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“Infinity & Fractal Geometry” Dr. Joseph Luxum

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!"#$%&'(#!%")The purpose of this book is to show the shortfalls of human nature when it comes to new discover-ies. Any new discovery might tremendously benefit humanity in many areas of our lives if only the man-made obstacles were removed quickly enough in order to save lives and advance our progress on this planet. The delays we encounter have much to do with human pride and the almost animal-istic territorial show of defenses. That which might immediately help, for example, a cancer-stricken sufferer is not being considered at all, but what takes preeminence is rather one’s own ambitious pursuit and prestigious standing in the scientific community. Instead of being alert and vigilant, looking for things the Providence is sending our way, almost bombards us with each single day, in the name of vain pursuits many cast shadows on superior wisdom and logic. We seem to be caught up in vanities constantly celebrating success as if that’s all that really matters. Children are dying from leu-kemia; funds are being raised for the cures while those so-called scientists party. Meanwhile there comes someone with very simple ideas, but these ideas are just too simple… We must complicate things in order to derive more glory from the sophisticated crowd we love to surround ourselves with.

Science has discovered much, but not enough to break the stubborn pride of this physical life. Every time a physicist or mathematician comes up with a new idea, which is often elementary and too genius for some to really study or even get involved in, others quickly ridicule it thinking that they know better.

Mathematicians love smooth and straight curves they can work with; they hate to work with something that occurs naturally. There are those who love bustling, big cities while others love to spend time in the midst of lush nature.

The curves in space, or on our planet, are not straight at all. Since mathematics come from num-bers and numbers from measurements and measurements from space, light and objects floating in space, then we should seek more precise ways to measure the realm we inhabit.

The fact of life is such that to some secrets are given on an individual and very much a personal level, while others can only consider them, but as if from afar. It is quite difficult to change a mindset—of those that embraced one train of thought and almost got indoctrinated by that one string of facts—into a newer even a revolutionary approach. The problem lies in the clash between individuals and their personalities, and also the glory those individuals chase after. It is so difficult to soften the firm ground one stands on, just as it is too difficult for some to loosen up a shoelace be-cause of the type of shoes one is wearing or one hates to bend. Yet, there are many other types of shoes not requiring shoelaces, but bending is necessary when something better and wiser emerges.

Getting used to one train of thought or another and stubbornly defending it in the name of self and one’s pride only impedes human progress. As a result people must die in order to give way to a new thinker, but if that thinker becomes as stubborn as his predecessor than he must also die in or-der to make way for yet another thinker; and so on. But does it have to be so? In my humble opinion this is human folly.

As I watch this world I see that the Providence chooses an individual and sacrifices that individual for the rest, but those others too often refuse to see him or her as God’s gift or even a sacrifice for them. Again, the reasons are obvious: craving for glory and public praise is what severely impedes progress.

That’s just my fuming memo, but now let’s go into the subject.

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“Infinity & Fractal Geometry” Dr. Joseph Luxum

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The father of fractal geometry, Benoit Mandelbrot, had to finally write a book explaining his ideas in a more concise way.

No matter how much he had tried to share his genius discoveries with others even his close friends, which seemed child

like, he was being avoided and as if on purpose not understood.

The Polish-born French-American mathematician explored a new class of mathematical shapes known as “fractals.”

Benoit Mandelbrot was born on Nov. 20, 1924 to a Lithuanian Jewish family in Warsaw. In 1936 his family fled the Na-

zis, first to Paris and then to the south of France.

During those extremely hard times for all Jewish people, especially in Hitler’s first target—Eastern Europe many Jews

fled Poland and Ukraine. A Geneva, (Switzerland) born Rabbi David Feuerwerker helped Mandelbrot with his studies.

Mandelbrot coined the term ‘fractal’ in reference to mathematical shapes found in nature at a close observation. His

discoveries profoundly influenced science and mathematics and helped to create a basis for new discoveries and

continued research in those fields.

Later in life Mandelbrot became Sterling Professor Emeritus of Mathematical Sciences at Yale University and then

worked at IBM’s main research lab at Yorktown Heights, New York.

In 1982 Mandelbrot published “The Fractal Geometry of Nature,” quite an influential book that argued that irregular

mathematical objects once dismissed as “pathological” were a reflection of nature. He had become the father of fractal

geometry, which in time would help establish a new way of measuring very natural phenomena accepted as something

immeasurable. Fractal geometry not only helped to measure more precisely coastlines and even clouds, but also even

beyond any observable by the naked eye objects. His theory was readily applied to physics, biology and many other fields

turning out unprecedented results.

Mandelbrot had developed his theories completely on his own and in time battered many preconceived ideas.

Benoit Mandelbrot was awarded the Wolf Prize for Physics in 1993 and in 2003. Also he was awarded the Japan Prize

for Science and Technology. In 2006 the French knighted him and named an asteroid after him, 27500-Mandelbrot. He

died at 85 of pancreatic cancer.

38)9,21.)I may not be the only one voicing my frustrations with the scientific community, but in particular with ego-driven individuals. I understand that science is not a selfless dedication to humanity’s ad-vancement. Personal careers play major roles. Almost an addiction to fame, public esteem, high chairs and the pursuit of history’s immortalization seems to drastically slow down human progress. The overbearing self-identity and the giving into it leaves the rest of us at scientists’ mercy.

Find out why. Read “The Lost Glory Hunt.” Why must one become an old man and pass away in order for others to have a second look at

what the man had to say? Why not get involved in a deeper study of fractals while the man is still alive and still involved developing his ideas, which eventually landed in many departments of science, arts, popular trends and even the movie industry.

Our cell phone antennas are being designed according to fractal geometry. Computers are being fed with Mandelbrot’s brilliant ideas.

Through Mandelbrot fractal geometry we can detect an early stage development of cancerous cells. Healthy blood vessels are shaped like trees that branch out in uniform patterns while cancerous

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“Infinity & Fractal Geometry” Dr. Joseph Luxum

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cells appear chaotic. Thanks to Mandelbrot’s theory, now proven as absolute brilliance, we are able to spot irregular behaviors and shapes as being alien and not belonging to the original intelligent design.

!1.0662:01.)&0;2:1)It is possible that initially Mandelbrot’s fractals, which occur in nature smacked of Intelligent Design with the trailing behind it Creationism theories, which “true” science is not. Whatever the reasons have been for this much delayed interest in Mandelbrot’s discovery, fractals are with us and now let’s see them in a better light. The Big Bang theory postulates something similar to a nuclear explosion and we find legitimate grounds for such rationale because atoms are everywhere. Science examines only the tangible, observable, verifiable and harness-able and atoms are part of it. Enormous quanti-ties of crumbling A-bombs sit on our planet, which, as we have seen already, once they go off we see nothing intelligent neither a design of any kind but… As if to say, we got hold of God and harnessed His power and used it either to produce electricity or to obliterate ourselves; so we got hold of the primal elements of the original Big Bang. Can we switch the nuclear reaction off? I don’t think so. Once it is made it goes on infinitely. It must be either redirected or it must accomplish its mission, which in the present state of A-bombs -- they have been made for the purpose of destruction. No scientist thought of it before because the excited soul clouded the rational mind. As time is ticking away and corrosion creeps into all physical things we sit on our behinds celebrating our fame and name while the Almighty sends us humble vessels, which carry the repairing healing solutions to our insanity. But before their ideas are considered we stall and stall, running out of time.

No matter how we look at nature we can’t help but notice a consistent natural pattern. Whether it be in plants or trees of the rainforests we see almost mathematical patterns of fractal geometry, which keeps on pointing out directly to the source of its origin, which is infinity.

Fractals are endless. As an optometrist (if I might add, I also studied in Warsaw, Poland) I dis-covered something profound. In the early days of photography photographers used cameras that could only shoot upside down pictures. This was corrected only later through the use of corrective lenses, mirrors or a prism. Why objects appear upside down has to do with the light rays, which the lens catches and transports to the film.

