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Page 1: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants

Alex Fox is the Director of Policy and Communications in The Princess Royal Trust for Carers. He joined the Trust in 2002 and established the young carers team and website. Alex leads on communications, policy, developing specialist services and the organisation’s research and grant funding programmes, including its £3.5m Comic Relief funded UK-wide grants programme for young carers services. He led on production of Putting people first without putting carers second and an Action guide for primary care in partnership with Royal College of General Practitioners and the Department of Health. Alex sits on the government’s Standing Commission on Carers and on the boards of the Health Hotel, Working with Older People

and the Journal of Integrated Care. He is a visiting lecturer at Nottingham University.

Alex has been appointed as CEO of NAAPS, the UK network of small and family-based social care providers, which includes Shared Lives and Homeshare schemes. He will be taking up that position in June 2010.

Email: [email protected]

Alfred Lagendijk joined PwC in 1995 and is partner in the Dutch Human Resource Services (HRS) team. Alfred is a lawyer and has specialized in pension consulting for employers, pension funds and insurance companies.

He is the project leader of PwC HRS in the Netherlands on the ageing populations. His team has developed a programme by which an organization can predict the ageing and connected costs of salaries and retirement of staff based scenario planning. This is used as an instrument to develop new policies in work force management, in education and development, retirement, talent management and salary systems.

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Amandine Brugière joined the FING team in June 2008. Interested in social impact of digital networks and use of technology, she runs, together with Carole Rivière, the action program “Pluslonguelavie.net” (Ageing Lab) which explores the contribution of digital technologies services to the aging process. She previously acted for 4 years as a consultant in the consultancy “Proposition”, specializing in innovation in the public sector. She studied, in depth, the change of relationship

between citizens and and state in the age of e-government with University of Paris X Nanterre. Before that, she worked during 3 years as a project manager for British Telecom, and for in the publishing business for Gallimard/Bayard.

Email: [email protected]

Andrea Coleman is a Programme Leader in the Young Foundation, providing strategic support to the UpRising programme and leading work on a global academy for social innovation. She joined the Young Foundation in March 2010.

For more than fifteen years, Andrea has worked in the field of education and youth services. Her experience includes classroom teaching as a Teach for America corps member, private-sector consulting in educational technology, and leadership in the public and the third sectors. Prior to joining the Young Foundation, Andrea was an executive at FEGS Health and

Human Services System, one of the largest non-profit social service agencies in the United States, where she led the Education and Youth Services Division, comprising over 50 programs serving 5,000 youth and young adults annually. Andrea's key initiatives at FEGS include the launch of several highly successful new secondary schools in partnership with government and private philanthropy, as well as a range of initiatives to support young adults in meeting their personal, educational, and professional goals

Email: [email protected]

Page 3: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Andrew Barnett has been Director of the UK Branch of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation since September 2007. Andrew joined the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation where he held the post of Director of Policy Development and Communications. Prior to this, he was Director of Communications at the UK Sports Council and, before that, Head of Public Affairs at the National Consumer Council. Andrew previously held posts at HSBC Holdings, the Arts Council of England, and the Foyer Federation for Youth, as well as working for the Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Homelessness and Housing Need. He is chair of the Novas Scarman Group of social enterprises, chair of DV8 Physical Theatre,

and a trustee of Addaction, the UK's largest substance misuse charity, and has previously served voluntarily in a variety of capacities: as chair of the trustees of SPACE Studios, a London-based arts property charity; a director of Yorkshire Housing; and as a trustee of St Christopher's Fellowship, a housing association providing care and support to disadvantaged young people. Born in New South Wales, Australia, Andrew was educated at King’s School, Bruton in Somerset, and St Andrews University. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and an enthusiast for contemporary abstract and Aboriginal art. Email: [email protected]

Andrew Wyckoff is the Director of the OECD’s Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry (STI) where he oversees OECD’s work on innovation, business dynamics, science and technology, information and communication technology policy as well as the statistical work associated with each of these areas. Mr. Wyckoff was previously Head of the Information, Computer and Communications Policy (ICCP) division at the OECD which supports the organisation’s work on information society as well as consumer policy issues. Before heading ICCP, he was the head of STI’s Economic Analysis and Statistics Division which develops methodological guidelines, collects statistics and undertakes empirical analysis in support of science, technology

and innovation policy analysis. His experience prior to the OECD includes being a program manager of the Information, Telecommunications and Commerce program of the US Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), an economist at the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and a programmer at The Brookings Institution. Mr. Wyckoff holds a BA in Economics from the University of Vermont, and a Master of Public Policy from the JFK School of Government, Harvard University. Email: [email protected]

Page 4: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Andrew Wilson is the director of Ingeus Social Ventures. He has worked in the welfare-to-work sector since 1986. He joined Ingeus UK in 2004, initially on secondment from the Department for Work and Pensions, before becoming a permanent member of the Ingeus UK team in August 2005.

Andrew joined Ingeus to manage the Employment Zone operation in Nottingham and became Director of Business Development in 2006. In this role he led a team that won contracts for welfare-to-work programmes such as Pathways to Work and Flexible New Deal, enabling Ingeus to expand

across London, the Midlands and Scotland.

Since June 2009, Andrew has headed up the newly formed Ingeus Social Ventures team, which has been established to diversify Ingeus’ business interests in the UK and elsewhere. Ingeus Social Ventures acts as an incubator for the creation, development and implementation of social ventures and enterprises that are self-sufficient businesses and have a positive impact on communities. A particular area of focus is the provision of high quality services to the elderly and those in need of enabling care in their own homes.

Email: [email protected]

Ann Netten is Professor of Social Welfare at the University of Kent, Canterbury. She joined the Personal Social Services Research Unit in 1987 and has been director of the Kent branch of the Unit since November 2000. Her research interests include cost estimation and economic evaluation of health and social welfare interventions (including criminal justice), care of older people, developing theoretical approaches to the evaluation of community care and measuring quality and outcomes in social care.

Email: [email protected]

Annabel Knight works on transnational and national initiatives at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation,

Annabel was born in the UK and currently lives in London. She works on an extensive European programme on Ageing which seeks to reconnect isolated older people to their communities through intergenerational practice and the use of new and relevant technologies. While working in Lisbon, Annabel has accompanied the launch of the first Social Stock Exchange in Europe.

