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Page 1: In vitro assay using engineered yeast vacuoles for …In vitro assay using engineered yeast vacuoles for neuronal SNARE-mediated membrane fusion Young-Joon Koa,1, Miriam Leea,1, KyeongJin

In vitro assay using engineered yeast vacuoles forneuronal SNARE-mediated membrane fusionYoung-Joon Koa,1, Miriam Leea,1, KyeongJin Kangb, Woo Keun Songa, and Youngsoo Juna,2

aCell Dynamics Research Center and Bio-imaging Research Center, School of Life Sciences, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju 500-712,Republic of Korea; and bSamsung Biomedical Research Institute and Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, School of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University,Suwon 440-746, Republic of Korea

Edited* by William T. Wickner, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH, and approved April 23, 2014 (received for review January 2, 2014)

Intracellular membrane fusion requires not only SNARE proteinsbut also other regulatory proteins such as the Rab and Sec1/Munc18 (SM) family proteins. Although neuronal SNARE proteinsalone can drive the fusion between synthetic liposomes, it remainsunclear whether they are also sufficient to induce the fusion ofbiological membranes. Here, through the use of engineered yeastvacuoles bearing neuronal SNARE proteins, we show that neuro-nal SNAREs can induce membrane fusion between yeast vacuolesand that this fusion does not require the function of the Rabprotein Ypt7p or the SM family protein Vps33p, both of which areessential for normal yeast vacuole fusion. Although excess vacu-olar SNARE proteins were also shown to mediate Rab-bypassfusion, this fusion required homotypic fusion and vacuole proteinsorting complex, which bears Vps33p and was accompanied byextensive membrane lysis. We also show that this neuronalSNARE-driven vacuole fusion can be stimulated by the neuronalSM protein Munc18 and blocked by botulinum neurotoxin sero-type E, a well-known inhibitor of synaptic vesicle fusion. Takentogether, our results suggest that neuronal SNARE proteins aresufficient to induce biological membrane fusion, and that this newassay can be used as a simple and complementary method forinvestigating synaptic vesicle fusion mechanisms.

Membrane fusion mediates a variety of biological processes,such as fertilization and cell growth, hormone secretion,

neurotransmission, nutrient uptake, and viral infection (1).Vesicle trafficking between organelles, a major tool for intra-cellular transport of materials, is also regulated by membranefusion: Membrane fusion between transport vesicles and targetcompartments releases the cargo stored in the vesicles into thelumen of the compartments. To maintain the unique chemicalenvironment of each organelle, biological membrane fusionoccurs with spatiotemporal precision but without leakage of theluminal contents. This nature of biological membrane fusionmay be achieved through the cooperation of various proteins,such as Rab GTPases and their effectors, SNARE [soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) attachment protein (SNAP)receptor] proteins, and SNARE chaperones (2, 3). SNAREproteins bring two membrane bilayers into close proximity, whichpromotes the fusion of the apposed membranes (4, 5). The mo-lecular mechanism by which SNARE proteins mediate membranefusion has been intensively studied in synaptic vesicle fusion, whichmediates neurotransmission at the synapse, whereby neurotrans-mitters released by presynaptic neurons are recognized by theirreceptors on postsynaptic neurons (6, 7). Depolarization of pre-synaptic nerve terminals by an action potential opens Ca2+ chan-nels in the presynaptic membrane. Ca2+ influx into the presynapticcell then triggers membrane fusion between the presynapticplasma membrane and synaptic vesicles, leading to the releaseof neurotransmitter. Synaptic vesicle fusion is mediated by threeneuronal SNARE proteins: syntaxin, SNAP25, and synaptobrevin(also referred to as VAMP). Synaptobrevin and syntaxin-1 eachcontain one SNARE motif, whereas SNAP25 contains two. OneSNARE motif from synaptobrevin (v-SNARE) on a synaptic ves-icle and three SNARE motifs provided by syntaxin-1 and SNAP25

(t-SNAREs) from the plasma membrane assemble into a tighttrans-SNARE complex that brings the two membranes into closeapposition. This close apposition, in turn, induces lipid bilayermerging, thus releasing neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft.In addition to the neuronal SNARE proteins, many other

