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    Volunteer Opportunities

    THE INFORMANTVol. 6 No. 6 August 2004


    Our major fund raiser is almost over. We are

    scheduled to work two more games in the

    Texadelphia Concession stand. Chuck Burt,Diane Gargano, and Edie Heuss will be

    working the game on July 24th. Chuck has also

    volunteered to work the August 7th game. Two

    more volunteers are needed please sign up onthe GoClub if you havent worked a game this

    season (and are TABC certified.)


    The YMCA will hold a Back To School Fair onSaturday, July 31st from 6:00 pm until 9:00 p.m.

    Volunteers will be needed to man a booth and

    hand out public safety information. ContactRonnie Mueller at

    [email protected] if you areinterested in volunteering.


    Volunteers are needed to help with this years National Night Out on Tuesday, August 3rd.

    Alumni members will be paired with police

    officers and will attend the neighborhood block parties throughout the City. Times are 3:30

    p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Please contact Sr. Sgt. David

    Pierce at [email protected] if youwould like to volunteer.


    Volunteers are needed to assist with Pump it Up

    on Thursday, August 8th from Noon to 4:00

    p.m. Location for this event is 3918 GattisSchool Road. Please contact Sr. Sgt. David

    Pierce at [email protected] for more

    information or if you would like to volunteer.


    The departments accreditation inspection will be Sunday, August 20th at 7:00 a.m. at the

    Tabernacle at Old Settlers Park.

    Dana and Ronnie Mueller will man the COP

    vehicle and answer questions about the

    program since they participated in the mockinspection.

    Our VIN etching equipment will also be part ofthe inspection. Two volunteers are needed to

    display the equipment and answer basicquestions about the process.

    Contact Ronnie Mueller at

    [email protected] if you are

    interested in volunteering.


    We will be presenting the A.W. Grimes award

    to a Round Rock officer at the departments

    annual awards ceremony. The exact date, timeand place of the awards ceremony has not been

    determined but it will be sometime in


    Volunteers are needed to obtain nominations

    and coordinate the award. Contact Ronnie

    Mueller at [email protected] if youare interested in volunteerin .

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    THE INFORMANTAugust 2004 Page 2

    Newsletter of the Round Rock Citizens

    Police Academy Alumni Association

    Ronnie Mueller, PresidentMorris Noren, 1st Vice President

    Edie Heuss, 2nd Vice President

    Diane Gargano, Treasurer

    Frank Gargano, SecretaryMike Goggin, Sgt.-at-Arms

    Sr. Sgt. David Pierce, Liaison

    Sgt. Robert Horton, COP Liaison

    Sgt. Grant Golden, CPA Coordinator


    615 East Palm Valley Blvd.

    Round Rock, TX 78681

    On the Internet at: www.rrcpaaa.org

    August Program

    The speaker at our August meeting willbe Nicole Jensen, Investigator in theCriminal Investigations Division of theTexas Comptroller of Public Accounts.

    We will be meeting in the old patrolbriefing room on the bottom floor ofBuilding C (the building housingDispatch.)

    Thanks to Program Chairperson Laura

    McManus for all her hard work inscheduling speakers.

    On May 6th, Officer Roddy Adcock receivedthe State of Texas Law Officer Achievement

    Award for Public Service for his work with

    the Alzheimers Safe Return Program.

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    THE INFORMANTAugust 2004 Page 3


    Field Training Officers have agreed to allow COP members to ride with them in July aspart of our on-going training. The FTOs schedules are as follows:

    Off. Jeff Hill 3 pm - 1 am ( 16-17-20-21-22-23-28-29-30 and 31 July)

    Off. Charles Whites 6 pm - 6 am ( 16-17-18-21-22-26-27-30 and 31 July)

    Off. John Schultz 6 pm - 6 am ( 26-27-30 and 31 July)

    Off. John Rowe 6 am - 6 pm ( 19-20-23-24-25-28 and 29 July)

    Off. Jay Ewing 6 am - 6 pm ( 19-20-23-24-25-28 and 29 July)

    Sgt. Horton has discussed this with Patrol and there shouldn't be any problems. You will

    need to contact the officer a couple days ahead of time. This will be an opportunity for

    you to ask an FTO questions about what to look for or how to handle a specific situation

    while your riding in the COPS Program.

