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Page 1: INDEX OF NAMES - Assets · INDEX OF NAMES Personal names are indexed by given name rather than toponymic. Information about family relationships is provided only when necessary ...

Abadal, Ramon d’, , , Abella (~ de la Conca, PJU), , ; ~ Bon, ; ~ Guitard,

, – , c. Cerdanya, ; ~, m. Amat, ;

~, m. Bernat Adalbert de Navata, n; ~,m. Guillem, n; ~, vc. Berga, ; ~, w.Ramon Arnau d’Anglès,

, bp. Barcelona (–), , ,–

, pope (–), ,

Agde, vc., de Murezeno, Aguilar (~ de Segarra, BAG), , , Aguilar de Bassella (Bassella, AUR), Aguilar, L’ (Els Hostalets de Balenyà, OSO),

, , , , , n, , n [Eimerichus], vc. Narbonne, Albà, L’ (Aiguamúrcia, ACA), n, nAlberes, mtns., Albi, vc., Albinyana (BPE), –, ,


Personal names are indexed by given name rather than toponymic. Information about familyrelationships is provided only when necessary to aid identification in the text or to distinguishindividuals with the same name in the index. Page numbers in italics indicate locations in the textwhere an individual is referred to without a name (e.g., only by office or relationship). ModernCatalan forms that differ from the Latin (see above, p. xiv) are given according to the followingprinciples: -us or -o are omitted; the addition of accents, doubling of letters, and certain otherorthographic changes (a/ai, e/i, c/t, c/s, c/ch, d/t, g/gu, ga/ia, gu/w, i/hi, i/y, ld/ll) are notnoted; -allus or -aldus > -au; -dis > -da; -mundus > -mon ; -uinus > -uí. Thus, e.g.: Adalaidis >Adelaida; Adalbertus > Adalbert; Arluuinus > Arluí; Arnallus > Arnau; Raimundus > Ramon. Inother cases, the most common Latin form is given in brackets after the first main entry. When noobvious modern equivalent exists, the name is given in italics as it appears in the source. Mainentries for personal names (except for modern authors) are given in (with repetitionindicated thus: ~), as are two-part subentries (with repetition indicated thus: ~ ~). Unidentifiedplace names are given in italics. Cross-references in bold are to the subject index.

Abbreviations: a.=abbot/abbess; abp.=archbishop; ad.=archdeacon; bp.=bishop; b.=brother;c.=count(ess), county; d.=diocese; dép.=département (France); emp.=emperor; f.=son/daughter;h.=husband; k.=king, kingdom; mon.=monastic house; m.=mother; mtns.=mountains;p.=father; pr.=prior, provost; prov.=province (Spain, Italy); r.=river; s.=sister; vc.=viscount(ess),viscounty; w.=wife

Catalan comarcas: ACA Alt Camp AEM Alt Empordà ANO Anoia APE Alt Penedès ARI AltaRibagorça AUR Alt Urgell BAG Bages BAR Barcelonès BCI Baix Cinca BEB Baix Ebre BEMBaix Empordà BER Berguedà BLL Baix Llobregat BPE Baix Penedès BRI Baixa Ribagorça CBAConca de Barberà CER Cerdanya CON Conflent FEN Fenolleda GAF Garraf GAR GarriguesGAX Garrotxa GIR Gironès LLI Llitera MAR Maresme NOG Noguera OSO Osona PJU PallarsJussà PSO Pallars Sobirà PUR Pla d’Urgell RIP Ripollès ROS Rosselló SEL Selva SGA SegarraSGR Segrià SOL Solsonès TAR Tarragonès URG Urgell VAL Vallespir VOC Vallès OccidentalVOR Vallès Oriental

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Alcoletge (SGR), Alcorassa (Balaguer, NOG), [Alamannus, -magnus] de Vall-

llobrega, ; ~ Hug de Cervelló, –,–; ~ Onofré, –

, pope (–), , ,, ,

[Ildefonsus] , c. Barcelona, k. Aragón(–), , , , –, –,, –, , , –, , –,–, –, –, –

[Ildefonsus] , k. León-Castile(–), ; ~ , k. León-Castile(–), , ; ~ , k. Castile(–), , –,

, k. Wessex (–), Alinyà (AUR), Almería, , , , c. Barcelona (w. Ramon Berenguer

), n, n, , , n, , n,–, , , n, n; ~, s. RamonBerenguer ,

Alòs (~ de Balaguer, NOG), , , nAlós (Alt Àneu, PSO), - [Ildefonsus], c.

Toulouse (–), , , n , s. Ramon Berenguer , ,

n , , br. Ramon, n; ~, f. Adelaida, ; ~

Elderic [Hildericus], seneschal, , ; ~Vives, f. Berenguer Amat, ,

Andorra, Principality of, n; Valls d’~, [Andreas], n; ~, notary, ; ~

Riculf, a. Sant Cugat del Vallès (–),, ; ~ Sendred, a. Sant Cugat del Vallès(–), ,

Anglès, lineage (<SEL), –Anjou, c., , Anoia, region, de Gurb, vicarius, nAragón, k., , , , n, n, , . See

also kings: Jaume ; Pere ; Ramiro , ;Sancho Ramírez

, br. Guillem Ramon Seneschal, ;~, br. Guillem Ramon de Castellvell, ;~ (Oló), –; ~ de Castellvell, –; ~Amat, ; ~ Biscoz, ; ~ Ramon, n

Arboló (? Avolo; Soriguera, PSO), Arcalís (Soriguera, PSO), n, nArenis, nArgentona (MAR), Argimon (Riudarenes, SEL), , Arles (dép. Bouches-du-Rhone), , a. Santa Maria de Gerri (–),

; ~, br. Berenguer de Torroja, ; h.

Arsenda, ; ~, vc. Castellbò (Alt Urgell)(–), , , ; ~ Arluí, ; ~Arnau de Llers, ; ~ Ató, ; , h. Sancia, n; ~ ~, vc. Pallars (c.–c. x), –; ~ d’Angela, ; ~de Balenyà, ; ~ de Caboet, ; ~ deCastellbò, , ; ~ de Llers, ; ~ deMalla, bp. Vic (–), , ; ~ deMontferrer, , n; ~ de Preixens, bp.Urgell (–), –, , n; ~ deRibes, –; ~ ( ) de Ribes, –; ~de Tost, –; ~ Bertran de Torrelles,–; ~ Ermengol, bp. Barcelona(–), ; ~ Guifré, ; ~ Isarn, ; (La Bisbal), ; ~ ~(Montpalau), , ; , ; ~~, c. Pallars Jussà (–), ; ~ ~ deCasseres, ; ~ ~ de Sant Martí, s. MirGeribert, , , , –, ; ~ ~ deTost, –, , , , , , , ,, , , –; ,; ~ ~, c. Pallars Jussà (–), n

, a. Santa Maria de Ripoll (–),bp. Girona (–), ; ~, bp. Vic(–), –, –

Aro (orig. Benedormiens; Castell d’~, BEM),

Arraona (Sabadell, VOC), , , , , f. Maurus, n; ~, w. Arnau,

n; ~, w. Arnau Mir de Tost, ; ~, w.Guillem de Mediona,

, c. Pallars Sobirà (–), , ,–, , , , ; ~ , c. PallarsSobirà (–c. ), , , –, ,, ; ~ , c. Pallars Sobirà (c. –c.),

Artés (BAG), , , , , , Artesa (~ de Segre, NOG), , de Güel, Mir, n, Aurell, Martin, , c. Urgell (x–), Auvergne, region, Avellana, S’ (Les Masies de Roda, OSO), ,

, Avinoçar (? Filella, Bellcaire d’Urgell, NOG),

AZARICHUS , scribe,

. Guillem, Badorc (Piera, ANO), nBaén (Gerri de la Sal, PSO), –Balaguer (NOG), Balsareny (BAG), , , , Banyeres (~ del Penedès, BPE), n, , ,

; lineage, –Barberà (~ del Vallès, VOC), n, ,

Index of names

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Barcelona (BAR), –, , , (burgus of ),, , , (weights of ), , ,, , , , , , , , ,, ; archdeacon’s towers, ; comitalpalace, ; episcopal palace,

Barcelona, c., , , , , , , , , ,, n, , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , ;archives of, ; counts of, , , , , , ,, , , n, , , , –, ,, , , , , , , , ,, , , , ; house of, , ,, , ; seneschalcy of, , . See alsocounts: Alfons ; Berenguer Ramon , ;Borrell ; Guifré ; Guifré Borrell;Jaume; Pere ; Ramon Berenguer , , , ; Ramon Borrell

Barcelona, d., , , , , n, , ,–, –, , –, , ,–, , –, , –; archivesof, , , ; bishops of, , , ,; canons of, , n, , , , ;cathedral of, , , , , , , ,, , ; chapter of, , . See alsobishops: Aeci, Arnau Ermengol, Bernat deBerga, Bertran, Deusdé, Guadall, Guilara,Guillem de Torroja, Guislabert, Oleguer,Pere, Pere de Sirac, Ramon de Castellvell,Teuderic, Umbert, Vives; cartulary

Barcelona, vc. (from La Guàrdia), , ,n, ; viscounts of, n. See alsoviscounts: Guillem, Guislabert Udalard,Guitard, Reverter, Udalard , Udalard Bernat

Barthélemy, Dominique, Bas, vc. See Besalú, vc.Bavaria, region, Béarn, vc., . See also viscounts: Gaston,

Maria. [Beatrix], vc. Girona (w. Ponç

Guerau ), ; ~ de Montcada, , nBeauvaisis, region, Begur (BEM), , , Bellera, lineage (<Sarroca de Bellera, PJU), Bell-lloc (La Roca del Vallès, VOR), , c. Carcassonne (d. ), Bellveí (Torrefeta, SGA), , pope (–), ; ~ ,

pope (–), [Benedictus] , a. Sant Sadurní de

Tavèrnoles (–), ; ~, scribe, Bensch, Stephen, [Berengarius], vc. Narbonne, n [Berengarius], a. Santa Maria de

