddeutsche Mission...in leadership position exercise his authority in the fear of the Lord. May humility and Christ -likeness be evident in our lives. May we eschew

Theological Reflections Visions of (for) the Kingdom of God What is the Ghanaian Vision and Hope of (for) the Kingdom of God? The Ghanaian Christian‘s Vision of the Kingdom of God is a place of total peace, joy and everlasting life, where there is neither suffering nor pain, The first or usual inclination is to see it in the future, most often after life here on earth.

• People seldom consider it as a possibility in present life.

• In other words, quite a number of people do not consider it as a reality in current life. They think about it from the eschatological point of view. It is a realm in which people are rewarded for their good deeds on earth.

Dr. Mrs. Ben-Naimah The Ghanaian believes in the kingdom of God and views it as the world hereafter. He/she believes that it is a peaceful, joyous and happy place, a final destination for Christians. The Ghanaian‘s vision and hope is to do the will of God in order to leave this wicked world, full of trouble, pain, suffering and all negative activities to the Kingdom of God where there will be no more pain, sorrow or death.

Rev. Mrs. A. Afele Ghanaians believe that the kingdom of God is in heaven. Some believe the kingdom of God is in Jerusalem, a place where people will be free from economic hardships and social problems. A place where there will be peace, love and perfect rest. Some believe only the rich will enter heaven, a place for believers and faithful Christians only. There is no death in Heaven. Our Vision is to reach all men for Christ, preach the good news to the poor, release the oppressed and proclaim what we have seen and heard so that they may fellowship with us. It is to call men back to Christ that is to bring them out of darkness into the light. Through this there would be love amongst men, bringing peace on earth and eternal life for the individual in fulfillment of God‘s promise to man.

Douglas Asamany

Page 25: … in our midst - Norddeutsche Mission...in leadership position exercise his authority in the fear of the Lord. May humility and Christ -likeness be evident in our lives. May we eschew

When somebody asks me to define my conception of God's kingdom, keeping in mind the diversity of religions, the very first image that appears before my eyes is the image of an empire, a kingdom, in which God rules as the righteous king, dominating the whole realm in which people live together in peace, people of different races, genders, religions and ideologies, people who experience justice, peace and salvation coming from God. This is a domain in space that has been created by God. A mental picture appears before my eyes, a picture of a feast that is open to everyone, as described in the parable in Luke 14,15-24, and in psalm 133,1: „How good and pleasant it is when people live together in unity!“ God invites all people to this feast, the followers of theistic and non-theistic religions, and He proclaims a celebration of life for the whole creation. God offers His kingdom to all people in commensality meaning the act of eating and drinking together, He enables the invited people to experience His lordship in love and confidence, together with all other guests. The experience of God's justice is shared by all, each person has equal rights, having been invited to the table. Everybody has the same chance to participate in the resources, to shape his or her own life. This means that God's justice is experienced in connection with social justice; as a central point, one conceives not the receipt of resources but the sharing of resources and the freedom in shaping one's own life. Therefore, what happens at this table is a dynamic process, a process that is dominated by an important rule: the rule to communicate with „guests“ with different religious backgrounds. This is my personal vision.

Aguswati Hildebrandt Rambe

Page 26: … in our midst - Norddeutsche Mission...in leadership position exercise his authority in the fear of the Lord. May humility and Christ -likeness be evident in our lives. May we eschew

Teaching Unit for Confirmands “The Kingdom of God – multifarious, manifold and where we find it” Starting/Impulse → Distribution of mustard seeds What is it actually? What could arise from it? Grass? Flower? Tree? Transfer: Mustard seed – Kingdom of God The parable of the mustard seed The Kingdom of God can be compared to a tiny mustard seed. At the beginning it is very small. If it is sown into fertile soil it grows up quickly and grows higher than all the other shrubs. It gets strong branches in which birds can seek for shelter or even build their nests. (according to Mark 4.30-32) Exercise In order to find out what Jesus wants to tell the people through the parable of the mustard seed the parable can be translated. Copy out the table into your exercise book and correctly assign the statements out of the box below. Everyday experience Transfer: Meaning for the Kingdom of God the mustard see is sown small at the beginning fertile soil infertile soil grows up birds find shelter and build nests Summary People listen to the Word of God; people find support in their life, the Kingdom of God spreads more and more: The Word of God comes into the world through Jesus; only a few followers at the beginning, but their number increases steadily. Looking for pictures for the Kingdom of God → Confirmands set off with their mobile phones or cameras to find pictures for the Kingdom of God. → Presentation → What are my ideas of the Kingdom of God? What is it like? What isn’t there at all? → Circle in which the different ideas and opinions are stuck on with post-its.

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