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Page 1: inSide Drumheller Nov 12, 2010

Bantam Titans fi nish strong season

See page 8

Who are you?See page 3

Aaron Pritchett to play Stampede Barn

See page 3


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Friday, November 12, 2010Vol. 4, No. 45 | 8 pages

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inSide Opinions .........Page 2

Who are you? .............Page 3

Entertainment ...........Page 3

Classifi eds ...................Page 6

inSide Break ..............Page 7

inSide Sports .............Page 8

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(above) Larry Keddie lays a wreath at the Remembrance Day ceremo-nies in Dalum on November 11. (below, left). The Drumheller RCMP Detachment in their full red serge attended to services in Drum-heller, Dalum and Carbon this year. (right) Following the ceremony in Drumheller, veterans, friends and families gathered at the Drum-heller Legion. Legion Service Offi cer Stan Baird, left, who served in World War II and as a medic in Korea, meets a veteran from another generation. Master Corporal Matt Chinn, Drumheller resident and member of the Calgary Highlanders, returned from Afghanistan in May of this year. While in Afghanistan he fl ew the Drumheller fl ag north of Kandahar City.

Lest We Lest We ForgetForget

Page 2: inSide Drumheller Nov 12, 2010

2 - Friday, November 12, 2010 inSide Drumheller | inSideDrumheller.com

All rights reserved. The use of any or all of the material in this publication is prohib-ited without the express permission of the publisher. Any and/or all information found within this publication may be displayed on the internet at the discretion of the publisher.

O. R. Sheddy, EditorO. R. Sheddy, PublisherLetters to the Editor are most welcome. They should be brief and to the point. We reserve the right to edit letters for legality, clarity and taste. Letters must bear the name, address and phone number of the writer. Anonymous letters will be discarded.

Published every Friday Office: 515 Highway 10 East, Drumheller, AB.Mailing: Box 1629, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0

Phone 403.823.2580 Fax 403.823.3864email: [email protected]


drumhellerd h lld h ll


Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

Drumhellerresidentshaveanotherop-tion when it comes to purchasing theirnaturalgas. Direct Energy expanded its service tothe Drumheller area starting November1,2010.Thisgivesconsumersachoiceofretailerstopurchasenaturalgas. Drumheller is in the AltaGas servicearea.CurrentlyAltaGassuppliescustom-ersat theregulatedrate.Thisrate is setmonthly and is subject to change. Overthe previous year, rates have fluctuatedfrom a low of $2.906 per gigajoule, up-wards to $6.646. With Direct Energy inthemarket,consumerswillnowbeabletoenteracontractwithafixedpriceforenergy. “Direct Energy believes all consumersshould have the power to choose whosuppliesenergytotheirhomesandbusi-nesses,”saidTanisKozak,vicepresidentand general manager, Direct Energy.

“We’re excited to be introducing DirectEnergy’snaturalgasproductsforthefirsttime to residential customers in the Al-taGas service territory. It’s abigday forcustomersandforDirectEnergy.” LynzeyMacRae,spokespersonforDi-rectEnergyexplainedittooksometimeto ironoutsometechnical issuesbeforetheymadetheirexpansion. “Upuntilthistime,onthenaturalgasside,ourbillingsystemwasnotcompati-ble,”shesaid.“AltaGashasupgradedtheirbillingsystemandnowoursworkswiththeirs.” DirectEnergy’sexpansionisnotjustinDrumheller, but much of AltaGas’ ser-vice area. It includes 90 communities.MacRae said choice could be beneficialtoconsumers. “Wewouldadvocate for choice forallAlbertans. Ideally, we think it is impor-tant for people to choose who providestheirenergy,naturalgasandelectricity,”shesaid.“Themorechoicesyouhavethe

more innovativecompaniescanbewiththeirproductsandprices.” John Shoff has been looking forwardto another retailer coming to Drum-hellersincetheAlbertaGovernmentan-nouncedtheywouldbederegulatingthemarket. “This is great news for Drumheller!We now have a choice and competitionin this area should help bring the pricedown,”hesaid. “I would like to see all the other ma-jorretailersfollowsuitsowecanhaveasmuchchoiceasCalgaryorEdmonton.” DirectEnergyhasmadeanaggressivepitch to consumers, offering its lowestprice ever on a natural gas contract. Asthey are also an electricity retailer, theyare able to bundle the services togetheronacontract,addingafurthersavingsonadministrativecosts. More information on Direct Energy,andit'slatestexpansioncanbefoundatwww.directenergy.ca

Direct Energy moves into Drumheller natural gas market

Dinosaur Half gives backPatrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