NOTE: Leonardo da Vinci was the originator of the photography idea; he observed that all that is

needed to project an image is a very small hole through which light can pass. Actually da Vinci ob-served that when the hole was smaller the image seemed sharper. His basic prototype called “camera obscura” was known as early as the 17th Century, but the problem was not imaging, but the record-ing of that image. Subsequently the search for a light sensitive material led to a discovery, which happened in 1826. A Frenchman, Joseph Nicephore Niepce had discovered that silver chloride could be the right material to make bitumen sensitive to light. Based on this premise Niepce was able to form an image and the camera business had its head start then.

The top of the real picture goes into the lens and lands on the bottom, while the bottom of the

picture climbs up, turning the image upside down. The lens is the interpreter. A plus lens enlarges images while the minus lens shrinks them. Shortsighted people wear minus lenses and the long-sighted people use pluses.

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“Infinity & Fractal Geometry” Dr. Joseph Luxum

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The light on your face travels downward to the ground and the ray at your feet travels upward. Both rays travel infinitely into space, but they cross each other in the lens. That’s why I said that the lens is the interpreter.

That lens is man. We interpret life and the world around us, and beyond, but often upside down. Imagine your image beyond the lens, which is upside down. But also imagine the lens itself as the interpreter of anything physical, which converts the perception into something illusory, because the photograph is not the tangible real you, but a piece of paper with an imprint of something living. You then interpret that image on paper as your representation or frozen in time lifeless record. Let’s go further still. Let’s imagine that the lens is the gate to the spiritual world, which you would enter to with your head down and your feet up. Moreover, let’s imagine that at the very crossing a change occurs and your perceptions become no longer as those before the lens, but as those beyond the lens.

Now, imagine a bug under a microscope, which I have observed many times. When you magnify the view by 100 times and then by 1000 times with each magnification and greater light you will no-tice that on that creature’s legs there are other bugs and on their legs still other bugs. As you keep zooming you will observe bugs on bugs like flies on a lion’s nose. Life exists beyond the available to us interpreting instruments. Life is infinite crossing the sphere of physics on to the spiritual world, which life in fact is. The spirit of life is life itself, not hydrogen or oxygen, which are only chemical compounds and gases, but something that propels anything and everything in nature. Eventually we come to a point when we have actually run out of bigger magnifying lenses and can’t see any further. Wouldn’t it be unintelligent to deny the existence of bugs on bugs and more bugs still on much smaller bugs, bacteria on bacteria; a virus attached to another virus; and so on just because we can’t observe and study them? By then we have reached the beyond because behind that point something else exists, which can only be discovered with the like and compatible instrument, our spirit. We ac-tually do possess that facilitator or the perceiver, which is able to see beyond. If we only use our brain in observation of just the physical then our observations are limited to just the physical. Brain is a muscle able to process incoming images, which the eye grasps.

Without light our eyes are useless. Night vision goggles use backlight to distinguish contours. But if we use divine intellect, if you will, we then go beyond the brain and use the supernal mind, which is spiritual.

The Bible is a record of that lost ability. Mystics have convinced themselves that the voices that prophets heard and visions they saw were aliens and UFO’s. It is so much easier to luxuriate in the world of fantasy than to examine ourselves and ask ourselves questions like these: how did those people hear the beyond, how were they able to see the beyond without external instrumentation? I for one have a story to tell.

Once I was arrested at the Moscow airport for Bible smuggling, which I was quite used to since childhood. On numerous occasions and quite successfully so my family and I had smuggled Bibles to the USSR. Later on I did the same with the boy from my music band. The last time I did it was in 1984. To make the story short I had a spiritual experience. After my bags were emptied I knew that next comes the body search. I had on me some documents which when found I would be impris-oned. Here I can go to many reasons why, but the point is this; as I stood before the Customs offi-cers in my heart I prayed to God for help. All of a sudden everything goes black, I see nothing and drift into space. All voices turned into silence. In that trance-like state, blind and deaf I hear God’s voice telling me to take the documents in my breast pocket and put them in the bags and zip them up. In that oblivion in pitch-black darkness and hearing completely nothing I reached for the docu-

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“Infinity & Fractal Geometry” Dr. Joseph Luxum

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ments, put them in the duffel bag and zipped it. Then I drifted back to reality. One of the officers tapped me on the shoulder telling me to follow him to another room. I had reached for the duffel bag, but he said, “Leave it here, we have already searched it.” Yes, they searched my body, made photos and then a soldier pointing his Kalashnikov at me brought me to jail. To make the story even shorter, the next day an angel of God came, I smiled and I ran after him. I arrived in Frankfurt, West Germany as if dreaming.

I had a similar experience in East Germany. An older lady asked me to pray for another lady in Nuremberg, West Germany who had no eyes and was scheduled for an operation the next day. As I later learned the operation was necessary to remove any existing dead organs in her eye pits in order to make room for artificial glass eyes, so I was told.

As I stood before the intercessor lady in East Germany I took her hands and prayed. All of a sudden I had exactly the same experience as I had in Moscow in 1984. But this time I traveled over the cities seeing lights below me as I flew in the spirit. I entered a house and a lady lying in bed. I touched her and traveled back. I started to hear a voice and returned to the meeting holding the lady’s hands. A month later I got a letter. The lady that night received new eyes in her eye pits; she went to the hospital anyway and the doctor almost fell off his chair overwhelmed and baffled.

Now, what does man have to with these things? Was it the lady’s faith or mine, or is it all a sov-ereign work of God?

In 1977, around 4:00 p.m., angels appeared in my room. I just walked in the door and I saw them like I would naturally see anything else. I heard heavenly music, very much physically through my physical ears. This elated spiritual and euphoric state lasted about 5 to 7 minutes. I saw big boulders being rolled one upon another and from each stone grew beautiful flowers. Each time these huge boulders climbed upon each other I heard a rolling thunder and then a thump as they settled in place; and again flowers grew from them in a circular motion.

Now UFO’s or aliens could not fit in that small room. People have a skewed faith in that but not in God because they do not care to study God and His ways.

Only 15 years later I understood the visit; I had not seen any aliens. I saw God’s angels just as I see the screen of my laptop right now, which I use to write this book. (By the way, no ghostwriter [someone who writes a book for you] writes my books. I am not a typist, but I manage.)

No one can tell me that there is no God and I do not use a faith hammered into us by religion. I use logic, knowledge and then I experience. I do not have blind faith. I have the gift of faith, but it is not a self-manufactured one, but God’s gift to me.

What I write may come across as insignificant and childlike to some, but my words open realms, which similarly to Mandelbrot’s fractal discoveries open the spiritual eyes and unplug our spiritual ears. Fractals were extremely simple almost child like, but that’s where the genius resided and only real geniuses related to the same.

In reality we have nothing to be proud of, for everything is a

gift, yet we have embraced that foolishness of actually being someone. We have blinded ourselves with pride and are choking on our self-manufactured sophistication.

It seems to me that science is lopsided because it is dedicated to only one mode of exploration

shutting out all other modes, yet arts proceed from the soul and creative minds, which the brain only

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“Infinity & Fractal Geometry” Dr. Joseph Luxum

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coordinates. A brain’s job is only to respond and navigate. Animals use their brains to stalk prey or run when being pursued. But is it the same with humans? I don’t think so. What prompts the brain to act is a thought, feeling or an impulse; these three emanate from the mind, soul and spirit. There’s no point in denying it. The spirit of life itself is not oxygen or any other chemical component, which lungs need, but the intelligent life that makes us think, speak and create. Our body only obeys our brain’s signals, which travel through the nervous system on to our muscles. Then we walk, move hands or use our tongue, lips and jaws.

The upturned image on the viewing side of the lens is only a hint. But because you have learned how to turn the image does not mean that you know everything. Take the hint and search some more, for the crossing within the lens is light’s real feat of a miracle.