Lavaix (–), ; ~, , bp. Elna

(–), , ; ~, schoolmaster ofGirona, ; ~ (L’Esplet), , n; ~ deCorreà, –; ~ de Cruïlles, ; ~ deBarberà, , ; ~ de Calonge, judge, ;~ de Fluvià, , , ; ~ de Lateranis,n; ~ de Llers, bp. Girona (–),?, , , ; ~ de Parets, ; ~ dePerapertusa, ; ~ de Pujalt, ; ~ deRocacorba, n; ~ de Santa Eulàlia,–; ~ de Sentmenat, , ; ~ deTorroja, ; ~ de Vilademuls, abp.Tarragona (–), ; ~ Amat, –,–; , n; ~ ~, a.Sant Joan de les Abadesses (–), ; ~~, d’Anglès, ; ~ Bernat, n; ~ Bernatde Queralt, –, n; ~ Bertran, ; ~Company, ; ~ Dalmau, bp. Girona(–), , ?, –; ~ Guifré, bp.Girona (–), , , –, n,; ~ Guislabert de Sentfores, –; ~Llop [Lupus], –; ~ Macip, n; ~Madex, ; ~ Mir, –; ~ ( ) de Queralt,n; ~ de Queralt, ; , c. Barcelona (–), ,–, n, , , , , , , , ,, , n, , , n, , ,; ~ ~ , c. Barcelona (–), f.Ramon Berenguer , , n, , , ,, , , , , , , , ,, , , , ; ~ ~, hostage, ; ~~, vicarius, n; ~ ~ (Barberà), ; ~ ~ deMontcada, –; ~ Ricard, ; ~ Roig[Rubeus], ; ~ Sal·la, n; ~ Sunifred deLluçà, bp. Vic (–), abp. Tarragona(–), n, , , , , –,–, –, –

, Berga, c., , n. See also count: BernatBerga, vc. See viscountess: Adelaida , vc. Osona (–), Ato, vc. Béziers, , , ,

n; ~ Ato , vc. Nîmes, n, n; ~Odo,

[Bernardus], n; ~, br. Dalmau Isarn,; ~, c. Berga (–c. ), ; ~ , c.Besalú (–), , ; ~ , c. Besalú(–), , , , , n; ~ ,c. Besalú, n; ~, f. Bernat de Rocafort,; ~, f. Ermessenda (Em), ; ~, f. MirGeribert, , –, ; ~, f. Vidal, ,–; ~, p. Deusdé Bernat, vc. Tarragona,; ~, pr. Santa Maria de Mur, ; ~ ,vc. Cerdanya (c. –c. ), , ; ~,vc. Conflent (–c. ), n; ~ d’Alp,; ~ de Banyeres, ; ~ de Berga, bp.Barcelona (–), –; ~ de Besora,

Index of names

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; ~ de Caldes (–), n, , ,, n; ~ de Castellbisbal, ; ~ deCastellcir, ; ~ de Figuerola, –, ,; ~ de Les Piles, ; ~ de Manlleu, ;~ de Montesquiu, , ; ~ de Palafolls,n; ~ de Rocafort, ; ~ de Romanyà,, ; ~ de Tort, abp. Tarragona(–), , ; ~ de Tous, n, ,n; ~ de Vilamur, bp. Urgell (–),; ~ de Voltrera, , n; , f. Ermengarda, ; ~ ~, h.Ermessenda, ; ~ ~ de Navata, ,–; , ; ~ ~, vc.Cardona (Osona) (–), , –,, ; ~ ~ de Rubí, n, n; (Alcorassa), ; ~ ~ (Font-rubí), –; ~ ~ de Perapertusa, f. (?)Berenguer de Perapertusa, , ; ~ Bou[Bovis], n; ~ Dalmau, ; ~ Ecard, ;~ Erall, ; ~ Guifard, ; ~ Guifré, n; , bp. Urgell (–),; ~ ~, c. Cerdanya (–), –; ~~, h. Rossa, ; ~ ~ de Gurb or Queralt,, , –, , –, ; ~ ~d’Olost, –; , ; ~ ~,hostage, n; , ; ~ ~,hostage, n; ~ ~ (Albinyana), –; ~Ponç, pr. Urgell, ; ~ Ramon, c. PallarsJussà (–), ; ~ Riculf, , –;~ Roger, bp. Urgell (–), , ; ~Sanç, bp. Urgell (–), –, –,; ~ Sendred, ; ~ Sunifred, n; ~Tedmar, ; ~ Trasoari, ; ~ Umbert, bp.Girona (–), ,

[Bertrandus], bp. Barcelona(–), ; ~ de Butsènit, ; ~ deCastellet, ; ~ Borrell de Casserres, ; ~Enech de Eramonte, n; ~ Guillem de IpsisOlleriis, ; ~ Odó,

de San Esteban, , des Baux, Besalú (GAX), Besalú, c., , , –, , , ,

–, , ; counts of, , ; houseof, . See also counts: Bernat , , ;Guifré ; Guillem , ; Mir

Besalú, d., Besalu, vc. (from Bas): viscounts of, n.

See also viscounts: Ponç de Cervera, Ponç( ) de Cervera

Besora (Santa Maria de ~, RIP), , nBéziers, vc., , . See also viscounts:

Bernard Ato; Ermengarda; RaimondBernard; Raimond Trencavel; Roger ( ), ( )

Bisbal, La (~ d’Empordà, BEM), , , ,, , –, –

Bisson, Thomas, BITARIUS , , f. k. Navarre, ; ~, w. Ermemir,

–, Blanes (SEL), , , Bloch, Marc, Boadella, La (? Buadella; ? BAR), Bóixols (Abella de la Conca, PJU), Bernat, – [Bonefilius], ; ~, canon of Vic, ;

~, sacristan of Barcelona, [Bonushomo], judge, , ; ~,

sacristan of Urgell, Bonnassie, Pierre, –, , , , –,

n, , , Bordell (? Bordel; Pinell de Solsonès, SOL),

, Borja (prov. Zaragoza), , bp. Roda (–), , , ; ~,

bp. Vic (–), , , , ; ~ , c.Barcelona (–), –, , , –,–, ; ~, fidelis, ; ~ de Tost,

Bowman, Jeffrey, Bresca (Gerri de la Sal, PSO), –Briançó (Sant Antolí i Vilanova, SGA), Guillem, Bruc, El (ANO), Brull, El (OSO), n, Brusque (dép. Aveyron), Burgundy, region, , Burriac (orig. Sant Vicenç; Cabrera de Mar,

MAR), Byzantium, empire,

Cabestany (Benavarri, BRI), Cabra (~ del Camp, ACA), Cabrera (Santa Maria de Corcó, OSO), ,

Calaf (ANO), , , , , , Calassanç (Peralta i ~, LLI), Calasso, Francesco, Calders (El Vendrell, BPE), –, Caldes de Montbui (VOR), Camarasa (NOG), Canelles (Os de Balaguer, NOG), Canfranc (prov. Huesca), Canyà (Serra de Daró, BEM), Capellades (ANO), nCarboneras (prov. Huesca), Carcassonne (dép. Aude), , , , ,

Carcassonne, c., , , , n, n,

–. See also count: BelloCarcolze (El Pont de Bar, AUR), , , Cardona (BAG), , n; lineage, n, ,


Index of names

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Cardona, vc. See Osona, vc. ( ) , k. Francia (–), nCarrión (~ de los Condes, prov. Palencia). See

treatyCartellà (Sant Gregori, GIR), Cas (Àger, NOG), n, Casserres (Les Masies de Roda, OSO), ,

nCasserres (Estopanyà, BRI), Castell de Port (Barcelona, BAR), , Castell Nou vescomtal (Barcelona, BAR), Castell Salat (Gerri de la Sal, PSO), –Castell Vell vescomtal (Barcelona, BAR), n,

, , , nCastelladral (Navàs, BAG), Castellbisbal (VOC), , , , –;

lineage, Castellbò (Montferrer i ~ AUR), Castellbò, vc.. See Urgell, Alt, vc.Castellciutat (La Seu d’Urgell, AUR), nCastelldans (GAR), , Castellet (? Castelltercol, VOR), Castellet (orig. Sant Esteve; ~ i La Gornal,

APE), , nCastellet de la Terreta (Tremp, PJU), , Castellet de Llimiana (? Gavet de la Conca,

PJU), Castellfollit (~ de Riubregós, ANO), , Castellum Fractum, nCastellví de Rosanes (BLL), ; lineage (i.e.,

Castellvell), , n, –, Castile, k., , , , n, . See also kings:

Alfonso , , , Catalonia, region. See subject indexCazola (near Ariza, prov. Zaragoza). See treatyCentelles (orig. Sant Esteve; Sant Martí de ~,

OSO), nCerdanya, c., , , , n, , , –,

, –, , , , n, , ;counts of, , . See also counts:Adelaida, Bernat Guillem, Guifré ,Guillem Ramon, Guillem Jordà,Ramon Guifré, Sunifred

Cerdanya, vc., . See also viscounts: Bernat,Ramon

Ceret (VAL), , –Cervelló (BLL), , , ; lineage (see also

Gurb, Queralt), Cervera (SGA), , n, , ;

Hospitaller house, n; lineage, –Cervià (~ de Ter, GIR), , Ceuró (Castellar de la Ribera, SOL), Champagne, c., , emp. the Franks (–),


Martel, Chelles (dép. Seine-et-Marne), , The, –, nClanchy, Michael, Clarà (Moià, BAG), Clariana (Argençola, ANO), , Claverol (El Pont de ~, PJU), Clua de l’Aguilar, La (Bassella, AUR), , ,

nCluny, Saints-Pierre-et-Paul de, mon. (dép.

Saône-et-Loire), Coaner (Sant Mateu de Bages, BAG), nCocala, nCodony (El Montmell, BPE), nColltort (Sant Feliu de Pallerols, GAX), ,

–, n [Compang], , Conesa (CBA), , Conflent, c., , , nConflent, vc. See viscounts: Bernat, IsarnConques (Isona, PJU), , c. Urgell (w. Ermengol ),

Constantinople, Copons (ANO), , , , Corbeil (dép. Essonne). See treatyCorbins (SGR), Corçà (Àger, NOG), n, Córdoba (prov. Córdoba), , , , , Cornellana (Lavansa i Fórnols, AUR), ,

, Cornet (Sallent de Llobregat, BAG), Cornil (Vilanova de Sau, OSO), nCoscó (Oliola, NOG), , Coucy, region, Cruïlles, lineage (<Sant Sadurní de l’Heura,

BEM), , Cubells (NOG), Cuberes (Gerri de la Sal, PSO), –,

[Dalmacius] de Peratallada, , ,; ~ Bernat de Peratallada, ; ~ Isarn,

, pope (–), Dénia, taifa, [Deusdedit], ; ~, bp. Barcelona

(–), –; ~, h. Ermessenda, n; ~,subscriber, n; , vc.Tarragona (c. –c. ), , n, ,n; ~ ~ (Montbui, Ocelló), –

, fidelis, [Domnucius] Bernat d’Ódena, , ,

n [Dorcas] de Castellvell, Dorna (dép. Aude),

Index of names

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[Dulcia], c. Provence, c. Barcelona,n, , n,

DROCHO , Duby, Georges, –DUTILA , mandatarius of Sant Germà de Cuixà,


Ebro, r., , k. Visigoths (–), , , , c. Barcelona (w. Ramon Berenguer

I), , Elna (dép. Pyrénées-Orientales), Elna, d., , , . See also bishops:

Berenguer , Udalguer [Albira] de Lara, c. Urgell (w.