Having lived and worked in England, Spain, Portugal and Chile, Annabel graduated from the University of Sheffield with a first class BA in Philosophy and Hispanic Studies and has recently pioneered a colleague exchange programme between the UK and Portugal and will lead on its expansion.

Email: [email protected]

Page 5: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Drs. Anneke Offereins is a business administration expert and adviser with the Healthcare Advisory Group, a subdivision of PwC Netherlands’s Advisory division. She works on strategic and organisational issues, focussing primarily on optimising the geriatric care chain. As part of the Healthcare Advisory Group, Anneke has been studying the effects of ageing on the care sector and advises care providers on how to formulate an optimum response to the coming changes.

Email: [email protected]

Ben Kingsmill has recently joined thinkpublic, the social innovation and design agency as Managing Director. He has background in both brand consultancy and consumer advertising. His communications experience includes banking, automotive, technology & FMCG businesses, both internationally and domestically. Former clients include HSBC, Microsoft, Coca Cola and Unilever. After spending over 10 years in marketing services

Email: [email protected]

Brenton Caffin is the Chief Executive Officer of The Australian Centre for Social Innovation. The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI) exists to identify and support the innovative ideas, methods and people that will contribute to and accelerate positive social change. TACSI is currently exploring opportunities for innovation in an ageing society. Brenton began his career in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, later consulting to Australian and British governments on public policy, performance improvement and change management. Brenton returned to

South Australia to pursue his passion for public sector reform through executive positions with the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Government Reform Commission and WorkCover. Brenton has degrees in economics and international relations and a Master of Public Administration from Flinders University, where his research focused on public sector innovation. Email: [email protected]

Page 6: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Bryan Boyer is Design Lead at Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund, where he is project manager of Helsinki Design Lab. Building on a lineage stretching back to 1968, Helsinki Design Lab seeks to advance knowledge, capability, and achievement in strategic design as a decision making tool for governments world wide. Boyer holds a Masters of Architecture degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Design and a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design.

Email: [email protected]

Cassie Robinson is a trained designer, positive psychologist, NESTA Creative Pioneer and also co-founder of Agency. Agency is a Social Innovation outfit that helps to design processes and infrastructures to fuel and support innovation, develop enterpreneurialism and active citizenship, and generate new social value. Agency specialises in acting as learning partners, evaluating projects and impact meaningfully and cultivating the capacity of individuals and organisations to reflect in action. Cassie has consulted and taught about the relationship between

Positive Psychology and Social Innovation, has worked with thinkpublic as an associate for 4 years, and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application of positive psychology, user-centered innovation and design research, with a rigorous understanding, knowledge and practical expertise across the public, third and social sector landscape.

As a strategist, host and broker for connecting innovation and innovators across sectors, Cassie will be supporting the SIX team to connect and encourage conversations that support and build on a longer-term agenda for the event. Finding ways for participants to creatively engage with feedback, generate meaningful insight and reflection and broaden the impact and spread of the learning to a wider audience.

Email: [email protected]

Page 7: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Carmel O’Sullivan joined the Young Foundation's research and international team in October 2008 where she works projects related to ageing, community resilience and how public services and civil society can work better together. Prior to joining the Young Foundation, Carmel worked for the third sector consultancy Community Innovation where her role involved providing guidance and support to start -up social enterprises and charities wishing to diversify their income and activities, as well as undertaking research for public sector bodies. Carmel has also worked for ICAR (Information Centre for Refugees and Asylum Seekers) where she

researched the situation of refugees and asylum seekers in Newcastle and challenges and barriers faced by disabled refugees and asylum seekers in London. In addition, she has also spent time working with indigenous tribes in India and has worked in the refugee sector in Ireland. Carmel has an undergraduate degree in sociology and politics from Trinity College Dublin and a masters degree in sociology from the University of Cambridge.

Email: [email protected]

Carole Anne Riviere joined Fing in 2008 to lead the action programme "Plus Longue La vie.net" (ageing lab). She has a Ph.D in sociology and at Fing she is in charge of stimulating research and innovation investigating how digital technologies can be used to meet the needs of an ageing population. Carole also leads a network of more than 150 people (academics, representatives from the public, private and social sectors, designers, innovators, ) using open cooperation as a working method. Her thesis explored social ego-centered networks as a factor of social change. She used to work as a researcher on the use of ICTs in France and in Asia for Orange Labs from 1996 to 2008.

Email: [email protected]

Caroline Bernard has been Policy and Communications Manager at Counsel and Care since 2006. Caroline is responsible for Counsel and Care’s policy public affairs work, media relations, events, corporate communications and branding. Caroline is the author and co-author of a range of Counsel and Care’s policy papers including Real choice, real voice: older people in control (2007), Delivering a Sure Start to Later Life (2008), and The Future of Homecare: responding to older people’s needs (2009). Caroline also managed and produced the final report for Counsel and Care’s influencing project VotingAge: an older people’s manifesto (2009).

Email: [email protected]

Page 8: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Daniela Figueiredo was born in Aveiro, Portugal, and has a degree in Educational Sciences and a PhD in Health Sciences. She is a Senior Lecturer, in Gerontology at School of Health Sciences at the University of Aveiro. Since 1999, she has been a team member on a number of national and international research projects in the field of chronic disease and informal and formal care-giving in later life. Currently, Daniela is involved on research projects aiming to develop intervention approaches with dementia patients, their families and formal carers.

Email: [email protected]

David Bensadon is a Policy officer at the Secretary of State for Seniors in France. At the SIX Spring School he will represent Mohammed Malki, who is a Technical adviser at the Office of the Secretary of State for Seniors. David has worked for some years on ageing economy. David Bensadon has a masters degree in public health (Ehesp) as well as a masters degree in olitical sciences (Ismapp) and degree in economic sciences.

Email: [email protected]

Deborah Szebeko is the Founder of thinkpublic, a social innovation and design agency that works with the public and third sector in the UK. She has developed a range of collaborative methods and tools to enable social innovation and service improvement in the public and third sector, which is also part of her PhD topic.

