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Page 1: Industrial West Chapters 23 and 24. Changes in the mid 18 th century  1. Cultural  Challenged governments (full religious freedom)  Enlightenment

Industrial WestChapters 23 and 24

Page 2: Industrial West Chapters 23 and 24. Changes in the mid 18 th century  1. Cultural  Challenged governments (full religious freedom)  Enlightenment

Changes in the mid 18th century

1. Cultural Challenged governments (full religious freedom) Enlightenment

John Locke Natural rights Representation is a safeguard against oppression

Rousseau (Social Contract) Representation isn’t enough people must be involved Based on general will of the people

Encouraged economic/technological change

Page 3: Industrial West Chapters 23 and 24. Changes in the mid 18 th century  1. Cultural  Challenged governments (full religious freedom)  Enlightenment

Marquis de Condorcet Leading advocate of women’s rights and educational

reform Progress of the Human Mind

People are on the verge of perfection Only can be obtained through:

1. Elimination of inequality among A. Nations B. Classes

2. Improvement of individuals

Page 4: Industrial West Chapters 23 and 24. Changes in the mid 18 th century  1. Cultural  Challenged governments (full religious freedom)  Enlightenment

Changes 2. Commercialization

Business people make more money RESULT?

2 things Rural families become part of the proletariat

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Changes 3. Population increase

After 1730 France up 50% Britain and Prussia up 100%

WHY? 1. Border control

Help stop spread of disease 2. Increase nutrition

Esp. Potato 3. Decrease death rate

Die by 2 40% By 1780 drops to 33%

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Population change 1. Upper level families

How are they affected? 2. Loss of possible inheritance

WHY? What happens?

3. Proto-industrialization Cottage industry

What is this? Who didn’t like this? RESULTS OF THIS?

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Page 8: Industrial West Chapters 23 and 24. Changes in the mid 18 th century  1. Cultural  Challenged governments (full religious freedom)  Enlightenment
Page 9: Industrial West Chapters 23 and 24. Changes in the mid 18 th century  1. Cultural  Challenged governments (full religious freedom)  Enlightenment
Page 10: Industrial West Chapters 23 and 24. Changes in the mid 18 th century  1. Cultural  Challenged governments (full religious freedom)  Enlightenment

American Revolution Major causes

1. Impose new taxes after 1763 (Why 1763?) Stamp Act (1765) No taxation without representation (Boston Tea Party 1773)

2. Tighter control of trade 3. Restrict movement into the frontier 4. British mercantilism

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Page 12: Industrial West Chapters 23 and 24. Changes in the mid 18 th century  1. Cultural  Challenged governments (full religious freedom)  Enlightenment

American Revolution Started in 1775 Declaration of

Independence 1776 What does this say?

French joined in WHY? Spain does too later

1781 Cornwallis surrenders

Yorktown 1783

Treaty of Paris

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D of I When in the Course of human events, it becomes

necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


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D of I We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created

equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

WHAT DOES THIS SAY? What do you think the rest of the document says?

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Page 16: Industrial West Chapters 23 and 24. Changes in the mid 18 th century  1. Cultural  Challenged governments (full religious freedom)  Enlightenment

USA 1781

Articles of Confederation No legislative branch

Why is this a problem? Courts were weak

1789 Constitution adopted (inspired by Enlightenment) Bill of Rights added WHY? Ironically slavery continued WHY?

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French Revolution Causes

1. Enlightenment thinkers and the American Revolution Limit the church and aristocracy

2. middle-class wants more political representation 3. peasants want end of manorialism 4. Financial problems (Caused by?)

Began in 1789 (July 14th) Declaration of the Rights of Man Storming of the Bastille (what was this?)

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1. Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good.

2. The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.

3. The principle of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation. No body nor individual may exercise any authority which does not proceed directly from the nation.

4. Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society the enjoyment of the same rights. These limits can only be determined by law.

5. Law can only prohibit such actions as are hurtful to society. Nothing may be prevented which is not forbidden by law, and no one may be forced to do anything not provided for by law.

6. Law is the expression of the general will. Every citizen has a right to participate personally, or through his representative, in its foundation. It must be the same for all, whether it protects or punishes. All citizens, being equal in the eyes of the law, are equally eligible to all dignities and to all public positions and occupations, according to their abilities, and without distinction except that of their virtues and talents.

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Page 20: Industrial West Chapters 23 and 24. Changes in the mid 18 th century  1. Cultural  Challenged governments (full religious freedom)  Enlightenment

3 stages of the French Revolution

1. Moderate Stage (1789-1792) Manorialism ended (seized records) Church property seized Limit power of the king

2. Radical Stage (1793-1794) REIGN OF TERROR Church and aristocrats oppose movement Radicals take control and execute king and queen

40,000 killed (17,000 guillotined) Influences Italy, Germany, and the Low Countries Introduce metric system

3. Directory Stage (Final) (1795-1799) (1799-1804) Overthrown by Napoleon

Changed the Revolutionary republic into a authoritarian empire (1804)

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Page 22: Industrial West Chapters 23 and 24. Changes in the mid 18 th century  1. Cultural  Challenged governments (full religious freedom)  Enlightenment
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Page 25: Industrial West Chapters 23 and 24. Changes in the mid 18 th century  1. Cultural  Challenged governments (full religious freedom)  Enlightenment

French Revolution Aftermath Impact on Europe

1. Spread revolutionary legislation 2. Brought nationalism 3. Equality ideals spread 4. Conservatism remains main political force till WWI

Napoleonic Wars (successful at first) Defeated in Russia (exiled to Elba) Defeated at Waterloo (exiled to St Helena)

Congress of Vienna (going on during Waterloo) Adjust boundaries to keep peace (50 years success)

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Page 27: Industrial West Chapters 23 and 24. Changes in the mid 18 th century  1. Cultural  Challenged governments (full religious freedom)  Enlightenment

Political Ideals Middle class joined by urban artisans

Conservatives Try to reduce revolutionary ideals HOW?

