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  • 8/3/2019 Industry Cement


    The use of conservation supply curves in energy policy and economic

    analysis: The case study of Thai cement industry

    Ali Hasanbeigi a,, Christoph Menke a,b, Apichit Therdyothin c

    a The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, King Mongkut s University of Technology Thonburi, 126 Pracha-uthit Rd. Bangmod, Tungkru, Bangkok 10140, Thailandb Department of Building Engineering Services, Energy Technology Division, University of Applied Sciences Trier, Germanyc The School of Energy, Environment, and Material, King Mongkut s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:Received 5 July 2009

    Accepted 22 September 2009Available online 17 October 2009


    Energy-efficiency policy

    Conservation supply curve

    Cement industry

    a b s t r a c t

    The cement industry is one of the largest energy-consuming industries in Thailand with high carbondioxide (CO2) emissions. Using a bottom-up electricity Conservation Supply Curve (CSC) model, the cost

    effective and the total technical electricity-efficiency potential for the Thai cement industry in 2008

    is estimated to be about 265 and 1697 gigawatt-hours (GWh) which account for 8% and 51% of the total

    electricity used in the cement industry in 2005, respectively. The fuel CSC model shows the cost-

    effective fuel-efficiency potential to be 17,214 terajoules (TJ) and the total technical fuel-efficiency

    potential equal to 21,202 TJ, accounting for 16% and 19% of the total fuel used in cement industry in

    2005, respectively. The economic analysis in this paper shows how the information from the CSCs can

    be used to calculate the present value (PV) of net cost savings over a period of time taking into account

    the energy price escalation rate. The results from the policy scenario analysis show that the most

    effective and efficient policy scenario is the introduction of an energy-related CO2 tax for the cement

    industry under a voluntary agreement program. This scenario results in 16.9% primary energy-efficiency

    improvement over a 5-year implementation period.

    & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    The industrial and transportation sectors are the largest

    energy-consuming sectors in Thailand, and accounted for 36.1%

    and 36.6% of total final energy consumption in 2007, respectively

    (DEDE, 2008). There are many studies worldwide identifying a

    wide variety of sector-specific and cross-cutting energy-efficiency

    improvement opportunities for the industrial sector, particularly

    for the cement industry. Worrell et al. (2000) at Lawrence

    Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) carried out a comprehensive

    study on energy efficiency and carbon dioxide (CO2) emission

    reduction opportunities in the US cement industry. LBNL has also

    developed a guidebook that comprises long lists of energy-efficiency improvement technologies and measures which are

    commercially available for the cement industry (Worrell and

    Galitsky, 2004; Worrell et al., 2008). There are also many

    technology-specific studies such as Jankovic et al. (2004) in which

    they discussed the optimization of ball mill cement grinding

    circuits using certain type of crusher.

    Different analytical approaches have been used to study the

    energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission reduction in

    cement industry. Anand et al. (2006) used system dynamics

    model based on the dynamic interactions among a number of

    system components to estimate CO2 emissions from the cement

    industry in India based on which they developed different CO2mitigation scenarios. The literatures mentioned above are just a

    few of many studies that have been conducted on energy

    efficiency in the cement industry. However, there are not many

    sector-specific studies in Thailand for the energy intensive sectors,

    particularly for the cement industry.

    We used the concept of a Conservation Supply Curve to make

    a bottom-up model in order to capture the cost effective as well as

    the technical potential for energy efficiency and CO2 emission

    reduction in the Thai cement sector. The Conservation SupplyCurve is an analytical tool that captures both the engineering and

    the economic perspectives of energy conservation. It was first

    introduced by Rosenfeld and his colleagues at Lawrence Berkeley

    National Laboratory (Meier, 1982).

    This study aims to give a comprehensive and easy to under-

    stand perspective to Thai cement producers as well as policy

    makers about the energy-efficiency potential, its associated cost,

    and the effectiveness of some energy policies measures. This

    paper, first, explains the steps of constructing the CSCs for the Thai

    cement industry. Then, the economic analysis presented in this

    paper which shall assist the cement producer to analyze the

    financial benefit of investing in the energy-efficiency measures


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    0301-4215/$- see front matter & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Corresponding author. Tel.: + 66 8 55623894; fax: +66 2 8726736.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Hasanbeigi).

    Energy Policy 38 (2010) 392405

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    listed here. The policy analysis, however, shall assist the Thai

    policy makers in setting an appropriate cement sector-specific

    mix of policies to capture energy-efficiency opportunities in

    Thailands cement industry.

    2. Overview of Thai cement industry

    The cement industry has 8 companies that are comprised of14 plants and 31 kilns in 2006, yet a few kilns were decommis-

    sioned during 2007 and 2008. The clinker production capacity

    was 46.82 million tons in 2007, whereas the cement production

    capacity was 56.302 in the same year. In 2007, the actual cement

    production in Thailand was 29.98 million tons and the prediction

    for the actual cement production in 2008 is 29.61 million tons

    based on the forecast made by the Thai Cement Manufacturing

    Association (TCMA) in November 2008 (TCMA, 2008).

    In 2000, the cement industry consumed about 16% of the

    overall manufacturing energy consumption in Thailand (DEDE,

    2002). The use of energy in the cement manufacturing process

    produces large amounts of CO2 and other local emissions. This

    increases even more when we add the emissions from the

    calcination process in cement production, which accounts for

    about half of the total CO2 emission from the cement industry

    (Hendriks et al.,2004). The calculated CO2 emission from Thai

    cement industry was about 20.6 million tons of CO2 in 2005 (WRI,

    1998; TCMA, 2008; ENCON Lab, 2008).1 Therefore, there is a

    strong need for the assessment of different technologies and

    measures to improve energy efficiency in and reduce GHG

    emissions from this sector.

    3. Methodology

    3.1. Construction of energy conservation supply curves

    Based on literature review for this study, we designed a

    comprehensive questionnaire. We obtained the requested data

    and technology-level information from main cement producers in

    Thailand which together accounted for about 83% of total cement

    production capacity in Thailand in 2008. For the other cement

    producers that did not respond to our questionnaire and did not

    want to participate in our study, we obtained some data about

    their production capacity and other general information from the

    Thai Cement Manufacturing Association (TCMA, 2008). For these

    companies, which accounted for about 27% of cement production

    capacity in Thailand in 2008, we assessed the potential applica-

    tion of each energy-efficiency measure based on several factors

    such as: the age of plants, the discussion with other cement

    companies that participated in our study, and experts engineering

    judgment. Because of the space constraint, we refer the readers to

    Hasanbeigi and Menke (2008) for more details on the methodol-ogy for the construction of CSCs.

    The Conservation Supply Curve (CSC) used in this study shows

    the energy conservation potential as a function of the marginal

    cost of conserved energy (Meier, 1982). The CCE can be calculated


    Cost of conserved energy

    annualized capital cost annual change in O&M costs

    annual energy savings1

    The annualized capital cost can be calculated from

    Annualized capital cost Capital costd=1 1 dn 2

    where d is the discount rate and n the lifetime of the energy-

    efficiency measure.

    In our study, we assumed the real discount rate equal to 30% to

    reflect the barriers to energy-efficiency investment in Thai cement

    industry such as: perceived risk, lack of information, management

    concerns about production and other issues, capital constraints,

    and preference for short payback periods and high internal rates

    of return (Bernstein et al., 2007; Worrell et al., 2000). Since we

    decided to plot CSCs for electricity and fuel separately, we

    calculated the cost of conserved electricity (CCE) and cost of

    conserved fuel (CCF) separately for respective technologies in

    order to draw CSCs. After calculating the CCE or CCF for all energy-

    efficiency measures, we ranked them in ascending order of CCE or

    CCF. In CSCs we determine an energy price line. All measures that

    fall below the energy price line are cost effective. On the curves,

    the width of each measure (plotted on the x-axis) represents the

    annual energy saved by that measure. The height (plotted on the

    y-axis) shows the measures cost of conserved energy.