In September, more than400 athletes raced in theinaugural Community Fu-tures Dinosaur Valley HalfMarathon. Their efforts arenow contributing to givingresidents more opportunityto live an active lifestyle byinvesting in the BadlandsCommunityfacility. On Wednesday morning,November 10, race coordi-natorColinKloot,andgen-eralmanagerofCommunityFuturesBigCountryWayneHove presented a chequefor$4,000directed towardstheconstructionoftheBad-landsCommunityFacility. This donation follows asuccessful first event, bothparticipation-wise, and fi-nancially. “It is beyond what wehoped for. I never dreamedthat we would be able todonate a sizable amount ofmoneyandtoretainseedfornextyear’sevent,”KloottoldinSide Drumheller. For future events, thecommittee hopes to con-tributeevenmoretothefa-cilitytoseeitthrough. “That’s where we want togo, we want to get that fa-cility up and running,” saidKloot. The event built partner-shipsinthecommunitywithvolunteers, businesses andsponsors. Community Fu-

tures Big Country was thenaming sponsor of the firstevent in celebration of the25th anniversary of the of-ficeinthecommunity. Atthepresentation,Hoveannounced Community

Futures would be the mainsponsorofthe2011event. “Itisgreatpartnership,tohavethelevelofprofession-alism on the part of Colin’steam and to have the levelof response the communityhasbroughttoit,Ican’thelpto say this is a proud mo-ment for our community.It just shows that when wehaveavision, andwe focusonattainingthatvision,thetalent of this communitypercapitaislargerthanany

otherplace that Ihaveeverbeen,”saidHove. Kloot is elated this part-nershipwillcontinue. “Quite frankly, withoutWayne Hove’s personal in-volvement in this matter,

I have no doubt this racewouldhavenottakenplace,”saidKloot. He is also grateful for thecommunity involvement instagingsuchanevent. “This isanexcellentcom-munity event and com-munity participation wasexcellent, either by way ofparticipation, by way ofsponsorship and by way ofvolunteers on the day,” saidKloot.“Onracedaywehad95volunteersalone.”

He adds they are still re-ceiving feedback on howwell the organizers and thecommunityingeneraldidinhostingtheevent. “Thewholetownwascon-gratulatedontheevent,andeverybody said they wouldbeback,”saidKloot.“Every-bodyalsoadmitted itwasaverychallengingcourse.” Racerswillhaveevenmorereasonstoreturnasalreadyplansarebeinglaidfornextyear’s race which will adda third event. Race day isSunday, September 11, andalong with the 5-kilome-tre and half marathon race,competitors will be ableto take on an intermediatedistance of 10 kilometres.Kloot expects that addingthe 10-kilometre race, theycouldhostintheareaof900runners. “Weareconfidentwecanpull it off, we are confidentwecanmakeagoodprofittogivebacktothecommunityfacilitynextyear,”saidKloot. Construction is continu-ing on the Badlands Com-munityFacilityindowntownDrumheller. The construc-tion will start with a fieldhouse,runningtrack,fitnesscentre, meeting facilitiesandanewpubliclibraryfol-lowedbyanarenaandcurl-ingrinkasfundingbecomesavailable.

(l-r) Badlands Community Facility Fundraising Committee chair Jeff Hall accepts a $4,000 donation from Dinosaur Half coordinator Co-lin Kloot and Wayne Hove, general manager of Community Futures, main sponsor of the event.

inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa

inSide StreeterS

Janelle Hilchey“We procrastinate and wait

until two weeks before Christmas.”

Marina Flater“My husband started last


Michelle Hiscox“This weekend while the

weather is still good.”

While it is only early November, visions of sugar plums are already dancing

in residents’ heads. inSide Drumheller

asks, when do you start decorating for Christmas?

Marina Paarup“I vowed to be done by December 1, because

this year I am cooking the turkey.”

Page 3: inSide Drumheller Nov 12, 2010

Age: 29.Employer: � e Salva-tion Army.Job Title: Lieutenant.Hobbies and inter-ests? Hiking, sports, experimental cooking and sewing, wood-working... all when I have time.When did you move to Drumheller? July 2009.What do you like most about the val-ley? � e scenery and the small town atmo-sphere – everything is a four minute drive away.What would you change? Benonite issues with base-ments in town.What’s in your CD player?

CD mix of Christian artists, everything from rap to gospel.Favourite food? Japanese or Mexican.Favourite colour? Yellow when I’m playing board games.Dream job? � is, pleasing

God.Where do you wish to travel to most? � e Galapagos Is-lands.What would you do with $1,000,000? Help family, invest, and donate at least 30 per cent.If you could have dinner with any-one, dead or alive, who’d it be? A nice quiet dinner with my husband would be nice.

Coke or Pepsi? Yuck, neither. I don’t drink pop.Words of wisdom? � e Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.

inSide Drumheller | inSideDrumheller.com Friday, November 12, 2010 - 3inSideENTERTAINMENT

inSideHappeningsSaturday, November 13, Drumheller: CWL Annual Fall Luncheon, St. Anthony’s Hall, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm. $8.00 per person - under 6 free. Soup, sandwiches, dessert. Bake table.Saturday afternoons, Drumheller: Drop-in Zumba, carol todor dance school, 11 a.m. - noon.

