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  • 7/26/2019 Infantry Heavy Machineguns




    , fl , -


    , 14,5-

    . fl

    14,5114, flfl -

    fl .fl -



    fl fl -

    . - -

    -1, -2 -4.


    -50, -60,

    -70 -80, -

    . -


    14,5- . - ,


    . -

    fl -


    , fl .


    , -


    fl -

    fl . - , -

    , , -


    .. ..-

    . -

    Amost powerful heavy machinegun, devel-

    oped as far back as in World War II butwidely spread much later, was the Soviet

    14.5-mm Vladimirov machinegun. It was cham-

    bered for the 14.5x114 round that had previous-

    ly been used by PTRD and PTRS antitank rifles.

    The HMG was used to derive a number of

    various mounts. It used to fit Soviet postwarheavy tanks as a coaxial and anti-aircraft HMG.

    Single-, twin- and quad-barrelled ZPU-1, ZPU-2

    and ZPU-4 antiaircraft machineguns were

    developed, too. The HMG was also emplaced

    on river boats and APCs, e.g. the BTR-50,


    fl , fl


    fl .

    fl, fl


    fl .

    Despite the expediency and effec-

    tiveness of employing heavy

    machineguns having been proven

    repeatedly by many a war, their

    development and production have

    been mastered by only several

    countries. The reason is not the

    ability (or lack of it) of the industry

    of even the developed countries to

    develop and make rather sophisti-cated weaponry, but the realisa-

    tion of the weaponry's role in pre-

    sent-day wars and armed conflicts

    as well.


    (, .

    3, 2007 .)

    (continued fromin Army and Navy Review,Issue 3, 2007)

    Victor Korablin,Professor,

    Academy of Mil itary Sciences

  • 7/26/2019 Infantry Heavy Machineguns


  • 7/26/2019 Infantry Heavy Machineguns



    .. . -

    fl -


    . -

    fl -

    43 .

    -12,7( )

    . fl -

    fl -

    fl 66. fl -

    610 611. fl fl -

    fl --

    fl fl -.



    . - , fl -

    . -

    fl . - .


    . , fl



    (-12,7) (-12,7).


    - -1 (-1). -


    - 152-1.

    fl -

    . -

    - , ,


    197090- - 2




    , 2 -

    . 1970- , -

    2 H/QCB (Quick

    Change Barrel) .


    , -

    -fl 10 . -

    fl -



    - ,

    . -

    Dover Devil, -

    , -


    . , fl , - , -




    1980- fl FN 15- -


    15110. - -

    fl .


    - ,

    12,799, -


    /. fl fl -


    fl fl fl --



    12,7- -



    , .

    fl fl,


    , -





    (Russian acronym for immediate action, incen-

    diary), BS (Russian acronym for sintered metal

    alloy core) has penetrating capability twice

    as that of the B-32 bullet).At the same time, the armies of the United

    States, its allies and a number of other coun-

    tries in the postwar period remained equipped

    with the Browning M2 HB with virtually no

    changes despite all the drawbacks of the com-plicated design of the weapon, the need tohave it carefully and precisely regulated, and

    necessity to maintain it regularly. In addition,

    replacement of the quickly overheating barrel

    required a lot of time, which considerably

    decreased the weapon's effective rate of fire.

    In addition to the United States, the productionof the Browning was launched by other coun-

    tries as well. The development of a new HMG

    was postponed because of high costs, despite

    the expediency of the matter.

    In the postwar period and up to the 1970s,

    only two heavy machineguns were further

    developed considerably throughout the worldin accordance with belonging to NATO or the

    Warsaw Pact Organisation). They were the

    Soviet DShKM and the US M2 HB.

    In spite of all the advantages of the DShKM,

    the Soviet Union considered it necessary todevelop a new heavy machinegun with lower

    weight, which was to make it convenient for

    infantry units to operate. The efforts to develop

    the new weapon began in 1969. The new HMG

    was developed by Tula-based designers G.I.

    Nikitin, Y.I. Sokolov and V.I. Volkov.In 1972, the machinegun passed all the tests

    and entered inventory, dubbed 'the 12.7-mm

    NSV Utyos heavy machinegun (NSV stood forNikitin-Sokolov-Volkov). The weapon's body

    weighed only 25 kg. The infantry version, the

    NSVS (S stood for 'stankovy' - Russian for'mounted'), was set on the 6T7 tripod mount

    designed by L.V. Stepanov and K.A. Baryshev.

    The mount allowed the machinegun to fire only

    on ground targets, but it was six times lighter

    than the versatile mount. As a result, the total

    weight of the HMG on the mount decreased to43 kg. In addition to the tripod-mounted

    machinegun, there was a tank version desig-

    nated as NSVT (T stood for 'tankovy' Russian

    for 'tank-mounted') fitted on the tank antiair-

    craft mounting. The 6U6 versatile antiaircraft

    machinegun was developed for the AirborneForce. The 6U10 and 6U11 mounts were

    designed for emplacing machineguns in pillbox

    embrasures. The Utyos-M naval turreted

    machinegun was developed to fit river vessels.