Over the past seven years, she has successfully used her co-design approach to grow thinkpublic, whilst developing communication products and services that have been rolled out nationally in the UK. In recognition of Deborah’s

pioneering work she was awarded The British Council’s UK Young Design Entrepreneur in 2008/9.

Email: [email protected]

Page 9: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Diego Guidi is currently Director of International Developement for the Social Innovation Park in Bilbao, Spain. Over the past three years he has worked in the third sector in the UK. He as senior consultant for Action Planning dealing with governance, change management, fundraising strategies and then as Senior Manager of Advisory and Consulting for CAF, Charities Aid Foundation. His role there was to coordinate grant making strategies for CAF's clients spanning Corporates, Operating Charities, Foundations, HNWI.

Diego also spent 8 years in the corporate sector, with 6 years with Siemens in international purchasing and 2 years in consulting as a director of productivity

management department for a Parisian consultancy. A background in coaching and personal developement complement his 3rd sector expertise and corporate background.

Email: [email protected]

Diogo Vasconcelos has been Chair of SIX since Spring 2009. Diogo was elected Chairman of APDC, a 25 years old public interest organization that represents the ICT industry in Portugal in May 2008. One year later, was elected member of the Executive Board of Digital Europe. He chaired the Business Panel on Future EU innovation policy, set up European Commission in January 2009, whose report (published in November 2009) called for a radical change European innovation policies. Recently, Diogo was also appointed to take part in the European Commission’s mid-term evaluation of the Ambient Assisted (AAL) programme.

Since February 2007, Diogo Vasconcelos has been a Distinguished Fellow with Cisco’s Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG), the global strategy and innovation group of Cisco. He is working on the role of ICT fighting climate change and promoting energy efficiency, and sustainable prosperity and the role of next generation broadband to foster innovation among other things. He also chairs the new international NGO Dialogue Cafe, that will create a global network of cafes linked by high definition screens so that ordinary people from different cultures can meet, talk and create together. Before joining Cisco, Diogo was the Knowledge Economic Advisor to the Portuguese President of Republic Prof Cavaco Silva and lead the President’s widely studied digital campaign and “digital presidency”. Diogo was founder and president of UMIC, the Portuguese Knowledge Society Agency. He also represented Portugal in the European Council of Ministers and on the eEurope Advisory Group. He was also a member of the board of the Innovation Agency. Before that, he was elected member of the Parliament and was Vice-President of Social Democratic Party and its spokesperson for Innovation. Prior to that, Diogo founded a multimedia company and published the first magazines in Portugal about the internet and entrepreneurship and launched the Entrepreneurs Academy.

Email: [email protected]

Page 10: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Dorthe Junge is project leader of the No Age programme in Capital Region of Denmark. Her role is to lead the project in its aim to stimulate and encourage social innovation that will help senior citizens maintain health and quality of life. The second aim of the project is to support startups and businesses in the commercialization of the innovations.

The No Age project brings together a variety of agencies in cross-sectoral partnerships and collaboratives. The purpose is to explore and develop six specific, new and innovative solutions to support ageing population and senior citizens. Her Masters thesis about “Social Innovation” has been

turned into a text book. Dorthe had a career in teaching before she moved into management and strategy. She also lead the Danish Innovation Council for a while, running her own consultancy firm. She is now project leader in VÆKSTHUS/Business Link Greater Copenhagen in the Capital Region.

Email: [email protected]

Elettra Ronchi is Senior Policy Analyst in the Science, Technology and Policy Division of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris. She co-ordinates work on biomedicine and health innovation and continues to share responsibility for a project geared towards understanding the drivers and barriers to the adoption of health information technologies.

Elettra Ronchi has more than 15 years experience as policy analyst in technology, innovation and health systems, evaluating the instruments available to governments to improve public benefits from investments in science and technology. Alongside a PhD graduate in neurology and genetics from Rockefeller University/Cornell Medical School in New York, her other training qualifications are in health system management and risk analysis. Elettra has held research and teaching positions at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Ecole Normale in Paris. She started her policy career in 1993 as consultant for the United Nations and was in charge of managing a programme on biotechnologies related to human health at the OECD from 1995 to 2003.

Email: [email protected]

Elizabeth Mills is Director of Homeshare International. She has been working in the voluntary sector in the UK for 25 years and having been Chief Executive of the medical research charity, Research into Ageing, until 2001, she is now an independent consultant advising a range of charities with a particular focus on the health and well-being of older people. She chairs the Steering Group of the UK Age Research Forum (UKARF) and advises Government and Voluntary Sectors.

Email: [email protected]

Page 11: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Ella Britton is working with thinkpublic, where she is using co-design and user engagement methodologies to explore new ways to support a public sector undergoing change. Ella has been involved in coordinating and co-designing the new National Dementia Advisory Service for the Alzheimer’s Society, using her engagement skills to enable people with dementia to participate in the service design process. She has recently used these skills to get much deeper understanding of people’s experience of public services, as part of Total Place in Croydon and Manchester. Ella has also led projects on community health, community engagement, and service innovation. With a

background in visual communication, Ella completed a Masters in Design in 2007 that explored how methods of user-engagement and participatory design could support people undergoing periods of change. She worked with BBC Scotland throughout this time delivering a large communications project around their move to a new Broadcasting Headquarters. Ella has since worked as a consultant with DEGW, supporting public sector organisations engage better with their workforce during periods of organisational and environmental of change.

Email: [email protected]

Erika Widegren is the Executive Director of Atomium Culture. She graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a Masters in Philosophy and Political Science, where she also continued her studies in Economics and Mathematics. She has been engaged in Atomium Culture during its start-up phase, and was later nominated Director of Institutional Relations. Erika has also been involved in the development strategy Atomium Culture, together with the current President M. Baracchi Bonvicini and the Honorary President V. Giscard d'Estaing. Erika was previously involved in

ConTempo, Edinburgh, a charity organization that aims to create a cultural bridge between the Philippines and the UK; Price Waterhouse Coopers, New Delhi; Confederation of Indian Industry, New Delhi and World Model United Nations, Edinburgh/Boston, UK/USA.

Email: [email protected]

Page 12: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Geoff Mulgan is director of the Young Foundation, one of the world’s leading centres for social innovation, social enterprise and public policy.