Ermengol ), –, , a. Sant Joan de les Abadesses, nEmpúries (L’Escala, AEM), Empúries, c., , , , ; ~-Peralada, ;

counts of, n, . See also counts: Hug , , ; Ponç Hug; Ponç Hug

Empúries, vc., Mir, England, k., , –, . See also kings:

Henry , John, StephenENGÚNCIA , vc. Osona (w. Ramon ), , [Ennego] Bonfill, –, , , ,

–, Enrens (Tremp, PJU), [Henricus], uncle of Guillem Jordà, c.

Cerdanya, n; ~, f. Bernat , c. Besalú,

[Henricus], consul, Eramprunyà (Gavà, BLL), , n, , ,

, , , , bp. Urgell (–), n, ,

n , vicarius, , ; ~ de L’Aguilar, , ; ~, f. Guillem Guitard de

Caboet, n; ~, s. Guillem, c. PallarsSobirà, ; ~, vc. Béziers (w. RaimondBernard), , –, , ; ~, w.Geribert, , ; ~, w. Guillem Bernatd’Òdena, ; ~, w. Ramon Guillem d’Òdena, –

[Ermengaudus], a. Sant Cugat delVallès (–), ; ~, Sant, bp. Urgell(–), nephew of Sal·la, bp. Urgell, ,, , –, –, n, , , ,–, , n; ~ , c. Urgell(–), n, , –, ; ~ , c.Urgell (–), –, , , , –,, , , , , , , , , ; ~

, c. Urgell (–), , , , , ,–, –, , , , , ,; ~ , c. Urgell (–), , , ,, , , , , , ; ~ , c.Urgell (–), , ; ~ , c.Urgell (–), , , , ?, ; ~ , c. Urgell (–), , ; ~ , c.Urgell (–), –, –; ~,notary, ; ~, vicarius, , ; ~ Ermemir,–; ~ Guillem de Mediona, –,,

, c. Barcelona (w. RamonBorrell), , –, , , , , , ,–, , , , , n, n, ,, –, n, ; ~, c. Foix (w. RogerBernard), ; ~, c. Pallars Jussà (m. Ramon ), n; ~, f. Bertran de Butsenit, ; ~,f. Guillem de Mediona, ; ~, vc. Osona(w. Ramon Folc ), , , n; ~, w.Bernat de Manlleu, ; ~, w. Deusdé, n;~ (Em), w. Bernat Adalbert,

[Eroigius], ; ~ Marc, judge, Escós, Vall d’ (Soriguera, PSO), Espadella (? La Pertusa, Àger, NOG), nEsparreguera (BLL), , Espases, Les (Esparreguera, BLL), , Espelt, L’ (Òdena, ANO), , , , ,

Espill, Coll de l’ (Rabós d’Empordà, AEM),

Espunyola, L’ (BER), Estanya (Benavarri, BRI), , , c. Pallars Sobirà (m. Artau I),

n [Stephanus], nEstopanyà (BRI), , Eures (Santa Eugènia de Berga, OSO), ,


Far, El (also Castellvell de Llinars; Llinars delVallès, VOR),

Feliu, Gaspar, , , k. León (–), Ferrerons (Moià, BAG), n de Valferrera, , Figuera de l’Aguda, La (Vilanova de l’Aguda,

NOG), Figuerola (? Llanera de Solsonès, SOL), , ,

, , , Finestres (Sant Aniol de ~, GAX), ,

–, nFlanders, c., , Foix, c., n. See also counts: Ermessenda,

Roger, Roger BernardFoix, r.,

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[Fulco] , vc. Osona (–), , n,, ; ~ , vc. Cardona (Osona), bp.Urgell (–), , , , n, n;~ Ermengol, –; ~ Geribert,

Fondarella (PUR), , Fonolleres (Parlavà, BEM), , , Font Rius, José Maria, Fontanet (Llanera de Solsonès, SOL), Fontanet. See PieraFont-rubí (APE), , , , , Foradada (NOG), nForès (CBA), , Fornells (~ de la Selva, GIR), , Fos (dép. Bouches-du-Rhône), n; lineage,

nFraga (BCI), , , France, k., , , –. See also kings: Hugh,

Louis , Philip Barbarossa, emp. Germany,

–Freedman, Paul, , , , , , , Freixe (Piera, ANO), Freteval (dép. Loire-et-Cher), , bp. Vic (–), –, , , ,


Gaià (BAG), , , n, , , Gaià, r., of Bruges, [Gaucerandus], ; ~ de Pinós,

n; ~ de Sales (fl. –), , , ;~ de Sales (fl. –), , , ; ~Erimany [Erimannus], ; ~ Gombau,

Ganshof, François-Louis, , f. k. Navarre, ; ~ Ramírez, k.

Navarre (–), , vc. Béarn, de Avarzone, [Gaubertus], nGavarra (Coll de Nargó, AUR), , Gebut (Soses, SGR), , Gelida (APE), nGeltrú, La (Vilanova i ~, ANO), , notary, d’Aurillac, , ; ~, vicarius, , ; ~ Galceran,

–; ~ Guitard, ; ~ Mir, Gilareny (Llavorsí, PSO), Girona (GIR), , , , , ; turre

rodona, Girona, c., , , –, , , , , ,

, , , Girona, d., , , n, , , –,

–, –, , –, –;cathedral of, ; canons of, . See alsobishops: Arnulf, Berenguer Dalmau,

Berenguer de Llers, Berenguer Guifré,Bernat Umbert, Gotmar, Guillem deMonells, Guillem de Peratallada, Odó, Pere,Ramon Orusall, Serf de Déu; cartulary

Girona, vc. (from Cabrera), –. Seealso viscounts: Guerau; Guereau Ponç , ; Lleopard; Ponç ; Ponç Guerau , ;Otger; Unifred

Gironella (Girona, GIR), , nGIS IMARA , , ; ~, br. Bella, , n; ~, br. Guillem, Pere Ponç,

; ~, f. Mir Geribert, , ; ~, f.Ramon Guillem de Castellvell, ; ~,grandfather of Ramon de Peramola, ; ~de Besora, , ;

[Gondemarus] , bp. Girona(–),

Granada, La (APE), n, , , , n,

, pope (–), ; ~, bp. Tours(–),

Grisén (prov. Zaragoza), , bp. Barcelona (–), ; ~ ,

vc. Osona (c. –), n; ~ de Cruïlles,br. Berenguer, ; ~ Guillem,

Guàrdia, La (El Bruc, ANO), , nGuàrdia, La (Les Llosses, RIP), , ad. Urgell, ; ~, vc. Girona (c.

–c. ), ; ~ de Jorba, –; ~ dePalamós (s. ), n; ~ de Palamós (s. ),, ; ~ de Rupià, n; de Cervelló, , , ?; ~ ~ de Cervelló, , ?, n; ~ ~ deCervelló, ; ~ ~ de Cervelló, ; ~Màger, ; , vc. Girona(c. –), vc. Baix Urgell (c. –),s. Ponc Guerau , , , , –,, , ; ~ ~ , vc. Cabrera (Girona)(c. –), –

de Jorba, w. Guillem de Cardona,,

, grammaticus, , n [Guifredus] the Hairy, c. Barcelona

(–), , ; ~ Borrell, c. Barcelona(–), , ; ~ , c. Besalú(–), ; ~ , c. Cerdanya (–), ,, , –, , ; ~, h. Orundina, ;~, judge, , ; ~ Bonfill, n; ~ d’Orís,vicarius, n

, abp. Narbonne, , n, [Gilaman] Hug, – , bp. Barcelona (–), – [Guilelmus] of Montpellier, ; ~

of Montpellier, ; ~ Leteric, –

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[Guilelmus], abp. Arles, [Guilelmus], n; ~, a. Sant

Sadurní de Tavèrnoles (c. –c. ), ;~, ad. Urgell, ; ~, br. Pere Ponç,Gombau, ; ~, br. Riquilda, ; ~ , c.Besalú (–), br. Enric, , , ; ~ , c. Besalú (–), , , , ,n, , –; ~ Ramon, c. Cerdanya(–), , n, , , –, ,, ; ~ Jordà, c. Cerdanya(–), ; ~, c. Pallars Sobirà(–), , , n; ~, f. Adelaida,n; ~, f. Ermengol, ; ~, precentor ofGirona, ; ~, pr. Sant Benet de Bages (c.–c. ), ; ~, pr. Santa Maria del’Estany (), ; ~, vc. Barcelona(–), ; ~, vc. Cardona (Osona)(–), –, ; ~ (La Rua), ;~ d’Anglesola, ; ~ d’Avinyó, a. SantCugat del Vallès (–), ; ~ deBalenyà, f. Guillem, ; ~ de Balenyà, p.Arnau, Guillem, Pere, ; ~ de Balsareny,bp. Vic (–), , , , ,–, , , , , ; ~ de Bassa,; ~ de Castellbò, vc. Urgell (c.–), , , , ; ~ ( ?) deCastellvell, ; ~ de Cervera, , ; ~ de Cervera, n, , ; ~ deCervera, ; ~ de L’Espunyola, ; ~ deFarigola, ; ~ de Guàrdia, , ; ~d’Heures, pr. Santa Maria d’Estany(–), n; ~ de La Granada, ; ~ deLa Tallada, , n; ~ de La Vansa, ; ~de Lluçà, ; ~ de Mediona, –, ,n, , , ; ~ de Monells, bp.Girona (–), , ; ~ de Montbui(s. ), ; ~ de Montbui (s. ), ; ~ dePeratallada, bp. Girona (–), , ;~ de Pujalt, n; ~ de Rupià, n; ~ deSalses, , ; ~ de Sanaüja, n; ~ deSant Martí, , n, ; ~ de SantaColoma, n; ~ de Sentfores, , ; ~de Tavertet, bp. Vic (–), , ;~ de Terrassa, ; ~ de Torroella, n; ~ deTorroja, bp. Barcelona (–), abp.Tarragona (–), , , –, ,; ~ de Voltrera, , n; ~ Berenguer,bp. Vic (–), , –; , br. Pere Bernat, , n; ~ ~, a.Santa Maria de Ripoll (–), ; ~ ~de Navata, , ; ~ ( ) ~ d’Òdena, ,, –, n; ~ ~ d’Olost, –; ~ ~de Queralt, , , , , ; ~ ( )Dalmau de Cervera, –, ; ~ Donús,; ~ Folc de Galliner, comitor, –,–; , , n; ~ ~,