    The 12.7-mm NSV is a gas-operated weapon.

    The locking of the barrel is wedge-type with ahorizontally sliding bolt. The feeding is from a

    metallic belt. The HMG has a dual feed. The fir-

    ing mechanism is hammerless and uses the bolt

    carrier's energy. The trigger mechanism with

    the rear sear allows automatic fire only. Fire

    control is performed through manual firing incase with the 12.7-mm NSVS or by means of the

    electric trigger in case with the 12.7-mm NSVT.

    The machinegun has a quick-detachable barrel.

    The machinegun set includes the SPP-1

    (SPP-1M) day telescopic sight. If necessary,

    12,7- - -

    A 12.7-mm DShKMmachinegun made byan Iranian arms factory

    12,7- M2 HB ,

    The 12.7-mm M2 HB is not bada weapon but lacks the reliability of its Russian rivals

  • 7/26/2019 Infantry Heavy Machineguns


  • 7/26/2019 Infantry Heavy Machineguns



    , -

    . - fl -

    fl -

    fl .

    fl fl -


    12,7 fl -

    - . fl

    , fl



    , fl - fl fl


    1998 -

    12,7- -fl . -

    fl -

    fl. -

    fl , -

    . ..fl ()

    fl fl

    fl, fl -

    - , fl-

    , , , ,

    , .

    fl fl 12,7- fl -


    The new HMG has a different locking sys-

    tem: the elevator with locking lugs was used

    instead of the NSV-12.7's wedge-type lock. It

    increased the machinegun's reliability duringintensive fire.

    Due to introducing a new muzzle brake and

    improving the gas-operation automatic parts,

    the rec oil ene rgy dec reased and the

    weapon's stability increased, which facilitat-ed the accuracy.

    The barrel's new design allowed very

    accurate intensive fire without its extra cool-

    ing. In addition, the HMG featured a stable

    rate of fire and accuracy throughout its use-

    ful operating life.

    Changing the barrel manufacture technologyand using new structural materials enabled the

    barrel's service life to grow up to 10,000 shots

    fired. Such durability of the barrel is commen-

    surable with the service life of all the parts of

    the machinegun, which enabled the HMG to do

    without a replacement barrel.

    The HMG's design provides high operatingreliability within the environment temperature

    from -500C to +500C, in conditions of high dust

    content, after submergence, without cleaning

    and oiling it for a long time, ice-covered and

    under other difficult operational conditions.The simplicity of the design makes the

    HMG's maintenance easy and enables the

    crew to provide minor discrepancy repair

    required during tactical employment, using

    spares parts and tools.

    The new HMG has the same external andlinkage dimensions and weight as the NSV-12.7.

    This allowed having it replaced in all in-service

    machinegun systems and combat vehicles.Design solutions used by the designers dur-

    ing the NSV-12.7's upgrade resulted in a con-

    siderable enhancement of the combat charac-teristics of the advanced Russian heavy

    machinegun and led to the development of a

    virtually new machinegun, in fact.

    Ananlysis of the latest combat operations

    has revealed the necessity of developing a

    common HMG that could be tacticallyemployed on special mounts fitting unarmored

    and armored vehicles, helicopters and river

    boats. Such a machinegun must be easily

    detachable and immediately employed by

    infantry as an LMG.

    High recoil energy of other Russian and foreign12.7-mm machineguns make the development of

    a HMG on a bipod rather complicated. As far as

    the new Russian machinegun is concerned, its

    small size and low weight, lower recoil energy

    and higher stability during firing have made devel-

    oping a HMG on a bipod feasible.In 1998, a new MG dubbed the 12.7-mm

    KORD entered the inventory. KORD is a Russian

    acronym for 'KOvrovskiye Oruzheiniki

    Degtyaryovtsy' (Kovrov gun makers

    Degtyaryov followers). That way the arms

    designers highlight that the Degtyaryov plantremains among the Russian leaders in design-

    ing and producing small arms, inheriting and

    continuing the work of arms designers

    Fyodorov, Degtyaryov, Vladimirov, Simonov,

    Goryunov, Shpagin, Voronkov and others.