Fractal geometry is actually a study of spaces, just as time in itself is a miracle. As long as there is time so long will there be the fractal geometry to measure objects in space, light and distances. It is so simple, almost ludicrous, but that’s where ‘Mr. Genius’ has decided to abide.

Wisdom is found in obscurity, like the baby Jesus in Bethlehem’s manger. Unless we get con-verted into a child like state, while being grownups, we shall not see the Kingdom of the Great Creator.

Take fractals and measure now those bugs under a microscope. Fractals are extremely precise, on a large scale as well as on a tiny scale and beyond. Anything beyond the existing lenses, telescopes and those traveling into space robots await our bidding. We are baffled and waste precious time inventing theories, also injecting them with the stigma of our stupid pride. Based on the inventions of our predecessors we are convinced to be right. To undo any previously and widely accepted data takes time and more time still. The time wasted invalidating older theories and replacing them with new ones takes even more time while humanity suffers. Not so long time ago any new discovery had been stymied by religion and an outright inanity just because a belief had to be replaced with evidence. Religious authority, no matter how dim, was feared, as if authority is always right and wise. Authority must be undermined when wisdom comes to the scene, which operates on the premise of freedom. Free thinkers were persecuted and even destroyed in the name of that authority. However, today the religious garb only changed names from a religious to a scientific.

Scientists often behave like some of those religious leaders who were convinced that they have correctly calculated time. They sold their possessions. Being dressed up in white gowns, they assem-bled their faithful and looked up awaiting the rapture. When rapture did not come they either re-mained stupid or went back to the drawing board and back at square one doing exactly the same thing over and over again. (For example, the Book of Revelations is part of the biblical canon only because God left it there for a test. Fools waste precious time going in circles coming up empty-handed, yet seem to be unable to switch off this monster machine. So many use it, but only to make a name for themselves through the dim-witted masses. God sees their trickery and leaves them alone. The wise has already gone through this book the nth’ time and settled it; for how long can one be on the trail and get lost over and over again. When logic ends up in a rot and any sense becomes absent one leaves this squander of precious time and moves on to something higher.) Every few years we have those people coming up with their self-assured hypothesis just to get noticed… I suppose. It is the notability that the flesh constantly craves and it drags with itself those of like mind. Whether it might be in religion or in science the trend is the same.

If one was born poor or short, or uneducated… one has accumulated complexes and then seeks prestige. If I may be so bold to say, if you had only known that from birth you have been royalty,

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regardless of your social status, you would leave your complexes alone and go for the real wisdom; and stop wasting time.

The reason I bring up Mandelbrot here is to awaken in us the modest and pragmatic person. In my view Mandelbrot is the best example of how we approach something heaven- sent, for anything heaven-sent comes to us as lowly and without the fireworks; only the unpretentious and incon-spicuous wise will recognize it.

<74=.46;)>)!1?212.8)))))))))))))By simply feeding mathematical results back into previous computations we come up with endless multiplication of the same pattern and by feeding it back to our computation we travel farther into space and also into time. Traveling into time or time’s realm is nothing more than fording distances like rivers or traversing deserts.

Infinity is being stamped on every flower and leaf. Infinity impressed also our bodies. As we look closer at the human body we will notice that we are indeed shaped like trees.

The man born blind when his eyes started to open (in the Gospels)—saw people as trees at first; that was the spiritual vision he received at first. It’s a message to us that as trees are firmly rooted in the ground, but reach out upwards to sunlight and moisture, man ought to be practical, but also look up heavenward for inspiration.

The mathematical law of nature, as introduced to us by Benoit B. Mandelbrot, offers deep insights not only into the structure of the Universe, but also into the structure of Torah.

The Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza had stated that all things on earth and in the Universe point back to one particle from which all things came to be.

The Bible is the book that introduces One God as opposed to many. The Bible can be easily re-named as “The Book of the One.” But no matter how clear and logical the Bible might be the old thinking patterns are very hard to part with. Polytheism was only narrowed down to dualism for out of light and darkness nations made two gods, the Good God and the bad one, the God of light and the prince of darkness. Without realizing it, most are stuck in the twilight zone. Those that are still stuck in it never have enough light in order to see better because of the ever-present fear of darkness, which they do not know how to handle.

Fighting with darkness is also a waste of precious time. It is like a man who has decided to over-come the night. So he fought all night long through and at the first light he shouted “victory!” as-suming that the light appeared because of his fight. He could have slept through it and gotten up in the morning, the results are exactly the same. But that would be something from which a fool would draw no satisfaction. So are many today struggling not with darkness, but rather with the pompous egocentric self.

Fractals are mathematical objects with strange properties that have been known for quite some

time, but no one paid much attention to them. Relegated to an obscure corner of mathematics frac-tals were only for the curious. Only a handful thought they had any real applications. Only two men thought otherwise. (Ludwig Boltzmann and Jean Perrin). Mandelbrot had to embark on a career in order to make a dent, and a dent he made indeed. Fractals immensely helped us understand phe-nomenon in a variety of complex sciences, including astronomy.

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“Infinity & Fractal Geometry” Dr. Joseph Luxum

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Fractal geometry is responsible for many other new discoveries; for example, the sense of sight led to the study of electromagnetic radiation; and the sense of hearing led to the study of acoustics.

The applications discovered by Mandelbrot are numerous and they include fields like economics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, geology even psychology and computer science. Fractals have greatly enhanced the study of orbits of planets in astronomy. All objects in the universe are subject to gravitational magnetic fields.

Fractal geometry opened many avenues and provided inspiration for the development of L-system (short for Lindenmayer system) and IFS (Iterated Function System).

Physicists suspect that space consists of 11 or even 12 dimensions, but since we see three-dimensionally any remaining dimensions remain secreted or folded up. This folding up be-tween other dimensions exists beyond optics. We are not able to make it a fact because the three-dimensional perceptions hinder us. Physicists postulate and theorize that the difference be-tween the three-dimensional and the real universe is very small. But would fractals help in determin-ing if it is so?

We could dwell here for a long time and reason some more. However, my quest is not so much scientific, but rather—as an observer of human nature—psychological.

The point is that we do have the gut sense telling us that there is something out there, but to our utter frustration we can’t prove it using what’s currently available to us. The hypotheses we come up with prove my point. We do act on the ‘gut-feeling’ sense, which detects things even beyond the currently available instrumentation. For lack of a better instrumentation we can’t materialize our theories and present them as facts. But why must we be dependent on inventions and external in-struments of observation? Why not sharpening the logical and highly intelligent human being and use just ourselves as a gadget? Our physical frames are and will continue being limited because that which life propels is a living matter taken from the dust of the earth and it clings to it. This clinging to dust hinders our progress. We have tried to lift ourselves to the skies; and we did, but we must always land somewhere on solids. We have gone into space and float in weightlessness, but we are still not well adapted to it so eventually we must return to the planet from which atoms, molecules and conductive minerals our bodies had been made. Since they are conductive they draw and pull and some repel just as is the nature of magnets. But there is another being in us that when this person equally exerts his/her efforts to discover the laws behind all universal matter, the facts will come to us. I know, science does not deal with sermons but tangible facts so what one knows another sees blanks. Therefore, personal revelation of God and His Universe remains personal unless someone would pay closer attention to those personal discoveries and thoughts.

We do not need seer stones or Urim and Thummim in order to be spiritually guided; the guide into all truth is within us. All one needs is to give Him the permission, by which one submits his or her intellect; therefore humbles the pride of this physical life of this planet. Humility rules the spiri-tual universe while pride ‘rules’ the natural universe and these two are incompatible. In order to re-ceive something from the Creator that pride must be subjugated at least for the duration of time in which one communes with God. When going back to the ordinary daily lifestyle, like dealing with other ‘planets’ in this case other humans inhabiting this realm, one must be like a ‘planet’ compatible with those over whom the pride of life rules. Of course, the planet picture I borrowed from space for planets, which correspond to other like bodies within sunlight and magnetic fields by which they orbit. They remain in their allotted domains and they occupy some territory, just as it is the case with the animal kingdom on earth. But humans act in a very similar way for we are indeed territorial and

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boundary-mindful beings. We have been taught to respect authority and honor those who are sup-posed to be above us, but what makes someone above someone else is also relative and stands in question. Who determines who is great and who’s not? Authority is not always wise, and the famous or the popular is another fool which another fool pays respects to. A big preacher is someone that speaks to at least 10,000 people at once or reaches millions by television; those are human dimen-sions, which are territorial in nature.

