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Tunnel ConstructionProgress is built on ideas.

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 Johann Heß Stefan Jacob

Tunnel construction is one of

the most fascinating but also

most demanding areas of the

construction industry. Numer-

ous tunnel projects within

Europe such as the tunnels on

new railway lines, road tunnels

for motorways and bypasses,

inner city metro and tram

lines for transport services or

large-scale sewage collectors

demonstrate the variety and

complexity of modern tunnel



Growing mobility, fast access

to the economic area and

increasing volumes of traffic

all create the need for efficientand environmentally sustain-

able transport infrastructure.

In order to meet these require-

ments, it‘s particularly impor-

tant to expand rail and road

networks. Underground mining

has become an increasingly im-

portant aspect of such construc-

tion activity.


Therefore, in 1996 the tunnel

construction division within

Max Bögl Group was reorga-

nised to become the Central

Tunnelling Department. Thanks

to the experience and know-

how of our employees, we are

able to plan, construct and

operate such infrastructure

projects on a turnkey basis, all

from a single source. Quality,efficiency and punctual delivery

are always top priorities.

With its Central Tunnelling

Department, Max Bögl has a

skilled and powerful construc-

tion department, which supple-

ments its range of services in

transport infrastructure con-


Johann Heß

Managing Director


Stefan Jacob

Head of Central Tunnelling


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Munich subway – Marienplatz

 platform extension

Münster-Wiesing Tunnel, Lot H3-4, Lower Inn Valley railway 

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Offenbau Tunnel,

new railway line

from Nuremberg to


Tunnel subway line 8, Munich-North Regional train station Potsdamer Platz, BerlinMunich subway – tunnelling works

for the Marienplatz platform extension

The Central TunnellingDepartment at Max Bögl

Since 1996 the Central Tunnel-

ling Department of Max Bögl

has been covering the whole

spectrum of services in the field

of underground mining and

tunnelling. In close cooperationwith the machine engineer-

ing department as well as the

design personnel office, based

at the Neumarkt head office,

all underground or open cut

tunnelling is carried out expedi-

tiously. The wide range of ser-

vices also includes pipe jacking

and ground freezing.

The whole field of business

activity ranges from acquisi-

tion, bidding and construction

preparation work to carrying

out construction of road and

railway tunnels, supply tun-

nels and caverns. The Central

Tunnelling Department also

supports the Civil Engineering

and Underground Engineering

division in a cross-divisionalway by providing advice and

solutions to problems in diffi-

cult construction assignments.

Memberships with “STUVA”

and “DAUB”, as well as with

“Underground Construction”,

the federal specialist depart-

ment of the German Construc-

tion Industry Association, and

with the Austrian Society Geo-

mechanics confirm the recog-

nition of the Central Tunnelling

Department among experts.

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Railway tunnels: 300 km/h – for fast passengerand cargo traffic within Europe

New railway line fromCologne to Rhine/Main

With the construction of the

new ICE railway line between

the economic areas of Cologne

and Frankfurt, an important

milestone of the German and

European high-speed network

was built. Under the techni-

cal leadership of the Max Bögl

Group, the “Arge Mittelstand,

Fachgewerk Tunnelbau” (joint

venture of medium-sized con-

struction companies for profes-

sional tunnel construction) wasin charge of designing and

constructing the Ittenbach,

Aegidienberg, Rottbitze and

Günterscheid Tunnels.

The new railway line passes

through the Rhenish slate

mountain infused by Devonian

rock formations, crossing the

“Siebengebirge” on the way

from Cologne as well as the

south-westerly foothills of the

“Siegerland” and the “Wester-

wald” ranges.

