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1. (sitter) Put Fundae: Sergeant Frederick "Fritz" Niland ((1920-1983), Company H, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division), Technical Sergeant Robert Niland (Company D, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division), Second Lieutenant Preston Niland (22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division), Technical Sergeant Edward Niland, (U.S. Army Air Forces).

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Saving Private Ryan

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2. X had been known in the USA since the early 19th century as the name of a particularly irritating and contagious skin complaint. The name was well enough known by 1845 for the condition to be used as a metaphor for all that is annoying. From the Wisconsin Herald and Grant County Advertiser:"When Illinois caught Mormonism off Missouri, she caught something worse than the X. Job sitting in the ashes and scratching himself amongst the potsherds, was infinitely more comfortable than poor Illinois now is, burning and festering under the scab of Mormonism."The condition, which was bacterial in nature - causing highly irritating red pimples on the face and body, is now so easily treated as to have been virtually forgotten. Also the name of a famous 1955 movie. X?

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The Seven-Year Itch

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3. In architecture, X is a carved stone grotesque with a spout designed to convey water from a roof and away from the side of a building. The term originates from a French word meaning "throat" or "gullet“. A local legend that sprang up around the name of St. Romanus ("Romain") (AD 631–641), the former chancellor of the Merovingian king Clotaire II who was made bishop of Rouen, relates how he delivered the country around Rouen from a monster called X, having the creature captured by the only volunteer, a condemned man. The X’s grotesque form was said to scare off evil spirits so they were used for protection. Many medieval cathedrals included X and chimeras. Although most have grotesque features, the term X has come to include all types of images. Some X were depicted as monks, combinations of real animals and people, many of which were humorous?

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4. X is a legendary prehistoric king of the Britons, as recounted by Geoffrey of Monmouth. It is thought that his legend began in the form of the sea-god Y and later received a historical setting. In Geoffrey's Historia Regum Britanniae. X followed his father, King Bladud, to the kingship of Britain and had the longest reign of all the kings at sixty years. He built the city of Kaerleir (Leicester) along the banks of the River Soar. Unlike his predecessors, he produced no male heir to the throne. He was succeeded by his daughter Z, who buried him in an underground chamber beneath the River Soar near Leicester. It was dedicated to the Roman god Janus and every year people celebrated his feast-day near X’s tomb. X?

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King Lear

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5. Pierre Athanase Marie Plantard (March 18, 1920 – February 3, 2000) was a French draughtsman, best known for being the principal perpetrator of the X hoax, which he developed to manufacture evidence that he was a Merovingian dynast and the "Grand Monarch" prophesied by Nostradamus. Plantard used an altered surname, Plantard de Saint-Clair, described as an epithet by Jean-Luc Chaumeil. The "Saint-Clair" part of his surname was added to his real surname on the basis that this was the family name associated with the area of Gisors, a city in Normandy associated with his hoax - according to the mythology of the X "Jean VI des Plantard" married a member of the House of Gisors during the 12th century. On May 7, 1956, Plantard and others legally registered in the town of St Julien-en-Genevois a new group called the X based in Annemasse close to the French border near Geneva. The group was devoted to the support of politicians working to build low-cost housing in Annemasse and published a magazine named Circuit. The Y in the name did not refer to the Land of Israel and its capital Jerusalem, but rather to a local mountain, Montagne de Y, where the order intended to establish a retreat center. X is what?

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Priory of Sion

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6. X was raised in Sadr City, a suburb of Baghdad, Iraq. He graduated with a degree in communication from Baghdad University and began working as a correspondent for Al-Baghdadia TV in 2005.On November 16, 2007, X was kidnapped on his way to work in central Baghdad. Unknown armed men forced him into a car, where he was beaten until he lost consciousness. The assailants used his necktie to blindfold him and bound his hands with shoelaces. He was held captive with little food and drinks and questioned about his work as a journalist. No ransom demand was made, and X's kidnappers released him still blindfolded, on to a street three days later on November 19, 2007.X also been arrested twice by United States armed forces. Why is X famous?

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Throwing shoes at Bush

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7. “But consider! Count the cost! Your brain may, as you say, be roused and excited, but it is a pathological and morbid process, which involves increased tissue change, and may at least leave a permanent weakness. You know, too, what a black reaction comes upon you. Surely the game is hardly worth the candle. Why should you, for a mere passing pleasure, risk the loss of those great powers with which you have been endowed? Remember that I speak not only as one comrade to another, but as a medical man to one for whose constitution he is to some extent answerable”. -Who is speaking, to whom/about what?

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Watson to Holmes about his cocaine addiction

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8. In the 1930s, X, then relatively unknown, went for a screen test to RKO pictures in Hollywood, California. The test didn’t turn out too well, with the final report reading: “Can’t sing. Can’t act. Balding. Can dance a little.”David O Selznick, who had signed X to RKO and commissioned the test stated in a memo that "I am uncertain about the man, but I feel, in spite of his enormous ears and bad chin line, that his charm is so tremendous that it comes through even on this wretched test.“Please identify X.

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Fred Astaire

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9. "I knew I was very close. I did collapse at the end. If you don't keep on running, keep your blood circulating…the muscles stop pumping the blood back, and you get dizzy. I did lose my sight for a bit because I was crowded in. Everybody rushed on to the track." Who said this??