The boundless territory above is of a quite different caliber. A big preacher is not big because of the quality of insight, wisdom or revelational knowledge but rather he is known for his or her skill of getting to that position. Like a good actor who can mimic people well, yet that actor is as an empty drum “selling his or her soul” so to speak just to be someone. Music producers contractually force a rising star to make an X amount of albums per year and hold an X number of concerts; and if not then that artist breaches the contract. What we see out there are slaves or puppets with strings at-tached to their every movement until they burn out or end up in a rehab clinic; if they are so lucky. Those that worship his god image today have no clue as to why Elvis Presley died. There was no pill that could give him more energy and no calorie to boost his almost superhuman activity. Also Mi-chael Jackson found no drug that could have helped him sleep. Knowing these things extracts pity from us and helps us to tap into that other part of us which is not territorial; and so greedy that someone else’s life and overall health no longer matters, but only the almighty buck.

That which is big, pompous and proud on this earth is nothing in the boundless sphere of God. Now, that’s something worth studying by putting forward questions as to why it is so? Now, it may sound unattractive and perhaps repelling to some extent and that’s exactly my huge point. What re-pels the pride of life is what should actually attract providing that this idea finds lodging in some who’ve made room for it. I call it the “manger principle” borrowing from the story of Mary and Jo-seph. There was no lodging place for Mary and her most precious baby. The only place that opened itself was a cave, sty or stall; and for a bed only a trove or manger welcomed the precious gift of God.

Mandelbrot’s ideas were also not at all respected until the man became old, and only then did someone finally take a second look at his legacy. Years later the incredible blueprint, geometrical fractals, was discovered. We lost many years to the pride of life.

For some strange reason anything small is disregarded and shelved as unimportant until time elapses and is wasted on frivolities. One only gets a big lip service when one breaks through this stupid pride of life and proves to the fools who they really are. But in a weird way those fools like it, but why? They like it because they are not after the substance, but only the panache and empty pomp. Once this trend is watched and then effectively arrested and kept incarcerated until we get the full scoop we would then discover those immense treasures inside of us. Just as it is the case with all al-leged criminals who are being arrested and locked up for the duration of the legal process during which time one proves innocence or guilt; so it must be with pride. That investigation can only con-tinue when the suspect is kept in custody, on bail or house arrest; either way, he or she is being monitored. Again, the same should be with the vanity of this present life, which effectively blocks all incoming bursts of revelation. Our progress could have been phenomenal had we not given into that culprit.

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@-A41)+021:).B0)A04;-721:)21;.7-A01.)We are instruments capable of measuring anything in all dimensions. Just as we perfect engines, rockets, cars and computers—which are only symbols of the resident within properties—we ought to perfect ourselves.

Why man resists the inner perfecting has something to do with instant gratification and rewards as coming from outside. Something has happened during the development of the human soul and one of the building blocks was not supposed to be there. Even if that building block was supposed to be there perhaps its placement and function became warped.

What’s lacking is altruism and a wider ranging oversight rather than the narrowed down my sight and my only. Understandably so, every major war indirectly added another faulty block to the build-ing and development of our soul. I use “soul” advisedly because it is not the mind that gets excited, but rather the soul with its complex emotional apparatus. Just as it is the case with oxygen masks used on the airplanes. Every parent is advised to wear it first and then their child.

This rationale will help us see something, which perhaps we have not paid attention to. Like a microscopic thing we have omitted seeing.

A parent must have the right amount of oxygen first in order to ensure proper brain functionality; then such a mind can cope with the present situation. It might look selfish that it is the parent that must use the mask first, but that’s just an emotion the soul (Hebrew: Nephesh) has emitted not the mind (Hebrew: Ratzon).

From now on let’s use those two words Nephesh and Ratzon when describing our emotional, or rational behaviors.

Just as the word itself suggests, Ratzon is the root word for the English word rational. Nephesh is composed of two words NEPH and ESH, and is unclear for it has something to do with the breath of life and therefore breathing, refreshing or reviving, but also with struggle or wrestling (with life) and fall or losing life. ESH means fire. Cool air, breath and consuming fire have something to do with our soul. Already here we see the two extremes of being cool or fired up or as the other word suggests infuriated. Those that give into destructive fiery emotions consume themselves for anger burns. A composed and calm person sustains life, but such soul (person) is not too creative for Nephesh uses those two forces to create and endow our lives. Fiery sparks provide inspiration, but too much of them ignite great fire.

We read in the Bible that God’s anger burned again… Moses had bouts of uncontrollable wrath, which made him shatter the first tablets of stone. Because of his anger, which also clouds our mind so that we forget what we ought to remember, Moses completely forgot God’s injunction to speak to the rock and not to strike it in anger as he indeed did. (Reference to Numbers 20:8.) As a result Moses was barred from entry and subsequent possession of the Promised Land. His disobedience was caused by ESH of his soul. On another occasion Moses went into the NEPH part of his soul and pleaded with God, as if to say ‘cool God’s ESH down.’ Moses even asked to be erased from the Book of Life for the sake of Israel. God loved it. It seems that God needs and even expects it from us to sometimes cool Him down. This cooling down of this symbolical nuclear reactor is called interces-sion. Through His prophets God’s wrath like a flame-thrower consumed those that were under the covenant and He wondered why there was no one to intercede (Isaiah 59:16).

Prophet Ezekiel comes from a priestly family and he was a wild one. But no matter how strange or wild he may have been, throughout his rather short prophetic career (about 22 years) one cannot help but watch the almost uniform consistency in God’s search for an intercessor. Both Ezekiel and Ho-

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sea used some very powerful words depicting God’s character and His ways with those under a covenant with Him. It does not take big science to see that the same is on earth between people. A skillful advocate acts as an intercessor.

[Ezekiel 22:30-31] “I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in

the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one.

God searched for someone willing to intercede on behalf of God’s people, but only Amos, a

contemporary of Hosea (793 BCE to 753 BCE) interceded for Israel and Judah. “Thus I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My

wrath; their way I have brought upon their heads,” declares the Lord GOD.

At first Hosea appeals to his people to repent and return to God the flame-thrower as if to access God’s gentle and loving side. Apparently an intercessor can reach God’s endless attribute of com-passion and love, but God’s flame igniters can too; those that provoked Him to anger can themselves change. However, if they indeed are unable to change than the Omniscient has no grounds for spewing fire. The righteous judge does not succumb to whims and fits of temper, does He?

This dual action of NEPH and ESH is astounding. Yet, we all

possess it. Between those two is the broker RATZON and in this case it must act as an intercessor.

Now, Hosea explains to us why we ought to return to our God, who has torn us and wounded us.

But do we have any other choice? Apparently many act as if they do for in their eyes the Almighty is not Omnipotent, but more like a part-mighty God for the tearing and wounding—in their puny timid mind—does the other evil god, Satan. Quite conveniently we choose the new covenant with God when it suits us and in the same way we blame the other evil entity for our failings; and when it is still more convenient we say that we have a better covenant. And the fear of God is only a respect like that for a monarch, never realizing that this monarch can chop your head off in no time.

God is God. The doubt in His very existence brings not only immeasurable sufferings, but also orphans many who wander in an occupied space of their own doing.

[Hosea 6:1; 5] “Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has

wounded us, but He will bandage us.