    Finally, it should also be highlighted that the approach used in

    this study and the model developed is a good screening tool to

    present energy-efficiency measures and capture the potentials for

    improvement. However, in reality, energy saving potential and

    cost of each energy-efficiency measure and technology may vary

    and depend on various conditions such as raw material quality,

    country in which the plant is located, the technology provider,

    production capacity, size of the kiln, fineness of the final product

    and byproducts, etc. Moreover, it should be noted that some

    energy-efficiency measures provide productivity and environ-

    mental benefits in addition to energy savings, but it is difficult and

    sometimes impossible to quantify those benefits. However,

    including quantified estimates of other benefits could significantly

    reduce the cost of conserved energy for the energy-efficiency

    measures (Worrell et al., 2003). Furthermore, in the interpretation

    of the results and their level of accuracy, the uncertainty of some

    input data such as energy saving and cost of the energy-efficiencymeasures should be taken into account.

    3.1.1. Energy-efficiency technologies and measures

    for cement industry

    Despite the extensive literature review in this study, informa-

    tion and data about the 47 energy-efficiency technologies and

    measures applied to the Thai cement industry has mainly been

    obtained from the studies conducted at Lawrence Berkeley

    National Laboratory (LBNL) (Worrell et al., 2000, 2008) as well

    as Project Design Documents (PDDs) of CDM projects (UNFCCC,

    2008ac; UNFCCC, 2007ae). Since there are only dry kilns in

    Thailand, all the energy-efficiency measures are applicable for the

    dry kiln process. Table 1 presents the data related to production

    capacity in each step of cement production process in Thai cement

    industry. It also presents the energy savings, capital costs and CO2emission reductions for each energy-efficiency technology and

    measure applied to Thailands cement industry in 2008. In this

    paper, we prefer not to explain the details of each energy-

    efficiency measure, but rather prefer to present and discuss the

    results. However, the detailed description of each energy-

    efficiency measure listed can be found in Worrell et al. (2008),

    UNFCCC (2007ae), and UNFCCC (2008ac).

    3.2. Economic analysis

    The CSC presented in this paper gives us some very useful

    information. It presents the cost of conserved energy (CCE),

    1 Since reliable data for energy consumption by the type of fuels are not

    available, we calculated the CO2 emission in 2005 using the historical data and

    production growth rate.

    A. Hasanbeigi et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 392405 393

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    Table 1

    Energy savings, capital costs and co2 emission reductions for energy efficiency technologies and measures applied to Thai cement industry.

    No. Technology/measure Production



    Fuel saving







    Primary energy

    saving (GJ/ton


    Capital cost Change i

    annual O

    Cost (US$

    Fuel preparation

    1 Installation of variable

    frequency drive &

    replacement of coal mill

    bag dust collectors fan

    a 0.13 0.001 0.027($/ton clb) 0.0

    2 Replacement of separator

    in coal mill circuit with an

    efficient grit separator

    a 0.21 0.002 0.011($/ton cl) 0.0

    Raw materials preparation

    3 Efficient transport system 67.17 2.51 0.03 3.00 ($/ton raw) 0.0

    4 Raw meal blending 67.17 2.14 0.02 3.70 ($/ton raw) 0.0

    5 Raw meal process control

    (vertical mill)

    67.17 1.13 0.01 0.28 ($/ton raw) 0.0

    6 High efficiency roller mill 67.17 8.17 0.09 5.50 ($/ton raw) 0.0

    7 High efficiency classifiers 67.17 4.08 0.05 2.20 ($/ton raw) 0.0

    8 Variable frequency drive

    in raw mill vent fan

    67.17 0.27 0.003 0.025($/ton cl) 0.0

    9 Bucket elevator for raw

    meal transport from raw

    mill to homogenizing


    67.17 1.91 0.022 0.228 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    10 Install ation 3-fan system

    with a separate mill fan to

    take care of vertical roller

    mill operation

    67.17 1.86 0.022 0.959 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    11 High efficiency fan for

    raw mill vent fan with


    67.17 0.29 0.003 0.033 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    Clinker making

    12 Energy management and

    process control systems

    43.34 0.16 1.00 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    13 Combustion system


    43.34 0.24 0.24 1.00 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    14 Kiln shell heat loss


    43.34 0.21 0.21 0.25 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    15 Optimize heat recovery/

    upgrade clinker cooler

    43.34 0.09 1.62c 0.07 0.20 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    16 Convert to reci procatinggrate cooler

    43.34 0.22 2.43c

    0.19 2.80 ($/ton cl) 0.11

    17 Low temp. waste heat

    recovery power


    43.34 24.73 0.29 1828 ($/kW) 0.007

    18 High temperature heat

    recovery for power


    43.34 17.84 0.21 3.3 ($/ton cl) 0.27

    19 Low pressure drop

    cyclones for suspension


    43.34 2.11 0.02 3.00 ($/ton cl) 0.0

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    20 Upgrading of a preheater

    kiln to a preheater/


    43.34 0.35 0.35 18.00 ($/ton cl) 1.10

    21 Conversion of long dry

    kiln to preheater/


    43.34 1.14 1.14 20.00 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    22 Older dry kiln upgrade to

    multi-stage preheater


    43.34 0.73 0.73 35.00 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    23 Adjustable speed drive for

    kiln fan

    43.34 4.95 0.06 0.23 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    24 Upgrading the preheater

    from 5 stages to 6 stages

    43.34 0.09 0.95c 0.079 2.54 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    25 Modifying clinker cooler

    (mechanical flow


    43.34 0.07 0.00 0.069 0.489 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    26 Efficient kiln drives 43.34 0.45 0.005 0.190 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    27 VFD in cooler fan of grate


    43.34 0.09 0.001 0.012 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    28 Modification of inlet duct

    of grate cooler fan

    43.34 0.037 0.0004 0.0003 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    29 Bucket elevators for kiln


    43.34 1.01 0.012 0.352 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    30 High efficiency fan for

    primary air fan along with

    inverter for speed control

    of the fan

    43.34 0.089 0.001 0.006 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    31 Installation of vortex

    finder vanes on top stage

    cyclones for reduction indifferential pressure

    43.34 0.503 0.006 0.068($/ton cl) 0.0

    32 Installation of SPRS (slip

    power recovery system)

    for precalciner s fan

    speed control

    43.34 0.503 0.006 0.07 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    33 Replacement of preheater

    fan with high efficiency


    43.34 0.568 0.007 0.068 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    34 Optimization of the

    diameter of preheaters

    exit gas downcomer duct

    43.34 0.259 0.003 0.06 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    Finish grinding

    35 Energy management &

    process control in


    53.45 3.24 0.04 0.50 ($/ton cement) 0.0

    36 Improved grinding media

    for ball mills

    53.45 4.00 0.05 0.70 ($/ton cement) 0.0

    37 Replacing a ball mill with

    vertical roller mill

    53.45 17.00 0.20 5.00 ($/ton cement) 0.0

    38 Hi gh pressure roller press

    as pre-grinding to ball


    53.45 16.00 0.18 5.00 ($/ton cement) 0.0

    39 Hi gh-efficiency classi fiers

    (for finish grinding)

    53.45 4.00 0.05 2.00 ($/ton cement) 0.0

    40 Replacement of cement

    mill vent fan

    53.45 0.11 0.001 0.009 ($/ton cl) 0.0

    General measures

    41 Preventative maintenance 53.45 0.04 2.43 0.07 0.01 ($/ton cement) 0.0

    42 High efficiency motors 53.45 3.00 0.03 0.22 ($/ton cement) 0.0

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    annualized cost of energy-efficiency measures, annualized energy

    cost saving, annualized net cost saving, and annualized energy

    saving by each individual technology or a group of technologies.