Between 1997 and 2004 Geoff had various roles in the K government including director of the Government’s Strategy Unit and head of policy in the Prime Minister’s office. Before that he was the founder and director of the think-tank Demos. He has also been Chief Adviser to Gordon Brown MP; a lecturer in telecommunications; an investment executive; and a reporter on BBC TV and radio. He is a visiting professor at LSE, UCL,

Melbourne University and lectures regularly at the China Executive Leadership Academy. He has been a board member of the Work Foundation, the Health Innovation Council and the Design Council, and chair of Involve, and has served on many task forces and commissions. He is chairing a Carnegie Inquiry into the Future of Civil Society in the UK and Ireland. He has worked with many governments around the world, ranging from China and New Zealand, to Canada, France, Denmark and the European Commission, and has lectured in over 40 countries, as well as advising the current Prime Ministers of Australia and Greece.

His most recent book is ‘The Art of Public Strategy: mobilising power and knowledge for the common good’’ (Oxford University Press, 2009). Other books include Good and Bad Power: the ideals and betrayals of government (Penguin, 2006) and Connexity (Vintage and Harvard Business Press, 1998).

Email: [email protected]

Geraldine Bedell is the founder of Agebomb, a new website (‘soft’ launch in June, launch to search engines in September) dedicated to finding the most exciting ideas for an ageing population. Agebomb is designed to draw together innovations from around the world, to provide a resource for people of all ages and a forum for debate. Geraldine has been a newspaper writer, columnist and critic, most recently for The Observer and before that for The Independent. She has made radio documentaries and is the author of a memoir, The Handmade House, and several novels, most recently The Gulf

Between Us (Penguin) and she wrote the Make Poverty History Handbook.

Email: [email protected]

Drs. Gertjan Baars is an information management expert and director of the Information Management Group, a subdivision of PwC Netherlands’s Public Sector division. Working on future developments in e-services and management processes behind the digital front office, his primary focus is the implementation of IT applications in the management processes of municipalities, provinces and water boards. In recent years, Gertjan has been specialising in population ageing and its effects on the decentral government domain, advising clients on how to deal with the issue.

Email: [email protected]

Page 13: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Gisèle Bessac works in Conseil et Formation, an association that promotes design in France. Conseil et Formation organises exhibitions, encourages innovation and publishes catalogs. Gisèle collaborates with an interior designers, scenographers and graphic. The founding principles of Counseil et Formation are to apply a holistic design approach to social innovation, encourage conditions that favour wellbeing in the advancement of age, encourage exchange between generations through sharing creative expression and bring together a range of expertise.

Email: [email protected]

Gordon Lishman was Director General of Age Concern England (ACE) and Chief Executive of the ACE Group from 2000 to 2009, when Age Concern merged with Help the Aged to form Age UK. ACE was the national partner and leader in the UK-wide federal structure of Age Concern. The three pillars of Age Concern’s work were service provision; influencing decision-makers; and commercial trading for older people and to change markets.

Gordon was a member of the Secretary of State’s NHS National Stakeholder Forum, the Department for Work & Pensions Senior Stakeholder Forum and the Community Care Minister’s Advisory Group. He was a leading member of

the Steering Group for the Equality & Human Rights Commission and the Government Equalities Office Senior Stakeholder Group. He chaired the Department of Health’s Nutrition Action Plan Delivery Board. Gordon is International Vice-President of the International Federation on Ageing. He is a member of the Federal Executive of the Liberal Democrats and chairs the Human Rights Committee of Liberal Internationals.

Email: [email protected]

Guillermo Ricarte is the Managing Director of Creafutur. At Creafutur he has consolidated his knowledge of consumer research and the detection of new social trends, as well as the identification of business opportunities of interest to both private companies and public institutions. Prior to joining Creafutur as the Managing Director in 2007, he gained an extensive experience as a strategic consultant at "The Cluster Competitiveness Group", a company specialising in strategic analysis and the

development of business clusters. He was in charge of projects in Europe and Latin America on a variety of sectors, largely consumer goods and distribution, the environment and renewable energies, textiles and tourism. He is a graduate in industrial engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia and has a Master's Degree in business administration from IESE Business School. Email: [email protected]

Page 14: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Guta Moura Guedes is the co-founder and chair (since 2000) of the cultural non-profit association Experimenta, established in Lisbon in 1998. As director of EXD Biennale, she is currently in charge of co-curating the first programme for La Gaité, a new cultural venue in Paris set to open in December 2010 and is a communication consultant for the Music Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. In 2009, Guta was in charge of the coordination and strategic design of

Allgarve Contemporary Art programme. GMG has integrated several high-profile committees and juris, including the International Advisory Committee of “Torino 2008 World Design Capital”; the International Think Tank for the first “Six Cities Design Festival” (‘07), the Editorial Committee of “Utrecht Manifest Design2007” and the Massimo Dutti Design Award. One of the ten guest curators featured in “& Fork”( Phaidon Press, ‘07), her articles and essays on design, culture and communication have been published in Portugal and abroad. She is currently hosting a TV talk show entitled “ Cidades Visíveis (Visible Cities), focusing on culture and creative practices in contemporary urban contexts. In recent years, she has worked as advisor to the CEO of Fundação Casa da Música and Administrator of Fundação Centro Cultural de Belém.

Email: [email protected]

Helen Forrest works at the UK Government’s Department for Work and Pensions and is currently responsible for engaging with external organisations and other government departments about the Government’s Pensions and Ageing policy. This work has included the development of and national consultation on ‘Building a Society for All Ages’. Prior to that she was on secondment to the Young Foundation where she developed and piloted Fastlaners, a work-readiness programme for graduates. Helen has also worked on the development of recent UK Pensions Reform legislation. Her main areas of interest and expertise are pensions and ageing policy.