Ittenbach, which is the most

northern tunnel and mea-

sures 1,145 m long, was partly

constructed using the open cut

method and partly by apply-

ing conventional tunnelling

with an overburden of up to

25 m. The Aegidienberg Tun-

nel, which is 1,240 m in length,

was built using conventional

tunnelling methods with anoverburden of up to 30 m

in residential areas. In the

Rottbitze area, the railway line

passes through an 820-m-long

tunnel driven by conventional

tunnelling. On each side of the

tunnel, exit/entry structures

were built with a length of

120 m to the north and 200 m

to the south. The 1,130-m-long

Günterscheid Tunnel was

excavated by conventional

tunnelling with an overburden

of 24 m.

For all these tunnel structures,

tunnel excavation was car-

ried out using conventional

methods with drill and blast

and flexible shotcrete lining

support. After tunnel excava-

tion, the Rottbitze and Günter-

scheid Tunnels were supplied

with a water pressure-resistant

inner shell made of waterproof

concrete. In the case of theIttenbach and Aegidienberg

Tunnels, a water pressure-re-

sistant and reinforced concrete

lining with watertight mem-

brane was installed.

Rescue places were built at

each portal. Furthermore, tun-

nel structures measuring more

than 1,000 m were provided

with additional emergency

exits. [*]

View from the Aegidienberg Tunnel to the Ittenbach Tunnel, new railway line from Cologne to Rhine/Main

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New railway linefrom Nuremberg toIngolstadt

As a high-speed north-south

train connection between

Scandinavia and Italy, the

new ICE railway line between

Nuremberg and Ingolstadt is

the centrepiece of the rail traf-

fic project named “Deutsche

Einheit Nr. 8” (German Unity

No. 8). This 89-kilometre sec-

tion, for which functional

design contracts were awarded

to three different construction

 joint ventures by PDBE, has

been designed for speeds of

300 km/h throughout its length.

Commercially in charge of the

approximately 35-km-long

northern construction sec-

tion, our company built the

2,287-m-long Göggelsbuch

Tunnel, among other things.

Applying the New Austrian

Tunnelling Method (NATM),

the two-track railway tunnel

was driven from both sides

using conventional tunnelling

techniques. The total cross-

section of the excavated area

was close to 145 m². The tunnel

excavation was divided into

crown and side walls.

Embankment slides and a

second groundwater level with

tensioned groundwater condi-

tions meant that the Offenbau

Tunnel, for which open cut

tunnelling was originally

planned, had to be carried

out using the cut-and-cover

method using compressed air

for tunnel excavation. First

of all, an excavation pit wall

was constructed with a total

of 45,000 running metres of

overlapping large-scale drilled

piles, onto which the final

tunnel top concrete slabs were

laid. The excavation of the tun-

nel cross-section with tunnel

excavators and construction of

the temporary dome struc-

tured base slab was executed

using compressed air up to a

maximum of 0.99 bar over-

pressure. The tunnel, which is

1,332 m long, was completed

by building the final concrete

base and wall structures under

atmospheric conditions. [*]

nterscheid Tunnel, new railway line from Cologne to Rhine/Main

 Above and below: Göggelsbuch Tunnel, new railway line

from Nuremberg to Ingolstadt 

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side walls and base. During the

tunnelling works, the cavity of

approximately 1.6 million m³

that was excavated for the

three tunnels had to be secur-

ed with an outer shell made

of gridding, reinforced steel

mesh, anchors, skewers and

shotcrete. For the final part of

construction, the tunnel was

completed with a seal and an

inner shell out of structural

concrete measuring up to

100 cm thick and an invert arch

with section-by-section base

plate. [*]