    The calculation of CCE is already explained above. If dE is the

    energy saving by a technology, then the annualized cost of energy-

    efficiency measure, annualized energy cost saving, and the

    annualized net cost saving of that technology can be calculated


    AC dECCE 3

    AECS dEP 4


    where AC is the annualized cost of energy-efficiency measure

    (US$), AECS the annualized energy cost saving (US$), ANC the

    annualized net cost saving (US$), P the energy price, and dE the

    energy saving in CSC.

    For the cost-effective energy-efficiency measures in the CSC,

    the annual net cost saving is positive, yet for the measures whose

    CCE or CCF is above the energy cost line, the annualized net cost

    saving is negative.

    However, we always talk about the Cost of energy-efficiency

    improvement. The common use of the term Cost usually givesthe impression that we have to spend money. However, in many

    cases, especially the case of cost-effective energy-efficiency

    measures as we presented above, money is actually earned by

    saving the cost of energy. The amount of revenue obtained by an

    energy-efficiency measure can be accurately presented if we

    calculate the life cycle cost (LCC) of the measure. By LCC, we mean

    that we take into account the cost and benefits of an energy-

    efficiency measure over its lifetime.

    A CSC gives the annualized cost with a constant energy price in

    the base year, whereas in reality the energy price is usually

    changing from year to year. Thus, for policy analysis, when we

    calculate the LCC of energy-efficiency measures, we should take

    into account the changes in energy price; otherwise we sig-

    nificantly overestimate/underestimate the energy cost savings.We have used 2008 as the base year and conducted the economic

    analysis based on the constant 2008 dollar. Thus, the real discount

    rate is also used in our analysis, which excludes the inflation rate.

    In order to have the economic analysis in line with the policy

    analysis, we have assumed a period of 15 years for the economic

    analysis, as it is the scenario period used in the policy analysis

    explained later in this paper. To calculate the present value (PV) of

    net cost saving over the scenario period, i.e. 15 years, taking into

    account the annual escalation rate for energy price we conducted

    the following procedure. First, we calculated the present value of

    energy cost saving over the scenario period with an annual

    escalation rate for energy price using Eq. (6) (Fuller and Petersen,


    PVECS dEP1 e

    d e1

    1 e

    1 d


    " #6

    Where PVECS is the present value of energy cost saving over

    scenario period (US$), dE the energy saving, P the energy price, d

    the real discount rate, e the real energy price escalation rate, and N

    the scenario period.

    In this case, dEnP is the energy cost saving in the base year as

    presented in Eq. (4). The escalation rate can be positive or

    negative. It should be noted that this formula is for constant

    escalation rate, while in reality the energy price escalation

    changes from year to year. However, for simplicity, we assumed

    a constant escalation rate for fuel and electricity prices based on

    their historical trends. Since we conducted the economic analysis

    in constant 2008 dollar, we used the real discount rate. The realTable1(continued









































































































































































































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    discount rate is also assumed to be 30%, same as its value in

    constructing CSC. Therefore, we had to use real energy price

    escalation rate as well. From the historical data for electricity and

    fuel prices in Thai cement industry (DEDE, 2008), we calculated

    the average annual growth rate of energy prices for the cement

    industry between 1990 and 2008. Since the prices of energy are

    given in current dollar in DEDE (2008), we assumed this average

    as the nominal energy price escalation. Then, we calculated the

    real price escalation from the following formula:

    e 1 E=1 I 1 7

    where e is the real price escalation, Ethe nominal price escalation

    and I the inflation rate (Fuller and Petersen, 1996). We calculatedthe average inflation rate2 between 1990 and 2008 in Thailand to

    be about 4.0% (BOT, 2009), and we used that in Eq. (7). The results

    of our calculations for nominal and real energy price escalation

    are presented in Table 2. As can be seen from Table 2, since the

    nominal electricity price escalation rate is less than the inflation

    rate, the real electricity price escalation rate is negative. However,

    since the nominal fuel price escalation is almost equal to the

    inflation rate, the real fuel price escalation is zero. It should be

    noted that this analysis is specific just to Thai cement industry.

    The same analysis for other countries may result in positive real

    price escalation. Finally, we assumed that the real price escalation

    and inflation rate in the future over the scenario period are equal

    to their value calculated based on the historical data in the way

    explained above.

    Then, we calculated the total industry-wide capital cost of each

    energy-efficiency measure from

    TCC CCPrS 8

    TCC is the total industry-wide capital cost of energy-efficiency

    measure (US$), CC the capital cost (US$/ton product), Pr is the

    annual production capacity (ton), S is the share of production

    capacity to which the measure is applied (%)

    (sense not clear)Since the total capital cost is calculated in the

    year 2008, that could be used as the present value of total

    industry-wide investment required for each energy-efficiency

    measure. Therefore, the PV of the net cost saving (US$) over the

    scenario period taking into account the energy price escalation

    can be calculated from


    PVN is the PV of the net cost saving over scenario period (US$).

    All the above-mentioned calculations have been conducted

    separately for electricity-efficiency measures and fuel-efficiency

    measures related to the ECSC and FCSC. It should be noted that

    this study is for the whole Thai cement industry; thus, all the

    analyses are industry-wide. The analyses presented in this paper

    are just related to the current installations which are studied. The

    economic analysis presented in this section is used as the basis

    for cost calculations in all the policy scenarios discussed in

    Section 3.3.

    3.3. Policy analysis

    Using the results of energy CSCs developed for the Thai cement

    industry, we conducted a policy analysis by developing several

    energy policy scenarios. We assumed that the policies will be in

    effect by the end of 2010 and that until then there will not be a

    significant structural change in the Thai cement industry. All the

    policy scenarios are in the framework of short-term voluntary

    agreements (VA). Voluntary agreements are essentially a con-tract between the government and industry, or negotiated targets

    with commitments and time schedules on the part of all

    participating parties (Price, 2005). The duration for the envi-

    sioned VA program is between 2011 and 2015. We, thus, assumed

    that the implementation of energy-efficiency measures under

    various VA scenarios will happen during this 5-year period. We

    also assumed the constant cement production during 20112015.

    To calculate the LCC of energy-efficiency measures implemented

    in VA programs, we set the scenario period equal to 15 years after

    2015. Hence, we calculated the energy savings and LCCs from 2016

    to 2030. For simplification, we assumed the end of the VA

    programs, i.e. year 2015 as the base year for calculation of the

    costs and savings of the programs. However, it should be noted

    that the lifetimes of some energy-efficiency measures is morethan 15 years; thus, more energy saving is achievable by those

    measures beyond the scenario period. Business-as-usual scenario

    and four other scenarios based on the four different portfolios of

    energy-efficiency policies are developed. Each scenario is dis-

    cussed in more detail below. The costs are in constant 2008

    US dollars; thus, the real discount rate and the real annual

    escalation rates for electricity and fuel prices are used. Finally, we

    assumed that administrative costs of energy-efficiency programs

    included in the voluntary agreements are negligible.