Friday, November 12, Rosedale: Call to Cadence - Live at Outlaws Saloon. 9:30 p.m. Saturday, November 13, Hand Hills: Rancher’s Ball. Cocktails 5:30 pm, Dinner 6:00 pm, Comedian Brad Cruise 8:00 pm, DJ Dance 9:30 pm. Book in your Christmas Party!! Tickets $20. For more info call 403-665-2742.Saturday, November 20, Rumsey: Morrin Figure Skating Club presents ‘The Chevelles’. Adult Dance. 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.Saturday, November 20, Drumheller: Drumheller Public Library presents Aaron Pritchett in Concert at the Stampede Barn. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Tickets available at the Drumheller Library, Riverside Value Drug Mart, Chamber of Commerce.Sunday, November 21, Drumheller: Retirement Dinner in honour of Dr. Boris Nahornick. O’Shea’s Eatery & Ale House. Cocktails: 6:00 pm, Dinner 6:30 pm. Tickets: $25.00 Available at Drumheller Health Centre Admitting Desk, Administration Secretary, or The Drumheller Associated Physician’s Clinic.Friday, November 26, Dumheller: Munson and Area Community Association presents Yuk Yuk’s on Tour. Drumheller Stampede Barn. Tickets $40.Saturday, November 27, Drumheller: Christmas with Elvis at The Old Grouch’s, 87 Bridge Street. 6 p.m. - ??? Come and enjoy a Full Christmas Buffet. Santa, Gifts, Fun and ELVIS! Advance tickets call 403-823-5755.Saturday, December 11, Drumheller: 3rd Annual Badlands EMS Christmas Ball. Dinosaur Downs Stampede Barn. 5 pm cocktails, 6:30 pm dinner. Prizes and dance to follow. Call Athena at 403-820-1741 for tickets and info. Monday evenings, Drumheller: Come and enjoy an evening out at the Legion - sign up for Ten Card Cribbage, 7:00 p.m. every Monday. Bring a partner. Pre-register at the Legion prior to October 4. Call Arlene at 403-823-9831 for more information.Monday Evenings, Nacmine: Community Bingo at the Hall. Doors open 6:00 p.m. Bingo starts 7:30 p.m.Wednesday evenings, Drumheller: Modern Dance (age 10+), carol todor dance school, 6 pm - 6:45 pm.Thursday evenings, Drumheller: Ballroom Night, carol todor dance school, 8 pm - 9:15 pm.




Country rocker Aaron Pritchett to play Stampede Barn

Kyle Smylie | inSide Drumheller

On the eve of the release of his new rock-country album In the Driver’s Seat, artist Aaron Pritch-ett spoke to inSide Drumheller about his new tunes and his up-coming show at the Stampede Barn. Pritchett says over a year of work has gone into his latest, and sixth release, which he says con-tains country heavily fl avoured with rock and roll. � e majority of the songs were co-written by Pritchett. “Mostly the idea behind the recording was to be a little more rock-country than anything else,” Pritchett says. “It has a little more fl air than I’ve had before. I’m in control of my own destiny now.” “With this, I’ve created some-thing I consider to be my best re-cording yet.” Born in British Columbia, Pritchett recorded the album at � e Armory in Vancouver, under the guidance of Bruce Fairbairn’s son. Fairbairn, now passed, had produced albums from hard rock artists like AC/DC, Metallica, and Aerosmith. He says this album is hard to compare to other artists. “A little country with a lot of rock infu-sion.” � e only Alberta date on Pritchett’s upcoming tour will be at the Stampede Barn in Drum-heller on Saturday, November 20, billed as an acoustic fundraiser on his website. � e show is a supportive fund-raiser for the Drumheller Public Library. His album, which came out Tuesday, November 9, will be hard to come by in stores around

Drumheller, but is available on-line and will of course be sold at his show later this month. Pritchett says he’s looking for-ward to visiting Drumheller, and after he makes his way in from Kelowna the morning before, he says he’ll hopefully be spending some time in Drumheller. “Maybe I’ll go check out some

old dinosaur bones,” he laughs. Advance tickets are $25 and are available at the Drumheller Public Library, Riverside Value Drug Mart, and the Drumheller Chamber of Commerce. Doors open at 5:00, and tickets are $30 at the door.

Country rocker Aaron Pritchett will be playing an acoustic gig at the Stampede Barn on Saturday, November 20, in support of his latest album In the Driver’s Seat.

photo submitted

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WHOare you?Who are you? is a weekly feature that profiles various young, professional Drumhellerites.

Know someone who we should get to know better? Please give us a call at 403-823-2580, fax at 403-823-3864 or

email [email protected]

CD mix of Christian artists,

God.Where do you wish to travel to most?� e Galapagos Is-lands.What would you do with $1,000,000?Help family, invest, and donate at least 30 per cent.If you could have dinner with any-one, dead or alive, who’d it be?quiet dinner with my husband would be nice.

Rachel Sheils

Page 4: inSide Drumheller Nov 12, 2010

4 - Friday, November 12, 2010 inSide Drumheller | inSideDrumheller.com


We’d like to hear what you think.Cenovus Energy will be conducting a survey in your community within the next few weeks. We’d like to get your feedback on how we’re doing – what we’re doing right, and where we need to improve. We look forward to hearing your thoughts.