a glass plant located there at

a depth of approximately

80 m. Connected by bridges

over the Wohlrose and Schobse

valleys, the 1,439-m-long

Brandkopf Tunnel and the

688-m-long Lohmeberg Tunnel

link up north of the Silberberg


The two-track tunnels of all

three tunnel structures were

driven using a combination of

drill and blast and excavators,

and the excavation was carried

out in stages with the crown,

New railway line fromEbensfeld to Erfurt

As part of the transportation

project “Deutsche Einheit VDE

8”, the high-speed rail link

from Ebensfeld to Erfurt is the

connection between the

extended Nuremberg–Ebens-

feld line and the new railway

line from Erfurt to Leipzig/

Halle. As part of the entire

project, the Central TunnellingDepartment was assigned as

technical co-leader in a joint

venture for the construction

of the three two-track tunnels

Silberberg, Brandkopf and


The largest single investment

and the second-longest tunnel

construction of the more than

100-km-long new railway line

is the 7,391-m-long Silberberg

Tunnel near Ilmenau. Along-

side valleys and high ridges of

the Thuringian Forest, the tun-

nel crosses under part of the

city of Großbreitenbach and

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As part of the expansion of

the rail link between Munich

and Verona, the section of

track between Kundl/Radfeld

and Baumkirchen is being

expanded to four tracks. With

a total length of 40 km, 32 km

of which is in tunnels, the new

Lower Inn Valley railway, which

forms part of the branch line

that runs north towards the

Brenner-Basis Tunnel in Lot

H3-4 Münster-Wiesing includes

the construction of a two-track

railway tunnel. The Central

Tunnelling Department was

contracted in a joint venture

by Brenner Eisenbahn GmbH


Proceeding from the start-

ing shaft at Brixlegg, one

of the largest shield tunnel-

ling machines in Europe with

fluid-supported working face

(bentonite suspension) was

used to drive the 5,835.5-km-

long tunnel. The diameter of

the cutting wheel was 13.03 m.

The tunnel was extended un-

der watertight conditions with

2,875 tubbing rings that were

manufactured in mobile on-

site factory set up by Max Bögl

and which were installed whilst

protected by the shield skin.

After precise underpinning of

the “key areas” of Inn, Inntalmotorway and railway line,

the machine shield driving that

enters the existing tunnelled

section of the isolated H3-6

ended at the solid rock of the

zoo near Wiesing. The rest of

the tunnel expansion also in-

cluded a base drainage system

with shafts, gravel, a layer of

HGT and an over-lying concrete

base. [*]

Other reference projects:

• Koralm Tunnel

• Finne Tunnel

Münster-Wiesing Tunnel, Lot H3-4 Rolling tunnel factory with total weight of 2,600 tonnes, Münster-Wiesing tunnelling

Silberberg Tunnel,

new railway line

from Ebensfeld to


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Grouft Tunnel

An approximately 3,000-m-

long road tunnel to the north

of Luxembourg City was com-

pleted by the end of 2009. It is

part of the “Route de Nord”,

the north-bound A5 motor-

way, linking the “Heeschdref-

ferbierg” plateau in the south

with the Alzette valley at

Lorentzweiler in the north.

The tunnel consists of two

tubes running parallel to each

other, which are linked by

means of four driveable and

six passable cross tunnels.

The tunnel gradient is 4.5 per-

cent so that the cross-section

of the uphill tunnel is design-

ed for three lanes, while the

tunnel going in the other

direction is designed for two.

The tunnelling excavation was

executed in cycles using con-

ventional tunnel construction

methods and drill and blast at

six heading locations. The in-

ner shell is mainly unreinforced

and includes a flexible mem-

brane sealing system. [*]

Grouft Tunnel, Luxembourg

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Nollinger Berg Tunnel

Construction of the Nollinger

Berg Tunnel became neces-

sary in the course of building

the new „High-Rhine“ A 98

motorway at Weil am Rhein-

Waldshut, section Waidhof-

Rheinfelden and the A 861

link road towards Switzerland.

Under the technical leadership

of the Max Bögl Group, out

of the two tunnel tubes only

the 1,268-m-long eastern tube

with two lanes and emergency

footpaths was constructed.