    3.3.1. Business-as-usual scenario

    In the business-as-usual (BAU) scenario, we assumed that

    there will be no energy-efficiency policy intervention during

    20112015. The real discount rate of 30% is used in BAU scenario.Furthermore, we assumed that just 25% of energy-efficiency

    measures with positive PV of net cost saving over scenario period

    (Section 3.2, Eq. (9)) will be implemented during 20112015.

    However, it should be noted that the PV mentioned in the policy

    analysis section is actually the value at the start of policy scenario

    period, i.e. start of 2016 and not the value in 2008.

    3.3.2. Moderate VA program (completely voluntary)

    The Moderate VA program (MVA) consists of a portfolio of

    energy policies to support energy-efficiency improvement in Thai

    cement industry. The portfolio comprises several non-monetary

    policies as well as fiscal incentives. The non-monetary policies are

    information dissemination on energy-efficiency technologies for

    cement industry in different ways, e.g. technical newsletters, casestudies reports, web-based information, etc. Furthermore, it

    includes benchmarking data and tools. This MVA program also

    creates an energy working group which is the network between

    Thai cement companies under TCMA for the exchange of

    experiences in energy-efficiency improvement. The fiscal incen-

    tive in the MVA program is the 30% investment subsidy for the

    energy-efficiency measures which have negative PV of net cost

    saving over scenario period (Section 3.2, Eq. (9)). The participation

    in the moderate VA program is completely voluntary. Further-

    more, there are no consequences for not reaching the agreed

    target by participating companies.

    Since the participation in the program is completely voluntary

    and the supporting policies are relatively soft, some cement

    companies may not be interested in participating. Even if they do

    Table 2

    Nominal and real electricity and fuel price escalation rate for Thai cement industry.

    Electricity(%) Fuel(%)

    Nominal energy price escalation rate

    (E) (average of annual growth rate

    of energy price for cement industry

    between 1990 and 2008)

    2.3 3.9

    Real energy price escalation rate (e) 1.6 0.0


    This is the general inflation rate given by the Bank of Thailand.

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    participate, experiences in other countries show that the VA

    programs that are completely voluntary often do not meet their

    targets and even may not go beyond the business-as-usual

    scenario (Price, 2005; Chidiak, 2002). Hence, we assumed that

    just 30% of energy-efficiency measures with positive PV of net

    cost saving over the scenario period with or without subsidy will

    be implemented in the MVA program during 20112015 (without

    subsidy for cost-effective measures and with subsidy for non-

    cost-effective measures, which will have positive net cost savingafter taking into account 30% investment subsidy). This is 5% more

    than the BAU scenario. However, in the MVA scenario, we also

    assumed that we can still get the participation of Thai cement

    producers, as there are four main cement producers which

    account for about 95% of cement production capacity in Thailand.

    Thus, we assumed government can get their participation, yet as

    mentioned above the companies may not act much beyond their

    BAU. The real discount rate is assumed to be 30% in MVA program.

    This shows that, in MVA scenario, companies still have some

    uncertainty and non-monetary obstacles and may not have

    enough motivation to act aggressively towards energy-efficiency


    3.3.3. Advanced VA program (without CO2 tax)

    The Advanced VA program without CO2 tax (AVAW/O) consists

    of a portfolio of energy policies, which is to some extent the same

    as the MVA program. However, there are some major differences.

    The most important difference is that AVAW/O is a virtually

    mandatory program. That is, although the program is called

    voluntary agreement, the Thai government would take some

    actions that make it inevitable for cement companies to

    participate. In other words, there will be some serious con-

    sequences for non-participants. Thus, companies prefer to join the

    program, and while benefiting from the supportive policies, they

    commit to improve energy efficiency to a certain extent as agreed

    upon between them and the government and take the actions

    defined in the agreement. There are several ways that government

    can actually force cement companies to participate in AVAW/O

    program such as: implying the threat of future tighter energy and

    environmental regulations, offering relief or exemption from

    additional regulation, or setting penalties for non-compliance

    with the regulation (Price, 2005). The fiscal incentive is also

    included in AVAW/O program and is same as the one offered in

    the MVA program.

    As a result of the virtual mandate for participation in the

    program and taking action towards energy-efficiency improve-

    ment as well as supportive policies to remove barriers to energy

    efficiency, we assumed a discount rate of 15% in AVAW/O

    program. The discount rate of 15% for economic analysis under

    this program can also be set by the government. Therefore, the

    CCE of measures with 15% discount rates will decrease to about

    half of those with 30% discount rates. In the advanced VAprogram, companies should take more aggressive actions toward

    energy efficiency. Thus, we assumed that 50% of energy-efficiency

    measures with positive PV of net cost saving over the scenario

    period (after taking into account the subsidy as explained above)

    will be implemented in AVAW/O programs during 20112015. The

    experiences of virtually mandatory VA programs in other

    countries also showed that companies take more serious action

    and larger steps toward energy efficiency than that of in BAU or

    completely VA programs (Togeby et al., 1998; Price, 2005). In The

    Netherlands the Long-Term Agreements, which are an example of

    an AVAW/O program, participating companies achieved an

    energy-efficiency improvement of 22.3% between 1989 and

    2000, exceeding the 20% goal set for the program (Reitbergen

    et al., 2002; Price, 2005).

    3.3.4. Advanced VA program (with CO2 tax)

    The Advanced VA program with CO2 tax (AVAW) is slightly

    different from the AVAW/O program mentioned above. The

    difference is that we introduced an energy-related CO2 tax for

    Thai cement companies in the AVAW program. It was outside of

    the scope of this study to find out the best value of the energy-

    related CO2 tax to be applied to Thai cement industry. Thus, we

    used the experiences in other countries with some modification to

    apply to Thailand. Specifically, we used the experience ofimplementing an energy-related CO2 tax applied to Danish

    Industry under a voluntary agreement program (Togeby et al.,

    1998; Price et al., 2005). In 1992, Denmark introduced a CO2 tax

    on both household and business energy consumption. They also

    introduced voluntary energy-efficiency agreements for industry.

    The industrial companies that participated in the agreement

    would benefit from substantial discount in their CO2 tax. The level

    of the CO2 tax in the Danish voluntary agreement was different

    depending on the size of the company and its CO2 emission. The

    1999 Danish CO2 tax set for heavy process industry in which the

    cement industry is included is h 3.4 per ton of CO2 without

    agreement and h 0.4 per ton of CO2 with agreement (Price et al.,


    However, since energy prices are different in Denmark

    compared to Thailand (OECD, 2007) and because the economic

    conditions of these two countries are different, we did not assume

    the exact same price for energy-related CO2 tax. The Danish

    government introduced the CO2 tax first in 1992 with much lower

    price. Thus, any CO2 tax that is to be introduced for Thai cement

    industry should start with lower prices than the current price of

    CO2 for the Danish industry. We assumed that the energy-related

    CO2 tax for Thai cement industry will be half of the price in the

    1999 Danish CO2 tax proposal. Therefore, the CO2 tax for the Thai

    cement industry under the AVAW program is THB 83.2 (h 1.73) per

    ton of CO2 without agreement and THB 9.8 (h 0.2) per ton of CO2with agreement. Since all the Thai cement companies will join the

    AVAW program because of the benefit from the CO2 tax cut, the

    THB 9.8 (h 0.2) per ton of CO2 is used as the price of CO2 tax for the

    calculation of revenue from CO2 taxation during the implementa-

    tion period of VA, i.e. 20112015. Furthermore, we assumed that

    50% of annual CO2 emission from the cement industry is energy-

    related emission and the other 50% is from calcinations in the

    cement production process (Hendriks et al., 2004). It should be

    noted that the price of CO2 tax (even for Danish industry) is far

    below the price of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) in the

    CDM projects. The price of CER used for the financial calculations

    of recent CDM projects in Thai cement industry was THB 600

    (UNFCCC, 2008a).

