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Page 1: Indian troops hit launch pads in POK, Rawat says 6 …epaper.greaterjammu.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/21.10...2019/10/21  · Rohit Sharma hits double ton as South Africa struggles


"The road to success is always under construction."

Vol. 11 No: 291 | JAMMU, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2019 | Pages: 12 | Price: R 3.00 | Air surcharge 50 paisa for Leh

Chehlum procession of

Shoda-e Karbalataken out with

religious fervour

Attempts beingmade to

demonise technology:

PM Modi

Rohit Sharmahits double tonas South Africa

struggles onDay 2


JAMMUMAX : 38.8 °CMIN : 16.7 °CSUNSET : 5:53 pm TodaySUNRISE : 6:42 am TomorrowSRINAGARMAX : 24.5 °CMIN : 7.8 °CLEHMAX : 12.7 °CMIN : -3.0 °C


FAVOURITE EMERGING DESTINATION: A view of Mansar Lake amid the backdrop of a temple. Aman

Civilian injured in Pakshelling in KathuaJAMMU: A civilian wasinjured on Sunday asPakistani Rangers shelledmortars along theInternational Border (IB)in Kathua district ofJammu and Kashmir,officials said. The inter-mittent firing and shellingfrom across the borderovernight was aimed atstalling some construc-tion work in Hiranagarsector, they said.

Contd. on P-4 Col 4

Pvt bus servicesresume, transporterstemporarily call offstrikeJAMMU: Private busservices along theJammu-Pathankot high-way resumed on Sundayafter six days as trans-porters temporarily calledoff their strike against thetoll plaza in Samba dis-trict after an assurancefrom the government toresolve their issues.The transporters gave

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Pakistan to openKartarpur Corridoron Nov 9: Imran LAHORE: Pakistan willopen the much-awaitedKartarpur Corridor onNovember 9, PrimeMinister Imran Khanannounced on Sunday. The proposed corridorwill connect DarbarSahib in Kartarpur withDera Baba Nanak shrinein Gurdaspur district ofPunjab and facilitatevisa-free movement of

Contd. on P-4 Col 4


NEW DELHI, OCT 20:Army Chief Gen BipinRawat on Sunday con-firmed that six to tenPakistani soldiers werekilled in ceasefire violationby the Indian Army inresponse to the unprovokedfiring by the western neigh-bour in Tangdhar sector ofJammu and Kashmir wherethree camps have also beendestroyed.

'...We have receivedinformation that terroristsare coming closer to thecamps in the forward areas.In last one month, we haveseen repeated attempts ofinfiltration,' the Army Chieftold reporters here.

Army sources said in theunprovoked firing byPakistan on Sunday night inviolation of the ceasefire,two army soldiers werekilled, one civilian waskilled and two others were

injured.Indian troops in retalia-

tory action hit at least threelaunch pads at Line ofControl (LoC) in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK)after Pakistani troops vio-lated ceasefire and resortedto indiscriminate firingearly Sunday morning inwhich two soldiers and acivilian were killed andthree villagers were injuredin Tangdhar sector in the

frontier district ofKupwara.

In Srinagar, officialsources said the Indiantroops used Artillery gunsto target militant launchpads near LoC from thisside and did not enter PoK.

According to an Armyspokesperson, one civilian,identified as Mohd Sadiq(55) was killed in the firing.The injured have been iden-tified as Mohd Maqbool(70), Mohd Shafi (50) andYusuf Hamid (22).

The official sources saidPak troops earlier firedmortar shells and resortedto indiscriminate firing withautomatic weapons fromacross the border in TeetwalTanghdar sector inKupwara, targeting forwardposts and civilians area atthe Line of Control (LoC)late last night. Indian troops

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Indian troops hit launch pads in POK,Rawat says 6 to 10 soldiers killed

Three terror camps destroyed, 2 Indian soldiers martyred, civilian died NEW DELHI, OCT 20:

Over 380 police personnelbelonging to Ladakh andworking in different placesin Kashmir and Jammuregions will soon be trans-ferred to Ladakh and postedunder the administrativecontrol of the new UnionTerritory, officials said onSunday.

The new Union Territoryof Ladakh will come intoexistence on October 31.

The Ministry of HomeAffairs has given nod forthe transfer of police per-sonnel working in differentwings of the Jammu andKashmir Police.

"Approval has beengiven for the transfer ofabout 385 Ladakhi-originpolice personnel to Ladakhand they will functionunder the new UT whichwill come into existence onOctober 31," a ministryofficial said.

The police personnelwill work with the LadakhUT Police, which will be

under the direct control ofthe MHA.

The police personnel-from the rank of constableto inspector-will also getthe pay and perks availableto police personnel of otherUTs like Chandigarh andAndaman and NicobarIslands.

Police and law and orderin the UT of Ladakh will beunder the direct control ofthe Lieutenant Governor,through whom the centralGovernment will adminis-ter the high altitude region.

According to TheJammu and KashmirReorganisation Act 2019,Ladakh will not have a leg-islative assembly.

The Act says cadres ofIAS and IPS for the exist-ing state of Jammu andKashmir, on and from theappointed day (October31), shall continue to func-tion on existing cadres.

However, in future, theall India service officers to

Contd. on P-4 Col 2

Over 380 Ladakhi-origin police personnel

to be transferred from JK to Ladakh

No merger oncards, J&K

Bank has strongfundamentals:

ChhibberSRINAGAR, OCT 20:

Putting allthe specu-l a t i o n sabout theJ & KB a n k ' smerger atrest, J&KB a n k

Chairman and ManagingDirector R K Chhibbertoday stated, "The recentcrisis of Punjab andMaharashtra Cooperative(PMC) Bank in the countryhas worried bank cus-tomers in general but therumours of J&K bank'smerger by some vestedinterests has raised appre-hensions among our depos-itors particularly in J&K.Let me put all those specu-lations at rest by assuringyou that no merger is on thecards and the bank's funda-mentals are very strong."

In a press statement, hefurther said, "Let me assureall the stakeholders of the

Contd. on P-4 Col 1

Pak rejectsreports aboutIndian Army

targeting terrorcamps in PoK

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan onSunday rejected reportsthat the Indian Army tar-geted at least four terrorcamps in the PoK andsaid it can arrange a visitof diplomats from P5nations to the area toexpose Indian "false-hood".

According to Indiangovernment sources inNew Delhi, the IndianArmy on Sundaylaunched heavy artilleryattacks targeting at leastfour terror camps and

Contd. on P-4 Col 1

SRINAGAR, OCT 20:With the abrogation of arti-cle 370, Jammu andKashmir is treading on thepath of peace and develop-ment and anyone who triesto create hurdles in the waywill be dealt with sternly,BJP national general secre-tary Ram Madhav said hereon Sunday.

"Till now everythingused to be done for a fewfamilies or a few leaders inKashmir, but now whateveris happening, is happeningfor lakhs of families of thisstate… for the commonKashmiri," Madhav said.

"There will now be onlytwo paths for J&K-peaceand development andwhosoever comes inbetween will be dealt withsternly. There are manyjails in India for those," headded.

The BJP leader wasaddressing a convention ofthe party's youth wing atTagore Hall here which wasthe first political event inKashmir after the abroga-tion of article 370 andbifurcation of the state intotwo Union territories.

Asking politicians not totreat the people of Jammuand Kashmir as fodder fortheir politics, Madhav whovisited the valley for thefirst time since the abroga-tion of article 370 said if200-300 people are to bekept inside jails to achievethe path to peace and devel-opment, "then we will keepthem".

"You can do your poli-tics without disturbing thepeace. Some leaders aresending messages while sit-ting inside jails that peoplewill take to gun and sacri-

fice themselves. I want totell those leaders to comeforward first and sacrificethemselves," he said.

"Politicians here weremaking common people afodder for their politics andthe general public wasbeing used. But, we will notallow such politics now. Wewant politics of develop-ment and corruption will beeradicated fully from here,"he added.

Wanting to assure thepeople of Kashmir on theapprehensions about losingjobs or land, the BJPnational general secretarysaid no step would be takenagainst the interests of thepeople.

"Some people are talk-ing nonsense about joblosses and losing land withthe abrogation of article

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Anyone who harms ongoingpeace process in J&K

will be jailed: Ram Madhav

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: UnionMinister Jitendra Singh onSunday said that Jammuand Kashmir willget true "self-rule"and true "autono-my" under NarendraModi, which will bequite in contrast tothe frivolous slo-gans of "self-rule"and "autonomy"with which the Kashmir-centric rulers had befooledthe people of the State fordecades together, only toperpetuate their dynastyrule, generation after gener-ation.

"It is important for us tounderstand and also makeothers understand that, this

is for the first time afterindependence, that the con-cept of three-tier grass rootdemocracy comprising of

Panchayats, BlockD e v e l o p m e n tCouncils andDistrict Councils isbeing introduced inJammu andKashmir, eventhough thisarrangement exists

in other parts of India," DrSingh said while addressinga meeting of BJP candi-dates contesting BlockDevelopment Council elec-tions, Sarpanches andPanches.

Dr Singh said, the ques-tion to be asked to the

Contd. on P-4 Col 3

‘ManmohanSingh not toattend formalinauguration of KartarpurCorridor’NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD, OCT 20:Former prime ministerManmohan Singh wouldnot attend the inaugurationceremony of the KartarpurCorridor in Pakistan butwould go there as a com-mon pilgrim, sources closeto him said on Sundayafter Foreign MinisterShah Mahmood Qureshiclaimed that he has accept-ed his invitation to attendthe scheduled opening.

Qureshi told reportersin his home town Multanon Saturday that Singh has

Contd. on P-4 Col 3

J&K to get true 'self-rule', 'autonomy'under Modi: Jitendra

SRINAGAR, OCT 20: Liferemained crippled for the 76th day onSunday due to strike in Kashmir val-ley, where people are protestingagainst scrapping of Article 370 and35 A, besides dividing the state intotwo Union Territories on August 5.

However, large number of vendorstoday set up their stalls at famous"Sunday Market" in summer capital,Srinagar.

Though shops and business estab-lishments worked for about threehours from 0630 hrs in the morning,train service and pre-paid mobile andinternet service of all Cellular compa-

nies, including Bharat Sanchar Nigam Contd. on P-4 Col 2

Strike continues in Kashmir, Sundaymarket opens in Srinagar

SRINAGAR, OCT 20:Lieutenant General RanbirSingh, General OfficerCommanding-in-Chief,Northern Command visitedforward posts in SiachenGlacier today. He wasaccompanied by LieutenantGeneral Harinder Singh,General Officer Comman-ding, 'Fire & Fury Corps'.

Complimenting thetroops deployed in the

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Shops and business establishmentsclosed at business hub Lal Chowk onSunday. (UNI)

Students' attendancein Kashmir 20 pc, in Jammu 100 pcNEW DELHI: A little over 20 percent students in Kashmir and 100 percent in Jammu have started attendingschools and there is no restriction onthe movement of people anywhere inJammu and Kashmir, officials saidon Sunday.

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Northern Army commander visitsforward posts in Siachen sector

London Mayorcondemns plans tohold anti-Indiamarch overKashmir on DiwaliLONDON, OCT 20: LondonMayor Sadiq Khan has con-demned plans to hold an anti-India march here on theKashmir issue on Diwali nextSunday, saying it would deep-en divisions in the UK capitaland called on the organisersand prospective participants tocancel the protest rally.According to Met Police details

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Page 2: Indian troops hit launch pads in POK, Rawat says 6 …epaper.greaterjammu.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/21.10...2019/10/21  · Rohit Sharma hits double ton as South Africa struggles




Monday 7.30 A.M to 9.00 A.MTuesday 3.00 P.M to 4.30 P.M

This time is not auspicious for doing any important task/taking any decision.

Rahu Kaal

Samvat: 2075 (Shaka Samvat 1940)Paksha: KrishnaNakshtra: Punarvasu 17:31:52Tithi: Saptami 06:44:23- Ashtami 29:25:21* ( Leap)Moon Zodiac: Mithuna till 11:40:00

Kark From 11:40:00*Time is after midnight but before sunrise of next day






Kartika 17 October to 16 NovemberMangshir 16 November to 16 December


Pt. Kamal Shastri

su do ku



U -


A mind game and apuzzle that you solvewith reasoning andlogic. Fill in the gridwith digits in such amanner that every row,every column andevery 3X3 boxaccommadates thedigits 1 to 9, withoutrepeating any. Thesolution to yesterdays’spuzzle is at right.


1774 - The flag of Taunton, Massachusetts is the first toinclude the word "Liberty".

1824 - Portland cement is patented. 1854 - Florence Nightingale and a staff of 38 nurses are

sent to the Crimean War. 1879 - Thomas Edison applies for a patent for his design

for an incandescent light bulb. 1888 - Foundation of the Swiss Social Democratic

Party. 1910 - HMS Niobe arrives in Halifax Harbour to

become the first ship of the Royal Canadian Navy. 1940 - The first edition of the Ernest Hemingway novel

For Whom the Bell Tolls is published. 1945 - French women vote for the first time during the

1945 French legislative election. 1959 - President Eisenhower approves the transfer of all

US Army space-related activities to NASA, includingmost of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency.

1973 - Fred Dryer of the Los Angeles Rams becomesthe first player in NFL history to score two safeties inthe same game.

1983 - The metre is defined as the distance light travelsin a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second.

1987 - The Jaffna hospital massacre is carried out byIndian Peace Keeping Force in Sri Lanka, killing 70 eth-nic Tamil patients, doctors and nurses.

2005 - Images of the dwarf planet Eris are taken andsubsequently used in documenting its discovery.


Malaria is a mosquito borne infectious dis-ease affecting both humans and animals,causing millions of deaths annually. The

focus of the event is to highlight the need tomaintain the efforts towards elimination of malar-ia and seek commitment from political parties andother stake holders. Despite the efforts of globalcommunity, malaria epidemic is far from beingcompletely eradicated with a gradual increase inthe number of affected and dead, every year. It isestimated that every two minutes a child dies dueto malaria, across the globe. Malaria has alsosevere consequences on the health and econo-my of a nation.

The first symptoms of malaria appear withinten to fifteen days of getting bitten by an infectedmosquito. Initial symptoms include high fever,chills, weakness and headache. When untreated,the symptoms can escalate causing serious ill-nesses, leading to death.

The most important method of preventingmalaria is by controlling the spread of its carriers,that is Anopheles mosquitoes. There are aroundfour hundred species of Anopheles mosquitoes,out of which only 30 are potential carriers ofmalaria parasites.

Malaria disease is one of the worst publichealth crises the country has ever faced, endan-

gering one in every six Indians. Death can occurin as little as three days if an FP infection is notproperly treated. Nearly 50,000 people die in thecountry every year due to complications of thedisease. While travelling to a malaria endemiczone, anti-malarial tablets may be prescribed toprevent contracting malaria. Immediate diagnosisand treatment can help prevent complicationsand death. Every time a case of malaria is report-ed, a mapping exercise is undertaken to inten-sively fog and spray the pesticides in all sur-rounding areas. Malaria is preventable as well astreatable, yet the disease claims nearly half amillion lives each year. The deaths are mainlyattributed to not taking preventive measures anddelayed diagnosis. People in lower economicclass and remote areas; don't understand the riskof malaria, unless they get infected. Not usingmosquito nets or insecticides only escalates thespread of disease. Though an infectious disease,whether a person contracts malaria or not, alsodepends substantially on how clean the sur-rounding environments are. One of the majorcauses of mosquito breeding is water stagnation.Its rather shocking that Indians having knowledgeabout the excellent benefits of Neem and cow-dung, has not done any research towards thesame, in the prevention of malaria. .

According to the last World Malaria Reportreleased, an estimated 219 million cases ofmalaria have been reported in the precedingyear, causing nearly half a million deaths global-ly. African countries were the most affected, bybeing home to 92% of the global malaria casesand 93% of causalities due to malaria.

Though, India accounts for only 4% of totalmalaria cases reported globally, unfortunately italso accounts for 52% of the total malaria deathscaused outside the African region. India has set atarget of eradicating malaria by the year 2030.

Despite the commendable efforts by the WorldHealth Organization, respective governmentsand other relevant bodies in fighting malaria, theglobal campaign against malaria is facing anacute financial crunch. Eliminating malaria is,and should be the top priority. Grand pronounce-ments are meaningless as long as manipulateddata twist our knowledge and bad governanceimpedes genuine attempts to fight the disease

Vinod Chandrashekhar [email protected]

APPLE COCONUT BURFIINGREDIENTS Coconut - 1½ cups, grated (fresh

or frozen) Ghee - 3 tbsp Red apples - 3 heaped cups,

coarsely grated Milk powder - 1 cup Sugar - ¾ cup Cardamom powder - ½ tsp Saffron - a pinch (steeped in 1 tbsp

warm milk or water) Salt - a pinch Pistachios - 2 tbsp, chopped Almonds - 2tbsp, chopped Dried rose petals - 1 tbspHOW TO Grease a metal tray or baking pan

with a bit of ghee and set aside.Alternately, you can line the traywith parchment paper.

Toast the coconut in a large skilletor saute pan on medium-low heatfor a minute. Do not brown, youjust need to bring of the nuttinessof the coconut. Remove to a bowland set aside.

Melt the ghee in the same pan. Addgrated apples and cook, stirringoften. The fruit will let out someliquid, you need to cook till it isfairly dry.

Then add the toasted coconut, milkpowder, sugar, cardamom powder,salt and saffron. Mix well andcook till the mixture becomes fair-

ly dry and comes together to forma soft, fudgy mass. This will takeanother 10 minutes or so. At thispoint, you will see the ghee sepa-rating at the sides.

Pour the mixture into the preparedtray and smooth the top with aspoon. Sprinkle chopped nuts androse petals evenly on top and pressdown slightly with a spoon.

Allow it to cool down to roomtemperature, then cover the traywith cling wrap and refrigerate for4 hours or overnight.

Cut the burfi into bars and serve.Burfi can be stored in an airtightcontainer in the refrigerator for 3-4days.

NOTES: You will need 3 large apples or 4-

5 medium ones to get 3 heapedcups of coarsely grated apples.

If you do not have saffron, feel freeto omit it. If you still need somecolor for the burfi, add a few dropsof yellow food color.

in continuation…. Improves Calmness, Focus and Alertness

White tea has the highest concentration of L-thea-nine amongst the true teas. L-theanine is knownfor improving alertness and focus in the brain byinhibiting exciting stimuli that can lead to over-activity. By calming the stimuli in the brain, white teacan help you relax while also increasing focus.Whitetea also contains a small amount of caffeine that canhelp jumpstart your day or offer a pick-me-up in theafternoon. Oral Health

White tea has high levels of flavonoids, tannins andfluorides that help teeth stay healthy and strong.Fluoride is popularly known as a tool in preventingtooth decay and is often found in toothpastes. Both tan-nins and flavonoids help to prevent the buildup ofplaque that can cause tooth decay and cavities.

White tea also boasts antiviral and antibacterial

properties that help keep teeth and gums healthy. CONTROLS DIABETES

Diabetes is caused by genetic and lifestyle factorsand is an increasing problem in the modern world.Fortunately, there are many ways to regulate and con-trol diabetes and white tea is one of them.

In a 2011 Chinese study, scientists found that regularconsumption of white tea lowered blood glucose levelsby 48 percent and increased insulin secretion. The studyalso showed that drinking white tea helped to alleviatepolydipsia, which is a severe thirst caused by diseasessuch as diabetes. Reduces Inflammation

The catechins and polyphenols in white tea boast anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve minor

aches and pains.White tea also improves circulationand delivers oxygen to the brain and organs.

Because of this, white tea is effective in treating minorheadaches and aches and pains from working out. Heart Health

Having a healthy heart means living a longer andfuller life.. White tea helps protect healthy heart func-tion and prevent illnesses including blood clots, strokeand heart attacks.Since white tea is the least processedof true teas, it also contains the most antioxidants.Catechins in white tea may help lower blood pressure,improve circulation and lower the risk of heart disease.Antioxidants in white tea have also been shown tolower cholesterol levels, especially bad LDL choles-terol.




Bella Hadid declared mostbeautiful woman in the world

Supermodel Bella Hadid is themost beautiful woman in the world.At least, that's what Greek mathe-matics says. Scientists determin-ing the most beautiful woman onthe planet according to the"Golden Ratio of Beauty PhiStandards" have picked theVictoria's Secret model's face asthe one that comes closest to per-fection, reports goss.ie. The"Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi"defines beauty in accordance withclassic Greek calculations. Measurements of facial proportions aredone going by standards that Greek scholars applied while tryingto define beauty with scientific formula. According to the "GoldenRatio" measurements, the 23-year-old Bella has a face that is94.35 per cent perfect. Also, going by the parameters of the"Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi", pop diva Beyoncé finished at thesecond spot. She has a face that is 92.44 per cent perfect. ActressAmber Heard is at number three with a ratio of 91.85 per centwhile pop star Ariana Grande is placed fourth with 91.81 per cent.

World’s oldest pearlfound in Abu Dhabi

An 8,000-year-old pearl thatarchaeologists say is theworld’s oldest will be displayedin Abu Dhabi, according toauthorities who said Sunday itis proof the objects have beentraded since Neolithic times.The natural pearl was found inthe floor of a room discovered during excavations at MarawahIsland, off the capital of the United Arab Emirates, which revealedthe earliest architecture found in the country. “The layers fromwhich the pearl came have been carbon dated to 5800-5600 BC,during the Neolithic period,” Abu Dhabi’s Department of Cultureand Tourism said. “The discovery of the oldest pearl in the worldin Abu Dhabi makes it clear that so much of our recent economicand cultural history has deep roots that stretch back to the dawnof prehistory,” said its chairman Mohamed Al-Muabarak. Theexcavation of the Marawah site, which is made up of numerouscollapsed Neolithic stone structures, has also yielded ceramics,beads made from shell and stone, and flint arrowheads.

Johnson & Johnson Recalls Baby PowderAfter Tests Show Asbestos In Sample

Johnson & Johnson said it isrecalling around 33,000 bottlesof baby powder in the UnitedStates after U.S. health regula-tors found trace amounts ofasbestos in samples takenfrom a bottle purchased online.J&J shares fell more than 6%to close at $127.70 (98.7

pounds). The move marks the first time the company has recalledits iconic baby powder for possible asbestos contamination, andthe first time U.S. regulators have announced a finding ofasbestos in the product. Asbestos is a known carcinogen that hasbeen linked to deadly mesothelioma. The recall is the latest blowto the more than 130-year-old U.S. healthcare conglomerate thatis facing thousands of lawsuits over a variety of products, includ-ing baby powder, opioids, medical devices and the antipsychoticRisperdal. A jury last week ordered the company to pay $8 billionto a plaintiff in a case claiming J&J downplayed the risks ofRisperdal. That award is not expected to stand, the company andlegal experts have said. J&J faces more than 15,000 lawsuitsfrom consumers claiming its talc products, including Johnson'sBaby Powder, caused their cancer.

"Need Gandhi 2.0 in a changingworld": Shah Rukh Khan

Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan said that there is a needto reintroduce Mahatma Gandhi to India and the world in the faceof changing global scenario. "We all know that we should beclean. But PM Modi re-introduced the idea with SwacchtaAbhiyaan. We all came to know about it, there was more aware-ness," he said with Prime Minister Narendra Modi by his sideduring an event mark the 150th birth anniversary of MahatmaGandhi. "So I truly believe that Gandhiji needs to be re-loaded.Gandhiji 2.0 is what we need because the world is changing. Youhave digitalized everything," he added. During his address at theevent for the film fraternity, PM Modi congratulated people fromthe "world of films and television" for their work in popularisingGandhi''s ideals.


Aries : Dark brownTaurus : Soft coloursGemini : BlueCancer : Hot pinkLeo : Gold Virgo : Deep red

Libra : Violet Scorpio : BlackSagittarius : Dark coloursCapricorn : BrownAquarius : Sea greenPisces : Blue


Many of your personal goalshave either been met or are inprogress, Pisces, and you're feelingexhilarated. However, people aroundyou might have their hands out. Youmay be asked to contribute to chari-ties or make personal loans to peopleyou don't know well. You want to helpwhenever you can, but be discrimi-nating about whom you help now.Some may be less than trustworthy.


Confirmation of professionalsuccess could come your way, Aries,and you're probably feeling excited andmotivated to keep pushing. But youmay find that increased responsibilitiesinterfere with your social life. You won-der if friends have forgotten you. Theyhaven't, but it will make you feel betterif you squeeze in a few hours for yourfriends each week. Remember whatthey say about all work and no play.