Due to different geological

and hydrological conditions,

tunnel construction for the

entire 1,222 m length had to

be implemented according to

the New Austrian TunnellingMethod in a mixed excavation

system using excavators and

drill and blast. To a large

extent, cement injections

were carried out as additional

measures to improve ground

conditions. A drained, open

base standard cross-section

with shoulders was used as an

inner shell in the first sec-

tion, while a water pressure

resistant cross-section with a

closed-base was used as an

inner shell in the second. [*]

Road tunnels:Safely through the mountain – state-of-the-artroad tunnel for fast transport links

Grouft Tunnel, Luxembourg

 Above and below:

Nollinger Berg


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Bramschstraße Tunnel

The Gorbitz northern tangent

road is an essential part of

the inner-city traffic system of

Dresden. By driving below adensely populated residential

area, the Bramschstraße Tunnel

makes it possible to close the

last and most important gap

in the road. The main part of

the project is the underground

section with the 475-m-long

northern tunnel and the

485-m-long southern tunnel.

Scheibengipfel Tunnel

As a key construction structure

of the future Reutlingen by-

pass, from 2017 the Scheiben-

gipfel Tunnel will drive underthe ridge of the same name in

front of the local mountain,

the Achalm, and will connect

the existing transportation

hub of Efeu in the north with

the south station. The two-line

road tunnel, which is equipped

with state-of-the-art technol-

ogy, is being constructed by

the Central Tunnelling Depart-

ment. At the same time, an

emergency tunnel with seven

cross-tunnels is being con-

structed parallel to the main


1,620 m of the total 1,920 m is

being built using underground

construction methods using a

combination of drill and blast

and excavation, whilst the

rest of the area in both tunnel

portals is being constructedusing open-cut tunnelling.

First the crown is being driven

with temporary base. Once the

south portal is broken through

the cavity shall be completed

by excavating the side wall

and base. The road tunnel is

designed as a two-shell con-

struction with an outer shell

reinforced with steel arches,

anchors, steel mesh and

shotcrete. The inner shell of

the tunnel is constructed from

waterproof concrete.

Applying the New Austrian

Tunnelling Method, drill and

blast in conjunction with exca-

vation took place. Substantialtube spiling was required in

the area of house underpasses.

The tunnel was lined with

a water-pressure resistant,

reinforced inner lining with a

watertight membrane.

 Above and right: Bramschstraße Tunnel 

Tunnelling works break ground, Scheibengipfel Tunnel 

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Lohberg Tunnel

As the technical leader in a

 joint venture, the Max Bögl

Group is constructing the Loh-

berg Tunnel near Darmstadt

as part of the B 426 Nieder-

Ramstadt bypass. Parallel to

the two-lane main tunnel,

a 790-m-long and driveable

emergency tunnel with a total

of three cross tunnels was also

constructed. The underground

excavations of the almost

1,100-m-long main tunnel were

achieved by using a combina-tion of excavation and drill

and blast – partially supported

by tube spiling. High strain on

miners due to natural asbestos

deposits required substantial

occupational protection meth-

ods. A water-pressure resistant

inner concrete lining with

an intermediate ceiling was

installed as part of the final

construction works. [*]

Other reference projects:

• Stafelter Tunnel

Stafelter Tunnel,


Lohberg Tunnel, Darmstadt 

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Munich subway –Marienplatz platformextension

The 2006 FIFA World Cup and

the new football stadium, the

“Allianz Arena”, required an

extension of the Marienplatz

subway station for the subway

lines U3 and U6. Two addition-

al relief tunnels should provide

platform areas that are twice

as large as the existing ones,

thus effectively disentangling

subway and suburban railway

passenger flows. The old and

new platform extension tun-

nels are connected at a total of

eleven locations each. The or-

der for the most laborious con-

struction works in the history

of Munich subway construction

was awarded to the Max Bögl

Group due to several special

proposals that were technically

and economically optimised.

The most crucial point of the

complex construction process

was freezing the water-bearing

layers of sand located directly

above the new platform

tunnels, with their base 25 m

below ground surface, while

Subway and suburban railway tunnels:The arteries of public transport

Glaciation lances freezing the ground

underneath Munich’s town hall.

Right: Special wire saws were used to

cut into sections the concrete waiting to

be processed for the later passageways.

