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Page 1: Information exchange through social media (NCVO Annual Conference 2012)

Learning through social media and online

Madeleine Sugden – KnowHow NonProfit

Paul Webster – My Learning Pool

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Social media / digital learning

• More than an broadcast channel• Listening and learning as well as sharing• Building relationships / opportunities for collaboration• Training open 24/7• Most activity is populated by the 70/20/10 rule – 70% will

be passive users, 20% on-off active users and 10% regularly active.

“There's a world of information out there. Stop waiting for someone to "train" you, and get out there and find the information.”

Quote from survey

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Everyone’s approach to learning is different• Some see learning as needing to be completed whilst

sitting in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher while for others learning is more intuitive, more flexible, more organic.

• Learning doesn’t have to be completed at a designated time or in a specific format.

• Each and every day we learn something new …

… but hands up those of us who ever take this further and seek out new ways to learn and to learn on-line?

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New media - Web 2.0 ...

Web 2.0 =Social Media=New Media=Social Networking

. . media rich, interactive, content based on preferences, open for sharing and where conversations WITH visitors encouraged.

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• Of all website visits in UK, 2 are Social Networks - Google (9.5%), Facebook (6.6%), YouTube (3.5%), ebay (1.9%), WinMail (1.4%). Google - 91% of search traffic. (HitWise – Feb 2012)

• 96% of those aged 18 – 35 are on at least one social network

• Of the 48.6 million adult population (ONS) active on social media sites, 77% have a Facebook profile, 66% are YouTube users, 32% are on Twitter and 16% have a presence on LinkedIn. (Umph Sept 2011 – sample of 2,400 adults)

• 50% view their page daily (February 2012)

• YouTube is 2nd most popular way people search for content.

• One to watch? Pinterest visits up from 50k to over 300k in 1 month. (Nov 2011 Comscore)

Social Networking – the numbers

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• Average social network user is aged 37

• LinkedIn it's 44, Twitter 39, Facebook 38 & Bebo 28 (typical user younger)

• 52% of Facebook users are 18 to 34 yrs

• However of active social networking users, 55% of those over 65 are on Facebook & 19% of all users are over 45

• 55% aged 18-34 check their social networks at least once a day (June 2011)

So, its not a passing phase, but it is important that organisations direct effort to the right network(s)

(From - www.clickymedia.co.uk & www.hitwise.com)

Social Networking – the numbers


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Use of social networks and blogs is almost 23% of time spent on internet in UK, 159% increase in last 3 years.

2nd and 3rd is Online Gaming (10%) & email (7.5%)Other consists of Work related use, Online Banking, Hobbies & Job Searches)

Facebook mobile increased by 100% in last year

Android OS use grown from 5% to 47% (Dec 2009 to Dec 2011). Apple is 30%, Symbian <5%. (ComScrore Aug 2011)

Increase from 31% (2010) to 45% (2011) of people who connect to Internet from phone/tablet (ONS – Aug 2011)

59% to access a social network, 12% to check-in

43% of users have downloaded an 'app'

Learning can take place in chunks whilst commuting

Over 25 million smartphones in use in UK51.3% of phone market(Ofcom Aug2011 / ComScore Dec2011)

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Do you learn online?

• What are your favourite ways of learning to support your work (on or offline)?

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Survey about use of social media / digital learning• People used a mix of methods

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Survey about use of social media / digital learning• And for a variety of reasons

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Survey about use of social media / digital learning• Per week 47% spent between 1-2 hours online learning

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Survey about use of social media / digital learning• Time was the biggest barrier (reported by 60%)

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Video based instructional sitesFrom TEDx, to Commoncraft, to YouTube – its all there!

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Events AS they happen not AFTER they have happened

200 million registered users

180 million tweets posted per day

7 million users in UK

40% of tweets are from mobiles

Short updates, signposts to learning resources and conversation starters

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Important to make profile 'followable' - DO add Pictures (logo, background, recent images), Place, Profile and Page- DON'T leave these blank or over-sell and push advertising

A small network of quality followers can often be result in better quality on-line learning through discussions and shared links than a large network of followers who never have conversations or share ideas and knowledge.