Recent spiritual break-throughs might have you feelingboth exhilarated and downcast,Aquarius. Your sensitive side tellsyou that this is a definite step for-ward on your spiritual path, but thelogical side might cause you todoubt its reality. Take comfort in thefact that reality is relative and thatwhat you're sensing is at least validfor you. Then keep moving ahead.

All continues to go wellprofessionally, Leo. You're feelingphysically strong and vigorous.Mentally, however, you might be abit vague. You may be easily dis-tracted and not as sharp as usual.This isn't a good day to start a newproject. Try to concentrate on finish-ing old tasks and tying up looseends. You should be ready to goagain in a couple of days.

As your professional dreamsunfold, Capricorn, you may worry aboutthe downside. First, there are newresponsibilities that you might doubtyour ability to fulfill. Second, you mightbe catapulted into an uncomfortablenew realm of office politics. Don't letthese matters put a damper on yourenthusiasm. You have what it takes tofulfill the first concern and the wisdom toavoid the second. Onward and upward.

Business and financial suc-cess makes you happy and satisfied,Sagittarius. You also look forward tomoving on. The downside of this flushperiod is that people who aren't par-ticularly trustworthy might decide tolatch onto your coattails for their ownpurposes. Some might even ask forloans. Be careful about the ones youassist. They might not be honest withyou. Don't fall for any sob stories.

People close to you mightbe a bit worried about you, Cancer.Too much work and socializing mighthave you feeling less than your usualself, and perhaps even a little feverishand headachy. If so, this is a goodday to take time out, stay home, andrest. Don't worry about sabotagingyour success. It will continue. Take abreak and your body will reward youwith greater clarity and concentration.

Today may prove to be oneof your busiest in a long time,Scorpio. The promise of continuingsuccess in your personal and profes-sional goals could find you spendinga lot of time on the phone, writingemails, or making a few short tripsaround the community. You might notbe able to reach everyone you needto see. Don't worry. Be persistent andyou will reach them eventually.

You could be on a real emo-tional high today because of yoursuccess and that of other householdmembers, Libra. Your mind may bebuzzing with ideas for future expan-sion, some of which may not be allthat workable. However, you shouldallow yourself a few flights of fancy.Tomorrow your feet will be back onthe ground and you will see things ina more practical light.

The high from your recentsuccesses could make you want topurchase luxury items that you usedto think were impractical, Virgo. Thisis fine as long as you're discriminat-ing and don't give in to impulse buy-ing. This also isn't a good time tooverindulge in food or drink. Youshould let yourself enjoy your suc-cess while still using commonsense.

Hard work, enthusiasm, anddedication are now paying off finan-cially, Gemini. New opportunities areopening up to profitably make use ofyour artistic side. The downside is thatyou might be working so hard thatyou're too drained to be creative eventhough the inspiration is there. Take amoment to rework your schedule toaccomplish the most in the leastamount of time. You can do it.

Success on all levels is fillingyour life and making you feelabsolutely wonderful, Taurus. Thedownside of this is that you might bea little too conscientious. Are youputting in a lot of extra hours? Bediscriminating about this and don'twork harder than necessary. Youcould get stressed to the point oftaxing your strength too much, andthat won't help you. Pace yourself.







March 21-April 19

September 23-October 22

April 20-May 20

October 23 - November 21

May 21-June 21 June 22-July 22

July 23-August 22

January 20-February 18

August 23-September 22

February 19-March 20

December 22-January 19November 22-December 21




Y MOVIE TIME AUDI I 1. WAR (HIN) - 09:45 AM, 2. WAR (HIN) - 12.35 PM, 3. THE SKY IS PINK (HIN) - 03.20 PM, 4. WAR (HIN) - 06.25 PM, 5. WAR (HIN) - 09.30 PM.


MOVIE TIME AUDI II 1. THE SKY IS PINK (HIN) - 09:30 AM, 2. TARA MIRA (PUNJABI) - 12:15 PM, 3. WAR (HIN) - 02:30 PM, 4. GEMINI MAN (HIN) - 05:25PM, 5. THE SKY IS PINK (HIN) - 07:45 PM., 6. WAR (HIN) - 10:35 PM



05:25 PM, 5. THE SKY IS PINK (HIN) - 07:45 PM., 6. WAR (HIN) - 10:35 PM9419103440

HARI CHHICHHORE- 9.45 AM, 12.30 PM, 3.30 PM, 6.30 PM 9419307474APSRA AUDI I SYERAA NARASIMHA REDDY (HIN) - 09:45 AM, 12:45 P.M., 03:45 PM., 06.45 P.M 2450282 APSRA AUDI II TARA MIRA (PUNJABI) - 10.00 AM, 12:30 PM, 03:30 PM, 06:30 PM 2450282

PLATINUM CINEMAS I 1: WAR (HIN) - 09:45 AM, 2. THE SKY IS PINK (HIN) - 12:30 PM, 3. JOKER (ENG) - 3:15 PM, 4. WAR (HIN) 5:35 PM, 5. GEMINI MAN (HIN) - 8:20 PM. 6. JOKER (ENG) - 10:30 PM

PLATINUM CINEMAS II 1. JOKER (ENG) - 10:00 AM, 2. JOKER (ENG) - 12:20 PM, 3. WAR (HIN) - 2:40 PM, 4. WAR (HIN) - 5:25 PM, 5. JOKER (ENG) - 8:10 PM, 6. THE SKY IS PINK (HIN) - 10:30 PM.

PLATINUM CINEMAS III 1. THE SKY IS PINK (HIN) - 10:00 AM, 2. WAR (HIN) - 12:40 PM, 3. THE SKY IS PINK (HIN) - 3:25 PM, 4. TARA MIRA (PUN) - 6:05 PM, 5. WAR (HIN) - 8:15 PM, 6. WAR (HIN) - 11:00 PM.



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GJ REPORTSRINAGAR, OCT 20:Advisor to Governor, K KSharma today directed theofficers of SrinagarDevelopment Authority(SDA) to undertake meas-ures for revolutionizing thehousing sector of Srinagarcity by providing State-of-Art housing facilities to thepeople of capital city.

The Advisor stated thiswhile inspecting severalongoing projects and direct-ed early completion of thesame so that holistic devel-opment of Srinagar citywould be achieved and peo-ple would be provided qual-ity housing facilities.

The Advisor inspectedShehjaar HousingApartments being con-structed by SDA on verticalpattern with an estimatedcost of Rs 306.25 crore. Itwould have 532 apartmentson 2BHK and 3BHK pat-tern. The Advisor also

inspected proposed satellitecolony at Gund Akasha atParimpora Srinagar, besidesBemina Housing Colonyand SDA assets atSangarmaal.

While inspecting thepace of work at ShehjaarApartments the Advisordirected the SDA to ensuretimely completion of theproject. He said that theproject should be repletewith all the modern housingfacilities so that more peo-ple are attracted towards it.

He said that it should havemodern sewerage disposaland drainage network,besides also ensuring otherinfrastructural facilitieswhich go inconsonancewith modern housing andurban facilities. He said thatthe services of experts andconsultants, if neededshould also be explored formaking the project land-mark in vertical construc-tion.

At the proposed site ofGund Akasha, the Advisor

directed undertaking holis-tic measures so that a com-posite colony having all themodern facilities can beprovided to the people.This, he said, would alsoaugment the housing sectorand would revolutionize theoutlook of Srinagar city andits dwellers by providingboth vertical-cum-plottedhousing facilities, besideshaving all the innovativeand modern dwellingamenities.

The Advisor also under-took a tour of the BeminaHousing Colony, inspectedthe facilities being providedto the inhabitants and direct-ed for augmenting the same.

While interacting withthe residents of the colony,the Advisor assured themthat the issues projected bythem especially themacadamization of roadswould be redressed in a timebound manner. He passedon-spot instructions for

undertaking the repair andrenovation of internal linkroads.

The Advisor also visitedSDA assets including theland adjoining theSangarmaal ShoppingComplex and directed theofficers to come up with adetailed project report forutilization of the same byway of creating durableinfrastructural assets at theplace.

While reviewing the sta-tus of old Batamaloo BusStand, the Advisor directedfor resolution of issues ofthe displaced shopkeepers.

He also reviewed thenew facilities being con-structed in consonance withnew Srinagar Master Planand directed for its strictadherence. During the tour,the Advisor was alsoaccompanied by ViceChairman, SDA, SajjadGanai and other concernedofficers.

Advisor Sharma for revolutionizing housing sector of SrinagarInspects SDA's ongoing projects, directs early completion

Advisor to Governor, K K Sharma inspecting roadmap ofdevelopmental projects in Srinagar on Sunday

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20:Describing the detection ofRs.1100 crore fraud in J&KBank as a tip of iceberg,Harsh Dev Singh, chairmanJKNPP and former Ministertoday said many more skele-tons would tumble down thecupboard once a detailedprobe was conducted into allfishy transactions executed bythe bank. He said that the saidbank had been used as a cashcow by the successive gov-ernments and their corruptleadership thereby swellingtheir fortunes at the cost of thepublic funds. He said thatselective targeting of a fewbusiness houses while granti-ng immunity to some toppoliticians by the ACB wouldbe strongly resisted by thePanthers party. While seekinga detailed investigation intothe loans secured by the toppoliticians and subsequentlydeclared NPAs, he regrettedthat the names of several topleaders of successive ruling

parties had figured severaltimes in the media for bankfrauds but the ACB had failedto lay its hands upon thesepowerful and influential peo-ple.

Accusing the J&K Bankof out rightly refusing to pro-vide reply towards the RTIapplication filed by PanthersParty a couple of months ago,Harsh Dev Singh revealedthat he had sought the detailsof willful defaulters, NPAs,bad debts, over-valued mort-gages, unverified investors,etc., with particular referenceto the role of Ministers,MLAs and top bureaucrats inthe past 4 years. "Shockingly,the bank failed to supply therequisite information underthe pretext of misleading jar-gons of 'commercial confi-dence exempt' and matters of'fiduciary relationship", Harshbrought to fore. He said thatJK Bank not only defied theRTI Act by concealing thefacts but also vindicated thestartling revelations made by

the Anti Corruption Bureau(ACB) over the involvementof Ex-Chairmen in large scalefinancial irregularities onextraneous and political con-siderations.

Urging upon the Governorto take cognizance of thegrave offence of the JK Bank,Singh said that the detectionof the latest Rs 1100 cr scamin the bank was only a tip ofthe iceberg. He reiterated hisdemand of high level probeinto all other scams which hadbrought disgrace to the bankhaving government's share of59 percent in the equity.

"We want to know whathappened to the public moneywhich was advanced as loanto benefit the mighty withdubious credentials. We wantthe reality to be unveiledbefore the people who werehaving apprehensions thattheir money was not safe inthe bank which had become ahub of financial frauds,scams, loot and plunder",asserted Harsh.

Detection of RR 1100 crore JK Bankscam is only a tip of iceberg: Harsh

GJ REPORTKATHUA, OCT 20:Deputy Commissioner, O PBhagat today conducted anextensive tour of border vil-lages covering Pansar andManyari of Hiranagar SubDivision to assess the dam-ages caused due to crossborder firing.

At village Manyari, theDC visited the damagedhouse of one family belong-ing to nomadic communityand assured them of everypossible help from DistrictA d m i n i s t r a t i o n .Emphasizing the impor-tance of bunkers, DC saidthat the lives of the familymembers were saved asthey took timely refuge in

the bunker.The DC was apprised

that a team has alreadyevaluated the damagecaused in the cross borderfiring pertaining to thisfamily and all possible helpwill be given to them fromRed Cross also.

At Pansar, the DC askedthe Sericulture,Horticulture andAgriculture Department tosuggest ways for plantationon retrieved State land.Sericulture department wasasked to submit project ofCocoon production or pro-cessing, Horticulturedepartment was asked todevelop fruit plant nurserywhereas, Social Forestry

was asked to plant treesthat can be utilized as cashcrops for proper utilizationof this land.

The DC also directedthe Rural DevelopmentDepartment to use thewater from the perennialsource to develop waterconservation and soil con-servation projects so thatthe water bodies devel-oped, after landscaping andbeautification can also beexplored for border tourismavenues.

Earlier at Manyari,Bhagat also visited the spotwhere a play field will beconstructed and asked theconcerned officers to pre-pare a DPR for the same.He also listened to thegrievances of the peopleand assured them of timelyredressal.

He, later, had a briefmeeting with BSF officersregarding harvesting ofcrops along the border sothat the interest of farmerscan be protected.

ADC, GhanshyamSingh, SDM Hiranagar,Suresh Kumar, Officers ofSericulture, Agriculture,Social Forestry and otherdepartments accompaniedthe DC during the visit.

DC visits border villages to assessdamages due to cross border firing

Deputy Commissioner, O P Bhagat assessing the damagesdue to cross border firing in Kathua on Sunday

NPP to celebrate72nd anniversary ofJ&K Accession with

Union of IndiaGJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: J&K NationalPanthers Party shall be celebrating72nd Accession Day with Union ofIndia on 26th & 27th of October, 2019.Celebration conference shall be held atthe Headquarters of J&K NationalPanthers Party at Jammu on October26, the day Maharaja Hari Singhsigned the Instrument of Accession in1947 at Jammu Karan Palace. TheNational Panthers Party shall celebratethe event at every district level in theState on October 27, the dayInstrument of Accession was acceptedby the then Governor General of Indiaon October 27, 1947. A CelebrationCommittee has been constituted withState President, Balwant SinghMankotia as its Convenor, VicePresidents, P.K Ganju, Ch. Mohd.Iqbal, former President of PanthersParty, Adv. Bansi Lal Sharma, GeneralSecretaries, Anita Thakur, ManjuSingh, Yash Paul Kundal, SukhdevSingh, Basharat Ali, ProvincialPresident Panthers Trade Union, S.Parmjeet Singh Marshall shall be itsmembers. Capt. Anil Gour shall becoordinator. Chairman, Harsh DevSingh shall be the chairman of thisOrganizing Committee. All the State &Provincial Secretaries of the PanthersParty shall be special invitees. Prof.Bhim Singh shall also participate in thecelebration on October 26-27.

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: Reiteratinghis resolve to take on-going waragainst drug addiction to its logi-cal conclusion, Chairman of TeamJammu Zorawar Singh Jamwal onSunday sought support of everysection of the society to eradicatethis menace.

"Without support of each andevery individual it is impossible totake fight against this deadly men-ace to the logical conclusion",Zorawar Singh Jamwal said whileaddressing a public meeting atGurha Shablian, Bakshi Nagar inconnection with the ongoing cam-paign. "Neither government agen-cies alone nor organizations likeTeam Jammu would be able to lib-erate our younger generation fromthe yoke of this deadly disease.Every right thinking person mustcome forward to join the waragainst drug abuse", he said andvowed to intensify campaign foreradicating this menace.

Zorawar Singh Jamwal askedthe gathering to encourage youthdevelop hobby of physical exer-cise. "Instead of putting unneces-sary pressure on kid for securingmarks, parents should ratherencourage their children to go inthe playing fields", he said,adding, "addiction of games willhelp parents to keep away theirchildren from the deadly menace

of drug abuse".Cautioning people that making

youth as drug addicts is biggergame-plan of the enemy, he reiter-ated demand of Team Jammu tointensify vigil on crossing pointson the borders to keep a check onnarco-terrorism. He pointed outthat narcotics and other banneddrugs were smuggled from acrossthe border through IB and LoCwith the help of terror groupsoperating on other side of the bor-der.

SDPO, Jammu West, DySP,Amit Sharma, in his addressexhorted the members of the civilsociety to jointly launch decisivewar against drug menace. He saidthat this problem would not besolved by some individuals but a

joint fight of the people of all reli-gions, castes, creeds and colourswas necessitated to single outthose who had been involved inplaying with the lives of youngergeneration.

DySP Amit Sharma further pre-sented detailed account of theworking of Jammu Police whiledealing with drug mafia with ironhands and also guiding drug vic-tims to rehabilitation centres. Hedwelt at length the number ofcases registered under NDPS Actand also record number of seizureof contrabands from Jammu. Heasked the people to come forwardand share any sort of informationpertaining to drug peddlers. Heassured that the identity of whistleblowers would be kept secret.

Zorawar seeks support of society tointensify war against drug menace

Chairman of Team Jammu, Zorawar Singh Jamwal along with other digni-taries at a public meeting in Jammu on Sunday

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: To com-memorate the Chehlum (40thDay) of Shoda-e Karbala, areligious procession was takenout from Dargah Peer MithaSofi Shah under the banner ofAnjuman-e-Imamia Jammu.People from different faithspaid tributes to the martyrs ofkarbala. The processionpassed through its traditionalroute Lakhdata Bazaar,Rajinder Bazaar, GhaasMandi Chowk, Wazarat Roadand culminated at Karbalacomplex. Thousands ofmourners participated in the

procession to pay rich tributesto the martyrs of Karbala.

Maulana Syed Ali BadshahNaqvi, Imam Jummaaddressed the gathering ofmourners before the proces-sion was taken out. He pas-sionately narrated the martyr-dom of Imam Hussain (A.S)and his companions atKarbala. He also impressedupon the values of Karbalaand sacrifice of Imam Hussain(A.S). The mourners paid

homage to Imam Hussain(A.S) by taking out Alam andTazia procession.

President Anjuman-e-Imamia Syed Amanat AliShah said that to commemo-rate the 40th day of Shahadatof Imam Hussain (A.S.), ablood donation camp was alsoorganized at Karbala Complexin collaboration with AllLadakh Muslim StudentAssociation Jammu. Themourners also expressed theirsolidarity with the people ofBahrain, Yemen and Palestine.However, in various sermonsthe clerics said that Karbalataught all the communities tocome out of ignorance andfight against those who werekilling and committing atroci-ties across the world. Keepingthe sense of communal har-mony alive, once againJammuites showed the exam-ple of brotherhood as peoplefrom different communitiesparticipated in the procession.

Chehlum procession of Shoda-e Karbalataken out with religious fervour

Shia Muslims taking out procession on the occasion ofChehlum of Shod-e Karbala in Jammu on Sunday: Aman

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: Afterthe revocation of Article370 & Article 35-A andsubsequent decision ofCentre to reorganizeJammu and Kashmir Stateinto two Union Territoriesi.e. Jammu-Kashmir andLadakh, both the newlyformed UTs will gainimmensely in all spheres ofdevelopment besides elimi-nation of separatist ideolo-gy and terrorism fromKashmir valley.

These were the viewsexpressed by various speak-ers during a day-long work-shop organized by thePrachar Vibhag of BhartiyaShiksha Samiti (BSS), J&Kon the topic "JammuKashmir NayeParipekshya" at NarayanBhawan Hall, Ambphallahere today.

Prof (Dr.) KeshavSharma, Dean AcademicAffairs, University ofJammu was the chief guest

of the inaugural ceremonywhereas, Rajendra Kumar,Regional Prachar Pramukhof BSS North Region wasthe key speaker.

Prof Keshav threw lighton the various aspects ofbusiness, economy andeducation which got affect-ed for seven long decadesowing to Article 370 andArticle 35-A. He expressedthat both the newly formedUTs will usher in era of

peace and development.Rajendra Kumar dwelt

in detail about the damagescaused by the discriminato-ry Articles that were incor-porated in the Constitutionof India by the then PrimeMinister. He said it was dueto these temporary provi-sions that separatist thoughtgot fuel in the KashmirValley which ultimately ledto mis-governance andemergence of terrorism.

On the occasion, inaugu-ral edition of the BhartiyaShiksha Samiti J&K'smonthly E-Newsletter"Shiksha Sandesh" was alsolaunched by the dignitaries.The newsletter is a compo-sition of events organizedin different schools underBSS J&K.

In the second session,Prof Deepanker Sen Gupta,Deptt of Economics,University of Jammu wasthe key speaker. He spokeon the different changes andtransitions to follow inJammu-Kashmir after therevocation of Article 370and Article 35-A. He men-tioned that several provi-sions of Centre will bedirectly applicable in UTsof Jammu-Kashmir andLadakh which was other-wise not a case. "The UT ofJammu Kashmir will attractinvestment on large scalewhich will fuel growth anddevelopment and create lotof opportunities for youth."

In the later session,Pradeep spoke in length on'Accession Day' of J&Kwith Union of India. On theoccasion, Devender Sharmawas appointed as SehPrachar Pramukh, whereasDr Ajay Kumar wasappointed as Seh VidvatPramukh. The programmeconcluded with vote ofthanks by Dr Naresh.

Prachar Vibhag BSS J&K holds workshop on "Jammu Kashmir Naye Paripekshya"

J-K will usher into new era of peace and development after Oct 31, say speakers

A speaker expressing his views at a workshop in Jammuon Sunday

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: In order to carry out var-ious upgradation/repair works, the powersupply to Bathindi and its adjoining areas fedfrom B-1 feeder shall remain affected onOctober 24 from 08 am to 02 pm.

Similarly, the power supply to Arnia andits adjoining areas fed from Arnia feedershall remain affected on October 21, 22 and24 from 08 am to 02 pm. Likewise, thepower supply to Babliana and its adjoiningareas fed from BL-2 and BL-6 feeders shallremain affected on October 23 and 25 from08 am to 02 pm.

Meanwhile, the power supply to Bishnah

and its adjoining areas fed from NewBishnah feeder shall remain affected onOctober 22 from 08 am to 02 pm. Similarly,the power supply to Bishnah and its adjoin-ing areas fed from Old Bishnah feeder shallremain affected on October 23 from 08 am to02 pm.

Likewise, the power supply to Gangyaland its adjoining areas fed from G-2, G-3 andG-6 feeders shall remain affected on October21 from 08 am to 02 pm.

Meanwhile, the power supply to Bantalaband its adjoining areas fed from BT-4 andBT-3 feeders shall remain affected onOctober 22, 24 and 25 from 08 am to 02 pm.

Power shutdown

8 kanals of migrant landretrieved from encroachers

in KokernagGJ REPORTANANTNAG, OCT 20: Ateam headed by tehsildarKokernag and comprisingof SHO Achabal, NaibTehsildars Sagam andWagam, Patwaris andpolice personnel todayretrieved eight kanals ofmigrant land at villageMohripora of tehsilKokernagm fromencroachers.

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Indian troops hit...retaliated and the exchange of fire continued till 0300 hrs onSunday. Over a dozen houses have also been damaged in theshelling, they said, adding six animals also died after a shellfell on a cowshed.

A massive rescue operation was launched this morning toshift the residents.

Pak troops also fired mortars and resorted to firing inHajipore sector in Uri in north Kashmir district ofBaramulla, targeting civilian areas and forward posts. Indiantroops returned the fire and hit Pak bunkers, they added.

The Army Chief added that three terror camps have alsobeen destroyed in an attack by the army in Pakistan-occu-pied Kashmir and added that the attack was in retaliation tothe cross-border firing in Tangdhar by Pakistan, which wastrying to infiltrate terrorists.

Sources say the terror launch pads in Neelam valley -opposite the Tangdhar sector of Kupwara - were destroyedin the artillery strikes.

"Last evening an attempt was made in Tangdhar to infil-trate terrorists. We retaliated. Pakistan Pak carried out anattack, firing at our post in which we did suffer, but beforethey could attempt the infiltration," General Rawat said.

Sources said as a result of the unprovoked firing, theIndian side undertook a calibrated escalation in which terrorlaunch pads and Pakistan Army posts giving incidental pro-tection to these launch pads and certain gun positions werehit. The army, sources said, retains the right to respond at atime and place of its choosing, in case the Pakistan Armycontinues to assist terror activities across the border.

The armed forces' last hit on terror launch pads was inFebruary after the Jaish-e-Mohammed terror strike inPulwama. On that occasion, the Air Force had targeted aJaish camp in Pakistan's Balakot. In September 2016, thearmy had carried out surgical strikes on terror launch padsacross the Line of Control.

Clarifying that today's attack cannot be equated with asurgical strike or a Balakot type strike as it was a step lowerin the escalation matrix, sources said it was "significantescalation" that was meant to send out a "strong signal" tothe Pakistan Army.

By hitting the positions of Pakistani artillery positions, a"clear message was sent that their concealed positions areunder observation and will be targeted if there is support toterror," the sources said.

Pakistan has been making repeated attempts to flagKashmir at international forums, but its efforts have notbeen successful so far.

Through September, Pakistan drones have droppedweapons across Punjab. A report to the Home Ministry saidintelligence officials detected as many as eight drone sorties.The possibility of undetected sorties has not been ruled outeither.

On each sortie, the drones have dropped packages weigh-ing up to 10 kg, which could have been arms, explosives, ormeans of communication, like cell phones or satellitephones, the report said. Intelligence agencies have also saidPakistan's state actors were responsible for this.

Till September this year, Pakistan had committed morethan 2,050 unprovoked ceasefire violations in which 21 peo-ple died, the centre had said last month.