    The discount rate of 15% is used in the AVAW scenario. In

    addition in this case the investment subsidy is higher and is 50%

    which is paid from the revenue of energy-related CO2 tax that is

    introduced under the AVAW scenario for the energy-efficiency

    measures with negative PV of net cost saving over the scenarioperiod (20112015). Thus, one other difference between the

    Advanced VA program (without CO2 tax) and the Advanced VA

    program (with CO2 tax) is that in AVAW/O scenario, the 30%

    subsidy is provided from the government budget, whereas in the

    AVAW scenario the 50% investment subsidy is provided from

    the revenue from the energy-related CO2 tax. The rest of non-

    monetary policies, i.e. information dissemination, benchmarking

    data, etc. in the AVAW are same as those in the AVAW/O scenario.

    Because of the same reason mentioned above for AVAW/O,

    we assumed that 50% of energy-efficiency measures with positive

    PV of net cost saving over the scenario period with or without


    The exchange rate for THB/Euro in 2008=48.93 (BOT, 2008).

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    subsidy will be implemented in AVAW scenario during


    3.3.5. Technology-oriented VA program (TVA)

    The last policy scenario that we developed in this study is the

    Technology-oriented Voluntary Agreement program (TVA). This

    program is related to the implementation of low temperature

    waste heat recovery (WHR) for power generation technology

    using CDM program. We have chosen this technology for several

    reasons: (1) this technology is already commercialized and widely

    available from various companies in different countries with

    different specification and capital cost, (2) many cement compa-

    nies around the world have used this technology and many of

    them, especially in China and India, have used CDM for the

    implementation of this technology, and (3) this technology results

    in significant energy saving (about 25 kWh/ton cement). Even

    with the 30% discount rate, this measure is already cost effective if

    we take into account the revenue from selling the certified

    emission reductions (CERs) of the CDM project. Despite this, just

    three Thai cement plants have implemented this technology using

    CDM and some other are in the construction phase.

    We assumed that Thai government can establish the agree-

    ment with Thai cement producers to stimulate them to take

    aggressive action in implementation of low temperature waste

    heat recovery technology for power generation. Government can

    provide assistance to cement companies in the development of

    Project Design Document (PDD) of the CDM project. The

    government can also assist them in all other procedures of

    documentation, submission of PDD, communication, etc. In a

    more aggressive scenario, the Thai government can show the

    warning signs to the cement companies for the increased price of

    electricity if they do not participate in the program and takeaction. We assumed that all the Thai cement companies will

    participate in the TVA program, yet we exclude the cement plants

    which have already installed or are installing this technology from

    the potential application in our analysis. In this scenario, we use

    15% discount rate, as the government intervention for the

    implementation of this technology will remove many non-

    monetary barriers. For all other technologies we assumed a 30%

    discount rate in this policy scenario. There is no investment

    subsidy in the TVA program.

    We also assumed that 75% of the potential application of low

    temperature waste heat recovery (WHR) for power generation

    technology will be captured under TVA program. For the rest of

    technologies, since they do not benefit from the TVA program, we

    assumed just 25% of energy-efficiency measures with positive PV

    of net cost saving over the scenario period will be implemented

    during 20112015 (same as BAU scenario). For the price of carbon

    credits, we used US$ 18.2 per ton of CO2 (THB 6004 per ton of CO2)

    (UNFCCC, 2008a). For the revenue from selling the carbon credits,we multiplied the CO2 savings per year by the unit price of carbon

    credit and divided by two. The reason that we divided it by two is

    that the lifetime of low temperature waste heat recovery

    technology is 20 years while the sale of carbon credits is just 10

    years. Since the capital cost of the technology is annualized based

    on 20 years lifetime, we divided the revenue from selling the

    carbon credits by two so that it can be extended from 10 to 20

    years. We can then subtract this annual revenue from annualized

    capital cost in the CCE calculation. Table 3 shows the assumptions

    for each energy policy scenario.

    4. Results and discussions

    4.1. Energy-efficiency improvements opportunities in the Thai

    cement industry

    Based on the methodology explained and information in

    Table 1, we constructed an Electricity Conservation Supply Curve

    (ECSC) and a Fuel Conservation Supply Curve (FCSC) separately

    to capture the cost effective and total technical potential for

    electricity- and fuel-efficiency improvement in Thai cement

    industry. Furthermore, we calculated the CO2 emission reduction

    potential from Thai cement industry. Out of 47 energy-efficiency

    measures listed in Table 1, 38 measures were applicable to Thai

    cement plants, 28 of which are electricity saving measures that

    are included in ECSC and 10 of them are fuel saving measures that

    form the body of FCSC.

    4.1.1. Electricity conservation supply curve (ECSC)

    Twenty-eight energy-efficiency measures form the basis of the

    Electricity Conservation Supply Curve (ECSC). Table 4 shows the

    list of these 28 technologies. We can see from Fig. 1 and Table 4

    that 17 energy-efficiency measures fall under the electricity price

    line for cement industry in 2008 (US$ 69.7/MWh). Therefore, for

    these measures the CCE is less than the average electricity price.

    In other words, the cost of investing on these 17 energy-efficiency

    measures to save 1 MWh of electricity is less than purchasing

    1 MWh of electricity with the given price. This is the so-

    called cost effectiveness of an energy-efficiency measure. The

    Table 3

    Assumptions for sector-specific energy policy scenarios to improve energy efficiency in and reduce CO2 emissions from the Thai cement industry.

    Parameters Business-



    Moderate VA



    Advanced VA program

    (without CO2 tax)


    Advanced VA program (with CO2 tax)


    Technology-oriented VA

    program (TVA)

    Real discount rate 30% 30% 15% 15% 15% (for WHR technology)

    30% (for all other


    Adoption rate of measures withpositive PV of net cost saving

    25% 30% 50% 50% 75% (for WHR technology)25% (for all other


    Investment subsidy for measures

    with negative PV of net cost


    30% 30% 50%

    CO2 tax THB 83.2 per ton of CO2 (without

    agreement) THB 9.8 per ton of CO2 (with


    Participation Completely


    Virtually mandatory Virtually mandatory Virtually mandatory


    The exchange rate for THB/US$ in 2008=33.02 (BOT, 2008).

    A. Hasanbeigi et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 392405 399

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    cost-effective electricity-efficiency improvement potential for

    Thai cement industry in 2008 is equal to 265 GWh per year. Thisis about 8% of the cement industrys total electricity use in 2005.

    The total technical electricity saving potential is 1697GWh per

    year, which is about 51% of the cement industrys total electricity

    consumption in 2005 (Table 5).

    Measure number 18, low temperature waste heat recovery for

    power generation, has the highest electricity saving potential and

    is very close to being cost effective. It should be noted that this

    measure is implemented through CDM project in many plants,

    which provides extra revenue from the implementation by selling

    the CERs. In Section 3.3.5 of this paper we explained the

    methodology of including the revenue from carbon credits into

    the calculation of CCE of low temperature waste heat recovery for

    power generation technology. Following that methodology, the

    CCE is equal to 67.1 US$/MWh saved with the discount rate of 30%

    if we take into account the revenue from carbon credits obtained

    via CDM project. This CCE is lower than the 2008 electricity price(69.7 US$/MWh), thus making this technology cost effective.