Email: [email protected]

Ignacio del Arco has a PhD in Biological Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. As Head of the Scientific Department and Coordinator at I2BC, he is responsible for the design and implementation of the Innovation Plan of I2BC, together with the Teaching/Learning Programs in the organization. He has over 10 years experience in different activities related to the R&D+i process, biomedical research and transferral of knowledge. Currently, his research activity is focused in user- oriented innovation models; the

evaluation of the social and technologica effectiveness of ageing well and wellbeing solutions and products; and social computing for care and ageing well. Email: [email protected]

Page 15: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Imre Mürk is an expert at the foresight division at the Estonian Development Fund. Imre is responsible for the foresight division´s service area "Service Economy 2018" which covers topics from the creative industry to exportable health care services. An interest in policy led innovation, Imre has previously worked at innovation and technology division of the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. Whilst working there, he was the leader of developing several programmes supporting innovation and creativity, such as

entrepreneurship and innovation awareness programme and year of innovation 2009, and several design policy measures.

Email: [email protected]

Jacques Mizan is a Senior Launchpad Associate at the Young Foundation. His role is to help evaluate early stage ventures, bringing “grass roots” clinical and research expertise to the Launchpad team.

Jacques is a General Practitioner by training and continues to practice in inner city London. As an Honorary Research Fellow in Healthcare Design at Kings College London he has been successful in attracting and managing research funding from both the NHS and Research Councils totalling some £120k. His research interests have centred around the transfer of health care from the acute sector into the community and how design of healthcare facilities – as well as systems and processes of care - might not

only enable but also improve service delivery and health outcomes. Jacques is a Leadership Fellow of The Caritas Project – a social enterprise dedicated to improving health and social care through design.

Jacques is a member of the Clinical Advisory Panel for Community Health Partnerships and Hounslow PCT Practice Based Commissioning Task force and their Clinical Reference Group. As the PCT Clinical Lead, Jacques plays a key role in supporting front line clinicians to deliver the PCT and Department of Health’s vision for future healthcare provision.

Email: [email protected]

Page 16: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Dr Jane Barratt is the Secretary General of the International Federation on Ageing and brings to this position over 30 years experience in the health, community and aged care, and disability sectors. She has a strong commitment to strengthen the roles and relationships between government, NGOs, academia and the private sector toward improving the quality of life of older people.

This commitment has always been driven by her interest and passion in understanding the evolution of ageing issues and the corresponding public and private sector responses in different regions of the world. Dr Barratt is

a strong contributor to the international dialogue on how the social, cultural and physical environments can impact on the lives of older people. Adjunct research positions at Australian and Canadian Universities serve to strengthen her interest in these areas, which include mature employment, the nexus between inclusion and marginalization, the impact of the environment on older people and the rights of older people.

Dr Barratt is a Churchill Fellow, a scholar at the Peter. A Silverman Centre for International Centre for Health and recently presented the Arthur Cohen Lecture at Mt Sinai Hospital, Canada. She holds executive positions on ministerial, government and non-government committees and the corporate sectors and has many years experience in organizational management, staff development and the analysis of operations leading to improvements in program and client outcomes in the areas of health, ageing and disability.

Email: [email protected]

Janet Morrison joined Independent Age as Chief Executive in March 2007 and has since led a comprehensive strategy review for the charity. Independent Age is a national charity, working to enable older people to lead independent and fulfilling lives via volunteer led befriending services and grant making.

She was previously a founder and Deputy Chief Executive of NESTA - the National Endowment for Science Technology. Prior to NESTA, Janet was

senior adviser on UK Policy at the BBC between 1997 and 1999 and before that worked for seven years at NCVO - the National Council for Voluntary Organisations, where she was Director of Policy and Research. Janet is a Trustee of the Baring Foundation and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Email: [email protected]

Page 17: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Joao Pedro Garcia is Director of the Gulbenkian Center in Paris. Born in 1959 in Lisbon, he has a law degree from the Lisbon University. Joao is a former diplomat in Lisbon ( 1984-1987 ) and Paris ( 1987-1992 ). He was Director of the International Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation since 1992 and became the Centre Culturel Calouste Gulbenkian in 2004. Joao is a former Secretary - General of the “ Jeunesses musicales Portugaises” and former Director of the Friends of the Lisbon Opera House.

Email: [email protected]

J John Goggin is Director and Practice Lead for the Internet Business Solutions Group at Cisco in US. John Goggin's 35 years of public service experience have made him an internationally recognized leader in innovative solutions for government transformations. He has executive-level experience in strategic planning, organizational transition, budgeting, procurement, and legislation, as well as in implementation of human services, employment, transportation, and revenue systems. Before joining Cisco, Goggin was senior vice president of META Group’s government strategies practice, where he

oversaw a research agenda focused on public policy. Working with a global client base consisting of federal, national, state, provincial, county, and municipal governments, John developed enterprise strategic transformation plans, advised leaders on public policy and delivered developmental boot camps for CIOs. Specific content included strategic guidance, architecture, governance, strategic partnerships, and customer and business relationship management, while using principles of behavioral sciences to develop and communicate both strategic and tactical plans.

While with New York State, he held various executive positions with responsibilities that included consolidating the state's human services IT services, modernizing the state's tax systems, and creating an international fuel tax multinational cooperative. A frequent speaker for government-related conferences, Goggin has addressed the National Governors Association; National Association of State CIOs; federal government-sponsored organizations in Canada, Singapore, South Africa and Australia; and numerous federal, state, provincial, and regional organizations.

Email: [email protected]

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Josephine Green was appointed Senior Director of Trends and Strategy at Philips Design, in the Netherlands, in 1997. She left Philips in 2009 to return to the UK. She promotes new thinking and new knowledge in the field of Social Foresight, Innovation and Change.

Josephine Green promotes new thinking and new knowledge in the field of Social Foresight, Innovation and Change. Her advocacy is based on the belief that we need different ways of perceiving, being and doing if we are to live well, to prosper and to safeguard the future. Josephine has given

many international presentations, is an advisor on a number of European Futures and Research platforms and lectures at a number of universities’ masters and executive courses.

Email: [email protected]

Julien Damon is associate professor at Sciences Po (Urban Planning Department). He is also president of the French National Observatory of Poverty and Social Exclusion. Previously he was head of the Social Issues department at the Center for Strategic Analysis. He is also former General Advisor of the Social Inclusion Forum. Julian is member of the Scientific Council of the Mission Research on Law and Justice

Email: [email protected]

Julien Dossier is the founder of Quattrolibri, an innovation consultancy focusing on sustainable development. Quattrolibri provides advice on strategic product development and devises transition strategies to a low-carbon economy. Previous assignments include a two year collaboration on a "plan B" unit set-up by the head of design of a global carmaker and the design of services with a societal value for the head of sustainable

Quattrolibri is one of the first-wave residents at La Ruche, a hub for social businesses in Paris and has joined the Advancity innovation cluster.