Meanwhile two soldiers, a civilian were killed and two,including a woman, were injured when Pakistan troops vio-lated the ceasefire and resorted to unprovoked shelling andfiring in north Kashmir districts of Kupwara and Baramulla,official sources said on Sunday.

They said Pakistan Army fired mortar shells and resortedto indiscriminate firing with automatic weapons from acrossthe border in Teetwal sector in Kupwara targetting forwardpost and civilian areas at the Line of Control(LOC) late lastnight. Indian troops retaliated and the exchange of fire con-tinued till 0300 hrs.

According to them, two soldiers were martyred and threecivilians were injured in the firing.

The injured were rushed to a hospital where one of themidentified as Rafiq Ahmed, succumbed to his injuries. Theyfurther said that over a dozen houses were damaged in theshelling and six animals also died after a shell landed on acow shed. A massive rescue operation has been launched toshift the residents to safer places.

Pakistan Army also fired mortars and resorted to firing inHajipore sector in Uri, Baramulla, targeting civilian areasand forward posts. Indian troops returned the fire and hit thePakistan bunkers, they stated.

They was no report of any loss of life or damage to prop-erty on this side of the LoC in Uri, the sources added.

Pak rejects reports...several Pakistani military positions opposite the Tangadharsector along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir,killing five Pakistani soldiers.

There have been reports of killing of at least four-five ter-rorists in the shelling by the Indian Army, which inflictedsignificant damage on the Pakistani side.

Rejecting reports, Foreign Office spokesmanMohammad Faisal said, "Pakistan categorically rejectsIndian media reports about alleged launchpads being target-ed by India along the LoC."

The Foreign Office said that Pakistan has called upon theP-5 countries (permanent members of the United NationsSecurity Council) to ask India to provide information aboutthe terror launchpads. It said Pakistan is willing to arrange avisit of the P5 diplomats to those locations to expose "Indianfalsehood".

Pakistan Army spokesman Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor alsorejected the reports saying the Indian media is "falselyclaiming" targeting of alleged terror camps.

Meanwhile, Pakistan summoned Indian envoy GauravAhluwalia to condemn the firing by Indian troops that it saidkilled five civilians along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jura,Shahkot and Nausehri Sectors. (Agencies)

No merger on...bank that their beloved bank is in safe hands of more than12000 strong J&K Bank family under the supervision andguidance of a professionally strong board of directors with arobust accountability framework in place for transparencyand efficiency. The only way to go for the bank is up andabove, towards higher levels of accomplishments."

Commenting upon the effect of recent political develop-ments in J&k upon the bank, he said, "We certainly believethat the recent developments that have taken place in statewon't affect the essence of this institution, which is to finan-cially serve the people of J&K and catalyze the economicdevelopment of this region.J&K Bank has witnessed far big-ger challenges in the past, and we believe, as always withthe emotional equity of the people, support of J&KGovernment and unmatched commitment of our staff, weshall meet every challenge head-on and come out strongerand more successful."

While reiterating that J&K Bank has strong fundamen-tals with all its major financial indicators performing well,the Chairman also asserted that few of the large loans, madesome years ago that have turned Non Performing Assets

(NPAs) and are being investigated; have been adequatelyprovided for by the bank and shall have no impact on theprofitability of the bank.

"Let me assure you that we are here to be with you andlead you towards a more promising and fulfilling economicfuture", he said.

Reflecting upon the long and eventful journey of thebank, the Chairman said, "It has been a long, eventful andchallenging journey of over eighty years that has shaped upnot only this great institution but the very structure and thesubstance of J&K's economy. For all this, we acknowledgeand admit the instrumental role of our shareholders and cus-tomers whose unwavering trust and cooperation has beenthe guiding light for us during eight decades of our exis-tence."

Expressing his gratitude for the bank's main stakehold-ers, Chairman said, "In particular we appreciate theunflinching support of our main stakeholders i.e.the J&KGovernment, the Board of Directors, and employees atlarge. J&K Government has always come forward to sup-port the bank in all spheres and have already raised theirstake to 59 pc in the bank by providing capital of Rs 532 Crfor business growth and regulatory requirement.Thegovernment has also indicated to extend additional cap-ital support in near future to meet our Basel III capitalrequirements."

Notably, the very reason for the establishment of Jammu& Kashmir Bank by its founders in 1938 has been toempower the people of the state financially so that an era ofdevelopment could be ushered in.

Today we see that vision transformed into reality as J&KBank leads from the front with market share of more than 65pc, more than 12 million account holders from two millionhouseholds and a total business around 1.65 lakh Cr.

Over 380 Ladakhi-origin...be posted to UTs of Jammu and Kashmir or Ladakh shall befrom the Arunachal, Goa, Mizoram, Union Territory cadre,more popularly known as UT cadre.

On August 5, the central government had announced theabrogation of the special status given to Jammu andKashmir under Article 370 and its bifurcation into two UTs-Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh. (Agencies)

Anyone who harms...370. No step will be taken against your interests. Each jobin the state will be provided to the youth of the state."

"I will not hesitate by telling you that the Centre is readyand new jobs and opportunities will be created here. All pre-cautions will be taken so that the there is no harm on theidentity, culture, jobs and education of J&K," he said.

The abrogation of article 370 is a new opportunity and anew dawn for Jammu and Kashmir, Madhav said as heasked the people not be afraid of anyone and go about theirbusiness.

"Your hands and feet were fettered for the last 70 yearsand now we have freed you…. Do not be afraid of anyoneand go on with your business," he said.

"What are you afraid of when everyone is afraid of(Prime Minister Narendra) Modi. They are paper tigers andI know how much courage they have. They shiver whenthey get a phone call," Added Madhav without naming any-one.

Taking a dig at Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, theBJP leader said he does not know how to handle his countrybut talks of Kashmir every now and then.

"Imran Khan rakes up Kashmir once or twice a day. Hedoes not know how to handle his country and was merelysaved from FATF sanctions. Our security forces are alert andprepared to handle whatever attempts he makes whethercross-border firing or militancy," he said.

The BJP national general secretary said the people of thecountry were ready to embrace Kashmiris and they shouldmaintain peace.

"Wherever I go, I say that whatever had to be done forKashmir has been done by Modi and now the people ofwhole India have to embrace Kashmiris. When we in BJPused to say that Kashmir is ours, it did not mean that the landof Kashmir is ours but that every Kashmiri is ours. Thewhole India is ready to assure you of that."

"When there is peace, tourism will increase here. I saythis to people everywhere that if you have to go on a holi-day, then visit Kashmir. The whole country is ready toembrace Kashmir and the people of J-K only need to decideto welcome them and maintain peace here," he said.

Strike continues in...Limited (BSNL), remained suspended since August 5 as aprecautionary measure.

The historic Jamia masjid, stronghold of chairman ofmoderate Hurriyat Conference (HC) Mirwaiz Moulvi OmarFarooq, presently under house arrest, remained closed fordevotees since August 5. Adequate number of securityforces remained deployed in the Jamia market and outsidethe worship place to maintain law and order.

There is no curfew restriction in any part of the valley onSunday. However, restriction under Section 144 CrPC con-tinued and additional Central Paramilitary Forces (CPMF)remained deployed in strength since August 5 to prevent anylaw and order problem. Security forces deployed in strengthafter August 5 are on high alert to maintain law and order.

Majority of shopkeepers again resumed their normalactivities this morning in the summer capital today from0630 hrs. However, life again came to halt at 0930 hrs whentraders closed their establishments and left for their homes.Public transport was off the roads in the city. The number ofprivate vehicles and number of three wheelers on the roadswere seen plying, particularly in the civil lines and uptownareas. The State Road Transport Corporation (SRTC) busesalso remained off the roads.

Life remained paralysed elsewhere in the valley, whereadditional security forces remained deployed to prevent anyuntoward incident.

Shops and business establishments remained closed andtraffic off the roads in Kupwara, Baramulla, Bandipora,Pattan, Handwara and Sopore in north Kashmir. Reports ofstrike were also received from Anantnag, Shopian,Pulwama, Pampore and Kulgam in south Kashmir, whereadditional security forces remained deployed to maintainlaw and order. There was also no change in the situation inthe central Kashmir districts of Budgam and Ganderbal,where business and other activities remained paralysed.

Students' attendance in...While all of the 1,02,069 landline phone connections wererestored till October 18, a total of 84 per cent mobile phoneconnections were restored in 22 districts till last Friday.

The landline connections in Kashmir valley wererestored about two months ago, post-paid mobile connec-tions were restored on October 14.

Restrictions on the movement of people, vehicles andphone connections were imposed on August 5 following theannouncement by the central government the abrogation ofthe special status given to Jammu and Kashmir under Article370 and its bifurcation into two Union Territories.

A total of 20.13 per cent students are attending schools inKashmir valley, while 100 per cent students are attending in

Jammu region, a home ministry official said, quoting areport from the Jammu and Kashmir administration.

Also, 86.3 per cent teachers in Kashmir valley and 100per cent teachers in Jammu are attending schools till Friday.

A total of 21,328 schools in Jammu and Kashmir havestarted functioning, which is 98 per cent of the total schools.The Jammu and Kashmir administration last weekannounced the dates for year-end examinations from Class5-12, apparently to enhance the attendance of students inschools.

There have been no restrictions in any of the 202 policestations while essential commodities like food items, babyfood, petroleum products are available in adequate numbers,the official said.

As many as 130 major hospitals, 4,359 health centres inJammu and Kashmir are functioning normally and on anaverage 600 surgeries are conducted and 65,000 peopleavail OPD care every day, another official said.

London Mayor condemns...on the permissions sought for the proposed march, an esti-mated 5,000-10,000 protesters plan to commence theirmarch from Richmond Terrace near Downing Street andconverge outside the Indian High Commission in London.

In response to a letter by Indian-origin London Assemblymember Navin Shah, Mayor Khan said, "I absolutely con-demn the plans for a protest march to take place on the aus-picious day of Diwali, in the vicinity of the Indian HighCommission in London."

"This march will only deepen divisions at a time whenLondoners need to come together. That is why I am callingon those organising the march and all those considering tak-ing part in it to think again and cancel their plans," said thePakistan-origin London Mayor in the letter dated October18. He said that his City Hall office would be working withScotland Yard to ensure a "robust" policing plan was inplace for such a march.

In response to Shah's request to consider seeking permis-sion to ban the protest due to public disorder fears, he added:"As you know, the power to ban marches of this nature liessolely with the Home Secretary, not with me as the Mayorof London. I am copying this letter to both the HomeSecretary, Priti Patel, and the Metropolitan PoliceCommissioner, Cressida Dick, so they can clearly see theextent of my concerns about this march."

Shah, in his letter, recalled the violent clashes outside theIndian mission on August 15 between diaspora groupsmarking Independence Day and British Pakistani and sepa-ratist groups.

"I understand why many British Indians are so deeplyconcerned. Many have felt deeply threatened and worriedsince the previous protests outside the Indian HighCommission. I can assure all Londoners that anyone whoacts unlawfully will be accountable to the police," Khanresponded.

The so-called President of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir,Sardar Masood Khan, and PoK "Prime Minister" RajaMuhammad Farooq Haider Khan are expected to participatein the march dubbed the "Free Kashmir" rally.

The latest letter exchange over the issue of Kashmir inthe UK comes as Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn issuedhis response to another letter issued on behalf of over 100British Indian organisations, condemning the party's stanceon Jammu and Kashmir in the wake of the Indian govern-ment's decision to revoke the special status of Jammu andKashmir.

He repeated his previous acknowledgement that some ofthe language used in an emergency motion passed byOpposition party last month could be "misinterpreted or leadto misunderstandings about Labour policy, both in India andamong the Indian diaspora". But he stood by the party'sview that it remains "gravely concerned at the ongoinghuman rights crisis in Kashmir".

The British Indian outfits, who had called on him toreconsider the damaging motion calling for internationalintervention in Kashmir, reacted with anger to the "hugelydisappointing response" and said it showed that the partycontinued to disrespect British Indians and democraticIndia.

"It's obvious that the Labour Party are either oblivious orjust could not give a damn about the concerns of our com-munity and the damage being done to UK-India relations,"said Manoj Ladwa, a UK-based media executive and amongthe many diaspora figures raising concerns over the LabourParty's perceived anti-India stance. (Agencies)

Northern Army commander...Sector for their dedication and perseverance, LieutenantGeneral Ranbir Singh said that the nation is proud of the val-our and sacrifices of the 'Siachen Warriors'. He exhortedthem to continue to uphold the high standards of profession-alism and commitment, even while deployed in the face ofextreme challenges posed by the highest battlefield in theworld. He also laid a wreath at the Siachen War Memorial,as a mark of respect for the martyrs of Operation MEGH-DOOT.

Lieutenant General Ranbir Singh later visited 'HeritageAbode' - the residence of one of the greatest heroes ofLadakh, Late Colonel Chhewang Rinchen at Sumur Villagein Nubra Valley.

Colonel Chhewang Rinchen was awarded the Maha VirChakra twice and a Sena Medal, for his acts of valour dur-ing the various battles fought in the Ladakh Sector. Payinghis respects, Lieutenant General Ranbir Singh said thatColonel Chhewang Rinchen will continue to inspire futuregenerations of Indians.

‘Manmohan Singh not...accepted his invitation and would attend the scheduledopening on November 9 as a common man rather than as aspecial guest, Dawn newspaper reported.

Sources close to Singh in New Delhi said that the formerprime minister would not attend the former inaugurationceremony.

In a letter in response to the invite sent to him byPakistani authorities, Singh has said he would not attend theformal inauguration, but would visit the historic shrine as acommon pilgrim, sources said.

Singh would be a part of Sikh Jatha delegation led byPunjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh. They will payobeisance at the shrine and would return on the same day.

The proposed corridor will connect Darbar Sahib inKartarpur with Dera Baba Nanak shrine in Gurdaspur dis-trict of Punjab and facilitate visa-free movement of Indianpilgrims, who will have to just obtain a permit to visitKartarpur Sahib, which was established in 1522 by GuruNanak Dev.

Pakistan is building the corridor from the Indian borderto the Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Kartarpur, while the otherpart from Dera Baba Nanak in Punjab's Gurdaspur districtup to the border will be constructed by India.

Qureshi said Prime Minister Imran Khan would inaugu-rate Pakistan's part of the corridor, facilitating pilgrimage of5,000 Indian Sikhs everyday to their holy place. (Agencies)

J&K to get...champions of so-called "autonomy" is whether they have

any moral authority to fool the people of Kashmir in thename of autonomy when they boycotted the Panchayat andBDC elections which are meant to confer autonomy to therepresentatives elected at the village level.

Similarly, he said, the champions of "self-rule" mustreply, which "self-rule" are they talking about when theirown government resisted all efforts to hold Panchayat elec-tions and when the election did happen in Governor's rule,they boycotted it.

The response to both Panchayat and BDC elections hasbeen enthusiastic in the Kashmir valley also and the highestnumber of candidates for BDC elections are not from anydistrict in Jammu region but from district Kupwara and dis-trict Baramulla, he said.

Dr Singh also disclosed that the Central Grant hasalready started reaching directly to the local bodies, as aresult of which, many of the Panchayats have alreadyreceived Rs 20 to 30 lakhs in the first phase itself, which ismore than the total amount received by them in the last sev-eral decades.

"Will the Congress party answer, why they were hesitantin introducing this provision in Jammu and Kashmir, eventhough it was brought in by their own Prime Minister RajivGandhi and whether by doing so, were they not hand inglove with the Kashmir-centric dynasties seeking to appeasecertain section of voters, at the cost of the poor man livingin rural areas," he added.

He said that Article 370 is gone and now it is up to us toliberate our minds from Article 370 because still sometimesit appears that we are not able to get over the subdued psy-che to which we were subjected for years together. A newera of equitable growth and self- confidence has begun andit is for us to prepare ourselves to avail the best of it, headded.

Hitting out at Congress, National Conference (NC) andPDP which had predicted an earthquake if Article 370 wasrevoked, Dr Singh said, they too have accepted that the peo-ple across the sections have welcomed this revocation andthat is why now they do not have the courage to utter theword "Article 370".

Civilian injured in...Pakistani Rangers fired from small arms and shelled mortarsin Manyari-Chorgali area around 7.45 pm on Saturday,drawing retaliation from BSF personnel, the officials said.

A house was hit by a mortar shell and caught fire. Houseowner Syed Ali received minor burn injuries.

The intermittent exchange of fire between the two sidescontinued till 4.40 am on Sunday, the officials said.

Pvt bus services...the government 10 days time to address their demands, fail-ing which they threatened 'chakka jam' across the state.

They had gone on an indefinite strike on Monday, claim-ing that the toll tax was an additional burden on them giventhe increase in insurance, permit, traffic violation fines andfuel prices.

"The decision to suspend the strike for 10 days was takenafter the representatives of various associations held a meet-ing following an assurance from Divisional Commissioner,Jammu, Sanjeev Verma, that major relief will be given topeople from the toll tax at Sarore," Kathua-Jammu BusAssociation president Kuldeep Singh said.

After the meeting it was decided to resume the bus serv-ices this morning to facilitate smooth movement of com-muters in view of the upcoming festival of Diwali, he said.

"We will wait for 10 days and are hopeful that all ourgenuine demands will be addressed by the government oth-erwise we have decided to go for 'chakka jam' across thestate next month," he added.

The toll plaza at Sarore in Samba district was inaugurat-ed by the National Highways Authority of India on October11, drawing strong protests from residents and political par-ties, including the BJP, which wrote a two-page letter to theUnion Transport Ministry seeking its removal.

Congress, National Conference, Panthers Party andPeoples Democratic Party have also demanded removal ofthe toll plaza.

Pakistan to open...Indian pilgrims, who will have to just obtain a permit to visitKartarpur Sahib, which was established in 1522 by GuruNanak Dev.

Pakistan is building the corridor from the Indian borderto the Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Kartarpur, while the otherpart from Dera Baba Nanak in Punjab's Gurdaspur districtup to the border will be constructed by India.

"Pakistan is all set to open its doors for Sikhs from allacross the globe, as the construction work on Kartarpur proj-ect enters final stages and will be open to public onNovember 9, 2019," Khan said in a Facebook post, clearingthe air on whether the corridor will be open on the occasionof the 550th birth anniversary of the Sikh faith founder GuruNanak Dev next on November 12.

"The world's largest gurdwara will be visited by Sikhsfrom across India and other parts of the World. This willbecome a major religious hub for the Sikh community, andwill boost the local economy, result in earning foreignexchange for the country creating jobs in different sectorsincluding travel and hospitality," Khan said.

"Religious tourism is on the rise in Pakistan, earlierBuddhist monks visited various sites for religious rituals fol-lowed by opening of #Kartarpur Corridor," he added.

On October 10, Pakistan Foreign Office spokesmanMohammad Faisal created confusion over the inaugurationdate by stating that "no date has been fixed so far while aPakistani senior official heading the corridor project hadannounced that Pakistan will allow Indian Sikh pilgrims tovisit the holy Kartarpur Sahib from November 9.

Earlier on Sunday, Pakistan Foreign Minis-ter ShahMahmood Qureshi said former Indian prime ministerManmohan Singh has accepted his invitation to attend theKartarpur corridor inauguration ceremony as "a commonman".

Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on October 3had said Singh had agreed to join the first all-party "jatha"(delegation) to the Kartarpur Sahib gurdwara to join themega event after the opening of the Kartarpur Corridor.(Agencies)

From Page-1...

Two rape accused arrested GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: Two persons, wanted in separate cases ofkidnapping and rape, were arrested in Reasi district of Jammuand Kashmir, police said on Sunday.

The accused, Rehmat Ali and Rattan Singh, were arrestedby special teams from Arnas area of the district on Saturday, apolice official said.

He said Ali, a resident of Chachua village, was bookedunder various sections of the Ranbir Penal Code for kidnappingand raping a woman in 2015. Singh, hailing from Arnas, wasevading arrest after being booked for kidnapping and rape ofanother woman in 2018, the official said.

Acting on specific information, police arrested both theabsconders, the official said.

Page 5: Indian troops hit launch pads in POK, Rawat says 6 …epaper.greaterjammu.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/21.10...2019/10/21  · Rohit Sharma hits double ton as South Africa struggles

DANTEWADA, OCT 20:Twenty-eight Naxals,including four with rewardson their heads, surrenderedon Sunday in Chhattisgarh'sDantewada district, a seniorpolice official said.

They laid down arms infront of senior police andCRPF officials in thenewly-established Chikpalpolice camp in Katekalyanarea, some 340 kilometresfrom the state capitalRaipur, said DantewadaSuperintendent of PoliceAbhishek Pallava.

Among those who sur-rendered, Manglu Madkami,a member of the Maoists"platoon number 22" andBaman Kawasi, part of theKatekalyan local organisa-tion squad, had rewards ofRs 2 lakh each on their

heads, Pallava told PTI."Two others, identified

as Handa, and womanNaxal Podiyami Gangi, aself-styled commander ofthe Naxal cultural outfitChetna Natya Mandali, hadrewards of Rs 1 lakh eachon their heads. The rest 24were low-rung jan militiacadre," the SP informed.

They have told policethey surrendered due totheir disillusionment withthe Maoist ideology anddesire to see developmentin their native areas,Pallava said.

All 28 were given Rs10,000 each as "encourage-ment money" and furtherassistance will be providedto them under the state gov-ernment's Surrender andRehabilitation Policy, theSP said. (PTI)

NEW DELHI, OCT 20:(UNI) Union Minister forHealth and Family WelfareHarsh Vardhan attended theG20 Okayama HealthMinisters’ Meeting onOctober 19-20, held underthe Presidency of Japan inOkayama City, Japan.

The deliberations of theG 20 Health Ministersfocused on four major glob-al health issues, likeachievement of universalhealth coverage, response topopulation aging, manage-ment of health risks andhealth security managementincluding anti-microbialresistance and its contain-ment.

The Union HealthMinister made specificinterventions on all of them.

Intervening on UniversalHealth Coverage (UHC),Prime Minister’s vision of‘Sab Ka Saath; Sab KaVikas; Sab Ka Vishwas’ forinclusive health was high-lighted along withAyushman Bharat, FITIndia Movement and EatRight Campaign.

The Minister confidedthat India is on the path toUHC and will contributeeffectively in sustainingUHC at the global level.

On “Response toPopulation Aging” DrVardhan, during his inter-vention, shared India’svision for its projected 20per cent elderly populationby 2050, an official state-ment here said. (UNI)


Dr Vardhan shares India’s visionfor inclusive health at G20

Okayama Health Ministers’ Meet HYDERABAD, OCT 20:A 28-year-old jawan of theparamilitary SashastraSeema Bal (SSB) wasstabbed to death by a drunk-en man when the formertried to intervene in a disputeduring a birthday party inWarangal district, police saidon Sunday.

The incident happened onSaturday nightin Narsampettown of the district when HPrem Kumar was stabbed bythe person who was part ofthe dispute, a senior policeofficial told PTI over phone.

When Kumartried tointervene, an altercationtook place between him andthe group of drunken peopleand one of them stabbed himwith the knife meant to cutthe cake even as others beat

him up, the official said.Kumar, posted in

Srinagar, died on the way tohospital, he said.

The constable Kumar hadcome down on a vacationcouple of days ago to visithis ailing mother.

On Saturday night, hisfriends called him up overthe phone to attend the birth-day celebrations whereinalready a dispute was onbetween two groups of peo-ple. A case of murder underrelevant sections of of theSC/ST (Prevention ofAtrocities) Act has been reg-istered.

When asked if theaccused involved in attackwere nabbed, police saidthey were further investigat-ing. (PTI)

NEW DELHI, OCT 20: PrimeMinister Narendra Modi on Sundaycautioned against efforts to"demonise" technology, sayingattempts are being made to create anatmosphere of fear.

Addressing a gathering at his offi-cial residence at the launch of a book,he said "major effort is being made to

demonise technology. Attempts arebeing made to create an atmosphere offear".

Specially in the context of India,technology is being presented as achallenge to the country's demograph-ic dividend, the Prime Minister said.

He said the debate should not be onthe dangers of artificial intelligence orwhen will robots outsmart humans."But the debate should be on how tocreate a bridge between artificial intel-ligence and human intentions."

The Prime Minister stressed on theneed to understand that technology isa bridge and not a divider."Technology builds bridge betweenaspirations and achievement, demandand delivery, government and gover-nance in order to achieve 'sabka saath,sabka vikas' (with all, for everyone'sdevelopment)," he said according to a

statement issued by his office.The book 'Bridgital India' has been

co-authored by N Chandrasekaran, thechairman of Tata Sons, and RoopaPurushothaman, the Chief Economistat Tata Sons.