regulatory proteins, such as Munc18 and synaptotagmin, arerequired for synaptic vesicle fusion in vivo (8, 9). Munc18,a member of the Sec1/Munc18 (SM) protein family, seems toplay a variety of roles in synaptic vesicle fusion. First, Munc18binds to free syntaxin molecules and keeps them in a closed,inactive state, helping to prevent the formation of prematureSNARE complexes (10, 11). Additionally, Munc18 interacts withthe syntaxin molecule within assembled t-SNARE complexes,guiding them in a manner conducive to productive trans-SNAREcomplex formation, which triggers membrane fusion (12). Neu-ronal synaptotagmin, anchored to synaptic vesicles, functions asa calcium sensor for synaptic vesicle fusion (9, 13, 14). Althoughits mode of action is not yet fully defined, calcium binding tosynaptotagmin triggers synaptic vesicle fusion. Despite the im-portance of these and many other proteins for synaptic vesiclefusion, the three neuronal SNARE proteins are thought toconstitute the minimal components sufficient to drive membranefusion: On their own, they can induce fusion between proteoli-posomes carrying both syntaxin and SNAP25 and those recon-stituted with synaptobrevin (15). Although these reconstitutionexperiments strongly support the concept that neuronal SNAREproteins suffice to induce membrane fusion, it is still unclearwhether they can also induce fusion between biological mem-branes for the following reasons: (i) Liposome fusion, unlikebiological membrane fusion, is intrinsically promiscuous: Evenprotein-free liposomes can fuse under certain conditions (16).(ii) Liposome fusion assays often rely on detection of lipidmixing, which can occur without content mixing. Liposome rupture(17) or clustering without fusion (18) can generate false-positivesignals. (iii) Finally, because detergent is used to reconstitute


Although synaptic vesicle fusion plays a crucial role in neuro-transmission, studies of its molecular mechanisms have reliedheavily on the use of artificial liposomes reconstituted withrecombinantly expressed proteins. In this study, we establishan in vitro assay using engineered yeast vacuoles bearingneuronal SNAREs for measuring neuronal SNARE-mediatedmembrane fusion and show that this assay provides a simpleand independent means of investigating synaptic vesiclefusion mechanisms.

Author contributions: Y.-J.K., M.L., and Y.J. designed research; Y.-J.K., M.L., K.K., and Y.J.performed research; W.K.S. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; Y.-J.K., M.L., K.K.,W.K.S., and Y.J. analyzed data; and Y.-J.K., M.L., and Y.J. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

*This Direct Submission article had a prearranged editor.1Y.-J.K. and M.L. contributed equally to this work.2To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].

This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1400036111/-/DCSupplemental.

www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1400036111 PNAS | May 27, 2014 | vol. 111 | no. 21 | 7677–7682







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Page 2: In vitro assay using engineered yeast vacuoles for …In vitro assay using engineered yeast vacuoles for neuronal SNARE-mediated membrane fusion Young-Joon Koa,1, Miriam Leea,1, KyeongJin

SNARE proteins into liposomes, the potential presence of residualdetergent, which affects the integrity of liposomes and their lipidmixing, cannot be completely excluded.Homotypic yeast vacuole fusion has been used to study

membrane fusion mechanisms (19–21). In vitro assays usingisolated yeast vacuoles have been established that measure themixing of vacuole luminal compartments (22, 23). The fusion ofisolated yeast vacuoles in vitro is mediated by evolutionarilyconserved membrane fusion machinery, which involves not onlySNARE proteins but also Rab and SM proteins. In this study, toaddress whether neuronal SNARE proteins are sufficient to in-duce biological membrane fusion, we engineered the buddingyeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to express neuronal SNAREproteins in vacuoles. Using these yeast vacuoles, we then showthat neuronal SNARE proteins can induce vacuole fusion ina Rab- and SM protein-independent manner.

ResultsExpression of Neuronal SNARE Proteins on Yeast Vacuoles. The invitro assay for homotypic yeast vacuole fusion has been used tostudy the molecular mechanisms of endomembrane fusion (1,20). To measure fusion, vacuoles are isolated from the two yeaststrains DKY6281 and BJ3505. The strain DKY6281 containsnormal vacuolar proteases but lacks the major vacuolar phos-phatase encoded by the PHO8 gene. The strain BJ3505 carriesthe wild-type PHO8 gene but lacks genes encoding the majorvacuolar proteases that activate the Pho8p phosphatase. Thus,vacuoles isolated from BJ3505 or DKY6281 lack the catalyticallyactive form of Pho8p. However, fusion between these twovacuoles allows proteases to gain access to pro-Pho8p, generat-ing active Pho8p, which can be assayed colorimetrically. On thebasis of this assay, we attempted to develop an assay for mea-suring vacuole membrane fusion driven by the neuronal SNAREproteins, syntaxin-1, SNAP25, and synaptobrevin-2 (Fig. 1A).To this end, we used BJ3505 and DKY6281 to genetically engi-neer the tester yeast strains, BJ3505 expressing the neuronalv-SNARE synaptobrevin-2 (BJ3505-Syb2) and DKY6281 express-ing the neuronal t-SNAREs syntaxin-1 and SNAP25 (DKY6281-Stx1/S25). Because a subset of mammalian membrane pro-teins were reported to traffic to the vacuole when ectopicallyexpressed in yeast cells (24), we used the constitutively strongADH1 promoter to overexpress the neuronal SNARE proteinsand examined whether a portion of the proteins were localized tothe vacuole. As shown in Fig. 1B, all neuronal SNARE proteinsexpressed in yeast were detected on the vacuoles purified fromBJ3505-Syb2 and DKY6281-Stx1/S25. SNAP25 lacks a trans-membrane domain but is palmitoylated on its cysteine cluster forstable membrane association in neurons. Triton X-114 parti-tioning analysis indicates that yeast-expressed SNAP25 is alsopalmitoylated (Fig. S1). Because yeast vacuoles can fuse witheach other via their own membrane fusion machinery, the geneencoding Nyv1p, the essential v-SNARE for homotypic vacuolefusion, was deleted from the tester strains to block normal vac-uole fusion. In BJ3505-Syb2, Snc2p, the yeast ortholog of syn-aptobrevin-2, was also deleted because Snc2p, which is found onvacuoles (25), may replace the function of synaptobrevin-2 byinteracting with its cognate t-SNAREs, syntaxin-1 and SNAP25.Because the molar ratio of SNARE proteins to lipid was shownto be a critical determinant of the rate and extent of neuronalSNARE-mediated fusion, BJ3505-Syb2 nyv1Δ snc2Δ (BJ-Syb2),and DKY6281-Stx1/S25 nyv1Δ (DKY-Stx1/S25) vacuoles wereanalyzed for lipid phosphorous and for each of the neuronalSNARE proteins (Table S1). Concentrations of these proteinswere between 2- and 50-fold higher than those of yeast vacuolarSNARE proteins on wild-type vacuoles, but much lower thanconcentrations of neuronal SNARE proteins found physiologi-cally: The molar ratio of synaptobrevin-2 to lipid (1:25,900) inBJ-Syb2 vacuoles was two orders of magnitude lower than thaton purified synaptic vesicles (1:200) (26).