Socialists Attack private property and capitalism

Liberals Limit state interference Representation of propertied class

Radicals Extend voting rights etc

Nationalists Want national unity

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Political ideals 1820’s-1830’s Revolutions

Greece (1920 from OE), Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, France, and Belgium

Conservatives want to align to liberals WHY? Show a appearance of reform but keep aristocracy Con- use nationalism to unite people

Britain (1867) Benjamin Disraeli

gives votes to working class males

Italy Count Camillo di Cavour

Unified Italy (supported industrialization) Otto Vo Bismarck

Conservative unified Germany (extend vote to all adult men)

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Industrialization Effects Peasants able to

1. Decrease isolation (how?)

2. Use new cash crops (like?)

3. Get new educational opportunities (tech skills)

4. organize cooperatives (what is this?)

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Expansion of Government after 1870

1. Wider welfare programs (gov based not charity) 2. Civil service exams (talent based not by birth) 3. Compulsory education to age 12 (universal literacy) 4. Extends regulations on gov

Karl Marx Felt socialism was the last phase of development

1. Utopian ideas weren’t realistic 2.People who controlled means of production shaped history 3.Proletarirat revolution was inevitable 4. Final stage of history, state would go away

Page 31: Industrial West Chapters 23 and 24. Changes in the mid 18 th century  1. Cultural  Challenged governments (full religious freedom)  Enlightenment

Late 1800’s- Early 1900’s Cultural changes

Higher wages and increased leisure times Leads to?

Art- romanticism Emotion and impression were key to understanding humans

Science- traditional rationalism Advanced as empirical means to understanding humans

Charles Darwin- evolution Albert Einstein- Theory of relativity (E=mc2) Sigmund Freud- Human consciousness Louis Pasteur- discovery of germs

American exceptionalism vs European influence? US developed on its own. (Civil War etc) Differences in the US and Europe?

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Expansion Latin America remains untouched

WHY? Britain

Canada (1867) Won from France

Australia (1788) Penal colony

New Zealand Defeated the Maori (1860’s)

Brought disease, firearms, prostitution, alcoholism to NZ Harmed native culture

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WWI Tensions rise

Particularly in the Balkans (Russia and A-H)

1. Imperialism Countries trying to expand (WHY?)

2. Militarism Build up military to defend spoils

3. Alliance system (worried about German power) Triple Entente

France, Britain, Russia Triple Alliance

Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary

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Chapter 24 Pre-industrial era of European expansion

1. Search for precious metals 2. Land for farming 3. Find spices and silks etc 4. Avoid Muslim kingdoms in N Africa and ME

Industrial age imperialism (Happened by 1850’s) 1. Christian missions 2.Land for resources 3.Look for investments for excess $ 4.Establish colonies in interior of Africa and Asia 5.Markets for goods

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East India Companies Dutch East India Company

Java 1st European Empire built by independent company agent 1620’s vassals of Sultan of Mataram

British East India Company Similar to DEIC

used mercenaries from indigenous people Different from DEIC

British competed with French Battle of Plassey (1757)

Defeat French and Indian forces (Mughals decline) Gives B control of Bengal

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Britain in India Advantages over Indian princes

1. India had no national identity 2. Indians served in British military 3. Internal warfare 4.Strong military

Lord Cornwallis (1790’s) Led sweeping reforms to clean up corruption

Evangelical movement (1800’s) Continued social reform

Utilitarianism Jeremy Bentham and James Mill Philosophical movement supported colonial reforms

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Imperialism African and Asian people tried to resist

European militaries were too powerful AFRICA (by 1914)

All had been colonized except Ethiopia and Liberia

South Africa (British) Battle of Isandhlwana (1879)

Zulus defeat British 1st battle (Anglo-Zulu War) Battle of Roarke’s Drift

British victory over huge odds Battle of Ulundi

Last battle major British victory

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Imperialism Tropical dependencies

Colonies of exploitation (economic gain only) Use cultural and ethnic divisions to adv

Small #’s of Europeans rule large #’s of natives Exp. Ghana, Nigeria, Indonesia, Malaya

White Dominions Europeans make up majority pop

Canada Australia

Colonial powers rely on European market

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S Africa and Australia Founded at different times (British Empire)

1. Both found in temperate climates Good for crops and livestock

2. Slowly move to the interior 3. Encountered diseases they could survive

S Africa annexed in 1815 (British) Boer War

Wanted Gold and other resources

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Hawaii Captain James Cook

Opened trade to west Kamehameha (prince)

United the kingdom of Hawaii (1810) Help from British

Overthrown 1893 Annexed by US 1898

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