Ratan Tata, Chairman Emeritus ofTata Sons, was also present at thelaunch.

Talking about the need to convertchallenges posed by technology intoopportunities, the Prime Ministercited the example of the creation ofIndia Post Payments Bank.

He said the disruption caused bytechnology to the entire postal organi-zation was converted into a technolo-gy intensive banking system, benefit-ing millions through postal bankwhich transformed "dakiya" (post-man) into a "bank babu" (banker), thestatement said. (PTI)

Attempts being made to demonisetechnology: PM Modi

UP govt hasfailed to controlcrime: PriyankaNEW DELHI, OCT 20:Congress leader PriyankaGandhi Vadra on Sundayslammed the BJP govern-ment in Uttar Pradesh overthe state's law and ordersituation, alleging that ithad failed to rein in crime.

The Congress generalsecretary also shared asnapshot of news headlinesof major crime incidents inthe state. Among the head-lines was a reference to thekilling of Hindu SamajParty chief KamleshTiwari.

The collage of newsheadlines had the caption,"Har din apraadh ke naam,bhajpa sarkaar purinakaam (everyday criminalincidents, BJP governmenta complete failure)". (PTI)

MUMBAI, OCT 20:Polling will be held onMonday in all 288 Assemblyconstituencies ofMaharashtra where 3,237candidates, including 235women, are in the fray.

The voting will be heldfrom 7 am to 6 pm.

Prominent candidatesinclude Chief MinisterDevendra Fadnavis fromNagpur South-West, and hispredecessors from theCongress -- Ashok Chavan,who is contesting from

Bhokar in Nanded district,and Prithviraj Chavan, whois seeking a re- election fromKarad South in Satara dis-trict.

The BJP, under Fadnavis'leadership, is seeking a sec-ond straight term in the state.

Aaditya Thackeray, theson of Shiv Sena presidentUddhav Thackeray, has alsoentered the poll fray fromWorli constituency inMumbai.

The 29-year-old YuvaSena chief is the first leaderfrom his family to make adebut in electoral politics.

Voting is also underwayfor the byelection to SataraLok Sabha constituency,where former NCP leaderand sitting MP UdayanrajeBhosale is in the fray on

BJP's ticket againstShriniwas Patil of theCongress-NCP combine.

The BJP has fielded itsnominees in 164 Assemblyseats, including candidatesof smaller allies contestingon its lotus symbol, whilethe Sena is contesting 124seats. On the other hand, theopposition Congress hasfielded 147 candidates andits ally NCP 121.

The main contest isbetween the 'Mahayuti' orgrand alliance led by theBJP, and the 'maha-aghadi'(front) led by the Congressand NCP.

Among other parties, theRaj Thackeray-led Mahara-shtra Navnirman Sena(MNS) has fielded 101 can-didates. (PTI)

Maharashtra votes today, BJPseeks second straight term

GREATER JAMMU SHARES YOUR CONCERNFor Obituaries and Remembrance Call us at Ph: 2435309, Mob: 9906198186 or email to: [email protected]

With profound grief and sorrow, we inform the sad demiseof our beloved Shri Kewal Krishan Kachroo of LaneNo.1, Butta Nagar, Jammu, who expired on Monday 14Oct, 2019. His Tenth Day will be performed on23-10-2019, Muthi Ghat at 9 AM.FROM:-Mrs. Ratna Kachroo (Seemaji) - WifeBhabi & BrotherMrs. Sarla W/o Lt. Abhimaneu KachrooSister & Brother-in-lawMrs. Gayatri Mattoo W/o Lt. Sh. Maharaj Krishan MattooSons & Daughters-in-lawMrs. Vasundra & Mr. Vashist KachrooMrs. Varsha & Mr. Vatsal KachrooGrand Children: Ridhi, Talin, Nitya, RudhraMobile No: 7006953904, 9419187064, 8825012941

Shri Kewal KrishanKachroo


My father, Prof. Amar Nath Dharattained Nirvana Early Morning on13th of Oct. 2019 at our Jammu resi-dence. His 10th Day Kriya Ceremony will beperformed on 22nd of October, 2019(Tuesday) at 9 am at Muthi Ghat, nearDirectorate of School Education,Jammu.

Tej Krishan Dhar (PNB)504, Sarwal Morh

New Plot, Jammu-1800059419206933, 9419135566


TENTH DAY KRIYAWith profound grief & sorrow, we regret to inform the saddemise of Smt. Veena Gupta W/o Late Sh. AshokKumar Gupta R/o Tarlokpur (Jakh), Vijaypur Samba.Tenth Day shall be performed at 11 am Monday on21-10-2019 at our residence Tarlokpur, (Jakh).Grief StrickenSon & Daughter-in-lawSunil Gupta & Mamta GuptaSon-in-laws & DaughtersAmit Gupta & Anjali GuptaAnkur Verma & Manjari VermaBrother-in-law & BhabiSmt. Kamlesh Gupta W/o Late Sh. Ramesh Chander GuptaSh. Surinder Kumar Gupta & Smt. Nita GuptaNephews / NiecesSh. Ravinder Gupta & Smt. Shamli GuptaSh. Vinay Gupta & Smt. Tarun GuptaSh. Ajay Gupta (Adv) & Smt. Purnima GuptaSh. Sushant Mahajan & Smt. Tiksha GuptaSh. Vishal Mahajan Ph. No:- 9419139134, 9419197458



With profound grief and sorrow, we inform the saddemise of Karmiyogi Smt. Mugli Devi (Yemberzali)originally from Mohripora, Anantnag at present H.No.128, Patoli Brahmna near Peer Baba, Jammu on 14-10-2019. Tenth Day will be performed on 23-10-2019(Wednesday) at Muthi Ghat nearDirector School Education, Jammu at 8 AM.GRIEF STRICKENSmt. & Sh. K.N. Pandita - SonSmt. & Sh. Jai Krishan Pandita - SonSmt. Uma Ji - DaughterSmt. Rita Ji - DaughterSmt. Nana & Naveen Ji - DaughterSamast Pandit ParivarContact No: 8715053208, 9796105929, 7889971416, 9906101715







With profound grief and sorrow, we regret toinform the sad demise of our beloved fatherSh. Omkar Nath Koul, original resident ofHouse No. 388, Jawahar Nagar, Srinagar,currently residing at Koul Niwas, AirforceStation Road, Udhampur.The Tenth Day Kriya will be performed atKoul Niwas, Airforce Station Road,Udhampur on 25th October 2019 at 11:00AM (Friday).

GRIEF STRICKENKoul's, Kher's, Dhar's, Saproo's, Wazir's, Bhat's

CONTACT NO : 9419158322



With profound grief and sorrow, we inform aboutthe sad demise of our beloved father Sh.Saligram Nagri (Gasha) S/o Late Sh. ShambooNath Nagri originally resident of 220 JawaharNagar, Srinagar, Kashmir and at present 2/35,Pamposh Colony, Janipur Jammu.The Tenth Day will be performed at Muthi Ghatnear Director School Education on 27-10-2019at 9.00 am.

GRIEF STRICKENNagris, Miskeens, Kouls, Sarafs & MirzasContact No. (LL) 0191-2530488 (M) 94191-81142



BARKHI of our beloved Late Sh. ParveenKumar Gupta S/o Late Sh. Om Parkash R/oE.W.S. Colony, Sector 8, Lower Roop Nagar,Jammu will be performed on 21st October 2019(Monday) at 12.00 Noon at our residence.

DEEPLY MISSED & REMEMBERED BY:Neelam Gupta-WifeVinit Gupta-Son (9419283019)Brothers & BhabhiesRaman & Sunita Gupta-9055375160Ajay Gupta & Seema Gupta-9149646915Arun Gupta & Vandana Gupta-9858390904


BARKHIWith profound grief and sorrow, we inform the saddemise of our respected Bhooji Smt. Shakuntla DeviW/o Sh. Pitamber Nath Mishra and sister of Late BabaHans Raj Ji Sanmotra (Nalehkota Wale) on 18-10-2019.The Fifth Day will be performed on Monday the 21st ofOct. 2019, at Shri Raghunath Temple Katra (ShriVaishno Devi) at 11.00 am.

GRIEF STRICKENNephews & Niece-in-LawsKavi Raj Sanmotra & Sonam SanmotraBaba Rameshwar Sanmotra & Anu SanmotraAnil Rattan Sanmotra- NephewBeeru Shah Sanmotra & Bindu Sanmotra- Nephew & Niece-in-Law9419165176, 9419164106, 9419164107, 9419164849



Jawan stabbed to death bytipsy man in birthday party

MANGALURU, OCT 20:The Congress in Karnatakaon Sunday deplored theBJP's proposal to conferBhara Ratna on VeerSavarkar.

Addressing reportershere, KPCC spokesmanIvan D'Souza MLC said thesaffron party's agenda wasto score gains inMaharashtra assembly elec-tions by mooting such aproposal.

The BJP was attemptingto promote "traitors" aspatriots only during elec-tions.

The BJP governmentshould not choose a personlike Savarkar for the nationshighest award, despite thefact that he was named inthe conspiracy case to elim-

inate Mahatma Gandhi, hesaid.

The Maharashtra BJPunit had said in its electionmanifesto that the partywould ask the Centre toconfer the Bharat Ratna onVinayak DamodarSavarkar, popularly knownas Veer Savarkar.

Pointing out thatSavarkar had written six let-ters to the Britishrevealinghis wish to surrender withintwo weeks of landing in jail,D'Souza sought to knowhow such a person could becalled a freedom fighter.

He wanted the Centre toconsider former state ChiefMinister Siddaramaiah'sproposal to confer BharatRatna on Siddaganga seerShivakumara Swami. (PTI)

Cong decries BJP's plan to bestowBharat Ratna on Savarkar

28 Naxals surrender inChhattisgarh's Dantewada

Page 6: Indian troops hit launch pads in POK, Rawat says 6 …epaper.greaterjammu.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/21.10...2019/10/21  · Rohit Sharma hits double ton as South Africa struggles

DEAR EDITOR,It seems as though the world's oldest profession

has more takers in the tiny state of Kerala going bythe fresh data released by the Kerala State AidsControl Society (KSACS). Its survey has sent shock-waves through this once conservative state when thedata released on the number of male and female sexworkers. According to the survey, there are 17,000female and 13,331 male sex workers and the numberof migrant sex workers is also increasing. Kerala is aheaven for migrant workers as the daily wage for acoolie hovers around Rs.1, 000. For a skilled cooliethe wage even goes over Rs.1, 000 and the workingtime would be 8 hours to 10 hours only. Two times'tea' and midday meal with ample rest of one hour.Elsewhere in the country, working condition andwages given to a coolie are totally different and thismakes migrant workers from other states come andsettle in Kerala. Most of the sex workers are thosewho migrate from village to cities. The average agegroup of thesesex workers is 36-46 years. They carryout their trade in hotels and flats in cities. Those wholeave the job on getting old become agents. The sur-vey has also found that more women are coming tothe state from Bengal, Bihar and Odisha mostly

claiming to be relatives of migrant labourers.Perumbavoor has the highest percentage of thesemigrant sex workers. Another shocking fact is thatover 10,000 sex workers are drug addicts. It may benoted that where flesh trade flourishes,there is drugtrade also. Moreover, there are chances of an out-break of sexually transmitted diseases. Another curi-ous fact being found by the survey is that Kozhikodedistrict has the most numbers of male sex workers. Ithas often been observed that wheneverthe standardof living goes higher (a condition in which poverty andoppressing factors are absent), there is a tendencyfor people to seek more pleasure, which is quite nat-ural. But when the effort of pleasure-seeking crossesthe border comea host of other social problems. Gaysex, lesbianism and other kinds of perverted sexhave come to rule the society creating many socialproblems. So, people engage in these kinds of activ-ities must know that they are given freedom to enjoytheir life asper their hearts'' desires but they arealways bound by scruples functioning as deterrents.Flouting or ignoring them brings untold social issuesto which we have to pay dearly later.

T K NANDANANEMAIL: [email protected]



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Greater Jammu

Despite the legal profession having overtaken allother professions in major nations around theworld including USA as well as the developed

European nations, the state of affairs in this professionby applying any yardstick cannot be said to be satisfac-tory or encouraging for those who aspire to opt thisnoble profession in the state of J&K; the reason beingquite simple that the standard and quality of educationin the institutions across the nation of course with a fewexceptions is far from satisfactory and absolutely want-ing in terms of synchronizing the law students with theCourt environment and procedures before passing outas law graduates from the respective institutes.Unfortunately the condition of legal education is muchmore worse in the state of J&K where the governmentinitially allowed mushrooming of institutes of legal edu-cation sans any meaningful monitoring as a result ofwhich except a few of institutions all the rest privateinstitution in J&K stand already closed. Recently thegovernment announced to establish a National LawInstitute in the state to enhance the standard of legaleducation in the state but whether it will achieve the tar-get or not is a million dollar question. According to avail-able statistics, over 80,000 law graduates pass outevery year from the country's 965 law schools andmajority of them enroll with different Bar Councilsacross the nation with not even half that number contin-uing litigation job in courts. The position in J&K is all themore sordid with pass outs going to the courts en massto join the profession but the numbers dwindling tohardly a dozen or so from each batch in the first yearitself. This clearly indicates that the majority of passouts are poorly educated to become professionallawyers. With the changing pattern of lawyering espe-cially due to liberalization and globalization, the legalprofession has suddenly assumed attraction and eventhe people at the helm of affairs in framing the curricu-lum amended it to introduce practical components likeCourt visits, Moot Courts, Mock trials etc under the sub-jects titled Clinical Legal Education and Legal Methodsbut the syllabi are in no way designed to produce acelawyers. Today there is a dire need to transform thelegal education system as per the latest requirementsof the profession. Different measures deserve to befocussed on priority including the developing of alter-nate methods of lawyering that have become todaysocially relevant, quick and inexpensive. Besides thecomponents of negotiation, mediation, conciliation,arbitration, Lok Adalat, etc need to be pursued vigor-ously with proactive participation of the students. Thishas become an imperative necessity in view of the legalprofession having changed drastically with the chang-ing times. Summing up all the pros and cons of theissue, it can be asserted that the system of apprentice-ship which is the most important component in legaleducation continues to be missing in J&K. It is hopedthat those at the helm of affairs in this sector of legaleducation think seriously over the vital issues linked tolegal education at least ensuring that apprenticeship ismade an essential component of the legal curriculum,at least during the last two years of the course whichwould undoubtedly go a long way in producing acelawyers from the institutions of legal education in ourstate.



Iwas in four countries in September. Ibegan the month in my homeland,India, which once thought of itself as

having shown the way to other ex-colonies byachieving independence through non-vio-lence under the leadership of MahatmaGandhi. Now, the history its leaders invokegoes much further into the past: The resist-ance of Prithviraj Chauhan and Shivaji toMuslim rulers, for some; the greatness of theGupta empire, for others.

The ideological mentor of the men whonow rule India is the late MS Golwalkar, wholed the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh for afull 35 years. Among the dogmas of their for-mer sarsanghchalak that his followers havewholeheartedly adopted is that, because oftheir glorious past, Hindus are destined tolead the world in future. Golwalkar claimedthat it “is the grand world-unifying thought ofHindus alone that can supply the abidingbasis for human brotherhood”. World leader-ship, he further claimed, “is a divine trust, wemay say, given to the charge of the Hindus byDestiny”.

I went from India to England, whosepoliticians, likewise, continually invoke thepast achievements of their nation. Whether itis Britain as the home of the mother of parlia-ments, Britain as the cutting-edge of theIndustrial Revolution, Britain as the birth-place of Shakespeare and Darwin, Britain asthe lone country that resisted the Nazis inWorld War II— the self-image of this countryis of having taught the world a great deal inthe past; and it could teach the world a thingor two yet.

I ended September in the United States,whose current president won the election in2016 promising to Make America GreatAgain. The belief that this is the country withthe greatest history is fervently upheld by amajority of Americans. For romanticAmericans, their country was never greaterthan in the time of their Founding Fathers,who won freedom from British imperialismand forged a pioneering charter for democra-cy. For progressive Americans, their countrywas especially great in the time of FranklinDelano Roosevelt and his New Deal. For con-servative Americans, their country was at itsbest when Ronald Reagan brought the Sovietsto their knees and won the Cold War. For alltheir ideological differences, these Americansall believe that their country is, and alwaysshall be, the Last, Best, Hope of Humankind.

I normally travel to the United States fromLondon. This time I flew in from Canada.This, alone of the four countries that I visitedin September, does not boast of having a fab-ulous or famously influential past. It was notthe Canadians who gave the world zero, yoga,

or plastic surgery; not the Canadians whoinvented the theory of evolution or electrici-ty; not the Canadians who had built theworld’s richest democracy which was alsohome to the world’s greatest universities pro-ducing a disproportionate share of NobelPrizes. I had been to Canada several timesbefore. With every visit, I have grown fonderof the place. It has a quiet, understated, char-acter that is in striking contrast to its vainglo-rious southern neighbour. Canadians are notboastful; though in fact they have a great dealto boast about. They have good public univer-sities and excellent public health care. Theyhave gone from being a racist Whites-onlysociety towards becoming properly multicul-tural. Their West Indian, South Asian, andChinese immigrants are much better integrat-ed than immigrants in other Western nations.Although their treatment of their own indige-nous peoples is far from perfect, at least theyfeel guilty about it .

From my most recent trip to Canada, I con-cluded that nations that do not have a greathistory (real or mythical) to invoke may beluckier than those who do. For Boris Johnsonto think of himself as Winston Churchill, orfor Narendra Modi’s followers to think oftheir leader as a new Shivaji, a new HinduHriday Samrat, can scarcely help solve thestructural challenges that England or Indiaface today. This idea of a fantastic anduniquely glorious past continues to bedevilthe fourth country I visited in September, theUnited States. And consider also Russia, withVladimir Putin fancying himself as a newPeter the Great, or Turkey, with Recep TayyipErdogan thinking of himself as an OttomanSultan. Or of Iran, whose leaders have anexcessive — and distracting — pride in theirPersian past, or, most of all, of China, whose

leaders are absolutely convinced that thegreatness of their ancient civilisation makestheir imminent emergence as the world’smajor superpower all the more likely.

Canadians are due to vote in a generalelection on Monday, October 21. When I wasthere in late September, campaigning was infull swing, with competitive politics on opendisplay. The incumbent prime minister, aLiberal, was being accused of hypocrisybecause of an act of casual racism he hadonce committed. The Liberals, in return,warned the voters that if the Conservativeswere elected in their stead, public spendingfor health and education would precipitouslydecline. Meanwhile, the National DemocraticParty and the Greens urged Canadians to lookoutside the two main parties and considertheir claims instead.

What was notable was how little pastnational achievements (real or mythical) wereinvoked in the election campaign. No leadertalked of Making Canada Great Again.Whosoever is elected the next prime ministeris not going to bow his head on the steps ofthe Canadian parliament and promise to undo800 years of slavery. Nor is he going toinvoke the World Wars I and II (althoughCanadian soldiers helped win them, some-thing the British in particular needed to bereminded of). The Canadians can be under-stated and pragmatic because they don’t havea great history to boast of. They can focus onbuilding a more robust economy, a more car-ing society, on making their fine universitiesand hospitals even better. We have a lot tolearn from them — even (or especially)though they don’t tell us to.

Ramachandra Guha is the author ofGandhi: The Years That Changed The


Lucky is the country without a glorioushistory, writes Ramachandra Guha


The Enforcement Directorate(ED) has attached the vastproperties of Rakesh

Wadhawan and his son Sarang.These include their Rolls Royce,Audi, Bentley and Bolero cars,Ferretti yacht and Falcon 2000 pri-vate plane. These are just some ofthe assets that the promoters of theHousing Development andInfrastructure Limited (HDIL), thebankrupt real estate firm, had togive up to the ED to put on theblock to repay the loans owed bythem to the Punjab andMaharashtra Co-operative Bank(PMC).

I don’t know about you, but Ifound myself somewhat repulsedreading about the enormouswealth that the Wadhawan familyhas been sitting on. Look, I am noMarxist and, like all capitalists,believe that wealth-creation is aperfectly legitimate aspiration. Ifanything, there has been too muchhypocrisy within the old liberalelite about the doors that hard-earned money can open in a high-ly hierarchical society.

But how can we forget thatthree people have died this pastweek, possibly from the anxiety oflosing their life’s savings in PMCBank? Two suffered stress-induced heart attacks; a third wasdriven to suicide. Then rememberthat HDIL is charged with siphon-ing off more than ?4,000 crorefrom the bank and dressing up thenon-performing asset (NPA)behind fictitious accounts with thecollusion of bank officials.

Suddenly this — and the 40properties the family is reported to

own — just sounds obscene. Thereis something vulgar about theostentation and amassed wealth,given that thousands of depositors— hard working, middle classIndians — are staring at a life ofuncertainty and financial turmoil.The father-son duo of HDIL couldhave sold their properties, privatejets and swanky cars in order torepay the loans. But they did noth-ing, and the PMC Bank wentdown. The bank fraud is one of themost under-reported stories of ourtime. Every day, for weeks, depos-itors have gathered outside thebank to try and draw nationalattention to their plight. Amongthem the elderly, parents to specialneeds children and single parentsare especially vulnerable.

What makes the developmentsespecially outrageous is the factthat this fraud could have beencaught much earlier. Its roots goall the way back to 2008. Thenexus between the bank’s chair-man Waryam Singh and HDIL isparticularly egregious. Singh

was on the board of HDIL andheld 1.91% shares in it till 2017.No surprise then that HDIL wasable to secure a loan from thePMC Bank even after it haddefaulted on its debt to Bank ofIndia. Worse, the Reserve Bankof India recommended theremoval of Waryam Singh in2018, flagging irregularities inhis conduct. It’s a mystery thatthis was neither followed up onnor implemented. In the mean-time, 21,000 dummy accountswere created by bank officials toshield HDIL.

The PMC Bank scandal wasliterally waiting to be called out.Its NPAs reportedly doubled inthe last financial year; so whydidn’t the firm that audited itsaccounts red-flag this? TheBharatiya Janata Party (BJP) andthe Congress have often sluggedit out over who is more responsi-ble for the bad loan scams in ourbanks. Given that the NarendraModi government has vowed toclean up the rotten system it

argues it has inherited, and thatthe ED is newly energised, onehas to wonder why the colludersand the corrupt in both the bankand HDIL were not caught outearlier. The lavish lifestyles ofbusinessmen and women wouldtypically be no one’s business.But today when you read aboutthe beachfront 22-room bunga-low in Alibaug, or the 15-carfleet that the Wadhawans own, itmakes you question the conceptof limited liability that promot-ers enjoy in India. Whether it’sVijay Mallya or RakeshWadhawan, if their malfeasanceis at the heart of their wealth cre-ation, why should their personalassets and money be protected?

HDIL literally robbed a bank.Much of the assets they own maynot have even been in their pos-session had the bank not camou-flaged them all these years. Thelogic behind separating personalwealth from professional risk hasa different logic. It is premisedon the assumption that honestbusinesses can also fail, becauseof a changing market, a slump inthe economy or any number ofother reasons that have nothingto do with irregularities ormanipulation of a system. Insuch a situation a promoter’searnings, possibly even acquiredfrom other sources, do need to beguarded. This is important toencourage entrepreneurial spirit.But when you get rich by twist-ing the system, you had betterpay up. Else, frauds such as theseexpose the limits of capitalism.

Barkha Dutt is an award-winning journalist and author


Page 7: Indian troops hit launch pads in POK, Rawat says 6 …epaper.greaterjammu.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/21.10...2019/10/21  · Rohit Sharma hits double ton as South Africa struggles


Karolina Garbiec from Newry and Agnieszka Kaczmarek from Banbridge display their out-fits at the Wild Atlantic Tattoo Show, Skibbereen Ireland.