Neuronal SNARE Proteins Support nyv1Δ Vacuole Fusion. To examinewhether the neuronal SNARE proteins expressed on the vacuolecan support the fusion of Nyv1p-deficient vacuoles, vacuoleswere isolated from BJ-Syb2 and DKY-Stx1/S25 and mixed to-gether. After 90-min incubation at 27 °C in the absence of ATP,the activity of mature Pho8p was measured (Fig. 1A). As shownin Fig. 1C (black bars) and Fig. S2, incubation of BJ-Syb2vacuoles with DKY-Stx1/S25 vacuoles at 27 °C (Fig. 1C, bar 8),but not on ice (bar 4), resulted in mature Pho8p activity, in-dicating that the neuronal SNARE proteins support the fusion ofNyv1p-deficient vacuoles. This fusion signal was not diminishedby inhibitory antibodies against the vacuolar t-SNARE Vam3p(bar 12), which is essential for vacuole fusion, but was completelyblocked by the addition of the cytoplasmic domain of synapto-brevin-2 (Syb2-CD; bar 16), which competes with vacuole-boundsynaptobrevin-2 for the vacuolar syntaxin-1 and SNAP25 (15), orby a phosphorylated phosphatidylinositol ligand, MARCKS ef-fector domain (MED; bar 20) (27). By contrast, no fusion wasobserved between BJ3505 nyv1Δ snc2Δ and DKY6281 nyv1Δvacuoles, between BJ-Syb2 and DKY6281 nyv1Δ vacuoles, orbetween BJ3505 nyv1Δ snc2Δ and DKY-Stx1/S25 vacuoles (Fig.1C, bars 5–7). Furthermore, neither DKY-Stx1 nor DKY-S25vacuoles supported fusion with BJ-Syb2 vacuoles (Fig. S3), sug-gesting that both neuronal t-SNAREs are required for fusionand that vacuolar t-SNAREs cannot substitute for neuronalt-SNAREs. Thus, these results indicate that the fusion was me-diated by trans interaction between the neuronal t-SNAREs fromDKY-Stx1/S25 vacuoles and the neuronal v-SNARE from BJ-Syb2 vacuoles, but not by interaction between endogenousSNARE proteins on the vacuole or between the neuronalSNARE proteins from one vacuole and yeast vacuolar SNAREproteins from another (Fig. 1C, compare bars 5–8).

Fig. 1. Neuronal SNARE proteins can support nyv1Δ vacuole fusion. (A)Assay schematic; see Results for details. BJ3505 nyv1Δ snc2Δ vacuoles over-expressing synaptobrevin-2 (BJ-Syb2) and DKY6281 nyv1Δ vacuoles over-expressing both syntaxin-1 and SNAP25 (DKY-Stx1/S25) were used to assayneuronal SNARE-mediated vacuole fusion (Methods). (B) Expression ofneuronal SNARE proteins on yeast vacuoles, as revealed by immunoblotting.(C) Fusion requires synaptobrevin-2 on one vacuole and syntaxin-1/SNAP25on the other. Vacuoles were purified from the yeast strains indicated andincubated in fusion reaction buffer without ATP at 27 °C. After 90 min, ALPactivity was measured. The data represent mean ± SEM (n = 3).

