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Wawancara Mendalam (In-Depth Interview )

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= a qualitative research technique that involves conducting intensive

individual interviews

…. to explore their perspectives on a particular idea, program, or situation.


Kapan In-Depth Interviews sesuai digunakan? when you want detailed information about a person’s

thoughts and behaviors want to explore new issues in depth. to provide context to other data (such as outcome

data), offering a more complete picture of what happened in

the program and why. in place of focus groups if the potential participants may

not be included or comfortable talking openly in a group,

distinguish individual (as opposed to group) opinions about the program

to refine questions for future surveys of a particular group.


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Keuntungan In-Depth Interviews =

provide much more detailed informationprovide a more relaxed atmosphere in

which to collect information Kelemahan In-Depth Interviews = Kemungkinan biasButuh waktu : conduct interviews,

transcribe, and analyze the resultsHarus peneliti yang mampu Not generalizable

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Process In-Depth Interviews:

 1. Plan (siapa yang akan terlibat, apa info yg mau

dikumpulkan, dll)2. Develop Instruments (untuk menjaga konsistensi

wawancara, bagaimana urutannya, apa yang akan dilakukan selama wawancara, penerjemah,

3. Train Data Collectors (speak the local language).4. Collect Data (be sure to explain the purpose of

the interview, why the stakeholder has been chosen, and the expected duration of the interview).

5. Analyze Data (transcribe, review data, analyze all interview data).

6. Disseminate Findings (write report and see “How are In-Depth Interviews Presented?.

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Interview QuestionTips:

Questions should be open-ended

Ask factual question before opinion questions.

Use probes as needed (example, elaborate, jelaskan lebih jauh, apa ada yang lain ?, …)

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Focus Group Discussion:

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Focus Group Discussion:

= is a rapid assessment, semi‐structured data gathering method in which a purposively selected set of participants gather to discuss issues and concerns based on a list of key themes drawn up by the researcher/facilitator (Kumar, 1987).

Focus group discussion guide

1. Specify the objectives and information needs of the focus group discussion (misal; bagaimana penyuluh dan pengamat hama membuat keputusan dala merespon meledaknya serangan hama)

2. Break down the major topics into discussion points or themes.

3. Prepare probe questions (mari kita bicara tentang …..., apa informasi yang didapat dari lapang?,…..bagaimana respon pihak …..?

4. Review the guide and eliminate any irrelevant questions.


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Syarat untuk menjadi Facilitator FGD:

1. familiarity with the discussion topic2. ability to speak the language spoken

of the area3. cultural sensitivity.4. genuine interest in people5. sensitivity to men and women6. Politeness7. Empathy8. Respect for participants

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Langkah-langkah kegiatan FGD:

1. Pembukaan, jelaskan tujuan dan skop2. Tanyakan nama dan background peserta.3. Gunakan panduan pertanyaan yg telah

disiapkan4. Beri kesempatan yg sama untuk peserta

berpartisipasi.5. Gunakan beragam teknik untuk menggali

data, misalnya: biarkan peserta saling berbicara secara langsung tanpa melalui moderator, yg malu-malu di dorong bicara, kendalikan yg dominan, dst.

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Pedoman menyusun pedoman wawancara:

1. FGD adalah untuk listen and learn, bukan mengajar

2. bagi kerja antar anggota tim 3. semua anggota tim pegang FGD guide. 4. pahami dan gunakan bahasa dan istilah lokal 5. open mind and listen more. 6. hindari Yes or No answers.7. hindari leading questions. 8. perhatikan local norms and customs.9. Ingat, waktu bagi peserta juga penting 10. Ucapkan terima kasih

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Laporan FGD disusun dengan cara:

1. reviewing the notes 2. listening again to the cassettes from the session 3. grouping research findings according to key themes4. identifying the different positions that emerged

under each key theme5. summarizing each of the different positions and

assess the extent to which each6. position was held by participants7. pulling out verbatim phrases that represent each

position.8. identifying the recurrent ideas that came out during

the discussion9. interpreting these recurrent ideas based upon other

findings that emerged in the groups

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Analisis Kelembagaan (Institutional Analysis)

Syahyuti, 16 Mei 2012 @BBPTP

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In English Biasa diterjemahkan menjadi

Terminologi semestinya

Batasan dan materinya

1. institution Kelembagaan, institusi

Lembaga Berisi norma, nilai, regulasi, pengetahuan, dll. Menjadi pedoman dalam berperilaku aktor (individu dan organisasi)

2. institutional Kelembagaan, institusi

Kelembagaan Hal-hal berkenaan dengan lembaga.