Quattrolibri employs four people, is supported by 15 freelancers and is advised by an active network of 300 experts. Julien Dossier also created the Do Tank Post Carbon, which was accepted as a member of the European Network of Living Labs in March 2010.

Email: [email protected]

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Kevin Johnson is part of Cisco’s Internet Business Solutions Group. IBSG is a strategic consulting group that provides pro bono advice to governments, NGOs and major companies who seek to innovate and improve radically, helped by new technologies. Kevin is programme manager for Cisco’s global Ageing Well in a Connected World initiative, addressing how today’s unprecedented communication possibilities can impact the economic and social implications of our ageing society in the most effective ways. He and team act as thinking partners with governments, providers and related bodies internationally, sharing expertise, fostering collaboration and helping to accelerate progress.

Previously, Kevin led IBSG’s UK & Ireland practice, its work in the Education sector across Europe, and was global lead for helping major events like Olympic Games get “connected”. His earlier career was spent in the chemical industry, as engineer, operations manager and programme director with ICI, Zeneca and Courtaulds, before becoming the head of Andersen Consulting / Accenture’s Manufacturing & Product Development practice for North Europe.

Email: [email protected]

Kitty Kubo is Head of Foresight Division at the Estonian Development Fund. Kitty is a fan of innovation policy and has dedicated the last seven years of her career to shaping Estonian innovation policy. Kitty has international work experience in the Chief Directorate of Enterprise at the European Commission and in the Finnish technology and innovation agency TEKES. In addition, she has represented Estonia in several international working groups and in the Innovation Policy Council at the European Commission. In addition to her job at the Development Fund, Kitty is participating in the development project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs helping Georgia to build up its innovation

system and policy. Kitty graduated from Tallinn University of Technology in economics. Since 2002, Kitty has been a visiting lecturer at the University of Tartu, where she has taught "Technology and Innovation Policy" as part of the MA degree in Technology Management.

Email: [email protected]

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Louise Pulford has coordinated the Social Innovation exchange SIX since the beginning of 2009. SIX is based at the Young Foundation, a centre for Social Innovation in East London, where Louise has worked for 3 years. Louise was involved in the development of UpRising – a new Young Foundation leadership programme, which aims to recruit, support and train a new generation of public leaders. Louise graduated from the University of Bristol with an MSc in East Asian Studies. As part of her MSc Louise worked for a British consultancy in Beijing. Louise is a keen Mandarin speaker and is a member of a leading Sino-British business organisation, The 48 Group Club. Louise is involved in many community activities and she is a member of the

Spitalfields Music Festival Programme Advisory Group and Chair of the Alec Dickson Memorial Trust (Alec founded both Voluntary Service Overseas and Community Service Volunteers in the UK.). Louise is also a member of the Advisory Board of One Young World.

Email: [email protected]

Luís Jerónimo works as Project Officer at the Gulbenkian Human Development Programme. This programme is focused on social innovation and urban change projects, with a special emphasis on social inclusion of migrants, youngsters at risk and elderly people. He is particular focused on Ageing and Social Innovation issues, co- managing a project on intergenerational relationships with the UK Branch of the Foundation. He also works on social finance projects, overseeing the development of the Portuguese Social Stock Exchange. He has a Degree in Philosophy, with a special interest on Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy.

Email: [email protected]

Lutz Kubitschke works as Senior Research Consultant at Empirica Communications and Technology Research, an independent research and consultancy organisation based in Bonn, Germany. At empirica, he is concerned with socio-economic implications of the accelerating trend towards integration of telecommunications, new information services and mass communications. For more than 10 years, a particular focus of his work has been on technology and market-related research on opportunities and threats associated with new applications that address particular sections of the overall population who are in need of support, including older people and people with disabilities. He has coordinated a number of international research projects and strategic studies in this field. Most

recently, he has been responsible for the so called “ICT&Ageing” study, a two years research endeavour funded by the European Commission to identify and understand market barriers that currently hinder uptake of ICT for independent living and active ageing in Europe.

Email: [email protected]

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Matteo Bonifacio is Policy Adviser at the Bureau of European Policy Advisers on research, higher education and innovation matters. The mission of the BEPA is to provide timely, informed, policy and political advice to the President and Commission Services on issues relevant to the President's agenda and the future of policies in the Union. Due to its special position, working directly to the President, BEPA can lead inter-service groups on specific policy issues and participates in horizontal work within the Commission. From October 2005 to December 2007 Matteo was Policy

Developer at the European Commission in the Directorate Generale Education and Culture, operating in the unit dealing with school, education and higher education. There he was member of the team in charge for the development of the proposal to establish the European Institute of Technology and has designed and implemented the call for proposals "Pilot projects for cooperation between European Institutes of Technology". He is also researcher in Organization Sciences at the University of Trento, Italy, where he teaches Organization Theory, Knowledge Management and Learning Organizations. Previously, he has been program manager in ICT projects for the Institute for Scientific and Technological Research in Italy and Senior Consultant in Andersen where he managed projects on organizational design, knowledge management and knowledge technologies.

Email: [email protected]

Martin Simon has worked in the public, private and voluntary sectors and is a passionate advocate for participation, mutuality and social justice. He introduced timebanking to the UK, was the founder of Fair Shares and is now Chief Executive of Timebanking UK. He is recognised internationally as a pioneer of ‘co-production’ and the active engagement of ‘service users’, their families and the wider community.

He is the author of ‘Your Money or Your Life: time for both’, ‘On Becoming a Time Broker’, ‘A Bridge to Tomorrow’ and ‘Bowling Together’. His report for the NHS, ‘A Fair Share of Health Care’, is the definitive examination of

the relationship between timebanking and health.

He is also a skilled Community Organiser, (and trained at the same time in the USA as Barack Obama), and now works on community empowerment in the United States, India and Africa. Email: [email protected]

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Nicolau Rubio works at the Ministry of Social Action and Citizenship of Catalunya and is responsible for the Catalan Observatory for Futures Studies in Social Services. He leads the research in futures studies applied to the social services and Nico the Ideas Lab. Nico is a graduate in Politics and has postgraduate studies in Chilhood Policies, Citizen Participation and Public Management from ESADE.