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Page 3: In vitro assay using engineered yeast vacuoles for …In vitro assay using engineered yeast vacuoles for neuronal SNARE-mediated membrane fusion Young-Joon Koa,1, Miriam Leea,1, KyeongJin

Neuronal SNARE-Driven Vacuole Fusion Bypasses the Requirementfor Ypt7p and Vps33p. Homotypic yeast vacuole fusion involvespriming, docking, and bilayer fusion/compartment mixing. Dur-ing priming, Sec18p (the yeast ortholog of mammalian NSF) andits cochaperone Sec17p (the yeast ortholog of mammalianα-SNAP) disassemble cis-SNARE complexes into individualSNARE proteins (28). Vacuole docking requires the Ypt7pGTPase and its effector complex, homotypic fusion and vacuoleprotein sorting complex (HOPS). HOPS is a heterohexamericcomplex of Vps11, Vps16, Vps18, Vps33, Vps39, and Vps41subunits that binds selectively to GTP-bound Ypt7p (29). Be-cause Ypt7p and the HOPS subunit Vps33p, a member of theSM protein family, are prerequisites for the assembly of trans-SNARE complexes between apposed vacuoles and subsequentvacuolar membrane fusion (30), they may also be required forneuronal SNARE-driven vacuole fusion. To test this possibility,we used two Ypt7p inhibitors: an inhibitory antibody specific toYpt7p and GDI/Gyp1-46p, which efficiently inactivates andremoves Ypt7p from vacuolar membranes (31, 32), and an anti-Vps33p antibody (29). Although these inhibitors completelyprevented homotypic yeast vacuole fusion as reported (2) (Fig.2A, gray bars), neuronal SNARE-driven vacuole fusion wascompletely resistant to these inhibitors (black bars), stronglysuggesting that the neuronal SNARE-driven vacuolar membranefusion occurs independently of the Ypt7p/Vps33p-mediateddocking step. Although neuronal SNARE-driven vacuole fusiondid not require a Rab-mediated docking step, it was anticipatedthat physical contact between vacuoles would still be required forfusion. As expected, 20-fold dilution of fusion reactions mark-edly inhibited fusion (Fig. 2B and Fig. S4).

Neuronal SNAREs Can Induce Biological Membrane Fusion WithoutMassive Content Leakage. Yeast vacuolar SNARE proteins over-expressed on vacuoles support Rab-bypass fusion but, at the sametime, drive membrane lysis, thus resulting in massive content leak-age (2). Similarly, in neuronal SNARE-mediated liposome fusionassays, the protein-to-lipid ratios required for lipid mixing oftenleads to liposome leakiness (17). The content leakiness of mem-brane-enclosed compartments containing excess SNARE pro-teins may be attributed to the tendency of the transmembraneregions of neuronal SNARE proteins to destabilize lipid bilayers(33). Although the neuronal SNARE proteins on vacuoles aresignificantly less abundant than those on the proteoliposomesused in most studies (17, 34), these proteins are 2- to 48-foldmore abundant than yeast SNARE proteins found on nativevacuoles (Table S1) (35). Thus, to test whether neuronalSNARE-mediated vacuole fusion is accompanied by contentleakage, we genetically targeted green fluorescent protein(GFP) to the vacuolar lumen of the yeast strain BJ-Syb2,generating BJ-Syb2-GFP. By incubating BJ-Syb2-GFP vacu-oles with DKY-Stx1/S25 vacuoles in the fusion reaction de-scribed above, we were able to assay for fusion and lysis bymeasuring Pho8p activity and the level of extravacuolar GFP,respectively (2). Consistent with previous observations (2), somelysis occurred during vacuole isolation (Fig. 2C, bar 6), and a lowrate of further lysis occurred during incubation at 27 °C (bar 8).Interestingly, however, this lysis did not depend on fusionbecause it still occurred when fusion was completely inhibitedby Syb2-CD (compare bars 8 and 10). By contrast, when fusionwas stimulated by the addition of 5 μM his6-SNAP25, some fu-sion-dependent lysis occurred (compare bars 14 and 16), con-sistent with the previous finding that the addition of Vam7p,a vacuolar t-SNARE, promoted fusion-dependent lysis duringnormal vacuole fusion (2). Thus, these results suggest thatneuronal SNARE proteins can induce biological membranefusion at the SNARE protein level that would not lead to mas-sive membrane rupture.

