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In today’s world of “Hyper-change” it takes Speed, Adaptability, Innovation, and a hair-trigger

responsiveness to the rapidly changing marketplace.

People need to be aligned, moving in the same direction. Energy needs to be focused on moving forward, instead of protecting the past or defending the status quo.

Top to bottom, wall to wall, people need to stop resisting and start driving change.

The Real

ConsumerMike Hetherman

The Real Consumer

Today’s objectives,Where are we? Thought starters.Overcoming the Fear of ChangeWhat Women Want!Share and Have Fun!



Thought Starters

If we went into stores only when we needed to buy something and if once there we bought only what we needed, the economy would collapse. BOOM

–Paco Underhill, Why we Buy

Conversion rate is a critically important measure of performance. Marketing, Advertising, Promotion and Location can bring shoppers in, but ,

then it’s the job of the merchandise, the employees and the store itself to turn them into buyers.

Thought Starters

Conversion Rate is to Retail

what Batting Average is to


Thought Starters

How Does Your Company Look

in the Eyes of the Consumer?

Thought Starters

How does Your Company Look

Start 1/2 a block awayStand 100 feet awayGet up close, look in all windows

Now, Go inside……Yikes!

If a store sets itself up to educate shoppers, even just a little, a certain number of customers will spend more than what is absolutely necessary.

Thought Starters

If given the choice between three products and given the right information, the consumer will at least have a sensible reason for choosing the better item.

Educate them!!

Thought Starters

Are the Interests of the Seller and Buyer at Odds

with Each Other?

They shouldn’t be, but they often are!

Thought Starters

Do most salespeople stop trying and suggesting too soon, losing the sales of accessories and add-ons, many of which are high margin items. The rule should be “ Keep selling (gently of course) until the customer says no

Thought Starters

In a World where Marketing Focuses on Strategy, is it fair to say that

TACTICS are being ignored.

Thought Starters

The Fear of Change

The Fear of Change

Who Moved


The Fear of Change

In today’s world of “Hyper-change” it takes Speed, Adaptability, Innovation, and a hair-trigger responsiveness to the rapidly changing marketplace.

People need to be aligned, moving in the same direction. Energy needs to be focused on moving forward, instead of protecting the past or defending the status quo. Top to bottom, wall to wall, people need to stop resisting and start driving change.

WhatWomen Want.

What Woman Want

What happened to “Joe’s Hardware” Dead! What happened to his store? Dead! Who killed him?


Shopping is inherently FemaleStudies show two women shopping

together spend more time and money then women alone.

Women buy or influence the purchases of 80 - 90% of all consumer goods.

What industry has over 7 million female salespeople?

What Woman Want

What Woman Want

Door to Door

Tupperware, Pampered Chef Candle parties

It’s time to go to the Home and get direct with her and her friends.

What Woman Want

Is it fair to say with Men it is about the destination

and for Women it is

about the Journey

Destination vs The Journey

What Woman Want

One of the keys to any business success is how you differentiate your goods and services. In the future it won’t just be about the components you bring together but how you bring Women together.

Women are three times more likely to recommend brands than men

What Woman Want

Yankelovich says” 70% of women believe they learn the most about a new product from someone who already owns one.

Support a community of women - Cause marketing

Three Key names Oprah, Rosie, MarthaWhen was the last time you took a

women out from your company and just Listened and Listened

What Woman Want

The power of the Touch and FeelAlmost all unplanned buying is a

result of Touching, Hearing, Smelling or Tasting something on the premises of a store --- which is why merchandising can be more powerful than marketing.

We buy things today more than ever based on Trial and Touch

What Woman Want

Now, Why might somebody wish to touch something before buying it? There are plenty of practical reasons, the most obvious being that if a product’s tactile qualities are important, we must know how it will feel.

What Woman Want

Possession begins when the shopper’s senses start to latch onto the object. It begins in the eyes then the touch. Once the thing is in your hands you have begun the process of taking it. Paying for it is a mere technicality. SO, the sooner we can get them to touch the product the easier it is to change ownership from seller to buyer. That’s Shopping.

What Woman Want

Are we truly qualified to connect women to each other or do we need a

dedicated Female Marketer in the Enterprise

to lead the way?

What Woman Want


enough about women!!!

Here is the tip for selling to men

The tip for selling to men

Create graphic devices, like displays and posters, showing steps that go into making

the furniture, and visuals, like cross sections and exploded views, to prove that in

addition to looking good, the pieces were well made. Emphasizing construction

would do a lot towards overcoming Male resistance to the cost of premium products


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