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1 If Direct Energy advertises a lower price in the Alta Gas territory 6 months from your start date, Direct Energy will automatically adjust your price. See section 6.0 of Direct Energy’s Terms and Conditions for details. 2This offer is available to residents of Alberta only and is not available to existing customers of Direct Energy. Please note that existing customers who have an agreement with Direct Energy for either natural gas or electricity (but not both) and sign up on a new agreement for the other commodity are eligible to received 2,500 Aeroplan Miles, plus 5,000 Bonus Aeroplan Miles. This offer may not be combined with any other offers or promotions and is subject to certain other terms and conditions. Furthermore, this offer may be changed or revoked at any time. Aeroplan Miles will be credited to the Aeroplan® Account approximately 120 days after commencement of services from Direct Energy. You are not required to purchase Natural Gas, Electricity or other goods or services from Direct Energy to be entitled to receive regulated Natural Gas services or regulated Electricity services from a Regulated Rate Provider in your service territory. For a current list of licensed retailers you may choose from, visit www.ucahelps.gov.ab.ca or call toll-free 310-4-UCA. Direct Energy Partnership business managed by Direct Energy Marketing Limited. ™Direct Energy, Simple. Friendly. Direct and the Lightning Bolt Design are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Direct Energy Marketing Limited in the United States and/or Canada. Use of such trademarks has been licensed by Direct Energy Marketing Limited to its various subsidiaries and affiliates. ®Aeroplan is a registered trademark of Aeroplan Canada Inc.

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Or, sign up online and reward yourself with up to 15,000 Aeroplan Miles.2 Visit us at www.directenergy.com/firstchoice.

submitted | inSide Drumheller

� e MS Society of Can-ada, Drumheller Chapter, hosted an MS Awareness Day on Wednesday, Octo-ber 27, 2010. � ere were four events during the day: an open house at the Drum-heller Hospital, an informa-tion event for health pro-fessionals, a Table Talk at Greentree Mall, and a Vol-unteer Appreciation night at WHIFS Flap Jack House. “I think the awareness day went really well,” said Dr. Penny Smyth, an Edmonton neurologist who presented to local health professionals and to volunteers during the evening appreciation event. “We reached out to a lot of diff erent parts of the com-munity through the health

professionals talk and the public talk in the evening. People have so many ques-tions. If we can help answer them, then I think it helps people. It helps them take control of their disease and feel empowered to make the decisions that they need.” Deb Wynia, Drumheller Chapter Board President, agrees. “It’s very important for people to know that the MS Society is here to answer their questions. In particular, people have a lot of questions about the controversial CCSVI treat-ment. We want to be out front in the community so people are aware of our po-sition on the treatment and our advocacy work with the Alberta Government.”

MS Awareness Day success in Drumheller

Dr. Penny Smyth delivers a presentation on multiple sclerosis to Drumheller health care professionals.

photo submitted

Chips with Salsaa little spicy

but always welcome by C. Aiello

Apparently more ducks fl ew to their deaths, or more accurately, land-ed to their deaths (had they kept fl ying they might have actually landed on water instead of oily sludge) on Syncrude’s tailings pond. � is is just after the company had been fi ned over $3 million for the deaths of ap-proximately 1600 ducks earlier. � is is a tragic case of bad timing, for the company, and the ducks of course, brought out those opposed to devel-opment of the oil sands, and calls for more fi nes, and better duck avoid-ance measures. Fines apparently don’t work too well - the ducks land anyway, and Syn-crude has yet to build a better scarecrow. (Maybe that’s the problem, too many scarecrows, not enough scareducks.) Stopping development of the oil sands is impractical. First, it would throw thousands of people out of work; second, “green power”, i.e. wind power, electric, geothermal, etc. simply cannot replace petroleum and all its by-products. Besides, those big windmills bring down their fair share of birds. Bob Hornung of the Canadian Wind Power Association recently wrote in the paper that wind turbines kill one to six birds per year. I fi nd that fi g-ure highly suspect. Robert Bryce, author of Power Hungry, wrote that the American Wind Energy Association estimated 1-6 birds killed per mega-watt of installed wind power. � at sounds a little more realistic. Consider now that according to the Canadian Wind Power Association, Canada has 3549 megawatts of installed wind power, and you have between 3500 to 21,000 birds killed or mortally wounded every year. � e deaths at the tailings ponds kind of pale in comparison, what with wind power being so “green” and all. Has anyone alerted James Cameron to this slaughter? Let’s face it, the tar sands are ugly, and they present a large target, no one can argue that, but their development is a necessary evil. However, they belong to the people of Alberta, and it is our responsibility, indeed it is our duty, to see that mitigation and reclamation are equal to devel-opment, or at least as close as possible. Our government concerns itself with how much it can claim in royalties from the oil companies. I would suggest that equal concern and consideration be given to how well the oil companies reuse, recycle and reclaim.