ad. Vic, ; ~ ~, bp. Urgell (–), ,, , , –, , ; ~ Guitardde Vallferrera, , ; ~ Hug, ; ~ Jofre,; ~ Mainard, –; ,ad. Roda, ; ~ ~ de Castellet, ; ~ ~ deRavidats, bp. Lleida (–), ; ~ Ponç,n; , ; ~ ~ Seneschal, , , ; ~ ~ Seneschal,, n, , , , –, ; ~ ~, a.Sant Pere d’Àger (–), , ; ~ ~ de Castellvell, p. Guillem Ramon deCastellvell, , , –, ; ~ ~ deCastellvell, , , , ; ~ ~ deCastellvell, , ?, ; ~ ~ de Cervera,, , n; ~ ~ de Galliner, ; ~ ~ deMontcada, , ; ~ ~ Gantelm, ; , ; ~ ~, f. Umbert,; ~ ~, subscriber, n; ~ ~ (Vilassar),

, bp. Urgell (–/), , ; ~de Sallent, –, n

[or Guilia], vc. Conflent (m.Ermengol, bp. Urgel), ; ~, vc. Osona (w.Folc I), , , ; ~, w. Mir Geribert, ,–, , ; ~, w. Pere Amat, ; ~de Banyeres, –

[Guilabertus], bp. Barcelona(–), , –, , , , –,, ; ~ , c. Rosselló (–), ,–, ; ~ Udalard, vc. Barcelona (c.–), , , ; ~ de Cruïlles,; ~ Mir de Sentfores, n, ,

Guissona (SGA), , , , , , a. Sant Cugat del Vallès (–),

–; ~, vc. Barcelona, great-grandfatherof Udalard (c. –c. ), –, n,; ~ (El Vendrell), ; ~ (Fontanet), ; ~de Caboet, ; ~ de Mura, n; ~Guillem de Meià, –,

Gurb (OSO), n, , , ; lineage (seealso Cervelló, Queralt), , , , –

, pope (–), al- , caliph of Córdoba (–), , k. England (–), , caliph of Córdoba (–,

–), nHuesca (prov. Huesca), Huesca, taifa, [Ugo], a. Sant Vicenç de Cardona (c.

–c. ), ; ~ , c. Empúries(–), , –; ~ , c. Empúries(–), –, ; ~ , c.Empúries (x–), –; ~ deCervelló, n; ~ Arnau, ; ~ Dalmau deCervera, p. Ponç Hug, –, , n; , , ; ~ ~, hostage,

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, , of Lusignan, ; ~ Capet, k. France

(–), , nHyères (dép. Var), n

Iberian Peninsula, region, , , , , –,, n,

Ibn ‘Iyad· of Murcia, nIbn Mardanıs (Lobo) of València and Murcia,

Illa (ROS; =Ille-sur-Têt, dép. Pyrénées-

Orientales), , pope (–), ; ~ ,

pope (–), , fidelis, ; ~, vc. Conflent (c. –),

n; ~ de Solterra, vicarius, n; ~ Ramonde Caboet,

, , bp. Seville (x–),

Jarnègues (dép. Gard), n [Jacobus] , c. Barcelona, k. Aragón

(–), , –Jerusalem, [Ximinus] de Artosilla, [Iohannes], n; ~, clericus of Barcelona,

; ~ de Berix, scribe, ; ~ de Lateranis,n; ~ de Monells, saio, –

[Gaucefredus], ad. Besalú, ; ~ , c.Rosselló (–), ; ~ , c. Rosselló(–), –, n; ~, precentor ofGirona, ; ~ , vc. Rocabertí (Peralada) (c.–), ; ~ de Santa Coloma, ; ~Bastó, ; ~ Maier de Mur,

, k. England (–), [Iordanus] de Sant Martí, f. Arnau Mir

de Sant Martí, , , de Pina, Juià (GIR), n , emp. Rome (–),

al- ibn Yah·yà, ‘Abd, Koziol, Geoffrey,

Languedoc, region, , , , n, Lasquarri (BRI; =Lascuarre, prov. Huesca),

Latium, region, Laurac (~-le-Grand, dép. Aude), Lauragais, seigneurie, –Lavancola, León, k., , . See also kings: Alfonso ,

; Fernando Limoux (dép. Aude), Llanera (~ de Solsonès, SOL), , , ,

Llavinera (Sant Pere Sallavinera, ANO), ,,

Lleida (SGR), , , (Plain of ), , ,, ,

Lleida, d. See bishop: Guillem Pere de RavidatsLleida, taifa, , , , , Llenguaeixuta (Tàrrega, URG), , vc. Girona (s. ), nLlimiana (PJU), , –, Llobregat, r., , , Llor, El (Sant Boi de Llobregat, BLL), n,

Llordà (Isona, PJU), n, Lloret (~ de Mar, SEL), nLluçà (OSO), n, , c. Pallars Sobirà (w. Artau ), ,

–, Lodi (prov. Lombardia), nLoire, r., [Lupus], bp. Pamplona (–), –Lorca (prov. Murcia), Lordat (dép. Ariège), , k. of Francia (–), [Ludovicus] the Pious, emp. the Franks

(–), , ; ~ , k. France (–),

Mâconnais, region, Magnou-Nortier, Élisabeth, , – , c. Barcelona (w. Ramon

Berenguer II), f. Robert Guiscard, n, , nMAIMBORGS , f. Ermengol, ; ~, w. Guerau

Màger, Mal Consell (La Granada, APE), , Málaga, taifa, Malagastre (Artesa de Segre, NOG), , al- , ‘Abd, hadjib (–), n, Malla (orig. Orsal; OSO), , n, –,

–, Manlleu (OSO), , nManresa (BAG), , , al-

(Muh·ammad ibn Abı ‘Amir),

hadjib (–), , , , , Marche, La, region, , w. Orús, ; ~, w. Ramon Mir

d’Orcau, [Maria], vc. Béarn, ; ~ de

Ventadour, Marseille (dép. Bouches-du-Rhône), Masquefa (ANO), , n , nMeda (Sant Julià de Vilatorta, OSO), , ,

, , n, , Mediona (APE), n (lady-lord of ), Mediterranean, region. See subject index

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Melgueil (dép. l’Hérault), , Melgueil, c., , Meranges (CER), Merlès (Santa Maria de ~, BER), Milany (Vallfogona de Ripollès, RIP), Millars (ROS), Minerve, vc., , –. See also viscount:

Pierre , n; ~ Bonfill, c. Besalú

(x–), ; ~ (Bellver), n; ~d’Hostoles, n; ~ Arnau, ; ~ Ballouí,canon of Barcelona, ; ~ Foget de Besora,; ~ Geribert, , , , , –,–; ~ Guifré, ; deCastellcir, ; ~ ~ de Puigverd, ; ~Guirreta ( ) de Bellera, –; [Lupus], ; ~ ~ Sanç, , ; ~ Riculf,, –

Miralles (Cava, AUR), , Miralles (Santa Maria de ~, ANO), , ,

, , , , , , , Miralpeix (Sitges, GAF), Molins (Pont de ~, AEM), , –Monistrol (Sant Sadurní d’Anoia, APE), nMontagut (Querol, ACA), Montalban (~ lo Castell, FEN; =Montalba-le-

Château, dép. Pyrénées-Orientales), Montalé (Ivars d’Urgell, PUR), Montblanc (CBA), n, Montbui (BAG), n, , , , , ,

, , , , , Montcada, lineage (<~ i Reixac, VOC), n,

, , , Montclús (Les Avellanes i Santa Linya, NOG),

nMontcortès (Gerri de la Sal, PSO), –Montellà (~ i Martinet, CER), Montesquiu, lineage (<?), Montfalcó el Gros (Veciana, ANO), , ,

, Montfar, lineage (<?), nMontferrer (~ i Castellbò, AUR), , ,

Montjuïc (Barcelona, BAR), , Montlleó (Sant Antolí i Vilanova, SGA), ,

Montmagastre (Artesa de Segra, NOG), ,

, nMontmell (El ~, BPE), n, , –, Montpalau (Pineda de Mar, MAR), , ,

, , , n, Montpellier (dép. Hérault): lineage, Mor (Tàrrega, URG), , , Moratxa (also Roca Maura; Torroella de

Montgrí, BEM), de Cabrera, vicarius, n

ibn Abı ‘Amir. See al-Mans·ur

Muial, nMur (Guàrdia de Noguera, PJU), , , Murasson (dép. Aveyron), Murcia (prov. Murcia), Muret (dép. Haute-Garonne), (battle of )Murezeno,

Narbonne, archdiocese, , ; cathedral of, n.See also archbishops: Guifred, Richard

Narbonne, vc., , n. See also viscounts:Aimery, Bérenger

Navarcles (BAG), nNavarre, k., , . See also kings: García

Ramírez; Sancho , , Navata (AEM), n, , , , Nîmes (dép. Gard), n, Nîmes, vc., , . See also viscount: Bernard

Ato , nNoguera Pallaresa, r., –Normandy, duchy, Notre-Dame de Vézelay (Vézelay, dép.