    Table 5 summarizes the results for electricity savings and

    carbon dioxide emission reductions associated with the savings.

    The reason for the small contribution of electricity savings to

    reduction of total CO2 emission from the Thai cement industry

    is that the electricity consumption is not the major source of

    CO2 emission in cement plants. The major sources of CO2 emission

    are fuel consumption as well as calcination in the clinker making


    4.1.2. Fuel conservation supply curve (ECSC)

    Ten energy-efficiency measures construct the Fuel Conserva-

    tion Supply Curve (FCSC). Fig. 2 shows that 9 energy-efficiency

    Table 4

    Electricity efficiency measures which are ranked by their cost of conserved electricity (CCE) and their annual net cost saving and PV of net cost saving over the period of

    15 years

    No. Efficiency Measure Electricity



    CO2 emission


    (kton CO2/yr)

    Cost of Conserved

    Electricity (US$/

    MWh- saved)

    Annual net cost saving (with

    constant 2008 electricity

    price) (1000 US$)

    PV of the net cost saving over

    15 years with electricity price

    escalation (1000 US$)

    1 Preventative maintenance 13.3 29.0 1.3 913 2795

    2 Modification of inlet duct of grate cooler


    0.1 0.0 2.0 6 18

    3 Adjustable speed drive for kiln fan 5.9 3.0 11.5 341 1032

    4 Replacement of separator in coal mill

    circuit with an efficient grit separator

    2.5 1.3 12.9 142 430

    5 High efficiency fan for Primary Air fan

    along with inverter for speed control of

    the fan

    0.1 0.1 16.7 6 17

    6 Replacement of cement mill vent fan 0.1 0.1 21.2 6 18

    7 High efficiency motors 43.1 22.4 22.4 2035 6048

    8 Variable frequency drive (VFD) in raw

    mill vent fan

    4.0 2.1 23.2 187 555

    9 High efficiency fan for Raw Mill vent fan

    with inverter

    0.3 0.2 28.0 14 42

    10 Bucket elevator for raw meal transport

    from raw mill to homogenizing silos

    2.3 1.2 29.7 90 264

    11 Replacement of preheater fan with a

    high efficiency fan

    0.7 0.3 29.7 27 78

    12 Installation of vortex finder vanes on topstage cyclones for reduction in

    differential pressure

    17.8 9.3 33.6 644 1854

    13 Variable Frequency drives (VFD) in

    cooler fan of grate cooler

    3.1 1.6 33.7 110 317

    14 Adjustable speed drives 86.1 44.7 45.9 2046 5479

    15 Energy management & process control

    in finish grinding

    81.5 42.3 47.2 1832 4845

    16 Installation of VFD & replacement of

    coal mill Bag Dust Collectors fan

    3.3 1.7 51.6 59 146

    17 Optimization of the diameter of

    preheater s exit gas downcomer duct

    0.6 0.3 57.4 8 16

    18 Low temperature waste heat recovery

    for power generation

    646.0 335.1 71.8a 1375 15,764

    19 Bucket elevators for kiln feed 1.2 0.6 86.9 21 84

    20 Replacing a ball mill with vertical roller

    mill for finish grinding

    427.2 221.6 88.7 8137 34,390

    21 High pressure roller press as pre-grinding to ball mill for finish grinding

    224.7 116.5 94.2 5525 22,218

    22 Raw meal process control (Vertical mi ll) 22.0 11.4 95.2 562 ,144

    23 Efficient kiln drives 2.4 1.3 105.7 8 322

    24 Installation 3-fan system with a

    separate mill fan to take care of vertical

    roller mill operation

    2.2 1.1 127.6 128 450

    25 Hi gh-efficiency classifiers (for raw mill ) 4.8 2.5 207.1 666 2245

    26 High efficiency roller mill 44.8 23.2 258.9 8479 28,341

    27 Efficient transport system 3.0 1.5 459.0 1161 3836

    28 Raw meal blending 53.7 27.8 666.0 32,014 105,381

    a In calculation of CCE for the low temperature waste heat recovery system for power generation, the monetary value of CERs from a CDM project is not taken into

    account. If the value of CERs is taken into account, the CCE will be 67.1 US$/MWh-saved with the discount rate of 30%.

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    measures fall under the weighted average fuel price line forcement industry in 2008 (US$ 4.2/GJ). Therefore, for these

    measures the CCF is less than the weighted average fuel price.

    Table 6 shows the list of all fuel saving measures ranked by their


    The cost-effective fuel-efficiency improvement potential for

    the Thai cement industry in 2008 is equal to 17,214TJ per year

    which represents about 16% of the cement industrys total fuel use

    in 2005, whereas the total technical fuel saving potential is

    21,202TJ per year , about 19% of the cement industrys total fuel

    consumption in 2005 (Table 7). It should be noted that the energy

    saving of the product change measures (i.e. measures 1, 3, 5, and 7

    in Table 6), highly depends on the plant specific situation and the

    efficiency of current facilities. There are also preconditions for

    increasing the share of other types of cement in the production

    portfolio of the cement companies such as: supportive policy fromgovernment, the required regulations and standards, and the

    market and public acceptance.

    4.2. Economic analysis of energy-efficiency improvement potentials

    Based of the methodology explained in Section 3.2 of this

    paper, we calculated the annual net cost saving with a constant

    2008 energy price for each energy-efficiency measure that is

    applicable to Thai cement industry and already plotted in CSCs in

    this paper. Furthermore, we have computed the present value (PV)

    of net cost saving over the period of 15 years taking into account

    the energy price escalation rate. The results are presented in

    Tables 4 and 6 for electricity-efficiency and fuel-efficiency

    Table 5

    Cost effective and technical potential for electricity saving and CO2 emission reduction in Thai cement industry for the base year 2008.

    Electricity saving potential (GWh/yr) Carbon dioxide emission reduction (ktCO2/yr)

    Cost effective Technical Cost effective Technical

    Base year: 2008 265 1697 159 902

    Share from total cement industry in 2005a(%) 8 51 0.8 4.4

    a Since the data for energy use in Thai cement industry in 2005 is more reliable than other recent years, we have chosen this year for the comparison.


















    d) Technical fuel saving

    potential: 21,202 TJ

    Weighted average fuel price for

    cement industry in 2008 (US$ 4.2/ GJ)

    1 2 435 6




    Cost effective fuel saving

    potential: 17,214 TJ

    3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 18,000 21,000

    Fuel saving potential (TJ)

    Fig. 2. Fuel conservation supply curve (FCSC) for Thai cement industry.

















    Energy saving potential (GWh)









    Electricity price line

    for cement industry in

    2008 (US$ 69.7/ MWh)


    6-13 1416-1715

    1819 20






    Cost effective

    electricity saving

    potential: 265 GWh

    Technical electricity

    saving potential:

    1,697 GWh

    300 600 900 1,200 1,500 1,800

    Fig. 1. Electricity conservation supply curve (ECSC) for Thai cement industry.

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    measures, separately. Negative net cost saving occurs for non-

    cost-effective measures. That is, the cost of the measure surpasses

    the energy cost saving. However, for some non-cost-effective

    measures, especially the ones which are closer to the energy price

    line in the CSC, although their annual net cost saving always will

    be negative, their PV of net cost saving over the scenario period

    could be positive if the energy price escalation is positive and its

    value is large enough.

