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SALESHow to Be More Productive and Nab Better Prospects

in Just 5 Easy Steps

When you get your first big job after college…

...it’s easy to get excited and become a workaholic.

But after a while you realize you’re having to sacrifice a lot to keep those hard-working hours.

You miss birthday parties…

...and holidays…

...and just being lazy and binge watching Netflix.

It not only sucks working late every day, it’s unsustainable.

A study in the journal PLoS ONE shows that people who work 11 or more hours a day have a more-than-doubled risk of experiencing depression, compared with peoplepeople who work the more-standard 7 to 8 hours a day.

Another study found working 10 or more hours a day resulted in a 60 percent jump in risk of cardiovascular issues.

On top of that, nearly 1/3 of American working adults (about 41 million people) get less than 6 hours of sleep per night. To make it worse, 20% of auto accidents are due to ddrowsy drivers.

BUT! Regardless of all those negative consequences...

You don’t want to give up your work performance, your sales numbers, or your opportunities for moving up

in the company.

What’s a budding salesperson to do?

The solution probably won’t shock you.

The solution is to manage your time better, be more productive when you are working, and to spend more time on warm prospects instead of chasing cold leads.


There is a way to keep climbing the corporate ladder without sacrificing your sociallife. In fact, the most successful people out there (think Google, Warren Buffett, and Sheryl Sandbeand Sheryl Sandberg) stress the importance of learning to maintain a work-life balance.

Deciding to do so not only makes you a happier camper, it can lead to even more success than burning the midnigmidnight oil every day.

Okay, you already know the secret to your success is focusing on what matters, becoming more efficient, and managing your time and pipeline better.

But hBut how do you do that when you’re managing so many deals at once just to reach your targets?

If you follow these five steps, you’ll be the first one clocking out and first on the

leaderboards, every time.

ANSWER! You follow these five steps:

1) Learn a sales process.2) Eliminate office distraction.3) Get things done.4) Personalize your message.5) Celebrate and feel good, because you love your job!

Ready to turn these steps from commandments into action?


It’s hard to learn a sales process when you’re barely staying afloat. But learning that process and optimizing it to focus on what really matters is how you’ll get off work on time without missing an opportunitwithout missing an opportunity to close a deal.



Follow up with highly engaged prospects. The sooner you respond,the more likely you are to close the deal.

Focus on prospects who are slipping. They may not have responded to previous efforts, so try a new angle or send a last-ditch message.

Fill your pipeline with new prospects. This is when you start cold calling




Reverse Your WorkflowConventional wisdom tells you to start your day by making a to-do list and prioritizing tasks. But the time it takes to do that already pushes you an hour or two into your day, time that ccould have been used more effectively following up with warm prospects.

You need a sales platform that can track prospect engagement and generate sales tasks overnight, so you walk into the office ready to rumble when everyone else is still opening emails andemails and writing to-do lists.

(Hint: Let Fileboard Help!)Fileboard generates sales tasks while you’re warm in bed at night. The platform uses engagement information gathered by tracking email and file opens, time spent with files, and engagement during presentations to help you

learn a sales process.

It organizes prospects into phases 1, 2, and 3 for you so your to-do list is ready when you walk in the door.

And, Fileboard will notify you in real-time when a prospect makes a move, so you can react instantly.


As most companies move to an inside sales model, it is increasingly more important to be able to focus in an office setting. Cubicle gossip can get out of hand fast, so have precautions in place when you need to get work done. Let your neighbors know your “office door” is closed until you finish that task.

Other Distraction-Minimizing Tips:

Hide your phone when it’s time to focus.

Close out email and social media tabs.

Get a browser extension like Timer to keep you ffocused on a single task for 30 solid minutes at a time.

STEP #3: GET THINGS DONEDo you know the GTD method? The book “Getting Things Done” by David Allen outlines it as a way to be more productive by getting tasks and ideas organized on paper and out of your head. This method for productivity is often used by salespeople who need to maximize their time. Go here for an intro to the GTD method.

Getting Sales DoneWhen you have a million tasks floating around your mind, you're an ineffective salesperson. But keeping a calendar isn’t enough. Sales is about more than making appointments. You need to research prospects, find ways to appeal to their pain poipoints, and create personalized sales messages (see Step #4).

Have a method for staying organized. Not just at work, but for every aspect of your life. This will free up your brain power for more creative, exciting thoughts and activities than rremembering to call the bank.


Creating personalized sales messagesis more important than ever, and there is data to prove it.

Personalized subject lines are 22.2% more likely to be opened.

Personalized emails improve click-through rates by 14% and conversion rates by 10%.

And, 40% of consumers buy more from retailers who personalize the shopping experience across channels.





Personalization Is More Than Merge Tags

Using the decision maker’s name in an email is important, but personalization goes beyond *|FNAME|*. Here are a few ways to get

real with prospects.

01 02 03Sell benefits,not features

Ask the right questions

Use a sales platform

Research what specific benefits the prospect will get from your product and present that, not just the same boring features they can find ofind on your website.

Don’t waste time pitching your prospect on a benefit they don’t need.

You can utilize a platform like Fileboard to track prospect engagement. You want to react to their actions and follow up the momemoment they engage with your materials.


Ultimately, the best way to not feel overworked is to never feel like you’re working. When you genuinely enjoy what you do, and feel good about the work you do, your potential for success soars.

“The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.”

- James M. Barrie

Imagine walking into a positive work environment every day. A place full of soaring sales numbers, healthy competition among friends, and endless opportunities. Imagine leaving work every day feeling accomplished as you head to a restaurant to meet friends or home to your significant other.

All that can be yours, and Fileboard is designed to get you there. It shows you your sales performance and progress each day, like a Fitbit for sales. And when you see how well you and your team are doing, you feel good and can become that person you’ve always wanted to be.

Get your FREE Fileboard demo atwww.fileboard.com/request-a-demo

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