Botulinum Neurotoxin Inhibits Neuronal SNARE-Mediated Vacuole Fusion.Because SNAP25, unlike syntaxin-1 or synaptobrevin-2, lacks atransmembrane domain, it can be expressed in Escherichia coli,

purified, and added directly to fusion reactions containing syn-taxin-1-bearing vacuoles (DKY-Stx1) and synaptobrevin-2-bearing vacuoles (BJ-Syb2) (Fig. 3A). As shown in Fig. 3B, nofusion was observed between DKY-Stx1 vacuoles and BJ-Syb2vacuoles without the addition of recombinant his6-SNAP25(bar 3). Upon addition of his6-SNAP25, however, fusion signalswere observed and increased in proportion to the concentrationof his6-SNAP25 (Fig. 3B, bars 4–8). To confirm that his6-SNAP25–triggered vacuole fusion is mediated by the t-SNAREfunction of SNAP25, we examined whether botulinum neuro-toxin serotype E light chain (BoNT/E LC), which removesthe last 29 aa of unassembled SNAP25 molecules (Fig. S5A)(36), blocked the fusion (Fig. 3C). Increasing concentrations of

Fig. 2. Neuronal SNARE-mediated vacuole fusion does not require theproteins essential for normal yeast vacuole fusion and can occur withoutmassive content leakage. (A) Neuronal SNARE-mediated vacuole fusion wasnot prevented by inhibitors that completely block normal yeast vacuole fu-sion. Vacuoles were purified from yeast strains indicated. BJ3505 vacuolesand DKY6281 vacuoles (gray bars) were mixed and incubated in fusion re-action buffer with 1 mM ATP at 27 °C for 90 min in the absence or presenceof the inhibitors shown (see SI Methods for all inhibitor concentrations).Likewise, BJ-Syb2 vacuoles and DKY-Stx1/S25 vacuoles (black bars) weremixed and incubated in fusion reaction buffer (without ATP) at 27 °C for90 min in the absence or presence of the inhibitors. After 90 min, ALP activitywas measured, and fusion values (%) were normalized to reactions thatwere performed without inhibitor at 27 °C (BJ3505/DKY6281, 3.33 ± 0.49 U;BJ-Syb2/DKY-Stx1/S25, 0.9 ± 0.082 U). Because neuronal SNARE-mediatedvacuole fusion reactions were performed in the absence of ATP, Sec18p(yeast NSF) could not be active and, thus, disassembly of SNARE complexeswould not occur. (B) Neuronal SNARE-mediated vacuole fusion occurs in-dependently of Rab function, but requires physical interactions betweenvacuoles. BJ-Syb2 and DKY-Stx1/S25 vacuoles were mixed and incubated infusion reaction buffer (without ATP) at 27 °C for 90 min in the absence orpresence of the reagents indicated. For 20-fold dilution, samples werediluted with reaction buffer. After 90 min, all samples were chilled on ice andadjusted to the same volume with reaction buffer. The vacuoles were rei-solated by centrifugation, resuspended in 30 μL of ice-cold reaction buffer,and assayed for fusion. (C) Neuronal SNARE-driven vacuole fusion can occurwithout massive content leakage. Vacuoles from BJ3505 and DKY6281 (bars1–4) or BJ-Syb2-GFP and DKY-Stx1/S25 (bars 5–16) were used to assay vacuolefusion and lysis. Fusion (black bars) and percent GFP release (gray bars) weremeasured after 90-min incubation at 27 °C. The data represent mean ± SEM(n = 3).

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BoNT/E LC efficiently prevented his6-SNAP25–triggered fu-sion between DKY-Stx1 and BJ-Syb2 vacuoles, but had littleeffect on normal vacuole fusion (Fig. S5B), indicating that thefusion inhibition by BoNT/E LC was specific. These data sug-gest that fully zippered trans-SNARE complexes are requiredfor neuronal SNARE-mediated vacuole fusion, just as wasobserved in vivo (37), and for neuronal SNARE-triggered li-posome fusion (36, 38).

Munc18 Can Stimulate Neuronal SNARE-Mediated Vacuole Fusion.Synaptic vesicle fusion requires not only the neuronal SNAREproteins but also a variety of regulatory proteins, such asMunc18. To examine whether Munc18 can stimulate neuronalSNARE-mediated vacuole fusion, we attempted to coexpressMunc18 with the neuronal t-SNARE proteins syntaxin-1 andSNAP25 by generating the yeast strain DKY-Stx1/S25/M18,which expresses Munc18. Vacuolar localization of Munc18seemed to require syntaxin-1 to be present on the vacuole be-cause Munc18 was not detected in vacuoles lacking syntaxin-1(Fig. S6). Interestingly, coexpression of Munc18 with syntaxin-1and SNAP25 in yeast markedly enhanced syntaxin-1 levels on thevacuole (Fig. 4A). This enhancement is likely to be becauseMunc18 was recruited to the vacuole by interacting with syn-taxin-1, and this interaction may protect syntaxin-1 from degra-dation by vacuolar proteases. Despite this increased level ofsyntaxin-1 in the presence of Munc18, DKY-Stx1/S25/M18vacuoles fused less efficiently with BJ-Syb2 than DKY-Stx1/S25,indicating that Munc18 plays an inhibitory role in neuronalSNARE-mediated vacuole fusion (Fig. 4B). One plausible sce-nario is that syntaxin-1, when coexpressed with Munc18, pref-erentially binds to Munc18 over SNAP25 because of its higher

