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Inclusive Growth Strategy Workshop:Updates and Next StepsPresented by:OLIVER CAMConsultant, BRCINCLUSIV G!"W#$ S#!%#G& '%C(G!"UN) Continuous decline in the overall productivity and value-added output of the region even before and worsened after upertyphoon !olanda Increased poverty incidence throughout the region especially after !olanda "ewed #R$% and %er Capita Inco&e due to overwhel&ing contribution by 'ust ( large co&pany )or&ulate an econo&ic develop&ent planning fra&ewor"*&ethodology using +ousehold Inco&e ,based on Min- .age/ as an additional "ey econo&ic indicator 0pdate the %rovincial and Regional $evelop&ent %lans and synchroni1e with the CRR% and respective &unicipal*provincial RR%2s Inputs to the new R$%*%$%2s*C$%2s under the ne3t ad&inistrationINCLUSIV G!"W#$ S#!%#G& *!I+%!& G"%LS: Attain a high 4 rising standard of living for its citi1ens based on5$"US$"L) INC"+ as additional "ey indicator alongside #R$% and %er Capita Inco&eRealistic #R$% growth rate and poverty reduction targets as an ACC0M0LA6IO7 O) %ROVI7CIAL*M07ICI%AL CO76RI806IO7 90O6A $EE#RE#A6IO7 O) :E! I7$ICA6OR %ER %ROVI7CEE6A8LI+ 6+E ECO7OMIC 8AELI7E per province and per city*&unicipality ;If you don2t "now where you2re going< any road will get you there-= > Alice in .onderlandINCLUSIV G!"W#$ S#!%#G& S#!%#G&: +igher %roductivity in ter&s of ?uantity of goods 4 services per unit of ti&e @ +igher standard of living-;A country or region2s standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services=;6he pri&ary deter&inant of standard of living is %RO$0C6IVI6!-=A clear strategic plan always starts with a clear understanding of what happened during the previous period- !ou cannot go to %oint 8 unless you "now where %oint A is-INCLUSIV G!"W#$ S#!%#G& %C#I"N *L%N: C"+*#I#IV %)V%N#%G,S5 Identify top*do&inant products*services per province*areaA -"CUS IS (&. NIC$/+%!(#.CO7I$ER5 Resource V Invest&ent V Innovation-driven Econo&yCurrent %roduction Volu&e B@C %otential %roduction OutputIN)US#!& CLUS#!ING to develop the upstrea&< downstrea& or related businesses around the do&inant products or industries in order to sti&ulate the growth of the local econo&y IN#NSI-&0 1*%N)0 )IV!SI-&0)OC0< ALI#7< CO7CE76RA6E @ ECO7OMIE O) CALEINCLUSIV G!"W#$ W"!(S$"* #I+LINDE(F ept (GDE(F ept (G%CCI-EV Resolution on ;INCLUSIV G!"W#$ S#!%#G& -"!+UL%#I"N W"!(S$"*2 approved in &ass &otion by local cha&ber presidentsDE(F ept DHDE(F ept DHub&itted %CCI-EV Resolution to newly appointed R$C VIII Chair #ov- $o&inic %etillaDE(F Oct DIDE(F Oct DIEndorse&ent by R$C VIII of %CCI-EV Resolution on the conduct of the ;INCLUSIV G!"W#$ S#!%#G& W"!