Page 5: inSide Drumheller Nov 12, 2010

Patrick Kolafa | inSide Drumheller

STARS ‘VIP Patient’Christine McDougald washonoured to take part inthe 25th anniversary cel-ebrations of the ambu-lance service that savedher,andhundredsofothersthroughoutAlberta.

STARS Air Ambulancecelebrated this milestoneon Saturday, October 2 atitsbasesinCalgaryandEd-monton. McDougald andher family were in Calgaryfortheevent. McDougald nearly lostherlifeaboutsixyearsago,if it weren’t for STARS. Ithasonlybeenashort timesinceshebegantoshareherstory. Followingthebirthofherdaughterin2004,sheexpe-rienced complications fol-lowingaroutineprocedure.SheneededtoberushedtoaCalgaryHospital.STARSgave her a chance to fightforher lifeandgetbacktoherfamily. She shared her story lastsummeratboththeSTARSRumsey Ride and the OldGrouch’s24-HourJam. “I can finally tell my sto-

ry without reliving it,” saidMcDougald. “Because Iknowitisamatterofgivingback, it may make some-oneelserealizehowimpor-tantSTARSisbecausetheyknowmystoryandcanre-latetomystory,Iamatthatpoint where that's whatmatterstomenow.” Partoftheceremonywastheunveilingof a25than-niversary“ThankYou"logoon the choppers. She saidDr. Greg Powell, STARSpresident and CEO, spokeat the event as well as aSTARS survivor. She saidthiswasanemotionalexpe-rience. “That was the most in-credible part for me…hesaid‘EveryVIPpatienthereknows they wouldn’t bealive without STARS,’” shesaid. About 75 per cent ofSTARS’ mission fund-ing comes from individualdonations and corporatesupport. This is why Mc-Dougald feels stronglyaboutsupportingthiscausethroughspeakingandlend-ing her name to the cam-paign. She will be featuredinthe2011STARSLotterybrochurenextyear. “I am proud that I amalive. I am proud my kidshaveamomandtheyknowmystory,”shesaid.

inSide Drumheller | inSideDrumheller.com Friday, November 12, 2010 - 5

“I can finally tell my story without

reliving it."

Christine McDougaldQU


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Local survivor attends STARS anniversary celebration

(l-r) Connor, Delaney, Christine, Matt and Cliff McDougald at the STARS Air Ambulance 25th anniversary celebrations on Saturday, October 2.

photo submitted


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Page 6: inSide Drumheller Nov 12, 2010

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OPPORTUNITIESINTERIOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operator School. Locations in Alberta & BC. Hands on real world training. Full sized equip-ment. Job placement assistance. Funding available. 1-866-399-3853; www.iheschool.com. PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 1 million readers weekly. Only $259. + GST (based on 25 words or less). Call this newspaper NOW for details. JOURNEYMAN MECHANIC REQUIRED. Excellent benefi t package, full-time posi-tion. Competitive wages. New Holland experience would be an asset. $1000. tool bonus. Apply in person to Store Manager or fax resume to 780-645-5770. Tri-ag Imple-ments, St. Paul, Alberta. HAVE FUN making money as an actor, ac-tress or fi lm extra on Calgary movie sets. All ages required. 403-521-0077. REQUIRED Class 1 Drivers. Local freight and Hi-Way. Bonnyville, Cold Lake, Edmon-ton. Submit resume and driver’s abstract: [email protected]. Fax to 780-826-4152.ENSIGN ENERGY SERVICE INC. is look-ing for experienced Drilling Rig, & Coring personnel for all position levels. Drillers, Coring Drillers $35. - $40.20.; Derrick-hands $34., Motorhands $28.50; Floor-hands, Core Hands, Helpers $24. - $26.40. Plus incentives for winter coring! Telephone 1-888-ENSIGN-0 (1-888-367-4460). Fax 780-955-6160. Email: [email protected]. MORGAN CONSTRUCTION & Environ-mental Ltd. is looking for experienced fi n-ishing dozer, grader, excavator, scraper, rock truck, and packer operators as well as foremen and labourers for work in the oilfi eld and heavy civil construction proj-ects. Clean driver’s abstract and all safety tickets a must (Standard First Aid, H2S, CSTS/PST and Ground Disturbance II). Competitive wages, full benefi ts. Resumes can be faxed to 780-960-4696, emailed to: [email protected], or apply in person at 702 Acheson Road, Acheson, Alberta. Only those contacted will be interviewed. #1 IN PARDONS. Remove your criminal record. Express Pardons offers the fastest pardons, lowest prices, and it’s guaranteed. BBB accredited. Free consultation. Toll free 1-866-416-6772; www.ExpressPardons.com. JOURNEYMAN MECHANIC/SHOP Fore-man. Experience with farm machinery, heavy equipment, CVIP licence, benefi ts, willing to move to Provost, Alberta. Resume to Bozco Enterprises. Fax 780-753-3516. Email: [email protected] DUTY MECHANIC required. Phone, fax, email or drop off at offi ce. Email: [email protected]. Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. H & E Oilfi eld Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., Wainwright, AB, T9W 1L7.EXPERIENCED WINCH TRACTOR and Bed Truck Drivers for drilling, rig mov-ing trucking company. Phone, fax, email or mail. Email: [email protected]. Phone 780-842-6444. Fax 780-842-6581. H & E Oilfi eld Services Ltd., 2202 - 1 Ave., Wain-wright, AB, T9W 1L7. JOURNALISTS, Graphic Artists, Marketing and more. Alberta’s weekly newspapers are looking for people like you. Post your resume online. Free. Visit: www.awna.com/resumes_add.php. GROWING TRANSPORATION COMPANY seeking Salesperson/Dispatcher to help ex-pand their business. Knowledge of the fl uid hauling industry defi nite asset. Fax resume to 780-622-2707. TRANSPORTATION COMPANY seek-ing Drivers with Class 1 licence and clean abstract. Experience with tank trucks, vac trucks, bed trucks and winch tractors an as-set. Fax resume 780-622-2707.DWAYNE HOMMY Trucking Ltd. requires experienced Class 1 Tank Truck Driver for the Whitecourt area. Excellent wages and company benefi ts. Fax resume to 780-778-4250.R&M ENERGY SYSTEMS CANADA. A Unit of Robbins & Myers Canada, Ltd. Recruit-ing in Edmonton. R&M Energy Systems is a highly successful international provider of drilling, production and wellhead equipment to the oil & gas industry. We have a reputa-tion for delivering strong technical solutions, and are committed to strengthening Cana-dian oil & gas client relationships. We are currently seeking ambitious, well organized and customer oriented candidates for the following positions: Buyer/Planner; HSE Coordinator; CNC/Manual Machinist; Me-chanical Engineer. For more information regarding qualifi cations or to apply please send resumes attention: Nickie Cocke. Fax 780-465-9535. Email: [email protected]. We provide a competitive remunera-tion and benefi ts package. All employees must pass a pre-employment physical and drug screening. 16 WEEKS TO WELDER 1st year appren-