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keeping the subway operation-

al. As the town hall is located

directly above the two tunnels,

the tunnels could not be

drained completely from above

ground using conventional

sunken wells. For this reason

the approximately 100-m-long

pilot tunnels were driven by

pipe jacking using a TBM with

compressed air. Pipe jacking

commenced from the 30-m-

deep starting shafts at Wein-

straße and Dienerstraße.

Starting from these pilot

tunnels, specific ground

freezing was achieved using

a -40 °C cold calcium leach.

Under the safety of the

frozen ground structure, thetwo platform tunnels below

Munich town hall were con-

structed by full-face excava-

tion and temporary shotcrete

lining support, whereby crown

excavation was carried out

briefly ahead of the main

excavation. Some specific

features of the tunnel works

included undercutting of

an existing ventilation gal-

lery and the development of

two directional changes per

tunnel as a turning point into

Dienerstraße. As soon as the

tunnel drives were complete,

freezing of the ground was

terminated. The technically

difficult implementation of the

total 22 breakthroughs to the

existing platform tunnels and

the station building took place

after this.

For these passageways more

than 1,500 m³ of concrete had

to be removed. Special wire

saw cuttings were used to cutthe reinforced concrete vaults,

which measure up to 2.5 m

thick, into sections. Using a

specially made shaft extrac-

tor with high-load cylinders,

the concrete was then pulled

out and hydraulically crushed.

After this, massive reinforced

concrete frames were built into

these openings, shoring up

both the old and new tunnel

building. Due to the large sizes

of the building structures and

the high reinforcement level,

it was necessary to use self-

compacting concrete in the

ceiling sections of the shore-

up frames.

An essential detail connect-

ing the tunnel to the existing

building was the transition of

the structure sealing by using a

special clamp construction. As

the existing tunnels were pro-

vided with a welded-on black

sealing, it was necessary to

connect a clamp joint tape tothe new tunnels to be manu-

factured in waterproof con-

crete. The final completion of

the complex building structure

then formed the installation of

the waterproof inner shell and

the extension of the two start-

ing shafts.

Other reference projects:

• Munich subway U2

• Olympiapark Nord subway

 All images: Munich subway – Marienplatz platform extension

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Nuremberg subway U3

line, northwest con-struction phase 3

Construction phase 3 is the

extension of the northwest

bound U3 line through the

newly-opened Friedrich-Ebert-

Platz subway station and

connects the northern location

of Nuremberg Hospital with

Nordwestring. The section of

track, which measures approxi-

mately 1.1-km-long, includesthe two stations Klinikum Nord

and Nordwestring, which were

both build using the cut-and-

cover construction method.

These two stations are linked

by a 440-m-long tunnel track

that was constructed using

underground excavation. The

tunnel begins as a double tube

structure, before splitting into

two single-track tunes after

240 m. At then end is a 167-m-

long turning loop behind

Nordwestring station. [*]

Other reference projects:

• Fürth subway, U1

Nuremberg subway U3

line, northwest con-struction phase 1.2

The construction phase 1.2 of

the northwest bound U3 line

includes the Maxfeld station

in cut-and-cover, the under-

ground line towards Rathe-

nauplatz station consisting

of two 600 and 700-m-long

single tunnel tubes including

emergency exits, as well as

the 250-m-long undergroundline up to Friedrichstraße as a

double tunnel, also with emer-

gency exits . Excavation of the

tunnels was carried out using a

road header in the Nuremberg

Keuper sandstone. Supporting

measures were determined

in six categories according to

ground classification. [*]

Nuremberg subway U3

line, northwest con-struction phase 1.3

The continuation of construc-

tion phase 1.2 of the north-

west bound U3 line, named

construction phase 1.3, is ap-

proximately 1.1 km long and

stretches from Kaulbachplatz,

through Friedrich-Ebert-Platz

up to Bielingplatz. Both single-

track tunnel tubes were driven

between 5 and 10 m into theNuremberg Keuper sandstone

using covered underground

excavation. The rest of the line

under Heimerichstraße up to

Bielingplatz was designed as

a two-track tunnel. Due to re-

stricted roadability, the 240-m-

long Kaulbachplatz station was

constructed using the cut-and-

cover construction method

under an extensive excavation

pit cover. [*]

Fully-automatic operation of the subway line U3, Nuremberg

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Kaufhof undercut atthe Kö (shopping mile)

The new construction of the

3.4-km-long Wehrhahn line is

currently the largest subway

project in Düsseldorf’s history.