Yonne), n Pérez de Lara, c.,

Ocelló (Santa Margarida de Montbui, ANO),, , ,

ODE , nOdèn (SOL), Òdena (ANO), , , , – [also Otto], n; ~, a. Sant Cugat

(–), bp. Girona (c. ), , ,; ~ Remus, . See also Ot

Odron, [Ollegarius], bp. Barcelona

(–), abp. Tarragona (–), ,,

Olèrdola (ANO), , , , , , , a. Sant Miquel de Cuixà (–),

bp. Vic (–), , , , , ,–, , –,

[or Olivarius], ; ~ de Llorà,–; ~ Bernat, –; ~ Ermemir, ,n; ~ Guillem, , ,

Oló (Santa Maria d’~, BAG), n, –,

Olost, lineage (Oristà, OSO), , [Unofredus] Ermemir, –Orcau (Isona, PJU), ; lineage, Orís (OSO), , , n, –, , Oristà (OSO), n, Oroners (Camarasa, NOG), nOrrit (Tremp, PJU), ORSETH [Orset], ,

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[Aurundina], [Aurucius], judge, , Osona, c., , , , , , , , , ,

, , , Osona, d. See Vic, d.Osona, vc. (from Cardona), viscounts of,

, , . See also viscounts: Bermon;Bernat Amat; Engúncia; Ermessenda; Folc , ; Guadall ; Guillem; Guisla; Ramon;Ramon Folc ,

[Odo], Sant, bp. Urgell (–), ,

[Audegarius], vc. Girona (c. –c. ),n

Ourliac, Paul, –, ,

Palad, Palau-sator (BEM), Pallars, c., n, , , , n, , , , ,

Pallars, vc. (from c. Vilamur): viscounts of,

. See also viscounts: Arnau Bernat; PereArnau ,

Pallars Jussà, c., , , , , , , , ,–, , , , , ; counts of,, . See also counts: Arnau Mir; ArnauRamon; Berenguer Ramon; Pere Ramon;Ramon , ; Valença

Pallars Sobirà, c., , , , ; counts of,. See also counts: Artau , , ;Guillem; Llúcia

Palomera, Palou de Sanaüja (Torrefeta, SGA), Pals (BEM), nPapiol, El (BLL), Paracolls (Campome, CON; dép. Pyrénées-

Orientales), , Passanant (CBA), [Petrus], bp. Zaragoza, ; ~ Ansúrez,

c. Valladolid, ; ~ Manrique de Lara, c.,–

de Castillazuelo, Penedès, c., Penedès, region, , , , , ; Baix

~, Peralada (orig. Tolon[e]; AEM), , , nPeralada, c., , . See also Empúries, c.Peralada, vc. (from c. Rocabertí), . See

also viscount: Jofre Peraleu, nPeramea (Gerri de la Sal, PSO), –Peramola (AUR), Perarrua (BRI), n [Petrus], ; ~, bp. Barcelona (–),

; ~, bp. Girona (–), , , n,n, , , ; ~ , c. Barcelona, k.

Aragón (–), , , , –; ~,f. Bertran Borrell de Casseres, ; ~, f. Pere (see Jaume ); ~, sacristan of Barcelona,; ~ (Sanaüja), n; ~ de Balenyà, ; ~de Banyeres, ; ~ de Bellvís, ; ~ deBerga, ; ~ de Besora, , ; ~ deClaramunt, ; ~ de Lluçà, , ; ~ deMontferrer, ; ~ d’Oló, , ; ~ dePuigverd, , n, ; ~ de Puigverd, bp.Urgell (–), ; ~ de Redorta, bp.Vic (–), , , , ; ~ deSanta Oliva, ; ~ ( ) de Sentmenat, ,; ~ de Sirac, bp. Barcelona (–),, ; ~ Albert, ; ~ Amat, seneschal,, –; , vc. Vilamur(Pallars), ; ~ ~ , vc. Vilamur (Pallars),; ~ Berenguer, bp. Urgell (–), ,n, ; ~ Bernat, br. Guillem Bernat,, n; ~ Bertran de Bell-lloc, , ; ~Folc, –; ~ Geribert, –; , ; ~ ~, a. Sant Pere d’Àger(–), ; ~ ~, ad. Urgell, ; ~Guislabert, ; , grandson ofAtinard, ; ~ ~, hostage, ; ~ ~ (Ponts),; ~ ~ (Solsona), –; ~ ~ de Banyeres,p. Ponç Pere de Banyeres, , n, ; ~Poc [Paucus], ; , ; ~ ~, br.Gombau, Guillem, ; , ;~ ~, c. Pallars Jussà (–), n, ,; ~ ~, f. Ramon, n; ~ ~, vc. Castellbò(Alt Urgell) (–), ; ~ ~ ( ) d’Erill,–; ~ Rossell, n; ~ Tedball, ; ~Udalard,

Perpinyà (ROS), , c. Barcelona (w. Ramon

Berenguer IV), , Augustus, k. France (–),

–Piera (orig. Fontanet; ANO), , n [Petrus], vc. Minerve, [Petrus] Uresol, doge of Venice

(–), Pinós, lineage (<~ de Solsonès, SOL), nPinyana (ACA), Pira (CBA), Poitou, c. See count: RichardPomar (Sant Antolí i Vilanova, SGA), , [Poncius], a. Sant Sadurní de Tavèrnoles

(c. –c. ), ; ~, a. Santa Mariad’Alaó (–), ; ~ Hug, c. Empúries(–), , , n, ; ~, f. Ponç deSanta Fe, ; ~, precentor of Girona, ; ~,scribe, , ; ~ , vc. Cabrera (Girona)(–c. ), ; ~ ( ) de Cervera, vc.Bas (Besalú) (–c. ), ; ~ ( ) deCervera, vc. Bas (Besalú) (c. –x),

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–; ~ de Lillet, n; ~ de Malacara,n; ~ de Monells, bp. Tortosa(–), , ; ~ d’Osor, n, ; ~de Santa Fe, ; ~ Bertran, ; ~ BonfillMarc, ; ~ Guerau , vc. Girona (c.–c. ), f. Guerau, , , , ,, , , , , , , , ,; ~ Guerau , vc. Girona (–c. ),, ; ~ Guillem, ; ~ Hug , c.Empúries (–x), , , ,–, ; ~ Hug de Cervera, , ,; ~ Pere de Banyeres, , –

[Poncius] de Fos, nPontils (CBA), Pontons (APE), , , Ponts (NOG), ( ) de Caldes, Portella, La (La Quar, BER), Premià (~ de Dalt, MAR), Prenafeta (Montblanc, CBA), Provence, c., , , –, n, –,

n; house of, . See also count: DoucePúbol (La Pera, BEM), , , Puiggròs (GAR), Purroi (Benavarri, BRI), Pyrenees, mtns., , , , , , , , , .

See also treaty

Quer (Prats de Lluçanès, OSO), , , ,

Queralt (Bellprat, ANO), , , ;lineage (see also Cervelló, Gurb), , ,

Queralt (El Pont de Bar, AUR), , Querol (ACA), [Chixol],

al- , ‘Abd, caliph of Córdoba

(–), [Raimundus] , c. Rouergue, n,

n; ~ , c. Toulouse (–), n; ~ , c. Toulouse (–), , ; ~ deNiort, ; ~ des Baux, ; ~ Bernard, vc.Béziers, , , , –, , , ; ~Trencavel, vc. Béziers, ,

[Radmirus] , k. Aragón (–),n, ; ~ , k. Aragón (–),

, n; ~, a. Sant Sadurní de Tavèrnoles(–), ; ~, a. Sant Feliu de Girona(–), ; ~, br. Aimeric, Gausbert,n; ~ , c. Pallars Jussà (–), , ,, ; ~ , c. Pallars Jussà (–), ,–, –, , , , , , –,n, –, , , , ; ~, f.Guillem de Mediona, ; ~, f. Bernat deTous, n, n; ~, f. Ramon Arnau

d’Anglès, ; ~, hostage, ; ~, litigant,–; ~, pr. Santa Maria d’Organyà, ; ~,pr. Santa Maria de Lavaix, ; ~, sacristanof Sant Vicenç de Cardona, ; ~ , vc.Castellbò (Alt Urgell) (–), ; ~ ,vc. Cerdanya (c. –c. ), –; ~, vc.Osona (x–), , n, n; ~ deCaldes, , , , ; ~ de Castellbò,n; ~ de Castellvell, bp. Barcelona(–), , ; ~ de Cervera (c. ),; ~ de Cervera (c. ), , n, ,; ~ de Mediona, n; ~ de Montseré,; ~ ( ) d’Òdena, –; ~ d’Olost, ,; ~ de Papiol, ; ~ de Peramola, ; ~de Perella, ; ~ de Pujalt, ; ~ ( ) deRibes, , –; ~ ( ) de Ribes, ,–; ~ de Sentfores, , ; ~ deSentmenat, a. Sant Cugat del Vallès(–), , ; ~ de Tarroja, ; ~ deTongui, ; ~ de Tous, , ; ~ deVernet, ; ~ Ademar, , n, ; ~Amat, ; , ; ~ ~d’Anglès, –; ~ ~ de Meià, ; , n; ~ ~ , c.Barcelona (–), , , –, , ,, –, n, , –, , –, ,–, n, , , –, –,, –, –, , –, ,–, –, –, , , n,, , n, , –, n, –,, , –, ; ~ ~ , c. Barcelona(–), , , , , –, ,, , , , , n, , , ;~ ~ , c. Barcelona (–), , ,–, , –, –, , ,–, –, , n, , –,–, , n, , –, ,–; ~ ~ , c. Barcelona (–), ,, , n, –, , –, –,–, , n, , , , , ,; ~ ~, priest of Sant Miquel de Cardona,; (La Guàrdia), ,; ~ ~ (Salàs), ; ~ ~ d’Olost, –;~ Borrell, c. Barcelona (–), , , ,, , , , , , ; ~ Bremon deCastellbisbal, –; ~ Brocard, –; ~Dalmau, ; , f. FolcErmengol, –; ~ ~ , vc. Cardona(Osona) (–), , , ; ~ ~ ,vc. of Cardona (Osona) (–), –;~ Gausbert, ; ~ Geribert, ; ~ Guadall,; , c. Cerdanya(–), n, , n, , , , ,, , , , ; ~ ~ de Vilamur,; , f. Guillem Guifré,; ~ ~ (Castellbisbal), , ; ~ ~

