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Page 1: Independently Organized TEDxYouth Events

What is TED?

• TED is an annual event where some of the world's leading thinkers and doers are invited to share what they are most passionate about. "TED" stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design ― Attendees have called it "the ultimate brain spa" and "a four-day journey into the future."

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What is TEDx?In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)

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• WHAT are the ........(certain rules and regulations.)

Your event must maintain the spirit of TED itself: cross-disciplinary, focused on the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world

18 minute maximum ‘talk’ typically by a single person.

25% TED TALKS // 50% youth // 100% awesome

Speakers are encouraged to use visual aides.

Up to 100 individuals may attend your event

You may not use your event to make money

You must record all original stage content (live talks, performances, etc.) on video

A COMPLETE LIST OF RULES http://www.ted.com/pages/view/id/493#general-rules

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TED CommandmentsThese 10 tips are given to all TED Conference speakers as they prepare their TEDTalks. They will help your TEDx speakers craft talks that will have a profound impact on your audience.

1.Dream big. Strive to create the best talk you have ever given. Reveal something never seen before. Do something the audience will remember forever. Share an idea that could change the world.

2.Show us the real you. Share your passions, your dreams ... and also your fears. Be vulnerable. Speak of failure as well as success.

3.Make the complex plain. Don't try to dazzle intellectually. Don't speak in abstractions. Explain! Give examples. Tell stories. Be specific.

4.Connect with people's emotions. Make us laugh! Make us cry!

5.Don't flaunt your ego. Don't boast. It's the surest way to switch everyone off.

6.No selling from the stage! Unless we have specifically asked you to, do not talk about your company or organization. And don't even think about pitching your products or services or asking for funding from stage.

7.Feel free to comment on other speakers' talks, to praise or to criticize. Controversy energizes! Enthusiastic endorsement is powerful!

8.Don't read your talk. Notes are fine. But if the choice is between reading or rambling, then read!

9.End your talk on time. Doing otherwise is to steal time from the people that follow you. We won't allow it.

10.Rehearse your talk in front of a trusted friend ... for timing, for clarity, for impact.

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WHY TED???????

Global Competencies

21st Century skills

curriculum tie in


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Create your own TED or TED IN A BOX

Name your event!

Create a LOGO

Create a Tag Line/Theme

List out your top ten speakers

list out your top ten ‘ted talks’

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TED-Ed launched the YouTube Channel with produced and animated videos about two months ago and now includes a free service that lets teachers upload any YouTube video to its polished platform. Teachers can also make any of the videos — TED or any other — more relevant

to their classes by adding customized questions and quizzes.

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20 most watched TED talks

1. Sir Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity (2006): 8,660,010 views

Jill Bolte Taylor‘s stroke of insight (2008): 8,087,935

Pranav Mistry on the thrilling potential of SixthSense (2009): 6,747,410

Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry demo SixthSense (2009): 6,731,153

David Gallo‘s underwater astonishments (2007): 6,411,705

Tony Robbins asks Why we do what we do (2006): 4,909,505

Hans Rosling shows the best stats you’ve ever seen (2006): 3,954,776

Arthur Benjamin does mathemagic (2005): 3,664,705

Jeff Han demos his breakthrough multi-touchscreen (2006): 3,592,795

Johnny Lee shows Wii Remote hacks for educators (2008): 3,225,864

Blaise Aguera y Arcas runs through the Photosynth demo (2007): 3,007,440

Elizabeth Gilbert on nurturing your genius (2009): 2,978,288

Dan Gilbert asks: Why are we happy? (2004): 2,903,993

Stephen Hawking asks big questions about the universe (2008): 2,629,230

Daniel Pink on the surprising science of motivation (2009): 2,616,363

Barry Schwartz on the paradox of choice (2005): 2,263,065

Richard St. John shares 8 secrets of success (2005): 2,252,911

Mary Roach 10 things you didn’t know about orgasm (2009): 2,223,822

Simon Sinek on how great leaders inspire action (2010): 2,187,868

Chimamanda Adichie shares the danger of a single story (2009): 2,143,763

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Every single TED TALK


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Our Resources

How To: Tedxsummit intro video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOyq3IskI34

TEDxsummit intro video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0-zCwSfkOo

Derek Sivers - How to Start a Movement - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V74AxCqOTvg

TED TALKS (the COMPLETE LIST!) https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pjGlYH-8AK8ffDa6o2bYlXg

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