The question remains: who did the hewing, man or God? Those that hated Ezekiel and Jeremiah

(some still do to this very day) do not know God. Their ideas about God are ritualistic, philosophical or mystical. The God case remains closed to them. The only thing they are able to do is to examine the words of prophets, analyze them and arrive at their own highly subjective conclusions.

[V. 5] Therefore I have hewn them in pieces by the prophets; I have slain them by the words

of My mouth; and the judgments on you are like the light that goes forth.

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Only Amos was a successful intercessor. [Amos 7:1-6] Thus the Lord GOD showed me, and behold, He was forming a locust-swarm

when the spring crop began to sprout. And behold, the spring crop was after the king’s mowing.

And it came about, when it had finished eating the vegetation of the land, that I said, “Lord GOD,

please pardon! How can Jacob stand, for he is small?”

Amos’ success: The LORD changed His mind about this. “It shall not be,” said the LORD.

Then Amos sees God’s fire: Thus the Lord GOD showed me, and behold, the Lord GOD was calling to contend with them

by fire, and it consumed the great deep and began to consume the farm land.

Amos sees it in a vision and intercedes again. Then I said, “Lord GOD, please stop! How can Jacob stand, for he is small?”

Another success: The LORD changed His mind about this. “This too shall not be,” said the Lord GOD.

I know for certain that God had hardened Pharaoh’s heart just to show that Egyptian god who

the real boss is here and at the same time make Israel tremble. God had hardened Pharaoh’s heart, but only after Pharaoh repeatedly hardened his heart. God practically gave him over to his own heart’s desires, for his every intent of thought, emotion and intent of heart was only evil. (Genesis 6:5)

I know for sure that it was also God who allowed dread and great fear to fall on the ten spies so that He might find displeasure with them; a pretext that led to Israel’s 40 years of desert wanderings. During that time God fellowshipped with Israel and Moses was His only intercessor. We must see the ‘on the table’ truths and those ‘under the table.’ Truths spoken in the open are official, but those under the table are very much private. Even the fact that Moses had to go alone to Mt. Nebo and supposedly die, but that was the secret between God and Moses, which proves this fact. The man who knew God’s heart and His ways intimately could not also repent for his angry outburst? –Of course he did.

As already said, the balancing mechanism between NEPH and ESH is RATZON. Now, just as we use our imaginations, mind and our brain processes it all, it is obvious that our

mind was created to be educated with God’s ways. For this reason the TORAH was given as the extension of God’s progressive creation formation and reformation. It had begun God’s initial insti-gation, which was to send Nechash to the Garden of Eden and make the Tree of Knowledge desir-able to Eve. Once that was accomplished she reached for it and gave it to Adam. Now, let no emo-tion yet wield any influence on the Ratzon for then we fail. After they ate, and only then, they knew what YES meant and what NO meant. Up until that point their Ratzon did not contain those essen-tials like opposites, injunctions, forbiddance or permissions. The reason for it is very obvious: con-trasts were not yet created but after the ingestion of the knowledge. Knowledge in our head may feel good in our soul, or the knowledge in our head may feel awful in our soul, but should the soul de-

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termine here what it should feel? –Absolutely not for the ruler is not the soul, but the mind. This is lacking in the Greek mind, which uses PSYCHE for both mind and soul as a whole. Once we sepa-rate these two we will understand why education continues in science and religion. If this continuous education turned into ceremony and some kind of ritual only one then placed “God’s corpse” in a coffin and said the final goodbye to Him. Many have already done it. They act as if God’s creation ceased, yet the tectonic plates keep on moving, new islands surface, mountains grow and new crea-tures keep on appearing. Plants keep on moving, space expands, time even changes and clocks soon will have to be adjusted. Gravitational pulls shift. NASA now sends rockets with instruments that measure gravity and will definitely bring new data showing us profound changes. Only ritual religion does not change and as a result there is no noticeable progress.

Since Adam and Eve and their expulsion from Eden we’ve been in the Adamic age. Jesus referred to it as THIS AGE. In this age we grow, evolve and develop according to the resident within us di-vine seed. Science and technology marches on, but at the same time the spiritual development must also be noticed; but unfortunately anything new often is being fought against and labeled as being in error or outright wrong. Obviously, God’s creation did not stop at Adam’s formation from the ground; it went on to stage two and three and the nth stage indefinitely. In Him we live and move and exist. (Acts 17:28)

Moses knew much and used that knowledge, which greatly pleased God. God loved him as much

as He loved Enoch who lived in the seventh generation after Adam. God loves to be with us and to fellowship with us, but He is holy and the only way to manage that

relationship between Him and us is to give us some form of legislation. We must adhere to His word in order to keep His presence. This is a continuous process.

In the desert He told the people to do their private toilet business outside the boundaries of the camp. He told Moses to tell people that they should use spades, cover their feces, use water for washing and plenty of it, which He Himself provided. No fly, bacteria or virus could stay in the camp for no one ever got sick for 40 years. When we do our part then He does His. It’s a straight logic, which can be derived from any story, even a fairytale. What makes sense must be embraced, but re-ligion is often illogical because of the blindly accepted immovable man-made dogmas.

This desire to fellowship with us is extremely strong in God. It was hard for Him to let go of His kids when they crossed over the Jordan River and initiated the possession of Canaan; for by then they were sort of on their own. For the last time God divided the river so that the Ark of the Covenant carried on the shoulders of Levites could enter the Promised Land.

Years later distressed Israel cried to God and He had responded by raising up deliverers like Samson or Gideon. Some years later, Solomon had built God a temple at Jerusalem. God’s glory (Hebrew; Kavod, weight, awesome splendor) falls; fire consumes the sacrifices as if God could not wait to be back with His people again.

Later on God goes into exile with His people. On the table He is angry, but under the table He wants to be also known by all peoples. He longs for humanity as a whole and seeks intimacy with us. At the end of seventy years of Babylonian exile God anoints the Persian king Cyrus and makes him fulfill Jeremiah’s prophecy (Jeremiah 26:11). Jerusalem is rebuilt and the second temple restored. In the ruins the Book of Moses is found and when it was read out loud people started to weep. When we face the truth of who we were and were supposed to become and then realize how low we have fallen and missed the mark what’s left is only repentance. The people confessed their sins and the

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sins of their fathers. The priests continued reading the scroll and came upon a passage describing the Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth). All of a sudden they realize that it’s not the time to weep, but rather rejoice. So again, the mood is being changed according to the given truth. When truth hits us we must respond and bask in its light.

One can have a solar powered flashlight in a drawer, but it is useless when it is not exposed to sunlight. One must take it out from the drawer and expose it to sunlight. After a while, light comes on and then the flashlight fulfills its purpose. The same is with us. As long as we remain in that ig-norance drawer we are useless, but when the truth falls on us we either resist the light going our own way, or we absorb the light and then produce light for others to see in darkness.

During the Hellenistic period God raised up the Maccabees to ensure the survival of His people. Rome takes over and Jesus appears. Today, Jesus does the job of cooling down God’s wrath. As

our intercessor He keeps God’s wrath at bay. Because of Jesus we can enjoy a relative peace and the fellowship of God’s Spirit who educates and guides us into all the truth. He is within us. We need much more of Him like we can have more of the water of life, a brook, a stream or a mighty river.

[Genesis 6:3] Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he

ALSO is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”

This laden with information verse is most significant because of one Hebrew word GUM ignites

our interest, which means ALSO. Apparently Adam and his descendents were not flesh, but became fleshly after the mix; when the sons of God, the Adamic seed, entered the non-Adamic preexistent people. From this mix giants were born and which due to inbreeding have gradually disappeared.

We have not only lost the paradise, but immortality. During that time at least two genes entered our DNA; one causing aging and the other death and today we know about it thanks to science. This strange marriage can produce some smart offspring.