In order to minimise encroach-

ments on the surface, the

length of the tunnel between

the two suburban railway

stations Bilk and Wehrhahn

is being constructed using

underground shield driving.

A shield machine with an

external diameter of 9.50 m is

being used. The construction

of one of the most technicallydemanding tunnel segments,

the approximately 100-m-long

section under Galeria-Kaufhof

at the Kö, is being constructed

according to a special proposal

by the Central Tunnelling De-

partment using underground

excavation with ground freez-

ing protection. The “Heinrich-

Heine-Allee unten” station,

one of six underground sta-

tions, is located directly under

the foundations of the listed

building. [*]

Centre and below:

Nuremberg subway

line U3 – Kaulbachplatz

 subway station

Tunnel of

 subway line 1, Fürth

Kaufhof undercut at the Kö,


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Vienna subway, U2/8

With the extension of the

Vienna subway U2 line up to

the airfield district, the new

U2/8 construction stage should

pave the way for new urban

development. The 1.1-km-

long section of track, includ-

ing both the stations Stadtlau

and Hardeggasse, runs on

two separate, single-track

steel structures. At double the

height, the new line cuts acrossthe 6-lane ÖBB A 23 motorway

and the connecting 15-track

ÖBB and/or future suburban

railway line. Further along, the

reinforced concrete line reverts

back to single height up to the

Hardeggasse station and merg-

es into a two-track reinforced

concrete structure. [*]

Other reference projects:

• Vienna subway, U1/8


Vienna subway, U2/3Praterstern

As part of the extension of theVienna subway network, the

section of the U2 line includes

the future track section from

Schottenring to Aspernstraße.

The focus of the first extension

phase stretching up to the Ernst

Happel stadium is the construc-

tion of section U2 – Lot 3, the

subway station named Prater-

stern. The line runs in two

single-track tunnels, which was

built using the New Austrian

Tunnelling Method.

In front of the 160-m-long sta-tion building, constructed using

the cut-an-cover method, the

U2 line undercuts the existing

U1 tunnel and the ÖBB Vienna

North station. The geological

and hydrological conditions

required the ground water

level to be lowered in stages

according to the progress of

the construction works. The

excavation pits were protected

using jet grouting with back-

anchored walls. [*]

 All images:

Praterstern station,

Vienna U2/3 subway 

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Berlin subway,U 55 line

The Brandenburger Tor subway

station was constructed as a

section of the proposed and

sizeable U 55 line, which is ap-

proximately 1,800 m long and

runs between Lehrter stationand Pariser Platz/Unter den


Due to the high ground-water

level and prohibition from low-

ering this, the excavation pits

were built using diaphragm

wall/cut-and-cover construc-

tion method with a mediumlow-placed “HDI” base. The

tunnelling excavation was

carried out using shotcrete

construction, whilst the water-

bearing sand layers were

protected by ground freezing.

After the relevant section was

complete, the actual load-bearing reinforced cross-sec-

tion was installed. [*]

Brandenburger Tor

 subway station,


Tunnelling under the protection of ground freezing

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When building the Pegnitz-

sammler sewage tunnel in

Nuremberg, the construction

stages III, IV and IV of Lot

2 were carried out. In both

construction lots III and IV, a

1,635-m-long tunnel with a

diameter of 2.5 m was driven

Water supply installations:Tunnels for state-of-the-artenvironmental technology

using semi-mechanised tunnel-

ling machinery and shotcrete

lining support. The construc-

tion stage IV, Lot 2, consists

of a 505-m-long tunnel with a

diameter of 4.2 m. It was built

using a hydro shield with tub-

bing lining segments. [*]

Pegnitzsammler sewage tunnel, Nuremberg

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For years, the Central Tunnel-

ling Department has seen an

increasing demand for new

tunnel construction projects.