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(cont.)(Castelltercol), n; ~ ~ (Rocafort), n;~ ~ de Montcada, ; ~ ( ) ~ d’Òdena,–; ~ ~ ( ) d’Òdena, –; ~ ~ dePrullans, n; ~ Jofre, bp. Vic (–),, ; , hostage, ; ~ ~(Argentona), ; ~ ~ (Castellet), ; ~ ~(Eramprunyà), ; ~ ~ (Talarn), –; ~ ~d’Hostoles, ; ~ ~ de L’Aguda, , ,; ~ ~ d’Orcau, ; ~ Orusall, bp. Girona(–), –, ; , ;~ ~ de Banyeres, ; ~ ~ d’Erill, ; ~Ramon, ; (Sant Benetde Bages), n; ~ ~ (Font-rubí), –; , –; ~ ~, nephewof Guillem Ponç, n; ~ ~ (Arraona), n;~ Xetmar, bp. Vic (–),

, Ravinas (? Campins, VOR), Razès, c., , n, , n, – , nRégola (Àger, NOG), Regomir gate (Castell del Regomir, Barcelona,

BAR), , grammaticus, nRennes le Château (dép. Aude), Requesens (La Jonquera, AEM), , Revell, , , vc. Barcelona (c. –), Rhaetia, region, Rhine, r., Riba, La (ACA), nRibagorça, c., n, Ribera de Cardós (? Ribera; PSO), Ribes (~ de Freser, RIP), Ribes (Sant Pere de ~, GAF), , n,

–, –, , –, –;lineage,

Altemir, –; ~ Guillem deBarcelona, n, ,

, abp. Narbonne, ; ~, c. Poitou(–), n

Ripoll, c., Riquer (? Sant Martí de Tous, ANO), , , w. Eldemar, ; ~, w. Sesmon,

Rivert (El Pont de Claverol, PJU), n [Rodbertus] Guiscard, nRoca Maura. See MoratxaRocabertí (La Jonquera, AEM), Rocabertí, vc. See Pallars, vc.Rocacorba (Canet d’Adri, GIR), nRocafort (Gerri de la Sal, PSO), –Roda (La Pobla de ~, BRI), nRoda, d., n, , . See also bishop: Borrell

[Rogerius], c. Foix, n; ~ , vc.Béziers, ; ~ , vc. Béziers, , –,; ~ Bernard, c. Foix, vc. Castellbò (AltUrgell) (–),

[Rodlandus] Guillem, nRomanyà (Pontós, AEM), Rome (prov. Lazio), , , Roqueta, La (Sant Martí de Tous, ANO), ,

, Rosselló, c., , , , , , ; counts

of, . See also Guislabert ; Jofre , Rosselló, vc. (from Tatzó), Rouergue, c. See count: Raimond Rua, La (Abella de la Conca, PJU), , Rubí (VOC), n, Rubinat (Sant Antolí i Vilanova, SGA), Rubió (Foradada, NOG),

Sacama (Olesa de Montserrat, BLL), Sahagún (prov. León). See treatySainte-Marie de Camon, mon. (dép. Ariège),

nSainte-Marie de La Grasse, mon. (dép. Aude),

nSaissac (dép. Aude), [Sanla], n; ~, bp. Urgell (–),

, , , ; ~ de Solterra, vicarius, nSalàs (~ de Pallars, PJU), Sallent (~ de Llobregat, BAG), nSallent (Coll de Nargó, AUR), n, nSalrach, Josep Maria, Salzed. See Sant Sadurní de l’HeuraSanaüja (SGA), , , , n [Sancius], br. Alfons , ; ~, br.

Ramon Berenguer , , ; ~ d’Alp, ;~ Berenguer, pr. Sant Benet de Bages (c.–c. ),

[Sancia], s. Ramon Berenguer , ;~, w. Ramon de Montseré, ; ~, w. ArnauBernat, n

[Sancia] of Castile, c. Barcelona (w.Alfons I),

[Sancius] Garcés, k. Navarre(–), , ; ~ ( ) de Peñalén, k.Navarre (–), n; ~ , k. Navarre(–), , , ; ~ Ramírez, k.Aragón (–), n, ,

Sant Benet de Bages, mon. (Sant Fruitós deBages, BAG), , , , , ;archive of, . See also priors: Guillem,Sanç Berenguer

Sant Cugat del Vallès, mon. (VOC), , , ,n, , , , , –, , , ,, –, , ; archive of, , .

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See also abbots: Andreu Riculf, AndreuSendred, Ermengol, Guillem, Guitard, Odó,Ramon; cartulary

Sant Esteve de Banyoles, mon. (PES), Sant Esteve de Coll de Nargó (AUR), Sant Esteve de Pomers (Clerà, CON), Sant Esteve. See CastelletSant Feliu de Girona, mon. (GIR), n. See also

abbot: RamonSant Feliu de Guíxols, mon. (BEM) Sant Genís d’Orriols (Bàscara, AEM), nSant Genís de Bellera, mon. (Senterada, PJU),

–Sant Germà de Cuixà, mon. (Codalet, dép.

Pyrénées-Orientales), , Sant Jaume de Frontanyà, mon. (~, BER), Sant Joan de les Abadesses, mon. (RIP), n.

See also abbots: Berenguer Arnau, EmmaSant Llorenç (Sant Julià de Vilatorta, OSO),

, nSant Llorenç d’Ares (Àger, NOG), nSant Llorenç prop Bagà, mon. (Guardiola de

Berguedà, BER), Sant Martí (Bellver de Cerdanya, CER), Sant Martí Sarroca (APE), –; lineage,

–Sant Miquel de Barcelona (Barcelona, BAR),

Sant Miquel de Cardona (Cardona, BAG),

Sant Miquel de Cuixà, mon. (Codalet, dép.

Pyrénées-Orientales), , . See alsoabbot: Oliba

Sant Miquel de Montmagastre, mon. (Artesa deSegre, NOG),

Sant Pere d’Àger, mon. (Àger, NOG), ,–, . See also abbots: GuillemRamon, Pere Guillem

Sant Pere de Camprodon, mon. (RIP), Sant Pere de Rodes, mon. (El Port de la Selva,

AEM), Sant Pere de Vic (Vic, OSO). See Vic, d.,

cathedral ofSant Pere de Vilamajor (VOR), , Sant Quintí (Castellbisbal, VOC), Sant Sadurní de l’Heura (orig. Salzed; BEM),

, –, , n, –Sant Sadurní de Tavèrnoles, mon. (Anserall,

AUR), , , , n. See also abbots:Benet, Guillem, Ponç, Ramon

Sant Salvador de Bellver, mon. (Sant Boi deLluçanès, OSO),

Sant Vicenç de Calders (El Vendrell, BPE), Sant Vicenç de Cardona, mon. (Cardona,

BAG), . See also abbot: HugSant Vicenç. See Burriac

Santa Cecília de Montserrat, mon. (Marganell,BAG),

Santa Creu i Santa Eulàlia de Barcelona(Barcelona, BAR). See Barcelona, d.,cathedral of

Santa Eulàlia del Camp, mon. (Barcelona,BAR),

Santa Maria d’Alaó, mon. (Sopeira, BRI), .See also abbot: Ponç

Santa Maria d’Arles, mon. (Arles, VAL), nSanta Maria d’Organyà, mon. (Organyà,

AUR). See prior: RamonSanta Maria de Fontanet. See Santa Maria de

La BisbalSanta Maria de Gerri, mon. (Gerri de la Sal,

PSO), , –, . See also abbot:Arnau

Santa Maria de l’Estany, mon. (L’Estany, BAG).See abbot: Guillem d’Eures

Santa Maria de La Bisbal (La Bisbal del’Empordà, BEM),

Santa Maria de Lavaix, mon. (El Pont de Suert,ARI), –, –. See also abbot:Berenguer

Santa Maria de Montserrat, mon. (Monistrol deMontserrat, BAG),

Santa Maria de Mur, mon. (Guàrdia deNoguera, PJU). See prior: Bernat

Santa Maria de Ripoll, mon. (Ripoll, RIP), ,, , , . See also abbots: Arnulf,Guillem; formulary

Santa Maria de Santa Oliva, mon. (Santa Oliva,BPE),

Santa Maria de Santes Creus, mon.(Aiguamúrcia, ACA), n,

Santa Maria de Serrateix, mon. (Viver iSerrateix, BER), n

Santa Maria de Solsona, mon. (Solsona, SOL),

Santa Maria Episcopale. See Santa Maria de LaBisbal

Santa Oliva (BPE), , Santa Perpètua de Gaià (Pontils, CBA), , Santiago de Compostela (prov. A Coruña), Sas (Sarroca de Bellera, PJU), SCLUVA , mandatarius of Sant Joan de les

Abadesses, nSegarra, region, , , Segre, r., , p. Ennec Bonfill, n; ~ Donús,

; ~ de Gurb, vicarius, n , , –Sentfores (Vic, OSO), , n, (Servus Dei), bp. Girona


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, vicarius, , Seville (prov. Sevilla), nShideler, John, [Sibilia] de Queralt, , , de Montfort, S ISOVALLUS , Sitges (GAF), n, –, , , Solsona (SOL), , , Solsonès, region, Solterra (Sant Hilari Sacalm, SEL), , ,

, , , nSords (Cornellà de Terri, PES), nSorgues (dép. Aveyron), Spanish March, region, , STANEGE , , k. England (–), Stock, Brian, Strasbourg (dép. Bas-Rhin): oaths of, n,

nSubirats (APE), [Seniofredus], c. Cerdanya

(–x), ; ~, f. Morgad de Cabrera,n; ~, presbiter, n; ~, vicarius, ; ~ deRubí, litigant, ; ~ de Rubí, grandfather ofBernat Amat, n

[Suniarius], ; ~ Ramon, –, Susterris (Talarn, PJU), n

Tagamanent (VOR), nTalarn (PJU), –, , n, , Talladell (Tàrrega, URG), , Talló (Bellver de Cerdanya, CER), nTamarit (Tarragona, TAR), , Taradell (OSO), , nTarascon (dép. Bouches-du-Rhône), Tarragona (TAR), , , n, , Tarragona, archdiocese, . See also archbishops:

Berenguer (de Vilademuls), BerenguerSunifred de Lluça, Bernat (de Tort), Guillemde Torroja, Oleguer

Tarragona, vc. See viscount: Deusdé BernatTàrrega (URG), , , Tatzó, vc. See Rosselló, vc. Ramon d’Orcau, de Borja, Terrassa (Montferrer i Castellbò, AUR), ,

nTerrassa (VOC), , n, , bp. Barcelona (–), TEUDISCLUS (s. ), n; ~ (s. ), nTivoli (reg. Lazio), nToledo (prov. Toledo), Tolon(e). See PeraladaTomoví (Albinyana, BPE), nTona (OSO), n

Torelló (Sant Vicenç de ~, OSO), , nTorlanda (Conesa, CBA), Torres (Alàs i Cerc, AUR), Torroella (Santa Eulàlia de Riuprimer, OSO),

, Torroella (Turredella), nTorroella de Montgrí (BEM), Tortosa (BEB), , , , , , , Tortosa, d. See bishop: PonçTortosa, taifa, , Toulouse, c., , . See also counts: Alphonse-

Jourdain; Raimond , Tous (Sant Martí de ~, ANO), , , ,

, , , , , , , , n [Trasverius], TREPELEZINUS , Tubo (prov. Huesca), Tudela (Sant Gregori, GIR), Tudillén (Fitero, prov. Navarra). See treatyTurris,

, vc. Barcelona (c. –c. ),grandfather of Udalard , n, n; ~ Bernat, vc. Barcelona (–c. x), p.Guislabert Udalard, n, n, ,

[Udalgarius] de Castellnou, bp.Elna (–), ; ~ de Millars,

Ullastret (BEM), – , , ; ~ Alemany, –; ~, bp.