Donald Trump slams Clinton for'Russian asset' jab at Gabbard

WASHINGTON: Hillary Clinton has gone crazy, USPresident Donald Trump has said as he slammed the for-mer secretary of state for calling Democratic presidentialaspirant Tulsi Gabbard and former Green Party candidateJill Stein as Russian assets. During a Thursday podcastinterview, Clinton said Russia had groomed Stein to be aspoiler third-party candidate in 2016 and implied that theKremlin is doing the same with Gabbard in order to takevotes away from the 2020 Democratic ticket and secureTrump's reelection. "Hillary's gone Crazy!” Trump said ina tweet on Saturday night. "So now Crooked Hillary is atit again! She is calling Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard 'aRussian favorite', and Jill Stein 'a Russian asset'. As youmay have heard, I was called a big Russia lover also(actually, I do like Russian people. I like all people!),”Trump said. Gabbard, 38, the first Hindu member of theUS Congress, declared her presidential bid last year. Sheis a favourite among Indian-Americans. Agencies

Rohingya refugees agreemove to Bangladesh island

COX's BAZAR: Thousands of Rohingya living inBangladesh refugee camps have agreed to move to anisland in the Bay of Bengal, officials said Sunday, despitefears the site is prone to flooding. Dhaka has long wantedto move 100,000 refugees to the muddy silt islet, sayingit would take pressure off the overcrowded border campswhere almost a million Rohingya live. Some 740,000Rohingya fled Myanmar in August 2017 in the face of amilitary crackdown, joining 200,000 refugees already inmakeshift tent settlements at Cox's Bazar. Bangladesh'srefugee commissioner, Mahbub Alam, said officials over-seeing the relocation would be posted to Bhashan Charisland in the next few days. "Approximately 6,000-7,000refugees have already expressed their willingness to berelocated to Bhashan Char," Alam told AFP from Cox'sBazar, adding that "the number is rising". He did not saywhen the refugees would be moved, but a senior Navyofficer involved in building facilities on the island said itcould start by December, with some 500 refugees sentdaily. Agencies

Italian experts defuse WWIIbomb in northern city

MILAN: Italian authorities have evacuated 4,000 peoplefrom the center of the northern city of Bolzano to defusea World War II bomb found during construction. Thenews agency ANSA said the bomb was defused during athree-hour operation Sunday morning. An alarm signaledthe all-clear to reopen the city center, as well as a nearbynorth-south highway and a rail line connecting Italy withAustria and Germany. The Neue Suedtiroler Tageszeitungidentified the ordnance as an aerial bomb. According tohistorian Ettore Frangipane, Bolzano, in the northernAlto-Adige region bordering Austria, suffered 13 majorWorld War II bombing raids that damaged 60% of the cityand killed 200 people. Alto Adige was part of a broadswath of northern Italy that remained under Nazi-occupa-tion long after Italy's 1943 Allied surrender. Agencies

Longest non-stop passenger flight reachesSydney from New York in 19 hours 16 minutesSYDNEY: The longest non-stop passenger flight toucheddown in Australia on Sunday morning after more than 19hours in the air, a milestone journey from New York thatQantas hopes to parlay into commercial success. Qantasflight QF7879 took 19 hours and 16 minutes to fly directfrom New York to Sydney in the first of three "ultra long-haul" journeys planned by the airline this year.

The national flag carrier is operating the test flights —which also include one from London to Sydney — as itweighs a rollout of regular services on marathon routesfrom the United States and Britain to Australia.

Just 49 people travelled on the Boeing 787-9 to min-imise the weight on board and give the plane sufficientfuel range to travel more than 16,000 kilometres (9,500miles) without re-fuelling. Agencies

Nancy Pelosi in Jordan for ‘vitaldiscussions’ amid Syria crisis

AMMAN: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a bipar-tisan delegation of American lawmakers has visitedJordan to discuss “the deepening crisis” in Syria amida shaky US-brokered cease-fire. According to a state-ment from Pelosi’s office, the delegation metSaturday with Jordan’s King Abdullah II in Ammanand held “vital discussions about the impact toregional stability.” Jordan is a key U.S. ally in theregion. The visit to the Middle East came as the UShas been withdrawing troops from Syria, followingPresident Donald Trump’s abrupt decision to have USforces stand aside for a Turkish incursion into Syria’sKurdish-held north. Jordan News Agency saysAbdullah stressed in the meeting the importance ofsafeguarding Syria’s territorial integrity. Turkey hasdemanded both Kurdish and Syrian governmentforces withdraw from a designated border zone.Agencies


KANO, NIGERIA, OCT 20: Police innorthern Nigeria have rescued 147 peoplefrom an Islamic boarding school where thestudents were being abused, the fourth suchraid in a month, a local official told AFP.

Armed officers found the inmates whenthey raided a school in the Rigasa district ofKaduna, said Hafsat Baba, Kaduna statewomen affairs commissioner.

“All the inmates were found in chainsand said they were beaten. There are 22women among them and some of themcomplained of being sexually abused,” she

added. Two Cameroonians and two peoplefrom Niger were among those rescued, shesaid. There were also four children at theschool. The inmates had been taken thereby family members for “petty theft, delin-quency and drug addiction,” Baba added.“Some of them have psychological prob-lems and are mentally unstable.”

Last month police rescued more than300 male students from a similar boardingschool in the same neighbourhood. Theytoo said they had been tortured and sexual-ly abused. Agencies

Chile protestscontinue after

Govt backs downon fare hike

SANTIAGO, OCT 20:Protests in Chile havespilled over into a newday even after the presi-dent cancelled a subwayfare hike that promptedmassive and violentdemonstrations.

The governor of theSantiago region says threepeople died in a fire at alooted supermarket earlySunday. It's one of 60Walmart-owned outletsthat have been vandalizedand the company saysmany stores aren't open-ing.

At least two airlineshave cancelled flights intothe capital.

President SebastianPinera announcedSaturday night he wascancelling a subway farehike imposed two weeksago. It had led to majorprotests that included riot-ing that caused millions ofdollars in damage to van-dalized subway stops,office buildings andstores.

A state of emergencyand curfew remains ineffect for six Chileancities. Agencies

MANILA, OCT 20:President Ram Nath Kovindon Sunday unveiled the bustof Mahatma Gandhi inManila, marking the 150thbirth anniversary of the Fatherof the Nation and hoped thatfuture generations would beinspired from his legacy ofcompassion, truth and ethics.

President Kovind took partin the event at the Centre forPeace Education in Miriamcollege in Manila, thePhilippines, during his five-day visit to the SoutheastAsian nation.

"Today, I feel honoured tounveil his bust in thePhilippines - the land of the

brave Jose Rizal. I thankMiriam College for giving aplace of respect to MahatmaGandhi in its campus,"President Kovind said on theoccasion.

"This bust of MahatmaGandhi is a gift from the peo-ple of India to you. But theMahatma belongs to all peo-ple, all cultures and all soci-eties. May he continue toguide us in our shared journeyof peace, harmony and sus-tainable development for all,"he said.

Drawing similaritiesbetween Mahatma Gandhiand Jose Rizal, he said thatboth the leaders believed in

the power of peace and non-violence. "The avenue in NewDelhi named after yournational hero continues toinspire and motivate us," hesaid.

Terming the relationshipbetween the two countries asspecial, he said, "Our ties withyour country and your peopleare not just special, but onethat we keep very close to ourhearts. It is a friendship thatwe celebrate and cherishalways." The president appre-ciated the opportunity to cele-brate Mahatma Gandhi's lega-cy at the Centre for PeaceEducation - a Centre that pro-motes a culture of peacethrough education and advo-cacy.

"The venue could not havebeen more appropriate. Nodoubt, generations of studentswho pass through your gateswill continue to be inspired byhis legacy, of being just andethical in conduct; compas-sionate and humble in treatingfellow human beings; andstanding up and championingtruth and truth alone, even inmost trying times," he said.

"Gift from India": President unveilsMahatma Gandhi's bust in Philippines

TAL TAMR, OCT 20: USforces withdrew from theirlargest base in northern Syriaon Sunday, a monitor said, asTurkey accused Kurdishforces of killing one of itssoldiers in fighting that test-ed a fragile truce.

Ankara launched a cross-border attack against Syria'sKurds on October 9 after theUnited States announced amilitary pullout from thenorth of the war-torn country.

A US-brokered ceasefirewas announced lateThursday, giving Kurdishforces until Tuesday eveningto withdraw from a "safezone" Ankara wants to createalong its southern frontier.

The Kurds have been akey ally to Washington in theUS-backed fight againstIslamic State group jihadistsin Syria, but Turkey viewsthem as "terrorists" linked toKurdish militants on its ownsoil.

On Sunday, an AFP corre-spondent saw more than 70US armoured vehiclesescorted by helicopters drive

past the northern Syrian townof Tal Tamr carrying militaryequipment.

Some flew the Americanstars-and-stripes flag as theymade their way eastwardsalong a highway crossing thetown, he said.

The Syrian Observatoryfor the Human Rights saidthe convoy was evacuatingthe Sarrin military base.

The vehicles appeared tobe heading to the town ofHassakeh, further east, saidthe Britain-based monitor,which relies on sourcesinside Syria for its informa-tion. Sarrin is situated morethan 30 kilometres (19 miles)south of the border town ofKobane, on the edges of theTurkish-desired "safe zone,"Observatory chief RamiAbdel Rahman said.

Sunday's pullout was thefourth such withdrawal ofAmerican forces in a weekand left Syria's northernprovinces of Aleppo andRaqa devoid of US troops,Abdel Rahman said.Agencies

US forces withdraw fromkey base in northern Syria

Nigeria rescues 147 from ‘torture house’: State Govt

JAKARTA, OCT 20:Indonesian President JokoWidodo, who rose frompoverty and pledged tochampion democracy, fightentrenched corruption andmodernize the world’s mostpopulous Muslim-majoritynation, was sworn in Sundayfor his second and final five-year term with a pledge totake bolder actions.

Army troops and police,along with armored vehicles,firetrucks and ambulances,were deployed across thevast capital, Jakarta, andmajor roads were closed in adeparture from the morerelaxed atmosphere of thepopular Widodo’s 2014 inau-guration. An Oct. 10 knifeattack by an Islamic militant

couple that wounded thecountry’s security ministerset off a security crackdown.Known for his down-to-earthstyle, Widodo, 58, opted foran austere ceremony at theheavily guarded Parliamentwithout the festive paradethat transported him after hisinauguration five years agoon a horse-drawn carriage indowntown Jakarta, where hewas then cheered on by thou-sands of waving supporters.

On his way to the cere-mony Sunday, Widodo gotout of his convoy with someof his security escorts andshook the hands of support-ers, who yelled his name,waved Indonesia’s red-and-white flag and called him“bapak,” or father.

“This is the second time... most importantly, we mustwork together immediatelyto bring Indonesia to pros-perity,” Widodo toldreporters before leaving forParliament, adding that hehad completed picking allmembers of his Cabinet.

Western and Asian lead-ers and special envoys flewin for the event, includingAustralian Prime MinisterScott Morrison and ChineseVice President WangQishan. President DonaldTrump sent Secretary ofTransportation Elaine Chaofor the ceremony inIndonesia, Southeast Asia’slargest economy and a mem-ber of the G-20 bloc ofnations.

PHUKET, OCT 20: Hotelson Thailand’s most popularholiday island have beenforced to slash prices withrooms left vacant andbeaches sparse as touristchiefs struggle with aplunge in Chinese visitorscaused by the US trade warand a stronger baht.

Located on the AndamanSea and known for itsbeaches and nightlife, sun-drenched Phuket was themost visited destination inthe country last year afterBangkok and a good gaugeof the state of its crucialtravel industry.

Tourism accounts for 18percent of Thailand’s grossdomestic product andChinese holidaymakersmake up more than a quar-ter of total arrivals.

But while 2.2 millionpeople from the countryvisited in 2018, accordingto official figures, numbers

for January-Septemberwere down almost a fifthon-year.

Claude de Crissey,Honorary Consul of Francein Phuket and owner ofabout 40 rooms in the popu-lar Patong Beach area, saidChinese tourists are usuallypresent even during the cur-rent low season. “That wasnot the case this year,” hesaid, adding he had to lowerhis prices by as much as 50percent.

The problem is not justin Phuket, with hotels alsostruggling to fill rooms inthe seaside resort of Pattayaon the mainland and KohSamui island.

Trade tensions with theUS have already made someChinese reluctant to takeholidays owing to uncer-tainty back home, while theThai baht has risen around10 percent against the yuanthis year. Agencies

Pakistan will achieve all FATFtargets in time: Qureshi

ISLAMABAD, OCT 20: The Pakistan government willachieve all targets set by the Financial Action TaskForce(FATF) in time to get the country out of the anti-money laundering watchdog's grey list, foreign ministerShah Mehmood Qureshi has said as he accused India oftrying to blacklist it.

Qureshi's remarks came after the Paris-based FATF putPakistan on notice on Friday, warning that it will be black-listed if it does not control terror funding by February.

The FATF plenary noted that Pakistan addressed onlyfive out of the 27 tasks given to it in controlling funding toterror groups like the Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammadand Hizbul Mujahideen, responsible for a series of attacksin India.

"India has failed to get Pakistan included in the FATFblacklist. The country has been given various tasks untilFebruary 2020,” Qureshi said, adding the governmentwould achieve all targets in time and bring the country outof the grey list.

He said the FATF has recognised the steps taken by thegovernment to control money laundering and terror financ-ing.

The FATF is an inter-governmental body established in1989 to combat money laundering, terrorist financing andother related threats to the integrity of the internationalfinancial system.

During the FATF meeting, several countries voiced con-cern on Pakistan's failure to do enough to contain terrorfunding on its soil. Agencies

Indonesia’s popular president JokoWidodo sworn in for 2nd term

Shunned by Chinese, Thai tourism‘counting’ on India for revival

BEIJING, OCT 20: Chinais on last lap in fightagainst poverty, said LiuYongfu, director of theState Council LeadingGroup Office on PovertyAlleviation andDevelopment earlier thismonth.

State Council is China’scabinet, headed by PremierLi Keqiang.

Official data, quoted bystate-run Xinhua newsagency showed this weekthat per capita disposableincome of rural Chineseresidents living in poverty-stricken areas was 10,371yuan (1,460 U.S. dollars)by 2018, equivalent to 71percent of that for urbanresidents. “From 2012 to

2018, 82.39 million peoplehad left poverty behind. In2018 alone, 13.86 millionpeople were no longerimpoverished,” a govern-ment policy paper onChina’s food securityreleased by the StateCouncil showed this week.

The numbers in China’ssustained battle againstpoverty are staggering.

The country’s nationalbureau of statistics (NBS)says China lifted more than740 million people in ruralareas out of extreme pover-ty between 1978 and 2017or about 19 million peoplea year.

Beijing says it devisedits own ways and means tofight poverty through the

decades but one prioritywas to ensure that the coun-try became self-sufficientin food for its billion peo-ple. Official data from theblue book on food securityin China showed thatbetween 1949 and 2018,China’s annual total grainoutput rose nearly fivetimes from 113 milliontonnes to 658 million,while per capita outputmore than doubled to 472kg. Between 2013 and2018, China has lifted82.39 million rural poorresidents out of poverty,with an annual average of13.73 million people cast-ing off poverty, more thanthe entire population ofGreece. Agencies

KABUL, OCT 20: USDefense Secretary MarkEsper says that under currentplans all US troops leavingSyria will go to western Iraqand the American militarywill continue to conductoperations against theIslamic State group to pre-vent its resurgence.

Esper, who arrived in theAfghan capital on Sunday,did not rule out the idea thatUS forces would conductcounter-terrorism missionsfrom Iraq into Syria. But hetold reporters traveling withhim that those details will beworked out over time.

His comments were thefirst to specifically lay outwhere American troops willgo as they leave Syria andwhat the counter-IS fightcould look like. Esper, whoflew overnight toAfghanistan, said he has spo-ken to his Iraqi counterpartabout the plan to shift themore than 700 troops leavingSyria into western Iraq. Thedevelopments made clearthat one of President DonaldTrump's rationales for with-

drawing troops from Syriawas not going to come topass any time soon. "It's timeto bring our soldiers backhome,'' Trump saidWednesday. But they are notcoming home.

As Esper left Washingtonon Saturday, US troops werecontinuing to pull out ofnorthern Syria after Turkey'sinvasion into the borderregion. Reports of sporadicclashes continued betweenTurkish-backed fighters andthe US-allied Syria Kurdishforces despite a five-daycease-fire agreement ham-mered out Thursday betweenUS and Turkish leaders.Turkey's defense ministrysays one soldier has beenkilled amid sporadic clasheswith Kurdish fighters. Trumpordered the bulk of theapproximately 1,000 UStroops in Syria to withdrawafter Turkish President RecepTayyip Erdogan made it clearin a phone call that his forceswere about to invade Syria topush back Kurdish forces thatTurkey considers terrorists.Agencies

Bangladesh police say violenceover Facebook post killed four

DHAKA, OCT 20: At least four people were killed anddozens injured on Sunday after security officials in south-ern Bangladesh opened fire to disperse hundreds ofMuslims during a protest over an alleged social media postundermining Islam's Prophet Muhammad, police said.

The violence took place in Borhanuddin in the southerndistrict of Bhola when angry protesters demanded the pun-ishment of a Hindu man for the alleged Facebook com-ment, said local police chief Sarkar Mohammad Kaisar.The man denied making the comment, saying hisFacebook account had been hacked.

Kaisar said four people were killed and the injured,including about a dozen police officials, were being treat-ed in local hospitals. Bangladesh's leading newspapers saidabout 100 people were injured.

Bhola is 72 miles (116 kilometers) south of the capital,Dhaka.

Local authorities held a meeting on Sunday to try todefuse the tensions that began Friday as the Facebook postgained attention in the area. But the angry protesters start-ed attacking security officials, prompting them to retaliate,Kaisar said.

He said that following a complaint by the Facebookaccount holder, police detained three people for allegedlyhacking the account.

Communal tensions often pop up in Muslim-majorityBangladesh, with minority groups saying they face dis-crimination. Bangladesh is a parliamentary democracy andits legal system is based on British common law. Agencies

China on last lap in fight againstpoverty, to wipe it out by 2020

Pentagon chief says US troopsleaving Syria for western Iraq

Police fires tear gas and water cannonas crowds defy Hong Kong rally ban

HONG KONG, OCT 20: Hong Kong police fired water cannon and tear gas on Sunday ascrowds held an illegal march, with hardcore protesters throwing petrol bombs and trashingbusineses, capping a week of anger after the recent stabbing and beating of two pro-democra-cy protesters. Authorities had forbidden the march in Tsim Sha Tsui, a densely-packed shop-ping district filled with luxury boutiques and hotels, citing public safety and previous violencefrom hardcore protesters. But tens of thousands joined the unsanctioned rally regardless, show-ing the movement can still keep pressure on the city’s pro-Beijing leaders after nearly fivemonths of protests and political unrest. In a familiar pattern, the huge rally began peacefully.But it soon descended into chaos as smaller groups of hardcore protesters hurled petrol bombsat police, subway entrances and at Chinese mainland bank branches as well as vandalising mul-tiple shops. Agencies

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GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: DrSushil Sharma and histeam today spent a daylong camp at Apna Vihararea of Kunjwani Jammu.More than 250 peoplewere screened, evaluatedand diagnosed for varioushealth ailments. Free med-icines were also given asper the requirements.

While interacting withthe people, Dr Sushil stat-ed that Diwali, the Festivalof Lights, hope and pros-perity was around the cor-ner and it was the time tocelebrate togetherness withoodles of happiness. Hestressed upon positive cor-relation between air pollu-tion and human healthahead of incessant use offire crackers on the occa-sion of Diwali. He sensi-tized the common populaceregarding how poor airquality standards wereresponsible for the globalburden of CVDs. He saidbesides various otheranthropogenic sources, the

use of fire crackers on fes-tivals further adds toll tothe already fragile environ-ment of our cities.

Dr Sushil particularlyexpressed concern over thedeteriorating air quality inJammu city and it's recentcategorization amongstone of the most pollutedcities of the world.Contrary to the idealizedopinion that air pollutionis the problem of metrocities only, we can see how

this air of mortality ismaking inroads into smallcities and towns. Recentstudies suggest that airpollution alone is respon-sible for 7 million prema-ture deaths annually. Evensome studies at regionallevel has also suggestedregular rise of respiratoryand cardiovascular prob-lems owing to growinglevel of air pollutants inJammu district from thepast three years, he said.

Sensing the relationshipbetween air pollution andhealth, particularly keep-ing in mind that the use offire crackers will furtherexacerbates the problemthe Central governmenthad developed and broughtto market "green crackers"that by its own assessment,would reduce particulatematter pollution by 30%,he said. These green crack-ers are free of mercury,arsenic and barium. Onexplosion, they reduce thedust and smoke typicallyassociated with crackersby 30% and also decreasesulphur oxide and nitrousoxide emissions by 20%,he said.

The residents of thearea Pritam Singh(Corporator), NeerajTandon, Vijay Sharma, BR Chandan, PritamJamwal, Onkar Singh andNeeraj Kumar appreciatedthe efforts of Dr Sushil andhis team for conductingcardiac awareness camp intheir area.

Over 250 patients examined duringmedical camp at Apna Vihar

Dr. Sushil Sharma examining a patient during a medicalcamp in Jammu on Sunday

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20:Reaching out to inhabitantsof Jammu West Assemblysegment in order to pro-vide them best possibleinfra with quality, FormerMinister and Ex-MLAJammu West Sat Sharma(CA) inspected completeddevelopmental works atMana Basti area of Sarwalin Ward 18.

Sharma was alsoaccompanied byCorporator Ward 18Dinesh Gupta, Mandalpresident BJP VijaySharma, Jammu MunicipalCorporation officials andmany others includinginhabitants of ward, socialand political activists of thearea.

The works were execut-ed under the supervision ofJMC at an estimated cost ofRs 7.69 lakhs and the fundsfor construction of lanewere sanctioned throughCDF (ConstituencyDevelopment Fund)scheme of Former MLAwhich was sanctioned dur-ing his tenure. The workwas delayed due to code of

conduct of elections andother reasons, but the workwas taken up as soon as theprocess got cleared.

Speaking on the occa-sion, Sat Sharma said thatJammu West has pro-gressed a lot towards devel-opment and in nearly lastfive years, the infrastruc-tural development pertain-ing to roads, setting up ofnew transformers, replace-ment of old water pipeswith fresh ones, construc-tion of community halls,up-gradation works of cre-mation grounds, construc-

tion of lanes and drains andother works were kept onpriority in all 26 wards ofJammu West and it is theresult of same that croresof rupees were spent ineach and every ward ofAssembly segment whichhas led to a big changetowards modernization ofConstituency in everyaspect.

Dinesh Gupta statedthat Ward 18 has all themodern infra and it wasfully developed under thetenure of Former MLAwho is still in public and

reaches out to each andevery area of Jammu WestAssembly segment. Healso stated that more devel-opmental works are inpipeline and will be takenup in coming days.

Sharma along with theCorporator and locals alsotoured other adjoiningareas in the Ward as welland asked the concernedofficials to prepare the esti-mates for pending works inthe area so that their workscan also be taken up soonin order to avoid publicdistress.

Sat inspects developmental works at Sarwal

Former MLA Sat Sharma interacting with people during his visit to Sarwal on Sunday.

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: Amidprotests by cross-section ofpeople over operationalisa-tion of a new toll plaza atSarore along Jammu-Pathankot highway, formerMinister and seniorCongress leader DrManohar Lal Sharma todaydemanded its immediateabolishment in view of thepresent security and politi-cal turbulence in the stateand highlighted the resent-ment among the peopleover the 'ill thought-outdecision' of local officers ofNational HighwayAuthority of India (NHAI).

The Congress leadersaid there is already onetoll plaza functioning atBan on Jammu-Udhampurhighway and another hasbeen made functional atSarore while one more tollplaza on Jammu-Pathankothighway is being madefunctional shortly at ChannRorian in Kathua district."The distance betweenthese toll plazas is in viola-tion of the prescribed dis-

tance limit. They are at a farshorter distance inter-sethan permissible. Furtherthe plaza at Sarore is verybadly designed," he saidadding that the VaishnoDevi pilgrims have to passthrough three plazas at

Chann Arorian, Sarore andBan within the short dis-tance of 120 km.

Dr Sharma lambastedBJP government and itslocal leadership for playingwith the sentiments ofnationalist people ofJammu and said people ofthe area are greatly agitat-ed . He further said thatthree toll plaza on the high-way, which is not onlyroute of pilgrims but also

life line to the economy ofthe State, especially Jammuregion, is the gift of theBJP to the people who havegiven them huge mandateand requested for scrappingthe entire plan of establish-ing the new toll Plazas inJammu region. After theestablishment of the newtoll plaza at Sarore, thecommuters faced long traf-fic snarls and expressedtheir anger against the gov-ernment for the decision.

Terming it unjustifiedand unfair, DCC presidentKathua Dr Sharma saidthis has been done by theparty which opposed thesame few years back inopposition terming it'Jazia; on pilgrims. "It wasabandoned by the UPAGovernment on publicdemand but now no onelistens the voice of com-mon people in the newmodel of democracy. Is itnot 'Jazia' besides beingunjust now?" questionedCongress leader to BJP,stating that it exposes theduplicity of BJP.

Manohar demands immediateabolishment of Sarore Toll Plaza

GJ REPORTUDHAMPUR, OCT 20: In an endeavour to motivate thestudents and to promote talent of the rural areas, the Armyorganised an 'Essay and Painting Competition' for studentsat Government High School, Karwa. The theme of thecompetition was 'Save Environment'.