C0,960)D,-65)74.B07)0E96,2.).B41)=B41:0)Let us study ourselves for a while and perhaps we might discover something that really hates to be changed. Like a child’s emotional tantrums there is someone in us that hates to deal with matters that in fact tear us down. Those matters should not be exploited as is the case today with public psy-chology and popular TV shows. People fall prey to these things. Shelves bend and break with the volumes produced on psychology. In religion most of the successful speakers are motivators and those that skillfully bring out those human flaws into the open. Trimming just the crown of a tree by cutting off some leaves will not cure the tree. One must go to the root, but in order to do this one must be willing to undergo a surgery from the get go. The surgeon is you operating on yourself with the resident in you instruments.

Let me start with myself. I went through that surgery around 20 years ago. As a teenager I was involved in the music business forming bands and public performances. Once at a youth camp I was much involved in preparing musical scores for orchestra and choir. I sang as well as conducted. There was an ambitious self-taught piano player who for some mysterious reason set himself up as my enemy. Often it came across, as if he was not even able to control his jealous outbursts. My popularity, singing abilities and overall musicality was like a spur in his side each time ‘I rode the horse’. That guy managed to be a leader of that camp and with his authority could do what seemed

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right in his eyes. His envy ballooned some more when the performance turned out to be a super success; all the girls screamed and hung on to me. When the time came to say few words he, on purpose thanked all others and gave them lip praise, but completely disregarded my input. I felt aw-ful. I had slaved writing each musical stave by hand rehearsing and then giving a superb perform-ance… but that was exactly his problem.

I went for a walk and a violinist girl came along trying to ‘help’ me. I was so devastated and emo-tionally distraught I could not contain myself. Her comforts and embraces were of no help. I just shook with a mixture of anger and frustration, but at the same time I was watching my soul’s per-formance. I was amazed how my soul reacted to this degrading treatment and I just discovered something new about me. Up until that point I really did not know what was in my soul. Since I had someone to talk to I asked the girl, “Where does it all come from?” She had no answers, she only tried to sympathize with me, and sort of be friendly. But I was after something else. I was determined to never give into that SOB in my soul and then completely eliminate it from my system.

I saw those emotions as my enemies for they, as if on their own, ruled over my mind. I hated this subjugation. For some strange reason I knew that these emotions are not the real me, the real me is my mind the master, but at that time my mind could only weep.

Many years passed since that day and I went on carrying that big question mark. I held no grudge against that guy, perhaps he did, but I felt sorry for him; for to me whoever gives in to vain ambitions is a weakling and not worthy of pairing with on the same level. I knew that by comparing myself with him I would end up in the same cesspool. Anyone ruled by these feelings is an emotional vegetable of a man.

I rose up or rather did not even have to rise above anyone for I was already above. That’s the stuff I am made of. Apparently I had already then the ability to tap into the stature of a man that I knew was superior. The world hates winners or it loves them to death, there is no middle ground. None-theless, my soul was not yet cured. I carried those seeds with me for those seeds are there ready to grow trees under which shades I would have to stay. But I did not want to stay under my soul’s shade, but rather tower over it and shine my light on it, rain on it and dictate to it as to what kind of fruit it should bear.

A day had come when I had to deal with those seeds, which my ancestors passed down to me.

#B0)?70021:)0E907201=0),?)70901.41=0)At that time I lived in Jerusalem’s Jewish quarter of the old city. I went to the top of the house, fell on my knees and said, “Lord, I am disgusted with all that I feel and think. I see in the mirror of Your Word where it all comes from. Have mercy upon me and upon my forefathers.”

As soon as I started to speak these words sincerely, I felt a force within me as if lifting me off my knees. I ran out of the room. I was senselessly pacing the floor, walking in circles like a lunatic. I knew that something was going on in my mind. I kept on whispering, “Lord, help me, help me. Move through me. Work through me.” Then I decided to go up again and pray. But I had to force myself.

I fell on my knees and started to cry and say the same words, “I repent for this and for that.” I mentioned all and any evils that were or might had been in my father and in his father and in my mother and my grandmother down the line. I inserted the names of my family members and then the same thing happened again. I jumped and ran out of my room. Went to the ground floor and paced it like before. I wanted to drink something. I wanted to eat something. I opened the refrigerator; I

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wanted to do something violent, but I did not know what. In my complete frustration all sorts of vulgarities and lewd pictures came to the surface. I was not aware of these things ever being in me before. I knew that something unusual and powerful started to happen. My soul with its awry emo-tions seemed to go wild and controlled my psyche, which I could not handle. So I said, “Now, I see the wickedness and the roots of my forefathers. I must be free from them.”

I knew that my resolve must be much stronger than before. For the third time, I ran upstairs and I said, “Lord, help me not to leave this room again. Keep me here until You have finished Your sur-gery.”

Today I know that I have the power no matter what; for this

power actually resides in all of us; we just don’t access it. I was taught that I must pray for everything as if I’m not capable to do anything by myself, which I had realized then that it’s been a manufactured religious lie.

I kept speaking to God about all evils that have or might’ve had resided in me, even the tiny evil

thought that naturally I would justify and say ‘that is nothing.’ I called it all as awful, horrible sin. I said, “God, I hate it. I despise it. Have mercy on me! Have mercy on me! Have mercy on me!”

As the Roman soldiers drove nails through His hands and feet Jesus mustered the last atoms of strength and said, “Forgive them for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). I can’t imagine that He said it because He really felt it. In a similar way I purposely detached myself from me and any selfish wants. I summoned all the strength in me and cried to God to have mercy upon my forefathers. Do not remember their evil deeds. From the depths of my heart I said, “Lord, forgive them for they did not know what they were doing.”

The sins of my forefathers hurt me and enslaved me; yet God also gave me the grace to say, “Have mercy upon my forefathers for they did not know what they were doing.” That was the key, which opened the door of true repentance and ushered me into another realm.

Some confuse my words with a prayer for the dead. No. I knew that we are like trees having

roots—the past; stalk—the present; and crown—the future. What’s in the root affects the stalk, which in turn affects our future, which is fruit-bearing. Our fruits become good or bad.

What’s in a tree or what kind of a tree we have become depends on what that tree collected in the

past. A tree by the water collects much moisture, a tree in a desert seeks moisture while other trees gather their nutrients from a good or bad soil.

I also knew that it is in God’s perfect will to make a clear cut with the old, even our blood rela-

tives. [Nehemiah 9:2] The descendants of Israel separated themselves from all foreigners, and stood

and confessed their sins and the iniquities of their fathers.

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God respects our choices in life. He will not do anything without your decision and cooperation. So He presented to me what He saw, but I didn’t see. The Omniscient One knows your history not only from birth, but way back from before the creation of time itself.

Yes, He had showed me details, my entire genealogical tree and all that has been woven into the fabric of my being until the present day.

I sobbed and trembled. It took about an hour and it felt like a knife going through my soul, cut-ting, severing, and pulling out evil things. I shivered when I realized how awful and terrible those things were. I kept on asking the Lord to go deeper into my soul, even into the inner regions. I actu-ally received grace and the boldness to declare war against my soul. I warred and with each step I took I ‘smelled’ the sweet smell of victory.

Actually, while the Lord was operating on me the room was

filled with a horrendous stench. Whatever the Lord found in the recesses of my being He brought them out and sort of dangled in

front of me like dead decomposing smelly frogs. I was very clear in my consciousness and I was able to apprehend the things He had showed. Whether I was in some kind of a trance or an altered state of mind I do not know, but I know that what He had shown me was really residing in me. God made very plain and clear to me that which my uncles and aunts, father and mother carried. First, He pre-sented those evil things to my mind where my will is.

By using the free agency of will I said, “Lord, I don’t want it, I hate it, take it out of me.” This went on for about an hour; and on one hand it was very unpleasant, but on the other elating. Each time I gave God the permission to pull out those weeds from me something else filled that former place and each gap He filled with joy.

After the surgery was over, I was spiritually very high. I was soaring like an eagle. The room was filled with sweet perfume, which I had never smelled before.