Barcelona (–), –, n; ~ deCruïlles, ; ~ de La Tallada, , n

, vc. Girona (s. ), n; ~ Amat, , pope (–), Urgell, c., , , , –, , , , ,

, ; counts of, , , , , ,, ; house of, . See also counts:Aurembiaix; Constança; Elvira de Lara;Ermengol , , , , , , ,

Urgell, d., , , , , , , , –,–, , , , –, –,; archive of, , , ; bishops of, n,, , ; canons of, , , , ;cathedral of, , n. See also bishops:Arnau de Preixens, Bernat de Vilamur,Bernat Guillem, Bernat Roger, Bernat Sanç,Eribau, Ermengol, Folc , Guillem Guifré,Guisad, Ot, Pere (de Puigverd), PereBerenguer, Sal·la; cartulary

Urgell, vc. (united until ). See viscount:Guillem de Castellbò

Urgell, Alt, vc. (from Castellbò). Seeviscounts: Arnau, Pere Ramon, Ramon ,Roger Bernard

Urgell, Baix, vc. (from Àger). Seeviscount: Guerau Ponç

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URISTIA , UUISTRIMIRUS , mandatarius, n

Vacarisses (VOC), [Valencia] de Tost, c. Pallars Jussà (w.

Ramon IV), , , , , –, , ,

València (prov. Valencia), València, taifa, , . See also Ibn MardanisVallès, region, Vallferrera, valley (PSO), ; lineage, nVeciana (ANO), , , , Vellosos (Castell de Sant Andreu, Ullastret,

BEM), nVendômois, region, , Vendrell, El (BPE), Vespella (~ de Gaia, TAR), Vic (OSO), , (Plain of ), , , ,

, , ; viscomital castle, Vic, d., , , , , , n, , , ,

, , , , –, –, ,–, –, –, , , ;archive of, , , ; bishops of, , ,, , , ; cathedral of, n, n,, (school), ; canons of, , ,. See also bishops: Arnau de Malla,Arnulf, Berenguer Sunifred de Lluça,Borrell, Fruia, Guillem Berenguer, Guillem

de Balsareny, Guillem de Tavertet, Oliba,Pere de Redorta, Ramon Jofre, RamonXetmar

Vic, Palau Episcopal (Vic, OSO), [Vitalis], f. Bernat, , ; ~, scribe,

Vilademàger (La Llacuna, ANO), , nVilademuls (PES), Vilafranca del Penedès (APE), Vilafreser (Vilademuls, PES), Vilagelans (Gurb, OSO), , , , ,

Vilamur, vc. See Pallars, vc.Vilassar (? ~ de Dalt, MAR), Vilosell, El (GAR), Viver (~ i Serrateix, BER), n , , ; ~, bp. Barcelona (–), ,

–; ~, priest of Urgell, Voltregà (Masies de ~, OSO), , n, ,

–, , –,

, duke of Aquitaine (–), Wright, Roger, , –,

Zaragoza (prov. Zaragoza), Zaragoza, d. See bishop: PedroZaragoza, taifa, , , , Zimmermann, Michel, ,

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administration, , , , –, –,, . See also archives; chancery;finance; notaries

adopertura, –agrarian contract, , , , –, , ,

–, , , , , , , ,

agreements, types of. See agrarian contract;convenientia; fief de reprise; franchise charter;grant; lease; money-fief; oath-convention;placitum (settlement); treaty

alod, alodial land, , ; associated with castle,, ; castle as, , , , n, , ,, , , , ; county as, ;granted in fief, ; specific instances, n,, n, , , , , , , ,n, ,

anathema. See documents, diplomatic elementsof: penalty clause

archives: medieval, in Catalonia, , ,–; medieval, outside Catalonia, –;modern, –, , , , ,

bailiff (baiulus), ; as tutor, ; comital, ,, n, , , , ; episcopal,–, , –. See also vicar

baiulia, baiulus. See bailiff; protection; tutorBarcelona, sack of (a. ), –, , , ,

, battle, trial by. See duelboni homines, , , , –, –

caballarius, , , , n, , . See alsoknight

cartulary, , , , , ; illuminated,, –; of Barcelona (Libriantiquitatum), , –; of Girona,

, ; of Sant Cugat del Vallès, , ;of Santa Maria de Gerri, ; of theGuilhems of Montpellier, ; of theTrencavels (Liber instrumentorumvicecomitalium), ; of Urgell, , , .See also Liber feudorum Cerritaniae; Liberfeudorum maior

castellania, , , , castles: acquisition by Ramon Berenguer of,

–, , , ; as economicresources, , , , , –, , ,, –, , –, –, ;comital v. non-comital, –; conditions oftenure of, –, , –, –;convenientiae concerning tenure of, , , ,, , –, –, –, –,–, , –, ; definition of,–; license to build, –, –;number of, in Catalonia, . See also castrum;sureties, real

castrum: definition of, ; as distinct fromcastellum, –, , , –, , ,, , –

Catalan, language. See vernacularCatalonia, economic development of, –, ,

–, , –Catalonia, foreign contacts of: Byzantine

Empire, , ; Capetian France, ;Carolingian Empire, –, –, –;Christian Kingdoms, , –, –, –,, ; German Empire, , , –;Italy, , , , (see also papacy); SouthernFrancia, , –, , , –, –, –,–, , –, –, . See alsoIslamic South

Catalonia, union with Aragón, , , , ,, ,


For many commonly occurring subjects (convenientia, castles, oath, etc.), only general statementsare indexed here, rather than every specific instance.

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cavalleria, n, , , , , , , ,, ,

chains of command, –, , , , ,, , , , –, –,

chancery, ; comital, , , , –,, ; episcopal, , , , , ,; outside Catalonia, , , –

charter. See documentschirograph, n, comitor, , , Commemoracions, commendation, –, , –, , , ,

, –, , ; as distinct fromgrant, –, , –, –, , ,–, –; use of convenientia for(comenda), –, , , , , , ,, , , –, , –, ,. See also hands; homo comendatus

complaint, memorial of (querela, querimonia),, , , –, –

conditiones sacramentorum, , consul, consular regime, , , convenientia (characteristics): antecedents of,

–, –, , , , , ; asinstrument of power, , , –, ,, , , ; as source of order,structure, –, , , , , , ,, , , –, , , –,, –; as replacement for publicjustice, , –, , ; complexity of,, , , , , , , ;flexibility of, , , , , , ,, , , ; formality of, , ,, –, , ; historiography of,–, –, , ; ideal nature of,–, , , , , –;multigenerational nature of, –, ,–, , –, , , –,–; overlap of, with other documentarytypes, , , , , –, –,–, , , –, ; prospectivenature of, , –, , , ,– (see also ~, multigenerational natureof; ~, renewal of ); relationship of, to oaths,, , , , –, –, , ,–, –, –, , , ,–; renewal of, –, , ,–, –, –, , , ;typology of, –; variety of, , , –,; written nature of, , , , ,–, , , –, –

convenientia (term): earliest appearance of,–; in early medieval documents, ,–, , ; in reference to agreementin the abstract, , –, , ; inreference to clauses, , –, –, ;

in reference to whole documents, , ,–; overlap with other terms, , –,–, , , , , , , , ;semantic range of, ,

convenientia (types): after , –; before, ‒; comital, , –, –,–, , –, , –, –,–, –; concerningexploitation/tenure of land, , , ,–, (see also agrarian contract);conditional grants, –, –, –, ,–, –, , (see also agrariancontract); episcopal, –, –, , ,–, –, –, , ;“feudal,” –; family settlements, , ,, –, , –, , ; first, of c., , –, –, , , , , ,, , –, ; lay, –, , –,, –, , , , –, , –,–, , , , ; monastic, ,–, –, , , , –, , ;outside Catalonia, –, n; promises, ,, , –, –, . See also castles;commendation; disputes, records of; fidelity;oath-convention; Ramon Berenguer ; treaty

Conventum, –Corpus iuris civilis, , Corts, , court, comital: , , –, , , ,

, –, , , . See also placitum(judicial assembly)

crisis, in Catalonia, –, , –, ,–, , , , ,

deadline. See waiting periodDigest. See Corpus iuris civilisdisputes, political, , –, , –,

–, –, –disputes, records of, –; change in, –,

–, ; convenientiae as, , , ,–, , , –, , –, –,, –, , –, ; earlymedieval, –, , ; penalty clausesin, –

disputes, settlement of, –, , –,–, , –, , –, , ;arising from convenientiae, , , , ,–, , , , ; by compromise,, , –, –, , , , ;continuity in practice of, ; extrajudicial,, –, , , ; supplementaryagreements in, –; use of written proofin, , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , ;withdrawal from formal, , , ;witnesses in, , , , –