tice! Two intakes - January in Grande Prai-rie. February in Fairview. 12 weeks theory, 4 weeks practicum. GPRC 1-888-999-7882; www.gprc.ab.ca/fairview. PUT POWER into your career! As a Fair-view Power Engineer. On-campus boiler lab. 4th Class-Part A 3rd Class. Afford-able residences. GPRC Fairview Campus. 1-888-999-7882; www.gprc.ab.ca/fairview. CHEAP TELEPHONE RECONNECT! Pay-ing too much? Switch, save money, and keep your number! First month only $24.95 + connection fee. Phone Factory Recon-nect 1-877-336-2274; www.phonefactory.ca.WANTED: Journeyman Shop & Field Me-chanics in the Bonnyville, Alberta area. Competitive benefi ts & compensation of-fered. Please forward resume to: [email protected] SERVICES CANADA, a di-vision of CCS Corporation, is actively hir-ing Operators at our Facilities in the fol-lowing locations: Alberta: Drayton Valley, Fox Creek, Grande Prairie, Brooks, Jan-vier. British Columbia: Fort Nelson, Fort St. John. Saskatchewan: Kindersley, Gull Lake, Marshall. Please go to our website at www.ccscorporation.ca to apply or fax 403-266-0659!

FEED AND SEEDHEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying dam-aged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252.

FOR SALE$38.95 HOME phone service - Reconnect your home phone! No one refused - $38.95 monthly - $18.95 one time activation - $18.95 unlimited long distance. Call Choice Tel now! 1-888-333-1405; www.choicetel.ca.METAL SIDING/ROOFING. Best prices! 36” Hi-TenToughrib 29ga. Galvalume $.59 sq. ft. Colours $.65 sq. ft. IN STOCK. 25/30 year warranty. ALTA-WIDE Builders Sup-plies 1-888-263-8254. SEA-CAN CONTAINERS LTD. New and used, cargo worthy 8’, 9’, 10’, 20’, 40’, 48’, 53’, offi ce units, wind and water tight, de-livery available. Phone 780-440-4037. Fax 780-440-1176; [email protected]; www.seacan.com. STEEL BUILDINGS priced to clear. Incred-ible end-of-season factory discounts on various models/sizes. Plus free delivery to most areas. Call for clearance quote and brochure. 1-800-668-5111 ext. 170.#1A STEEL Building Sale! Save up to 60% on your new garage, shop, warehouse. 6 colours available! 40 year warranty! Free shipping, the fi rst 20 callers! 1-800-457-2206; www.crownsteelbuildings.ca.NEW NORWOOD Sawmills - LumberMate-Pro handles logs 34” diameter, mills boards 28” wide. Automated quick-cycle-sawing increases effi ciency up to 40%; www.Nor-woodSawmills.com/400OT. Free informa-tion 1-800-566-6899 Ext. 400OT. SEASON END SPECIALS. Call for details. 4’ - 6’ white spruce & lodgepole pine $35. each planted. 6’ - 8’ white spruce & lodge-pole pine $45. each planted. 403-247-9688. BUILDING SALE. “Rock Bottom Prices!” 25X30 $5449. 30X40 $7850. 32X60 $12,300. 32X80 $17,800. 35X60 $14,200. 40X70 $14,770. 40X100 $24,600. 46X140 $36,990. Others. Front endwall optional. Pioneer Manufacturers Direct 1-800-668-5422. A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE. Get your fi rst month free. Bad credit, don’t sweat it. No deposits. No credit checks. Call Free-dom Phone Lines today toll free 1-866-884-7464. LAPTOPS AND DESKTOPS from $399. or $25./month. Huge selection of quality brand names. Easy, in-store fi nancing and fl exible payment options. Call 1-877-992-999 2.