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Roger Bannister on his 4-minute mile

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10. X is student at _______ High. He lives with his father Ravi, mother Mona and sister Tina. He befriended A after moving to town. His favorite hobby is filmmaking. He is an expert on no budget special effects, and builds his own models for science fiction movies. He is well-liked at school, but sometimes his filmmaking gets on people's nerves. Father Ravi is a doctor who wishes his son would take up more serious issues. Tina is a year younger than X, but due to brilliant acads she was moved up a grade so that both she and X are in the same year as A and his chums. Give X's full name please.

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Raj Patel

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11. Reverse figure four, Cloverleaf leg-lace Boston crab, Grapevine Boston crab, Scorpion Deathlock, and Scorpion Hold, all aliases for what?

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12. X commenting on the death of Y( in October, 1931): “ He had no hobby, cared for no sort of amusement of any kind and lived in utter disregard of the most elementary rules of hygiene ... His method was inefficient in the extreme, for an immense ground had to be covered to get anything at all unless blind chance intervened and, at first, I was almost a sorry witness of his doings, knowing that just a little theory and calculation would have saved him 90 percent of the labor. But he had a veritable contempt for book learning and mathematical knowledge, trusting himself entirely to his inventor's instinct and practical American sense.”Who is X here?

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Nikolai Tesla


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13. X is aged 56 years. He graduated from Madras Christian College, where he was awarded a medal for best outgoing student for all-round activities.He earned a Post-Graduate degree, M.Sc (Politics) from the University of Edinburgh, Britain. He was rusticated from the University in 1970 for anti-apartheid protest action which was suspended on good behaviour.He joined the Y in 1970.Worked as aide to A.K. Gopalan, leader of the Y Parliamentary groups for two years. He was president of the JNU Student's Union (1972-1973) and Students Federation of India (1974-1979). He worked underground for 1.5 years during the Emergency of 1975-76.

He has been arrested twice and has spent 8 days in prison.He is the Managing Director of LeftWord Books, a leading

Leftwing publishing house, and has authoured "Language, Nationality and Politics in India (1972)" besides editing "A World to Win-Essays on the Communist Manifesto(1999)" and” Across Time and Continents: A tribute to Victor Kiernan(2003)"

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Prakash Karat

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14. Brandon Sanderson is an American author from Nebraska. He was selected by Harriet McDougal to complete the X series, after the author left behind detailed notes, just in case he was unable to finish the work. Harriet was impressed with his work Mistborn: The Final Empire and chose him to complete Y (the last book in the series).

Id X. / Y.

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• X = The Wheel of Time• Y = Memory of Light

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15. Lord Carnarvon died on April 5, 1923 after a mosquito bite became infected. His death was 4 months, and 7 days after he did something that led to his death.George Jay Gould I died in the French Riviera on May 16, 1923 after he developed a fever.Howard Carter died on March 2, 1939. Which event led to the above deaths?

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Opening King Tut’s Tomb (curse funda)

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16. Thea von Harbou was a German actress and author. In 1920, she wrote her first film script with her future husband X. After marrying in 1922, both of them collaborated and created a lot of famous films. While Thea would write the screenplays, X would direct the films. Some of their famous works include:

Y (1927) – one of the most famous silent movies X made.Z (1931) – the first talkie that X directed, about a serial killer who killed children.

Id X, Y and Z.

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• X = Fritz Lang• Y = Metropolis• Z = M

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17. Lyrics: Paul Francis Webster

Music: Robert Harris

The song’s opening lines are commonly associated with X, and the song was featured in a prominent 2002 movie (X) and its sequel in 2004.

The song was also parodied in a famous scene in the 2007 The Simpsons Movie.

Id the song. / Id X.


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18. X was an American philanthropist. After studying in Switzerland, he returned to America to work in the family business, before setting up the Yukon Gold Company in Alaska. He retired in 1919, and founded the X Foundation to foster appreciation for modern art.

Id X.

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Solomon R. Guggenheim

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19. In late 2008, a collection of short stories was published for the general public. The short stories served as an addendum for a particular series. After each story, X writes a brief commentary about each of the short stories, mainly citing differences between the original story, and the version which he was told as a boy. Id both X and the collection of stories.

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• X = Albus Dumbledore (NOT J.K. Rowling)• The collection of short stories is The Tales of

Beedle the Bard.

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20. Connect. / What’s been blanked out?

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Jim ThorpeJim Thorpe was an American athlete who, in 1912 won the gold medals in the pentathlon and decathlon. However, it was found out at the time that he was a professional baseball player, and as the Olympics was strictly an amateur sportsman’s contest, Thorpe was stripped of his medals.

After much hue and cry and other protests, his medals were returned in 1983, 30 years after his death.

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+ = ?


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White House


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22. Id the book and author.

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The Host, by Stephenie Meyer

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23. Put funda about this scene. (P)

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24. Movie poster. What’s the idea?

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Slide Left Blank

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25. Whose name has been blanked out? / Put funda.

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26. Shown below is Johanna Sigurdardottir. Why was she in the 26. Shown below is Johanna Sigurdardottir. Why was she in the news recently?news recently?

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World’s (Iceland’s) first openly GAY (or LESBIAN) Head of State

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27. Shown here is a scene from the Simpsons episode Mrs. Bouvier’s Lover. The scene is a tribute to which movie?

<insert cool video here>

<play from 18 minutes>

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The Graduate

Play the answer video from here

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