A total of 37 students participated. The performance ofthe participating students was encouraging and theyimpressed one and all with their opinions on the topic. Theaim of this competition was to use this platform to increasethe motivation and self-confidence of the students of thisfar flung region. It was heartening to see number of stu-dents including girls coming forward to showcase their tal-ent which demonstrated their concern for the cause.

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20:Continuing his commit-ment to provide betterbasic as well as develop-mental facilities to the peo-ple of Jammu , MayorChander Mohan Gupta,today inspected variousongoing works of roadsand lanes in PamposhColony Janipur.

A meeting was also heldwith the residents ofPamposh Colony in Ward38, wherein the Mayor lis-tened to the grievances ofinhabitants. The residentsdemanded deployment ofmore Safai Karamcharies,construction of culverts onthe blocked drains andNallahs, renovations oflanes, rectification of streetlights, water crises and put-ting up an Arch to avoidplying heavy vehicles inthe lane.

The blacktopping workwas also inspected inPamposh Colony. It wasthe long pending demandsof the inhabitants of the

area. Mayor directed theconcerned Officers forimmediate submission ofproposal. He assured theresidents that all theirdemands will be fulfilledon war footing andappealed the people not tothrough garbage, silt, poly-thene etc in the lanes,drains and avoid usingpolythene as well as SingleUse Plastic in their routinelife to make the city cleanand green.

Narinder Sharma,Councilor of ward number38; M L Dogra, formerRegional Director,Ministry of Informationand BroadcastingGovernment of India; VijayKumar, Former DeputySuperintendent of Police;Capt (Retd) H N Koushal,B L Pandita, Gittan Singh,prominent inhabitants aswell as senior officers andstaff were also accompa-nying the Mayor.

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: Head ofSahib Bandgi Panth, SatguruMadhu Param Hans jiMaharaj, today said thatmany kinds of panths, reli-gions, sects with differentodes of worship could beseen around.

Delivering religious dis-courses at Ranjri Ashram,Madhu Param Hans said thatthe Man is performing wor-ship along with doing allsorts of acts of cheating &thefts etc. "We can say thatthe acts of sin have multi-plied. We shall have to

understand as to what sortsof acts can be called as sin-ful," he said. "To do wrongto anyone in any way iscalled as sin. For instance, ifyou cheat anyone, the personconcerned feels sad. Peoplelabour hard to earn moneyand if you steel that hard

earned money, the personconcerned gets upset.Likewise, man kills animalsto eat their flesh. The animalcries on being killed. This isalso a sinful act. On manyoccasions a drunkard robsthe peace of mind of othersthrough his ugly acts. So tosay, all such acts fall in thecategory of sinful acts.Seven principles of SahibBandgi keep you away fromall sorts of sinful acts. So tosay, the follower of theseprinciples becomes like asage," he said.

"The man is entangled indifferent modes of worship.Citing the example of a tree,Sahib Kabir describedParam Purush as its root,Niranjan (worldly God) asits stem, Tridevas as itsbranches and the universe asits leaves. In the worship of aperfect guru lies the worship

of all. So in order to attainsalvation we shall have toperform the worship ofSatguru who alone has thepower to unite us with ParamPurush." Madhu Param Hanssaid, adding, "We shouldrecite the holy Nam whilefixing concentration at theSatguru." Recitation of theholy Nam is the key to med-itation. Without it meditationis meaningless. A satsangishould keep his concentra-tion fixed at the satguru andshould keep reciting the holyNam while doing all sorts ofworldly activities. This is theonly way to cross the world-ly ocean, he added.

Army organises Essay andPainting Competition at Karwa

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: Thetwo-day programme ofABVP concluded at GeetaMandir Parade here today.The programme wasattended by campus leadersfrom various Degree col-leges and higher secondaryschools.

While giving the infor-mation about the pro-gramme, Parteek Raina,City Secretary Jammu saidthat this is a regular activi-ty for the new unit leadersof ABVP. He said thatABVP in order to developthe ideological convictionof its activists and bringdiscipline in their conductorganizes such pro-grammes on half-yearlybasis at district level. Hesaid that activists repre-

senting ABVP in the cam-pus and if their conductlacks organizational spiritthen mission of nationalreconstruction shall getfailed.

The programme wasdivided into seven sessionsin which Deepak Gupta,State Secretary ABVP JKdelivered lecture on ABVPhistory. Shubam Amar,Jammu University presi-dent ABVP took a discus-sion session on campusactivism.

Later, six parallel ses-sions were held in whichparticipants were trainedfor how to lead and organ-ize agitations, deliverspeeches, make posters,media working, etc. ABVPState president DrParminder Singh spoke

about the conduct ofactivists.

Vishal Bhagat, JammuMahanagar VidyarthiVistarak appealed the stu-dent leaders from differentcampuses to take the ideol-

ogy of ABVP to the grassroot level.

Arun Singh Manhasfrom Ramban wasannounced as OrganisingSecretary of JammuUniversity Campus.

ABVP's 2-day programme concludes

Mayor inspects developmental works

Mayor Chander Mohan Gupta during a public meeting atPamposh Colony Janipur on Sunday.

Students participating in an Essay competition organisedby Army at Karwa.

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: In connection with the 550th Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev,Punjabi Lekhak Sabha (PLS), Jammu and Punjabi Sahitik Sabha (PSS), R S Pura jointlyorganized a 'Punjabi Kavi Darbar' at Upper Gadigarh.

Dr Arvinder Singh Amn, Additional Secretary, J&K Academy of Art, Culture & lan-guages was the chief guest on this occasion. Dr Gian Singh, former Additional Secretary,JKAACL; Dr Monojit, president PLS and Harjit Singh Uppal, president, PSS shared thepresidium. Well known writers, poets of Punjabi, Dogri, Hindi and Kashmiri, intellectualsand family members of Balwinder Singh attended the meeting.

President, PLS and PSS welcomed the poets, writers and intellectuals and expressedtheir views on the life, philosophy and principles given by Guru Nanak Dev. A multilin-gual Kavi Durbar was conducted in which Devinder Singh Vishavnagrik, Gurpreet Kaur,Suraj Singh Suraj, Amarjit Kaur Neer, Sharan Star, Santosh Nadaa, Mukesh Singh Shirazi,Kewal Krishan Shakir, Jang S Verman, Bhupinder Singh Bhargav, Manjeet Singh Kamra,Usha Kiran, Dr Baljit Singh Raina, Bachan Bharti, Prabhjot Kour, Om Dalmotra, ShamTalib, Dr Chanchal Dogra, Nirmal Vinod, Amar Singh Kuka, Balwinder Singh, DrMonojit, Harjit Singh Uppal and Dr Gian Singh recited their poetry in Punjabi, Dogri,Hindi and Kashmiri languages.

In his address', Dr Arvinder Singh Amn said that the principles given by Guru NanakDev about five hundred years back are relevant to the today's world. He emphasized onthe need of linking life with the traditional roots.

The proceedings of the programme were conducted by Dr Baljit Singh Raina whilevote of thanks was extended by Balwinder Singh.

PLS, PSS organize 'Punjabi Kavi Darbar'

ABVP activists during a programme in Jammu on Sunday.

Satguru has power to unite people with Param Purush: Madhu Param Hans

Head of Sahib Bandgi Panth, Madhu Param Hans delivering religious discourses at RanjriAshram on Sunday.

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NEW DELHI, OCT 20: MukeshAmbani-led Reliance Jio has allegedthat review of call connect charges byTelecom Regulatory Authority ofIndia (TRAI) "sabotages" the PrimeMinister's vision for Digital India, andwill hit not only the regulator's credi-bility but also investor confidence asthe move protects vested interests ofsome old operators.

Continuing its relentless attack onthe regulator and old operators overthe contentious IUC (InterconnectUsage Charge) issue that has polarisedthe industry, Jio alleged that TRAI'smove is arbitrary, bad in law, unwar-ranted, and anti-poor.

Any change in implementation oforiginal timeline of January 1, 2020will end the free voice regime and islikely to increase tariffs which isagainst consumer interest, Jioclaimed.

Typically, a telecom operator paysfor completing calls made by its sub-scribers to a rival network. This isdone by paying the rival network aninterconnect usage charge, which cur-rently is 6 paise per minute.

TRAI's move to reopen the dead-line for ending charges for terminatingcalls on rival networks beyondJanuary 2020 had forced Jio to levy a6 paisa per minute charge on its usersrecently, effectively ending its freecall regime.

Submitting its official response tothe TRAI on the IUC matter, Jioalleged that "certain incumbentTelcos" want their large body of 2Gcustomers to forever remain digitallydisempowered and deprived of thefruits of the digital revolution. TRAI's

consultation paper "protects and per-petuates the vested interests" of suchplayers, it added.

Jio accused certain old operators ofexploiting their 2G customers bycharging "extortionist rates" for voicecalls, which are offered free to all Jio's4G-only customers.

"The Consultation Paper…under-mines and sabotages Prime Minister'sDigital India vision and mission," Jiosaid in its comment to TRAI's consul-tation paper. It is unfortunate thatinstead of profiting the poor and mar-ginalised sections of Indian society,the consultation paper has chosen tohelp profiteers in the telecom busi-ness, Jio alleged.

The discussion paper wants Indiato remain technologically stagnantand backward, the company said.

The move contradicts the authori-ty's past decisions where it was repre-sented that the zero terminationcharge regime would come into effectfor all types of calls from January 1,2020, Jio said. It added that the ongo-ing review, which violates the princi-ples of regulatory predictability, has

been initiated with pre-determinedmind.

"The present Consultation Paperhas not been issued to address trafficasymmetry, but to address the claimedfinancial stress of one or two opera-tors at the cost of the interests of thesubscribers and the telecom sector,and also the credibility of the authori-ty," it said.

The latest entrant, known for itsdisruptive tariffs, argued the presenttrend indicates that traffic asymmetry(one of the key reasons for TRAI'srethink on IUC) is expected to bereversed in a few months and the pres-ent receivers will become payers, andso deferring stated timelines is notgoing to steer any operator away fromthe purported financial stress. Movingto zero termination charge regime willreduce overall tariffs for customers,Jio said.

Jio said that had TRAI "recalculat-ed termination charges, it would beless than 1 paise per minute at thisstage", and added that the small resid-ual value by itself fully justifies theneed for moving to zero terminationcharge regime.

Jio cautioned that TRAI's movewill have a "chilling effect" on anynew investments and future newentrants who will be deterred by thisentry barrier, and even as theadvanced world will move towards5G, India will continue promoting 2Gand keep millions of users out ofDigital India.

"There exists no rationale forchanging the date of implementationof BAK (bill and keep) regime fromJanuary 1, 2020," Jio added.

Jio slams TRAI's IUC review as anti-poor; saysmove sabotages PM's Digital India vision NEW DELHI, OCT 20:

To curb alarming pollutionlevels in north India, espe-cially during wintermonths, CII on Sunday saidit has adopted over 100 vil-lages and 100,000 acres offarm area in Punjab andHaryana to enable zero cropresidue burning.

The industry body hasadopted Ludhiana, Barnalaand Patiala districts inPunjab, and Rohtak, Sirsaand Fatehabad in Haryana.

The Confederation ofIndian Industry (CII) hascreated an ecosystem toengage stakeholders,including experts, corpo-rates, state governments,village community andfarmer groups, to imple-ment possible solutions tothe issue of stubble burn-ing, the chamber said in astatement.

CII is proactively engag-ing with over 15,000 farm-ers to provide farm machin-ery, organise technicaltrainings and massiveawareness drives in theadopted villages of Punjaband Haryana, it said.

Air quality monitorshave been installed to mon-itor village level air pollu-tion data, to measure theimpact of reduced stubbleburning.

Over 3,000 school stu-dents in Punjab, and youth

and corporate volunteersare joining CII in thismovement to enable zerostubble burning, the cham-ber said.

The intervention is sup-porting farmer groups toprocure a range of farmmachineries, includingHappy Seeder, Zero Till,Mulcher, among others, andmake these available tofarmers on a nominal rent.

The use of thesemachineries on a sharedbasis is enabling farmers toadopt in-situ straw manage-ment practices, leading tozero stubble burning andsustainable farming, it said.

The intervention is anextension of its pilot projectlast year in 19 villages and16,000 acres of farmland inPunjab, engaging over3,000 farmers.

"The impact of theintervention was encourag-ing. Post the intervention,80 per cent farmers adoptedno stubble burningapproach and a total of12,000 acres of farmland(75 per cent of the total areaunder paddy in the adoptedvillages) became free ofstubble burning in 2018,compared to 550 acres (3.5per cent of farm land) in2017," CII said.

It said that many of thesefarmers adopted alternatetechnology to stubble burn-

ing, for the first time ever.About 25,000 tonne of

rice straw was recycledback into the soil under theproject and 115 tonne fineparticulate matter (PM2.5)was saved from beingreleased into the air.

CII Director GeneralChandrajit Banerjee said,"CII's 'Cleaner Air, BetterLife' initiative is imple-menting and piloting opti-mal solutions to help farm-ers adopt zero stubble burn-ing. From our pilot of 19

villages in 2018, we havenow scaled to 100 vil-lages."

The initiative is beingimplemented with the sup-port of numerous stake-holders, including PunjabAgricultural University,Haryana AgricultureUniversity, Hisar, PunjabPollution Control Board,District Agriculture Officesof Department ofAgriculture and FarmerWelfare and Krishi VigyanKendras.

CII adopts 100 villages in Punjab, Haryana tomitigate pollution caused by stubble burning

IMF says corporate tax cut has a positiveimpact on investment in India

WASHINGTON, OCT 20: The International MonetaryFund (IMF) on Friday supported India's decision to cutcorporate income tax, saying that it has a positive impacton investment. It, however, advised India to address thecontinued fiscal consolidation and secure long-term sta-bility of the fiscal conditions.

"We believe India still has limited fiscal space so theyhave to be careful. We support their corporate income taxcut because it has a positive impact on investment,"Changyong Rhee, Director, Asia and Pacific Department,IMF, told media persons during a press conference inWashington. He also added that the Indian economy isexpected to grow at 6.1 percent this fiscal year, reachingup to 7.0 percent in 2020. Anne-Marie Gulde-Wolf,Deputy Director, Asia and Pacific Department, IMF, saidIndia should deal with the non-bank financial sectorissues. "While there have been improvements that havebeen put in motion, including efforts to recapitalise thestate banks, the issue of non-bank financial institutionremains partly unresolved and regulatory equity is one ofthe issues that needs to be achieved," she said, adding thatthe government is aware of it. (Agencies)

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: 'RahatHospital' was inauguratedin Bathindi Malik Markethere today.

Former AdditionalDirector General of Police,and former Vice-Chancellor, BGSBURajouri, Dr Masud AChoudhary, who was chiefguest on the occasion, inau-gurated the hospital.

Speaking on the occa-sion, Dr Masud AChoudhary said that the

rapid changes in thelifestyle of people havebeen effecting the health ofcommon man. He com-mended the efforts made toprovide health services tothe people in Jammu andhoped that the hospitalwould provide better treat-ment and health facilities tothe people.

On the occasion, theorganizers said that the hos-pital will includeLaposurgery, Urology,Gynaecology and

Genecology. Patients willbe treated for radiology,cardiology, chest physiolo-gy, neuroscience etc.

Chairman of the hospi-tal also expressed theirviews and hoped that theopening of the hospital is agreat development in healthsector.

Prominent among otherspresent included HamidChaudhry, Haji MohammadHussein, Advocate ShahMuhammad besides largenumber of locals.

Participants during inauguration ceremony of a hospital in Bathindi Jammu on Sunday.

'Rahat Hospital' inaugurated in Bathindi

NEW DELHI, OCT 20:SpiceJet plans to inductwide-body planes earlynext year and is looking atvarious options as thebudget airline steers aheadwith its ambitious expan-sion plans, according to asenior official.

The low-cost carrier islooking at options fromBoeing and Airbus.

An industry source saidthat SpiceJet might bid forAir India's wide-bodyoperations in case the gov-ernment puts up domesticand international opera-tions for sale separately.

Currently, SpiceJetoperates only Boeing andBombardier planes.

The airline official saidthat a final decision onwide-body aircraft is yet tobe taken and variousoptions are being consid-ered. The idea is to operate

long haul non-stop flightsnext year, the officialadded.

"We continue to assessbusiness opportunities andsuch discussions are anongoing process," aSpiceJet spokespersonsaid. He was responding toa query on whether the air-line is planning to havewide-body aircraft for longhaul flights by early nextyear and whether it waskeenly looking at A330planes.

The spokesperson wasalso asked whether the air-line is in discussions withAirbus and Boeing forwide-body planes.

"SpiceJet is looking atbidding for Air India wide-body operations to fulfil itsambitious plan of flyinglong haul international,"said the source.

Such an acquisition

would give the airline aready-market with bothwide-body fleet as well asdestinations, the sourceadded.

"SpiceJet, as a matter ofpolicy, does not commenton market speculation," thespokesperson said inresponse to queries aboutits interest in Air India'swide-body fleet.

Twice in the past,SpiceJet applied for slots atLondon's Heathrow airportto operate flights fromIndia, but the plan couldnot materialise due toscarcity of slots.

The airline, which oper-ates 550 flights on an aver-age every day, has a fleetof 77 Boeing 737s, 32Bombardier Q-400s andthree Boeing 737freighters, as per a releaseissued on September 26.(PTI)

PIL in Delhi HC seeks directionto authorities to convene SRB

meeting every 3 monthsNEW DELHI, OCT 20: A PIL has been filed in the DelhiHigh Court seeking direction to the Delhi government andthe Director General of Prisons to convene the meeting ofSentence Review Board (SRB) every three months in com-pliance with the rules.

The plea said as per the SRB order of July 16, 2004 andDelhi Prison Rules, 2018, the board shall meet at least oncein a quarter to convene the meeting and pointed out thatbetween October 2018 to October 2019, the board had con-vened only once on July 19 this year.

A bench of Chief Justice D N Patel and Justice C HariShankar is likely to hear on Monday the petition filed byadvocate Amit Sahni.

The SRB was constituted to review the sentence award-ed to a prisoner undergoing life imprisonment and makerecommendations about cases of premature release inappropriate cases.

"The respondents (Delhi government and DirectorGeneral of Prisons) are duty bound to comply with thenotification/rules but to the reasons best known to therespondents, between October 2018 to October 2019 theSRB had convened only once, that is, July 19, 2019, there-by causing hardship to those, who otherwise qualify allparameters for consideration but are not considered sinceSRB meetings are not convened in every quarter as envis-aged under the SRB Order dated July 16, 2004 and DelhiPrison Rules, 2018," the petition said.

According to the SRB order and the prison rules, it shallbe open to the chairman of the board to convene the meet-ing more frequently as may be deemed necessary, it added.

The petitioner said he has made a representation to theauthorities on October 4, requesting them to implement themandate of the SRB order and the prison rules and ensurethat the board meeting is convened in every quarter with-out fail.

He said the authorities have not responded to the repre-sentation yet. (PTI)

No need to escalate onecase to reflect everything

to do with IBC: SitharamanWASHINGTON, OCT 20: Finance Minister NirmalaSitharaman has said that uncertainty arising out of one caseshould not be generalised about the efficiency and effec-tiveness of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code.

Sitharaman was responding to a question on a particu-lar recent case which many allege reflects some majorloopholes in the IBC.

Her comments came amidst the alleged Rs 4,355 crorefraud at Punjab and Maharashtra Co-operative (PMC)Bank. The alleged loan fraud at the bank came to light afterthe Reserve Bank of India found irregularities and imposedrestrictions on the lender last month.

"I don't think we should escalate one case to reflecteverything to do with IBC," Sitharaman told reporters at anews conference here.

"If ED attaches somebody's property and as a result ofwhich some uncertainty comes into the IBC process, it'snothing first of all to say on the IBC itself, Sitharaman saidresponding to a question on a recent case.

"That's not going to happen in every case when thecompany is going for a solution. So I don't think we shouldescalate one case to reflect everything to do with IBC,Sitharaman said.

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) isthe bankruptcy law of India which seeks to consolidate theexisting framework by creating a single law for insolvencyand bankruptcy.

The code aims to protect the interests of small investorsand make the process of doing business less cumbersome.

The finance minister is here for the annual meetings ofthe International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

In her address to the IMF and World Bank, she men-tioned that trade wars and protectionism have generateduncertainties that will ultimately impact flow of capital,goods and services. She exhorted the community of nationtowards concerted action. (PTI)

SpiceJet plans to operatewide-body planes next year

LMD fines Car Manufacturing CompanyRR 50,000 for selling lubricant oil, other

accessories without MRPGJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: Acting on the complaint by a consumer allegingcharging of exorbitant rates on the sale of Lubricant Oil while routinecar service, Legal Metrology department undertook inspection andbooked M/S FCA India Automobile Private Limited, Mumbai,imposing a fine of Rs 50,000 on the company.

The consumer in his complaint alleged that he was charged exces-sively for Lubricant Oil during car service and that on checking, noMRP was printed on the product.

The team of LMD inspected the car dealer of said company atKunjwani and found the packs of Oil, other accessories were notbearing mandatory declarations. The case was registered and thecompany was put to legal notice to show cause why the action maynot be taken against them.

The management of the Company pleaded guilty and applied fordepartmental compounding with the assurance for adhering to provi-sions of laws on all accessories supplied to the dealer in future.

Bharti Airtel to acquire 26 per centstake in AMPSolar for RR 8.4 crore

NEW DELHI, OCT 20: Telecom operator Bharti Airtel has signeda pact with AMPSolar Evolution to acquire 26 per cent stake in thesolar power firm for Rs 8.4 crore.

The Sunil Bharti Mittal-led firm has signed an agreement with therenewable energy company to meet the green energy needs and opti-mise energy costs, as well as to comply with the regulatory require-ment around consumption of electricity.

"...the company has entered into an agreement on October 18,2019 for acquisition of equity shares and compulsory convertibledebentures (CCDs) in AMPSolar Evolution Private Limited," BhartiAirtel said in a late night regulatory filing on Friday.

AMPSolar Evolution is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AMPSolarTechnology Private Limited and a special purpose vehicle for thepurpose of setting up captive solar power projects in Uttar Pradesh.

Airtel will subscribe to 84,000 equity shares, equivalent to 26 percent stake in the company, for Rs 10 each amounting to Rs 8.4 crore.

Apart from equity, Airtel will also subscribe to 83,160 CCDs of Rs1,000 each amounting to Rs 8.31 crore. The turnover of AMPSolarEvolution was nil as on March 31, 2019, according to the filing.

NEW DELHI, OCT20: Equity market wit-nessed sixth consecu-tive session of gainswith benchmark indicesSensex and Nifty-50gaining over 0.6 percent on positive globaland domestic cues afterBrexit deal and theCentral governmentplanning more PSUdivestments to bridgethe fiscal deficit gap.

Sensex gained246.32 points or 0.63per cent closing at39,298.38 while thebroader Nifty-50gained 75.50 points or0.65 per cent to close at11,661.85. The broadermarket indices outper-formed with BSE MidCap index gaining 1.78per cent while BSESmall Cap index gained1.65 per cent.

Market breadth waspositive on theBSE/NSE with 1588scrips gaining and 939scrips losing on the BSE

while 180 scrips closedunchanged.

Sectorally, all sec-toral indices were gain-ers led by BSE PowerIndex (2.63 per cent),Capital Goods (2.05 percent), Realty (1.96 percent), Metal (1.83 percent) and ConsumerDurables (1.32 percent).

Buying by foreignportfolio investorsseemed to slow down,FPIs were net buyers ofequities worth `36.56crore only on Fridaywhile the domesticinstitutions were netbuyers by `586.88 crore.

Technical ViewAmit Shah, technical

research analyst,Indiabulls Venturessaid, “Bulls continue tohave the upper hand andindex almost made to11,700 zone. A moveabove 11,700 zone willpush the momentumfurther and index in thatevent is likely to test

previous all 12,000mark on the upside.Market breadth wasstrong indicating broad-er participation frommid and small caps.11,450 is the near termsupport.” MustafaNadeem, CEO, EpicResearch said, “Niftypared its losses andrebounded to complete-ly change the scenarioin favour of the bulls.There has been a signif-icant buying comingfrom lower levels whichwere felt in later part ofthe week as the momen-tum which was mutedwith marginal up movessaw an expansion. Adecent rally furtherexpanded due to shortcovering by partici-pants.”

“So we now do see agood base around theselows of 11,250 – 11,300.For Nifty to take out11,700 and move for-ward on the closingbasis there is no stop-

ping for an upside moveto 12,130. We believethe only hurdle is nowseen at 11700,” Nadeemexplained.

