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Page 1: Informational Writing November 12, 2013However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning. Graphic novels

Informational Writing November 12, 2013

Page 2: Informational Writing November 12, 2013However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning. Graphic novels

Informational Writing November 12, 2013

George Washington's presidency displayed the 'common sense' approach as the model for all presidents of the United States. He was willing to give up his position of president when his term was finished. He did not want the people to think of the president as just another position of power, like the King of England. He wanted to be simply known as "Mr. President", which was not the official title of the position. He was humble, which the official title of the president was too elegant and may have the people think that he was too conceited. Although Washington was personally a humble individual, his presidency was far from that, as his cabinet led the complex path of his presidency.

Page 3: Informational Writing November 12, 2013However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning. Graphic novels

Informational Writing November 12, 2013

Page 4: Informational Writing November 12, 2013However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning. Graphic novels

Informational Writing November 12, 2013

Page 5: Informational Writing November 12, 2013However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning. Graphic novels

Informational Writing November 12, 2013

I. Introduction

II.Body (Idea 1)

a. Main idea/ Topic statement

b. Supporting Statement

1. explanation.

c. Supporting Statement

1. explanation.

d. Supporting Statement

1. explanation.

e. Transitional Statement

III.Body (Idea 2)

a. Main idea

b. Supporting Statement

1. explanation.

c. Supporting Statement

1. explanation.

d. Supporting Statement

1. explanation.

e. Transitional Statement

IV.Body (Idea 3)

a. Main idea

b. Supporting Statement

1. explanation.

c. Supporting Statement

1. explanation.

d. Supporting Statement

1. explanation.

e. Transitional Statement

V.Body (Idea 4)

VI.Body (Idea 5)

VII.Body (Idea 6)

VIII. Conclusion

Page 6: Informational Writing November 12, 2013However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning. Graphic novels

Informational Writing November 12, 2013

The Dreaded

Introductory Paragraph

What is it and how do I make one?Please see the handout Mr. Rios

made for you.

Page 7: Informational Writing November 12, 2013However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning. Graphic novels

Informational Writing November 12, 2013

Comics have been an integral part of America since the 1930's and their appeal has survived to this present day. Graphic novels are comics in a trade paperback format- the story is told both through text and through images. Graphic novels first appeared on the scene in 1978 and are steadily becoming mainstream in American culture (Maureen Mooney, 2002). In recent years, much debate has been stirred regarding whether or not graphic novels have a place in a library's collection. To most, comics and graphic novels are silly, violent, and chauvenistic. However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning. Graphic novels have matured to become a legitimate form of literature with many titles winning major literary awards, including the Pulitzer Prize. While the overall general public tends to feel that graphic novels are a frivolous use of library budget, more and more librarians are finding that graphic novels are powerful tools in getting reluctant students to read.


Page 8: Informational Writing November 12, 2013However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning. Graphic novels

Informational Writing November 12, 2013

Comics have been an integral part of America since the 1930's and their appeal has survived to this present day. Graphic novels are comics in a trade paperback format- the story is told both through text and through images. Graphic novels first appeared on the scene in 1978 and are steadily becoming mainstream in American culture (Maureen Mooney, 2002). In recent years, much debate has been stirred regarding whether or not graphic novels have a place in a library's collection. To most, comics and graphic novels are silly, violent, and chauvinistic. However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning. Graphic novels have matured to become a legitimate form of literature with many titles winning major literary awards, including the Pulitzer Prize. While the overall general public tends to feel that graphic novels are a frivolous use of library budget, more and more librarians are finding that graphic novels are powerful tools in getting reluctant students to read.This is the introductory paragraph in it's highlighted form. The 'hook', or opening statement is in dark red. The explanation (needed to clarify this example) for the 'hook' is in red. The dark and light blue sentences are the supporting statements for the introductory paragraph. The sentence in black is the actual thesis statement of the entire paper. Save the best for last.

Page 9: Informational Writing November 12, 2013However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning. Graphic novels

Informational Writing November 12, 2013

Comics have been an integral part of America since the 1930's and their appeal has survived to this present day. Graphic novels are comics in a trade paperback format- the story is told both through text and through images.

The dark red sentence is the 'hook'. In this, the reader must be drawn in with a sentence that humors, informs, or challenges the reader's preconceived notion of the topic the writer wishes to share with the reader. The 'hook' may or may not be familiar to the reader, so the writer adds on an explanation for the reader as to further entice their interest on the subject.

Page 10: Informational Writing November 12, 2013However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning. Graphic novels

Informational Writing November 12, 2013

Graphic novels first appeared on the scene in 1978 and are steadily becoming mainstream in American culture (Maureen Mooney, 2002).

In recent years, much debate has been stirred regarding whether or not graphic novels have a place in a library's collection.

Not like a book

Has pictures

Not considered as

serious literature

T.V, movies, and games

Look at each of the light and dark blue sentences. Each are topic sentences from each paragraph from the body of the paper. Could you turn each red phrase into a sentence? The red phrases can be ideas for supporting sentences for each topic sentence for the paragraph.

Page 11: Informational Writing November 12, 2013However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning. Graphic novels

Informational Writing November 12, 2013

To most, comics and graphic novels are silly, violent, and chauvinistic.

However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning.

Graphic novels have matured to become a legitimate form of literature with many titles winning major literary awards, including the Pulitzer Prize.

Simpsons, Punisher

Full Metal Alchemist, Dark Knight Returns, Maus

Maus, Ghost WorldLook at each of the light and dark blue sentences. Each are topic sentences from each paragraph in the body of the paper. The red phrases can be ideas for supporting sentences for each topic sentence.

Page 12: Informational Writing November 12, 2013However, comics are no longer simply men in tights- many graphic novels deal with current issues, serious subjects, and learning. Graphic novels

Informational Writing November 12, 2013

While the overall general public tends to feel that graphic novels are a frivolous use of library budget, more and more librarians are finding that graphic novels are powerful tools in getting reluctant students to read.

This is the actual thesis statement for the whole paper. It gives the focus of the paper and helps prepare the reader for what the writer is about to present.

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