I have had many spiritual experiences, but they came and went. I often returned to my old ways without profound changes. So I have wondered how long this experience would last this time? But deep inside I knew that this was it. Forever.

It’s been now over 20 years since that awesome repentance experience and I still have the power to do what God wants me to do. I am still high. My mind is clear and my soul is free. Yes, I chose to do what God wants me to do and I do it without my soul having anything to say or do about it. There is no stronghold in my soul driving me to do certain things that I don’t want to do, as it was the case in the past.

I can even love my enemies with God’s compassion. It is the resident in me God’s pity. It’s un-clear as to why anyone would choose to be my enemy, but obviously those that do really need heal-ing. Therefore, anyone coming to me with some interest will find healing. Anyone coming to me with hate will be delivered from it through the bubbling within me love of God.

Why should I struggle with a demon possessed? Am I also a demon possessed? Why should I be vengeful against the hateful? Am I also hateful? The desire for retribution, to pay back, was no longer in me.

This freedom I enjoy today; for my mind and soul are no longer in conflict. I hold no grudge. I do not compare myself with anyone else nor do I step on anyone’s turf. My reality is my territory, your reality is your territory, but I think that mine is better…

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[Matthew 5:9] Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God.

I’m like a moving target or a radio wave, which my enemy is not able to tune into or transmit any

evil broadcast. The broadcaster may broadcast whatever he wants, but I do not have a compatible receiver. That does not exclude intercessory activity on their behalf, but personal harm is out of the question. Evil words and strong, emotion-charged thoughts can also interfere with you if you are tied in some way to those people. Witchcraft works only on those who are in a like frame of mind and soul. Trains can only go on the railroads; once you remove the tracks the train goes nowhere. The devil consciousness, demons, enemy, fear or spook is not there anymore. I just know better. That’s it. That’s freedom!

Freedom is not an unoccupied space, neither it is cluttered with unnecessary stuff. The lines are straight. The thoughts are straight. Emotions became my mind’s servants.

I know who I was before that experience and now I know who I have become.

/4=F).,)?74=.46;)What does fractal geometry have to do with all that I just said? The answer is: much. This simple concept, now widely applied in many fields of our lives can solve many problems. At its conception it was like a baby wrapped in diapers. Not many thinkers wanted to touch it.

The curved and yet extremely accurate measurement of different variations is a system that can

help us unravel our souls’ complexities. We study brain and we have discovered much. We study space; black holes and parallel universes using the God given gift of logic, but all these studies are really external. Shouldn’t we do the same with our soul?

So what that we back our findings with facts that indeed there is a parallel universe, or that the known to us universe is being gradually swallowed by a black hole. Or, that the black hole is the mysterious gate to the mirror universe on the other side. Let’s say that we have finally cracked the safe and opened it yet at the same time we did not solve the problem of eternity or the improvement of the human soul. What follows is again a short-lived vain satis-faction, until the next pursuit and the next… endlessly. From thrill to thrill; from praise to praise; from one standing ovation to an-other and another... What does it accomplish? Does anyone think about it?

We must unravel the emotional complexities of our psychology, which Freud dabbled in and to some extent laid groundwork for. But finding the keys to emotional self-healing is of utmost impor-tance for no one has to make a bundle telling you what you feel and why you act the way you act. Each person will be able to access one’s own soul and heal it—of all things—with the help of fractal geometry.

Just as we can use fractals in human physiology: the respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems are remarkable instances of fractal architecture, branches subdividing and subdividing and subdivid-

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ing again; the same is with the soul’s emotional complexities. These emotions are round, or rather twisted, and in bundles. This maze of signals is often indecipherable. Those scientists who have mustered their feelings and have channeled them to the brain, sort of exciting it, also exhilarate their research. With each success they celebrate and get excited. Those that squandered souls’ electrical signals the E=Motions harvest only chaos.

It has been established that the fractal branching in blood vessels, lungs and heart have to do with the natural defenses. The repetitious fractal shapes of the inner organs make them robust against injury. In a similar way our soul, like an easily spooked deer, acts defensively. Human history is filled with violence and immeasurable suffering. This violence reaches the cosmos and speaking meta-phorically makes the universe expand as if it is drawing away from us being pulled into a black hole.

We have accumulated a whole lot of signals and created complexities, which we must understand with the renewed mind.

The heart displays complex fractal geometry. The coronary arteries and veins, the bind-ing-to-valves fibers as well as the cardiac muscles along with the electrical conduction system (His-Purkinje) are fractal. Amazingly, the heart can continue to function even after the His-Purkinje system has suffered considerable damage. The heart is a very violent pump. If there were any reso-nance in blood circulation, you would die. However, the fractal structure of the human circulatory system damps out the hammer blows of our heart. Amazingly, fractals may in fact be responsible for saving our lives with each heartbeat.

Contrary to former opinions it is now well known that healthy heartbeats are rather chaotic than regular. What causes these irregularities are in fact E=Motions (emotions) emanating from the soul.

A person with a weak heart must not get excited, but if he or she

does then the heart might not be able to withstand the on-slaught of E=Motions sent by the soul. But a well-composed healthy soul would never attack the heart.

A calm music without drugs can bring elevated blood pressure down. Laughter also benefits our

overall respiratory and cardiovascular system. People harboring negative feelings like fear, worry and depression succumb faster to cancers and other alien unwelcome guests. Those who pray releasing their daily life’s pressures—and by pouring their hearts out to God—do much better than those who don’t. Others use Marijuana or alcohol to achieve a quick fix release, but as I have already mentioned earlier, these are external means, which would have to be repeated over and over again. There must be the inner healer that is permanently in charge; and that can only be achieved through proper education, but above all the acceptance of that education and then its implementation.

Understanding accepts knowledge and then well-applied

knowledge turns into wisdom. Which is the ultimate life’s achievement. Wisdom for my body, mind and soul comes from our spirit.

(The reader can find more about this in my other booklet “Divine Diagnosis.”)

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A soul made free can perform self-healing at any time. A healthy and stable soul is happy for it provides true happiness to the entire human institution. How about that?

[Lamentations 3:20-25] Surely my soul remembers and is bowed down within me. This I recall

to my mind, therefore I have hope. The LORD’S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His

compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. The LORD is

my portion,” says my soul, therefore I have hope in Him. The LORD is good to those who wait

for Him, to the person who seeks Him.

Tumor vasculature looks more chaotic in appearance than normal vasculature. There is a great

need to understand the origins and consequences of the abnormal vascular architectures found in tumors. Fractals show promise as useful measures of these complex structures.

Tumors are indeed alien entities that find their way into the human body. Like rodents invading your house, which must be exterminated, we can either poison tumors with chemicals and further endanger our lives, or sound them out with unpleasant frequencies.

Many methods have been used, but each tumor behaves differently, although an extensive number of tumors have been named, a cure for each seems almost impossible, which brings us back to our souls.

Infinity cannot be measured, even with fractals, so is the same with our soul. However, we can see geometrical uniformity in the cosmos, plants etc, and as already mentioned tumors look abnormal and behave inconsistently and unnaturally.

What occurs in nature quite naturally and to a certain degree

consistently is that anything foreign behaves strange. We could ask questions as to perhaps aliens from space brought these strange creatures that creep

up on plants and people and also we see that fish also develop tumors. The chaotic appearance of tumor vasculature comes from pollutants, and weak immune systems that apparently succumb to those aliens. But perhaps these predatory behaviors have something to do with the rooting out of anything weak because that which is strong not only successfully defends itself, but overcomes and triumphs over those invading forces.