    12,7- ,

    The 12.7-mm KORD can fire both from the mount and from the bipod

    , , fl ,

    , / ./. ,

    Browning 38 1651 930 450600 1500 12,7x990.50 M2 HBfl

    FN 0.50 36 1656 880 450550 1500 12,7x99M2 HB/QCBfl

    Manroy0.50 M2 38,5 1651 893 450500 1850 12,7x99HB QCBfl

    35,8 1588 860 575-600 1500 12,7x107-12,7 25 1560 820860 700-800 2000 12,710712,7 25 1577 820860 650750 2000 12,7x107


    Country P e r f o r m a n c e sMachinegun Weight, Length, Muzzle Rate of Aimed Round

    kg mm velocity, fire, fire usedm/s rd/min. range, m


    Browning 38 1,651 930 450600 1,500 12.7x990.50 M2 HBBelgium

    FN 0.50 36 1,656 880 450550 1,500 12.7x99M2 HB/QCBUK

    Manroy0.50 M2 38.5 1,651 893 450500 1,850 12.7x99

    HB QCBRussia

    DShKM 35.8 1,588 860 575600 1,500 12.7x107NSV-12,7 25 1,560 820860 700800 2,000 12.710712,7mm 25 1,577 820860 650750 2,000 12.7x107KORD

  • 7/26/2019 Infantry Heavy Machineguns



    649 (

    1625135215 ,

    27 ) flflfl

    fl -

    . fl

    fl -

    fl fl, fl -

    fl, fl


    - 650 (-

    1580135215 , 25 ) - fl -


    fl fl -



    ( 1625135215 , 27 ) fl fl

    , -


    650-1 ( 1980450500 , -

    , 32 ) - fl fl

    () .


    ( 1980810450 , -

    fl, 52 ) fl -

    fl - .

    - 650-3 (-

    19808101600 , -

    fl, 75 ). -

    650-2, -

    , fl - fl .





    12,7- . -fl , . --



    fl , , -

    , .

    fl -

    fl, ,

    fl fl

    . fl

    -. fl

    . -

    fl (31 ),

    fl , fl - fl


    fl fl.

    flfl ,

    50 . -

    , -fl fl -


    fl .


    12,7 -


    fl ,


    , fl -

    fl . ,

    fl -



    fl , fl - .

    At present, the following versions of the

    12.7-mm KORD are in production:

    The tank version 6P49 (1,625x135x215 mm,

    27 kg) is the baseline MG variant. It has anelectric trigger and is designed to fit armored

    vehicles to fight low-altitude aircraft, destroy

    thin-skinned and unarmored vehicles and

    weapon systems and kill bunched-up enemy

    manpower.The infantry version - 6P50 (1,580x135x215, 25

    kg) - is designed to fit medium mounts and to be

    employed for mechanised infantry fire support.

    The KORD with the left-side feed 6P51

    (1,625x135x215, 27 kg) is designed for use with

    the right-side feed machinegun in twin-gun

    attachments.The infantry LMG version 6P50-1

    (1,980x450x500 mm in the horizontal position,

    32 kg) serves as a general-purpose (versatile)


    The machinegun attachment version

    6P50-2 (1,980x810x450 mm, adjustable height,

    52 kg) is designed to fit stationary and mobilemilitary vehicles.

    The machinegun attachment version

    6P50-3 (1,980x810x1600 mm, adjustable height,

    75 kg) has the same purpose as the 6P50-2 has,

    additionally has a height-adjustable pedestalfor the shooter to assume different positions.

    Considering the fact that the 12.7x99 round is

    widespread on the world's ammunition market,

    the KORD chambered for the standard 12.7-mm

    NATO round has also been developed in

    Kovrov. It has a different barrel, chamber andfeeding mechanism. Its performance is similar

    to that of the standard KORD.

    The KORD with a bipod on a MG mount and apedestal can fit naval ships, boats, railway flat

    wagons and pickup and truck bodies.

    A machinegun on a bipod is easily detachableand can be used as a hand-held one by infantry

    for fire support in operations of all types. The

    weapon's design provides it with a wide horizon-

    tal field of fire. High accuracy is provided as well.

    Its rather low weight (31 kg) and quick reaction

    time enable the crew to displace easily and pro-vide fire support to attacking infantry while mov-

    ing along with them. The machinegun is fed from

    a portable 50-round magazine. The MG has an

    open-type iron sight and an attachment for an

    optical sight. Fitted with the optical sight and fir-

    ing in the single-shot mode, the machinegun canbe used as a large-calibre sniper weapon.

    The basic characteristics of up-to-date

    12.7-mm machineguns from the world's leading

    manufacturers are listed in the table. Analysis

    of machineguns' performances shows that the

    latest Russian designs are a match for their for-eign counterparts while gaining the lead over

    them in some respects. The KORD's high com-

    bat characteristics, original design solutions

    and high manufacturability highlight its superi-

    ority to the previous designs in the class, mak-

    ing it internationally competitive.

    4 2 0 0 7



    Many foreign experts were delightedto watch the KORD firing

    12,7- 616 - fl

    The 12.7-mm KORD on the 6U16gun mount and SP pintleis used on boatsand light craft

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