(S$"*2DE(F 7ov DIDE(F 7ov DIDE(F $ecDE(F $ec R$C VIII ECCOM pecial Consultative MeetingConsultative Meeting with 7E$A $# ec- 8alisacan$ec J &eeting cancelled due to uper typhoon Ruby7E$A $# authori1ed engage&ent of %I$DE(K Lan GDE(K Lan GDE(K )eb DEDE(K )eb DEConsultative Meeting with 0C2s in Region G< %A and their role in supporting Inclusive #rowthDE(K )eb (I-(GDE(K )eb (I-(GConsultative Meeting with 7orthern and Eastern a&ar #overnorsDE(K Mar (DDE(K Mar (DConsultative Meeting and brieMng of all Me&bers of the +ouse of Representatives fro& Region GDE(K Mar DKDE(K Mar DKConsultative Meeting with selected M%$O2s< MAO2s< %%$O2s fro& Region GR$C VIII Consultative Meeting with ECCOM Chairs< %R2s< R$C Regular Me&bers and %CCI-EVINCLUSIV G!"W#$ W"!(S$"* #I+LINDE(K May (D-(NDE(K May (D-(Na&ar Island %rovinces .or"shopDE(K May DD-DNDE(K May DD-DN8iliran and Leyte Island %rovinces .or"shopDE(K May DG-DHDE(K May DG-DHRegional Consolidation .or"shopDE(K Lun (K*(IDE(K Lun (K*(IDE(K Lul D-NDE(K Lul D-NConsultation Meeting with $8M< $IL#< 7E$A on integration 4 institutionali1ationConsultation Meeting with $8M< $IL#< 7E$A and A0REINCLUSIV G!"W#$ W"!(S$"* #I+LINDE(K Lul G-(EDE(K Lul G-(Eouthern Leyte Action %lanning .or"shopDE(K Lul*AugDE(K Lul*AugEngage&ent of Ateneo de Manila 0niversity chool of ocial ciences and A0RE on further fra&ewor" enhance&entsDE(K Aug*eptDE(K Aug*ept$raft Invest&ent 8rief 6e&plate and initial set of pro'ects* progra&s per province with $6I-8OI< 7E$A %%$O2s 4 local cha&bersDE(K Aug*eptDE(K Aug*eptDE(K ept DDDE(K ept DDINCLUSIV G!"W#$ W"!(S$"* #I+LIN $raft %olicy Reco&&endations for R$C ectoral Co&&ittees Endorse&ent ,$AC< E$C< I0$C 4 $C/ R$C )ull Council Endorse&ent for integration with $8M %ublic )inancial Manage&ent ,%)M/ )ra&ewor"DE(K ept DE(K eptub&it )or&al %olicy Reco&&endation to $8M< $IL#< 7E$A 4 $O)-8L#)DE(K Oct*7ovDE(K Oct*7ov%CCI 7ational Endorse&ent during %8CLoint Me&orandu& CircularDE(K 7ov DE(K 7ov%resentation * Orientation on use of I# )ra&ewor" for %%$O2s 4 M%$O2sDE(K $ec DE(K $ecDE(J and beyondDE(J and beyondINCLUSIV G!"W#$ W"!(S$"* #I+LIN )or use during actual planning of ne3t %$%2s * R$% for DE(I onwards Review 4 Evaluation I&prove&ents 4 RevisionsI3 W$%# IS $IN)!ING INCLUSIV G!"W#$0*US$ING -%C#"!$IN)!ING -%C#"!S*"SSI'L S"LU#I"N .hat current factors in &y area pro&otes inclusive growthO.hat are the challenges*proble&s the hinder inclusive growthO,per hindering factor/II3 C!%# %N "*!%#I"N%L %C#I"N %GN)%%C#I"N %GN)% 4(!%s5S#!%#GIC "'6C#IVSIN)IC%#"!S 47uota,8easures5%C#I"N #" #%(,%C#IVI#IS#I+LINS!S*"NSI'L *%!#N!S!9UI!+N#S,!+%!(S+#$")"L"G& -"! *!I"!I#I:%#I"N "- C"N"+IC **%;S '%S) "N INCLUSIV G!"W#$SC#"!SC!I#!I% -"! SLC#I"N *!I"!I#I:%#I"N S#!%#GIC "*#I"NSC"+*#I#IV %)V%N#%GC"N#!I'U#I"N #" C"N"+IC G!"W#$CLI+%# C$%NG !SILINC&* "- %C#IVI#&S*CI-IC !9UI!+N#S%G!ICUL#U! , -IS$!IS.hy do people buy fro& &e instead of &y co&petitorsO.hat &a"es &e diPerent and betterO+ow &uch will household inco&e*&onth increaseO ,Low*Mediu&*+igh/,Low*Mediu&*+igh/ I76E7I)!O EQ%A7$O $IVERI)!OIN)US#!& , +%NU-%C#U!ING#!%) < S!VICSIII3 *!I"!I#I:ING %C#IVI#IS = INC!%S *!")UC#IVI#hank you.

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