HOMESM&K HOME SALES is having a Huge In-ventory Reduction Sale. Take additional in-stant rebates of up to $15,000. off already discounted prices on select show-homes. Call 1-800-204-5598 (Red Deer) or 1-800-334-7059 (Lethbridge). Celebrating 52 years of sales and service; www.mandk-homesales.com. WHOLESALE 20 X 80. Fridge, stove, dish-washer, hardwood cabinets, high effi ciency furnace, upgrade insulation. Starting at $97,450. Call 1-877-887-2254.BEST BUY HOMES Modular Special-ists. 16, 20 & 22 wide homes. GK, Tudor and Lakehouses. We’re still the Best Buy. 1-877-396-5564. 1530 SQUARE FT. SECTIONAL. Slate tile, ceramic tile shower, stainless steel appli-ances. New saddle roof design. Cement fi bre lap siding. Only $152,000. Call 1-877-945-1272; www.grandviewmodular.com.TIRED OF HIGH RENT or mortgage pay-ments? We have beautiful SRI modular & manufactured homes in stock. Up to 1,800 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath homes are all ready to go with prices made easy just for you. Choose your fl oor plans & decor. Call

now. Commonwealth Homes Lethbridge 1-800-640-2012; www.commonwealth-homes.com.SHOPPING FOR A new home or cottage? Make Pleasant Homes your last stop and rest easy knowing you’re getting the best in quality and service at the lowest price possible. 20’ X 76’ SRI Homes starting at $107,000, delivered, blocked and skirted. Call 780-939-3584; 1-866-962-0238 or see our show homes in Morinville today. Also specialize in modular and commercial prod-ucts. SACRIFICE PRICES - 2 only, 1520 sq. ft. showhome. Loaded with options. $109, 900. Also Modular Offi ce, 1456 sq. ft., 4 offi ces, storage, staff room with kitchen, large reception, 2 baths, drywall & lami-nate throughout, setup, air conditioning. $114,900. Immediate delivery on all. Jan-delHomes.com. Edmonton 1-800-463-0084. Grande Prairie 1-877-504-5005.

MOTORCYCLESPOWERBOATS IN SUMMER, Snowmo-biles in Winter, ATV’s in between! GPRC Fairview Campus, Alberta. Learn to repair small engines, recreational vehicles. Ap-prenticeship opportunity. On-campus resi-dences. 1-888-999-7882; www.gprc.ab.ca/fairview.

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REAL ESTATEBLOCK OF 9 quarters, grain or cattle land. RM464 Leask, Saskatchewan. Total as-sessment $258,600. Fenced, good water, corrals, power & telephone. Call 306-747-3559.RECREATION PROPERTY, Elkwater Lake, duplex, with 40X40 shop, approx. 40 acres deeded land, zoned Ag, $549,000. Call Ron Barg, Medicine Hat/Cypress Realty, 403-502-7087.

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TENDERSHIGH PRAIRIE School Division #48 is ac-cepting sealed tenders until 11:00, Nov. 23, 2010 for Custodial Services starting Dec. 1, 2010 for Kinuso School in Kinuso, and Prairie River School in High Prairie, Alberta. For Tender Documents, call 780-523-4558. (Mandatory Site Meetings on Nov. 18, 2010).

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Rental PropertyAPARTMENT FOR RENT... Bachelor suite, clean, friendly building, available December 1. Electricity and laundry included. $450/month, in Carbon, 20 minutes to Drumheller or Three Hills. 403-572-3480 or 403-201-2390. 42p47ROOM FOR RENT... Greentree area. $380 per month. Bedroom in clean, quiet, bi-level house. Utilities, internet included. 403-695-7987 or [email protected]. 45pHOUSES FOR RENT... Century 21 has the following rental properties: 3 Bdrm $850 + Util, 3 Bdrm $1050 + Util, 3 Bdrm $755 + Util, 2 Bdrm $750 + Util. Please call 403-823-2121 for more in-formation. 45c46

Coming EventsKnox UCW Family Fare, Knox Hall, Saturday, November 20, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Soup luncheon with pie. $8 per person. Everyone welcome! 45p

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Page 7: inSide Drumheller Nov 12, 2010

ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20Aries, going forward with an inspira-tional idea proves harder than you imagined. Maybe you just need a little help getting started. There's bound to be a friend around.

TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21Achange is coming, Taurus, but you won't know what it is until it's right upon you. Keep your eyes open for exciting things on the horizon. Libra is involved, too.

GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21Make the most of time spent with a friend on Tuesday, Gemini. There will be few opportunities for socialization when a big work project lands on your desk.

CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22Cancer, you won't know what to expect this week, and that can be exciting or hair-raising. Chances are a person who is go-with-the-fl ow like you will adapt.

LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23Have a good time with family at the end of the week. You are in prime form being the host of the celebration. Leos often enjoy being in the spotlight, and you're no exception.

VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22Virgo, if every day were easy, life would be pretty boring. Although, it's reason-able to want a few easy days thrown in there. You just may luck out this week.

LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23Focus on your relationships, Libra. They are the most important part of the equation for the time being. Ex-pect romance to take a back seat to some family matters, however.

SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22Scorpio, it's time to talk about your feelings with a romantic partner. For a while you have been holding back and it's not good for the relationship at all.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21Sagittarius, don't let misunderstand-ings with family lead to long-term ar-guments. Life is too short to hold a grudge so bridge the gap of communi-cation and you will be happier.

CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20Capricorn, if you thought things couldn't get anymore challenging, think again. An unexpected request puts your life in disarray for a few days. Ask for help if you need it.

AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18Challenges seem to fi nd you, Aquar-ius. However, you may not be in the right frame of mind for dealing with any crisis this week. Buckle down and pull through.

PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20Pisces, it's amazing how much you can see when you really slow down and admire the scenery. Work respon-sibilities can wait.

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Famous Birthdays


CLUES ACROSS1. Wainscot5. Glasgow inhabitant9. Rural Free Delivery (abbr.)12. Dry13. Digital transmitting device15. Picasso's mistress16. City historically called Jassy17. White poplar18. Fevers associated with malaria19. Reciprocal of ohm20. A way of coursing22. Chinese kingdom, 304-439 AD25. At all times26. Being the fi rst or preliminary stage27. ___ Farrow, actress28. Yuppie status car31. To have32. Pairs with Mamas34. What we breathe35. Pre-2002 Austrian money unit (abbr.)36. Hawaiian geese38. Point midway between S and SE39. Decorate a cake with frosting40. Military school student42. Barbie's boyfriend43. Port in SW Scotland44. Egyptian goddess45. A fencing sword47. Fitted instrument container48. River sediment49. Lunacy53. ___ Dhabi, Arabian capital55. The size of a surface56. Sacred Muslim shrine60. Walking aid62. Striker's replacement63. Sedate64. Klu Klux __65. Language of the deaf66. Consequently67. Kill a dragon (var. spel.)CLUES DOWN1. County in China2. Ancient name for Syria3. Restaurant clean up person4. Unequivocally detestable5. Senior offi cer6. Adult male swan

7. A lyric poem8. Broadcasted on TV9. Finger millet10. Roman satyr11. The least desirable portion14. Princess of Colchis15. Emerald month21. Medical moniker23. Possessed24. Mongolian capital __ Bator25. Issue forth26. Tobacco28. Court game29. One who hoards money30. Small brown songbirds

31. First Chinese dynasty33. Intersect to form a cross37. Scottish tax41. A citizen of Bangkok44. Face coverings46. Sir James Whyte and Shirley Temple47. Atomic # 5849. Chadic50. Segments of a circle51. The distribution of playing cards52. Grab54. Two-toed sloth57. Swiss river58. Not small59. Rapid bustling movement61. Point midway between NE and E


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Page 8: inSide Drumheller Nov 12, 2010

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Bantams finish season with healthy Titan organization’s future

Kyle Smylie | inSide Drumheller

The Bantam Titans fin-ished a strong season onSaturday at home, wherethey lost a close matchagainsttheSylvanLakeLi-ons, 46-31 in their leaguefinal. “It was back and forthfrom beginning to end,”says coach Andrew Ber-dahl, an anomaly for thisseason – either the Titanswere laying out the otherteamorviceversa. “It was exciting becausewewerewellmatched,”saidBerdahl,addingthattheLi-onsplayedanexcitingstyleof game not regularly seenatthebantamlevel. Grade 9 halfback Spen-cer Fournier had yet an-other exceptional game bylightingupthescoreboard,running5touchdownsintoSylvan Lake’s endzone bytheendofthefourthquar-ter. “He’s an impressive ath-lete, and I would expectthat to continue into nextyear,” said Berdahl. “Thebest thing about these lastgamesisthatourbestplay-ers have really been ourbestplayers.” He adds all the Grade9 players have done well,making good news for theprogram when they moveup to the senior level nextSeptember. Looking back, it was agood year, says the coach.Resiliencyisoneofthede-fining termshepins to thebantamsquad. “We had some great ex-periences,andtheprogramlookshealthy–intermsoftheculturethat’sbeingbuiltand the level of play beingevolved.”

Bantam halfback Spencer Fournier bowls over the Sylvan Lake de-fence at home Saturday, eventually running five touchdowns by the end. The bantams lost the league final, 46-31, but will bring big talent to next season’s senior squad.

inSide photo by Kyle Smylie

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