Gaurav Dua, seniorvice president and head,capital market strategyand investments, atSharekhan By BNPParibas said, “Withsixth consecutive day ofwinning streak, the bullsseem to have got theirmojo back. The upsurgewas supported by posi-tive policy actionsdomestically and theimproving global cuesinitially.”

“The surprise rallyseem to be leading toshort covering by thebears now. Importantly,the positive sentimentsare spreading to broadermarkets and the mid &small cap stocks arebeginning to look upnow. We expect the pos-itivity to sustain in therun up to the festive sea-son,” Dua said.

Indian Banks Association electsRajnish Kumar as chairman

MUMBAI, OCT 20: SBI's head Rajnish Kumar has been elected as the chairman of the banking industrylobby Indian Banks Association for fiscal 2019-20.

The body, which represents banks' interests with the government and regulators, said it has three topbankers from various lenders as its deputy chairmen. An official statement said these include Union Bank ofIndia's G Rajkiran Rai, S S Mallikarjuna Rao of Punjab National Bank and Madhav Kalyan JP Morgan ChaseBank. IDBI Bank's managing director and chief Rakesh Shamra will be the honorary secretary of the body,it said.

Brexit deal, divestment plans boost Sensex, Nifty

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NEW DELHI, OCT 20:Rohit Sharma smashed amaiden Test double centuryas he and centurion AjinkyaRahane helped India reach497 for nine before declar-ing on day two of the thirdand final Test against SouthAfrica on Sunday.

The hosts then reducedSouth Africa to nine fortwo in their first-inningsreply before bad lightstopped play, with Indiachasing a series whitewashto consolidate their posi-tion at top of the World TestChampionship.

South Africa will haveto produce an exceptionalbatting performance to getback into the contest whenskipper Faf du Plessis andZubayr Hamza return to thecrease in Ranchi onMonday.

Resuming the day on224-3, both Rohit andRahane continued theirlargely risk-free accumula-tion.

India were tottering at39 for three on Saturdaywhen the Mumbai duocombined and by the timeRahane fell for 115 in themorning session, theirfourth-wicket stand hadproduced 267 runs to turntheir first innings around inRanchi.

Rohit reverse-sweptDane Piedt for a boundary,while Rahane stepped outto hit the spinner over hishead for a four as theyasserted themselves.

Rahane duly brought up

his 11th Test hundredbefore becoming debutantGeorge Linde's maidenTest victim, edging thespinner and departing aftera fluent knock whichincluded 17 boundaries anda six.

Rohit, the only batsmanto have scored three ODIdouble-hundreds, appearedslightly jittery as heapproached the 200-markand nearly dragged aKagiso Rabada deliveryonto his stumps just beforelunch.

The elegant right-han-der, however, shook off hisnerves after the break andbrought up his 200 just ashe had reached his hundred- with a six, off LungiNgidi.

Rohit celebrated themilestone with his sixth sixbut fell trying to repeat theshot against Rabada.Rohit's sparkling 212 alsoincluded 28 boundaries.

Ravindra Jadeja (51)helped himself to his 13thhalf-century before tailen-der Umesh Yadav (31)smacked five sixes, all offLinde's bowling, in a 10-ball blitz before falling tothe tormented left-armspinner who returned fig-ures of 4-133.

South Africa were joltedimmediately in their replywhen Mohammed Shamidismissed Dean Elgar for aduck with his second balland, in the next over, Yadavbounced out Quinton deKock for four.

Rohit Sharma hits double ton asSouth Africa struggles on Day 2

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20:Kreeda Bharti Jammu andKashmir felicitated veteranboxer and formerDivisional Sports Officerof the J&K State SportsCouncil (JKSSC), RajanSharma for accompanyingthe Indian women's Boxingteam as Manager in theWorld Championship heldin Russian recently.

"It was a matter ofproud that one of our boxerof the past and former sen-ior officer of the JKSSCrepresented the country atthe world level thusbrought laurels to Jammuand Kashmir. It was decid-ed to felicitate RajanSharma in the executivemeeting," informed presi-dent of Kreeda BhartiJ&K, Shiv Kumar Sharma.

Besides Rajan, theorganisation meant for pro-motion of sports in thecountry, Kreeda Bharti alsopresented souvenir to gen-eral secretary of J&KOlympic Association(JKOA), Dr AshutoshSharma and Divisional

Sports Officer of theJKSSC, Ravi Singh.

While speaking on theoccasion, Rajan Sharmashared his experiences andinformed the gathering ofoffice bearers of differentsports bodies, coaches andyoung boxers about theevent of repute.

Earlier, Shiv KumarSharma spoke in lengthabout Kreeda Bharti andjustified the felicitationsaying that such honoursencourage others to do

good in life.Secretary Kreeda Bharti

J&K, Rajesh Chander Vaidasked the gathering aboutthe proposed 'Jijabai'Sports Awards onNovember 10 at BharatiyaVidya Mandir auditorium.

He asked the outstand-ing players to submit theirdetails with the award com-mittee of Kreeda Bharti andappealed the coaches andsports associations to helpfind achievers.

Executive member of

the Kreeda Bharti J&K,Raj Kumar proposed voteof thanks expressed hisgratitude to everyone pres-ent.

Prominent among thosepresent were Dr SanjogitaSoodan, Vikas Sharma,Rahul Sharma, AnjuGupta, Sunil Mahajan,Kuldeep Magotra, SatishGupta, Ravinder Singh,Romesh Sharma, AnilWadhera, Suraj BhanSingh, Ajay Sharma, S PSingh and Vikas Magotra.

Kreeda Bharti felicitates Rajan for representing India

Kreeda Bharti J&K felicitating Rajan Sharma in a function held at Indoor Complex, MAStadium, Jammu.

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20:Seasoned cueists, VishalAbrol and IshukChoudhary among 13today qualified for thenext round of the ongoingSix-Red Ball event of theJammu District Billiardsand SnookerChampionships atBilliards Hall, MAStadium, here.

While Vishal defeatedSabi 3-2 (12-44, 37-23,

10-47, 37-35, 42-00),Ishuk beat AryamanMahajan in straight framesof 26-07, 38-11, 32-13.

The organising commit-tee witnessed hectic sched-ule in view of highest everentries received in the 4thedition of the Six-Red Ballevent.

The Results: RagunChoudhary bt SadhanshuGupta 3-1 (45-27, 11-35,41-10, 47-15); RishabMehra bt Robin Kumar 3-

2 (24-08, 13-36, 35-49,44-09, 39-30); RohitChoudhary bt VarunJamwal 3-2 (25-22, 21-32,31-36, 42-10, 33-20);Sourav Dogra bt SayyamJoshi 3-0 (44-00, 21-15,25-14); Manik Sharma btMandeep Singh 3-1 (24-17, 35-42, 42-26, 32-12);Vishal Abrol bt Sabi 3-2(12-44, 37-23, 10-47, 37-35, 42-22); IshukChoudhary bt AryamanMahjan 3-0 (26-07, 38-11,32-13); Gagandeep Singhbt Veer Singh Salathia 3-0(33-25, 27-06, 40-13);Vipan Malhi bt AbhiGupta 3-1 (37-09, 30-39,38-05, 40-26); RishabSharma bt Gurjeev Singh3-2 (45-19, 07-45, 55-24,26-28, 49-19); ShehwalAli bt Charanjeev Singh 3-1 (42-22, 25-20, 15-25,45-15); Stanzin btParaminder Singh 3-1 (19-39, 33-16, 32-22, 54-20);Vansh Gupta bt AnanyaMahajan 3-2 (02-29, 37-21, 23-32, 42-28, 54-47).

District Jammu Billiards and Snooker Championship

Vishal, Ishuk among 13 advance in 6-Red Ball event

Vishal Abrol competing in the first round of 6-Red Ballevent at Billiards Hall, MA Stadium, Jammu on Sunday

NEW DELHI, OCT 20:British tennis maestroAndy Murray will look toclinch the European Opentitle when he squares offwith Swiss tennis playerStan Wawrinka in thesummit showdown of theongoing tournament inAntwerp in Belgium onSunday.

On Saturday, the for-mer world number onerebounded strongly from aset down to clinch a 3-6,7-5, 6-2 triumph over UgoHumbert of France in thesemi-final clash of themen's singles event of thetournament that lasted twohours and 22 minutes.

Reflecting on the clash,Murray said that he wasquite satisfied with hisperformance and happy tobe back in the final.

"I am obviously happyto be in the final. I didvery well to turn thatmatch around today. Itwas tough. He was play-ing huge from the back of

the court… It was trickytoday but I am obviouslyhappy to be back in afinal," the Association forTennis Professionals(ATP).

With the win, Murrayhas now made it to hisfirst-ever final since hisreturn to the singles courtfollowing a second righthip surgery on January 28.

The British tennis star,who bagged his 45th tour-level trophy in Dubai, willnow look to furtherimprove his 11-8 Head-to-Head series againstWawrinka when he headsinto the summit show-down.

Heading into the finalclash, Murray will look tobecome the secondstraight Scottish player towin the event in Antwerp.Earlier, Kyle Edmund hadlast year defeated GaelMonfils of France in thefinal of the tournament tolift his maiden ATP Tourcrown.

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: SikhProgressive Front organ-ized 'Sarbat Da Bhalaa'tournament dedicated tothe 550th BirthAnniversary of Sri GuruNanak Devj Ji at K.KHakku Stadium Jammu.The tournament shall beplayed on knock out basisfrom Oct 20 to Oct 26,2019.

The inaugural matchwas played between J&KPolice Hockey Team andJammu Legends, which

was won by J&K Policeby 7-2. Bharat Sharma ofPolice team was declaredman of the match.

The match was officiat-ed by Karanjit Singh, SDalvinder Singh, J.SReem, S Iqbal Singh andDalbir Mehta. SatvirSingh, IAF Coach is thetournament director.

Mukesh Singh, IGP

Jammu (IPS) was the chiefguest who declared thetournament open. Whileinaugurating the tourna-ment, he appreciated theorganizers for organizingsuch a mega sports eventin Jammu after a very longtime. The participatingteams from outside theState will be an inspirationfor the budding youths ofthe State especially youngplayers.

S. Manjit Singh, organ-izing secretary gave abrief account of the partic-ipating teams from outsidethe State besides localteams who will be playingin the next six days.

S. Balvinder Singh,President SikhProgressive Front in hisaddress said that differenttypes of programmes werebeing organized through-out the world to celebratethe 550th BirthAnniversary of Sri NanakDev Ji.

J&K Police beats Jammu Legendsby 7-2 in inaugural tie

Hockey players posing with dignitaries for a group photo-graph in Jammu on Sunday: Aman

'Sarbat Da Bhalaa'Hockey Tournament

Andy Murray faces Stan Wawrinkain European Open final

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20:Organised by the Jammuand Kashmir AmateurAthletics Association, theDistrict SambaChampionship got under-way at Baba Santhok NathStadium, Smailpur.

Earlier, the competitiondeclared open by PanchMeen Charakan, SubhashSingh Charak, who was

chief guest. He interactedwith the participants andappreciated the organisersfor involving a big numberof young athletes in vari-ous field and track events.

"We have received agood response with theresult over 100 athleteshave registered them-selves for various fieldand track events,"informed general secre-

tary of the SambaAthletics Association andathlete of repute, NirmalSingh.

The technical panelcomprised of NirmalSingh, Rajesh Charak,Parveen Singh, AmanSambyal, Vishal SinghCharak and RahulPathania.

The Results:Boys: Open: Long

Jump: Shuvam Verma, Ist;Akshit Dabgotra, 2nd andSumit Badkulia, 3rd. 200mts: Mandeep Singh, Ist;Rahil Sharma, 2nd andGourav Sharma, 3rd. 800mts: Neeraj Singh, Ist;Gourav Sharma, 2nd andRahil Sharma, 3rd.

Under-20: Long Jump:Mohd Muneer, Ist; SachinAttri, 2nd and RahulSharma, 3rd. 200 mts:Deepak Samyal, Ist;Sanjay Singh Charak, 2ndand Abhishek Chouhan,3rd. 800 mts: Goutam Raj,Ist; Lovjit Singh, 2nd andMohd Rafi, 3rd.

Ryan Harris, Michael Husseyroped in Australia's support staff

for Sri Lanka, Pakistan T20IsNEW DELHI, OCT 20: Former cricketersMichael Hussey and Ryan Harris has beenroped in by Cricket Australia in the supportstaff ahead of the upcoming three-matchT20I series each against Pakistan and SriLanka. While former middle-orderAustralian batsman Hussey has been namedas a mentor, Harris will replace Troy Crooleyas the team's bowling coach. It is to be notedthat Crooley was in charge of Australia'sfive-match Ashes series against England.Reflecting on the new appointments, headcoach Justin Langer said that both Husseyand Harris are capable of adding great valueto the camp. "I can't tell you how influentialthese guys can be on the group. It's aboutbuilding our leadership, about honing theirskills as cricketers, and they can just comple-ment the other guys who are full-time coach-es," the International Cricket Council (ICC)quoted Langer as saying to News Corp. "It'snice to have different voices and differenteyes and see guys of that calibre giving usfeedback on what they see," he added.Australia will begin their preparation for theICC Men's T20 World Cup with a homeseries against Sri Lanka, beginning October27 in Adelaide Oval.

Mayank Agarwal, Virat Kohli,Rohit Sharma become first 3

Indian batsmen to score doubleton in same Test series

RANCHI, OCT 20: Mayank Agarwal,Virat Kohli, and Rohit Sharma havebecome the first three Indian batsmen toscore a double century in the same Testseries. The unique record was created onSunday after Rohit smashed his first dou-ble ton in the longest format of the game.Interestingly, all the double hundreds wereslammed in a different Test match.

Mayank smashed his first double ton inthe first Test at Visakhapatnam. With thisfeat, the Karnataka -batsman became the23rd Indian to score a double ton in thelongest format. Kohli scored his seventhdouble ton at Pune in the second Testmatch. He surpassed Virender Sehwag inthe list for the most number of double hun-dreds for an Indian batsman.

Sehwag had six scores of 200 plus inthe Test cricket.India resumed play from224/3 on Day Two of the third Test matchagainst the Proteas.

Riding on the confidence from the pre-vious day, Rohit and Ajinkya played theirnatural game and didn`t allow the Proteas`bowlers to settle down.

NEW DELHI, OCT 20:Indian athlete SrinuBugatha came first at the15th Airtel Delhi HalfMarathon in the Indianelite men`s category hereon Sunday. Srinu put up ascintillating performanceat the marathon with a tim-ing of 1:04:33.

"I am feeling good but itwasn`t my best. Next onmy cards is 42km race inMumbai which is also anOlympic qualifier," Srinutold. Suresh Patel clinchedsliver after finishing therace in 1:04:57 and halfmarathon debutantHarshad Mhatre (1:05:12)won the bronze medal inthe Indian elite men`s cate-gory.

"I started off late as Ithought it would be easy tocover the last 10km, but itwasn`t," Patel toldreporters.

Debutant HarshadMhatre was running along-

side Srinu for most of thehalf marathon but thendecided to stay behind inthe latter stage of the race.

"I realised that in thelast two-three years, I havebeen training as amarathon runner, but forshorter distances. I ran 15-16 km with Srinu and hetold me that time that wecould break the courserecord. But then I decidedto stay behind and con-serve energy since it wasmy first half marathon,"Harshad told reporters

In the Indian elitewomen`s category,Loganathan Suriya, theADHM course recordholder, emerged first(1:12:49), followed byParul Chaudhary (1:13:55)and Chinta Yadav(1:15:28)."It wasn`t mypersonal best as in 2017 Ihad completed the race in01:10:33 seconds," Suriyatold.

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: RitvikGupta today won the Cadetboys' singles title in theongoing 42nd Stag J&KTable TennisChampionship, organisedby the J&K Table TennisAssociation at IndoorComplex, MA Stadium,here.

In the final, Ritviktrounced Rudraksh Sharma3-2. In the meantime,Mahesh Khajuria has madeit to the final and shall beplaying against Dr Prabhjotfor the title.

Earlier, in the semifinals,Mahesh defeated Anil Abrol3-1 while Dr Prabhjot beat

Shivanshu 3-0.Meanwhile, in sub-junior

boys group, Vishav andSarthak have made it to thefinal. In the semifinals,

decided today, Vishav beatTejas 3-1 and Sarthaktrounced Akhilesh 3-2.

Similarly, in sub-juniorgirls' category, Iknoor,

Vidhushi and Ragini todayqualified for the semifinalsstages of the event.

The matches were offici-ated by the technical panelincluding Vasu Dewan,Gurvinder Singh Sasan,Sandeep Khadotra, MeenuRajesh and Asad Sharma.

The Results:Sub-junior Girls:

Quarterfiinals: Iknoor btMishti 3-0, Vidhushi btHargun 3-0, Ragini btDivyanshi 3-1.

Junior Boys: Pre-quar-ters: Hanumat bt ZaffarAhmed 3-1, Rohan bt Ansh3-1, Sarthak bt Mahi Kailu3-1, Maanay bt Aarit 3-0,Vishav bt Sourav 3-0.

MILAN, OCT 20: CristianoRonaldo and Miralem Pjanic sealeda 2-1 win for Juventus over Bolognato consolidate top spot in Serie A.

Ronaldo was presented with aspecial jersey before kick-off tomark his 700th career goal scoredplaying for Portugal during theweek.

The 34-year-old hit his 701st after19 minutes, with Pjanic adding a sec-ond eight minutes after the break fol-lowing a blunder by Braziliandefender Danilo, who had earlierpulled Bologna level.

The defending champions arenow four points clear of second-placed Inter Milan, who travel toSassuolo on Sunday. Atalanta staythird after throwing away a three-

goal lead to draw 3-3 with Lazio,with fourth-placed Napoli closingthe gap to just one point afterArkadiusz Milik's double saw offVerona.

"The road is the right one, but weneed to work on some details. It wasa good match blighted by three orfour errors," said Juventus coachMaurizio Sarri whose side hostLokomotiv Moscow in ChampionsLeague action on Tuesday.

Bologna coach Sinisa Mihajlovicreturned to the bench in Turin afterhis second course of chemotherapyas he battles cancer.

And the visitors were given rea-son to hope of snatching a rare pointagainst the Turin giants when Daniloresponded to Ronaldo's opener with

a 29th-minute volley.But Pjanic sealed victory with his

third goal in four games in the 54thminute amid chaos in front of theBologna goal.

Bologna keeper Lukasz Skorupskidenied Ronaldo and in-form GonzaloHiguain late before both the crossbarand Gianluigi Buffon frustratedFederico Santander's push for a last-gasp equaliser for the visitors whoslip to 12th place.

"We watched the Santander goalagain, it was offside so VAR wouldhave ruled it out," said Sarri.

"But I told the lads we mustn't sitback on a lead, we should attack,otherwise we leave ourselves inthese risky situations to the veryend."

Srinu Bugatha wins gold inIndian elite men's category

Samba Athletics meet gets underway

A female athlete competing in long jump event at SmailpurStadium in Samba on Saturday.

Ritvik wins Cadet boys Table Tennis title

Junior boys event in progress at Indoor Complex, M AStadium in Jammu.

Ronaldo hits 701st goal as Juventus pull clear in Serie A

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GJ REPORTKISHTWAR, OCT 20: As part of"International day of Girl Child" cel-ebrations, a symposium by the theme'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' (BBBP)

was organised here on Sunday byNSS volunteers of GovernmentDegree College (GDC) in collabora-tion with District Administration.

District Development

Commissioner (DDC), Angrez SinghRana and Senior Superintendent ofPolice (SSP) Kishtwar, Dr. HarmeetSingh Mehta were chief guests on theoccasion.

Angrez Singh Rana appreciatedthe efforts of NSS team for theirefforts in the field for awareness gen-eration among common masses aboutthe BBBP campaign.

"There is no difference betweengirl and boy child and both should betreated equally by their parents andsocieties besides girls are makingtheir presence felt in every field andwe need to provide them opportunityalike boys," Rana said.

Meanwhile, theme song of 'BetiBachao Beti Padhao' was presentedby NSS Volunteers in the seminar.The seminar concluded with an inter-active session held wherein DDC,Rana answered the queries of stu-dents.

More than 250 students and NSSvolunteers besides Nodal Officer,BBBP (ALC) Anoop Kumar, Prof.Surinder Sen, Prof. Faisal MushtaqAhmed Kichloo, SHO Kishtwar,Professors from GDC attended theprogramme.

GDC Kishtwar organises 'BetiBachao, Beti Padhao' seminar GJ REPORT

JAMMU, OCT 20:Jammu Civil SocietyChairman, PardeepGandotra today presented a20 point Memorandum toShamsher Singh Manhasregarding issues concern-ing transition of J&K to UTin a meeting here onSunday.

Singh assured to supportwithdrawal of Toll Tax sothat the public is not madeto suffer in the name ofindustry protection.

The memorandumaddressed to UnionMinister for Home affairs,Amit Shah was received byShamsher Singh Manhas.

Suggestions have beencompiled after discussionduring meetings onSeptember 21, 28 and onOctober 13, 2019 where alarge number of prominentcitizens and heads of tradeand industry bodies partici-pated in paned discussionwith BJP, MP, ShamsherSingh Manhas and former

MLAs Sat Sharma,Kavinder Gupta, Sham LalSharma and KuldeepKhooda.

Among the twenty sug-gestions put down in mem-orandum including aboli-tion of Toll Tax,Government shouldexplore various options torevive J&K bank,Advisories issued by vari-ous countries regardingvisit by their national's toJ&K should be dropped,uninterrupted internet con-nectivity should beensured, Boost to industrial

sector by setting up of atleast one mega manufactur-ing unit like metro or railcoach factory, fiscal incen-tives in the shape of incometax relief and GST exemp-tion for 10 years shouldcover all sectors, order onreduction of power tarifffor Hotel Industry shouldbe restored, registrationcharges for Vehicles shouldbe reduced so as to matchwith adjoining states, pro-mote quality education,Government should createsports infrastructure, Taxesand Cess on Petroleum

products should be at parwith Chandigarh UnionTerritories, Developmentof new tourist destinations&new hill stations atplaceslike Bani-Sarthal,Pancheri-Landhar andLatti-Dudu-BasantgarhinJammu province also thetourism should be linkedwith Vaishno Devi andAmritsar, Digitization ofland records and introduc-tion of e-stamp paper wereamongst the suggestionposed for the developmentof Jammu and Kashmir.

BJP MP assures JCS to support withdrawal of Toll Tax

Chief guests, NSS volunteers and students during the BBBP seminar at GDCKishtwar.

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20:Samwad theatre groupChandigarh here on Sundaypresented Shankar Shesh'splay 'Komal Gandhar' dur-ing the ongoing eighth pro-duction 'Rangleela NatyaUtsav-2109.

"Komal Gandhar" is the

foundation of great warMahabharata's. This playhas focused on the sensitiveissues including empower-ment of women, misuse ofpower and politics.

The play begins withGandhari's journey whereshe is coming fromGandhar to marry Prince

Dhritrashtra of Hastinapur,unaware of the fact that theprince was blind in themean time her brother;Shakuni appears in andstops the marriage sayingthat his sister is sufferingfrom amba and ambika dis-eases.

The play progresses toshowcase similar unethicalepisodes which find theirreflection in contemporarylife. The scintillating per-formance of the actors washighly applauded by theaudience.

The national theatre fes-tival being conducted by'Lakshya-The Aim' and isco-powered by Nutan PryasManch.

Sets, light and musicgave the strength to the pro-duction which set a bench-mark of the national theatrefestival 'Rangleela'.

A still from the play 'Komal Gandhar' Aman

Samwad Theatre Group presentsShankar Shesh's 'Komal Gandhar'

Jammu civil society members handing over memorandum to MP Shamsher Singh Manhas.

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: TheJ&K Aam Aadmi Party(AAP) here on Sundaysaid that conducting BDCelection in the statedeclaring on party basisat the eleventh hour wasin fact empowering BJPnot the Panchayats.

Concerned to the newsitem published in a sec-tion of press titled 'Emp-owering Panchyats a biginitiative of Modi gov-ernment' AAP in a state-ment said that that it wasindirect election andChairpersons were nottrue representatives ofpublic because the elec-torate for BDC electionswere Panches andSarpanches who contest-ed the elections on non-party basis.

"These elections are in

fact big joke with people,democracy and democrat-ic institutions at thehands of BJP who hitherto fore blamed NC andCongress and PDP fordestroying constitutionalinstitutions," the state-ment read.

"Now when BJP is atthe helm of affairs andthat too when the state isunder Presidents rule,they are repeating thesame as done by NC,Congress and PDP," itread.