3. organization Organisasi, lembaga Organisasi Adalah social group, aktor sosial, yg sengaja dibentuk, punya anggota, utk mencapai tujuan tertentu, aturan dinyatakan tegas. Misal: koperasi, kelompok tani, kantor pemerintah.

4. organizational

Keorganisasian, kelembagaan

Keorganisasian Hal-hal berkenaan dengan organisasi. Misal: kepemimpinan, keanggotaan, manajemen, keuangan organisasi, kapasitas organisasi, relasi dgn organisasi lain.

Rekonseptualisasi “Lembaga” dan “Organisasi”

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Institutions. Lembaga = norma + aturan + cultural cognitive

Organization = organisasi

Social Network = jaringan sosial

= individu

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Apa itu Lembaga? Apa itu Organisasi?

Definsi menurut ahli ekonomi kelembagaan:

Douglass C. North:

“institutions = the long-standing rules and rights governing social and productive behavior, atau “the rules of the game”

organizations = the 'players' and structures, or "groups of individuals bound together by some common purpose to achieve objectives", atau their entrepreneurs are the players.

kelembagaan ekonomi dibentuk oleh aturan-aturan formal (formal constraints) berupa rules, laws, dan constitutions; dan aturan informal (informal constraints) berupa norma, kesepakatan, dan lain-lain. Seluruhnya merupakan penentu bagaimana terbentuknya struktur masyarakat dan kinerja ekonominya yang spesifik.


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Di bidang sosiologi:

W. Richard Scott. 2001. Institutions and Organizations, Second Edition. Sage Publications, Inc. California.

Arti institution:

1. are composed of cultured-cognitive, normative, and regulative elements that, together with associated activities and resources, provide stability and meaning of social live.

2. are social structures that have attained a high degree of resilience. 3. are transmitted by various types of carriers, including symbolic

systems, relational systems, routines, and artifacts. 4. operate at multiple levels of jurisdiction, from the world system to

localized interpersonal relationships. 5. connote stabiliy but are subject to change processes, both

incremental and discontinuous.

unsur-unsur utama institusi: rules, norms, and cultural beliefs institusi ditentukan oleh batasan legal, prosedural, moral dan

kultural yang memiliki legitimasi. 16

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Paham kelembagaan baru:

“institution are comprised of regulative, normative and cultural-cognitive elements that, together with associated activities and resources, provide stability and meaning to social life” (Richard Scott, 2008: 48):

Ada 3 pilar dalam institution:

1. Regulative pillar2. Normative pillar3. Cultural-cognitive pillar


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(1) Regulative pillar:

rule setting, monitoring, sanksikapasitas untuk menegakkan aturanreward and punishmentcaranya: melalui mekanisme informal

(folkways) dan formal (polisi, pengeadilan)

represi dan constraintinstitution memberikan constraint dan

juga empower aktor


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(2) Normative pillar:

Tokohnya: Durkheim, Parson, Selznicknorma menghasilkan preskripsi (=lebih

dari antisipasi dan prediksi), evaluatif, dan tanggung jawab dalam kehidupan

mencakup: value (= prefered and desirable) dan norm (how things should be done)

Gunanya: agar tahu apa goal dan objectives kita, dan bagaimana cara mencapainya

Juga meng-constraint dan meng-empower aktor

“rules define relationship among role”


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(3) Cultural-cognitive pillar:

Tokohnya: Geertz, Douglass, Berger, Goffman, Meyer, DiMaggio, Powel, Scott

Intinya: MEANINGKonsep bersama tentang kehidupan sosial dan

kerangka dimana makna-makna diproduksiSedmintasi makna dan kristalisasi makna dalam

bentuk objektifBerisi proses interpretatif internal yang dibentuk

oleh kerangka kultural eksternalSituation shared secara kolektifBersifat indivdual (individu dan ’individual

organization’) dan variatifCulture = what is and what should be


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Pedoman singkat untuk menilai sebuah organisasi (Short Guide for Organizational Assessment

1. Kinerja organisasi (Organizational Performance)

2. Kemampuan organisasi tumbuh di lingkungannya (The Enabling Environment and Organizational Performance)

3. Motivasi organisasi (Organizational Motivation)

4. Kapasitas Organisasi (Organizational Capacity)


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