    This is something we have working on for a while and Sgt. Horton has now made it

    happen. Please take advantage of this opportunity, so it doesn't go away.

    When You Least Expect ItBy Mike Goggin

    That fragment of the line made famous byAlan Funt of Candid Camera fame manyyears ago came to mind after a recentevening of Citizens on Patrol. Let me tellyou about it.

    Karen Adair-Murphy and I began the shiftas usual, gathering our equipment andattending briefing. Sgt. Webber reportedthat Sgt Evans would not be on regularduty for some time due to an injury. Therewere also reports of a recently stolenvehicle from Austin and one of a truck froman apartment complex in south Round

    Rock that was suspected of being used insome burglaries on the north side.

    We began by going by to see the truck andthe area where the burglaries had taken

    place while it was still light out and thenproceeded to check out the shoppingcenters, apartments, and such. Several ofthe schools had festivities that evening andso we checked those again later. As iscommon, nothing became of any of this.

    After returning from code 7 (dinner), wecontinued to check different areas that we

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    THE INFORMANTAugust 2004 Page 4realized we had not checked yet. In doingso, it was past 1:00 AM before wemanaged to check on the city parks withtheir midnight curfews. We proceeded intoMcNeil Park and it looked to be quiet

    until we reached the restrooms and sawprobably 15-20 men standing arounddrinking beer. They didnt appear to berowdy, but still didnt belong there. Webacked out and called it in and waited toreport anything further to the officers ifnecessary. Four units went in, which waspretty exciting. It turned out they had beenplaying baseball earlier and relaxingafterwards. Being all adults, they wereadvised to leave. We did check again later

    and they had.

    So then we fuel the car and as wereheaded back to the station, we realize wehavent checked Old Settlers Park so offwe go. Except for a couple of thoroughfares, it looked pretty quiet. Wereached the concession stand near the ballfields on the north side and saw a lone carin the parking lot with no sign of occupantsor activity in the area. But we called it in

    just the same and waited nearby. It took awhile for a unit to arrive due to higherpriority calls preempting this one.Eventually Charles Whites arrived andproceeded to check it out. He positioned

    his car to light the area and thenapproached it on foot from another angle,which appeared to be pretty much by thebook to us. Soon Lloyd Bird arrived toback him up. Charles then opened the

    passenger door. It took several minutes,but eventually we could tell that there wassomeone moving inside the car!

    After they talked to the occupant for awhile, Lloyd motioned us to come over towhere he now was and explained that theoccupant was a 16 year old girl who hadleft a party after a disagreement with thehost, but didnt want to go home and sowas sleeping in the car in the park

    where a woman was assaulted not longago. Her parents were called and soon herfather arrived and she was released to him.

    So while not as exciting as seeingsomething going down, we figured weprovided something better an ounce ofprevention. Volunteering is all about tryingto do something worthwhile, and while itcan take many hours to do, when it doeshappen, its quite fulfilling. If you have an

    opportunity to patrol, which can be on anynight with up to 2 cars if needed, pleaseconsider it. Something like this couldhappen to you too when you least expectit.

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    THE INFORMANTAugust 2004 Page 5

    Scenes from the May City Council Meeting

    On May 13th, several Alumni members

    attended the City Council meeting for the

    reading of our proclamation declaring theweek of May 9th - 15th as National Police

    Week. Chief Bryan Williams was also

    sworn in and several officers were on handfor the ceremonies.