affinity for the former (39, 40). Under these conditions, Munc18is likely to keep syntaxin-1 in a closed, inactive conformation thatis unable to participate in the trans-SNARE complex formationthat supports membrane fusion (10, 11), as reported in studiesusing proteoliposomes (41). Because Munc18 is a soluble pro-tein, it can be readily expressed and purified as a recombinantprotein from E. coli. To test whether Munc18 plays a stimulatoryrole in neuronal SNARE-driven vacuole fusion by interactingwith preformed syntaxin-1/SNAP25 heterodimers, recombinanthis6-Munc18 was generated and directly added to fusionreactions containing DKY-Stx1/S25 and BJ-Syb2 vacuoles.Consistent with the results from previous experiments usingliposomes reconstituted with syntaxin-1 and SNAP25 (42, 43),his6-Munc18 moderately enhanced neuronal SNARE-mediatedvacuole fusion (Fig. 4C, compare bars 2 and 5), indicative ofits role as a positive regulator of neuronal SNARE-mediatedmembrane fusion. This Munc18-mediated fusion enhancementwas even more dramatic in his6-SNAP25-triggered fusion be-tween DKY-Stx1 vacuoles and BJ-Syb2 vacuoles. As shown inFig. 4D, although 1 μM his6-SNAP25 induced only a marginalamount of fusion in the absence of his6-Munc18 (bar 2), additionof his6-Munc18 markedly enhanced fusion (compare bars 2 and4). The comparable amounts of syntaxin-1 on DKY-Stx1/S25and DKY-Stx1 vacuoles (Fig. S7) suggest that the configurationof neuronal t-SNARE proteins is critical for fusion stimulationby Munc18.

Addition of Polar Amino Acids to the C Terminus of Synaptobrevin-2Has Little Effect on Neuronal SNARE-Driven Vacuole Fusion. A recentstudy by Lindau and coworkers suggested that neuronal SNAREcomplexes pull the C terminus of synaptobrevin-2 deep into thesynaptic vesicle membrane, which then disrupts vesicular mem-brane continuity, leading to fusion pore formation; this conclu-sion was based on the observation that the addition of polar aminoacids to the synaptobrevin-2 C terminus drastically inhibited exo-cytosis in chromaffin cells and that this inhibition correlatedstrongly with the polarity of the amino acids (44). However, thisearlier study did not directly test whether the added amino acidsinfluenced membrane fusion per se. To clarify this issue usingthe neuronal SNARE-driven vacuole fusion system, the strainsBJ-Syb2-QQ (double glutamine), BJ-Syb2-EE (double glutamicacid), BJ-Syb2-GG (double glycine), and BJ-Syb2-VV (doublevaline) were generated. Vacuoles isolated from these strains wereincubated with DKY-Stx1/S25 vacuoles. After incubation at 27 °Cfor 90 min, fusion was assayed (Fig. 4E). Although the expressionof the synaptobrevin-2 mutants was significantly lower than that ofthe wild type (Fig. 4F), they supported fusion comparably to thewild type. These results suggest that the polarity of the synapto-brevin C-terminal amino acids is not critical for membrane fusionper se. Furthermore, our data suggest that the neuronal SNARE-driven vacuole fusion assay complements proteoliposome-basedassays and offers a simple and independent method for studyingsynaptic vesicle fusion mechanisms.

DiscussionAlthough neuronal SNARE proteins are sufficient to drive li-posome fusion (15), synaptic vesicle fusion in vivo requires otherprotein factors, such as Munc18. It was thus unclear whetherneuronal SNARE proteins would be sufficient to drive biologicalmembrane fusion. By using cell fusion, which is mediated byflipped SNARE proteins expressed at the cell surface, Rothmanand coworkers showed that neuronal SNARE proteins can fusecells (45). However, the authors used only mutant forms ofneuronal SNARE proteins to prevent unnatural glycosylationand disulfide bond formation on the flipped neuronal SNAREs.More importantly, the extracellular leaflet of the plasma mem-brane differs significantly in chemical composition to the otherleaflet, which is normally involved in SNARE-mediated mem-brane fusion events, including synaptic vesicle fusion. Moreover,because cultured cells can spontaneously fuse with one anotherunder certain conditions (46), one cannot exclude the possibility

Fig. 3. Botulinum neurotoxin inhibits neuronal SNARE-mediated vacuolefusion. (A) Schematic representation of recombinant his6-SNAP25–triggeredfusion between vacuoles from BJ-Syb2 and DKY-Stx1. (B) Vacuoles wereisolated from BJ-Syb2 and DKY-Stx1, mixed, and incubated at 27 °C in thepresence of the indicated concentrations of his6-SNAP25. (C) BoNT/E lightchain blocks his6-SNAP25-triggered fusion. Vacuoles isolated from BJ-Syb2and DKY-Stx1 were mixed and incubated at 27 °C in the presence of his6-SNAP25 with the indicated concentrations of BoNT/E light chain. After90 min of incubation, ALP activity was measured, and the cleavage of his6-SNAP25 by BoNT/E light chain was analyzed by immunoblotting. The vac-uolar protease Pep4p was used as a loading control. The data representmean ± SEM (n = 3).