Subject index

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disputes, settlement of, individuals involved in,–, –; arbitrator, , , , ,, ; judge, professional (iudex), –, ,–, –, –, , , , ; saio,, , , –, n. See also boni homines

documents, diplomatic elements of, datingclause, , , ; absence of, , , ,, , , –, , , , ,, , ; presence of, in oaths, –,. See also ~, ~, eschatocol

documents, diplomatic elements of,eschatocol, ; typological designation in,, –, –, , , , , –,. See also ~, ~, dating clause; ~, ~,subscription; ~, ~: witness list

documents, diplomatic elements of, openingformula, , , , , , , ,, ; typological designation in, ,–, , ; specific forms: “De ista orain antea,” –; “Hec est convenientia,”, , , , , , , , , , ,–, , , , , , , ;“Iuro ego,” , , , –, ;notification (“Notum sit”), –, –,, , –,

documents, diplomatic elements of,subscriptions, , , , –, –,, , , , –, , ;absence of, , , , , –, ;presence of, in oaths, , . See also ~, ~,eschatocol; ~, ~: witness list

documents, diplomatic elements of:conditional clause, –, ; devotionformula, , –; invocation, ,–; penalty clause, , –, , ,–, , (see also penalty,monetary); sanctification, ; witness list,, , , , ,

documents, pattern of survival: general, , ,, , , , , –, –, ;geographical variation, , , , ,; typological, , , , , ;variation by subject, , , , , ,. See also archives, modern

documents: as evidence for change, –, ,, , , , , , –, , ;modern editions of, –; palaeography of,; reconstruction of lost (reparatio scripturae),; symbolic function of, , ; typologyof, –, , , ; use of multiple, ,, , , –, –, –, –,, , ,

duel, judicial, –, , , , ,

feudal revolution, –, –, , . Seealso crisis

feudalism, –, , –, , –. Seealso feudo-vassalic institutions

feudo-vassalic institutions, –, , –,, , , . See also commendation;fidelity; fief; homage; vassal

fidelis, –, , , . See also man (homo);solid

fidelity, , , , , , , , , ,, , , , ; convenientiaeconcerning, , –, , , , ;reservation of, , , , . See also fidelis;oath, of fidelity

fief (fevum), , –, , –, , ,–, , , ; as element of feudalcontract, , , , , ; as public land,, , ; castle as, , –, , ,–, –. See also fief de reprise;money-fief

fief de reprise, –, –, finance, , , –, , , –,

. See also bailiffforgery, n, n, n, n, n, formulary, , ; specific texts: Formulae

imperiales, ; Formulae Visigothicae, ; ofMarculf, ; of Santa Maria de Ripoll, ,, ,

franchise charter, , , , ,

Gesta comitum Barcinonensium, , grant: ad edificandum, , ; ad restaurandum,

, ; conditional, –, , , ,–; prospective, , , , –, ,

guarantees. See documents, diplomaticelements of: penalty clause; hostage; oath;penalty, monetary; sureties, personal;sureties, real

hands, , , ; commendation with, ,; grant or tenure of lands by, , , ,, , , , n, ; homage with,, ; oath by, . See also manulevator

hierarchies. See chains of commandhomage, , , , , , , , , ,

, , , , , ; as element offeudal contract, , , ; as soleobligation, ; by a woman, –;earliest appearance of, ; separate acts of,–, . See also man (homo); ritual

homo comendatus, –, –. See also man(homo)

hostage, –, –, –,

incastellamento, Islamic South, and Catalonia: Christian

campaigns, –, –, , –, , , ,

Subject index

© Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press0521792398 - Making Agreements in Medieval Catalonia: Power, Order, and the WrittenWord, 1000-1200Adam J. KostoIndexMore information

Page 20: INDEX OF NAMES - Assets · INDEX OF NAMES Personal names are indexed by given name rather than toponymic. Information about family relationships is provided only when necessary ...

–, –, , , , , ,–, (see also Reconquista); economicties, –, , (see also parias); Islamiccampaigns, –, –, , , –, –(see also Barcelona); political ties, , ,

judge, professional. See disputes, settlement of,individuals involved in

knight (miles), , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , ,, . See also caballarius

Latin, language, , ; of charters, ,–. See also vernacular

law, , , , , ; academic feudal, ;Carolingian (capitularies), , , ; earlymedieval, ; Lombard, ; Roman, ,–, , , , , (see also Corpusiuris civilis); Visigothic (see Liber iudiciorum).See also Usatges de Barcelona

lease, –, Liber feudorum Cerritaniae, , , , , Liber feudorum maior, , , –; as part

of administrative reform, , , –;blank folios in, ; convenientiae in, , ,, ; illuminations in, , –;licenses in, –; organization of, ,; protectorates in, ; seculardocumentation in,

Liber iudiciorum: as basis of early medievalorder, , , , , , –; as modelfor Usatges, ; Catalan translation of, ;citation of, , ; convenientia in, ;dower in, , ; duel in, ; penalties in,, , ; refusal of witnesses in, ;withdrawal from placitum in, ,

Liber iudicum popularis, license. See castles, license to buildliteracy , , , , , , , ,

–. See also orality; written wordlord (senior), , , , –, , , –,

, , , , , , –

man (homo), –, , , , . See alsocommendation; fidelis; homage; homocomendatus; solid

manulevator, , marriage alliances, ; of counts of Barcelona,

, ; with Byzantine Empire, ; withCatalan counties, , , –, ,–; with Christian Kingdoms, –, ;with Francia, , , . See also Catalonia,union with Aragón

Mediterranean Europe, , –, ; contrastbetween, and North, , –, ,

military orders, n, , n, , money-fief, –, , mutation. See feudal revolution

notaries, , , , –. See also scribes

oath, –, –, , , , , ,–, , , , , ; asguarantee, –, ; blank form for, ,; by judges, ; collective, –, ,, , , –, –; earliestwritten, –, , , , , , ;early medieval, ; expurgatory, ; incaliphate of Córdoba, ; in Cerdanya,–, , –, –; in Languedoc,, ; judicial (conditiones sacramentorum),–, –; lacking fidelity, , ;matrilineal identification in, –, –;of fidelity, , , –, –, , ,, , , , , , , ;public, , ; to pay a debt, ; writtennature of, , , –, –, , ,–, –; renewal of (see convenientia,renewal of ). See also convenientia(characteristics), relationship of, to oaths;ritual; vernacular

oath-convention, , –, , –,–, , ,

orality, , –, , –, , ,–

ordeal, –, , , , ; by coldwater, , –. See also duel, judicial

Pallars, wars in, , –, –papacy, and Catalonia, –, , , n, , ,

, ; confirmations by, , , ,, ; intervention in disputes by, ,, , , ; legates from, ,

parias, , , , , , , –Peace of God, , , , , , penalty, monetary, , –, , , –,

–, , –. See also documents,diplomatic elements of: penalty clause

placita (rights of justice), , –, , placitum (judicial assembly), –, , ,

, , , –, –, , , ,. See also court, comital

placitum (settlement), , –, , , ,, , –, , ,

pledge (impignoratio), , –, , , ,, , , , , ,

pledge. See sureties, personal; sureties, realpotestas, , , –, , , , , ,

, –, , , , , , ,, , ; no-potestas clauses, –,–, ; of hostages, –

Subject index

© Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

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protection, protectorate (baiulia), –, ,, , , , –, . See alsotutor

public order, –, , , –, ; asopposed to private, –, , , , ,, –, ,

Ramon Berenguer , convenientiae of, –,, –, –, –, , –,–; change in formula of, , ,, ; change in numbers of, –,–, , ; impact on spread of, ,–, , , –, , ; use of,, , , –, –, ,

Reconquista, , –, –, . See also IslamicSouth

regional variation, , , , , , , ,–, , –

ritual, , , , –, –, Romance, language. See vernacular

saio. See disputes, settlement of, individualsinvolved in

scribes, , , , , –, , , , ,, , ; adherence to formula by, ,, , , , , , –;confusion of, , –, , , ,–; creativity of, , , , , ,–, , , , –, , ;departure from formula by, , , ,–, , , ; identity of, , ,, , ; imposition of typology by,, , , , , , ; inconsistency of,, , , , , , , ;influences on, –, –, , , ,; Latinity of, ; response to change of,, , , , ; specialized competenciesof, –

service, military (servicia, guerra), , –,–, , , , , , –, ,, , –, , , , –;commutation of, ; due from churches,,

service, military, specific obligations: alberga,, , , ; cavalcade, , , , ,, ; entry (intrare et exire) , –,, , –, , , –, ,–; guard, –, , , , ,–, , ; host, , , , , ,; seguimentum, , , –, ;statica, , , , , –, , ,, , , . See also potestas

solid (solidus): individual (homo solidus), –,–, , –, ; tenure, , , ,n, n, n

sureties, personal, , –, , , –,–, –, , , . See alsohostage

sureties, real, –, , –, , , ,, –, , –, , , ,, ; castles as, –, , –, ,, –, , –, , , ,

taifa kingdoms, , , , , , , Templars. See military orderstreaty, , ; use of convenientia for, , ,

–, –, , , , –, ,, –, –, ; specific treaties:of Carrión, ; of Cazola, , ; ofCorbeil, ; of Sahagún, ; of thePyrenees, n; of Tudillén, , ; Pariatges,n. See also marriage alliances

tutor, tutelage (baiulia), –, , , , ,–, , , , , . See alsoprotection

Usatges de Barcelona, , , –; andRamon Berenguer , , –; andRamon Berenguer , , –; asexpression of power, , , ; baiuliain, n; castles in, ; Catalan translationof, n, ; convenientia in, –;diffusion of, –; limited impact of,–, ; penalties in, n; pledges in,n; Roman law and, , ; solidus in,n; written nature of,

vassal, vassalage, , , –, n; inhistoriography, n, , , , , ,–, n, n. See also feudo-vassalicinstitutions

vernacular, , ; development of, , ,–; relationship to Latin, , , –;use in convenientiae, –, , , –,, ; use in oaths, , –, –,, –, –

vicar (vicarius), –, , n, , n,–, n, . See also bailiff

waiting period, , , –, , ; specificexamples: –, , , , –, –,, , , , ,

warning, , , , , –written word: and power, , , , ,

, , – (see also convenientia, as aninstrument of power); guaranteeing functionof, , –, ; use of, , , ,–. See also literacy

year . See feudal revolution

Subject index

© Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org

Cambridge University Press0521792398 - Making Agreements in Medieval Catalonia: Power, Order, and the WrittenWord, 1000-1200Adam J. KostoIndexMore information

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