    Thanks to Mike Goggin, Karen Adair-Murphy, Dana Mueller, Ronnie Mueller,

    Edie Heuss, Linda Zamarippa, DebbieBruce-Juhlke, Walter Klingemann, LauraMcManus and Gary Gillespie for


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    THE INFORMANTAugust 2004 Page 6

    Scenes from Open House

    The Police Department held an Open

    House on May 29th to introduce ChiefWilliams to the community. In spite of thepouring rain, several citizens attended.

    Thanks to Mike Goggin, , Dana Mueller,Ronnie Mueller, Edie Heuss, Linda

    Zamarippa, Debbie Bruce-Juhlke, Walter

    Klingemann, Diane Gargano, Rick Scott,Morris Noren, and Laura McManus for


    A second Open House will be heldsometime in November stay tuned for


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    THE INFORMANTAugust 2004 Page 7

    Scenes from Class 13

    Officer Bobby Arrington, who heads upthe CPA Training Program, has been

    recently diagnosed with a life threatening

    disease. Important that we keep Bobby

    and his family in our prayers

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    THE INFORMANTAugust 2004 Page 8

    Timesheets 101

    Keeping track of your volunteer time couldnt be easier.

    The Police Department began using volunteer timesheets in July 1999. Tracking volunteer time showsthe City Council and the City of Round Rock how much money is donated through volunteer hours, onboth an individual and group basis. The departments volunteer hours are reported in its quarterly

    report that is presented to the City Council and also posted on the departments web page.

    Any time you spend in any volunteer activity for the RRCPAAA and/or RRPD can be recorded on a

    volunteer time sheet. Examples of activities that can be recorded on your timesheet are:

    Attending monthly meetings

    Attending board meetings

    Attending committee meetings

    Going on COP patrolsWorking on a specific project or event, e.g. Public Safety Day, Kids Safety Day, Warrant round ups,

    SFST Training, July 4th, etc.

    Working in the concession stand at Dell DiamondMaking warrant calls

    Working on any committee function e.g. making phone calls, updating the scrapbook, arranging

    meeting speakers, arranging socials, updating the GoClub, etc.Going on a ride-along with an RRPD officer

    Serving on hiring or promotion boards

    Attending state or national CPA conventions.

    If you have any questions about what you can record on your volunteer timesheet, please ask Sr. Sgt.Pierce.

    Timesheets are turned in once a month to Sr. Sgt. David Pierce. Timesheets can be submitted via email

    ([email protected]); via fax at 218-3267; in person by dropping off at the PD during business

    hours or turned in at monthly meetings. Please note, timesheets do not need to be signed before theywill be accepted.

    In order to have the volunteers hours for the previous month to the Volunteer Center in a timely

    manner, Sr. Sgt. Pierce has asked that timesheets be turned in by the 7th of each month.

    A blank timesheet can be downloaded from our web page at: www.rrcpaaa.org. Blank timesheets can

    also be picked up in the Volunteer Office at the department (1st floor of Building B) and will beavailable at our monthly meetings. Edie has an excel spreadsheet that she uses to email her timesheet

    that she would be happy to share with anyone. Please contact her at [email protected].

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    THE INFORMANTAugust 2004 Page 9

    Upcoming Events

    July22 Executive Board Meeting

    6:30 7:30 p.m.

    24 Texadelphia Concession Stand Dell Diamond5:30 9:30 p.m.

    31 Back to School Fair at the YMCA6:00 9:00 p.m.

    August3 National Night Out

    3:30 7:30 p.m.

    5 Monthly Meeting

    7:00 9:00 p.m.Speaker: Nicole Jensen, Investigator, Criminal Investigations Divisionof Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

    7 Texadelphia Concession Stand Dell Diamond5:30 9:30 p.m.

    Two more volunteers are needed.