Present tunnelling projects like

the City Tunnel in Leipzig and

the Schlüchtern Tunnel

Tubbing segment production by Max Bögl

required a nationwide set-

up of functional facilities to

manufacture tubbing seg-

ments across several modern

locations in Northern and

Southern Germany. Providing

manufacturing accuracies

of +/- 0,3 mm, production

facilities, mechanical skills and

engineering services require a

very high standard of design,

production and handling each

and every day.

The use of a mobile production plant for segment production on the

Münster-Wiesing Tunnel construction site, Lot H3-4

Tubbing segments are fabricated at production

locations in Northern and Southern Germany, which

makes it possible to supply Germany area-wide.

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[*] Joint venture realisation

Founded by Max Bögl in 1929,

Max Bögl Group, headquar-

tered in Neumarkt, Germany,

is looking back on a successful

company history of more than

80 years. With annual sales

of more than 1.5 billion Euroand about 6,000 highly quali-

fied employees, Max Bögl not

only ranks among the top 5 of

Germany’s biggest construction

companies: managed by the

third generation of the family,

Max Bögl Group is Germany’s

biggest privately owned con-

struction company, too.

Thanks to innovations in tech-nology and organisation over

the past decades, Max Bögl

transformed from a single con-

struction service provider into

a technology and service com-

pany that operates globally. To-

day its activities extend across

all areas and difficulty levels of

the modern construction indus-

try: building and traffic route

construction, civil engineering

and tunnel construction, steel

and plant construction, pre-

fabricated part construction as

well as supply and disposal. In

the future, Max Bögl’s technical

know-how will be employed

increasingly to make renewable

energy even more efficient and

attractive. A first step in this

direction has been the develop-

ment and successful launch of

the “Max Bögl Hybrid Tower

System” for wind power plants.

Without losing sight of its

core competence, the tradi-

tional construction business,Max Bögl Group remains a

trustworthy, results-oriented

partner who reliably realises

tailor-made individual solutions

as well as complex one-stop

total packages – from planning

and financing to realisation

and operation. More than 35

locations, production facilities

and representative offices all

around the world open up newmarkets for innovative, trend-

setting products and highlight

our international focus.

The know-how that Max Bögl

Group has acquired over the

course of many years and

its skills in construction and

innovation are reflected in

a plethora of prestigious

building projects. For several

soccer world cups and Euro-

pean championships, Max Bögl

Group demonstrate its capa-

bilities with the construction

of several spectacular sports

venues. The Group continues

to foster its “Design & Build”

competence with the construc-

tion of complex and sustain-

able logistics properties.

As a specialist for modern civil

engineering and tunnel con-

struction, Max Bögl’s technical

and logistical solutions have

been successfully implemented

in many European countries.

The Group’s leading position insteel construction is reflected

especially with the construc-

tion of impressive bridges of all

sizes. And as one of the leading

manufacturers of prefabri-

cated parts Max Bögl produces

pre-cast concrete parts of the

utmost quality and precision in

its own seven stationary plants

as well as in a mobile produc-

tion plant.

Max Bögl’s innovations such as

the development of the “Slab

Track Bögl” or the guideway

girder for maglev systems, suc-

cessfully used in German and

Chinese high-speed networks,

benefit from decades of experi-

ence in the construction and

production of precision pre-cast

concrete parts. Modern light-

rail systems as well as pre-cast

slabs for switches & turnouts

and concrete sleepers round

off the guideway technology


Max Bögl

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Max-Bögl-Strasse 1D-92369 Sengenthal, Germany

Postal address:P. O. Box 11 20D-92301 Neumarkt, Germany

Phone +49 9181 909-0Fax +49 9181 905061

[email protected] max boegl com i

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