Email: [email protected]

Paula Guimarães is a jurist and teacher in 6 universities and working in the field of elderly and people with dementia rights. She was a representative of INPEA in Portugal and participates in European groups about incapacity and elderly people and family relations. She is also responsible of Corporate Governance of Montepio, a bank and the oldest mutual association in Portugal.

Email: [email protected]

Dr Paul Timmers is Head of Unit of ICT for Inclusion in the European Commission, Directorate-General Information Society & Media. Previously he headed the eGovernment unit (EU policy, research and promotion). He has been a member of the Cabinet of European Commissioner for Enterprise and Information Society Erkki Liikanen, responsible for the information society and telecommunications policy portfolios. Other activities in the European Commission included electronic commerce policy and programme development. Recently he was awarded an EU Research Fellowship at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, USA.

Paul Timmers has been a manager in product marketing and head of software development in a large IT company and has co-founded a software start-up. He holds a PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands and an MBA from Warwick Business School, UK. He has widely published in the field of technology and policy, including a book on electronic commerce strategies and business models, and has been a visiting professor and lecturer at several universities and business schools across the world.

Email: [email protected]

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Peter Cevenini is the K-12 Education lead for the Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) in North America. IBSG consults with many of the world's leading companies and governments to help them become more effective through changed business processes and intelligent technology deployment.

Before joining Cisco, Peter spent seventeen years as a public educator, serving in various roles including curriculum specialist, local director and high school principal where he served nine years. Peter designed, built and opened North

Point High School, one of Cisco’s premier 21st century schools, which has received state, national and international recognition. Peter also teaches graduate-level statistics part-time at The George Washington University in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development. Pete’s current projects are focused on transformation and experience improvement. He is working in education, workforce development and living well, with broad populations, from children, to adult workers, to senior citizens. Email: [email protected]

Petra Wilson is senior director of the European Health and Care team in Cisco’s Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG). Her work focuses on helping health and care providers develop their strategies and implementation plans to make good use of information management and technology in meeting the demands of health and care provision for an ageing society. Alongside her role at Cisco Petra holds the joint chairmanship of the Continua Health Alliance European Group, and in this capacity she sits also on the European Commission’s eHealth Industry Stakeholder Group. She also acts as an advisor to the Health on the Net Foundation advising on legal issues and serves as a Governing Council

Member of the Health Information Management and Systems Society in Europe.

Previously, she was deputy director of the European Health Management Association (EHMA). At EHMA she had responsibility for the association’s Brussels’ office and, in particular, EHMA's relationship with the European Commission.

Email: [email protected]

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Phoebe Griffith joined the Young Foundation in March 2010 as a Programme Leader working on external communications. Before joining the Young Foundation she worked as Research and Partnerships Manager at the Barrow Cadbury Trust, a charitable foundation supporting social justice causes. There she developed research and grantmaking programmes on race, place and poverty in the West Midlands, attitudes towards migration and the role of community based organizations in tackling disadvantage. Phoebe previously managed the Foreign Policy Centre think tanks's programme on International Development, where she edited several collections of essays including Unbinding Africa, Rethinking

Fairtrade and Rethinking Britishness, and published a number of reports on migration. Phoebe was brought up in Peru, studied Modern Languages at Oxford University and Latin American Politics and Development at London University. Email: [email protected]

Richard Tonks is a Senior Business Development Manager for Ingeus Social Ventures. Richard has worked in the welfare-to-work sector since 2002, when Ingeus first started operating in the UK. He transferred to a Business Development role in August 2005. Richard was part of the team that led significant growth for the company, across London, the Midlands and Scotland with high-volume welfare-to-work programmes such as Pathways to Work, European Social Fund provision, Flexible New Deal and National Health Service (NHS)-funded programmes and services. During this time, he developed industry knowledge of human services support and delivery

networks across the UK’s public, private and charitable sectors.

Since August 2009, Richard has worked on the newly formed Ingeus Social Ventures team based in Ingeus’ London corporate centre. His current focus is the creation of sustainable social ventures and human services that build on the expertise of Ingeus at delivering high-quality products and services to disadvantaged social groups. This has included substantial research into the opportunities presented by the emerging UK National Care Service and reforms to the NHS and the mental, physical and social networking services that cater for the older population. He is also currently analysing developments and innovation within the UK domiciliary care sector.

Email: [email protected]

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Rushanara Ali is an Associate Director of the Young Foundation. She has recently been elected as Member of Parliament (MP) for the Labour Party in Bethnal Green and Bow, London.

Before joining the Young Foundation, Rushanara worked at the Communities Directorate of the Home Office taking forward a work programme in response to the 2001 riots in the north of England. She has also worked at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office; as a Research Fellow for the centre left think tank, the Institute for Public Policy Research and as a Parliamentary Assistant.

She is the Chair of Tower Hamlets Summer University and SummerUni London, a Trustee of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and a member of the Tate Britain Council. She was a Commissioner for the London Child Poverty Commission; a Board Member of Tower Hamlets College; a Trustee of the Environment Trust; and a member of the Home office Working Group on Preventing Extremism established after the 7/7 London bombings. Rushanara studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University. Email: [email protected]

Ryan Lang has been Head of Operations for Southwark Circle since April 2009, a membership organisation based in the London Borough of Southwark. At the sharp end of implementing the innovation brought by the Circle model, his passion for issues around ageing is driven by his early years spent growing up within a family business providing care services to older people in North Wales. On leaving University he returned to North Wales and ran the family business for 5 years before moving to London and spending 4 years as a Sales Training Manager in the Telecommunications industry.

Email: [email protected]

Sabine Wildevuur works as Head of Program for healthcare projects at Waag Society. Creative Care Lab of Waag Society empowers the healthcare field with knowledge about the creative and innovative use of modern media and ICT, to structurally develop, mobilize and anchor these within healthcare, with as starting point the user.