The statement readsthat there appears no dif-ference between NC,PDP, Congress and theBJP, who have now clev-erly managed to inducttheir henchmen throughbackdoor entry and pro-vided them chances todistribute the booty

already done by erstwhileall traditional Parties.

"People in general arehighly disappointed withthe manner in which gen-eral public has been keptaway from the electionprocess and it is in nocase empowerment ofPanchayats but empower-ment of their own faithfultouts," it read.

The statement readsthat all these PoliticalParties do not want realdecentralizations of pow-ers including BJP whohave played great dramato deceive the public anddemocracy since they didnot wait for weeks timefor UT status to com-mence on November 1,2019, the time when 73rdconstitutional amendmentwould have automaticallystepped in.

Shiv Sena starts 'SahebKhana' for needy

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: Shiv Sena, Bala Saheb ThackerayJ&K unit launched a scheme called 'Saheb Khana' for theneedy and common people in Jammu for just rupees tenhere on Sunday.

Party State Head, Manish Sahni said that as per theinstructions of the party national president, Uddhav SahebThackeray the national Secretary, Anil Desai has instruct-ed all the units to start a scheme named "Saheb Khana' toprovide food to the needy and common people in the eraof inflation.

Sahni said that the Jammu and Kashmir unit, becomefirst to launch this unit and initially this service start fromparty office and introducing this for 500 people with deli-cious Rajma, rice and puri, chana will be served for Rs 10.

He said that the service will very soon start other loca-tions in Jammu especially at Bakshi Nagar and ShalamarHospital. He further said that in this era of inflation, theservice of common and needy person is the duty of ShivSena. President Mehila wing Meenakshi Chibber , work-ing president Ashwani Gupta , Gen Secretary Vikas Bakshi, vice President Raghubir Singh , Yashpal Khajuria ,Secretary Raj Singh , Balwant Singh , Joint Secretary RajuChoudary , Raju Salaria , Sikender Singh , Parveen Gupta, Sumeet Khosla , Mangu Ram , Bhuri Singh ,RajeshHanda , legal advisor Sanjeev Sareen were present on theoccasion.

After NC, Congress, it is second inning of corruption by BJP through BDC polls: AAP

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: Givingfurther pace to the develop-ment activities, formerDeputy Chief Minister andsenior BJP leader, KavinderGupta inaugurated black-topping works of Interiorroads of NaiBasti, Satwari.

Gupta during his visit tothe area took review ofongoing development activ-ities alongwith the coun-cilor ward, Pawan Singh.

Gupta started the black-topping of road from VijayPark area, Ram Pura, AshokPura.

Prominent persons of thearea who were present onthe occasion were VinayGupta, Naveen, Sanjay

Gupta, Ram LalChoudhary, Raj Singh andJyoti.

Gupta said that he iskeen to come up the devel-opmental aspirations of thepeople from the very begin-ning of his political careerand has done a lot for theoverall development allparts of the constituencyincluding works pertainingto improvement of roads,electricity, water supply,education sector, healthsector.

He said that the workswhich have been stalled dueto election process havebeen taken up on priorityand the people ofConstituency has seen a

massive infrastructuralchange from last five yearsand witness positive equi-table developments.

"Blacktopping andmacadamization on variousroad projects in the area arein progress with someworks at completion stage,the work on the rest of theroads would also be takenup soon," he said.

He said that the govern-ment has initiated manymicro and mega projectswith special focus onupgrading road connectivi-ty, provision of improveddrinking water and powersupply for better socio-eco-nomic profile of people.

"BJP Believes in Sabka

Saath, Sabka Vikaas princi-ple and is committed to ful-fill the promises," he said.

He urged people for theactive participation of theelected councilors of eachward for the overall devel-opment of the constituency.

"The execution of workshas been initiated at Rs.2.00crores and all the pendingworks which have beenapproved earlier shall bestarted in phased mannerand there will be no com-promise with quality ofwork and special care willbe taken in its execution ofdifferent works so that thequality can be maintainedand people do not have tosuffer in the future," hesaid.

Gupta further said thatthe councilors of therespective wards are avail-able for the JMC relatedworks and his doors arealways open for the publicfor the early redressal of theproblems.

He added that the workon Interiors of Kunjwani,Bahu Fort, Nanak Nagar,Sanjay Nagar, ShastriNagar, Trikuta Nagar,Gangyal and Digiana areasis either under process orshall be taken up for execu-tion shortly.

Kavinder launching blacktopping works at Satwari in Gandhi Nagar on Sunday.

BJP committed to fulfill promises: Kavinder Gupta

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20:Member of Parliament, BJPLok Sabha Jammu Poonch,Jugal Kishore Sharmaalong with FormerMinister, SukhanadanKumar , Sham Choudhary,Ex MLC Gharu Ram, ExMLA Ashwani, Ex VCBhushan Dogra and SeniorLeaders BJP held PartyWorkers meet here onSunday.

Sharma during the meet-ing said that the BharatiyaJanata Party (BJP) is onemainstream party and noteven J&K State but thewhole country has full faithin BJP and its ideology.

He said that the Partyhas extremely worked onthe agenda of "Sabka Sath

Sabka Vikas and SabkaVishwas" hence as a resultof it after 70 years of inde-pendence BlockDevelopment CouncilElections made possibleonly in tenure of BJPGovernment.

He said that BJP centralgovernment has tuned suf-ficient funds but only 30percent of funds reached tothe ground.

"Block Chairmans willwork as badge efficiently tostop leakage of funds andthey will directly creditedto the panchayat develop-ment accounts. Panches andSarpanches will empow-ered and liable to developtheir villages, wards at theirown," he said.

He said that Prime

Minister, Narendra Modihas worked hard round theclock for the betterment ofhis country and now it isthe time to strengthen himby casting vote to BJPCandidates in BlockDevelopemnt CouncilElections.

MC Chairmans RajinderSingh Chib, Satpal Pappi,Ramesh Saini, DistrictPresidents Omi Khajuria,Brijeshwar Singh Rana,Prabharis BJP AseemGupta, Jaideep Sharma, SPYuva Vikas Choudhary,Mandal Presidents BabuRam, Swarn Chib, NathaRam, Senior Leaders BJP,Surinder Kumar, YuvrajSingh, Kuldeep Raj andTarsem Singh were presentat the occasion.

Training sessionfor polling staffheld at Shopian

GJ REPORTSHOPIAN, OCT 20: Inview of the forthcomingBlock DevelopmentCouncil (BDC) Elections, atraining programme for thepolling personnel was heldhere at mini SecretariatArhama Shopian onSunday.

The training programmewas held under the overallsupervision of DeputyCommissioner Shopian,Choudhary MohammadYasin who also is theDistrict Panchayat ElectionOfficer (DPEO) Shopian.

District Level MasterTrainers (DLMTs) impart-ed the training to the partic-ipants about their role andresponsibilities in thepolling process.

The DLMTs stressedtrainees to carry out theirallotted poll responsibili-ties with commitment anddedication whereas strictlyadhering to the guidelineslay down by the ElectionCommission of India(ECI).

The training programmewas attended by ROs andconcerned officials.

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20:Describing ultras operativein Kashmir as enemies ofpeace, Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) State ExecutiveMember Raman Suri hassaid that Hizbul posterswarning students to stayaway from school exams isnothing but an act of frustra-tion.

Suri said that these peoplewere playing with children's

career and are enemies ofstudents of the people ofKashmir and of peace.

"They are now stoopingthis low that they want to hitthe education system," hesaid.

Suri recalled that peoplehad burnt schools and pushedchildren towards stone pelt-ing and never encouragedthem to make a career in aca-demics or sports. "Severalpeople, who could afford,

have made their children pur-sue quality education outsideKashmir. This should be aneye opener for those who donot resist such boycott calls."

Suri said that the govern-ment and the security agen-cies are with the people, stu-dents and the education sys-tem intends to provide themwith good education at theirdoorsteps, which is whygood schools are functionalin Kashmir since not bowing

to such tactics.He said that the students

must take their exams to givea befitting reply to such anti-national and anti-social ele-ments.

"Militancy is on its lastlegs and such tactics aregoing to be a passé. Jammuand Kashmir is destined towitness peace, prosperity anddevelopment that it hadnever seen before and suchhollow tactics should never

scare anyone," Suri said.Raman Suri said that the

Prime Minister, NarendraModi and Minister of State inPMO Dr Jitendra Singh areworking towards makingJammu and Kashmir a pro-gressive and self-sufficientstate.

"Such cheap and hollowslogans threatening com-moners is not going to yieldany result but finish ultras innext few months," he added.

Posters against taking exams; ultras operative playingwith students' career, stooping low: Raman Suri

GJ REPORTRAJOURI, OCT 20:Sarpanchs of Budhal NewBlock met Senior BJP leaderand former MLC VibodhGupta and assured their sup-port in favour of BJP candi-date Shaida Parveen.

While interacting withSarpanchs and party workers,Vibodh said BJP is workingon the ideology of "SabkaSaath Sabka Vikaas andSabka Vishwaas" and inter-ested in fulfilling the needsof the people. He said thatPrime Minister NarendraModi is committed tostrengthen grass root democ-racy in Jammu and Kashmir.

BDC elections will strength-en Panchayati Raj systemand steer the development tonew heights, he added. Healso said that BJP will winBDC election with thumpingmajority in the state.

While accusing NationalConference, PDP andCongress of fielding proxycandidates in ongoing BDCelections in Jammu andKashmir, Vibodh Gupta saidthat the so called boycott bythe NC, PDP and Congressis a gimmick and by fieldingproxy candidates they aredeceiving people of the state.Their candidates are contest-ing elections as proxies.

There is no boycott by theseparties. Even the senior mostworkers were seen takingpart in the election prepara-tions, Vibodh said. Thedrama of poll boycott won'tserve any good to the society, he added.

Sarpanchs who met MLCVibodh Gupta wereSarpanch Mohd FarooqInqulabi of Panchayat KewalLower, Sarpanch MohdShabir Kamlak of PanchayatBudhal, Sarpanch Laykel AliMalik of Panchayat Shahpur,Sarpanch Mohd Iqbal ofPanchayat Phalni andSarpanch Abdul Gafoor Bhatof Panchayat Samole.

BDC elections will strengthen Panchayati Raj system: Vibodh

Jugal Kishore, Sukhnandan Choudhary addressing a public meeting on Sunday

Block Chairmans to put badge toleakage of Funds: Jugal Kishore

Page 12: Indian troops hit launch pads in POK, Rawat says 6 …epaper.greaterjammu.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/21.10...2019/10/21  · Rohit Sharma hits double ton as South Africa struggles




Huge procession held at Imam Bargha Chuchot Yokma to mark Arbaeen. Jigmet Janspal Shey


GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: Jammuand Kashmir UnityFoundation (JKUF) hasappealed the people ofJammu and Kashmir toobserve Black Day onOctober 22 to remember thesacrifices of Hindus, Sikhs,Muslims to defeat the inva-sion of the of the PrincelyState spearheaded byPakistan Army in 1947.

The seventh seminar in aseries titled 'Pakistan'sMilitary Invasion not TribalRaid of Jammu andKashmir' will be organizedon Oct 22 here at Press ClubJammu at 4 pm.

Ajaat Jamwal, President

JKUF alongwith expertspeakers will dwell at lengththe atrocities committed bythe Pakistani army on thepeople of Jammu, reads astatement issued on JKUF.

It further reads that, itbecomes more relevant inthe present times whenGovernment of India took ahistoric decision to neuterthe regressive Article 370and integrate the Jammu andKashmir State fully intoIndia.

Jamwal in the statementsaid that the designs of theRogue State Pakistan haveto be defeated whichthrough terrorist regimesworking in Kashmir are

enforcing Civil Curfew andself lock up disrupting nor-mal life in valley.

"Pakistan is adopting thesame strategy it adopted inthe year 1947, 1965 and1999 pushing non-stateactors, terrorist insideJammu and Kashmir anddisrupting the normal livesof the people of the State,"he said.

He urged the people ofKashmir to defy the CivilCurfew and also asked thestate administration to foilthe designs of anti-nationalsand anti-peace elements inthe Valley.

Jamwal in the statementsaid that the Pakistan did the

entire mobilization of trib-als' and army in the name ofJihad and Pakistan PrimeMinister, Imran Khan'srecent speech in UnitedNations has exposed thesame mindset even after 72years.

"It will be very proper todescribe the 1947 invasionof Jammu and Kashmir byPakistan as the first Jihadunleashed after theIndependence of India on15 August 1947," the state-ment read. JKUF appealedall the victims of PakistaniJihad in Jammu andKashmir, India and abroadto observe October 22 as aBlack Day.

Observe Oct 22 as Black Day againstPak aggression: JKUF

GJ REPORTSRINAGAR, OCT 20:Chief Secretary, BVRSubrahmanyam reviewedthe upcoming tourism pro-motional campaigns andoverall functioning of thetourism sector in Jammuand Kashmir here onSunday.

Subrahmanyam stressedon promoting the tourismpotential of the State atglobal level through anattractive marketing cam-paign and providing mar-keting platforms for the

houseboats and payingguesthouses on separateand dedicated web portalsto attract the clientele.

Subrahmanyam directedthe tourism department tolaunch an exclusive adver-tising campaign for house-boats.

"Every division of theState has something uniqueto offer to every class oftourists and the sameshould be conveyedthrough these campaigns,"he said. He stressed on out-sourcing the departmental

assets to private companiesfor better operations andcommercially viability."This would improve theservice delivery and ensurea better use of these assets."

Subrahmanyam directedthe tourism department toincentivize the develop-ment of paying guesthousesat offbeat destinations sothat tourists can spend extradays in Kashmir.

Principal SecretaryTourism, Navin Choudharysaid that the department isparticipating in the roadshows within and outsidethe country besides usingoutdoor media for massivepromotional campaigns toattract more tourists to theState.

Director, tourismKashmir, Nisar AhmadWani gave an overall pre-view of the tourism depart-ment and highlighted thepromotional activities thatare underway to projectJ&K as the choicest desti-nation of the country.

Subrahmanyam inspect-ed the facilitation centre setup by the district adminis-tration at Tourist ReceptionCentre Srinagar.

BVR Subrahmanyam reviewing the upcoming tourism pro-motional campaigns on Sunday

Chief Secretary reviews functioningof Tourism department

GJ REPORTLADAKH, OCT 20: Joining Hands with themillions of people participating in theArbayeen march in Karbala Iraq, people ofKargil took out Arbayeen March fromadjoining villages as a sign of mourning.

Mouring processions marched alongKargil and adjoin areas while beating theirchest, backs and chanting helms to com-memorate Chelum-e-Hussaini.

The processions under the banner ofAnjuman Jamiyat Ul Ulema Isna AshariyaKargil (AJUIAK) Ladakh passing throughFatima Chowk, Islamia School Chowk,Changrah Bazzar, Hozia Premises,Khomenie Chowk, Lal Chowk Concluded atInqilab Manzil (Qatilgah-e- Hussaini).

More than 30 Mourning ProcessionsParticipated in the Chelum and paid tributeto Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S) and his 72companions.

The processions concluded with ZiyaratE Arbayeen and final sermon by General

Secretary, AJUIAK Ladakh, Sheikh IbrahimKhalili.

Referring to the current situation of theworld, Sheikh Ibrahim Khalili said that inthis period the teachings of Karbala and thePhilosophy of Karbala should be followedfor a peaceful and harmonious society.

"Karbala and the sacrifice of ImamHussain which has kept Islam alive, the reli-gion of Peace and world should know thereal Islam which never taught Terrorism,Violence and hostility," he said.

Later Joint Secretary AJUIAK Ladakh,Sheikh Mohammad Hussain thanked theDeputy Commissioner Kargil for adequatearrangement for the smooth conduct of theChelum procession, SSP Kargil for SecurityArrangements, Health Department forCamps and deputation of Adequate no ofemployees, MC Kargil for Cleanliness of theProcession Path, Various Taxi Unions andowners of Sabeels for their volunteer serv-ice.

Shia Muslims taking out Arbayeen March on Sunday.

Arbayeen-e-Hussaini observed in Kargil Dist Admin organizes cycle rally toraise awareness on clean and

green Diwali, BBBPGJ REPORTUDHAMPUR, OCT 20: To spread the message of cleanand green Diwali and 'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao', DDC Dr.Piyush Singla led a cycle rally from DC Office Complex toJammu city here on Sunday.

More than 20 male and female cyclists participated inthe rally that passed through Udhampur City via SlathiaChowk, Court road, Ramnagar Chowk, Gole Market, Busstand and Mini Stadium before heading towards Jammucity.

MoS PMO, Dr. Jitendra Singh met the rally at KatraDomail where he interacted with the cyclists.

Singh appreciated the initiative for spreading the mes-sage of clean Diwali, BBBP and fit India movement.

People in large number greeted the rally and appreciat-ed the efforts of the administration moreover the cyclistinteracted with people and advised them for celebratingDiwali in a clean and green manner.

Strategy of Pak attack in 1947 & 2019 same: Jamwal

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20:National Vice-PresidentBJP and J&K Prabhari,Avinash Rai Khanna stat-ed that BlockDevelopment Council(BDCs) poll are going toact as development wayfor all the rural and farflung areas neglected forlong 70 years.

He said that the farflung areas were till dateneglected by the succes-sive royal families ofAbdullah's, Mufti's verywell supported byGandhi's for the continu-ous loot of valuableresources of Jammu,Kashmir and Ladakh.

Khanna claimed thiswhile he addressed suc-cessive organizationalmeetings at Samba,Kathua and Ghagwal inconnection with BlockDevelopment Councilelection going to be heldshortly in the region.

Khanna was alsoaccompanied by formerMinisters ChanderPrakash Ganga and RajivJasrotia, DistrictPresident Jangbir Singh,senior leader GopalMahajan and others.

Khanna said that thesepolitical persons havedone all harm and noth-ing good for the peopleof Jammu and Kashmir."The masses have outrightly rejected the doc-trine of these divisivepolicies unleashed byCongress and its allies,"he said.

He said that now, it isa proven fact that the so-called even the nationalpoliticians of these par-

ties doesn't enjoy supportfrom any of the commu-nities living in the region.

Khanna said, "This isestablished from the factthat not even a single per-son outside of these fewfamilies came in supportof the detained politi-cians in view of theirshrewd and cunning atti-tude."

Khanna greeted all theSarpanchs and Panchspresent in the meetingsfor their support andcommitment to the devel-opment policies put forthby BJP.

The urged them toprompt all other remain-ing public representativefor supporting the BDCcandidates on BJP man-date for the true develop-ment of all the till neg-lected sections of thesociety.

Khanna said that par-ties including Congress,NC, PDP have againproved that their meant tolimit the powers to theirown families only byagain giving a call forboycott of BDC election.

He said that BDC elec-tion are going to be heldafter decades due to thesincere efforts of PM,Narendra Modi led gov-ernment so, that peopleget benefited by thedecentralization of alladministrative power."We must put our effortto defeat the nefariousdesigns of the pseudomainstream parties toachieve the target ofSabka Saath Sabka Vikasfor the last man standingin the last row of thesociety," he said.

Avinash Rai Khanna addressing a party meeting onSunday

BDCs polls gateway todevelopment: Khanna

GJ REPORTJAMMU, OCT 20: FormerMLC, Ch VikramRandhawa, alognwith GuruTejveer Singh today inau-gurated upgradation workof Goshala at Ward No-73,Gadigarh in Gandhi NagarAssembly segment.

Speaking on the occa-sion, Randhawa said thatGuru Tejveer Singh who iscommonly known as 'GhodiWale Babaji' is doing awonderful job from lastover many years by servingthe abandoned cows in hisGoshala.

Randhawa said that noone comes for the rescue ofthe cows who are aban-doned by their owners oncethey stop giving milk. Hesaid that cow is a holy ani-

mal who serves themankind by providing milkand even her waste likeurine and dung is consid-ered to be as holy. He saidthat cow urine and dung isused by Hindus in almostall their religious practices

but nobody is worried aboutthe cows who are aban-doned. He said that thoserunning 'Ghoshalas' acrossnation are doing the realservice.

Randhawa said that hehas contributed Rs 10 lakh

out of his CDF for theupgradation of this Goshalaas there are around fiftycows and needs properfacilities. Randhawa alsourged upon the people todonate for this noble causeinstead of making uselessstatements and remarkswhich vitiates communalharmony.

The management of theGoshala expressed grati-tude to Ch VikramRandhawa for contributingto this genuine cause.

Others who accompa-nied MLC include CaptKehar Singh, Pitambar Lal,Girdhari Lal, ParamjitSingh, Satpal Choudhary,Ramesh Choudhary,Gurdayal Singh and manyothers.

Former MLC Ch Vikram Randhawa inaugurating upgrada-tion work of Goshala at Gadigarh on Sunday.

Randhawa kick-starts upgradation work of Ghoshala

GJ REPORTUDHAMPUR, OCT 20: President Senior Citizens Club (SCC)Udhampur and former SSP Mahadeep Singh Jamwal has saidthat the Club decided to work in close liaison with DLSAUdhampur and District Administration to propagate the welfareschemes available for the senior citizens.

Addressing a press conference here today, Mahadeep SinghJamwal Jamwal apprised that few days back DLSA ChairmanUdhampur and District Administration held a meeting with officebearers' and advisory board of the Club and various facilitiesbeing provided to senior citizens was discussed in detail.

He appealed to senior citizens of district Udhampur to availthe free consultation from the advisory board of the Club for anyofficial or personal problem.

Jamwal apprised that Senior Citizen Club has an experiencedAdvisory Board comprising of officers retired from State,Provincial and District level from all departments of State Govt,Central Government, Nationalized Banks as well as from IndianArmy.

Advisors of the Club Romesh Kumar Sharma (Ex-AGMJKB) and Bharat Bhushan Gupta, Ex-Chief Agriculture Officerelaborated about the activities of the Club.

GJ REPORTJAMMU, Oct 20: The AmarMahal Museum and Library helda weekend dedicated to therevival of syncretic cultures,launching redesigned museumgalleries here on Sunday.

Dara Shikoh Fellows put for-ward their presentations on top-ics ranging from shared sacredspaces in Bhaderwah to therevival of Gojri in the digitalage.

The annual symposium of thefourth annual Dara ShikohFellowship was organised in thehistoric library premises and wasattended by luminaries includingProfessors from JammuUniversity, Dr. Karan Singh andrenowned scholars from acrossthe city.

Four Fellows, two fromSrinagar and one each fromKishtwar and Poonch, show-cased their academic and cultur-al research in the syncretic cul-

ture of Bhaderwah and its les-sons for communal harmony inthe region.

Ph.D. student from Kishtwar,Khalid Yaqoob Mir presented hiswork on Sufi shrines of

Bhaderwah and Taha Mughal, anarchitect with INTACH Kashmir,introduced his translation ofBashir Bhaderwahi's book on thehistory of the region.

Garima Sharma, an MA stu-

dent from Poonch, showcasedher findings on the revival ofGojri and Tabish Haider, artistfrom Srinagar, displayed hispainting on the Naga culture ofBhaderwah.

The Fellowship, currently inits fourth year, has supportedseveral young minds from acrossthe region and abroad to pursueresearch in Jammu, Kashmir, andLadakh. The symposium sawclosing remarks by Dr. JyotsnaSingh, the Director of the DaraShikoh Centre for the Arts, andAnish Gawande, the Director ofthe Dara Shikoh Fellowship.

The Museum launched itsredesigned galleries on the histo-ry and culture of Jammu along-side a gallery dedicated to a rarecollection of 49 Nala-Damayantiminiature paintings.

An exhibition of paintings bycontemporary artist SumanGupta on "Sacred Vision" waslaunched. The launch saw

speeches by Dr. Karan Singh andDr. Jyotsna Singh, Director ofthe Dara Shikoh Centre for theArts.

The evening also saw musicperformances in Hindi, Urdu,Dogri, Pahari, and Gojri bymusicians from Jammu andPoonch. "There is an urgent needto preserve our culture and ourlanguage. If we don't speak toour children in Dogri, how willtheir children ever learn Dogri atall?" asked Dr. Karan Singh atthe event. "The Dara ShikohFellowship has been growingfrom strength to strength, pro-viding a platform for young peo-ple to engage with the history,art, and culture of Jammu,Kashmir, and Ladakh in a man-ner never done before in theregion," said Anish Gawande,the Director of the Dara ShikohFellowship, while encouragingyoung minds to apply for the fel-lowship.

Dr. Karan Singh along with others releasing a book on collection of 49Nala-Damayanti miniature paintings in Jammu on Sunday.

Amar Mahal hosts Dara Shikoh Fellowship symposium

SCC for propagation ofwelfare schemes available

for senior citizens

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