    As can be seen from Table 4, for measures number 117, the PV

    of net cost saving over 15 years is positive. This is a significant

    amount of money which can be considered as revenue from

    investing in each specific energy-efficiency measure if all the cost-

    effective potential is captured. However, in reality because of the

    existence of various barriers, it is not possible to capture all the

    cost-effective potential. This is further discussed in the policy

    analysis section of this paper. From an economics point of view,

    when the PV of a cash-flow in costbenefit analysis is positive,

    the investment adds value to the company. If it is negative,the investment subtracts value from the company. If the PV is

    zero, the investment neither adds nor subtracts value from the

    company. In a very simplified analysis, we can assume that

    the energy-efficiency measures with positive PV of net cost saving

    over the period of 15 years could eventually be implemented

    by cement plants and do not need fiscal incentive from

    government, as they already add value to the companies over

    the scenario period. However, the energy-efficiency measures

    with negative PV of net cost saving over the period of 15 years

    (non-cost-effective measures) need the fiscal incentive to be

    realized. For the case of fuel-efficiency measures, all the

    technologies except technology number 10, upgrading the

    preheater from 5 stages to 6 stages, will result to positive PV of

    net cost saving over 15 years (Table 6).

    4.3. Policy implications for energy-efficiency improvements in Thai

    cement industry

    The results for different policy scenarios are presented in

    Tables 8 and 9. Table 8 shows the total energy saving and

    CO2 emission reduction as well as the total PV of net cost saving

    over the scenario period (20162030) obtained from the

    implementation of energy-efficiency measures in different

    scenarios during the implementation period of policy scenarios,

    i.e. 20112015. Table 9 shows the annual energy savings and CO2emission reductions resulted for 2008 CSC and the ones obtained

    at the end of implementation period (20112015) in various

    scenarios. The comparison with the values in 2010 is also

    presented. This is to show the magnitude of the energy-

    efficiency improvement and CO2 emission reduction resulting

    from the implementations in different policy scenarios. The

    comparison with 2010 as the base year (the year before the start

    of the implementation period) can also be used to assess theeffectiveness of different scenarios. To forecast the primary energy

    use in 2010, we assumed a 5% reduction in primary energy

    intensity of Thai cement industry in 2010 compared to 2005.

    Moreover, because of the current economic slowdown, it is less

    likely that cement production will increase in the next few years5;

    thus, the cement production in 2010 assumed to be 29 million


    4.3.1. Results of business-as-usual scenario

    Table 8 shows that 993 GWh and 64,553 TJ will be saved during

    20162030 as the result of implementing electricity and

    Table 6

    Fuel efficiency measures which are ranked by their cost of conserved fuel (CCF) and their annual net cost saving and PV of net cost saving over the period of 15 years.

    No. Efficiency Measure Fuel



    CO2 emission

    reduction (kton


    Cost of

    Conserved Fuel

    (US$/GJ saved)

    Annual net cost saving (with

    constant 2008 electricity price)

    (1000 US$)

    PV of the net cost saving over 15

    years with fuel price escalation

    (1000 US$)

    1 Blended cement 5850 909a 0.08b 24,046 78,767

    2 Preventative maintenance 222 29 0.08 914 2992

    3 Portland limestone cement 933 168a 0.17b 3747 12,189

    4 Kiln shell heat loss reduction 5494 545 0.29 21,403 69,9985 Use of waste-derived fuels 1300 129 0.55 4723 15,430

    6 Optimize heat recovery/upgrade

    clinker cooler

    383 34 0.69b 1339 4556

    7 Use of steel slag in kiln (CemStar) 412 155a 0.78 1401 4572

    8 Energy management and process

    control systems in clinker making


    2241 222 1.53 5945 19,478

    9 Modification of clinker cooler (use

    of mechanical flow regulator)

    378 37 1.76 917 3005

    10 Upgrading the preheater from 5

    stages to 6 stages

    3988 374 7.83b 14,518 36,611

    a CO2 emission reduction from reduced energy use as well as reduced calcination in clinker making process.b For this measure, since we have both electricity and fuel savings, we used the primary energy saving to calculate CCF. However, since the share of fuel saving is more

    than that of electricity saving, we have put this measure between fuel saving measures. Just for preventative maintenance we present it separately in ECSC and FCSC, as both

    the electricity and fuel saving of this measure were in the same range.

    Table 7

    Cost effective and technical potential for fuel saving and CO2 emission reduction in Thai cement industry for the base year 2008.

    Fuel saving potential (TJ/yr) Carbon dioxide emission reduction (ktCO2/yr)

    Cost effective Technical Cost effective Technical

    Base year: 2008 17,214 21,202 2229 2603

    Share from total cement industry in 2005 (%)a 16 19 11 13

    a Since the data for energy use in Thai cement industry in 2005 is more reliable than other recent years, we have chosen this year for the comparison.


    TCMA, January 2009, personal communication.

    A. Hasanbeigi et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 392405402

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    Table 8

    Energy saving, CO2 emission reduction and the PV of net cost saving over scenario period (20162030) obtained from the implementation of energy efficiency measures

    during 20112015 in various scenarios.

    Total fiscal

    incentive paid


    Cumulative energy

    saving over scenario


    Cumulative CO2 emission

    reduction over scenario period

    (kton CO2)

    Efficiency of the fiscal

    incentive paid (US$/MWh


    Total PV of net cost saving

    captured over scenario period

    (Million US$)

    BAU scenario



    0.00 993GWh 598 5.99

    Fuel efficiency


    0.00 64,553TJ 8360 52.65

    MVA scenario




    25.18 6026 (GWh) 3225 5.21 17.29

    Fuel efficiency


    0.00 77,463 (TJ) 10,032 63.18

    AVAW/O scenario




    0.14 11,929 (GWh) 6353 8.34 101.3

    Fuel efficiency


    0.00 159,012 (TJ) 19,523 201.6

    AVAW scenarioElectricity



    1.05 11,965 (GWh) 6372 19.85 101.5

    Fuel efficiency


    0.00 159,012 (TJ) 19,523 201.6

    TVA scenario




    0.00 10,683 (GWh) 5624 99.37

    Fuel efficiency


    0.00 64,553 (TJ) 8360 52.65

    Table 9

    The annual energy savings and CO2 emission reductions resulted for 20 08 CSC and the ones obtained at the end of implementation period (20112015 ) in various scenarios.



    Share from energy use in Thai cement

    industry in 2010 (%)

    CO2 emission Reduction

    (kton CO2)

    Share from total CO2 emission of Thai cement

    industry in 2010 (%)

    2008 CSC results

    Cost-effective electricity saving


    265GWh 8 159 0.8

    Cost-effective fuel savings


    17,214TJ 16 2229 11

    Cost-effective primary energy

    savings potential

    20,270TJ 14 2389 12

    BAU scenario

    Annual electricity savings 66GWh 2.5 40 0.2

    Annual fuel savings 4304TJ 4.9 557 3.1

    Annual primary energy savings 5067TJ 4.3 597 3.3

    MVA scenarioAnnual electricity savings 402GWh 15.2 215 1.2

    Annual fuel savings 5164TJ 5.9 669 3.7

    Annual primary energy savings 9800TJ 8.3 884 4.9

    AVAW/O scenario

    Annual electricity savings 7 95GWh 30 424 2.3

    Annual fuel savings 10,601TJ 12.2 1302 7.2

    Annual primary energy savings 19,777TJ 16.8 1725 9.6

    AVAW scenario

    Annual electricity savings 798GWh 30.1 425 2.4

    Annual fuel savings 10,601TJ 12.2 1302 7.2

    Annual primary energy savings 19,805TJ 16.9 1726 9.6

    TVA scenario

    Annual electricity savings 712GWh 26.9 375 2.1

    Annual fuel savings 4304TJ 4.9 557 3.1

    Annual primary energy savings 12,521TJ 10.7 932 5.2

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    fuel-efficiency measures in the period 20112015 in BAU scenario.