Email: [email protected]

Page 26: Innovation and opportunity in an ageing society: Participants...and more recently with FutureGov, Mindapples and Sociability. She specialises in design-led strategy, the application

Sam Smethers is Chief Executive of Grandparents Plus and is the former Director of Public Affairs of the Equal Opportunities Commission. She has worked as a communications consultant and also has eight years experience of working in parliament. Sam is a trustee of the Fawcett Society and of Gingerbread. She has three children and was brought up by her grandparents. Grandparents Plus champions the role of grandparents and the wider family in children's lives - especially when they take on the caring role in difficult family circumstances. The charity wants to redefine the family for policy makers and service providers, moving us away from the nuclear model to focus more on the wider family, reflecting the growing role of grandparents in family life. They have spent the past year

raising the profile of the issue and have secured government concessions and commitments from all the main political parties. The charity is now developing some innovative solutions and in particular is working on a new recognition scheme for grandparental childcare.

Email: [email protected]

Dr Simon Roberts is Senior Design Anthropologist at the Intel Corporation. Simon has been researching the interactions of people, culture, technology and business for over a decade. Those explorations began with research on popular Hindi films and a cultural study of the satellite TV revolution in India in the mid 1990s. He is a leading proponent of applied anthropology in the technology and media space, and established the UK’s first ethnographic research consultancy. His research has inspired and informed a wide range of businesses, organisations and policy makers to develop appropriate products, services and innovations.

Since joining Intel in 2005, Simon has led their research and design efforts on ageing, health and independent living in Europe, including the multi-country Global Ageing Experience Study. He maintains a strong interest in the constantly evolving relationship between technology and culture and is active in promoting the value of social science enquiry and design in the pursuit of successful innovation.

Email: [email protected]

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Simon Willis is vice president of the Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG). IBSG works with many of the world's leading companies and governments to help them become more effective through changed business processes and intelligent technology deployment.

Willis came to Cisco after 15 years of work in government and e-business. He has held various senior management and policy positions in the UK government including private secretary to Minister of State, head of operational reform at the Department of Social Security, head of pensions equalization and Chief Executive of a national disability agency. He ran the

Financial Crime Branch at the UK Treasury and also headed numerous UK delegations to the EU, UN and OECD. After leaving government he worked for a large systems integrator where he worked mainly on transformational ebusiness projects in the financial services area.

Simon’s focus is on managing and further building a global team that can work as trusted advisors to senior levels of large public sector organizations where transformation is imminent or there is the potential for ground breaking projects likely to be emulated by others. The Internet Business Solutions Group does not charge its customers.

Email: [email protected]

Stella Margarida de Oliveira António is Assistant Reader on Demography, Gerontology, Social Policies for Old People and Health Care Services’ Management, at SCSP/TUC – Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Technical University of Lisbon. She is preparing her PHD Dissertation in Sociology/Demography, entitled “Demographic Ageing and its implications in intergenerational relationships”, to be presented at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas). She holds a Master Degree in Sociology, with a thesis entitled “The Matrilineal Intergenerational Relationships. The Grand-children’s perspective”– Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e

Políticas, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2007. Her key research interests are Demography, Aging Demography, Gerontology, Attitudes toward Old People among University Students, Social Policies for Elderly. Email: [email protected]

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Theo Esselbrugge is working as an advisor at PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory. He is specialized in grants and incentives for the Care and Cure sector. Innovative, regular projects and activities in the Care and Cure sector are able to be stimulated by grants and incentives. Theo is able to hand out advise by bringing different solutions regarding these projects and activities. He is responsible within the PricewaterhouseCoopers Taskforce Ageing for Ageing solutions (partially) based on grants and incentives opportunities in The Netherlands and Europe.

Email: [email protected]

Wytse Miedema is 38 years old. He works as a project manager for the Municipality of Almere in the Netherlands. Currently he’s heading the Ageing Well project that is being carried out in Almere. This project is about experimenting with the possibilities video communication has to offer to the challenges and opportunities of an ageing population. It is about sharing passions and experiences, offering people personal control of their lives.

Almere is a New Town in the metropolitan area of Amsterdam. Founded only 30 years ago, it has a very young average population. But even the youngest

city of the Netherlands has to prepare for the nearing “Ensilverment”.

Email: [email protected]

Vickie Cammack is the founding director of PLAN Institute for Caring Citizenship and CEO of Tyze. PLAN is a pioneer social enterprise supporting families plan for the safety and well being of their family member with a disability. She created PLAN's Personal Network program, a unique response to the isolation and loneliness experienced by people with disabilities.

Vickie is the recipient of the Meritorious Service Medal of Canada, the Community Living Institute's Leadership Award, and along with her husband, Al Etmanski, Simon Fraser University President's Club Distinguished

Community Leadership Award. She co-led a Canadian exploration on sustainability and social innovation, and is a Fellow with Social Innovation Generation, a partnership between the University of Waterloo, MaRS, and J.W. McConnell Family Foundation. In 2008, the Women's Executive Network named Vickie one of Canada's Top 100 Most Powerful Women.

As Executive Director of PLAN Institute Vickie mentored the spread of grass roots PLAN groups in 40 locations globally. As the CEO of Tyze, she is focusing her attention and expertise on how best to deliver personal support networks online to people facing life challenges. She spearheaded the development of the Tyze platform, built the team that is now driving Tyze, and is playing the leading role in creating the connections and partnerships that will take Tyze to scale. Vickie is the founding director of the Family Support Institute and co-author of 'Safe and Secure - Six Steps to Creating a Personal Future Plan for People with Disabilities', conducts annual leadership retreats and is bi-lingual.

Email: [email protected]

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Yoko Nitta is currently Associate Fellow of Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX)/Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). She has been involved in Science Diplomacy in Japan intensely and is an official member of Science and Technology Diplomatic Circle in Tokyo building bridges in many international cooperative activities. Also she has been a professional investigator in various fields including global affairs related with Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ms. Nitta now oversees an ambitious effort to foster innovation to address social challenges. She has global responsibility of shaping the agenda for social challenge. In this role, she manages an exclusive list of top industry leaders, top knowledge experts, civil society leaders and government and public figures in pursuit of changing the state of the world. She has broad responsibilities for developing global bridge through her mission. Currently she is co-writing a book on Japan Science and Technology Policy for Social Innovation.

Email: [email protected]

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