Science has established the fact that our bodies constantly produce cancerous cells but our counter production of the eliminating cells must win over. The war between baddies and goodies is only possible in humans thanks to knowledge. Mammals, fish or fowls of the air do not possess the abili-ties to choose and win over anything. Predators hunt and the prey runs, both are trying to save their skins for one feeds and the other runs for its life. Tell fish that it eats the wrong thing or swims in wrong waters. Tell the bird or an animal to not forage anything contaminated. We are their custodi-ans just as we are of our own children. I may sound too blunt, but it is a fact, we can poison our children and the entire creation, or we choose right, take the time to examine all pros and cons and then choose wisely. This wisdom must be ours at all cost otherwise we will perish like fools; and to a certain extent we already do so for we gradually exterminate ourselves.

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“Infinity & Fractal Geometry” Dr. Joseph Luxum

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<2146)D,75)With the help of fractal geometry we have been able to recognize abnormalities in the physical word, but the ability to even come up with that almost simplistic idea does not come from the pompous realm of flesh, but from above. And since it is here and we benefit from it, wouldn’t it be quite natural and logical to conclude that it is not the meticulous scrutiny of everything we are exposed to, but rather having the wisdom divine?

Wisdom is an act, therefore being guided by something uncorrupted and sublime stands above everything else in life. One can read labels and chemical ingredients in food products, but the greedy man found a way around that too. And alien sounding words invented by chemists will either scare you or put you at ease. If you do not care what you put into your body, it might eventually contribute to your succumbing to some illness or it may not, depending on what rules your mind and your entire disposition.

Peace, joy and positive attitude contain healing and restoration elements. However, those cleans-ing agents, for some reason, are stronger in some and weaker in others. Our bodies have a natural mechanism that kicks in when the levels of pollution are unacceptable. Periodically this wonderful mechanism flushes our systems. Those who harbor malice, hatred, unforgiveness, unrest or fears succumb to a foreign rule depending on which rule has been accepted and obeyed. The rule of fear, the rule of hate, the rule of rage, etc…

Some people do not experience any bouts of cleansing. They seem to keep on accumulating. A good cry does the soul a whole lot of good. A day or two dedicated to bathing, sauna, steam baths, and complete relaxation greatly benefits the neurological system.

I have seen beautiful people, kind and gracious without one crooked bone in them, yet they suc-cumbed to cancer and died. I threw many questions at God and felt heavy sadness, even rage. Over some time I examined my own feelings regarding those precious souls, and still do today, but my ‘?’ have turned into clear answers.

I may step on your toes, but perhaps I can save your life through it. This stepping on people’s toes

is much more than a surgeon’s extreme measure, the scalpel. It is so hard to deal with people who hate being told wisdom because they are so much in love

with their own ways. They are so much in love with their own dying self that it is easier to break a solid wall with your head than talk sense into them. Nonetheless I will say what I know as the abso-lute truth.

Fractal Geometry opened my eyes to things buried inside all of us. It identifies alien things, which did not come from space, but from our developed over time disposition, which has much to do with the people we are with, compromises or no compromises we make. A wife compromises accom-modating her husband and never ever steps on his toes for the sake of peace and in time she be-comes a prisoner. A prisoner to self-made happiness is someone that goes nowhere, but just being together, achieving nothing, but being together and keeping of the status quo. As a result dying is part of that being happy together. Just being—subsisting and having no mission in life—is a death sentence. Then comes the preaching about the magical power of faith, which by then the sick and dying lacks.

Missed opportunities on the equipping someone God had already sent your way does not come into account for after all it is me who must be happy together… etc. Yet that equipping of someone God had anointed and appointed to lift us out of mediocrity is slow coming because of comparisons.

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“Infinity & Fractal Geometry” Dr. Joseph Luxum

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One compares him or herself with that unusual character, which God had endowed with gifts and power to help you, yet this is taken on the self serving department, the ‘Me’ that is impressed, but would not do much for God. The vessel never sends him or herself, but it always God who does it. Yet one must recognize, which is which. His visits in your life must be recognized, and then show-ered with appreciation as something most precious. If it is not taken as God’s gift one would only toy with it being quite fascinated, but not fully accepted as heaven sent. As result the Holy Spirit is grieved and that sadness stays with you. God crosses your paths with His vessels, but we only choose and sponsor those that personally suit us. So according to our already developed disposition I pick those that humor me and please my own character. However, God will keep you responsible for missed opportunities in life. For those opportunities do not came too often into your life. Those crossed paths, you might have missed and did nothing about are still there for nothing is lost in God’s eternal realm.

Those squandered opportunities will be your accusers in judgment. Take it or leave it. It’s all up to you. The same goes for siblings and rivalries. In one family one can be chosen and the other not. One can be anointed while the other not. What would you do if you are not anointed, but your sibling is? Let’s go a little back in time. What did the world do to Israel? What did the world do to Jesus? What did Esau do to Jacob? What did Ishmael do to Isaac? What did Cain do to Abel? We have the record thereof and God has not forgotten it. Why is it so difficult to repent and erase it all? Which is only possible by God for only in Him any bad records can be erased as if they never existed. That alone flushes your system in every department of your being.

The squandered opportunities open the death door while redeemed opportunities open the life door for us. When illness comes then in the name of that ‘we being happy together’ we reach for extreme measures, scalpels, chemotherapy, chemicals, radiation, poisons, get well cards and flowers because by then the one-track mentality can’t be switched to another. It’s just too late.

For some it may be Yom Kippur (the day of atonement), but since you are not Jewish you keep on eating that pork and shrimp anyway, and see no value in the God appointed times. Yet, someone told you about it as if wisdom belongs only in the camp of theology. The aversion to God’s wisdom is rampant in religion. For others a separate period of time set aside for repentance and the humbling of pride before God. For others it can be sleep and complete rest without any stress. Still for others it can be reading of books, like mine. You do not understand it? Force yourself to, or ask God for un-derstanding. It will come if you seek it. Before you know it the thorough flush of your system will take place and all alien agents will have to go.

What holds bad things in us is always the status quo, although God sends many opportunities to break it we just can’t change. Jesus often said, ‘for the sake of their own traditions the religionists

did not want to change.’ God was angry and this holy indignation Jesus had often expressed. He also said to them, “You will die in your sins…”

We have inherited the status quo from our ancestors so the

genetics and predisposition of their status quo reside in us mak-ing us prisoners to something that repeats itself.

We then pass it on to our children and their predisposition is the same; me happy… ‘Me’, ‘Me’

and again ‘Me’ and occasionally others, so that again the ‘Me’ can feel good. The ‘Me’ must pat me on my shoulder for a job well done just because I heard it in the church and so I have responded, for

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“Infinity & Fractal Geometry” Dr. Joseph Luxum

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after all I am a good person, etc… No change in terms of a completely overhauled disposition, ref-ormation, recreation and establishment of the brand new, fresh, living and glorious. There is a com-plete change. I write about it because it is still happening to me.

We all have self-identity. As long as we are in physical bodies we will have that identity, but the ‘Me’ must be understood and dealt with daily. You can squeeze out of it the true happiness and peace that transcends all understanding by nullifying it in your thought processes. Just knowing about it (self-identity) and treating it as something that must eventually go, as opposed to being attached to IT and then IT will make YOU go. God forbid if too soon. Time is grace and grace is space in which freedom is found in which we can change.

Those that died from incurable diseases, and have been buried or were cremated, stand as dead testaments to something that does not have to be.

Death is a testament to what to not be like just as darkness is a

testament to light, which dispels darkness. Illness is a testament to health and an attachment is a testament to a detachment. The choice is yours and mine providing we are alive both physically as well as spiritually.

This was God’s idea that we might have this sort of knowledge or awareness, but never actually

become ill, suffer or die, but only know about it. By knowing things as God does we make wise choices. After that wise choice we change by switching from something old and well-established or habitual, we change into something new, fresh, loving and moving.

In closing I want to say that Mandelbrot was not recognized as the God-sent gift to humanity and

He also died from cancer. That invention of his, which can detect early stages of cancer, was not taken and applied in time to save his life. But there is much more than just fractal geometry, for it is only a pointing finger in the right direction, but will humanity look in the direction it is pointing?

Author J. Luxum

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