    If we assume the same cement production level at the start and

    end of implementation period, Table 9 shows the energy-

    efficiency improvement equal to 4.3% as the result of measures

    implemented in BAU scenario during 20112015. This is roughly

    0.9% per year efficiency improvement during the 5-year imple-

    mentation period. It should be noted that at the end of

    implementation period, 2015, we get 4.3% annual primary energy

    saving compared to 2010. This has happened during 5 yearsperiod. Thus we divide 4.3% by 5 and we get 0.9% energy saving

    per year during policy implementation period. However, when we

    are in 2015 we have accumulated energy-efficiency improvement

    equal to 4.3% annually compared to 2010. The same analysis is

    applicable for the results of other policy scenarios presented


    4.3.2. Results of moderate VA scenario

    Around US$25.18 million is paid as the 30% investment subsidy

    in the MVA scenario. The fiscal incentive paid for the fuel-

    efficiency measures is equal to zero. The reason is that even a 30%

    investment subsidy cannot make the PV of net cost saving over

    the scenario period of any non-cost-effective fuel saving positive.

    Thus, the subsidy is not applicable to this situation. The efficiencyof funds used for the 30% investment subsidy for electricity saving

    measures is equal to 5.21 US$/MWh saved. This is far below the

    unit price of electricity for Thai cement industry in 2008 (69.7

    US$/MWh). About 8.3% energy-efficiency improvements as the

    result of implementation of the short-term MVA program is

    obtained compared to 2010.

    4.3.3. Results of advanced VA (without CO2 tax) scenario

    As can be seen from Table 8, both electricity and fuel saving

    achieved in the AVAW/O scenario are significantly higher than the

    MVA scenario. This is mostly because of the lower discount rate

    we used in this scenario (15%) and the higher adoption rate for

    energy-efficiency measures. A small amount of fund (US$ 0.14

    million) is used in the 30% investment subsidy program in theAVAW/O scenario for electricity saving measures. The reason is

    that all the other non-cost-effective measures under this scenario

    will have negative PV of net cost saving over the scenario period

    even after taking into account the 30% subsidy; thus, they are not

    qualified to use the subsidy. All the fuel-efficiency measures will

    be cost effective in AVAW/O scenario because of using 15%

    discount rate. Therefore, the investment subsidy is not applicable

    to fuel-efficiency measure in this scenario.

    Because of the more aggressive actions taken in the AVAW/O

    scenario, the energy-efficiency improvement of this portfolio of

    policies is higher than that of the BAU and MVA scenarios. The

    annual primary energy saving at the end of the implementation

    period is 16.8%. The annual CO2 emission reduction is 9.6% at the

    end of 2015 compared to 2010 (Table 9).

    4.3.4. Results of advanced VA (with CO2 tax) scenario

    The total amount of revenue from energy-related CO2 tax

    collected in the 5-year period (2011-2015) in this policy scenario

    is about US$13.84 million. However, as can be seen in Table 8, just

    US$ 1.05 million is used to pay the 50% investment subsidy for

    electricity-efficiency measures. The reason is that for the rest of

    the non-cost-effective electricity measures, even after a 50%

    investment subsidy, their PV of net cost saving over the scenario

    period (20162030) will still be negative. Therefore, they are not

    qualified to use the subsidy. Nonetheless, since government will

    have more than US$12 million left after giving the US$1.05

    subsidy, they may want to increase the percentage of subsidy, so

    that some other energy-efficiency measures might become

    qualified to use the higher subsidy. All of the fuel-efficiency

    measures are already cost effective with the 15% discount rate

    used; thus, 50% subsidy is not applicable to them. One of the main

    advantages of AVAW compared to AVAW/O scenario is that in

    the AVAW scenario the Thai government is using the revenue of

    CO2 tax in paying even a higher rate investment subsidy without

    using its own financial resources, whereas in AVAW/O scenario,

    Thai government should pay 30% subsidy from its own budget.

    The energy-efficiency improvement and CO2 emission reductionobtained by the AVAW is almost same as the ones obtained by

    AVAW/O scenario (Table 9).

    4.3.5. Results of technology-oriented VA scenario

    As shown in Table 8, the electricity saving over the scenario

    period is 10,683 GWh, which is about 10 times higher than that of

    the BAU scenario. This is just the result of aggressive action

    toward implementation of low temperature waste heat recovery

    power generation technology. As we explained in the methodol-

    ogy section, for the rest of the technologies we had the same

    assumptions as we had for BAU scenario. The data for fuel-

    efficiency measures are same as the ones in the BAU scenario, as

    there is no change in the discount rate and the adoption rate forthese technologies. The annual primary energy saving achieved at

    the end of the implementation period is 10.7%, which is slightly

    higher than 2% improvement per year during the implementation

    period (Table 9).

    5. Conclusion

    We conducted an economic and policy analysis based on the

    use of bottom-up Energy Conservation Supply Curves constructed

    in this study for the Thai cement industry. Using the bottom-up

    electricity conservation supply curve model, the cost-effective

    electricity-efficiency potential for Thai cement industry in 2008 is

    estimated to be about 265 GWh, accounting for 8% of the total

    electricity use in the cement industry in 2005. The total technical

    electricity saving potential is 1697GWh accounting for 51% of

    total electricity use in the cement industry in 2005. The fuel

    conservation supply curve model shows the cost-effective fuel-

    efficiency potential of 17,214 TJ and total technical fuel-efficiency

    potential equal to 21,202TJ accounting for 16% and 19% of total

    fuel used in the cement industry in 2005, respectively.

    In the economic analysis, we showed how CSCs can be used to

    calculate the annual net cost saving with the constant 2008

    energy price for each energy-efficiency measure and the present

    value (PV) of net cost saving over a period of time taking into

    account the energy price escalation rate. The later is especially

    useful for policy scenario analysis which is also presented in this

    paper. Four cement sector-specific energy policy scenarios withthe framework of voluntary agreements were developed in order

    to assess the relative effectiveness of the policy portfolios in

    improving energy efficiency in the Thai cement industry.

    The results from policy analysis show that the most effective

    and efficient policy scenario is the introduction of an energy-

    related CO2 tax for the cement industry under a voluntary

    agreement program. This results in significant energy saving,

    while the fiscal incentive paid can be compensated by the revenue

    from the CO2 tax. The TVA scenario also shows that technology-

    oriented VA programs for some important technologies can result

    in significant energy saving. To maximize the savings in AVAW

    program, Thai government can allocate a special subsidy for the

    low temperature waste heat recovery for power generation

    technology by the revenue earned from energy-related CO2 tax.

    A. Hasanbeigi et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 392405404

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    Authors are grateful to management and engineers in the

    cement companies that participated in this study and provided us

    the required information and data. We also would like to thank

    Ms. Somthida Piyapana, the director of Thai Cement Manufactur-

    ing Association for her kind assistance. We are grateful to Prof.

    Dr. Surapong Chirarattananon and Dr. Peter du Pont for their

    comments on this study. Finally, we would like to thank Ms. LynnPrice from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for her valuable

    comments and input on this study.


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