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Peter Wanless: @peterwanless

Tweets and responds

CEO of Big Lottery

Nick Hurd: @minforcivsoc

Tweets reads and comments

Minister for Civil Society

Potential to access the influencers

Also used by and an acceptable, accessible channel to local MPs & councillors to canvass opinion and inform of news

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Searching an event #hashtag for updates and to see who else is interested

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Sharing a discussion thread on i-volunteer alongside an on-line chat on Twitter#ttvolmgrs

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Conferences are expensive and time consuming to attend, but great for learning & sharing. Join in online or catch-up later with speaker talks, video interviews and event pictures.

Following an event #hashtag on multiple sites





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Rather than being there, get everyone together online

Following an online chat

#chat2lrn 4pm Thursday

#lgovsm 8pm Tuesday

#swchat 9pm Thursday

#nptalk 8pm Wednesday

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• Learn from other people doing similar tasks and roles

• Public and private groups

• Email / web groups

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Be a member of sector specialist interest groups.Get out as much as is put in.

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Professional Social Networking

Discussion Groups

Now has section to record volunteer experience

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Email based Groups- well established track record – both of these around 10 years- email based format better suits way some people work- easily searchable archive or messages always there



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Web Groups

building their own spaces for- learning- sharing- discussions

Alternatives:Google Sites, SocialGo, Facebook, Wackwall

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Third Sector PR & Comms

Formed by Rob Dyson of


Over 1500 members

Be where people are

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Answering and answering questions• Survey: 87% people in our survey said

they used digital learning to answer a specific question / solve a problem

• There are different methods for getting a direct answer to a specific question….

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Shared sector knowledge

• Wikis / howtos

• Benchmarking surveys and reports

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• 24/7 opportunities to learn - but still take seriously

• Cost effective – reduces cost of attendance, also time away from desk & travel time

• Consistent for all who need training

• Ready when you are then at your pace

• Easy to update with sector/legislation changes

• Can be revisited as a personal online reference

• Flexible for sharing and collaboration of content

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Develop yourself Make some noise Manage the money You’re in charge

All the personal skills you need to make your work a success

How to market your activity using social media, events and traditional communications

Everything you need to know about financial planning, budgeting, fund raising and grants

Management training, health and safety, diversity and customer service are all covered

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My Learning Pool

Cost effective on-line learning for the voluntary & community sector

• Suite of 28 on-line e-learning training courses• Aimed at people running small groups & organisations• Suitable for individual charity workers & volunteers• Building block as part of blended learning• Reduce time out of office and ensures consistent delivery• Interactive and engaging learning experience• Quiz and printable certificate on completion• Learn at own pace - progress tracked, revisit modules• Costs just £25 per person per year

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Filtering Skills

• Learning on line may need a new skill-set

• Discerning 'good' from 'googled'

• Originated by trusted sector sources

• Tested by grassroots practitioners

• Collaboration to build and refine

“Double check and cross-refer to check accuracy.”

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Other Useful Websites

• www.trello.com - share boards and ideas

• www.econsultancy.com - Digital Marketers

• www.open.ac.uk - OU on-line learning

• www.openculture.com/freeonlinecourses - links to itunes & YouTube courses

• www.go-on.co.uk - training to be a Digital Champion

• www.globelearning.org - voluntary sector e-learning

• www.teach-ict.net/videohome.htm - basic ICT videos

• http://stackoverflow.com/ - tech & programming space

• www.ictknowledgebase.org.uk - ICT Guides & discussions

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Thank you

Madeleine Sugden – KnowHow NonProfit– [email protected]

– @madlinsudn / @knowhownonprof

Paul Webster – My Learning Pool– [email protected]

– @watfordgap / @mylearningpool

“There's a world of information out there. Stop waiting for someone to 'train' you, get out there and find the information.”

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