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that flipped SNARE proteins only facilitated the cell fusionprocess, rather than driving it, and that cell fusion was insteadmediated by other cell surface proteins. Finally, the authors didnot examine whether the flipped SNARE-mediated cell fusionwas accompanied by cell rupture or content leakage.Compared with reconstitution studies using neuronal SNARE-

containing liposomes, the neuronal SNARE-driven vacuole fu-sion system described here offers several advantages. First,whereas the in vitro fusion of SNARE proteoliposomes is likely

to be influenced by the quality and purity of recombinantSNARE proteins made by E. coli, vacuolar expression of neu-ronal SNARE proteins can be easily achieved by simple in-troduction of the corresponding genes into yeast cells. Thus,once yeast strains that express neuronal SNARE proteins areestablished, vacuoles bearing SNARE proteins of nearly iden-tical quality can be consistently prepared for reproducibleexperiments. As demonstrated in Fig. 4E, the effect of variousSNARE mutations on membrane fusion can also be readily in-vestigated without expressing and purifying recombinant proteinscarrying the mutations, which is a major source of variability inproteoliposome-based fusion assays. Given the successful ex-pression of neuronal SNARE proteins on yeast vacuoles achievedin this study, it is likely that other mammalian SNARE proteinsor even other fusogenic proteins can be similarly expressed onyeast vacuoles, thereby permitting assessment of the mechanismsby which they regulate membrane fusion. Second, proteolipo-somes, which are prepared in the presence of detergents, areintrinsically unstable, whereas isolated yeast vacuoles are likely tobe stably sealed compartments. Thus, vacuolar membrane fusionmay better represent a biologically relevant process than syn-thetic liposome fusion does.According to our estimation of the density of neuronal

SNARE proteins on vacuoles (Table S1), the lipid/protein ratiosof vacuolar synaptobrevin-2, syntaxin-1, and SNAP25 are 2.59 ×104, 4.96 × 104, and 16.0 × 104, respectively. Proteoliposomeswith neuronal SNAREs at these low densities are unlikely tosupport fusion (17, 34). This difference may be explained bya critical role of neutral lipids with small head groups, suchas phosphatidylethanolamine, diacylglycerol, and cholesterol, inbiological membrane fusion (35). These lipids, which are presentin biological membranes but rarely included in the phospha-tidylcholine/phosphatidylserine proteoliposomes used in moststudies, tend to form a nonbilayer structure, which is essential forthe ensuing lipid rearrangements that constitute membranefusion (35).Normal vacuole fusion requires the Rab GTPase Ypt7p and its

effector, the HOPS complex (47, 48). The major role of Ypt7p isthought to be the recruitment of the HOPS complex to thevacuolar membrane (49), and Ypt7p and the vacuole-boundHOPS complex play an essential role in vacuole docking, duringwhich vacuoles cluster together (48, 50). Thus, it is possiblethat neuronal SNARE-mediated vacuole fusion requires thepreceding Ypt7p/HOPS-mediated docking step. Surprisingly,however, Ypt7p/HOPS-mediated vacuole clustering seems tocontribute little to the fusion event because the fusion signal wascompletely resistant to docking inhibitors (Fig. 2A, bars 5–7).Nonetheless, Ypt7p/HOPS-mediated vacuole docking is likely tooccur in neuronal SNARE-mediated vacuole fusion because thevacuoles contain all of the proteins required (50). These resultssuggest that although the Ypt7p/HOPS-mediated docking stepprecedes SNARE-mediated membrane fusion, the docking stepdoes not stimulate fusion, presumably because Ypt7p and theHOPS complex cannot communicate with the exogenousSNARE proteins. Thus, the two steps may not simply occur ina linear manner as previously thought; instead, a complicatedcross-talk between the two steps may exist to ensure thata membrane docking step mediated by a Rab protein specificallysupports a membrane fusion step performed by an appropriateset of SNARE proteins.In this study, we show that neuronal SNARE proteins can fully

support membrane fusion between the vacuoles of the buddingyeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To our knowledge, this is the firstexperimental demonstration that an endomembrane fusion eventin one species can be mediated by a set of SNARE proteins thatfunction in an evolutionarily distant species, thus strongly sup-porting the idea that endomembrane fusion machinery is highlyconserved throughout evolution. Despite some mechanisticsimilarities between yeast vacuole fusion and synaptic vesiclefusion events, synaptic vesicle fusion employs several uniqueplayers, such as synaptotagmin and complexin, to achieve its

