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Page 1: Inew newsletter no. 3 – july 2015

RIET Newsletter No. 3 – July 2015www.riet-edu.org(+54 11) 53 54 66 [email protected] 340 (C1095AAH) CABA - Argentina

During May, Morocco was the last country visited by INEW authorities: Victor Santa María, president and Gustavo Álvarez, executive director. The destinations visited were Rabat, the capital city and Casablanca. There they visited institutions that are relevant for the development of the communities:

West-East Foundation [Fundación Oriente-Occi-dente]: it supports the most socially disadvantaged population by o�ering learning and recreational activities.

Professional Training Department of the Ministry of Education [Depar-tamento de Formación Profesional del Ministerio de Educación]: the Moroccan Government continues to work on changing the educational system, with the aim of reaching higher quality standards and strengthe-ning the development of human capital.

Economic, Social and Environmental Council [Consejo Económico, Social y Medioambiental (CESE)]: it is its priority to maintain the quality of advisory works within its sphere of in�uence, and to put emphasis on making e�ective contributions to human and sustainable development.

Vocational Training and Employment Promotion O�ce [O�cina de Formación Profesional y de Promoción del Trabajo (OFPPT)]: it covers the needs of companies and supports them towards successful performan-ce.

ISTA NTIC 2 Vocational Training Center [Centro de Formación Profesional ISTA NTIC 2]: it o�ers IT-related knowledge.

National Agency for the Promotion of Employment and Skills [Agencia Nacional de Promoción del Empleo y las Competen-cias (ANAPEC)]: it supports employers in handling hire-related issues and those who are looking for a job.

Complexe Batiment: it is a vocational training center linked to the construction and agribusiness industries.

Specialized Institute of Aeronautics and Airport Logistics [Instituto Especializado de Aeronáutica y Logística Aeroportuaria (ISMALA)]: it was created by the OFPPT’s O�ce and is equipped with a 3D �ight simulator, 4 medium and large capacity reactors, and a KING AIR 200 airplane.

Discovering the worlds of education and work in Morocco

Álvarez and Nizar Baraka, President of the Econo-mic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE).

Gustavo at the Specialized Institute of Aeronautics and Airport Logistics (ISMALA), created by the OFPPT’s O�ce.

ISMALA’s students during their practices with an aviation turbine.

Rachid Badouli from the West-East Founda-tion talked with INEW Executive Director.

Santa María and El Miloudi el Moukharik, Secretary General of the Moroccan

Workers’ Union (UMT).

Page 2: Inew newsletter no. 3 – july 2015

RIET Newsletter No. 3 – July 2015www.riet-edu.org(+54 11) 53 54 66 [email protected] 340 (C1095AAH) CABA - Argentina

INEW in ChileWe continue spreading INEW proposals at the international level, and learning about the best practices in terms of education and work. In this opportunity, Victor Santa Maria and Gustavo Alvarez visited Santiago de Chile.

During April 14 and 15, fruitful exchanges took place. The institutions visited and the topics addressed were mixed:

• International Field: Ministry of Labor and Social Securi-ty: deals with the development of a labor relations system favoring cooperation among workers, businessmen and social organizations.

• SENCE (Chilean Work and Training Service) [Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo]: educational guidelines aimed at improving employment opportunities for workers, the unemployed and economically inactive individuals.

• “Diálogo Social” Program, Ministry of Labor and Social Security: negotiation stages destined to higher �exibility and produc-tivity for employers; equity and participation for workers, and social peace for the State.

• Labor Relations Center, Alberto Hurtado University [Centro de Relaciones Laborales, Universidad Alberto Hurtado]: strategies aimed at fostering: cooperative and sustainable labor relations, analysis and drafting of public policies to improve the

quality of work and social security.

• Department of Education and Training, Central Unitaria de Trabajadores [Chilean Workers’ Trade Union O�ce], and Chile Valora. [Chilean Labor Skills Certi�cation O�ce]: labor skills certi�cation and conti-nuous training.

• INACAP (Technological University of Chile, Professio-nal Institute and Technical Training Center) [Universi-dad Tecnológica de Chile, Instituto Profesional y Centro de Formación Técnica]: the education model and the role of the Higher Education Integrated System.

• ULA (University of Los Lagos): tools to �ght against educational and social inequality, o�ering quality and a�ordable training courses.

Gustavo Álvarez and Víctor Santa María from INEW visiting the “Diálogo Social” Unit with its representatives: Nicolás Farfán, María

Consuelo Ruiz-Tagle and Víctor Ulloa.

INEW members with Etiel Moraga, responsible o�cer at the Department of Education and Training, Chilean Workers’ Trade Union O�ce.

The INEW expands with the implementa-tion of Local Coordination O�ces

The INEW implemented a new strategy to expand its zones of in�uence and generate deep changes through Local Coordi-nation O�ces.

Each Coordination O�ce represents the International Network of Education for Work at local and regional level, managing its Institutional Relations by means of Cooperation Agreements entered into with domestic or regional institu-tions where an INEW o�ce is located and drafting Technical Reports.

The INEW in Colombia

The INEW o�ce in the City of Bogotá, Colombia is opened since February. Mariana Córdoba is responsible for the institution. She is a lawyer specialized in International Law, Human Rights, Public Policies and Education for Work. In addition, she has an extensive experience in the development and management of socio-educational programs.

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