    7 Timesheets due to Sr. Sgt. Pierce

    8 Pump It Up3918 Gattis School Road

    Noon to 4:00 p.m.22 25 2004 State CPAAA Convention

    Moody Gardens Hotel, Galveston Texas$75 registration fee See any Board member if you would like aregistration form

    29 Accreditation InspectionTabernacle at Old Settlers Park7:00 a.m.

    September25 Public Safety Day

    Texas Baptist Childrens Home9:00 a.m. - noon

    July 200528 30

    2005 State CPAAA ConventionWaco Hilton

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    THE INFORMANTAugust 2004 Page 10

    A message from our President:

    The new CPA Class (#13) is in it's 2nd month of training and participation by our alumni members hasbeen very good. Officer Bobby Arrington is doing an outstanding job of leading this group through

    their various training phases. If you haven't had an opportunity to sit in on one of these training classes,I would encourage you to do so.

    For those alumni members who haven't been through the COPS Training Program, the classroom part

    of it will be taught on August 9th by Sgt. Robert Horton and the driving test will be on August 14th .

    There won't be another opportunity to go through these until class #14 begins (not sure when that willbe).

    As usual, summer time activities and vacations take their toll on members of organizations like oursfrom not participating in projects. We encourage you to give of your time when you can. Your

    participation and efforts are greatly appreciated by the police department.

    Ronnie Mueller10-8

    Scenes from our Golfing Social

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    THE INFORMANTAugust 2004 Page 11

    CPA class schedule



    3 July 26 Investigations Division Overview and MissionOrganizational Structure

    Major Crimes



    High tech




    3 Aug 2 Crime Scene Overview of MissionPolicy/Procedures


    Crime Scenes:Scene Security/Personnel

    Evidence Recovery/Documentation

    Evidence Processing (Latent exercises, etc)Practical



    3 Aug 9 Law and Policy CCP, Penal Code, TRC

    Use of Force:

    PolicyUOF Continuum

    Prisoner Restraint

    Driver Training Classroom Instruction:Legal Issues

    Department Training

    Abbreviated LEEVO Class




    4 Aug 14 Driver Training


    Practical: (Dell Diamond)TML Driving Course

    Controlled Braking

    Evasive Lane Change



    3 Aug 16 Media Relations

    Firearms Overview of Training/Qualification

    Orientation of Lethal and Less-Lethal, CAPSTUN equipmentLegal Issues

    Primary Weapon Operation/Maintenance (sidearm and shotgun)

    Marksmanship FundamentalsRange Operations and Safety

    Course of Fire




    4 Aug 21 Range

    (Possibly at

    Leander Range

    date TBD)

    Review of Safety

    Demo of Reaction Time

    Firearms Familiarization Fire (P229/Shotgum)Less-Lethal Shotgun (Demo)

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    THE INFORMANTAugust 2004 Page 12



    3 Aug 30 Volunteer Program


    COPS, VIP, Data Entry, etc

    RRCPAAA Contacts

    Ronnie Mueller, [email protected]


    Morris Noren, 1st Vice [email protected]

    Edie Heuss, 2nd Vice [email protected]

    Diane Gargano, [email protected]

    Frank Gargano, [email protected]

    Mike Goggins, [email protected]

    Sr. Sgt. David Pierce, [email protected]


    Sgt. Robert Horton, COP [email protected]

    Sgt. Willie Richards, [email protected]

    Current Members

    Gary Brown

    Sallie Buchner

    Chuck Burt

    Diane Gargano

    Frank Gargano

    Gary Gillespie

    Dana Goggin

    Mike Goggin

    Edie Heuss

    Debbie Bruce-

    JuhlkeGeorge Joos

    Walter Klingemann

    Larry McManus

    Laura McManus

    Dana Mueller

    Ronnie Mueller

    Karen Adair-Murphy

    Morris Noren

    Sheila Offutt

    Wayne Pulliam

    Rick ScottRay Thibodaux

    Dick Widdows

    Linda Zamarippa

    Committee Contacts

    Internet/GoclubMike [email protected]


    Chuck [email protected]


    ProgramsLaura McManus

    [email protected]


    SocialsDana Mueller

    [email protected]


    ScrapbookLinda Zamarippa

    [email protected]



    Jeannie Howell

    Marx Howell

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