Fig. 4. Munc18 can stimulate neuronal SNARE-mediated vacuole fusion. (A)Immunoblotting analysis of purified vacuoles: Asterisk indicates a degrada-tion product of Munc18. (B) Munc18 coexpressed with neuronal t-SNAREs inyeast inhibits neuronal SNARE-mediated vacuole fusion. Fusion reactionscontaining BJ-Syb2 vacuoles and either DKY-Stx1/S25 or DKY-Stx1/S25/M18were incubated at 27 °C. At the times indicated, each reaction was placed onice. ALP activity was assayed after 90 min as a measure of fusion. (C)Recombinant his6-Munc18 moderately stimulates fusion between BJ-Syb2and DKY-Stx1/S25 vacuoles. Vacuoles isolated from BJ-Syb2 and DKY-Stx1/S25 were mixed and incubated at 27 °C in the absence or presence of his6-Munc18. (D) Munc18 enhances his6-SNAP25–triggered fusion between BJ-Syb2 and DKY-Stx1 vacuoles. BJ-Syb2 vacuoles and DKY-Stx1 vacuoles weremixed and incubated in the presence of 1 μM his6-SNAP25 with the indicatedconcentrations of his6-Munc18. (E) The polarity of the synaptobrevin-2 Cterminus may not play a critical role in membrane fusion. BJ-Syb2 (wild-typeor mutant) vacuoles and DKY-Stx1/S25 vacuoles were mixed and incubatedat 27 °C in the absence or presence of Syb2-CD. After 90-min incubation, ALPactivity was measured. (F) The expression levels of synaptobrevin-2 (wild-type or mutant) on the vacuoles used in Ewere analyzed by immunoblottingand quantification of band intensities. The data represent mean ± SEM(n = 3), and the blot shown is a representative image from one of threeindependent experiments.

Ko et al. PNAS | May 27, 2014 | vol. 111 | no. 21 | 7681







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Page 6: In vitro assay using engineered yeast vacuoles for …In vitro assay using engineered yeast vacuoles for neuronal SNARE-mediated membrane fusion Young-Joon Koa,1, Miriam Leea,1, KyeongJin

extremely high speed and calcium ion dependency. Furtherstudies will therefore be required to establish neuronal SNARE-mediated vacuole fusion, which is strictly regulated by theseproteins and by calcium ions.

MethodsPlasmids, yeast strains, and reagents used for this work are described inSI Methods.

Vacuole Isolation and in Vitro Vacuole Fusion Assay. Vacuoles were isolatedas described (23). Standard in vitro fusion reactions (30 μL), for native vacuolefusion, contained 3 μg of vacuoles lacking the proteases Pep4p and Prb1p(BJ3505 or its derivatives), 3 μg of vacuoles from cells without Pho8p (DKY6281or its derivatives), reaction buffer (125 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl2, 10 mM Pipes-KOH at pH 6.8, and 200 mM sorbitol), 264 nM purified Pbi2p (IB2), 10 μM CoA,1 mM ATP, 1 mg/mL creatine kinase, and 29 mM creatine phosphate. After 90min of incubation at 27 °C, fusion was measured by assaying ALP. For neuronalSNARE-mediated vacuole fusion, standard 30-μL fusion reactions contained3 μg of BJ-Syb2 vacuoles, 3 μg of DKY-Stx1/S25 vacuoles, reaction buffer, 264nM purified IB2, and 10 μM CoA. After a 90-min incubation at 27 °C in the

absence of ATP, the activity of ALP was measured for fusion. Fusion units (U)are μmol of p-nitrophenylate formed min−1·μg−1 pep4Δ vacuole.

GFP Release Assay. GFP release assays were performed with vacuoles con-taining luminal GFP isolated from BJ3505-GFP or BJ-Syb2-GFP, and vacuolesisolated from DKY6281 or DKY-Stx1/S25, as described (2). Standard vacuolefusion reactions were used for the GFP release assay, and each reaction wasperformed on a 3× scale (90 μL). After 90 min, 30-μL aliquots were trans-ferred to a prechilled tube and kept on ice until being assayed for Pho8pactivity (fusion). For GFP detection, 30-μL aliquots were placed in a prechilledtube containing 30 μL of PS buffer (10 mM Pipes·KOH, pH 6.8 and 200 mMsorbitol) with 125 mM KCl.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Drs. Nicolas Buchler (Duke University) andFrederick Cross (Rockefeller University) for kindly providing the plasmidp405TDH3 and Dr. Christopher Stroupe (University of Virginia) for his adviceon measurement of vacuole lipid levels. This work was supported by the Bio-Imaging Research Center at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technologyand by Science Research Center of Excellence Program of Korea Ministryof Science, ICT & Future Planning/National Research Foundation of KoreaGrant 2007-0056157.

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